FASCISM AND THE BLACKPILL: Why there are so many fascists and alt right in here?

he told me this because I an half Lithuanian half algerian, my response is that I'd obviously support fascism in a country where people look like me
Even in the case of race mixing, people of mostly or large European ancestry in Nazi Germany weren't just abducted and killed right then and there or sent to a train for Dachau. They lived as second class citizens, but they still lived. You know why? Because the Nazis hated (((them))) and full non-whites way more.
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Even in the case of race mixing, people of mostly or large European ancestry in Nazi Germany weren't just abducted and killed right then and there or sent to a train for Dachau. They lived as second class citizens, but they still lived. You know why? Because the Nazis hated (((them))) and full non-whites way more.
but I'm saying nothing would happen to me in fascist italy or something, because I look like them, I look very med so I an a med nationalist
but I'm saying nothing would happen to me in fascist italy or something, because I look like them, I look very med so I an a med nationalist
The fascism Italy had was generally different to the fascism Germany had, which was way more radical and hardcore nationalistic. Benito mussolini believed more in cultural supremacy and dominance and wanted to recreate the Roman Empire and making the conquered peoples into Roman citizens in terms of culture and religion. Hitler believed in ethnocentric supremacy and wanted to exterminate the lesser peoples who were conquered and repopulate the lands with Germans.
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Hitler believed in ethnocentric supremacy and wanted to exterminate the lesser peoples who were conquered and repopulate the lands with Germans.
he wanted to subjugate not exterminate them... but that changed when they invaded the ussr , it became about saving all Europe
The fascism Italy had was generally different to the fascism Germany had, which was way more radical and hardcore nationalistic. Benito mussolini believed more in cultural supremacy and dominance and wanted to recreate the Roman Empire and making the conquered peoples into Roman citizens in terms of culture and religion
I know this, but I'm saying if it was racially identitarian govt
kill yourself kikey faggot
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You should try to look into why there aren’t more left wingers, socialist-communist. Don’t mean gay libs, more like Stalinist types
Ops argument basically comes down to:

"Politics (nazism) provides a distraction to one's own life"

So like almost everything we do falls under this category, watching sports, playing video games, watching movies, getting drunk are all "distractions". Literally a non argument.
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You are an incel. You have no race or nation. You are not part of the collective. White woman are not "your woman".
You would be gassed, and nazis who would gass you would look at you with bigger disgust than they would do to Jews.
This does not disprove that national socialism and fascism are bad ideologies
  • +1
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This does not disprove that national socialism and fascism are bad ideologies
National socialism killed millions of Europeans, more than any other ideology ever.
National-socialism was, historically speaking, German ideology targeted towards another european nations, in order to get their land, and not against ethniks, like room temperature sfcels on the internet usually think. Same for fascism in Italians.
They have done very bad things to europeans, so yes they are bad.
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The ppl who talk shit about us Mexicans would never say it to our faces
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The topic of this thread was chosen through this vote; I'll probably do another one soon to pick another topic. If you want to be tagged to vote on an upcoming topic I'll write about, just say so in a reply in this thread.

Within the blackpill community, one of the most interesting types of users to me are the fascists and the alt-right. They don't make up 100% of the blackpill community (most here couldn't care less about politics, even though some do share some ideals), but they are an interesting case study to understand a bit more about the male mindset. These users like to fantasize about fascist societies, absolutist governments, and even talk about genetic purity:

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(hugs @disillusioned , writer of the blackpill manifesto)

It's not uncommon for them to fantasize about an ideal world and how it would be politically and socially. This often correlates with a more traditional conservative mindset (more common than it seems among users here), someone very idealistic and emotionally involved with the world. They believe things need to change and, within the male community, there's this notion that men are better suited for leadership in political involvement. This is utterly trivial, a waste of time on politics and concerns about a society that is nothing more than a reality show for people to purposefully distract themselves from their own lives.

Then our dear political science student will quote Plato's phrase: "The man who does not care for politics is destined to be governed by those who do." But look, this phrase is a huge anachronism. Plato lived in a completely different time and environment from ours. What Plato understood as politics is nowhere near what we have today, which is neither a democracy nor a republic. Just ask around if people feel represented by the politicians in power or if they feel their voices are heard as citizens, and most importantly, ask them how much they understand about politics. The answer will usually be around 60, 70, or 80 percent; some might say more, but just ask what the role of a senator is or what a congressman does, and you'll catch the person in their own ignorance.

So yeah, there are many guys in our community distracting themselves from the only thing that matters: their own lives, to pay attention to political reality shows. It's clear that this is a huge distraction when you notice people discussing politics, but not for the greater good. They are at most doing it to feel heard and to feel right in an argument, satisfying their own ego just to turn off their computer after the discussion on Twitter or another social network and distract themselves a bit. Politics is merely entertainment; it's nothing more than people trying to convince themselves that this entertainment is somehow important for their own future and the future of others, for the future of the nation.

But that's the biggest lie. Wasting time talking about how you imagine the world should be won't solve anything in your life or anyone else's life. That's the harsh truth; politicians will make decisions they want regardless of individual opinions. They benefit greatly from this confusion, from this distraction of people wasting time with idle talk, having debates live for others to watch, and in the end, we see that this never brings about change, neither in government nor in culture. If politicians knew about this, which they don't and don't care about, they'd laugh at it all. And the worst part is that many in our community are aware of this and some get upset about issues like corruption and crime, for example.

So, what's the magical solution many men here come up with?

That's right! A totalitarian government, what a genius!

So, is the true blackpill :blackpill: fascism?


Okay, there's a crowd that jokes about the term on Twitter and elsewhere because it really annoys some people (ur... a fascist :feelswah:), so it's become a meme, just like the word "incel :incel:" that normies use to call anyone who displeases or criticizes women.

Fascism nowadays is basically anyone who isn't far-left, and the media has also done us this favor, so screw it, it's used a lot in memes. But yes, there is a group that genuinely believes in it. They believe that a strong, centralized, regimented government with male leadership will save the world and give them what they want, what they imagine. These individuals feel socially ostracized, poorly represented or not represented at all, and they imagine that if their ideology somehow wins, they'll have the world they've always wanted. This usually involves talk of a traditional family, living in the countryside with private sovereignty, access to firearms in a strong, sovereign, and functional society.

You can see how this guy has a fantasized mind; it's as simple as that. He starts creating what's known as a wonderland. Men are very idealistic; they are doers by nature, and before they get their hands dirty, they will plan, and this planning comes instinctively, emotionally, through involvement with this plan, this idea, almost compulsively. The guy can't settle and keeps this world in his head, starting to express it and trying to create something. This principle is observable in trades like woodworking, carpentry, and so on, typically male trades.

However, the guy can get too fanatical about these ideas and end up losing himself in them, creating a new matrix.

matrix cinematography GIF

Then the guy says that the real blackpill is fascism because "when one understands the real power of man, which is destined for greatness," a huge cope, an attempt to reaffirm himself and deal with his own obsolescence and lack of purpose. With arguments that the role of men is to lead and that strong male leadership in a centralized power would be best for all men and the nation in general. As we discuss and study in these communities, we conclude that the best way to raise functional individuals is through the nuclear family, which brings traditional gender roles and male leadership within the home.

And then, see, he concludes that he has to put a guy with these ideas in great power (or totalitarian) to make these plans happen. What does he want? Basically, a daddy who has the same ideas as him to save him from degeneration or the unsatisfying world. It's clear inconsistency to use a term like redpill or blackpill to discern a fascist government because it's nothing more than a matrix. In fascist, totalitarian governments (or any traditional-conservative ideology), men are treated like workhorses. Fascist governments are usually extremely militarized and warlike, and who goes to war? Yep, men.

So you see, anyone who agrees with this idea also agrees with the ideology that condemns himself and other men to a servile life. And see, this is a matrix because fascism comes from the "bundle of rods," famous "strength in unity," and this is extremely matrix-like as the movie shows: where Neo worked at the metacortex company, he arrives late, and the boss says the following: if an employee does poorly, the company does poorly. Suggesting precisely that if you're not useful to the bundle of rods, you'll be discarded.

And as this is a completely regimented state, guys who don't marry or produce more than what's needed or who aren't servile will be discarded, probably in a much more violent way than men suffer in today's society. In our community, if you ask them, they'll criticize fascism and traditional conservatism, but a quick chat with the guy? You'll see his mind is full of these ideologies, really believing that men are destined for greatness and made to lead. If this were true, why aren't men leading society anymore? Why aren't men in a state of greatness today?

Firstly, these guys who say this study history from standout men, powerful men like Napoleon, modern and classical leaders, but they're observing from the exception, disregarding the men who shed their own blood and that of others to put these guys in power. And look how funny, this logic hasn't changed. The difference is precisely where it reigns; today we live in a much more mercantilized, more capitalist empire, but we still maintain the logic: few men in power using the work (and even life) of the men at the base, the overwhelming majority.

Napoleon Krone GIF by Sony Pictures Germany
War Mcr GIF by My Chemical Romance

You know what's funniest?

These men say that men are no longer in leadership, and today we live in the safest and most comfortable society that has ever existed. Technically, shouldn't men be more in charge in today's times than they once were? But they're not, proving precisely that men are not destined for leadership; they are destined to fix and sustain a comfortable society. The moment society becomes comfortable, men become obsolete and lose their leadership, their supposed destiny for greatness. As has been said many times: "Strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men, weak men create hard times, and hard times create strong men."

So, you see, strength, leadership, and the destiny for greatness of men are concentrated only in strong men who are focused only on hard times, which are transformed into easy times by strong men, but for the weak men who destroy it and repeat the cycle. And now I ask you, why would you worry about social functionality, something so alien to you, when in fact you are just wasting resources that could be invested in yourself for an inevitable purpose: hard times and weak men?

This usually stems from male social ostracism, dissatisfaction, and a general lack of purpose often due to an inability to get a perfect girlfriend. Lack of attention and sexual relevance that they think they deserve, just look at these guys' arguments, pro-traditional family, wanting a "honorable" woman and children. The problem isn't that they can't, the problem is that they want something that no longer exists, because getting a family and children is the easiest thing in the world (especially in third-world countries like here in Brazil lol), but of course, you'll have to accept the negotiations that are offered:
  • Taking care of someone else's child
  • A partner with a long history
  • State interference in your relationship
  • No authority
Anyway, all these things that these guys, as good idealists, don't want and aren't satisfied with, and that's why many, including the media, say they are incels, but they are not in involuntary celibacy, they may be celibate, but not involuntarily, they are like this due to a demand that the world can no longer satisfy. So, if you want a family and children? The opportunity is out there:

View attachment 2876140
There are men who have this purpose and desire to start a family so strong that they cope after cope, convincing themselves that a father is someone who raises and that it's okay to raise someone else's child, betraying their own genetic legacy simply because they have no better option and can't live without this purpose or find another one and be satisfied in solitude. So what's left? Accepting that and fighting to convince themselves that they made the right choice, and you see these guys somehow getting by, barely distracted, even though they don't have a good life with financial problems supporting a family that's not even his, but that he took responsibility for, in a dysfunctional relationship that ruins his mental and physical health, a relationship he's not satisfied with. But look, this guy doesn't let go.

This is the man's sense of purpose, the coherent narrative: I have to sacrifice myself because this is my role; I have to do this because if not me, who will take care of these children and the lady? Anyway, he'll drink cope like water, extremely limiting copes because if he simply realizes that this is a creation of his mind that he can abandon and live a freer life, he will certainly build himself up and improve his life (or maybe not, what if he depends so much on this purpose that by distancing himself he falls into such deep depression that he destroys his life, even possibly committing suicide. So yeah, imagine such a miserable existence having only this to feel a taste of living, even though he's suffering).

Usually, guys in relationships, whether bad or good, are not worried about these things because they already have a lot to worry about, giving them a sense of purpose and distraction. So guys who don't want the relationships available to them start feeling this lack of purpose, indignation, and start creating this craziness in their heads, even getting into some Nazi eugenics talk.

View attachment 2876146
This talk that miscegenation is bad, that it lowers people's IQ, makes them ugly, and worsens humanity is extremely funny to me because it's somewhat schizophrenic (paranoia is quite common in schizophrenia) and not exclusive to pure Europeans. I've even seen heavily mixed Brazilians saying this, which is totally contradictory because if he believed in what he claims, he would be the first to discard himself since he lacks that purity or high IQ, functionality, and beauty that he thinks pure people should have. At most? He'll convince himself that he's intelligent, but he believes in a narrative that makes no sense and is pure pseudoscience, proving that he's actually DUMB and not as smart as he thinks he is. So, if he truly believes that the incapable shouldn't exist, he should be the first to set an example. But as the saying goes: every villain is the hero of their own story, everyone thinks they know exactly what will save the world.

Look at another narrative with a common paranoia in the community: anti-semitism, (((they))) control the world, (((they))) are the biggest owners of porn sites, (((they))) are destroying our world, (((they))) have been expelled from 109 countries and persecuted for 5000 years.


It's a strawman narrative, blaming a group/people to avoid self-reflection and realizing that it's the people who want this, they prefer degeneration, and have no knowledge of economics, are short-sighted, and prefer to trade their freedom for security (only to end up with neither). It's not any group or people destroying the economy but the general population itself. The (((they))) narrative is an incredible stretch to condense all the world's problems into one thing. And forgive me for saying: but the world is much more complex than that, it's problems are much more complicated. And all this just shows that these guys are trapped in a matrix because the matrix precisely comes with this talk that one thing will solve everything or one thing is the cause of everything. Never in human history has one thing solved everything or been the cause of all problems.

So you see, why does the media keep saying this community is full of Nazis? It's precisely because of this. You might think it's an exaggeration, but they keep repeating this kinda of talk without realizing it.

Per example, the talk that miscegenation is bad because it produces ugly and dumb people. This is just the talk of a guy dissatisfied with promiscuity because he's not part of the party. The guy's problem isn't with promiscuity; the problem is that promiscuity isn't happening with him. So, the guy who complains about promiscuity leading to miscegenation leading to degeneration, etc., is just projecting the desire he has to reproduce in a way he thinks is functional because everyone who comes with this talk thinks they're pure when there's no more genetic purity. Nobody is pure anymore; there are white-skinned people with African blood (and yes, some people even have this talk in extremely mixed countries, lol).


And why do these guys focus on male communities like this forum?

I find this concern extremely unnecessary, so I hope it's just a passing curiosity. I remember someone wrote a thread like an open letter to an institute saying we're not fascists, etc. But man, why do you care? "Ah, these guys give the community a bad name :feelswah:." :lul:

Stop being so activist-minded; we don't depend on having a good name, and the media controls the narrative and will say whatever they want, and people will believe it, that's it. Any social good that could come from these male communities is already over, if there was ever a chance of something happening.

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The only thing to do then and now is to take what's good for you from here and leave, go live your life without identifying with any label.

So, these guys are in the male community not because it attracts people like that, as the media likes to say, or that the male community consists of men like that with those thoughts. They are guys who, due to inadequacy, ostracism problems, dissatisfaction, and lack of purpose, gather with like-minded people in forums, communities, etc. And these people will be men because men are the ones going through these same problems and symptoms. And as the saying goes, there's no power vacuum, especially in someone's mind; it's also said, if you don't govern yourself, someone else will.

So, the guy has no purpose, no direction, and no self-governance; the human mind, in general, has a demand for this, and if he doesn't satisfy it himself, his mind will start gravitating towards these environments. So, you see, initially the problem is the person and their inadequacy/lack of purpose, not the community. So, it's not like the dishonest media says: it's a qualification process, you enter, everything's fine, a functional citizen, and you're corrupted and degenerated inside, no! The guy already enters degenerated; it's his degeneration that leads him to this environment. And it's much more likely that a degenerated person corrupts the environment than the environment corrupting a functional person.

They say red/blackpill environments are breeding grounds for future perpetrators of so-called incel attacks. But what's funnier is that, for example, in BDSM communities where guys are not involuntary celibates (because it's a sexual-themed community), it's much more common to find aggressors, murderers, and abusers. But of course, this will never be mentioned because it doesn't fit their narrative, completely in dissonance with their narrative. Just like TV always attacked the internet and video games, and look, it only stopped when they found a way to profit from them.

The media is already attacking the community; there are already university studies on these terms (redpill, blackpill, looksmax), always with a bias towards terrorism, that only bad people come from there, and it's full of problems, all those "isms" and "ists" we already know. What I imagine is that soon, especially in countries with stricter laws, this community will end, and using this terminology will become a crime, banned on various social networks, and that's okay! It's easier to create a new term than defend the old one. And if they pursue these? We'll create something else.

Thanks for reading :owo:

Dnr power is a fascist racist

IMG 2286
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Theyll see the truth and submit to BBC one day...
Resized 272427 1a trump 0213 10 25828 t800
The topic of this thread was chosen through this vote; I'll probably do another one soon to pick another topic. If you want to be tagged to vote on an upcoming topic I'll write about, just say so in a reply in this thread.

Within the blackpill community, one of the most interesting types of users to me are the fascists and the alt-right. They don't make up 100% of the blackpill community (most here couldn't care less about politics, even though some do share some ideals), but they are an interesting case study to understand a bit more about the male mindset. These users like to fantasize about fascist societies, absolutist governments, and even talk about genetic purity:

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(hugs @disillusioned , writer of the blackpill manifesto)

It's not uncommon for them to fantasize about an ideal world and how it would be politically and socially. This often correlates with a more traditional conservative mindset (more common than it seems among users here), someone very idealistic and emotionally involved with the world. They believe things need to change and, within the male community, there's this notion that men are better suited for leadership in political involvement. This is utterly trivial, a waste of time on politics and concerns about a society that is nothing more than a reality show for people to purposefully distract themselves from their own lives.

Then our dear political science student will quote Plato's phrase: "The man who does not care for politics is destined to be governed by those who do." But look, this phrase is a huge anachronism. Plato lived in a completely different time and environment from ours. What Plato understood as politics is nowhere near what we have today, which is neither a democracy nor a republic. Just ask around if people feel represented by the politicians in power or if they feel their voices are heard as citizens, and most importantly, ask them how much they understand about politics. The answer will usually be around 60, 70, or 80 percent; some might say more, but just ask what the role of a senator is or what a congressman does, and you'll catch the person in their own ignorance.

So yeah, there are many guys in our community distracting themselves from the only thing that matters: their own lives, to pay attention to political reality shows. It's clear that this is a huge distraction when you notice people discussing politics, but not for the greater good. They are at most doing it to feel heard and to feel right in an argument, satisfying their own ego just to turn off their computer after the discussion on Twitter or another social network and distract themselves a bit. Politics is merely entertainment; it's nothing more than people trying to convince themselves that this entertainment is somehow important for their own future and the future of others, for the future of the nation.

But that's the biggest lie. Wasting time talking about how you imagine the world should be won't solve anything in your life or anyone else's life. That's the harsh truth; politicians will make decisions they want regardless of individual opinions. They benefit greatly from this confusion, from this distraction of people wasting time with idle talk, having debates live for others to watch, and in the end, we see that this never brings about change, neither in government nor in culture. If politicians knew about this, which they don't and don't care about, they'd laugh at it all. And the worst part is that many in our community are aware of this and some get upset about issues like corruption and crime, for example.

So, what's the magical solution many men here come up with?

That's right! A totalitarian government, what a genius!

So, is the true blackpill :blackpill: fascism?


Okay, there's a crowd that jokes about the term on Twitter and elsewhere because it really annoys some people (ur... a fascist :feelswah:), so it's become a meme, just like the word "incel :incel:" that normies use to call anyone who displeases or criticizes women.

Fascism nowadays is basically anyone who isn't far-left, and the media has also done us this favor, so screw it, it's used a lot in memes. But yes, there is a group that genuinely believes in it. They believe that a strong, centralized, regimented government with male leadership will save the world and give them what they want, what they imagine. These individuals feel socially ostracized, poorly represented or not represented at all, and they imagine that if their ideology somehow wins, they'll have the world they've always wanted. This usually involves talk of a traditional family, living in the countryside with private sovereignty, access to firearms in a strong, sovereign, and functional society.

You can see how this guy has a fantasized mind; it's as simple as that. He starts creating what's known as a wonderland. Men are very idealistic; they are doers by nature, and before they get their hands dirty, they will plan, and this planning comes instinctively, emotionally, through involvement with this plan, this idea, almost compulsively. The guy can't settle and keeps this world in his head, starting to express it and trying to create something. This principle is observable in trades like woodworking, carpentry, and so on, typically male trades.

However, the guy can get too fanatical about these ideas and end up losing himself in them, creating a new matrix.

matrix cinematography GIF

Then the guy says that the real blackpill is fascism because "when one understands the real power of man, which is destined for greatness," a huge cope, an attempt to reaffirm himself and deal with his own obsolescence and lack of purpose. With arguments that the role of men is to lead and that strong male leadership in a centralized power would be best for all men and the nation in general. As we discuss and study in these communities, we conclude that the best way to raise functional individuals is through the nuclear family, which brings traditional gender roles and male leadership within the home.

And then, see, he concludes that he has to put a guy with these ideas in great power (or totalitarian) to make these plans happen. What does he want? Basically, a daddy who has the same ideas as him to save him from degeneration or the unsatisfying world. It's clear inconsistency to use a term like redpill or blackpill to discern a fascist government because it's nothing more than a matrix. In fascist, totalitarian governments (or any traditional-conservative ideology), men are treated like workhorses. Fascist governments are usually extremely militarized and warlike, and who goes to war? Yep, men.

So you see, anyone who agrees with this idea also agrees with the ideology that condemns himself and other men to a servile life. And see, this is a matrix because fascism comes from the "bundle of rods," famous "strength in unity," and this is extremely matrix-like as the movie shows: where Neo worked at the metacortex company, he arrives late, and the boss says the following: if an employee does poorly, the company does poorly. Suggesting precisely that if you're not useful to the bundle of rods, you'll be discarded.

And as this is a completely regimented state, guys who don't marry or produce more than what's needed or who aren't servile will be discarded, probably in a much more violent way than men suffer in today's society. In our community, if you ask them, they'll criticize fascism and traditional conservatism, but a quick chat with the guy? You'll see his mind is full of these ideologies, really believing that men are destined for greatness and made to lead. If this were true, why aren't men leading society anymore? Why aren't men in a state of greatness today?

Firstly, these guys who say this study history from standout men, powerful men like Napoleon, modern and classical leaders, but they're observing from the exception, disregarding the men who shed their own blood and that of others to put these guys in power. And look how funny, this logic hasn't changed. The difference is precisely where it reigns; today we live in a much more mercantilized, more capitalist empire, but we still maintain the logic: few men in power using the work (and even life) of the men at the base, the overwhelming majority.

Napoleon Krone GIF by Sony Pictures Germany
War Mcr GIF by My Chemical Romance

You know what's funniest?

These men say that men are no longer in leadership, and today we live in the safest and most comfortable society that has ever existed. Technically, shouldn't men be more in charge in today's times than they once were? But they're not, proving precisely that men are not destined for leadership; they are destined to fix and sustain a comfortable society. The moment society becomes comfortable, men become obsolete and lose their leadership, their supposed destiny for greatness. As has been said many times: "Strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men, weak men create hard times, and hard times create strong men."

So, you see, strength, leadership, and the destiny for greatness of men are concentrated only in strong men who are focused only on hard times, which are transformed into easy times by strong men, but for the weak men who destroy it and repeat the cycle. And now I ask you, why would you worry about social functionality, something so alien to you, when in fact you are just wasting resources that could be invested in yourself for an inevitable purpose: hard times and weak men?

This usually stems from male social ostracism, dissatisfaction, and a general lack of purpose often due to an inability to get a perfect girlfriend. Lack of attention and sexual relevance that they think they deserve, just look at these guys' arguments, pro-traditional family, wanting a "honorable" woman and children. The problem isn't that they can't, the problem is that they want something that no longer exists, because getting a family and children is the easiest thing in the world (especially in third-world countries like here in Brazil lol), but of course, you'll have to accept the negotiations that are offered:
  • Taking care of someone else's child
  • A partner with a long history
  • State interference in your relationship
  • No authority
Anyway, all these things that these guys, as good idealists, don't want and aren't satisfied with, and that's why many, including the media, say they are incels, but they are not in involuntary celibacy, they may be celibate, but not involuntarily, they are like this due to a demand that the world can no longer satisfy. So, if you want a family and children? The opportunity is out there:

View attachment 2876140
There are men who have this purpose and desire to start a family so strong that they cope after cope, convincing themselves that a father is someone who raises and that it's okay to raise someone else's child, betraying their own genetic legacy simply because they have no better option and can't live without this purpose or find another one and be satisfied in solitude. So what's left? Accepting that and fighting to convince themselves that they made the right choice, and you see these guys somehow getting by, barely distracted, even though they don't have a good life with financial problems supporting a family that's not even his, but that he took responsibility for, in a dysfunctional relationship that ruins his mental and physical health, a relationship he's not satisfied with. But look, this guy doesn't let go.

This is the man's sense of purpose, the coherent narrative: I have to sacrifice myself because this is my role; I have to do this because if not me, who will take care of these children and the lady? Anyway, he'll drink cope like water, extremely limiting copes because if he simply realizes that this is a creation of his mind that he can abandon and live a freer life, he will certainly build himself up and improve his life (or maybe not, what if he depends so much on this purpose that by distancing himself he falls into such deep depression that he destroys his life, even possibly committing suicide. So yeah, imagine such a miserable existence having only this to feel a taste of living, even though he's suffering).

Usually, guys in relationships, whether bad or good, are not worried about these things because they already have a lot to worry about, giving them a sense of purpose and distraction. So guys who don't want the relationships available to them start feeling this lack of purpose, indignation, and start creating this craziness in their heads, even getting into some Nazi eugenics talk.

View attachment 2876146
This talk that miscegenation is bad, that it lowers people's IQ, makes them ugly, and worsens humanity is extremely funny to me because it's somewhat schizophrenic (paranoia is quite common in schizophrenia) and not exclusive to pure Europeans. I've even seen heavily mixed Brazilians saying this, which is totally contradictory because if he believed in what he claims, he would be the first to discard himself since he lacks that purity or high IQ, functionality, and beauty that he thinks pure people should have. At most? He'll convince himself that he's intelligent, but he believes in a narrative that makes no sense and is pure pseudoscience, proving that he's actually DUMB and not as smart as he thinks he is. So, if he truly believes that the incapable shouldn't exist, he should be the first to set an example. But as the saying goes: every villain is the hero of their own story, everyone thinks they know exactly what will save the world.

Look at another narrative with a common paranoia in the community: anti-semitism, (((they))) control the world, (((they))) are the biggest owners of porn sites, (((they))) are destroying our world, (((they))) have been expelled from 109 countries and persecuted for 5000 years.


It's a strawman narrative, blaming a group/people to avoid self-reflection and realizing that it's the people who want this, they prefer degeneration, and have no knowledge of economics, are short-sighted, and prefer to trade their freedom for security (only to end up with neither). It's not any group or people destroying the economy but the general population itself. The (((they))) narrative is an incredible stretch to condense all the world's problems into one thing. And forgive me for saying: but the world is much more complex than that, it's problems are much more complicated. And all this just shows that these guys are trapped in a matrix because the matrix precisely comes with this talk that one thing will solve everything or one thing is the cause of everything. Never in human history has one thing solved everything or been the cause of all problems.

So you see, why does the media keep saying this community is full of Nazis? It's precisely because of this. You might think it's an exaggeration, but they keep repeating this kinda of talk without realizing it.

Per example, the talk that miscegenation is bad because it produces ugly and dumb people. This is just the talk of a guy dissatisfied with promiscuity because he's not part of the party. The guy's problem isn't with promiscuity; the problem is that promiscuity isn't happening with him. So, the guy who complains about promiscuity leading to miscegenation leading to degeneration, etc., is just projecting the desire he has to reproduce in a way he thinks is functional because everyone who comes with this talk thinks they're pure when there's no more genetic purity. Nobody is pure anymore; there are white-skinned people with African blood (and yes, some people even have this talk in extremely mixed countries, lol).


And why do these guys focus on male communities like this forum?

I find this concern extremely unnecessary, so I hope it's just a passing curiosity. I remember someone wrote a thread like an open letter to an institute saying we're not fascists, etc. But man, why do you care? "Ah, these guys give the community a bad name :feelswah:." :lul:

Stop being so activist-minded; we don't depend on having a good name, and the media controls the narrative and will say whatever they want, and people will believe it, that's it. Any social good that could come from these male communities is already over, if there was ever a chance of something happening.

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The only thing to do then and now is to take what's good for you from here and leave, go live your life without identifying with any label.

So, these guys are in the male community not because it attracts people like that, as the media likes to say, or that the male community consists of men like that with those thoughts. They are guys who, due to inadequacy, ostracism problems, dissatisfaction, and lack of purpose, gather with like-minded people in forums, communities, etc. And these people will be men because men are the ones going through these same problems and symptoms. And as the saying goes, there's no power vacuum, especially in someone's mind; it's also said, if you don't govern yourself, someone else will.

So, the guy has no purpose, no direction, and no self-governance; the human mind, in general, has a demand for this, and if he doesn't satisfy it himself, his mind will start gravitating towards these environments. So, you see, initially the problem is the person and their inadequacy/lack of purpose, not the community. So, it's not like the dishonest media says: it's a qualification process, you enter, everything's fine, a functional citizen, and you're corrupted and degenerated inside, no! The guy already enters degenerated; it's his degeneration that leads him to this environment. And it's much more likely that a degenerated person corrupts the environment than the environment corrupting a functional person.

They say red/blackpill environments are breeding grounds for future perpetrators of so-called incel attacks. But what's funnier is that, for example, in BDSM communities where guys are not involuntary celibates (because it's a sexual-themed community), it's much more common to find aggressors, murderers, and abusers. But of course, this will never be mentioned because it doesn't fit their narrative, completely in dissonance with their narrative. Just like TV always attacked the internet and video games, and look, it only stopped when they found a way to profit from them.

The media is already attacking the community; there are already university studies on these terms (redpill, blackpill, looksmax), always with a bias towards terrorism, that only bad people come from there, and it's full of problems, all those "isms" and "ists" we already know. What I imagine is that soon, especially in countries with stricter laws, this community will end, and using this terminology will become a crime, banned on various social networks, and that's okay! It's easier to create a new term than defend the old one. And if they pursue these? We'll create something else.

Thanks for reading :owo:

Because people on here are inceld So they talk shit and but out there anger in anything they can talk about. Included this.
  • +1
Reactions: bananasslayer
Dnrd. But I guess it's because nobody likes niggers, not even niggers themselves. lmao
  • +1
Reactions: 97baHater
very high IQ. shame half these retards are too retarded to even spend 5 minutes reading this. This also is true for the far left in many ways just silghty different in terms of what they want.
  • +1
Reactions: 97baHater
Because beauty is European
this thread is full of race copers
but I'm saying nothing would happen to me in fascist italy or something, because I look like them, I look very med so I an a med nationalist
you are brown lol not med
The topic of this thread was chosen through this vote; I'll probably do another one soon to pick another topic. If you want to be tagged to vote on an upcoming topic I'll write about, just say so in a reply in this thread.

Within the blackpill community, one of the most interesting types of users to me are the fascists and the alt-right. They don't make up 100% of the blackpill community (most here couldn't care less about politics, even though some do share some ideals), but they are an interesting case study to understand a bit more about the male mindset. These users like to fantasize about fascist societies, absolutist governments, and even talk about genetic purity:

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(hugs @disillusioned , writer of the blackpill manifesto)

It's not uncommon for them to fantasize about an ideal world and how it would be politically and socially. This often correlates with a more traditional conservative mindset (more common than it seems among users here), someone very idealistic and emotionally involved with the world. They believe things need to change and, within the male community, there's this notion that men are better suited for leadership in political involvement. This is utterly trivial, a waste of time on politics and concerns about a society that is nothing more than a reality show for people to purposefully distract themselves from their own lives.

Then our dear political science student will quote Plato's phrase: "The man who does not care for politics is destined to be governed by those who do." But look, this phrase is a huge anachronism. Plato lived in a completely different time and environment from ours. What Plato understood as politics is nowhere near what we have today, which is neither a democracy nor a republic. Just ask around if people feel represented by the politicians in power or if they feel their voices are heard as citizens, and most importantly, ask them how much they understand about politics. The answer will usually be around 60, 70, or 80 percent; some might say more, but just ask what the role of a senator is or what a congressman does, and you'll catch the person in their own ignorance.

So yeah, there are many guys in our community distracting themselves from the only thing that matters: their own lives, to pay attention to political reality shows. It's clear that this is a huge distraction when you notice people discussing politics, but not for the greater good. They are at most doing it to feel heard and to feel right in an argument, satisfying their own ego just to turn off their computer after the discussion on Twitter or another social network and distract themselves a bit. Politics is merely entertainment; it's nothing more than people trying to convince themselves that this entertainment is somehow important for their own future and the future of others, for the future of the nation.

But that's the biggest lie. Wasting time talking about how you imagine the world should be won't solve anything in your life or anyone else's life. That's the harsh truth; politicians will make decisions they want regardless of individual opinions. They benefit greatly from this confusion, from this distraction of people wasting time with idle talk, having debates live for others to watch, and in the end, we see that this never brings about change, neither in government nor in culture. If politicians knew about this, which they don't and don't care about, they'd laugh at it all. And the worst part is that many in our community are aware of this and some get upset about issues like corruption and crime, for example.

So, what's the magical solution many men here come up with?

That's right! A totalitarian government, what a genius!

So, is the true blackpill :blackpill: fascism?


Okay, there's a crowd that jokes about the term on Twitter and elsewhere because it really annoys some people (ur... a fascist :feelswah:), so it's become a meme, just like the word "incel :incel:" that normies use to call anyone who displeases or criticizes women.

Fascism nowadays is basically anyone who isn't far-left, and the media has also done us this favor, so screw it, it's used a lot in memes. But yes, there is a group that genuinely believes in it. They believe that a strong, centralized, regimented government with male leadership will save the world and give them what they want, what they imagine. These individuals feel socially ostracized, poorly represented or not represented at all, and they imagine that if their ideology somehow wins, they'll have the world they've always wanted. This usually involves talk of a traditional family, living in the countryside with private sovereignty, access to firearms in a strong, sovereign, and functional society.

You can see how this guy has a fantasized mind; it's as simple as that. He starts creating what's known as a wonderland. Men are very idealistic; they are doers by nature, and before they get their hands dirty, they will plan, and this planning comes instinctively, emotionally, through involvement with this plan, this idea, almost compulsively. The guy can't settle and keeps this world in his head, starting to express it and trying to create something. This principle is observable in trades like woodworking, carpentry, and so on, typically male trades.

However, the guy can get too fanatical about these ideas and end up losing himself in them, creating a new matrix.

matrix cinematography GIF

Then the guy says that the real blackpill is fascism because "when one understands the real power of man, which is destined for greatness," a huge cope, an attempt to reaffirm himself and deal with his own obsolescence and lack of purpose. With arguments that the role of men is to lead and that strong male leadership in a centralized power would be best for all men and the nation in general. As we discuss and study in these communities, we conclude that the best way to raise functional individuals is through the nuclear family, which brings traditional gender roles and male leadership within the home.

And then, see, he concludes that he has to put a guy with these ideas in great power (or totalitarian) to make these plans happen. What does he want? Basically, a daddy who has the same ideas as him to save him from degeneration or the unsatisfying world. It's clear inconsistency to use a term like redpill or blackpill to discern a fascist government because it's nothing more than a matrix. In fascist, totalitarian governments (or any traditional-conservative ideology), men are treated like workhorses. Fascist governments are usually extremely militarized and warlike, and who goes to war? Yep, men.

So you see, anyone who agrees with this idea also agrees with the ideology that condemns himself and other men to a servile life. And see, this is a matrix because fascism comes from the "bundle of rods," famous "strength in unity," and this is extremely matrix-like as the movie shows: where Neo worked at the metacortex company, he arrives late, and the boss says the following: if an employee does poorly, the company does poorly. Suggesting precisely that if you're not useful to the bundle of rods, you'll be discarded.

And as this is a completely regimented state, guys who don't marry or produce more than what's needed or who aren't servile will be discarded, probably in a much more violent way than men suffer in today's society. In our community, if you ask them, they'll criticize fascism and traditional conservatism, but a quick chat with the guy? You'll see his mind is full of these ideologies, really believing that men are destined for greatness and made to lead. If this were true, why aren't men leading society anymore? Why aren't men in a state of greatness today?

Firstly, these guys who say this study history from standout men, powerful men like Napoleon, modern and classical leaders, but they're observing from the exception, disregarding the men who shed their own blood and that of others to put these guys in power. And look how funny, this logic hasn't changed. The difference is precisely where it reigns; today we live in a much more mercantilized, more capitalist empire, but we still maintain the logic: few men in power using the work (and even life) of the men at the base, the overwhelming majority.

Napoleon Krone GIF by Sony Pictures Germany
War Mcr GIF by My Chemical Romance

You know what's funniest?

These men say that men are no longer in leadership, and today we live in the safest and most comfortable society that has ever existed. Technically, shouldn't men be more in charge in today's times than they once were? But they're not, proving precisely that men are not destined for leadership; they are destined to fix and sustain a comfortable society. The moment society becomes comfortable, men become obsolete and lose their leadership, their supposed destiny for greatness. As has been said many times: "Strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men, weak men create hard times, and hard times create strong men."

So, you see, strength, leadership, and the destiny for greatness of men are concentrated only in strong men who are focused only on hard times, which are transformed into easy times by strong men, but for the weak men who destroy it and repeat the cycle. And now I ask you, why would you worry about social functionality, something so alien to you, when in fact you are just wasting resources that could be invested in yourself for an inevitable purpose: hard times and weak men?

This usually stems from male social ostracism, dissatisfaction, and a general lack of purpose often due to an inability to get a perfect girlfriend. Lack of attention and sexual relevance that they think they deserve, just look at these guys' arguments, pro-traditional family, wanting a "honorable" woman and children. The problem isn't that they can't, the problem is that they want something that no longer exists, because getting a family and children is the easiest thing in the world (especially in third-world countries like here in Brazil lol), but of course, you'll have to accept the negotiations that are offered:
  • Taking care of someone else's child
  • A partner with a long history
  • State interference in your relationship
  • No authority
Anyway, all these things that these guys, as good idealists, don't want and aren't satisfied with, and that's why many, including the media, say they are incels, but they are not in involuntary celibacy, they may be celibate, but not involuntarily, they are like this due to a demand that the world can no longer satisfy. So, if you want a family and children? The opportunity is out there:

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There are men who have this purpose and desire to start a family so strong that they cope after cope, convincing themselves that a father is someone who raises and that it's okay to raise someone else's child, betraying their own genetic legacy simply because they have no better option and can't live without this purpose or find another one and be satisfied in solitude. So what's left? Accepting that and fighting to convince themselves that they made the right choice, and you see these guys somehow getting by, barely distracted, even though they don't have a good life with financial problems supporting a family that's not even his, but that he took responsibility for, in a dysfunctional relationship that ruins his mental and physical health, a relationship he's not satisfied with. But look, this guy doesn't let go.

This is the man's sense of purpose, the coherent narrative: I have to sacrifice myself because this is my role; I have to do this because if not me, who will take care of these children and the lady? Anyway, he'll drink cope like water, extremely limiting copes because if he simply realizes that this is a creation of his mind that he can abandon and live a freer life, he will certainly build himself up and improve his life (or maybe not, what if he depends so much on this purpose that by distancing himself he falls into such deep depression that he destroys his life, even possibly committing suicide. So yeah, imagine such a miserable existence having only this to feel a taste of living, even though he's suffering).

Usually, guys in relationships, whether bad or good, are not worried about these things because they already have a lot to worry about, giving them a sense of purpose and distraction. So guys who don't want the relationships available to them start feeling this lack of purpose, indignation, and start creating this craziness in their heads, even getting into some Nazi eugenics talk.

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This talk that miscegenation is bad, that it lowers people's IQ, makes them ugly, and worsens humanity is extremely funny to me because it's somewhat schizophrenic (paranoia is quite common in schizophrenia) and not exclusive to pure Europeans. I've even seen heavily mixed Brazilians saying this, which is totally contradictory because if he believed in what he claims, he would be the first to discard himself since he lacks that purity or high IQ, functionality, and beauty that he thinks pure people should have. At most? He'll convince himself that he's intelligent, but he believes in a narrative that makes no sense and is pure pseudoscience, proving that he's actually DUMB and not as smart as he thinks he is. So, if he truly believes that the incapable shouldn't exist, he should be the first to set an example. But as the saying goes: every villain is the hero of their own story, everyone thinks they know exactly what will save the world.

Look at another narrative with a common paranoia in the community: anti-semitism, (((they))) control the world, (((they))) are the biggest owners of porn sites, (((they))) are destroying our world, (((they))) have been expelled from 109 countries and persecuted for 5000 years.


It's a strawman narrative, blaming a group/people to avoid self-reflection and realizing that it's the people who want this, they prefer degeneration, and have no knowledge of economics, are short-sighted, and prefer to trade their freedom for security (only to end up with neither). It's not any group or people destroying the economy but the general population itself. The (((they))) narrative is an incredible stretch to condense all the world's problems into one thing. And forgive me for saying: but the world is much more complex than that, it's problems are much more complicated. And all this just shows that these guys are trapped in a matrix because the matrix precisely comes with this talk that one thing will solve everything or one thing is the cause of everything. Never in human history has one thing solved everything or been the cause of all problems.

So you see, why does the media keep saying this community is full of Nazis? It's precisely because of this. You might think it's an exaggeration, but they keep repeating this kinda of talk without realizing it.

Per example, the talk that miscegenation is bad because it produces ugly and dumb people. This is just the talk of a guy dissatisfied with promiscuity because he's not part of the party. The guy's problem isn't with promiscuity; the problem is that promiscuity isn't happening with him. So, the guy who complains about promiscuity leading to miscegenation leading to degeneration, etc., is just projecting the desire he has to reproduce in a way he thinks is functional because everyone who comes with this talk thinks they're pure when there's no more genetic purity. Nobody is pure anymore; there are white-skinned people with African blood (and yes, some people even have this talk in extremely mixed countries, lol).


And why do these guys focus on male communities like this forum?

I find this concern extremely unnecessary, so I hope it's just a passing curiosity. I remember someone wrote a thread like an open letter to an institute saying we're not fascists, etc. But man, why do you care? "Ah, these guys give the community a bad name :feelswah:." :lul:

Stop being so activist-minded; we don't depend on having a good name, and the media controls the narrative and will say whatever they want, and people will believe it, that's it. Any social good that could come from these male communities is already over, if there was ever a chance of something happening.

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The only thing to do then and now is to take what's good for you from here and leave, go live your life without identifying with any label.

So, these guys are in the male community not because it attracts people like that, as the media likes to say, or that the male community consists of men like that with those thoughts. They are guys who, due to inadequacy, ostracism problems, dissatisfaction, and lack of purpose, gather with like-minded people in forums, communities, etc. And these people will be men because men are the ones going through these same problems and symptoms. And as the saying goes, there's no power vacuum, especially in someone's mind; it's also said, if you don't govern yourself, someone else will.

So, the guy has no purpose, no direction, and no self-governance; the human mind, in general, has a demand for this, and if he doesn't satisfy it himself, his mind will start gravitating towards these environments. So, you see, initially the problem is the person and their inadequacy/lack of purpose, not the community. So, it's not like the dishonest media says: it's a qualification process, you enter, everything's fine, a functional citizen, and you're corrupted and degenerated inside, no! The guy already enters degenerated; it's his degeneration that leads him to this environment. And it's much more likely that a degenerated person corrupts the environment than the environment corrupting a functional person.

They say red/blackpill environments are breeding grounds for future perpetrators of so-called incel attacks. But what's funnier is that, for example, in BDSM communities where guys are not involuntary celibates (because it's a sexual-themed community), it's much more common to find aggressors, murderers, and abusers. But of course, this will never be mentioned because it doesn't fit their narrative, completely in dissonance with their narrative. Just like TV always attacked the internet and video games, and look, it only stopped when they found a way to profit from them.

The media is already attacking the community; there are already university studies on these terms (redpill, blackpill, looksmax), always with a bias towards terrorism, that only bad people come from there, and it's full of problems, all those "isms" and "ists" we already know. What I imagine is that soon, especially in countries with stricter laws, this community will end, and using this terminology will become a crime, banned on various social networks, and that's okay! It's easier to create a new term than defend the old one. And if they pursue these? We'll create something else.

Thanks for reading :owo:

he told me this because I an half Lithuanian half algerian, my response is that I'd obviously support fascism in a country where people look like me
where are you from exactly
i’m mostly italian but yes im mixed and also elaborate to me how you are not mixed and how algerians aren’t brown people
i’m mostly italian but yes im mixed and also elaborate to me how you are not mixed and how algerians aren’t brown people
You are Mixed with what? My Algerian dad has a similar phenotype to st Augustine so hes not "brown" , I look southern European I can send pics, you wouldn't suspect i wasnt Mediterranean or something because I eont have any features that indicate that
You are Mixed with what? My Algerian dad has a similar phenotype to st Augustine so hes not "brown" , I look southern European I can send pics, you wouldn't suspect i wasnt Mediterranean or something because I eont have any features that indicate that
doesn’t change the fact that algerians are brown get a dna test
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You are Mixed with what? My Algerian dad has a similar phenotype to st Augustine so hes not "brown" , I look southern European I can send pics, you wouldn't suspect i wasnt Mediterranean or something because I eont have any features that indicate that
Majority of people would consider you mixed race whether you look it or not You can’t change how people perceive you, but your genetic makeup is your genetic makeup and Algerians for sure aren’t white you are what you hate
But right wing is best, especially with today’s society being degenerate, Jews owning the media and most world governments
I don't know about "fascists" (this buzzword doesn't mean anything in 2024) but this forum is absolutely not right wing. There is constant pro communism bullshit here
Majority of people would consider you mixed race whether you look it or not You can’t change how people perceive you, but your genetic makeup is your genetic makeup and Algerians for sure aren’t white you are what you hate
Not really, they perceive me as white even though I identify as med, and only as somewhat ethnic if I reveal my ethnicity, if I lie they would never know, but I wouldn't lie because I'm not ashamed of who I am, and i dont hate non whites, I dont even like them, I am a Mediterraneanist
You are Mixed with what? My Algerian dad has a similar phenotype to st Augustine so hes not "brown" , I look southern European I can send pics, you wouldn't suspect i wasnt Mediterranean or something because I eont have any features that indicate that
nigga you are Algerian:lul::lul::lul::lul: @Yahya
Not really, they perceive me as white even though I identify as med, and only as somewhat ethnic if I reveal my ethnicity, if I lie they would never know, but I wouldn't lie because I'm not ashamed of who I am, and i dont hate non whites, I dont even like them, I am a Mediterraneanist
i’m not saying you should be ashamed of who you are but i am saying it’s ironic you have a Nazi avi while being part brown
i’m not saying you should be ashamed of who you are but i am saying it’s ironic you have a Nazi avi while being part brown
algerians collaborated with german and fought alongside them btw
even Nick Fuentes is mixed race yet he looks completely white far right people still shit on him for his background
but i dont claim white and he doesnt either sometimes

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