Chad is getting laid



Quality Posts Only
Sep 9, 2018
A Chad is getting laid right now while we are overthinking and worrying about our looks.

Just give up. Throw in the towel. Its not worth it man..

I think we were made for something else than getting girls. We need to focus on business or something I think we can excel in areas like that.
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Reactions: try2beme, PointOfNoReturn, Deleted member and 1 other person
We gotta make the best of what we got
50 million guys are having sex right now. Of these, 80% are pajeets and chongs, guys who we wouldn't think of as being even remotely attractive. People all over the world are having sex with their looksmatch. Ugly guys, smelly guys, poor guys, manlets, you name it. they're all getting laid. You know why? Because they don't live in the west.
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If you want to give up then you don't want sex that much.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401
A Chad is getting laid right now while we are overthinking and worrying about our looks.

Just give up. Throw in the towel. Its not worth it man..

I think we were made for something else than getting girls. We need to focus on business or something I think we can excel in areas like that.
I come here because it's entertaining TBH
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Swagwaffle
A Chad is getting laid right now while we are overthinking and worrying about our looks.
How do you know if he was always a chad?:feelshmm:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
A Chad is getting laid right now while we are overthinking and worrying about our looks.

Just give up. Throw in the towel. Its not worth it man..

I think we were made for something else than getting girls. We need to focus on business or something I think we can excel in areas like that.

Fuck that. It's pointless to obsess over Chad.

What you can do however, is looksmaxx/surgerymaxx/gymcel, and at least enter the tier of people who get sex.

Looking better will magically improve all areas of your life.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Swagwaffle
Brutal blackpill
While copers here plan out their “4 year ascension plan” Chad is already slaying. The world will pass them by by the time they become human looking.
Most people are starving/dying/living under constant stress. I'm chilling right now.
It ain't that bad all things considered.
It is over. The book has been edited, shipped out and is being stocked in the store. The story is over and cannot be altered. It is OVER

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