Coming to terms with shit genetics

cringe ahh nigga
I grew 3cm in the past 3 months
it differs for everyone
Yeah it can be different but generally 16-17 they fuse, then you have to undergo Kazakh leg lengthening to gain any height
Less I turn 18 in 4 months I enquired about all this in the hospital to which I was told it wasn't worth it so up until recently I listened to them, I am now going private and paying for ahit rather than relying on the nhs
Doctors are third rate pos.

Aromasin ( aromatese inhibitor) will give you 1 more year for hgh to work on

So you have 16 months or 64 weeks. If you take 1 nml every week you can get 6 inches easy.

Supplement this with calc d and vit e tablets
1nml hgh every week
Doctors are third rate pos.

Aromasin ( aromatese inhibitor) will give you 1 more year for hgh to work on

So you have 16 months or 64 weeks. If you take 1 nml every week you can get 6 inches easy.

Supplement this with calc d and vit e tablets
I supplement d & e already all I now need is the ai and hgh, hopefully you are right
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I supplement d & e already all I now need is the ai and hgh, hopefully you are right
6,25 - 9,25 mg / day Exemestane every day and 40 IU HGH plus IGFLR3
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Story of my life. I don’t know brother it’s hard especially when you’re younger but try to keep your head up. You can compensate but will obviously always be failod. But life can and will still be fun if you have other shit going for you. Getting girls will be very hard I guess but it is what it is. Life is a scam
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Story of my life. I don’t know brother it’s hard especially when you’re younger but try to keep your head up. You can compensate but will obviously always be failod. But life can and will still be fun if you have other shit going for you. Getting girls will be very hard I guess but it is what it is. Life is a scam
I wish I wasn't self aware
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I wish I wasn't self aware
Igf1 lr3 - 75 mcg for 2 weeks on,2 weeks off.
In the 2 weeks off from igf1 lr3,take 75 mcg igf1 des 3 times a day,if u have trouble injecting 3 times a day,injecting 250-300 mcg des once a day

(Optional) QorePharm inusbolic rIgf-75 mcg when taking igf1 lr3,when not taking igf1 lr3 for 2 weeks,rIgf insubolic dose should be 100-125 mcg.


If u take cjc dac for 2 weeks,then take this

1.cjc no dac(mod grf 1-29)- 100-150 mcg x 3 a day (morning,before evening,and at night before sleeping,if u feel uncomfortable while sleeping,inject it 3-5 hours before sleeping)

2.Hexarelin-100 mcg X3 times a day for 2 weeks.
replace it with ghrp 100mcg x 3 for the next 2 weeks

Optional but recommended.

25 mg mk677 everyday


3.impamorelin/sermorelin- 100 mcg x 3 a day

Also, remember to take take 300mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid and 200 - 300mcgs of Chromium Piccinolate AnD measure ur blood sugar daily with a blood glucose monitor (u can buy it) and if ur blood sugar is getting higher or lower than the ideal range,try increasing or decreasing the dose of Alpha lipolic acid and chromium picolinate.

If blood sugar gets too high from the ideal range,try injecting insulin(it's cheap online,inject very small amounts btw, or try taking 15 mg of actos(its a prescription medicine) only when ur blood sugar gets too high and use a blood glucose monitor,cuz if u don't u will get diabetes.

Also ,take p5p 75 mg twice a day so u don't get gyno from the prolactin.
If p5p not available-take 400 mg vitmain e twice a day (800mg/day total)
Igf1 lr3 - 75 mcg for 2 weeks on,2 weeks off.
In the 2 weeks off from igf1 lr3,take 75 mcg igf1 des 3 times a day,if u have trouble injecting 3 times a day,injecting 250-300 mcg des once a day

(Optional) QorePharm inusbolic rIgf-75 mcg when taking igf1 lr3,when not taking igf1 lr3 for 2 weeks,rIgf insubolic dose should be 100-125 mcg.


If u take cjc dac for 2 weeks,then take this

1.cjc no dac(mod grf 1-29)- 100-150 mcg x 3 a day (morning,before evening,and at night before sleeping,if u feel uncomfortable while sleeping,inject it 3-5 hours before sleeping)

2.Hexarelin-100 mcg X3 times a day for 2 weeks.
replace it with ghrp 100mcg x 3 for the next 2 weeks

Optional but recommended.

25 mg mk677 everyday


3.impamorelin/sermorelin- 100 mcg x 3 a day

Also, remember to take take 300mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid and 200 - 300mcgs of Chromium Piccinolate AnD measure ur blood sugar daily with a blood glucose monitor (u can buy it) and if ur blood sugar is getting higher or lower than the ideal range,try increasing or decreasing the dose of Alpha lipolic acid and chromium picolinate.

If blood sugar gets too high from the ideal range,try injecting insulin(it's cheap online,inject very small amounts btw, or try taking 15 mg of actos(its a prescription medicine) only when ur blood sugar gets too high and use a blood glucose monitor,cuz if u don't u will get diabetes.

Also ,take p5p 75 mg twice a day so u don't get gyno from the prolactin.
If p5p not available-take 400 mg vitmain e twice a day (800mg/day total)
Sugar levels aren't an issue since I am diabetic i monitor them 24/7 I also inject many times daily so that won't be an issue my worry is how I might fuck up my body's endocrinology chemistry, will take hgh and maybe aromasin but I need to educate myself more before following your protocol.
There is no going back.
Agree, adapt or sink. I became self aware due to comments and generally being smaller than everyone around me my entire life (including girls) it isn't a recent revelation and as a result has dictated the majority of my life
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I don't seek pity in this thread I just wanted an outlet to express my dissatisfaction in my life, no one seems to ever care about issues when its a man
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Make it a priority so that you have as much time as possible to improve
I am gonna try to go asap
can I just go to a normal doctor to get my plates checked?
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Sugar levels aren't an issue since I am diabetic i monitor them 24/7 I also inject many times daily so that won't be an issue my worry is how I might fuck up my body's endocrinology chemistry, will take hgh and maybe aromasin but I need to educate myself more before following your protocol.
Go do something about your life JFL
okay thanks bro
I hope I get an HGH prescription
If the place you live in has payed health care im not sure, if it is free I would reccomend finding a person that you have to pay to see since it is more in their benefit to prescribe it, I may be wrong but I will know by the end of the week
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Bro, incel means involuntarily celibate, it doesn’t matter what you want.

If I’m 6,2”, jacked, and at least facially average… and I am incel… how do you think you ever even have a chance? It’s delusional cope, you are legit clutching at straws trying to looksmax from that base.
Im 5'11 jacked mtn and nowhere near and incel and im a nigger. In fact im ltn according to @Makeyousit
Screenshot 20221114 145439 Tinder
I will never be able to escape the heightpill, I am a 5,5 turbomanlet who shouldn't even be one. I am currently 17 and trying everything to gain a few inches. What annoys me the most is that I am not from a short background the majority of my family is over 6ft, my brother who is 3 years older than me is 6,2 whilst I'm here stuck at 5.5, neither of my parents are short, mom is 5,7/dad is 6,1 so why am I so fucking short. I managed to pull the worst genetics (still grateful with what I have, at least I am not disabled or someshit). I had been enquiring about my height at the doctors every time I went in for at least 7 years and always asked about my height, to which they would always respond telling me I was having a late growth spurt, I have not had a growth spurt yet, I was told my bone age was 3 years younger and that it would eventually catch up. Unfortunately, that never happened and about 4 months ago my growth plates were checked and I was told they were nearly fused and that I may gain a 1cm or 2 at max JFL. So here I am standing tall at 165.5cm, no growth spurt and short my entire life. It changed the person I was, ever since I transitioned into secondary, I was so fucking aware of my height that I purposely statusminned to avoid being in crowds that held attention, I went from arguably one of the most popular people to the most invisible I could get, I find it hard to speak to people and hold conversations even though I am not an autist. In addition to my shit height genes, I was also diagnosed with t1 diabetes a couple years ago under an autoimmune base, no one in my family even has the fucking disease. I guess thats just how life is.
Fetal Alcohol syndrome
If the place you live in has payed health care im not sure, if it is free I would reccomend finding a person that you have to pay to see since it is more in their benefit to prescribe it, I may be wrong but I will know by the end of the week
I live in a place where there is payed healthcare

I'm hoping to visit a doctor soon to see if it's possible that I have a problem with growth hormone
I live in a place where there is payed healthcare

I'm hoping to visit a doctor soon to see if it's possible that I have a problem with growth hormone
If your like me you may not have any issue with your gh levels, that doesn't mean you can't gain height from using it though
Compared with T, DHT has roughly a fivefold greater binding affinity to SHBG (30). Binding of circulating DHT to SHBG is highest in young males 0.5 to 2 years of age (90%) and thereafter declines to about 70% at age 15 and to 40% in young adult men (age 18) (31).

If you don't take exemestane your natural DHT will be decreased by your body in order to make the other hormones increased. Exemestane will increase your T levels, DHT, destroys aromataze enzyme, and reduce your e2 levels effectively. The DHT is the wall to keep your vertical growth increased.
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cringe ahh nigga
I grew 3cm in the past 3 months
it differs for everyone
don't listen to him keep blasting hgh don't end up manlet like me
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Dude do something and ascend from here do something about yo life dont listen to those bluepiller
Dont throw yo life away
Blame your whore mother for cheating on your dad with a diabetic hobbit
considering your brother grew 2 inches after HS you will probably do the same

but yea AI is legit

HGH is pituitary growth and could lead to hormonal imbalances which leads to proportional deformities. unless you are deficient, prescribed by a doctor then you shouldnt be taking it

the best way from what ive seen is to keep estrogen levels really low and let puberty do its thing
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considering your brother grew 2 inches after HS you will probably do the same

but yea AI is legit

HGH is pituitary growth and could lead to hormonal imbalances which leads to proportional deformities. unless you are deficient, prescribed by a doctor then you shouldnt be taking it

the best way from what ive seen is to keep estrogen levels really low and let puberty do its thing
I don't think I will grow since my plates are almost closed

I will discuss this in my consultation, according to the doctor 90% of his patience experience Little to no side effects

Ai should hopefully keep the levels low, though I worry i won't be able to get them back up once I stop cycling and it will fuck my heads pace making me more depressed
Maybe your mom met the 5'3 mailman
At least then I would have a valid reason for my height
Would you say you look like your brother facially? I had people mistake me and my brother and we re 9 years difference
Would you say you look like your brother facially? I had people mistake me and my brother and we re 9 years difference
Our facial features are more alike than they are different, we show a clear resemblance
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Our facial features are more alike than they are different, we show a clear resemblance
I havent read the whole thread so here s what i think u should do.
Hop on aromasin asap to prevent growth plates from fusing too soon .
Then inject hgh or take mk677 .
You should do daily stretches and hanging, there are alsp other methods , google LSJL
I don't think I will grow since my plates are almost closed

I will discuss this in my consultation, according to the doctor 90% of his patience experience Little to no side effects

Ai should hopefully keep the levels low, though I worry i won't be able to get them back up once I stop cycling and it will fuck my heads pace making me more depressed
you should want to be low estrogen forever, estrogen is in charge of emotions, it creates cortisol; stress. more estrogen = more depression

AI suppresses the production, when its out your system your body will produce it normally

i can give you a good source for a lifetime for AI and theres some other androgens on there that could help you grow or at least feel better
you should want to be low estrogen forever, estrogen is in charge of emotions, it creates cortisol; stress. more estrogen = more depression

AI suppresses the production, when its out your system your body will produce it normally

i can give you a good source for a lifetime for AI and theres some other androgens on there that could help you grow or at least feel better
Would love a source thanks for so much help tesseract
I will never be able to escape the heightpill, I am a 5,5 turbomanlet who shouldn't even be one. I am currently 17 and trying everything to gain a few inches. What annoys me the most is that I am not from a short background the majority of my family is over 6ft, my brother who is 3 years older than me is 6,2 whilst I'm here stuck at 5.5, neither of my parents are short, mom is 5,7/dad is 6,1 so why am I so fucking short. I managed to pull the worst genetics (still grateful with what I have, at least I am not disabled or someshit). I had been enquiring about my height at the doctors every time I went in for at least 7 years and always asked about my height, to which they would always respond telling me I was having a late growth spurt, I have not had a growth spurt yet, I was told my bone age was 3 years younger and that it would eventually catch up. Unfortunately, that never happened and about 4 months ago my growth plates were checked and I was told they were nearly fused and that I may gain a 1cm or 2 at max JFL. So here I am standing tall at 165.5cm, no growth spurt and short my entire life. It changed the person I was, ever since I transitioned into secondary, I was so fucking aware of my height that I purposely statusminned to avoid being in crowds that held attention, I went from arguably one of the most popular people to the most invisible I could get, I find it hard to speak to people and hold conversations even though I am not an autist. In addition to my shit height genes, I was also diagnosed with t1 diabetes a couple years ago under an autoimmune base, no one in my family even has the fucking disease. I guess thats just how life is.
Fucking boomer doctors be like "muh probably late growth spurt, you gonna be fine" :feelsuhh:
:feelsuhh: :feelsuhh:
The fact that you were told at 17 years 2/12 months old that your bones were about to fuse despite having 3 years younger bones is extremely odd... no it's theoretically impossible!


Let me guess... you fucked around with the chemicals meant to trigger your very late puberty right?

Uh Ho


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