College Isn't As It Seems.. And Is Certainly Not Worth It...



I spent most of my time directing energy towards High School, which was rightfully indagated, for reasons obvious, perhaps I could elaborate more, but alas, I want to make a different point today, that of the academia, especially college. What is college? What is the point of college? These are questions commonly asked, but unsurprisingly, never answered by the elite, who instead just want us to "shut up" and do as "we're told" because....yeah, I don't have an answer for that one.

In America, land of the brainless and the retarded, we are commonly taught that it is important that we go to college if we want to get "good jobs" but what does classify as a good job? I certainly wouldn't know considering I'll never have one, but In my opinion, a "good job" is something that you can find meaning and purpose in, something you do, not because you have to do it, but because you look at that thing, and you say "this is something I want to do". That should be the ideal society, where people can find meaning and purpose not through forceful eviction let alone might makes right tendencies but through what they personally align with.

However, in hyper crapitalist soyciety, we are forced to abandon our dreams so that we can work away in the offices and factories like the good little citizens people claim us to be, all whilst the media calls us men, rapist racist, misogynist fags, I wonder how that'll turn out for them in a few years? Can't wait to find out. It's an especially common trait in Asian families that children are usually overworked, and overstudied so that they can become "Doctors". I hate those types of families and I want them to all be executed by guillotine, because no, I don't tolerate bullshit, not here, not now, not ever.

So why do we even go to college? Because that's where the best jobs are, and according to crapitalist soyciety, if you go to college then you can get a job, but then.... how do you get into college? Do you just simply walk in, and ask to attend like how it should be considering it's an EDUCATIONAL instituation? No, you have to make stupid letters and numbers that have no meaningful value, pay thousands of dollars, and take some stupid but batshit hard entrance exam. I'll totally do all of that shit, just so I can have a "chance" to get a "meaningful" job that I'll work until my back breaks.

Anyone with a semblance of intelligence can obviously deduct how retarded this is, alongside one additional facet. If college is supposed to be so educational, then why the fuck do you have to get a college degree to get a "meaningful job". Just like how social liberals have long advocated for the separation of church and state, it should go as no surprise that education should be seperated from employment, afterall, high school and college are almost nearly idenitical, the only difference is that you can take more "meaningful" courses, courses that will obviously not prepare you for an actual job. Also, just like how foids blatantly bitch about us men are unentitled to sex, colleges will do the same thing with jobs, meaning that if you actually bothered spending years of your life actually trying to study... good luck.... you'll need it.

So, do any of you want to know the true reason we have to go to college? It's actually simply, it's about conformity. Education is conformity, however the extent of conformity given can either be meaningful conformity as in, not acting like an asshole, or tolitarian conformity as in, you are all the same and anyone who acts different deserves to be mocked and have eggs thrown at them. Employers, mostly factories, corperations and the offices, want people to have college degress, not because it'll actually be nessesary, but because, spoiler doiler, they'll be far more willing to do as they're told, and of course it servers as a "qualification certificate" but honestly, it's more of a ruse.

"But you're going off of the basis that people who graduate college will actually go to those jobs, what's to say they can't just become a librarian or gardener or something" That's a good point, and it's because they can't. As I stated earlier, jobs are based on hedonistic value, as in what is valuable now, as such, instead of all jobs being paid equally, let alone all jobs being paid large amounts, some more than others, we instead have jobs that pay alot, and jobs that pay little. The reason most people become office workers and factory workers, isn't become of some meaningful desire to become an office worker, it's because, you either starve, or you fucking die.

Wow....I'm so motivated to get a job, I totally won't find a way to commit suicide instead. Alas, this is what most wagiefags or normiefags put themselves through in order to be seen as "equal" by their peers, and it certainly hasn't worked out for them, has it? It only costed your entire youth, thousands of dollars in debt, and all for a silly certificate that no-one is forced to accept, apart of what I refer to as the simp mentality, the idea that just because you do something means that the other party is entitled to do something back.

This is how most wagiefags and normiefags operate under, the idea that if they do something, they'll get something back in return, however what you get for going to college would make anyone want to steer clear. "But what about social-" No, were not going there, and most of them are still slutty foids anyways. As I've stated before, you won't get any real meaning out of your degree but I thought that was obvious, because as stated earlier, no-one is entitled to accept your degree, no matter if it's from Harvard or Community College, because people are retarded and are incapable of making rational and logical decisions.

At the end of the day, the only reason college exists, was because of an outdated system used mostly by Lutherans to convince people that a false god existed, and as people grew more athesitic, soyciety needed another reason to keep colleges around and so forced everyone to go to them otherwise they wouldn't get to live a "meaningful" existence. If you are considering going to college, don't, because at the end of the day, it's not worth it, not worth it to go back to a glorified high school with slightly more "personal freedoms", not worth it to get in thousands of dollars in debt, and not worth it to waste away, all whilst dreams could be had...
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  • Hmm...
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Reactions: Chadeep, aspiringexcel, <6PSLcel and 8 others
I spent most of my time directing energy towards High School, which was rightfully indagated, for reasons obvious, perhaps I could elaborate more, but alas, I want to make a different point today, that of the academia, especially college. What is college? What is the point of college? These are questions commonly asked, but unsurprisingly, never answered by the elite, who instead just want us to "shut up" and do as "we're told" because....yeah, I don't have an answer for that one.

In America, land of the brainless and the retarded, we are commonly taught that it is important that we go to college if we want to get "good jobs" but what does classify as a good job? I certainly wouldn't know considering I'll never have one, but In my opinion, a "good job" is something that you can find meaning and purpose in, something you do, not because you have to do it, but because you look at that thing, and you say "this is something I want to do". That should be the ideal society, where people can find meaning and purpose not through forceful eviction let alone might makes right tendencies but through what they personally align with.

However, in hyper crapitalist soyciety, we are forced to abandon our dreams so that we can work away in the offices and factories like the good little citizens people claim us to be, all whilst the media calls us men, rapist racist, misogynist fags, I wonder how that'll turn out for them in a few years? Can't wait to find out. It's an especially common trait in Asian families that children are usually overworked, and overstudied so that they can become "Doctors". I hate those types of families and I want them to all be executed by guillotine, because no, I don't tolerate bullshit, not here, not now, not ever.

So why do we even go to college? Because that's where the best jobs are, and according to crapitalist soyciety, if you go to college then you can get a job, but then.... how do you get into college? Do you just simply walk in, and ask to attend like how it should be considering it's an EDUCATIONAL instituation? No, you have to make stupid letters and numbers that have no meaningful value, pay thousands of dollars, and take some stupid but batshit hard entrance exam. I'll totally do all of that shit, just so I can have a "chance" to get a "meaningful" job that I'll work until my back breaks.

Anyone with a semblance of intelligence can obviously deduct how retarded this is, alongside one additional facet. If college is supposed to be so educational, then why the fuck do you have to get a college degree to get a "meaningful job". Just like how social liberals have long advocated for the separation of church and state, it should go as no surprise that education should be seperated from employment, afterall, high school and college are almost nearly idenitical, the only difference is that you can take more "meaningful" courses, courses that will obviously not prepare you for an actual job. Also, just like how foids blatantly bitch about us men are unentitled to sex, colleges will do the same thing with jobs, meaning that if you actually bothered spending years of your life actually trying to study... good luck.... you'll need it.

So, do any of you want to know the true reason we have to go to college? It's actually simply, it's about conformity. Education is conformity, however the extent of conformity given can either be meaningful conformity as in, not acting like an asshole, or tolitarian conformity as in, you are all the same and anyone who acts different deserves to be mocked and have eggs thrown at them. Employers, mostly factories, corperations and the offices, want people to have college degress, not because it'll actually be nessesary, but because, spoiler doiler, they'll be far more willing to do as they're told, and of course it servers as a "qualification certificate" but honestly, it's more of a ruse.

"But you're going off of the basis that people who graduate college will actually go to those jobs, what's to say they can't just become a librarian or gardener or something" That's a good point, and it's because they can't. As I stated earlier, jobs are based on hedonistic value, as in what is valuable now, as such, instead of all jobs being paid equally, let alone all jobs being paid large amounts, some more than others, we instead have jobs that pay alot, and jobs that pay little. The reason most people become office workers and factory workers, isn't become of some meaningful desire to become an office worker, it's because, you either starve, or you fucking die.

Wow....I'm so motivated to get a job, I totally won't find a way to commit suicide instead. Alas, this is what most wagiefags or normiefags put themselves through in order to be seen as "equal" by their peers, and it certainly hasn't worked out for them, has it? It only costed your entire youth, thousands of dollars in debt, and all for a silly certificate that no-one is forced to accept, apart of what I refer to as the simp mentality, the idea that just because you do something means that the other party is entitled to do something back.

This is how most wagiefags and normiefags operate under, the idea that if they do something, they'll get something back in return, however what you get for going to college would make anyone want to steer clear. "But what about social-" No, were not going there, and most of them are still slutty foids anyways. As I've stated before, you won't get any real meaning out of your degree but I thought that was obvious, because as stated earlier, no-one is entitled to accept your degree, no matter if it's from Harvard or Community College, because people are retarded and are incapable of making rational and logical decisions.

At the end of the day, the only reason college exists, was because of an outdated system used mostly by Lutherans to convince people that a false god existed, and as people grew more athesitic, soyciety needed another reason to keep colleges around and so forced everyone to go to them otherwise they wouldn't get to live a "meaningful" existence. If you are considering going to college, don't, because at the end of the day, it's not worth it, not worth it to go back to a glorified high school with slightly more "personal freedoms", not worth it to get in thousands of dollars in debt, and not worth it to waste away, all whilst dreams could be had...
  • JFL
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read every word bhai. the aim is to find a low-effort job early on, invest in some assets along the way, and get out as quick as you can.
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Reactions: KingCartierrr23, Chadeep, incel194012940 and 7 others
its not that deep bro

- not hard to get in as u assume (actually easy af jfl)
- plenty of opportunities to connect w ppl, learn, get job experience
- easily get hired if u do the above
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Chadeep, gooner23, Pikabro and 3 others
College is full of FOB ethnics chasing muh American dream
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Reactions: Chadeep, aspiringexcel, Kristin and 2 others
I spent most of my time directing energy towards High School, which was rightfully indagated, for reasons obvious, perhaps I could elaborate more, but alas, I want to make a different point today, that of the academia, especially college. What is college? What is the point of college? These are questions commonly asked, but unsurprisingly, never answered by the elite, who instead just want us to "shut up" and do as "we're told" because....yeah, I don't have an answer for that one.

In America, land of the brainless and the retarded, we are commonly taught that it is important that we go to college if we want to get "good jobs" but what does classify as a good job? I certainly wouldn't know considering I'll never have one, but In my opinion, a "good job" is something that you can find meaning and purpose in, something you do, not because you have to do it, but because you look at that thing, and you say "this is something I want to do". That should be the ideal society, where people can find meaning and purpose not through forceful eviction let alone might makes right tendencies but through what they personally align with.

However, in hyper crapitalist soyciety, we are forced to abandon our dreams so that we can work away in the offices and factories like the good little citizens people claim us to be, all whilst the media calls us men, rapist racist, misogynist fags, I wonder how that'll turn out for them in a few years? Can't wait to find out. It's an especially common trait in Asian families that children are usually overworked, and overstudied so that they can become "Doctors". I hate those types of families and I want them to all be executed by guillotine, because no, I don't tolerate bullshit, not here, not now, not ever.

So why do we even go to college? Because that's where the best jobs are, and according to crapitalist soyciety, if you go to college then you can get a job, but then.... how do you get into college? Do you just simply walk in, and ask to attend like how it should be considering it's an EDUCATIONAL instituation? No, you have to make stupid letters and numbers that have no meaningful value, pay thousands of dollars, and take some stupid but batshit hard entrance exam. I'll totally do all of that shit, just so I can have a "chance" to get a "meaningful" job that I'll work until my back breaks.

Anyone with a semblance of intelligence can obviously deduct how retarded this is, alongside one additional facet. If college is supposed to be so educational, then why the fuck do you have to get a college degree to get a "meaningful job". Just like how social liberals have long advocated for the separation of church and state, it should go as no surprise that education should be seperated from employment, afterall, high school and college are almost nearly idenitical, the only difference is that you can take more "meaningful" courses, courses that will obviously not prepare you for an actual job. Also, just like how foids blatantly bitch about us men are unentitled to sex, colleges will do the same thing with jobs, meaning that if you actually bothered spending years of your life actually trying to study... good luck.... you'll need it.

So, do any of you want to know the true reason we have to go to college? It's actually simply, it's about conformity. Education is conformity, however the extent of conformity given can either be meaningful conformity as in, not acting like an asshole, or tolitarian conformity as in, you are all the same and anyone who acts different deserves to be mocked and have eggs thrown at them. Employers, mostly factories, corperations and the offices, want people to have college degress, not because it'll actually be nessesary, but because, spoiler doiler, they'll be far more willing to do as they're told, and of course it servers as a "qualification certificate" but honestly, it's more of a ruse.

"But you're going off of the basis that people who graduate college will actually go to those jobs, what's to say they can't just become a librarian or gardener or something" That's a good point, and it's because they can't. As I stated earlier, jobs are based on hedonistic value, as in what is valuable now, as such, instead of all jobs being paid equally, let alone all jobs being paid large amounts, some more than others, we instead have jobs that pay alot, and jobs that pay little. The reason most people become office workers and factory workers, isn't become of some meaningful desire to become an office worker, it's because, you either starve, or you fucking die.

Wow....I'm so motivated to get a job, I totally won't find a way to commit suicide instead. Alas, this is what most wagiefags or normiefags put themselves through in order to be seen as "equal" by their peers, and it certainly hasn't worked out for them, has it? It only costed your entire youth, thousands of dollars in debt, and all for a silly certificate that no-one is forced to accept, apart of what I refer to as the simp mentality, the idea that just because you do something means that the other party is entitled to do something back.

This is how most wagiefags and normiefags operate under, the idea that if they do something, they'll get something back in return, however what you get for going to college would make anyone want to steer clear. "But what about social-" No, were not going there, and most of them are still slutty foids anyways. As I've stated before, you won't get any real meaning out of your degree but I thought that was obvious, because as stated earlier, no-one is entitled to accept your degree, no matter if it's from Harvard or Community College, because people are retarded and are incapable of making rational and logical decisions.

At the end of the day, the only reason college exists, was because of an outdated system used mostly by Lutherans to convince people that a false god existed, and as people grew more athesitic, soyciety needed another reason to keep colleges around and so forced everyone to go to them otherwise they wouldn't get to live a "meaningful" existence. If you are considering going to college, don't, because at the end of the day, it's not worth it, not worth it to go back to a glorified high school with slightly more "personal freedoms", not worth it to get in thousands of dollars in debt, and not worth it to waste away, all whilst dreams could be had...
High IQ post

University was made to study and not to find a job, there's no guarantee that those 5 years will pay off. Humanities, which have been the first degrees being taught don't have as many students now because it won't give you money, you have to be born privileged to study something that won't give you a decent life.

Everyone wants to be good at math so they can study a high paying degree and that's it, people only want the money but they don't have a passion towards those studies. Nowadays if your degree doesn't help capitalism to innovate itself over and over it means you won't find a high paying job unless you wanna work in the goverment and grind up for 60 years like Joe Biden.
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Reactions: Chadeep, fuxkdakikez, Abhorrence and 1 other person
education is pyramid scam
  • +1
Reactions: fuxkdakikez
Just like how social liberals have long advocated for the separation of church and state, it should go as no surprise that education should be seperated from employment, afterall, high school and college are almost nearly idenitical, the only difference is that you can take more "meaningful" courses, courses that will obviously not prepare you for an actual job.

my response, highschool and college are not the same thing, as in college your talking about adults, the environment from highschool and college is very different, as YOUR responsible as your considered a adult for society and laws, YOUR gonna have to pay back any student loans not your parents. Teh courses in college usually have to do with your major and to help you land a job and keep one. Also you have more control over what classes you take and when.

Would you want your pilot to fly your plane without having pilot license or going through a pilot training program/apprenticeship, or heck have a doctor who didn't finish medical school.

I unserstand some people are upset, society and employment agencies/businesses want those with degrees/ diplomas. Folks feel like their forced to get a degree and experience, and believe these things shouldn't matter. I went to trade school for electrical so i somewhat understand but, its about having trained people ready to work, degrees/diplomas is proof that person has had some training, their not gonna take your word for it. Thats also one reason even after haveing degrees/diplomas companies make employees take test or go through a tranining program.
High IQ post

University was made to study and not to find a job, there's no guarantee that those 5 years will pay off. Humanities, which have been the first degrees being taught don't have as many students now because it won't give you money, you have to be born privileged to study something that won't give you a decent life.

Everyone wants to be good at math so they can study a high paying degree and that's it, people only want the money but they don't have a passion towards those studies. Nowadays if your degree doesn't help capitalism to innovate itself over and over it means you won't find a high paying job unless you wanna work in the goverment and grind up for 60 years like Joe Biden.
Believe it or not math is the hardest subject for people as unlike other subjects its FACT based and is not objective when it comes to solving problems. In math their are usually multiple ways to solve problems. Math is usually the thing preventing people from getting higher paying jobs. Most people in fact can only go up to 9th grade math and be experts in that. Most higher wage jobs require a 11 grade to second year college math level at least.
  • +1
Reactions: Klasik616
its not that deep bro

- not hard to get in as u assume (actually easy af jfl)
- plenty of opportunities to connect w ppl, learn, get job experience
- easily get hired if u do the above
your 100 percent their are so many ways, internships while in college, apprenticeships, trade schools, and community colleges. Government training programs. You can network with people aslo. Half the battle is just showing up. If your grades are low just go to a community college then transfer or you can graduate if you want and go find work.

If you just show up and be decent and put in some effort, things will plan out. You will get hired, i went to trade school for electrical ended up getting a 86 average recently got hired as electrical helper here in new york for the city, passed their city electrical helper test, 3000 took it and only 700 passed.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep, based_pakichad421 and User28823
Believe it or not math is the hardest subject for people as unlike other subjects its FACT based and is not objective when it comes to solving problems. In math their are usually multiple ways to solve problems. Math is usually the thing preventing people from getting higher paying jobs. Most people in fact can only go up to 9th grade math and be experts in that. Most higher wage jobs require a 11 grade to second year college math level at least.
Math is the reason I didn't choose to study economy, I have been all my life struggling to understand it. I think it's also on genes, both of my parents don't understand basic math.
  • +1
Reactions: jeetslayer and based_pakichad421
Math is the reason I didn't choose to study economy, I have been all my life struggling to understand it. I think it's also on genes, both of my parents don't understand basic math.
i think scientist did studies and said intellic only makes up about 1-2 percent of the genetics passed down. I was horrible at math all my life but from study and hard work i became decent.
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep and based_pakichad421
i think scientist did studies and said intellic only makes up about 1-2 percent of the genetics passed down. I was horrible at math all my life but from study and hard work i became decent.
Idk what I am doing rn tbh. I was always pretty good at maths but I didn't pick maths/cs/engineering in uni. Should I just focus on getting an internship in tech/finance I'm doing chemistry rn
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep and based_pakichad421
I spent most of my time directing energy towards High School, which was rightfully indagated, for reasons obvious, perhaps I could elaborate more, but alas, I want to make a different point today, that of the academia, especially college. What is college? What is the point of college? These are questions commonly asked, but unsurprisingly, never answered by the elite, who instead just want us to "shut up" and do as "we're told" because....yeah, I don't have an answer for that one.

In America, land of the brainless and the retarded, we are commonly taught that it is important that we go to college if we want to get "good jobs" but what does classify as a good job? I certainly wouldn't know considering I'll never have one, but In my opinion, a "good job" is something that you can find meaning and purpose in, something you do, not because you have to do it, but because you look at that thing, and you say "this is something I want to do". That should be the ideal society, where people can find meaning and purpose not through forceful eviction let alone might makes right tendencies but through what they personally align with.

However, in hyper crapitalist soyciety, we are forced to abandon our dreams so that we can work away in the offices and factories like the good little citizens people claim us to be, all whilst the media calls us men, rapist racist, misogynist fags, I wonder how that'll turn out for them in a few years? Can't wait to find out. It's an especially common trait in Asian families that children are usually overworked, and overstudied so that they can become "Doctors". I hate those types of families and I want them to all be executed by guillotine, because no, I don't tolerate bullshit, not here, not now, not ever.

So why do we even go to college? Because that's where the best jobs are, and according to crapitalist soyciety, if you go to college then you can get a job, but then.... how do you get into college? Do you just simply walk in, and ask to attend like how it should be considering it's an EDUCATIONAL instituation? No, you have to make stupid letters and numbers that have no meaningful value, pay thousands of dollars, and take some stupid but batshit hard entrance exam. I'll totally do all of that shit, just so I can have a "chance" to get a "meaningful" job that I'll work until my back breaks.

Anyone with a semblance of intelligence can obviously deduct how retarded this is, alongside one additional facet. If college is supposed to be so educational, then why the fuck do you have to get a college degree to get a "meaningful job". Just like how social liberals have long advocated for the separation of church and state, it should go as no surprise that education should be seperated from employment, afterall, high school and college are almost nearly idenitical, the only difference is that you can take more "meaningful" courses, courses that will obviously not prepare you for an actual job. Also, just like how foids blatantly bitch about us men are unentitled to sex, colleges will do the same thing with jobs, meaning that if you actually bothered spending years of your life actually trying to study... good luck.... you'll need it.

So, do any of you want to know the true reason we have to go to college? It's actually simply, it's about conformity. Education is conformity, however the extent of conformity given can either be meaningful conformity as in, not acting like an asshole, or tolitarian conformity as in, you are all the same and anyone who acts different deserves to be mocked and have eggs thrown at them. Employers, mostly factories, corperations and the offices, want people to have college degress, not because it'll actually be nessesary, but because, spoiler doiler, they'll be far more willing to do as they're told, and of course it servers as a "qualification certificate" but honestly, it's more of a ruse.

"But you're going off of the basis that people who graduate college will actually go to those jobs, what's to say they can't just become a librarian or gardener or something" That's a good point, and it's because they can't. As I stated earlier, jobs are based on hedonistic value, as in what is valuable now, as such, instead of all jobs being paid equally, let alone all jobs being paid large amounts, some more than others, we instead have jobs that pay alot, and jobs that pay little. The reason most people become office workers and factory workers, isn't become of some meaningful desire to become an office worker, it's because, you either starve, or you fucking die.

Wow....I'm so motivated to get a job, I totally won't find a way to commit suicide instead. Alas, this is what most wagiefags or normiefags put themselves through in order to be seen as "equal" by their peers, and it certainly hasn't worked out for them, has it? It only costed your entire youth, thousands of dollars in debt, and all for a silly certificate that no-one is forced to accept, apart of what I refer to as the simp mentality, the idea that just because you do something means that the other party is entitled to do something back.

This is how most wagiefags and normiefags operate under, the idea that if they do something, they'll get something back in return, however what you get for going to college would make anyone want to steer clear. "But what about social-" No, were not going there, and most of them are still slutty foids anyways. As I've stated before, you won't get any real meaning out of your degree but I thought that was obvious, because as stated earlier, no-one is entitled to accept your degree, no matter if it's from Harvard or Community College, because people are retarded and are incapable of making rational and logical decisions.

At the end of the day, the only reason college exists, was because of an outdated system used mostly by Lutherans to convince people that a false god existed, and as people grew more athesitic, soyciety needed another reason to keep colleges around and so forced everyone to go to them otherwise they wouldn't get to live a "meaningful" existence. If you are considering going to college, don't, because at the end of the day, it's not worth it, not worth it to go back to a glorified high school with slightly more "personal freedoms", not worth it to get in thousands of dollars in debt, and not worth it to waste away, all whilst dreams could be had...
Dnrd but agree
its not that deep bro

- not hard to get in as u assume (actually easy af jfl)
- plenty of opportunities to connect w ppl, learn, get job experience
- easily get hired if u do the above
this is a copy pasta and i got reemed bruh on neets for responding to it
  • JFL
Reactions: User28823
i think scientist did studies and said intellic only makes up about 1-2 percent of the genetics passed down. I was horrible at math all my life but from study and hard work i became decent.
I've learned more in the Internet, and before 16, in books and magazines, than in schools and, even, real life. School is just for creating sheeple, sheeple that will be shear them up and sacrified according to the elites and corporations.

But, I think you're kinda wrong in some things. We don't live in a c(r)apitalist society anymore. We live now in a neoliberal world that requires less people to control lots of resources, like in medieval times. And, yes. We are more atheistic than before.


How religious America was from 2003 (George Bush Iraq War era) to 2017 (God Emperor Trump early era).

Religious Americans from 2020 when Trump was butthurt by Biden's "victory".

Meanwhile, Mexicans are less and less religious.


Mexico in 2000, when Pokémon was blessed by The Pope because Muh satanism :soy: and the hegemonic PRI was finally defeated and in 2010 when cartels were shitting on the country like no one.


Mexico in 2020 when the fucking (((Plandemic))) was ongoing.

So, yes. Atheism influenced our shift from c(r)apitalism to a feudal like statism.
getting a job is kinda easy i know a few people who were boderline retarded in colldege and high school but they eneded up making pretty good jobs when i asked them if they ever needed what they learned in colldege and university they all said the never needed it

the point is instead of colldege learn some useful skills instead of wasting time
getting a job is kinda easy i know a few people who were boderline retarded in colldege and high school but they eneded up making pretty good jobs when i asked them if they ever needed what they learned in colldege and university they all said the never needed it

the point is instead of colldege learn some useful skills instead of wasting time
i would say your wrong you need the degree folks are not gonna fire just because of experience, thats why the majorty of josb want you to have uni diploma or trade school cert, a apprenticeship cert.
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i would say your wrong you need the degree folks are not gonna fire just because of experience, thats why the majorty of josb want you to have uni diploma or trade school cert, a apprenticeship cert.
obviously u need a degree im saying that u should focus on getting a skill based degree
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obviously u need a degree im saying that u should focus on getting a skill based degree
fkn brutal im in training for electrical helper here in nyc, and today we took a test if you fail you get fired, i got a 80 and 75 percent is needed to pass, i got two more test to take over the next three weeks, one test you gota get 100 percent other test you you need a 75+.
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fkn brutal im in training for electrical helper here in nyc, and today we took a test if you fail you get fired, i got a 80 and 75 percent is needed to pass, i got two more test to take over the next three weeks, one test you gota get 100 percent other test you you need a 75+.
yeah you are doing a smart thing most of the new gen z nows jack shit about skills and stuff in the old days almost everyone knew basic electric and household handy stuff ur making the right choice tbh

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