Cutting to 12%, Bulking to 15%, cutting back to 12%? Gymcels



it’s easy to despise what you cannot have
May 21, 2020
Read somewhere you shouldn’t bulk past 15% to avoid being fat. I hate cutting with a burning passion and hovering around 12-15% bodyfat for both the face and body sounds ideal. Also saves me the misery of cutting from 20% to 12%. My question is can I build muscle doing that shit?
What are you at right now?
What are you at right now?
I’d say 15-18ish. Can see semblance of abs in front of my mirror with lighting but a flat stomach without it.
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I’d say 15-18ish. Can see semblance of abs in front of my mirror with lighting but a flat stomach without it.
You'd be able to build the muscle to a lesser degree, but there isn't anything wrong with it. Maybe a bit higher than 15% would help, but if anyone else has something to say that'd probably be a better view.
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You'd be able to build the muscle to a lesser degree, but there isn't anything wrong with it. Maybe a bit higher than 15% would help, but if anyone else has something to say that'd probably be a better view.
I’m fine sacrificing a little of the muscle built to avoid going through a cut. Last year went through a horrible cut, took the advice of the water fasting retards and ended up yoyoing and binge eating for the whole year. Finally ended up cutting and bulking after so long never want to go through that shit again.
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I’m fine sacrificing a little of the muscle built to avoid going through a cut. Last year went through a horrible cut, took the advice of the water fasting retards and ended up yoyoing and binge eating for the whole year. Finally ended up cutting and bulking after so long never want to go through that shit again.
Yeah of course man, that's perfectly reasonable. It's not like if you cut from 15% you won't get any muscle. It'll just be less [obvi] in comparison to 20%
I would get down to 12% and start building new muscle mass from there ( and try to not go past 15 %). Once you build decent amount of muscle mass do a serious cut and go below 10% bodyfat.
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I’m fine sacrificing a little of the muscle built to avoid going through a cut. Last year went through a horrible cut, took the advice of the water fasting retards and ended up yoyoing and binge eating for the whole year. Finally ended up cutting and bulking after so long never want to go through that shit again.

water fasting cut after a successful bulk sounds fucking retarded especially if you’re not talking about doing it for just a day here and there. After you hit 15-16 bf % bulking do a 6 week cut just eating 300-500 below maintenance and you can incorporate some mild cardio, then do a clean bulk again for a couple weeks until you feel you’re losing the leanness and repeat

long term bulks are for when you’re too skinny and lacking a lot of muscle mass and long term cuts are for when you’re too fat and need to get down to an average bf% to effectively start building mass without being legit fat and then defeating all the purpose of the bulk when u try to cut down double digits bf %
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Also, regardless of if you’re bulking or cutting always make sure you have a high protein diet (0.5-1 g per lb) to maximize muscle mass building during bulk and minimize muscle loss during cut
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Unless you are really advanced, you can gain muscle in a modest deficit. If you are advanced you can retain it. If you do a cycle and are advanced, you can gain moderate while losing a lot of fat. If you are in a cycle and a beginner you will do the same just 5x quicker.

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I've bulked and cut for a long time. Let me save you 10 years of shit results:

Cut first
Cut hard
Being lean will change your face like nothing will.

(you'll probably need to fast if you've lived most of your life over 20%)

Of course, keep gymcelling while you're cutting otherwise you'll lose any muscle you've got, but after I fixed my metabolism I've been progressing faster in the gym with a slight surplus while keeping hollow cheeks, breaking my former fatass' PRs week after week (no shit weights either, max 500DL tested).

It's all about insulin sensitivity.
Have shit pumps? You muscles aren't gobbling up carbs to grow because they're insulin resistant.

I'm not sold on the idea of gaining with a deficit but I'm open to it. This is because when I tried that I only got weaker and softer, with shit recovery and energy during workouts... but then again I was an insulin resistant bloatmaxxed powercoper - nevertheless, I don't feel the need to try it again since the results I've been getting on a surplus have been great.
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I've bulked and cut for a long time. Let me save you 10 years of shit results:

Of course, keep gymcelling while you're cutting otherwise you'll lose any muscle you've got, but after I fixed my metabolism I've been progressing faster in the gym with a slight surplus while keeping hollow cheeks, breaking my former fatass' PRs week after week (no shit weights either, max 500DL tested).

It's all about insulin sensitivity.
Have shit pumps? You muscles aren't gobbling up carbs to grow because they're insulin resistant.

I'm not sold on the idea of gaining with a deficit but I'm open to it. This is because when I tried that I only got weaker and softer, with shit recovery and energy during workouts... but then again I was an insulin resistant bloatmaxxed powercoper - nevertheless, I don't feel the need to try it again since the results I've been getting on a surplus have been great.
How do you increase your TDEE? In theory eating in a surplus while also increasing activity raises it right?
How do you increase your TDEE? In theory eating in a surplus while also increasing activity raises it right?
having more muscle increases it

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