Crimemaxxing,the latest choice



Jan 19, 2019
If all the other types of looksmaxxing haven't worked for you, and your only goal in life is to really get some girls attention,just crimemaxx
I mean just take a look at the True Crime Community of tumblr
It's full of chicks fantasizing about even those kind of school shooters that look worse than the avarage,but still drool over them because they commited a horrific crime,for an example,Nikolas Cruz
girls love bad guys,that's a fact
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What type of girls u hang around that fantasize about school shooters
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What type of girls u hang around that fantasize about school shooters

I know some,and not all of them are fat ugly fucks,never using makeup and sitting in front of the computer all day long,sharing depressive quotes
@11gaijin ban this cuck already
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Get tats on your face/neck
Wear urban clothes
Do drugs and if possible sell em
Use heavy slang
Why would you sacrifice your morals and the chance at a good life for fucking holes? The kinds of women that like thugs aren't exactly who you wanna be associated with or spend time with.
And if it really is your last hope, guarantee becoming a criminal will just make everyone hate you anyway :blackpill:
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Reactions: Extra Chromosome, Deleted member 656, normcore and 1 other person
Why would you sacrifice your morals and the chance at a good life for fucking holes? The kinds of women that like thugs aren't exactly who you wanna be associated with or spend time with.
And if it really is your last hope, guarantee becoming a criminal will just make everyone hate you anyway :blackpill:
Easy for you to say

Crimemaxxing is legit. The more normies you blow up, the more your SMV will increase, to a limited extent of course
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to a limited extent of course
Yeah duh that's what I'm saying. Meeks can do it but u think Danny devito can? If it's ur last resort best thing to do is moneymax legally and be betabux as shit as that sounds
Yeah duh that's what I'm saying. Meeks can do it but u think Danny devito can? If it's ur last resort best thing to do is moneymax legally and be betabux as shit as that sounds
criminal halo is legit. You think that 56% retard aspie Nicholas Cruz would be given any female attention at all were it not for the fact that he gunned people down in cold blood?
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If all the other types of looksmaxxing haven't worked for you, and your only goal in life is to really get some girls attention,just crimemaxx
I mean just take a look at the True Crime Community of tumblr
It's full of chicks fantasizing about even those kind of school shooters that look worse than the avarage,but still drool over them because they commited a horrific crime,for an example,Nikolas Cruz
girls love bad guys,that's a fact
Yeahhh no dont shoot up a school or do something illegal just to get some validations sounds retarded and autistic to me
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criminal halo is legit. You think that 56% retard aspie Nicholas Cruz would be given any female attention at all were it not for the fact that he gunned down people in cold blood?
He had girlfriends before you moron
He had girlfriends before you moron
kek, assuming that's even true, having had girlfriends =/= being showered in adoration from foids

you out of all people should know this. What would you rate him?
Go ER then you edgy faggot.
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Reactions: ChoSeungHui and Nibba
Wym. I rate him ugly. He looks like utter shit
Well there you go. And now he's having love letters sent to him. Theory proven
kek, assuming that's even true, having had girlfriends =/= being showered in adoration from foids

you out of all people should know this. What would you rate him?

I think he looks pretty chad-like on these:

I mean better than on that mug shot
I think he looks pretty chad-like in these:

I mean better than on that mug shot

average looking at best. Not nearly gl enough to slay. Another example would be Elliot Rodger
Well there you go. And now he's having love letters sent to him. Theory proven
Yeah I get that my whole argument is centered around last case scenario boyo. Cruz is not last case scenario by a long shot
kek, assuming that's even true, having had girlfriends =/= being showered in adoration from foids

you out of all people should know this. What would you rate him?
Just moral of the story is dont shoot up a fucking school because you want attention for females or didnt get attention from females. Plain and simple the fact that u guys are even discussing this is mindboggling
Yeah I get that my whole argument is centered around last case scenario boyo. Cruz is not last case scenario by a long shot
Idk, it's over anyway. Betabuxxing a roastie landwhale, while possible, is no way to live. Better to take your chances and at least have some dignity left at the end of it, assuming you make it out alive
Just moral of the story is dont shoot up a fucking school because you want attention for females or didnt get attention from females. Plain and simple the fact that u guys are even discussing this is mindboggling
What do you mean? People have gone to war for females throughout history, it's not exactly an anomaly
If all the other types of looksmaxxing haven't worked for you, and your only goal in life is to really get some girls attention,just crimemaxx
I mean just take a look at the True Crime Community of tumblr
It's full of chicks fantasizing about even those kind of school shooters that look worse than the avarage,but still drool over them because they commited a horrific crime,for an example,Nikolas Cruz
girls love bad guys,that's a fact
only highschool girls fantasize over schoolshooters
only highschool girls fantasize over schoolshooters

Highschool/teen years are the times of women when they are the most beautiful
  • +1
Reactions: ChoSeungHui
If all the other types of looksmaxxing haven't worked for you, and your only goal in life is to really get some girls attention,just crimemaxx
I mean just take a look at the True Crime Community of tumblr
It's full of chicks fantasizing about even those kind of school shooters that look worse than the avarage,but still drool over them because they commited a horrific crime,for an example,Nikolas Cruz
girls love bad guys,that's a fact
Why would you sacrifice your morals and the chance at a good life for fucking holes?
Why would you sacrifice your morals and the chance at a good life for fucking holes? The kinds of women that like thugs aren't exactly who you wanna be associated with or spend time with.
And if it really is your last hope, guarantee becoming a criminal will just make everyone hate you anyway :blackpill:
High IQ

If all the other types of looksmaxxing haven't worked for you, and your only goal in life is to really get some girls attention,just crimemaxx
I mean just take a look at the True Crime Community of tumblr
It's full of chicks fantasizing about even those kind of school shooters that look worse than the avarage,but still drool over them because they commited a horrific crime,for an example,Nikolas Cruz
girls love bad guys,that's a fact
nig-level IQ. This does work, if you want white trash whores or psycho women, but like Nigga said, you don't want to associate with these womens.
nig-level IQ. This does work, if you want white trash whores or psycho women, but like Nigga said, you don't want to associate with these womens.

Well this is true in some way
Just wait for sex dolls.
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Reactions: kobecel
Why would you sacrifice your morals and the chance at a good life for fucking holes? The kinds of women that like thugs aren't exactly who you wanna be associated with or spend time with.
And if it really is your last hope, guarantee becoming a criminal will just make everyone hate you anyway :blackpill:
Muh morals
Niggermaxx theory
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
Nikolas Cruz was a normielite with fetal alcohol syndrome who did some shitty fucking shooting where he got mediocre kills and injured too many. Boring case, boring fangirls, boring community, fuck the tumblr crime community. Best crime community is steam, they are almost all male there.
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No I don't think im gonna murder people

Darknlost you're a fucking high IQ troll using supposed lack of fluency in the English language as a cover up for your fake retardation

But this post makes me question that
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Autistic cope
This is the reason you are :incel::incel::incel::feelsuhh:

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