Career women’s fantasies about the office chad

aren't you against casual sex?

What is your true honest opinion of casual sex? A 28yo man like me casually fucking a 45yo mother of 2 children? No relationship or intention to.

A colleague from work, nonetheless.
There's no power imbalance as she has a similar level job position as me. But say there was a power imbalance. Me being superior to her, or her being superior to me. Is this problematic to you? Ethically/Morally?

And tell me how you think about this in the context of the modern war against male sexuality. Where a man in a superior job position (manager) could have a sexual relationship with a woman below him in job hiearchy.
This is considered 'utterly disgusting', 'vile', and you will have your career and reputation ended for it - in modern society.

Now take this into account in my relation with this 45yo employee. Is it only okay if I fuck her because we are the same hierarchy level at the company? If there was an imbalance it would suddenly be wrong?

@Xangsane love to hear your thoughts.

I have some personal ideas about it too, but I want to hear your thoughts first.
on serious note don't do it
Let her suffer

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