compact midface and wide face signals competition

men have longer thirds of the face and a wider face, a high t guy will have a taller mandible
a short midface on a guy will just make his lower third look even longer which looks masc af, a long midface will off put all the ratios and make u look retarded
Neither it will long midface is correlated with high perceiveid intelligence, when it is coupled with wide ipd.

2932422 18606444
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They will choose the compact midface guy, not the short one that's different, most psl gods have tall skull and longer midfaces than average in absolute values but it looks compact because of wide ipd and fwhr, not because they have a short midface in absolute terms which can give you baby face vibes.

View attachment 2118317
Long midface is much more seen among mens than among womens, it is a dimorphic trait wether you like it or not, also it seems like it's more genetic than environmental, most recessed and downward growns dudes that i see have normal midfaces.
But again masculine =/= attractive, a long philtrum is also a male dimorphic trait (and often leads to the appearance of long midface).
what a shit study JFL none of the faces are even attractive or dimorphic why are they narrow
i want to see a study that correlates testosterone with the length of the midface, I have not seen any and only studies saying the opposite
he killed himself? Btw this argument can be used in the opposite way, it doesnt proves nothing
Here is more:
do you actually read what you cite? there's no association between fWHRnasion (closest thing to midface ratio measured). And sex differences. How can it signal high T if men and women don't differ?

  • +1
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Yet his brother was a subhuman and grew up in the same environment and killed himself. Its genes
how would that prove its genes that just proves the complete opposite
so his 2 brothers grew up and became giga moggers but he was stuck as an incel due to genetics?

i was jk but ur actually 70 iq
he killed himself? Btw this argument can be used in the opposite way, it doesnt proves nothing
ikr im not going crazy right these niggas are retarded
i was answering @Nebula
ik he said the third brother being incel was due to genetics which just disproves his point because if it was just genetics why would an incel be born and not another mogger
1 s20 S1090513801000666 gr1

Just this image already disproves this dogshit thread.

  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Blackgymmax and ripcordgod1
how would that prove its genes that just proves the complete opposite
so his 2 brothers grew up and became giga moggers but he was stuck as an incel due to genetics?

i was jk but ur actually 70 iq
Only 1 became a gigamogger. Idk how the other one looked like but not as bad as the incel. No it just proves genetic recomb
  • JFL
Reactions: ripcordgod1
Absolute retard tier theory.

What tf has this forum come to?

I was under the assumption that y'all were just kidding, but I guess not
Only 1 became a gigamogger. Idk how the other one looked like but not as bad as the incel. No it just proves genetic recomb
so genetics don't matter at all bro cuz genetic recombination means ur parents can be models and you'll just be an incel due to rng

Absolute retard tier theory.

What tf has this forum come to?

I was under the assumption that y'all were just kidding, but I guess not
don't u have a long midface lol
so genetics don't matter at all bro cuz genetic recombination means ur parents can be models and you'll just be an incel due to rng

what the fuck did i just read
  • JFL
Reactions: Blackgymmax
I rephrased ur retard logic
genetics obviously matter faggotcel its hust dice roll at the end of the day and no environment coping is gonna bring u up the ladder
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Blackgymmax and ripcordgod1
what a shit study JFL none of the faces are even attractive or dimorphic why are they narrow
i want to see a study that correlates testosterone with the length of the midface, I have not seen any and only studies saying the opposite
Dimorphic means mostly seens in one gender, it doesn't means the existence of a link between testoterone/estrogen and the said feature, and yes they are as the study proved it.
Womens have higher es ratio than mens on average and ipd relatively to skull size isn"t tied with estrogens levels
And i haven't seen either a study that denied the fact that a long midface is dimorphic and mostly seens in mens, you disproved none of the points of my message.
don't u have a long midface lol
I do have a lond midface lol.

But, I'm one of the competitive guys that my friends know (there words not mine).

I really do hope that this short midface = higher competitiveness shit is a joke.

This theory falls flat as soon as you take a look at professional athletes, and realize that the highest performing ones from each sport run the gauntlet in terms of midface length
Dimorphic means mostly seens in one gender, it doesn't means the existence of a link between testoterone/estrogen and the said feature, and yes they are as the study proved it.
Womens have higher es ratio than mens on average and ipd relatively to skull size isn"t tied with estrogens levels
And i haven't seen either a study that denied the fact that a long midface is dimorphic and mostly seens in mens, you disproved none of the points of my message.
how can it be disproved if it hasn't even been proved jfl
genetics obviously matter faggotcel its hust dice roll at the end of the day and no environment coping is gonna bring u up the ladder
u can literally see the opposite in other animals too

Tigers and lions who eat shit diet and mouth breathe look ugly as shit and as uncanny as modern humans

it's clearly not just muh genetics retard and a huge number of factors play a role in physical development
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: It'snotover and ripcordgod1
u can literally see the opposite in other animals too

Tigers and lions who eat shit diet and mouth breathe look ugly as shit and as uncanny as modern humans

it's clearly not just muh genetics retard and a huge number of factors play a role in physical development
This is like comparing us to fucking poor malnourished africans. Cage. Ofcourse they gonna look like shit if they dont have the fucking nutrients and environment JFL. Nigga they are on the verge of death. U still have mfs like meeks and ramirez walking around though absolutely destroying this claim. But i already discussed this shit a lot with your ass and i already know ur a dumbass. Just look at this thread getting clowned on and your shitty ratings.
Never began I'm hated by all gender but fr I feel like so many mtn hate me by default / look me angry very weird but I'm not sure.if just my delusions
My post has nothing to do with this thread but whatever
This is like comparing us to fucking poor malnourished africans. Cage. Ofcourse they gonna look like shit if they dont have the fucking nutrients and environment JFL. Nigga they are on the verge of death. U still have mfs like meeks and ramirez walking around though absolutely destroying this claim. But i already discussed this shit a lot with your ass and i already know ur a dumbass. Just look at this thread getting clowned on and your shitty ratings.
we don't have the same diets and environments as our ancestors so we look like dogshit

jfl af u if u think McDonald's and pizza hut is the ideal diet for development
the animals have to eat the same shit soft processed food so they don't develop properly either and have dental health issues just like humans now

the only person who got clowned last time was you entire thread was shitting on u jfl and now ur trying to continue the argument here and still don't make any sense
  • +1
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
we don't have the same diets and environments as our ancestors so we look like dogshit

jfl af u if u think McDonald's and pizza hut is the ideal diet for development
the animals have to eat the same shit soft processed food so they don't develop properly either and have dental health issues just like humans now

the only person who got clowned last time was you entire thread was shitting on u jfl and now ur trying to continue the argument here and still don't make any sense
Never claimed any of that shit u just wrote and i never made a thread so idk what that last graph is trying to prove. Where is this so called clowning in the entire thread? @Blackgymmax come laugh at this kid. Im done with u
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: ripcordgod1 and Blackgymmax
Never claimed any of that shit u just wrote and i never made a thread so idk what that last graph is trying to prove. Where is this so called clowning in the entire thread? @Blackgymmax come laugh at this kid. Im done with u
Wait im eating my red lentils
  • JFL
Reactions: Nebula
The study from where the graph come from :

Also just a shower thought but from those two girls who looks more neotenous and feminine and who looks more masculine ?
View attachment 2118375
They have similar features, just one divergence
this bitch has other masculine features and I'm not denying a longer midface looks masculine, the point is midface should be equal to the other thirds of the face and should be 1:1

men have longer thirds of the face, but just having a gigalong midface and a short lower third for example looks like utter shit and in no world is masculine or ideal, it's just trash
Never claimed any of that shit u just wrote and i never made a thread so idk what that last graph is trying to prove. Where is this so called clowning in the entire thread? @Blackgymmax come laugh at this kid. Im done with u
u said we're getting proper nutrients and enviornement so it's just genetics

so what is it genetics or environment lmfao
  • +1
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
Never claimed any of that shit u just wrote and i never made a thread so idk what that last graph is trying to prove. Where is this so called clowning in the entire thread? @Blackgymmax come laugh at this kid. Im done with u
u got made fun of in a previous thread cuz ur low iq
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, It'snotover and Nebula
u got made fun of in a previous thread cuz ur low iq
Funny cuz i never got made fun off. Your just making shit up just like this thread to confirm your biases JFL
we don't have the same diets and environments as our ancestors so we look like dogshit

jfl af u if u think McDonald's and pizza hut is the ideal diet for development
the animals have to eat the same shit soft processed food so they don't develop properly either and have dental health issues just like humans now

the only person who got clowned last time was you entire thread was shitting on u jfl and now ur trying to continue the argument here and still don't make any sense
Major cope if you think diet is the main factor in facial development.
Second it wouldnt matter because women just filter based on the competition relative to other males. Cant all be chads
  • +1
Reactions: Nebula
Funny cuz i never got made fun off. Your just making shit up just like this thread to confirm your biases JFL
everyone jfled ur shit last time it was funny af cope harder horse
also I'm not even being biased I'm telling the truth my midface isn't even compact
  • +1
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
Major cope if you think diet is the main factor in facial development.
Second it wouldnt matter because women just filter based on the competition relative to other males. Cant all be chads
Which is still GENES. so if everyone is chad then women would just filter all indian chads and other nuclear tier subhuman phenos. This is also why eugenics doesnt matter cuz we all know everyone wants to become white or whiter looking via gene editing.
  • +1
Reactions: Blackgymmax
everyone jfled ur shit last time it was funny af cope harder horse
also I'm not even being biased I'm telling the truth my midface isn't even compact
WHERE. Link the thread or hang yourself. Im legit asking this cuz i dont remember a single thing
Major cope if you think diet is the main factor in facial development.
Second it wouldnt matter because women just filter based on the competition relative to other males. Cant all be chads
it's combination of diet, prenatal hormones, posture
humans are all supposed to look the same when properly developed, near 90 degree gonial angle and a forward grown maxilla or you didn't develop properly

not a single ancient skull of humans was found without a forward grown maxilla and a very low gonial angle, genetics is cope
  • +1
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
Which is still GENES. so if everyone is chad then women would just filter all indian chads and other nuclear tier subhuman phenos. This is also why eugenics doesnt matter cuz we all know everyone wants to become white or whiter looking via gene editing.
@fogdart this would explain darkskins doing worse over the years. It may just be coming down to pheno. Darkskins are getting flushed out as i assumed
  • +1
Reactions: fogdart and Nebula
@fogdart this would explain darkskins doing worse over the years. It may just be coming down to pheno. Darkskins are getting flushed out as i assumed
Just like manlets getting filtered out. Basic blackpill 101. The genetic deadend get eliminated or cant even reproduce due to circumstances ie chad becomes homeless and dies (extreme example)
  • +1
Reactions: Blackgymmax
Which is still GENES. so if everyone is chad then women would just filter all indian chads and other nuclear tier subhuman phenos. This is also why eugenics doesnt matter cuz we all know everyone wants to become white or whiter looking via gene editing.
nobody denies race and pheno is genetic that was literally my original point fucking retard

the main point is random ugly features that show up regardless of genetics pheno or race is environmental, a recessed maxilla is environmental

and how do u know if Matt's brother grew up in the same environment, he was the last child
less prenatal t, they could have moved to a more urban life style
  • +1
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
nobody denies race and pheno is genetic that was literally my original point fucking retard

the main point is random ugly features that show up regardless of genetics pheno or race is environmental, a recessed maxilla is environmental

and how do u know if Matt's brother grew up in the same environment, he was the last child
less prenatal t, they could have moved to a more urban life style
nobody denies race and pheno is genetic

Michael Jordan Lol GIF
oops entered on accident whatever
nobody denies race and pheno is genetic

Michael Jordan Lol GIF
I literally made a whole thread on it before genetics only matter for race, pheno and skull shape and that's pretty much it people tend to prefer specific phenos and races based on their preferences

what has nothing to do with genetics is a recessed maxilla and down growth, that was the whole point and I already stated that before but u just wanna repeat the same bullshit to look smart after what happened to u last time
  • +1
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
I think there is some truth on what you're saying. I have a friend that looks EXTREMELY low trust, he literally looks like this but with hair:


He has also never been to a gym and is extremely strong.

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