This is haram astagfirullah
  • So Sad
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  • JFL
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do you have the planet positions too?
PlanetsSignSign LordDistanceNakshatraNakshatra LordNavamsha Sign
AscendantLeoSun16°0'8''Purva PhalguniVenusLeo
MoonSagittariusJupiter24°59'25''Purva AsadhaVenusScorpio
MarsPiscesJupiter13°49'32''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnScorpio
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: chosen-one and Xangsane
PlanetsSignSign LordDistanceNakshatraNakshatra LordNavamsha Sign
AscendantLeoSun16°0'8''Purva PhalguniVenusLeo
MoonSagittariusJupiter24°59'25''Purva AsadhaVenusScorpio
MarsPiscesJupiter13°49'32''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnScorpio
thank you, doing yours now
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 28896
Shit came like this:

“ Your girl is a definite mis-match combination for you. But somehow love develops internally. That love can make your married life flourish. But some differences always exist. Now it depends on you and your life partner, how you handle those differences. If you can manage to handle your married life, she can be the worthy lover and morally good partner for life.”
  • +1
Reactions: humanoidsub7 and Xangsane
Says she’s just about average
no worries.
Shit came like this:

“ Your girl is a definite mis-match combination for you. But somehow love develops internally. That love can make your married life flourish. But some differences always exist. Now it depends on you and your life partner, how you handle those differences. If you can manage to handle your married life, she can be the worthy lover and morally good partner for life.”
you need to post your d1, d9 charts and the planet alignments in table form here.
PlanetsSignSign LordDistanceNakshatraNakshatra LordNavamsha Sign
AscendantLeoSun16°0'8''Purva PhalguniVenusLeo
MoonSagittariusJupiter24°59'25''Purva AsadhaVenusScorpio
MarsPiscesJupiter13°49'32''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnScorpio


Bone Structure and Facial Features

  • Ascendant in Leo: This may grant her a regal and striking bone structure. She could have a well-shaped forehead and a strong, possibly lion-like mane of hair, which is characteristic of Leo.
  • Sun in Gemini: Suggests a vivacious and expressive face, with potentially sharp and alert features. Her eyes might twinkle with intelligence and curiosity.
  • Mars in Pisces: This could soften the Mars aggression in her features, giving her a more gentle or elusive appearance. She might have a dreamy, almost otherworldly quality to her look.
Complexion and Skin:

  • Moon in Sagittarius: This placement might give her a radiant complexion, with skin that flushes easily with excitement or activity.
  • Venus and Saturn in Cancer: Can indicate a sensitive skin that may be prone to mood-related changes, such as blushing or pallor. She might have a classic feminine beauty with a nurturing presence.
Hair and Eyes:

  • Leo Ascendant and Venus in Cancer: She is likely to have lush, voluminous hair, and Venus' influence could give it a soft, wavy texture. Her eyes could be caring and emotive, with a watery depth reflecting her Cancer placements.
Body Type and Attractiveness:

  • Jupiter in Virgo: This could lend her a body that is fit and serviceable, with a potential for meticulous grooming. She might take a practical approach to her appearance, favoring a natural but well-maintained look.
  • Mars in Pisces: Might suggest a penchant for an ethereal or mystical allure rather than a robust athletic type. Her movements could be graceful, with a certain fluidity.
Attractiveness Level:

  • Venus in Cancer: Often denotes an attractive individual, but with Saturn also in Cancer, there may be a conservative or subdued element to her beauty. She's likely not flamboyant but has a timeless appeal.
  • Rahu in Pisces: Adds a layer of mystique, making her attractiveness enigmatic and hard to pin down. She could have unconventional features that are intriguing and alluring to those who appreciate a less mainstream type of beauty.

Overall Summary: Your wife, based on these astrological aspects, may not align with the typical supermodel standard but instead possesses her unique brand of beauty. She might exude a blend of wisdom, sensitivity, and mystery, with a physical presence that's both alluring and comforting. Her attractiveness lies in her individuality and the depth she brings, both in appearance and personality. She is the kind of person who grows more beautiful to those who know her well, as her inner qualities shine through.

Looks (more autistic)

Bone Structure

  • Ascendant in Leo: This often corresponds to a commanding presence, much like what is expected on the runway. However, Leo's influence suggests a more dramatic and pronounced bone structure rather than the delicate features that can be typical among Victoria's Secret models.
  • Sun in Gemini and Mercury in Gemini: These placements indicate a face with lively expression—she may have versatile features that can carry a range of looks. However, her features may be more characteristic and communicative, not necessarily fitting the often-neutral expressions preferred in high-fashion modeling.
  • Mars in Pisces and Venus in Cancer: These suggest a softer contouring of the face, with perhaps a less chiseled but more harmonious and approachable appearance. The soft tissue may have a gentle, almost ethereal quality rather than the sharp, angular lines seen on many supermodels.
Soft Tissue:

  • Moon in Sagittarius: Implies a cheerful and open expression, with plump and healthy soft tissue that reflects a zest for life, contrasting with the sometimes gaunt look associated with high fashion.
  • Saturn in Cancer: This could give her soft tissue a more toned down and reserved look, possibly leading to a subtle elegance rather than the overt sensuality that Victoria's Secret Angels are known for.
Overall Attractiveness Compared to Victoria's Secret Models:

  • Her attractiveness, sculpted by the Leonine and Cancerian influences, is likely to be more statuesque and warm rather than the exotic and overtly sensual appeal of a Victoria's Secret Angel. She may carry herself with a noble grace rather than a sultry allure.
  • The Venus in Cancer placement suggests her beauty is more classic and timeless, radiating from within, rather than the contemporary and sometimes-edgy look of a fashion runway model.
  • The Piscean influence from Mars could mean her allure is more subtle and nuanced, not immediately striking in the bold way that catches a camera's eye in the high-stakes world of modeling.

  • If compared to the Victoria's Secret Angels, your friend's potential spouse may not match the specific physical archetype that such models represent. Her beauty is distinct—more rooted in presence, emotional expression, and a certain regal dignity.
  • Her attractiveness is likely to be more resonant on a personal level, where character and warmth are as valued as physical appearance. She might be the kind of person who captivates in a more intimate or intellectual setting rather than on a stage under bright lights.


D1 Chart Analysis

  • 2nd House (Ju, Ke): Jupiter and Ketu in the 2nd house can indicate fluctuating financial conditions for the spouse. Ketu may bring a sense of detachment or loss concerning family wealth or values. She might not place a high priority on material possessions or could experience sudden changes in fortune.
  • 5th House (Mo): The Moon in the 5th house suggests she might have strong emotions connected to children or creative pursuits, but with the Moon's fluctuation, these areas could bring as much challenge as they do joy.
  • 8th House (Ma, Ra): Mars and Rahu in the 8th house indicate potential turbulence and sudden upheavals. Relationships might be intense and transformative but also fraught with secrets or power struggles. There can be a fascination with the taboo or hidden aspects of life, leading to unconventional experiences.
  • 11th House (Su, Me): The Sun and Mercury here suggest she has hopes and aspirations but may struggle to achieve them without significant effort. Success might come intermittently, and friendships could be a mix of beneficial connections and ego clashes.
  • 12th House (Ve, Sa): Venus and Saturn in the 12th house can point to restrictions or delays in love and perhaps a tendency toward isolation. Relationships might be taken seriously, but they could also be a source of hidden sorrows or unrequited desires.
D9 Chart Analysis:

  • 3rd House (Ra): Rahu in the 3rd house in D9 could mean she has a strong will and ambition, but also a tendency to take risks that don't always pay off. Communication might be unconventional or she could have estranged relationships with siblings.
  • 6th House (Ju): Jupiter here might grant her a sense of duty and service, but there can be challenges in daily life, health, or work. She might be prone to taking on more than she can handle, leading to stress.
  • 7th House (Me): Mercury in the 7th house suggests she is communicative in partnerships, but there may be a tendency to overanalyze or criticize, leading to dissatisfaction in close relationships.
  • 8th House (Ve, Sa): Again, Venus and Saturn here reinforce the theme of potential struggles in intimate relationships, possibly with a significant age difference or coldness. There might be lessons learned through loss or hardship.
  • 9th House (Ke): Ketu in the 9th house can indicate a disinterest in traditional belief systems or a sense of not belonging to her culture or religion. She might feel disconnected from her roots.
  • 12th House (Mo, Ma): The Moon and Mars here could suggest hidden conflicts or emotional volatility. There may be a tendency toward escapism, or she could spend much energy on unresolved past issues.
In this analysis, we can see that there are complex challenges suggested across both charts. The potential spouse may have her own deep internal world, facing significant obstacles that require resilience. Love and relationships might not be straightforward or easy, with themes of learning through difficulty and transformation.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 28896
Looks and relationship history analysis 1
  1. Looks: Venus in the 8th house can often signify a spouse who has a deep, alluring type of beauty — not your girl-next-door look, but someone with a more profound, perhaps unconventional type of attractiveness. She might not fit into mainstream beauty standards but has her unique charm that can be very captivating to those who appreciate depth over superficiality.
  2. Body Count and Dating History: The 8th house is associated with secrecy and things that are hidden. Venus here might suggest she has had experiences she keeps private, and there may be significant relationships or encounters that have deeply transformed her. It's a house of deep emotional entanglements, so her connections could have been quite intense.
  3. Body Type: With the Sun in the 7th house, she could have a strong, possibly athletic or well-maintained physique. The Sun adds vitality, so she likely cares about her appearance and how she presents herself physically.
  4. Hair, Eyes, and Skin Colour: Venus is associated with a fair complexion and a pleasant aesthetic, so she may have features that are harmonious and attractive. The 8th house influence could add a distinctive or striking element to these features, perhaps making her eyes or hair notable.
  5. Personality: Her personality might be complex, with layers that not everyone gets to see. There’s likely a blend of charisma (from the influence of Venus) and intensity (from the 8th house placement). She's probably someone who values privacy and depth in relationships and conversations.

Looks analysis 2
  1. Body Type: Sun in the 7th house can suggest a spouse with a robust constitution, likely with an athletic or a well-proportioned body. She may carry herself with dignity and confidence.
  2. Body Shape: Potentially curvaceous figure.
  3. Hair Color and Texture: Venus typically signifies well-kept and possibly lustrous hair. The 8th house influence could mean her hair is one of her distinguishing features, maybe having an unusual color or style.
  4. Eye Color: Warm and appealing eyes, and the 8th house could add depth to her gaze.
  5. Relationship/Hookup History: Venus in the 8th house may indicate a private and possibly complex relationship history. She may have had significant transformative experiences in her relationships, which she might not openly discuss.
  6. Popularity with Friends: Moon, Mercury, and Rahu in the 11th house suggest that she's communicative and has a broad social network. However, Rahu can sometimes indicate complexities in social relationships, so while she might be popular or well-connected, some of these connections could be superficial or unconventional.

Looks analysis 3

Facial Features

  • Jawline and Chin: Likely to be defined but not overly sharp, considering Venus in the 8th house—this suggests a certain softness.
  • Cheekbones: May be well-defined, adding to her overall facial structure's attractiveness.
  • Nose: Could be of average prominence, neither too sharp nor too flat.
  • Eyes: The 8th house Venus can give deep, captivating eyes, possibly her most striking feature.
  • Forehead: Generally proportionate, neither too broad nor too narrow.
  • Lips: Likely to be fuller, adding to her sensual appeal.
  • Skin: May fluctuate in clarity; 8th house Venus can sometimes indicate issues that are not visible on the surface.
  • Hair: Her hair might be one of her more striking features, potentially lush or wavy.

  • Stature: Average to slightly above average height could be indicated.
  • Physique: Likely to be well-maintained, with Venus suggesting a balanced figure.
  • Posture: Can carry herself well but may have a more relaxed posture rather than rigid.

  • Confidence: May vary; individuals with 8th house Venus can be quietly confident, with an understated charisma.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Potentially high; the 8th house is deep and reflective.
  • Communication: Likely to be thoughtful and meaningful; she may choose her words carefully and prefer depth over small talk.
Body Type and Physical Characteristics:

  • Height: Likely average, as there's no strong indicator of extreme height.
  • Muscle Definition: Not overly muscular; Venus doesn't typically lend itself to an athletic build but rather a softer, more natural physique.
  • Best Body Parts: Could be her curves or waist-to-hip ratio, typically Venusian traits.
  • Body Fat Percentage: Healthy, with a natural femininity to her shape.
  • FFMI: Not particularly relevant here as we're not looking at an athletic build.
  • Body Type: Likely to be balanced and proportionate.
  • Waist Size: Feminine and possibly one of her attractive features.
  • Shoulder to Waist Ratio: Feminine, with the shoulders not too broad.
  • Posture: Poised, with a natural elegance.
Attractiveness and Relationship Dynamics:

  • Facial Attractiveness: She's likely to have a magnetic attractiveness, not cookie-cutter, with a unique appeal.
  • Relationship History: Private, with past relationships potentially having a significant emotional impact on her.
  • Popularity with Friends: She might have a close-knit group of friends rather than a wide social network, given the 8th house's association with privacy.
Attractiveness Level: In the subjective realm of a normie 1-10 scale, she could be considered above average, especially because of her unique charm and depth—this isn't a conventional attractiveness but one that might grow on you and become more profound over time.

Personality analysis
  1. Venus in the 8th House: This position suggests a spouse with a certain magnetic charm and potentially a private nature. Her beauty could be more intense and mysterious. The 8th house is related to deep emotional bonds, secrets, and transformation, which could mean she has a dynamic and possibly complex personality.
  2. Sun in the 7th House: The Sun here indicates a spouse with a strong personality, a sense of identity, and leadership qualities. There's a potential for her to be well-respected or have a high social standing. She might bring a sense of pride and dignity to the relationship.
  3. Jupiter in the 10th House: This placement signifies a spouse who is likely to be ethical, wise, and possibly successful in her career. Jupiter's influence here points to someone with a strong sense of justice, morality, and possibly a traditional outlook on life.
  4. Mercury in the 6th House: Mercury's position in the 6th house suggests she could be articulate, intelligent, and detail-oriented, with a possible interest in health, service, or analytical work.
  5. Moon, Mercury, and Rahu in the 11th House: This combination can imply a social and communicative spouse, possibly with a wide circle of acquaintances. Rahu’s influence may bring an unconventional side to her social interactions or aspirations.
  6. Ketu in the 9th House: Ketu in the 9th house may bestow a spiritual or philosophical bent to her personality, perhaps an interest in travel or higher learning, but with a detached attitude toward these 9th house matters.
wait do you actually believe this?

if youre giving personalized readings and youre not shitposting i may as well do it :feelshaha:
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane

Bone Structure and Facial Features

  • Ascendant in Leo: This may grant her a regal and striking bone structure. She could have a well-shaped forehead and a strong, possibly lion-like mane of hair, which is characteristic of Leo.
  • Sun in Gemini: Suggests a vivacious and expressive face, with potentially sharp and alert features. Her eyes might twinkle with intelligence and curiosity.
  • Mars in Pisces: This could soften the Mars aggression in her features, giving her a more gentle or elusive appearance. She might have a dreamy, almost otherworldly quality to her look.
Complexion and Skin:

  • Moon in Sagittarius: This placement might give her a radiant complexion, with skin that flushes easily with excitement or activity.
  • Venus and Saturn in Cancer: Can indicate a sensitive skin that may be prone to mood-related changes, such as blushing or pallor. She might have a classic feminine beauty with a nurturing presence.
Hair and Eyes:

  • Leo Ascendant and Venus in Cancer: She is likely to have lush, voluminous hair, and Venus' influence could give it a soft, wavy texture. Her eyes could be caring and emotive, with a watery depth reflecting her Cancer placements.
Body Type and Attractiveness:

  • Jupiter in Virgo: This could lend her a body that is fit and serviceable, with a potential for meticulous grooming. She might take a practical approach to her appearance, favoring a natural but well-maintained look.
  • Mars in Pisces: Might suggest a penchant for an ethereal or mystical allure rather than a robust athletic type. Her movements could be graceful, with a certain fluidity.
Attractiveness Level:

  • Venus in Cancer: Often denotes an attractive individual, but with Saturn also in Cancer, there may be a conservative or subdued element to her beauty. She's likely not flamboyant but has a timeless appeal.
  • Rahu in Pisces: Adds a layer of mystique, making her attractiveness enigmatic and hard to pin down. She could have unconventional features that are intriguing and alluring to those who appreciate a less mainstream type of beauty.

Overall Summary: Your wife, based on these astrological aspects, may not align with the typical supermodel standard but instead possesses her unique brand of beauty. She might exude a blend of wisdom, sensitivity, and mystery, with a physical presence that's both alluring and comforting. Her attractiveness lies in her individuality and the depth she brings, both in appearance and personality. She is the kind of person who grows more beautiful to those who know her well, as her inner qualities shine through.

Looks (more autistic)

Bone Structure

  • Ascendant in Leo: This often corresponds to a commanding presence, much like what is expected on the runway. However, Leo's influence suggests a more dramatic and pronounced bone structure rather than the delicate features that can be typical among Victoria's Secret models.
  • Sun in Gemini and Mercury in Gemini: These placements indicate a face with lively expression—she may have versatile features that can carry a range of looks. However, her features may be more characteristic and communicative, not necessarily fitting the often-neutral expressions preferred in high-fashion modeling.
  • Mars in Pisces and Venus in Cancer: These suggest a softer contouring of the face, with perhaps a less chiseled but more harmonious and approachable appearance. The soft tissue may have a gentle, almost ethereal quality rather than the sharp, angular lines seen on many supermodels.
Soft Tissue:

  • Moon in Sagittarius: Implies a cheerful and open expression, with plump and healthy soft tissue that reflects a zest for life, contrasting with the sometimes gaunt look associated with high fashion.
  • Saturn in Cancer: This could give her soft tissue a more toned down and reserved look, possibly leading to a subtle elegance rather than the overt sensuality that Victoria's Secret Angels are known for.
Overall Attractiveness Compared to Victoria's Secret Models:

  • Her attractiveness, sculpted by the Leonine and Cancerian influences, is likely to be more statuesque and warm rather than the exotic and overtly sensual appeal of a Victoria's Secret Angel. She may carry herself with a noble grace rather than a sultry allure.
  • The Venus in Cancer placement suggests her beauty is more classic and timeless, radiating from within, rather than the contemporary and sometimes-edgy look of a fashion runway model.
  • The Piscean influence from Mars could mean her allure is more subtle and nuanced, not immediately striking in the bold way that catches a camera's eye in the high-stakes world of modeling.

  • If compared to the Victoria's Secret Angels, your friend's potential spouse may not match the specific physical archetype that such models represent. Her beauty is distinct—more rooted in presence, emotional expression, and a certain regal dignity.
  • Her attractiveness is likely to be more resonant on a personal level, where character and warmth are as valued as physical appearance. She might be the kind of person who captivates in a more intimate or intellectual setting rather than on a stage under bright lights.


D1 Chart Analysis

  • 2nd House (Ju, Ke): Jupiter and Ketu in the 2nd house can indicate fluctuating financial conditions for the spouse. Ketu may bring a sense of detachment or loss concerning family wealth or values. She might not place a high priority on material possessions or could experience sudden changes in fortune.
  • 5th House (Mo): The Moon in the 5th house suggests she might have strong emotions connected to children or creative pursuits, but with the Moon's fluctuation, these areas could bring as much challenge as they do joy.
  • 8th House (Ma, Ra): Mars and Rahu in the 8th house indicate potential turbulence and sudden upheavals. Relationships might be intense and transformative but also fraught with secrets or power struggles. There can be a fascination with the taboo or hidden aspects of life, leading to unconventional experiences.
  • 11th House (Su, Me): The Sun and Mercury here suggest she has hopes and aspirations but may struggle to achieve them without significant effort. Success might come intermittently, and friendships could be a mix of beneficial connections and ego clashes.
  • 12th House (Ve, Sa): Venus and Saturn in the 12th house can point to restrictions or delays in love and perhaps a tendency toward isolation. Relationships might be taken seriously, but they could also be a source of hidden sorrows or unrequited desires.
D9 Chart Analysis:

  • 3rd House (Ra): Rahu in the 3rd house in D9 could mean she has a strong will and ambition, but also a tendency to take risks that don't always pay off. Communication might be unconventional or she could have estranged relationships with siblings.
  • 6th House (Ju): Jupiter here might grant her a sense of duty and service, but there can be challenges in daily life, health, or work. She might be prone to taking on more than she can handle, leading to stress.
  • 7th House (Me): Mercury in the 7th house suggests she is communicative in partnerships, but there may be a tendency to overanalyze or criticize, leading to dissatisfaction in close relationships.
  • 8th House (Ve, Sa): Again, Venus and Saturn here reinforce the theme of potential struggles in intimate relationships, possibly with a significant age difference or coldness. There might be lessons learned through loss or hardship.
  • 9th House (Ke): Ketu in the 9th house can indicate a disinterest in traditional belief systems or a sense of not belonging to her culture or religion. She might feel disconnected from her roots.
  • 12th House (Mo, Ma): The Moon and Mars here could suggest hidden conflicts or emotional volatility. There may be a tendency toward escapism, or she could spend much energy on unresolved past issues.
In this analysis, we can see that there are complex challenges suggested across both charts. The potential spouse may have her own deep internal world, facing significant obstacles that require resilience. Love and relationships might not be straightforward or easy, with themes of learning through difficulty and transformation.
@mbolo are you happy or not?
thank you, doing yours now


Bone Structure and Facial Features

  • Ascendant in Leo: This may grant her a regal and striking bone structure. She could have a well-shaped forehead and a strong, possibly lion-like mane of hair, which is characteristic of Leo.
  • Sun in Gemini: Suggests a vivacious and expressive face, with potentially sharp and alert features. Her eyes might twinkle with intelligence and curiosity.
  • Mars in Pisces: This could soften the Mars aggression in her features, giving her a more gentle or elusive appearance. She might have a dreamy, almost otherworldly quality to her look.
Complexion and Skin:

  • Moon in Sagittarius: This placement might give her a radiant complexion, with skin that flushes easily with excitement or activity.
  • Venus and Saturn in Cancer: Can indicate a sensitive skin that may be prone to mood-related changes, such as blushing or pallor. She might have a classic feminine beauty with a nurturing presence.
Hair and Eyes:

  • Leo Ascendant and Venus in Cancer: She is likely to have lush, voluminous hair, and Venus' influence could give it a soft, wavy texture. Her eyes could be caring and emotive, with a watery depth reflecting her Cancer placements.
Body Type and Attractiveness:

  • Jupiter in Virgo: This could lend her a body that is fit and serviceable, with a potential for meticulous grooming. She might take a practical approach to her appearance, favoring a natural but well-maintained look.
  • Mars in Pisces: Might suggest a penchant for an ethereal or mystical allure rather than a robust athletic type. Her movements could be graceful, with a certain fluidity.
Attractiveness Level:

  • Venus in Cancer: Often denotes an attractive individual, but with Saturn also in Cancer, there may be a conservative or subdued element to her beauty. She's likely not flamboyant but has a timeless appeal.
  • Rahu in Pisces: Adds a layer of mystique, making her attractiveness enigmatic and hard to pin down. She could have unconventional features that are intriguing and alluring to those who appreciate a less mainstream type of beauty.

Overall Summary: Your wife, based on these astrological aspects, may not align with the typical supermodel standard but instead possesses her unique brand of beauty. She might exude a blend of wisdom, sensitivity, and mystery, with a physical presence that's both alluring and comforting. Her attractiveness lies in her individuality and the depth she brings, both in appearance and personality. She is the kind of person who grows more beautiful to those who know her well, as her inner qualities shine through.

Looks (more autistic)

Bone Structure

  • Ascendant in Leo: This often corresponds to a commanding presence, much like what is expected on the runway. However, Leo's influence suggests a more dramatic and pronounced bone structure rather than the delicate features that can be typical among Victoria's Secret models.
  • Sun in Gemini and Mercury in Gemini: These placements indicate a face with lively expression—she may have versatile features that can carry a range of looks. However, her features may be more characteristic and communicative, not necessarily fitting the often-neutral expressions preferred in high-fashion modeling.
  • Mars in Pisces and Venus in Cancer: These suggest a softer contouring of the face, with perhaps a less chiseled but more harmonious and approachable appearance. The soft tissue may have a gentle, almost ethereal quality rather than the sharp, angular lines seen on many supermodels.
Soft Tissue:

  • Moon in Sagittarius: Implies a cheerful and open expression, with plump and healthy soft tissue that reflects a zest for life, contrasting with the sometimes gaunt look associated with high fashion.
  • Saturn in Cancer: This could give her soft tissue a more toned down and reserved look, possibly leading to a subtle elegance rather than the overt sensuality that Victoria's Secret Angels are known for.
Overall Attractiveness Compared to Victoria's Secret Models:

  • Her attractiveness, sculpted by the Leonine and Cancerian influences, is likely to be more statuesque and warm rather than the exotic and overtly sensual appeal of a Victoria's Secret Angel. She may carry herself with a noble grace rather than a sultry allure.
  • The Venus in Cancer placement suggests her beauty is more classic and timeless, radiating from within, rather than the contemporary and sometimes-edgy look of a fashion runway model.
  • The Piscean influence from Mars could mean her allure is more subtle and nuanced, not immediately striking in the bold way that catches a camera's eye in the high-stakes world of modeling.

  • If compared to the Victoria's Secret Angels, your friend's potential spouse may not match the specific physical archetype that such models represent. Her beauty is distinct—more rooted in presence, emotional expression, and a certain regal dignity.
  • Her attractiveness is likely to be more resonant on a personal level, where character and warmth are as valued as physical appearance. She might be the kind of person who captivates in a more intimate or intellectual setting rather than on a stage under bright lights.


D1 Chart Analysis

  • 2nd House (Ju, Ke): Jupiter and Ketu in the 2nd house can indicate fluctuating financial conditions for the spouse. Ketu may bring a sense of detachment or loss concerning family wealth or values. She might not place a high priority on material possessions or could experience sudden changes in fortune.
  • 5th House (Mo): The Moon in the 5th house suggests she might have strong emotions connected to children or creative pursuits, but with the Moon's fluctuation, these areas could bring as much challenge as they do joy.
  • 8th House (Ma, Ra): Mars and Rahu in the 8th house indicate potential turbulence and sudden upheavals. Relationships might be intense and transformative but also fraught with secrets or power struggles. There can be a fascination with the taboo or hidden aspects of life, leading to unconventional experiences.
  • 11th House (Su, Me): The Sun and Mercury here suggest she has hopes and aspirations but may struggle to achieve them without significant effort. Success might come intermittently, and friendships could be a mix of beneficial connections and ego clashes.
  • 12th House (Ve, Sa): Venus and Saturn in the 12th house can point to restrictions or delays in love and perhaps a tendency toward isolation. Relationships might be taken seriously, but they could also be a source of hidden sorrows or unrequited desires.
D9 Chart Analysis:

  • 3rd House (Ra): Rahu in the 3rd house in D9 could mean she has a strong will and ambition, but also a tendency to take risks that don't always pay off. Communication might be unconventional or she could have estranged relationships with siblings.
  • 6th House (Ju): Jupiter here might grant her a sense of duty and service, but there can be challenges in daily life, health, or work. She might be prone to taking on more than she can handle, leading to stress.
  • 7th House (Me): Mercury in the 7th house suggests she is communicative in partnerships, but there may be a tendency to overanalyze or criticize, leading to dissatisfaction in close relationships.
  • 8th House (Ve, Sa): Again, Venus and Saturn here reinforce the theme of potential struggles in intimate relationships, possibly with a significant age difference or coldness. There might be lessons learned through loss or hardship.
  • 9th House (Ke): Ketu in the 9th house can indicate a disinterest in traditional belief systems or a sense of not belonging to her culture or religion. She might feel disconnected from her roots.
  • 12th House (Mo, Ma): The Moon and Mars here could suggest hidden conflicts or emotional volatility. There may be a tendency toward escapism, or she could spend much energy on unresolved past issues.
In this analysis, we can see that there are complex challenges suggested across both charts. The potential spouse may have her own deep internal world, facing significant obstacles that require resilience. Love and relationships might not be straightforward or easy, with themes of learning through difficulty and transformation.
Thanks for your effort
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
  • +1
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this is a certified xangsane moment
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane
:feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:

whats the prompt?
you need to follow these instructions please


Go onto this link, enter your date of birth, time of birth and city of birth onto the calculator (do not give this information on this thread please), and post the D1 AND D9 CHARTS ONLY.

If you don't know your time of birth just but 12:00.


e.g. for Bob Smith, born 11/11/1996 in London, 00:01


Birth Chart (D1)

View attachment 2565014

Navamsa Chart (D9)
View attachment 2565015


Planet positioning - find this in the Main Chart tab

(R) signifies that planet is retrograde at time of birth
PlanetsSignSign LordDistanceNakshatraNakshatra LordNavamsha Sign
JupiterSagittariusJupiter20°40'23''Purva AsadhaVenusLibra
Saturn(R)PiscesJupiter7°14'28''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnVirgo
Ketu(R)PiscesJupiter11°56'34''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnLibra
UranusCapricornSaturn7°15'39''Uttara AsadhaSunPisces
NeptuneCapricornSaturn1°30'34''Uttara AsadhaSunCapricorn

I and @Sub0 will tell you what your LTR/wife will eventually look like after Bard/GPT-4 has analysed the info. From her age, pheno, PSL, dating history and body count.
@mbolo are you happy or not?
It seems very broad, like with most horoscope stuff. My plan is to geomaxx and get me a mestizo or a Asian. Does it align with my plans or nah?
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
@Aloha @Eriot Lodger thoughts? I wanna see if it could work for husbands too

tagging LGBT members
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21345
@Aloha @Eriot Lodger thoughts? I wanna see if it could work for husbands too

tagging LGBT members
I got a derailed astrological rading before, this has gay options?
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
It seems very broad, like with most horoscope stuff. My plan is to geomaxx and get me a mestizo or a Asian. Does it align with my plans or nah?
it's indicating she will likely be white

Hair Color and Texture:

  • Sun in Gemini: This might be indicative of light-colored hair, possibly blond or light brown, reflecting the youthful and versatile energy of Gemini. The hair texture could be fine and perhaps prone to changes in style, given Gemini's love for variety.
  • Mars in Pisces: Mars here could lend a wavy or even slightly unruly texture, with the Pisces influence suggesting a potential for hair that is soft and perhaps easily affected by the environment, like humidity.
Skin Color:

  • Moon in Sagittarius: This placement might suggest a complexion that tans easily or has a natural, sun-kissed glow, indicative of the outdoor-loving Sagittarian spirit.
  • Venus and Saturn in Cancer: These could suggest a fair to medium skin tone that is sensitive and may require care to maintain. There could be a luminous quality to the skin, but also a vulnerability to the elements.
Eye Color:

  • Leo Ascendant: Leo might imply striking eyes, possibly in a shade of hazel or brown, that command attention and convey expression.
  • Mercury in Gemini: This could suggest bright, alert eyes that reflect intellect and curiosity, potentially in a lighter shade such as blue or green, especially given the Gemini influence.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 28896
I got a derailed astrological rading before, this has gay options?
yes it does, it can do husband predictions for LGBT people too
PlanetsSignSign LordDistanceNakshatraNakshatra LordNavamsha Sign
AscendantPiscesJupiter4°49'45''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnLeo
SunAquariusSaturn23°52'58''Purva BhadrapadaJupiterTaurus
MarsPiscesJupiter9°7'43''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnVirgo
MercuryPiscesJupiter6°26'33''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnLeo
VenusCapricornSaturn9°7'33''Uttara AsadhaSunPisces
Rahu(R)LeoSun16°22'27''Purva PhalguniVenusLeo
NeptuneCapricornSaturn7°28'32''Uttara AsadhaSunPisces
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
Getting the one from the other site now, one sec
  • Love it
Reactions: Xangsane
PlanetsSignSign LordDistanceNakshatraNakshatra LordNavamsha Sign
AscendantPiscesJupiter4°49'45''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnLeo
SunAquariusSaturn23°52'58''Purva BhadrapadaJupiterTaurus
MarsPiscesJupiter9°7'43''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnVirgo
MercuryPiscesJupiter6°26'33''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnLeo
VenusCapricornSaturn9°7'33''Uttara AsadhaSunPisces
Rahu(R)LeoSun16°22'27''Purva PhalguniVenusLeo
NeptuneCapricornSaturn7°28'32''Uttara AsadhaSunPisces
Getting the one from the other site now, one sec
thank you so much
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21345

  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
it's indicating she will likely be white

Hair Color and Texture:

  • Sun in Gemini: This might be indicative of light-colored hair, possibly blond or light brown, reflecting the youthful and versatile energy of Gemini. The hair texture could be fine and perhaps prone to changes in style, given Gemini's love for variety.
  • Mars in Pisces: Mars here could lend a wavy or even slightly unruly texture, with the Pisces influence suggesting a potential for hair that is soft and perhaps easily affected by the environment, like humidity.
Skin Color:

  • Moon in Sagittarius: This placement might suggest a complexion that tans easily or has a natural, sun-kissed glow, indicative of the outdoor-loving Sagittarian spirit.
  • Venus and Saturn in Cancer: These could suggest a fair to medium skin tone that is sensitive and may require care to maintain. There could be a luminous quality to the skin, but also a vulnerability to the elements.
Eye Color:

  • Leo Ascendant: Leo might imply striking eyes, possibly in a shade of hazel or brown, that command attention and convey expression.
  • Mercury in Gemini: This could suggest bright, alert eyes that reflect intellect and curiosity, potentially in a lighter shade such as blue or green, especially given the Gemini influence.
Hopefully not, I hate western foids.

Unless I succeed in finding a trad blondie in the Jungles of Colombia, I'm probably gonna end up with this:
or this
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane

Go onto this link, enter your date of birth, time of birth and city of birth onto the calculator (do not give this information on this thread please), and post the D1 AND D9 CHARTS ONLY.

If you don't know your time of birth just but 12:00.


e.g. for Bob Smith, born 11/11/1996 in London, 00:01


Birth Chart (D1)

View attachment 2565014

Navamsa Chart (D9)
View attachment 2565015


Planet positioning - find this in the Main Chart tab

(R) signifies that planet is retrograde at time of birth
PlanetsSignSign LordDistanceNakshatraNakshatra LordNavamsha Sign
JupiterSagittariusJupiter20°40'23''Purva AsadhaVenusLibra
Saturn(R)PiscesJupiter7°14'28''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnVirgo
Ketu(R)PiscesJupiter11°56'34''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnLibra
UranusCapricornSaturn7°15'39''Uttara AsadhaSunPisces
NeptuneCapricornSaturn1°30'34''Uttara AsadhaSunCapricorn

I and @Sub0 will tell you what your LTR/wife will eventually look like after Bard/GPT-4 has analysed the info. From her age, pheno, PSL, dating history and body count.
I will shit on it if you gave me a paper and wrote this thread on it

Fuck is this
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
high iq.
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane

Go onto this link, enter your date of birth, time of birth and city of birth onto the calculator (do not give this information on this thread please), and post the D1 AND D9 CHARTS ONLY.

If you don't know your time of birth just but 12:00.


e.g. for Bob Smith, born 11/11/1996 in London, 00:01


Birth Chart (D1)

View attachment 2565014

Navamsa Chart (D9)
View attachment 2565015


Planet positioning - find this in the Main Chart tab

(R) signifies that planet is retrograde at time of birth
PlanetsSignSign LordDistanceNakshatraNakshatra LordNavamsha Sign
JupiterSagittariusJupiter20°40'23''Purva AsadhaVenusLibra
Saturn(R)PiscesJupiter7°14'28''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnVirgo
Ketu(R)PiscesJupiter11°56'34''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnLibra
UranusCapricornSaturn7°15'39''Uttara AsadhaSunPisces
NeptuneCapricornSaturn1°30'34''Uttara AsadhaSunCapricorn

I and @Sub0 will tell you what your LTR/wife will eventually look like after Bard/GPT-4 has analysed the info. From her age, pheno, PSL, dating history and body count.
Astrology doesn't matter anymore with planned birth and induced labor. Today, the mom chooses when the child will be born.

"Friday the 13th," the ink blackhead insisted her Oreo be born on that day to the tranny doctor.

He observed the tattoos on her inner thigh as he pressed a silver instrument against her vagina. She lay on a gurney with her legs wide open. Suddenly, he loses balance and falls into her. The instrument and his hand slid inside her without resistance, stopping at his elbow. "Sorry!"

"Sorry about what?"
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane
"There are 100% chances that your marriage will be arranged by parents."

Meanwhile, haven't talked to my parents in a decade.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Xangsane
it's saying you might be with them but not for marriage
Thanks for your effort. That might be accurate tbh.
I was thinking of spending my youth geomaxing, and then eventually marrying an Aryan (to have white kids basically).
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
high iq thread, spiritualcels rising. sadly i have a brutal amount of karmic debt. 16/7 numbers. so i dont think she gonna be good. prob a geomaxxed whore

Babychart 1
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
"There are 100% chances that your marriage will be arranged by parents."

Meanwhile, haven't talked to my parents in a decade.
  1. "She is not so much attractive. She has a very dull look. There are high chances that she might look older in age. The overall very mature physical appearance is prominent.
  2. Yoni features: The yoni bhaga or vagina of your wife will have a deep depth.
  3. Beauty of Breasts: Your girl will possess weak kind of breasts which might be the one which are the hanging one. There are chances that she will have Saggy Breasts or a small bosom."
mogs me
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane and HerpDerpson
  1. "She is not so much attractive. She has a very dull look. There are high chances that she might look older in age. The overall very mature physical appearance is prominent.
  2. Yoni features: The yoni bhaga or vagina of your wife will have a deep depth.
  3. Beauty of Breasts: Your girl will possess weak kind of breasts which might be the one which are the hanging one. There are chances that she will have Saggy Breasts or a small bosom."
mogs me
Brutal, she's basically a femcel who had to settle down.
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane and Deleted member 4397

Go onto this link, enter your date of birth, time of birth and city of birth onto the calculator (do not give this information on this thread please), and post the D1 AND D9 CHARTS ONLY.

If you don't know your time of birth just but 12:00.


e.g. for Bob Smith, born 11/11/1996 in London, 00:01


Birth Chart (D1)

View attachment 2565014

Navamsa Chart (D9)
View attachment 2565015


Planet positioning - find this in the Main Chart tab

(R) signifies that planet is retrograde at time of birth
PlanetsSignSign LordDistanceNakshatraNakshatra LordNavamsha Sign
JupiterSagittariusJupiter20°40'23''Purva AsadhaVenusLibra
Saturn(R)PiscesJupiter7°14'28''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnVirgo
Ketu(R)PiscesJupiter11°56'34''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnLibra
UranusCapricornSaturn7°15'39''Uttara AsadhaSunPisces
NeptuneCapricornSaturn1°30'34''Uttara AsadhaSunCapricorn

I and @Sub0 will tell you what your LTR/wife will eventually look like after Bard/GPT-4 has analysed the info. From her age, pheno, PSL, dating history and body count.
Jfl, the tests said I'm doomed for a shitty life with no marriage, but In the chance I do she'll be average looking and skinny
  • So Sad
Reactions: Xangsane
PlanetsSignSign LordDistanceNakshatraNakshatra LordNavamsha Sign
AscendantPiscesJupiter4°49'45''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnLeo
SunAquariusSaturn23°52'58''Purva BhadrapadaJupiterTaurus
MarsPiscesJupiter9°7'43''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnVirgo
MercuryPiscesJupiter6°26'33''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnLeo
VenusCapricornSaturn9°7'33''Uttara AsadhaSunPisces
Rahu(R)LeoSun16°22'27''Purva PhalguniVenusLeo
NeptuneCapricornSaturn7°28'32''Uttara AsadhaSunPisces



  • Sun, Jupiter, and Ketu in Aquarius in the 7th house (D1): This suggests an intellectual individual who values freedom and may have unconventional approaches to relationships. The presence of Ketu could indicate a tendency toward detachment or a sense of being different.
  • Mars, Mercury, and Saturn in Pisces in the 8th house (D1): Indicates depth and intensity, possibly a complex individual with a rich inner world. This placement could also hint at a propensity for secrets or a private nature.
  • Moon in Cancer in the 12th house (D1): Suggests an emotional and sensitive nature, potentially someone who needs space and may struggle with expressing his feelings openly.
Body Count and Relationship History:

  • Venus in Capricorn in the 6th house (D1): This could imply a conservative approach to relationships and possibly a lower body count. Relationships that do form may be taken very seriously, and he might prefer long-term commitments over casual encounters.


Facial Structure and Soft Tissue

  • Ascendant in Pisces with Navamsha in Leo (D1): Suggests a softer facial structure with a possible artistic or dreamy appearance, combined with a sense of nobility or charisma from Leo.
  • Mars and Mercury in Pisces (D1): May soften the masculine features, providing a balance between sharpness and softness, possibly a blend of traditionally masculine and androgynous traits.
Masculinity - Prettiness:

  • Rahu in Leo in the 1st house (D1): Could lend a bold and dramatic element to his appearance, with a strong masculine energy that might be tempered by the Pisces influence, adding a layer of gentleness.
Age Appearance and Gap:

  • Saturn in Pisces in the 8th house (D1): May give him a mature appearance, potentially looking older than his years. The age gap could be significant, with him perhaps being older or at least having a mature presence.
Body Type, FFMI, and Muscular Definition:

  • Mars in Pisces (D1): Typically would not suggest a highly muscular build but rather a lean and perhaps athletic physique. The FFMI might be average, not indicating a bodybuilder type but someone who is naturally fit.
  • Venus in Capricorn (D1): Implies discipline in appearance, which may translate to a well-maintained body with some definition.
Skin Color, Hair and Eye Color, and Texture:

  • Sun in Aquarius (D1): He doesn't conform to typical beauty standards. The skin may be of any shade and is likely to reflect his overall health and lifestyle.
  • Moon in Cancer (D1): Implies a sensitivity that could be visible in the skin, possibly prone to changes based on emotional state or environment.
  • Rahu in Leo (D1): Rahu may influence hair to be thick or with a tendency to stand out in some way; Leo's influence could also suggest a warm hair color.
  • Mercury in Pisces (D1): May suggest eyes that are expressive and reflective of a vivid inner life. The eyes could be a striking feature, revealing his emotional and intellectual depth.

Looks (more autistic)

Facial Bone Structure

  • Jawline and Chin: The presence of Saturn in Pisces in the D1 chart may not contribute to the chiseled jawline typically idolized in male models but does suggest a defined and mature look.
  • Cheekbones: The Leo influence could mean prominent cheekbones, although the softening effect of Pisces may make them less sharp than the high cheekbones seen on the runway.
  • Chin: Likely to be well-proportioned, strong yet not overly pronounced, balancing his facial features.
Soft Tissue:

  • Lips: With Venus in Capricorn in the D1 chart, he may have well-defined lips that are neither overly full nor thin, adding to a dignified and perhaps conservative expression.
  • Skin: The combination of the Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Cancer could result in skin that is sensitive and requires care, possibly not the flawless complexion that is often airbrushed in modeling shoots.
Facial Features:

  • Nose: Mercury in Pisces in the D1 chart could mean a nose that is well-proportioned, with a slight flair typical of Piscean dreaminess, not the sharp, angular noses often digitally sculpted in modeling portfolios.
  • Eyes: His eyes may be the standout feature, expressive and deep, reflecting emotional depth, potentially lacking the icy, piercing look that is often seen in high fashion but having a warm, inviting quality.
Hair and Eye Color/Texture:

  • Hair: Likely to be thick and perhaps wavy, the Piscean influence indicating a tendency towards a more natural, perhaps even unruly style that defies the sleek, controlled looks of male models.
  • Eyes: Expect a warm and vibrant eye color that conveys empathy and compassion, contrasting with the often cool and detached gaze of a model.
Body Structure and Composition:

  • Height and Stature: Jupiter in the 4th house of the D9 chart hints at a strong, possibly tall stature, but perhaps lacking the lean, elongated silhouette that is iconic in male models.
  • Muscle Insertions and Definition: A healthy physique is indicated, but the Piscean influence might mean a softer, less cut appearance than the rippling muscles showcased by models.
  • Body Fat and FFMI: He may have a healthy body composition that prioritizes wellness over the hyper-lean body fat percentages often sought in the modeling industry.
Physical Appeal and Masculinity-Prettiness Balance:

  • Overall Aesthetic: His attractiveness would likely be more in line with a handsome, approachable man-next-door rather than the unattainable allure of a male model.
  • Masculinity-Prettiness: His features may strike a balance between traditionally masculine and a softer, more relatable prettiness, deviating from the extreme ends of the spectrum often celebrated in fashion.
Age Appearance and Gap:

  • Age Appearance: The Saturnian influence might lend a mature appearance earlier in life, possibly appearing older than his actual age, which is in contrast to the youthful look favored in the modeling world.
  • Age Gap: The charts do not specifically indicate an age gap, but the maturity suggested by Saturn could mean he is comfortable with partners of various ages.
Grooming and Style:

  • Grooming: He may take a thoughtful, perhaps meticulous approach to his appearance, aligning more with personal expression than the ever-changing trends of fashion.

Given the astrological placements:

  • Leo Ascendant: Often corresponds with a strong presence and a sense of regality, which can be quite attractive and may boost his PSL rating.
  • Sun in Aquarius: Suggests uniqueness and an unconventional appeal, which might not align with the PSL mainstream beauty standards.
  • Moon in Cancer: Indicates a softer, emotional depth that can be very appealing on a personal level but may not translate to the high PSL ratings associated with a strong, masculine look.
  • Mars and Saturn in Pisces in the 8th house: Implies a more enigmatic and intense presence rather than the clear-cut, sharp features often rated highly on PSL.
  • Jupiter in Aquarius in the D9: Points to a strong intellect and individualism, which might not be considered in PSL ratings but contribute to overall attractiveness.
Considering these astrological influences, and comparing them to the physical traits of a highly rated PSL model like Jordan Barrett, your friend's potential husband might be:

  • High Tier Normie to Low Tier Chadlite (4.5 - 5.25): He likely has a strong and charismatic presence due to his Leo Ascendant and could have some features that are considered conventionally attractive. However, the softer and more emotional qualities indicated by his Moon in Cancer, combined with the unique and unconventional influence of the Sun and Jupiter in Aquarius, might not meet the "gigachad" tier of starkly chiseled features and the intense masculine appeal that characterizes top-tier PSL models.

Overall Summary: Your friend's potential husband is predicted to have an appealing and warm presence, with a blend of both strong and gentle features. He is likely to be more charismatic and relatable than the often-intimidating perfection seen in male models. His physical and emotional appeal lies in his authenticity and the genuine connection he fosters, which may be far more attractive in a life partner than the fleeting allure of a model on a runway.

The analysis is candid and adopts the "PSL autist" style of interpretation without sugarcoating, emphasizing that beauty is multidimensional and personal, and what truly resonates in a partner goes beyond the superficial standards of the fashion industry.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21345
I will shit on it if you gave me a paper and wrote this thread on it

Fuck is this
want one done? I've done it with a few users
thanks bhai. Would you like a report?
Astrology doesn't matter anymore with planned birth and induced labor. Today, the mom chooses when the child will be born.

"Friday the 13th," the ink blackhead insisted her Oreo be born on that day to the tranny doctor.

He observed the tattoos on her inner thigh as he pressed a silver instrument against her vagina. She lay on a gurney with her legs wide open. Suddenly, he loses balance and falls into her. The instrument and his hand slid inside her without resistance, stopping at his elbow. "Sorry!"

"Sorry about what?"
Don't hate the player; hate the game!
"There are 100% chances that your marriage will be arranged by parents."

Meanwhile, haven't talked to my parents in a decade.
you need to post your D1, D9 and planet positions here since those interpretations are cut and paste and not really in depth.
  • +1
Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires
Thanks for your effort. That might be accurate tbh.
I was thinking of spending my youth geomaxing, and then eventually marrying an Aryan (to have white kids basically).
you're welcome!
Yeah this predicts your wife, not girlfriend that you don't get married to. It's highly indicating the woman you'll end up with is a robust Nordic lady
Babychart 1

PlanetsSignSign LordDistanceNakshatraNakshatra LordNavamsha Sign
MercuryPiscesJupiter16°25'45''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnScorpio
VenusAquariusSaturn25°17'51''Purva BhadrapadaJupiterTaurus
Rahu(R)PiscesJupiter9°4'35''Uttara BhadrapadaSaturnVirgo
Ketu(R)VirgoMercury9°4'35''Uttara PhalguniSunPisces
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
high iq thread, spiritualcels rising. sadly i have a brutal amount of karmic debt. 16/7 numbers. so i dont think she gonna be good. prob a geomaxxed whore

View attachment 2565255View attachment 2565256
  1. "She is not so much attractive. She has a very dull look. There are high chances that she might look older in age. The overall very mature physical appearance is prominent.
  2. Yoni features: The yoni bhaga or vagina of your wife will have a deep depth.
  3. Beauty of Breasts: Your girl will possess weak kind of breasts which might be the one which are the hanging one. There are chances that she will have Saggy Breasts or a small bosom."
mogs me

What are your thoughts?


Facial Bone Structure

  • Mars in the 1st House (D1): Indicates a strong facial structure, but Mars in Libra may not provide the angular chisel of a female model. Her features could be well-balanced but may lack the sharpness that is often celebrated in beauty standards.
Soft Tissue:

  • Sun, Mercury, and Rahu in Cancer (D1): These placements suggest she may have a soft and nurturing appearance, with emotional expressiveness. However, the Sun in Cancer in the 10th house might also contribute to a weathered look due to life’s responsibilities.
Facial Features:

  • Venus in Leo in the 11th House (D1): She may have a warm and inviting look with some charisma, but the placement in the 11th house indicates that her attractiveness may not be the first thing one notices about her.
Body Type:

  • Jupiter and Saturn in Aries in the 7th House (D1): This combination suggests a solid body type that could be athletic but also prone to putting on weight easily. The Saturn influence, particularly, might not favor the lean, statuesque figure associated with high fashion.
Skin Color, Hair, and Eye Color:

  • Ketu in Capricorn in the 4th House (D1): Ketu can sometimes indicate issues with skin complexion or a look that is hard to define. Her skin might not have the flawless, airbrushed appearance.
  • Moon in Virgo in the 12th House (D1): May suggest a conservative and reserved expression, potentially with delicate features that are more understated than bold.
Physical Attractiveness:

  • Sun in Cancer (Vargottama): While the Sun's strong placement suggests a radiant personality, it may not translate into traditional physical beauty. She might carry herself with grace, but not necessarily with the glamour expected of a model.
PSL Rating:

  • Given the placements, she might fall into the MTB range (4.0) on the PSL scale. Her appearance may be pleasant and approachable but would likely not match the extremely high standards set by the PSL community for "Stacylite" or "Stacy" tiers.
In summary, Ahmed's potential spouse may have a mature and dignified presence, with a sense of strength in her facial features and a solid, possibly athletic physique. Her beauty could be more of the classic, enduring kind rather than the ephemeral, high-fashion sort. Her attractiveness may shine more in her character and the warmth she exudes than in fitting a particular beauty ideal.


Eye Color

  • Moon in Cancer: Traditionally associated with softer features, her eyes might be a warm, light color, reflecting her nurturing personality.
  • Mercury in Cancer: This could contribute to expressive eyes, possibly with a hint of green or hazel that changes with light and mood, revealing a depth of thought and emotion.
Skin Color:

  • Sun and Mercury in Cancer: They might suggest a fair to medium complexion, sensitive to the environment, perhaps with a tendency to flush or show blush easily.
  • Saturn in Aries: This placement could indicate a resilient skin type, potentially tanned or with an earthy undertone, as Saturn is associated with endurance and Aries with activity.
Hair Color:

  • Mars and Venus in Leo: These placements often indicate a rich, warm hair color, like auburn or dark brown, with a potential for natural highlights from the Sun's lightening effect.
  • Ketu in Capricorn: May suggest hair that is darker, while also highlighting the possibility of premature greying, considering Ketu's association with aging and Capricorn's link to time and maturity.



  • Mars in the 1st House (D1): She's likely assertive and independent, with a strong sense of self. Mars in Libra suggests a drive towards harmony and fairness, but she may be conflict-averse.
  • Sun, Mercury, and Rahu in the 10th House (D1): Indicative of a career-oriented individual, possibly with a public persona. She may have a commanding presence, articulate, but Rahu's influence suggests she may also have unexpected quirks or unconventional aspects to her personality.
  • Jupiter and Saturn in the 7th House (D1): This placement might make her serious about relationships and commitments. She could have a mature outlook on life, seeking stability and security in partnerships.
Past Relationships/Hookups:

  • Venus in the 11th House (D1): She values friendships and social connections, possibly blending her social life with romantic interests. However, the placement doesn't necessarily indicate promiscuity; instead, she may prefer deep and meaningful connections.
  • Moon in Virgo in the 12th House (D1): Suggests she is private about her emotional life and past relationships. She may have had a few significant relationships that helped her grow, but she is likely discreet and cautious in love.
Likely Body Count:

  • The concept of body count is a sensitive and personal matter. Astrologically, the placements suggest she's selective and values quality over quantity in her relationships.
  • Saturn in the 7th House (D1): Saturn's influence often brings a cautious and sometimes delayed approach to romance. She may not rush into relationships and is likely to have had fewer, more serious partnerships.
Summary: Ahmed's potential spouse appears to be a complex individual with a mix of strong independence and a desire for stable, lasting connections. Her assertive personality may be softened by a search for harmony and balance in relationships. Her past romantic life is likely characterized by a few meaningful relationships rather than numerous casual encounters, and her body count is probably on the lower side, reflective of her cautious and serious nature regarding intimacy and partnership.

Brutal, she's basically a femcel who had to settle down.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4397
Jfl, the tests said I'm doomed for a shitty life with no marriage, but In the chance I do she'll be average looking and skinny
what did it say exactly?
do you mind if you please post your D1, D9 and planet alignments for me to give you a deeper analysis?
  • +1
Reactions: Aspiemogger
  • First House/Ascendant controls your Childhood.
  • Placements: There is Jupiter in your 1st house.
  • Aspects: There is aspect of Sun on your 1st house.
  • Your childhood should generally be a happy affair.

  • Tenth House controls your Youth.
  • Placements: There is Saturn in your 10th house.
  • Aspects: There is aspect of Rahu, Neptune on your 10th house.
  • Your youth years should be quite difficult.

  • Seventh House controls your Middle-Life.
  • Placements: There is exalted Sun in your 7th house.
  • Aspects: There is aspect of Jupiter, Saturn on your 7th house.
  • Your mid-life should be quite difficult.

Old Age
  • Fourth House controls your Old Age.
  • Placements: There is Neptune in your 4th house.
  • Aspects: There is aspect of Mars, Saturn, Ketu on your 4th house.
  • Your old age should be quite difficult.

  • So Sad
Reactions: Xangsane

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