Can religious people keep their belief after going to school ?

Indonesia. Basically a mix of Pakistan and Philippines :feelsrope:
Is it like we learn here ? Do you live in that ?
IMG 0504
Think about it for two seconds. Our school system teaches values that goes agaisnt any religion (like christianity, judaism or islam); evolution, the fact earth exists since like thousands of years, etc.. All of this goes totally agaisnt the foundation of these religion. How can someone religious go to school and be competant in that matter, considering they believe in god and that evolution is fake. Do they simply become atheist or just pretend at school that they believe in it ?
Most schools are government indoctrination camps. Weak minded sheep are shat out to become compliant workslave drones. Just look at all the mindless NPCs who lined up to get the clotshot for a disease with a >99% survival rate. If you love God, you will cling to him, not the government.

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