Can we get rid of soyboy vegans already?

I could see a correlation between diet and intelligence since a vegan diet would make more sense. You need to leave your ego out of it to see clear and make a good descision for yourself and others.
t. hippie stoner cuck
don't waste your time. Us vegans are intellectually superior and never lose debates on our diet.
If veganism is such an optimal diet why do you low t fucks have to take so many supplements because there are a shit load of nutrients you don’t get from meat? Also, a lot of the nutrients in plants aren’t even that bio available to the human body, plus all the anti nutrients within vegetables.Veganism leads to rotten teeth, weak bones, fucked hormonal profile and much more.

It’s already a known fact humans thrived on meat in our evolutionary past, we almost never ate anything plant based. Maybe some berries here and there in the right season but other than that it was all meat. Keep coping and shitting out liquid.
23D441E6 4A95 4590 B8B2 AA4D7176E18B

The only reason low iqs are so brainwashed to think it’s a good idea is because it’s better than all the processed shit the average westerner eats. Cut out processed shit and meat eaters reign supreme.
If veganism is such an optimal diet why do you low t fucks have to take so many supplements because there are a shit load of nutrients you don’t get from meat? Also, a lot of the nutrients in plants aren’t even that bio available to the human body, plus all the anti nutrients within vegetables.Veganism leads to rotten teeth, weak bones, fucked hormonal profile and much more.

It’s already a known fact humans thrived on meat in our evolutionary past, we almost never ate anything plant based. Maybe some berries here and there in the right season but other than that it was all meat. Keep coping and shitting out liquid.
View attachment 5603
everything you said was a lie and meat industry propaganda. My health is so good I can't even get sick if I swim in the artic ocean naked for 1 hour.
Explain why I have a massive 18'' neck if I'm low T you faggot?
And just lol @ believing meat was the food source of the most glorious ancient civilizations of humanity!

Grcia arando com boi
Article 2627053 1DCD1B7600000578 270 634x669

Your anchestors being wild carnivorous chimpanzees doesn't justify humans eating meat. Get your facts straight.
everything you said was a lie and meat industry propaganda. My health is so good I can't even get sick if I swim in the artic ocean naked for 1 hour.
Explain why I have a massive 18'' neck if I'm low T you faggot?
And just lol @ believing meat was the food source of the most glorious ancient civilizations of humanity!

View attachment 5605View attachment 5606

Your anchestors being wild carnivorous chimpanzees doesn't justify humans eating meat. Get your facts straight.
Ok, then refute what I said instead of just calling it propoganda. Grass fed, no tampering with hormones meat is the optimal food for ALL nutritional needs. Also, neck size isn’t necessarily directly correlated with t levels jackass. I had my levels tested a while back at 923 ng/dl which is upper range in today’s world. The ancient Egyptians still ate meat, if I remember correctly a lot of fish as well which is extremely nutrient dense. I’m starting to think you’re larping as a vegan tbh.
There’s also no need to justify eating meat. Humans are apex predators we can do as we please, your ethical argument hold no relevance.
Ok, then refute what I said instead of just calling it propoganda. Grass fed, no tampering with hormones meat is the optimal food for ALL nutritional needs. Also, neck size isn’t necessarily directly correlated with t levels jackass. I had my levels tested a while back at 923 ng/dl which is upper range in today’s world. The ancient Egyptians still ate meat, if I remember correctly a lot of fish as well which is extremely nutrient dense. I’m starting to think you’re larping as a vegan tbh.
There’s also no need to justify eating meat. Humans are apex predators we can do as we please, your ethical argument hold no relevance.
refute what? your claims you didn't provide evidence for? Enjoy dying from a heart attack you LOW T lying gymcel
refute what? your claims you didn't provide evidence for? Enjoy dying from a heart attack you LOW T lying gymcel can’t find the full study but this has never been refuted. Without meat we wouldn’t be the intelligent species we are today, how is it logical to assume the right thing to do would be to move away from what progressed us? Funny, the heart attack phrase all vegans use, probably from a lack of nutrients from animal products to the brain. Cholesterol is NECESSARY for proper body and brain function.

I’ll enjoy my life as a high t, meat eating, pussy pounding apex predator while you sit and rot drinking your soy and shitting 10 times a day from all the fiber and food you have to eat to satisfy your hunger. can’t find the full study but this has never been refuted. Without meat we wouldn’t be the intelligent species we are today, how is it logical to assume the right thing to do would be to move away from what progressed us? Funny, the heart attack phrase all vegans use, probably from a lack of nutrients from animal products to the brain. Cholesterol is NECESSARY for proper body and brain function.

I’ll enjoy my life as a high t, meat eating, pussy pounding apex predator while you sit and rot drinking your soy and shitting 10 times a day from all the fiber and food you have to eat to satisfy your hunger.
You must have linked me the wrong study because this has nothing to do with intelligence, in fact you are not intelligent at all and that only proves some of us didn't evolve at all.
There is no evidence that there's any special property in meat that would accelerate brain development.
And considering how much glucose the brain needs to function (up to 60% of body's blood glucose), cooking starchy root vegetables would be far more responsible for the evolution of the brain.
Humans have 3 times the salivary amylase genes in comparison to their primate relatives which means they would need FAR MORE starch rich vegetables for the development of the brain.

Keep swallowing lurd for breakfast you disgusting filthy ape, your diet sickens me
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown, Ritalincel, nattycel and 1 other person
See this is what I was talking about. Can't believe there are cuckold vegans on this forum.

We should start by lining every single vegan in this thread and putting a bullet in their heads. :feelsree:
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown and RichardSpencel
See this is what I was talking about. Can't believe there are cuckold vegans on this forum.

We should start by lining every single vegan in this thread and putting a bullet in their heads. :feelsree:
You are extremely low T from all the hormones your recieve from your diet, I can't believe you suggest death penalty to those who save thousands of lives, at least if you had the balls you would fight me 1 on 1 and attempt to take me down with your hands, not using guns like a beta scared little pussy. Pick a date and place you little faggot!
You are extremely low T from all the hormones your recieve from your diet, I can't believe you suggest death penalty to those who save thousands of lives, at least if you had the balls you would fight me 1 on 1 and attempt to take me down with your hands, not using guns like a beta scared little pussy. Pick a date and place you little faggot!
shut your whore mouth you vegan soyboy cuck. :feelsree:
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown, RichardSpencel, Deleted member 443 and 1 other person
Carnists are truly low IQ and this thread is prove of it.
who asked you?
Why are people so egocentric on these forums? They think the world revolves around them and their stupid opinions LOL
Says the person that always rants about me me me me. Jfl u hypocrite. U literally made your profile centered around veganism because you're such a narcy. C'mon man who r u tryna convince here us or yourself.

You're literally ingesting estrogen on a daily basis no wonder you're so temperamental @Deltoid :cage:
  • +1
Reactions: nattycel
Says the person that always rants about me me me me. Jfl u hypocrite. U literally made your profile centered around veganism because you're such a narcy. C'mon man who r u tryna convince here us or yourself
JFL shouldn't my profile name be something about myself? Should I have named myself "Nibba is chad omg" ?
fuck you
at least if you had the balls you would fight me 1 on 1 and attempt to take me down with your hands, not using guns like a beta scared little pussy. Pick a date and place you little faggot!
lol i'd just shoot you ahahahha actually i'm a weak fuck but i'd still beat your soylent ass up
lol i'd just shoot you ahahahha actually i'm a weak fuck but i'd still beat your soylent ass up
He's just temperamental man :soy:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 443
lol i'd just shoot you ahahahha actually i'm a weak fuck but i'd still beat your soylent ass up
To be expected from a meat eater. Always acting as a coward.
You are extremely low T from all the hormones your recieve from your diet
You're ingesting literal estrogen on a daily basis
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 443
you have a meat eater ideology. Second time you pull this shit to me. Third time I'm coming to get you
With what a bottle of soylent and le epic Reddit army @notafed
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 443
With what a bottle of soylent and le epic Reddit army @notafed
If I had all the soylent of the world and you were starving, I wouldn't give you any.
  • +1
Reactions: RichardSpencel
If I had all the soylent of the world and you were starving, I wouldn't give you any.
good i don't want that shit nobody does
  • +1
Reactions: nattycel
If I had all the soylent of the world and you were starving, I wouldn't give you any.
are you gonna be a communist dictator and hand out soylent rations?
  • +1
Reactions: Nibba
are you gonna be a communist dictator and hand out soylent rations?
The inner circle of the elite numale guards will protect him 24/7 from high t Invaders
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 443
are you gonna be a communist dictator and hand out soylent rations?
I haven't thought about that, but let meat eaters without soylent unless they admitted vegan diet is superior indeed
I haven't thought about that, but let meat eaters without soylent unless they admitted vegan diet is superior indeed
i'd rather die than drink soylent
I haven't thought about that, but let meat eaters without soylent unless they admitted vegan diet is superior indeed
Jfl at trying to force your ideas onto people. That's how you know you're insecure right there, that u gotta force others to believe in it
Jfl at trying to force your ideas onto people. That's how you know you're insecure right there, that u gotta force others to believe in it
It's for their good. If they are too fool to understand that then let them die.
It's for their good. If they are too fool to understand that then let them die.
the fact i won't meet up and fight u is for ur own good
t. 12 years old redditor
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up rules* my name is skeen but u can call me t3h k1ng 0f /r/ath3ism!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very skeptical!!!! thats why i created, 2 meet random skeptics like me ಠ_ಠ… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!! in fact im an atheist!!!) i like 2 destoy christins w/ tuber (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite past time!!! bcuz its SOOOO rewarding!!!! hes skeptic 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random atheists =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of subjcts here so give me lots of power!!!! LOL UR BANNED JIJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein moderator again again ^_^ hehe…toodles!!!!! love and cheetos, *~t3h K1nG 0f /r/ath3ism~*
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up rules* my name is skeen but u can call me t3h k1ng 0f /r/ath3ism!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very skeptical!!!! thats why i created, 2 meet random skeptics like me ಠ_ಠ… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!! in fact im an atheist!!!) i like 2 destoy christins w/ tuber (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite past time!!! bcuz its SOOOO rewarding!!!! hes skeptic 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random atheists =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of subjcts here so give me lots of power!!!! LOL UR BANNED JIJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein moderator again again ^_^ hehe…toodles!!!!! love and cheetos, *~t3h K1nG 0f /r/ath3ism~*
u forgot to say that he's a gay atheist with a boyfriend who he is an atheist with and then say hes bi
u forgot to say that he's a gay atheist with a boyfriend who he is an atheist with and then say hes bi
That would be the ideal yes I just have a copypasta keyboard lol
You're ingesting literal estrogen on a daily basis
Soy doesn't contain estrogens, it contains phytoestrogens which don't affect hormone levels in any way.
and actually have an protective effect against heart disease, kidney disease, breast cancer and it lowers LDL cholesterol levels.
I’m missing chicken and other non veg stuff so bad right now :cry::cry::cry:

Can’t wait to chew food again and chicken would be the first thing I’ll eat :love::love:

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