coding bootcamps?



Rehabilitated blackpiller
Mar 29, 2022

I think I'm too un-disciplined to self teach and also a bootcamp certification will give me an advantage when applying to jobs.

They are a massive cope, uni degree is the only certification that's worth it excluding targeted ones which you need for specific jobs
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They are a massive cope, uni degree is the only certification that's worth it excluding targeted ones which you need for specific job
I dropped out of uni a couple of months ago and don't want to go back tbh.

I can defo get my parents to pay for me to do the best bootcamp but do you think even that will be cope?
I dropped out of uni a couple of months ago and don't want to go back tbh.

I can defo get my parents to pay for me to do the best bootcamp but do you think even that will be cope?
If you are able to find a job at all just from the bootcamp then you will be a pretty mediocre low paid dev

If you can't cope with uni then don't go to the bootcamp, if you can't self-study, then look for another career.
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There are like 2 semi reputable bootcamps but I forget their names. Your best bet if you're still young is community college until 60 credits, get good grades then transfer somewhere high ranked for CS. Basically everyone getting into this field has a BS in CS and some amount of internship experience. If you don't have both, get both. Bootcamps -> good pay was way more common before YouTubers and Reddit didn't popularize this career so hard, but since everyone and their mom wants to be a software engineer it's very cuthroat now especially for that first job.
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if youre too un-disciplined, un-passionate to self teach then this field isnt for you.
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software development might be too hard for you at the current stage. either try and break into IT, or develop stronger study skills before attempting a coding boot camp.
If you are able to find a job at all just from the bootcamp then you will be a pretty mediocre low paid dev

If you can't cope with uni then don't go to the bootcamp, if you can't self-study, then look for another career.
I was told by my friend that he wished he did online courses. He said uni was frustratingly very inefficient and overpriced.
last year of his studies ended up being zoom calls because of covid. He said it didn’t matter ( he is incel, though never talks about it ).

My other friend has already and actively makes way more money by not going to uni
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I was told by my friend that he wished he did online courses. He said uni was frustratingly very inefficient and overpriced.
last year of his studies ended up being zoom calls because of covid. He said it didn’t matter ( he is incel, though never talks about it ).

My other friend has already and actively makes way more money by not going to uni
The degree you get from uni is pretty important for your career especially in the long-run when you want to go up in the cooperate ladder

(This paper brings social status and is socially accepted as having values and employees value it, it is what it is)

And there is also some genuine stuff which makes you a better coder which you study in the degree (even the math, for example Discrete mathematics, it basically teaches you logical operators in-depth)

But yeah you can 100% get into the job market without it, however you will have limitations without a degree and it requires a lot of work, dedication but also IQ and discipline which many people lack, and yeah bootcamps are a scam, 20 hours of a javascript tut in udemy > 8 months at a bootcamp
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so much bullshit said here in the replays, I'm not gonna even bother.

anyway, join a Bootcamp only if they are working with recruiters and they will help you get your first job, Bootcamp certifications don't mean much if anything
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If you are able to find a job at all just from the bootcamp then you will be a pretty mediocre low paid dev

If you can't cope with uni then don't go to the bootcamp, if you can't self-study, then look for another career.
what a shitty advice ffs
which ones u taking bout to start mines today to codemaxx

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
// printf() displays the string inside quotation
printf("Hello, World!");
return 0;

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