Third of all, The fact that my T is so high is PROOF that my dht is fucked up you dumb idiot. I was never the high T confident beast I am right now before Minox, but at least I had DHT and a functioning dick! Minoxidil did fuck up my DHT, perhaps permanently, and that's a fact. My DHT came in at 45! While my T was almost 900! I hypothesised to my doctor that my DHT was fucked up and that's exactly what came back. Keep whining and bitching in my threads, and know that if I had lifted + worked out + day 7 nofapped on the day of measurement, I would have EASILY broken 1200ng/dl. Maybe even higher. Yet my DHT would still probably be between 40-50 while the healthy range is 50-90 in pubertal men. So just STFU you comment in every fucking thread I make seriously.
you're a fucking comedian bro, a deadset fucking comedian, what's your bodyweight you little fucking twink? what is it? because the lower your body weight, the lower your testosterone, not because you're low T, but because your body doesn't need as much due to it's size, vice versa, you need more testosterone for a bigger body, YOU WOULD NOT HAVE HIT 1200NG/DL YOU ABSOLUTE FAGGOT, 6'4 200 pound men hit 1200ng/dl naturally and that's with good sleep, training, and diet.

you are fucking delusion, an absolute deluded cuck. You think that the minoxidil that you had taken months ago would have permanently destroyed your 5a-reductase enzyme? even the endocrine systems of steroid users heal quicker than that.

now stop linking your autistic rat studies and fuck off, you don't know anything, stop making these shit threads, get on androstanolone and fuck off.
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you're a fucking comedian bro, a deadset fucking comedian, what's your bodyweight you little fucking twink? what is it? because the lower your body weight, the lower your testosterone, not because you're low T, but because your body doesn't need as much due to it's size, vice versa, you need more testosterone for a bigger body, YOU WOULD NOT HAVE HIT 1200NG/DL YOU ABSOLUTE FAGGOT, 6'4 200 pound men hit 1200ng/dl naturally and that's with good sleep, training, and diet.

you are fucking delusion, an absolute deluded cuck. You think that the minoxidil that you had taken months ago would have permanently destroyed your 5a-reductase enzyme? even the endocrine systems of steroid users heal quicker than that.

now stop linking your autistic rat studies and fuck off, you don't know anything, stop making these shit threads, get on androstanolone and fuck off.

You said that DHT plays no role in muscle growth, right? So you mean to tell me that this bitch right here got this muscle because of her ESTROGEN?


If I just inject estrogen I'll look like this, right? That's what'll happen? STFU.

You said that DHT plays no role in muscle growth, right? So you mean to tell me that this bitch right here got this muscle because of her ESTROGEN?


If I just inject estrogen I'll look like this, right? That's what'll happen? STFU.
FF2A3926 BEBD 4DE5 9971 7FD070E90A52

I can't take the utter autism any longer holy fuck, that bitch obviously took anabolic steroids, testosterone most likely, some orals, she didn't inject pure DHT right into her ass cheeks, that would be completely impractical has testosterone has far better anabolic capabilities than dihydrotestosterone, DHT is the main ANDROGENIC hormone that plays a crucial role in development, testosterone has a role but is less important.

DHT is not anabolic, ask any steroid user an they will confirm that it is not something they use for muscle growth, it hardens the muscle, decreases water retention and indirectly decreases estrogen, you also claim that you are muh low E, DHT is extremely important for regulating estrogen, so chances are you are also a HIGH E faggot, that would explain the shit threads and the constant crying.

no one is telling you to inject estrogen, stop linking your rat studies and accept the fact that you are wrong, you are also a lying cuck.
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View attachment 208664

I can't take the utter autism any longer holy fuck, that bitch obviously took anabolic steroids, testosterone most likely, some orals, she didn't inject pure DHT right into her ass cheeks, that would be completely impractical has testosterone has far better anabolic capabilities than dihydrotestosterone, DHT is the main ANDROGENIC hormone that plays a crucial role in development, testosterone has a role but is less important.

DHT is not anabolic, ask any steroid user an they will confirm that it is not something they use for muscle growth, it hardens the muscle, decreases water retention and indirectly decreases estrogen, you also claim that you are muh low E, DHT is extremely important for regulating estrogen, so chances are you are also a HIGH E faggot, that would explain the shit threads and the constant crying.

no one is telling you to inject estrogen, stop linking your rat studies and accept the fact that you are wrong, you are also a lying cuck.

You're right... I'm a high e feminine faggot... I listen to sissy hypnosis 3 hours a day and that's why my testosterone is sub 200ng/dl (jew doctor says its good tho)






You're right... I'm a high e feminine faggot... I listen to sissy hypnosis 3 hours a day and that's why my testosterone is sub 200ng/dl (jew doctor says its good tho)
thank fuck for that, thanks for admitting it.

you admit that you're wrong correct? you go on about how niggers are dumb but you act like one, what a joke.
How retarded do you have to be to have genetics prone to male patern baldness and still look for some supplements that contains even a nanogram of DHT
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How retarded do you have to be to have genetics prone to male patern baldness and still look for some supplements that contains even a nanogram of DHT
Because I'm 16 and need masculinization/ big dick

Hair is cope and I'm like NW1 now so I'm good.
Wouldn't low DHT in general be associated with low libido? I highly doubt my estrogen is high but I guess I'll ask my doc when I see her next to see if she tested it. I have legit no signs of high E, my face is lean as fuck, I have little bodyfat, manboobs, nothing. All I need is muscle which isn't physically forming for me right now for some reason.
I'm on fin and my libido is still high. I can still whack it 5+ times a day if I want, haven't really noticed a change.
High estrogen is associated with libido issues, softer erections, the whole works.
Keep in mind you can have high T and high E at the same time (many blacks naturally do interestingly enough).
  • +1
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Because I'm 16 and need masculinization/ big dick

Hair is cope and I'm like NW1 now so I'm good.
Okay so you have small dick, just accept that.

First facts, T is mostly anabolic, very less Androgenic (but still Androgenic), DHT is mostly Androgenic, very very less anabolic (but still..). So you can find studies on mice to prove otherwise but these shall remain facts.

Second, regrowing hair is incredibly hard, like incredibly hard. So don't even bother taking DHT supplements.

Third, dick size is mostly genetic. I'm a 5"7 manlet (in a manlet country) and I have near 8 inch dick. And I have been on fin for 1 year now at 19/20 (obv duck hasn't shrunken).

Fourth, I can sympathize with you, but don't abuse those trying to help you.
Okay so you have small dick, just accept that.

First facts, T is mostly anabolic, very less Androgenic (but still Androgenic), DHT is mostly Androgenic, very very less anabolic (but still..). So you can find studies on mice to prove otherwise but these shall remain facts.

Second, regrowing hair is incredibly hard, like incredibly hard. So don't even bother taking DHT supplements.

Third, dick size is mostly genetic. I'm a 5"7 manlet (in a manlet country) and I have near 8 inch dick. And I have been on fin for 1 year now at 19/20 (obv duck hasn't shrunken).

Fourth, I can sympathize with you, but don't abuse those trying to help you.
Didn’t read beyond the first sentence because my dick was 7 inches at 15 and hasn’t grown since. My dad has a 9 inch cock, I am a big dick slayer that has been cucked by minoxidil.

Just accept THAT.
Didn’t read beyond the first sentence because my dick was 7 inches at 15 and hasn’t grown since. My dad has a 9 inch cock, I am a big dick slayer that has been cucked by minoxidil.

Just accept THAT.
7 inch is enough man. I'm well above seven and get loads of complements. Never have any girl told me that they've been with a guy who had bigger than mine.
7 inch is enough man. I'm well above seven and get loads of complements. Never have any girl told me that they've been with a guy who had bigger than mine.
Yes but I haven’t had a full erection since minoxidil. You know how you sometimes get very hard erections where you can like push? Haven’t had one of those in almost a year. It’s all half chubs.
Yes but I haven’t had a full erection since minoxidil. You know how you sometimes get very hard erections where you can like push? Haven’t had one of those in almost a year. It’s all half chubs.
That's weird. If you want incredibly hard penis, cialis is very legit.
That's weird. If you want incredibly hard penis, cialis is very legit.
That’s just putting a bandaid on the issue. The reason I’m having libido issues is because my DHT is low in comparison to my T / estrogen. I also can’t put on muscle despite eating right. All signs of high E / low DHT.

These minoxidil sides are persistent and really don’t go away. I’ve gotten PMs on Reddit from people that have been off it for 3 years and haven’t recovered at all.
That’s just putting a bandaid on the issue. The reason I’m having libido issues is because my DHT is low in comparison to my T / estrogen. I also can’t put on muscle despite eating right. All signs of high E / low DHT.

These minoxidil sides are persistent and really don’t go away. I’ve gotten PMs on Reddit from people that have been off it for 3 years and haven’t recovered at all.
You sure talking about minoxidil not finasteride?

Then you may try creatine and proviron. Creatine increases DHT although there doesn't seem to be many studies backing this up. But lots of anecdotal evidence.
You sure talking about minoxidil not finasteride?

Then you may try creatine and proviron. Creatine increases DHT although there doesn't seem to be many studies backing this up. But lots of anecdotal evidence.
Yes minoxidil. It’s a rare side effect and I probably overdosed on it. But many people report this side along with the collagen side.

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