Debunking every "heightmaxxing" method and why there is no viable option to actually increase height permanently



8'10 or death
Apr 25, 2024
I've been "heightmaxxing" for around a year since i was 14 (15 now) know trying every method in the book. And in all that time spent doing cope methods like drinking raw milk, massai jumps, doing "supposdely proven" methods like blasting hgh, or just straight up frauding with lifts.
It's all led to one conclusion. ITS ALL FUCKING COPE

1. Drugs (HGH, mk677, etc)

only fucking works for niggas without a defiency that HAVENT HIT PUBERTY yet. WHAT DO YOU NIGGERS NOT FUCKING understand. In studies, the average height gain was around 2-3 inches for niggas with a BONE AGE OF FUCKING 6-8. It doesnt magically fucking make you produce brand new chondrocytes out of what your DNA already planned out for you:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: And the reason why this is cope is because no fucking six to ten year old WITHOUT ANY DISORDERS is gonna know what HGH is or get their hands on them. For reference, i had a 15.5 bone age and I've been on 6 IU PHARMA GRADE HGH from my doctor and i see ZER000000000 fucking gains. not even 0.1 cm

2. Shoe/sock lifts
On the cover, this literally looks like a lifesaver. 10$ for two inches of extra height? FUCK YEA! Nah nigger its not that fucking simple at all. First, lets start of with one of the biggest problems. They don't actually give you the height that is shown on the label. See the problem is since the entire platform/base of the soles is not increased and only the heel part, the lifts compress down to ONE HALF OF WHAT ITS SUPPOSED TO GIVE. and you cant just double the height and get four inch lifts because you cant fit it into your shoe anymore. I had a lot of trouble fitting fucking 1.4 inches into my jordan highs what makes you think four inches is a viable option. This is only of the problems, not accounting how painful and uncomofrtable it is, how obvious it looks, etc

"Bbbbbb-but saar":feelsuhh::feelsuhh: (kill yourself)"why not just get shoe platform lifts like conzuri":feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:?? Well yes. I mean, its technically really only a 1.4 inch lift height boost if you get conzuris 2.4 inch lift platfoorm shoes because you and the people around you already get around a 1 inch lift boost. But still, height is height, and you can just get a 3.4 inch lift platform shoes instead right?

This is where the hard part starts. You've never noticed it before, but once you start lifting there will be so many fucking moments where you might have to take of your shoes. You will have to drastically change your lifestyle and sacrafice and fuckton of fun things you want to do. For example, going swimming with your friends, airport checks, sleeping over, going into peoples house, sex, long term relationships, shoes slipping, and thats only few of the millions of things. During all those times, there will be a moment you slip up and get caught wearing lifts. It's inevitable.

I mea sock lifts can fix a few of those problems like for exammple, now you can enter the inside of your friends house. But sock lifts are the most unreliable way of increasing height. One, you cannot fraud more than 2 fucking inches or else it will be extremely obvious because the sole literally buldges out of your sock. It also keeps slipping and gets messed up and you have to constantly readjust it.

TLDR: lifts are only a temporary option such as clubbing etc when your not with people you know. Or the best method imo, you can just fraud just 0.7-1.0 inches with lifts in your shoes, and when you take of your shoes people will usually not notice, unless there the same height as you.

3. Limb lengthening:

Been waiting to talk about this one. I fucking hate when niggas say "muhh just get LL bro" nigga do you not understand how hard it is to actually be able to go through the whole LL procedure? you need ATLEAST 150-200k minimum, 300k ideally for the best surgeon, Paley. YOU DO NOT WANT TO CHEAP OUT ON SURGERIES LIKE THIS, IF U WANT TO KEEP YOUR LIFE. I had some hope becauase this greek nigga who only charged 40k was supposdely a good surgeon, but apparently he killed someone recently from the procedure:feelskek:

Now, moving on actually getting the money for the surgerery. I'm gonna assume your the average incel on this forum who will probably just go to college and then work a 9-5 like 99.9 percent of this forum. By the time you paid of your college debt and saved up enough money to actually get LL, your gonna be fucking FOURTY YEARS OLD. Trust me there is no point of increasing height by that time and most of your life is over already.

And you have to practically disappear for atleast six months up to a year because one, your gonna be fucking disabled, and two, you will get clowned and viewed as a little insecure manlet little boy who went through a life-threatening surgery to gain a few more inches of height because of his weak little insecure mindset.

4. Every other method (raw milk, no fap, masaii jumps, "just live a healthy lifestyle")
Go fucking kill yourself.
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Reactions: thegiganigga, itzyaboyJJ, aldamogger and 44 others
I've been "heightmaxxing" for around a year since i was 14 (15 now) know trying every method in the book. And in all that time spent doing cope methods like drinking raw milk, massai jumps, doing "supposdely proven" methods like blasting hgh, or just straight up frauding with lifts.
It's all led to one conclusion. ITS ALL FUCKING COPE

1. Drugs (HGH, mk677, etc)

only fucking works for niggas without a defiency that HAVENT HIT PUBERTY yet. WHAT DO YOU NIGGERS NOT FUCKING understand. In studies, the average height gain was around 2-3 inches for niggas with a BONE AGE OF FUCKING 6-8. It doesnt magically fucking make you produce brand new chondrocytes out of what your DNA already planned out for you:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: And the reason why this is cope is because no fucking six to ten year old WITHOUT ANY DISORDERS is gonna know what HGH is or get their hands on them. For reference, i had a 15.5 bone age and I've been on 6 IU PHARMA GRADE HGH from my doctor and i see ZER000000000 fucking gains. not even 0.1 cm

2. Shoe/sock lifts
On the cover, this literally looks like a lifesaver. 10$ for two inches of extra height? FUCK YEA! Nah nigger its not that fucking simple at all. First, lets start of with one of the biggest problems. They don't actually give you the height that is shown on the label. See the problem is since the entire platform/base of the soles is not increased and only the heel part, the lifts compress down to ONE HALF OF WHAT ITS SUPPOSED TO GIVE. and you cant just double the height and get four inch lifts because you cant fit it into your shoe anymore. I had a lot of trouble fitting fucking 1.4 inches into my jordan highs what makes you think four inches is a viable option. This is only of the problems, not accounting how painful and uncomofrtable it is, how obvious it looks, etc

"Bbbbbb-but saar":feelsuhh::feelsuhh: (kill yourself)"why not just get shoe platform lifts like conzuri":feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:?? Well yes. I mean, its technically really only a 1.4 inch lift height boost if you get conzuris 2.4 inch lift platfoorm shoes because you and the people around you already get around a 1 inch lift boost. But still, height is height, and you can just get a 3.4 inch lift platform shoes instead right?

This is where the hard part starts. You've never noticed it before, but once you start lifting there will be so many fucking moments where you might have to take of your shoes. You will have to drastically change your lifestyle and sacrafice and fuckton of fun things you want to do. For example, going swimming with your friends, airport checks, sleeping over, going into peoples house, sex, long term relationships, shoes slipping, and thats only few of the millions of things. During all those times, there will be a moment you slip up and get caught wearing lifts. It's inevitable.

I mea sock lifts can fix a few of those problems like for exammple, now you can enter the inside of your friends house. But sock lifts are the most unreliable way of increasing height. One, you cannot fraud more than 2 fucking inches or else it will be extremely obvious because the sole literally buldges out of your sock. It also keeps slipping and gets messed up and you have to constantly readjust it.

TLDR: lifts are only a temporary option such as clubbing etc when your not with people you know. Or the best method imo, you can just fraud just 0.7-1.0 inches with lifts in your shoes, and when you take of your shoes people will usually not notice, unless there the same height as you.

3. Limb lengthening:

Been waiting to talk about this one. I fucking hate when niggas say "muhh just get LL bro" nigga do you not understand how hard it is to actually be able to go through the whole LL procedure? you need ATLEAST 150-200k minimum, 300k ideally for the best surgeon, Paley. YOU DO NOT WANT TO CHEAP OUT ON SURGERIES LIKE THIS, IF U WANT TO KEEP YOUR LIFE. I had some hope becauase this greek nigga who only charged 40k was supposdely a good surgeon, but apparently he killed someone recently from the procedure:feelskek:

Now, moving on actually getting the money for the surgerery. I'm gonna assume your the average incel on this forum who will probably just go to college and then work a 9-5 like 99.9 percent of this forum. By the time you paid of your college debt and saved up enough money to actually get LL, your gonna be fucking FOURTY YEARS OLD. Trust me there is no point of increasing height by that time and most of your life is over already.

And you have to practically disappear for atleast six months up to a year because one, your gonna be fucking disabled, and two, you will get clowned and viewed as a little insecure manlet little boy who went through a life-threatening surgery to gain a few more inches of height because of his weak little insecure mindset.

4. Every other method (raw milk, no fap, masaii jumps, "just live a healthy lifestyle")
Go fucking kill yourself.
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Everyone who is above 5’11 should be grateful for their height.
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Reactions: thegiganigga, itzyaboyJJ, aldamogger and 31 others
Everyone who is above 5’11 should be grateful for their height.
exactly. nigga at this point im dreaming about being fucking 5'9 bbro
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Reactions: 11OUTTA10, Loruki, Jonas2k7 and 15 others
I've been "heightmaxxing" for around a year since i was 14 (15 now) know trying every method in the book. And in all that time spent doing cope methods like drinking raw milk, massai jumps, doing "supposdely proven" methods like blasting hgh, or just straight up frauding with lifts.
It's all led to one conclusion. ITS ALL FUCKING COPE

1. Drugs (HGH, mk677, etc)

only fucking works for niggas without a defiency that HAVENT HIT PUBERTY yet. WHAT DO YOU NIGGERS NOT FUCKING understand. In studies, the average height gain was around 2-3 inches for niggas with a BONE AGE OF FUCKING 6-8. It doesnt magically fucking make you produce brand new chondrocytes out of what your DNA already planned out for you:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: And the reason why this is cope is because no fucking six to ten year old WITHOUT ANY DISORDERS is gonna know what HGH is or get their hands on them. For reference, i had a 15.5 bone age and I've been on 6 IU PHARMA GRADE HGH from my doctor and i see ZER000000000 fucking gains. not even 0.1 cm

2. Shoe/sock lifts
On the cover, this literally looks like a lifesaver. 10$ for two inches of extra height? FUCK YEA! Nah nigger its not that fucking simple at all. First, lets start of with one of the biggest problems. They don't actually give you the height that is shown on the label. See the problem is since the entire platform/base of the soles is not increased and only the heel part, the lifts compress down to ONE HALF OF WHAT ITS SUPPOSED TO GIVE. and you cant just double the height and get four inch lifts because you cant fit it into your shoe anymore. I had a lot of trouble fitting fucking 1.4 inches into my jordan highs what makes you think four inches is a viable option. This is only of the problems, not accounting how painful and uncomofrtable it is, how obvious it looks, etc

"Bbbbbb-but saar":feelsuhh::feelsuhh: (kill yourself)"why not just get shoe platform lifts like conzuri":feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:?? Well yes. I mean, its technically really only a 1.4 inch lift height boost if you get conzuris 2.4 inch lift platfoorm shoes because you and the people around you already get around a 1 inch lift boost. But still, height is height, and you can just get a 3.4 inch lift platform shoes instead right?

This is where the hard part starts. You've never noticed it before, but once you start lifting there will be so many fucking moments where you might have to take of your shoes. You will have to drastically change your lifestyle and sacrafice and fuckton of fun things you want to do. For example, going swimming with your friends, airport checks, sleeping over, going into peoples house, sex, long term relationships, shoes slipping, and thats only few of the millions of things. During all those times, there will be a moment you slip up and get caught wearing lifts. It's inevitable.

I mea sock lifts can fix a few of those problems like for exammple, now you can enter the inside of your friends house. But sock lifts are the most unreliable way of increasing height. One, you cannot fraud more than 2 fucking inches or else it will be extremely obvious because the sole literally buldges out of your sock. It also keeps slipping and gets messed up and you have to constantly readjust it.

TLDR: lifts are only a temporary option such as clubbing etc when your not with people you know. Or the best method imo, you can just fraud just 0.7-1.0 inches with lifts in your shoes, and when you take of your shoes people will usually not notice, unless there the same height as you.

3. Limb lengthening:

Been waiting to talk about this one. I fucking hate when niggas say "muhh just get LL bro" nigga do you not understand how hard it is to actually be able to go through the whole LL procedure? you need ATLEAST 150-200k minimum, 300k ideally for the best surgeon, Paley. YOU DO NOT WANT TO CHEAP OUT ON SURGERIES LIKE THIS, IF U WANT TO KEEP YOUR LIFE. I had some hope becauase this greek nigga who only charged 40k was supposdely a good surgeon, but apparently he killed someone recently from the procedure:feelskek:

Now, moving on actually getting the money for the surgerery. I'm gonna assume your the average incel on this forum who will probably just go to college and then work a 9-5 like 99.9 percent of this forum. By the time you paid of your college debt and saved up enough money to actually get LL, your gonna be fucking FOURTY YEARS OLD. Trust me there is no point of increasing height by that time and most of your life is over already.

And you have to practically disappear for atleast six months up to a year because one, your gonna be fucking disabled, and two, you will get clowned and viewed as a little insecure manlet little boy who went through a life-threatening surgery to gain a few more inches of height because of his weak little insecure mindset.

4. Every other method (raw milk, no fap, masaii jumps, "just live a healthy lifestyle")
Go fucking kill yourself.
Not wrong, but being generally healthy definitely ensures full growth
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Reactions: aldamogger, goober55, BladeRunner and 7 others
Not wrong, but being generally healthy definitely ensures full growth
thats not "heightmaxxing" thought thats more like "not heightsminning"
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Reactions: aldamogger, merpXD, goober55 and 7 others
LL is legit tho

And the 1% chance of you getting killed or crippled its still worth it

Just work 3 years and do LL
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Reactions: thegiganigga, idkwhattoputhere, domitiwhynotme and 5 others
LL is legit tho

And the 1% chance of you getting killed or crippled its still worth it

Just work 3 years and do LL
Nigga you are not saving up 200k in 3 years if your the average normie:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
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Reactions: thegiganigga, BladeRunner, Goatsie and 1 other person
LL is legit tho

And the 1% chance of you getting killed or crippled its still worth it

Just work 3 years and do LL
the height increase is legit but niggas keep throwing that term "just get ll bro" like its an easy feat
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Reactions: thegiganigga, BladeRunner, Lord Shadow and 2 others
Nigga you are not saving up 200k in 3 years if your the average normie:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
300k maybe at dr. Jew

Its 40k in Turkey/Greece
60k in Germany

Turkey cripples people, Germany/Greece is safe

There are multiple greece surgeons the on who is famous is good
The german nigga is also good

40k-60k is a lot of money but definetely not impossible to make
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Reactions: jordanbarett122, idkwhattoputhere, aldamogger and 4 others
300k maybe at dr. Jew

Its 40k in Turkey/Greece
60k in Germany

Turkey cripples people, Germany/Greece is safe

There are multiple greece surgeons the on who is famous is good
The german nigga is also good

40k-60k is a lot of money but definetely not impossible to make
40k-60k is reasonable but my nigga ive heard the famous greek doctor recently killed someone:ROFLMAO:
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Reactions: Goatsie, Randolf and GatoradeTRZ8
300k maybe at dr. Jew

Its 40k in Turkey/Greece
60k in Germany

Turkey cripples people, Germany/Greece is safe

There are multiple greece surgeons the on who is famous is good
The german nigga is also good

40k-60k is a lot of money but definetely not impossible to make
u need atleast 100k-150k bro 40k-60k aint safe eough
  • Hmm...
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40k-60k is reasonable but my nigga ive heard the famous greek doctor recently killed someone:ROFLMAO:
The german guy is very good

And even if someone got killed
people always see the worst, 10000 people undergo the surgery 9900 are successful 99 are not happy and 1 dies

Still its high reward low risk

And you dont even know maybe the guy undergoing the surgery had health disorders/problems
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Reactions: idkwhattoputhere, Randolf, Dystopian and 1 other person
The german guy is very good

And even if someone got killed
people always see the worst, 10000 people undergo the surgery 9900 are successful 99 are not happy and 1 dies

Still its high reward low risk

And you dont even know maybe the guy undergoing the surgery had health disorders/problems
tbh i guess why not cuz ill probably kill myself anyways:feelskek: but LL is most definetely not "low risk" bro just because chance of death is low doesnt mean all the other factors arent present such as nerve damage, not being able to run normally, permanent scars, etc
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  • WTF
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tbh i guess why not cuz ill probably kill myself anyways:feelskek: but LL is most definetely not "low risk" bro just because chance of death is low doesnt mean all the other factors arent present such as nerve damage, not being able to run normally, permanent scars, etc
Who cares about running or scars

And there was a nigga who did 2 LL‘s femur and tibia and he runs and walks and does stupid excercuses lifts weights he is in a brtter state than me

The bone regrows its not a bad procedure

and even if somehow it goes bad and you got problems running who tf cares you aint no triathlon athelte
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Reactions: idkwhattoputhere, Randolf and MyDreamIsToBe183CM
I've been "heightmaxxing" for around a year since i was 14 (15 now) know trying every method in the book. And in all that time spent doing cope methods like drinking raw milk, massai jumps, doing "supposdely proven" methods like blasting hgh, or just straight up frauding with lifts.
It's all led to one conclusion. ITS ALL FUCKING COPE

1. Drugs (HGH, mk677, etc)

only fucking works for niggas without a defiency that HAVENT HIT PUBERTY yet. WHAT DO YOU NIGGERS NOT FUCKING understand. In studies, the average height gain was around 2-3 inches for niggas with a BONE AGE OF FUCKING 6-8. It doesnt magically fucking make you produce brand new chondrocytes out of what your DNA already planned out for you:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: And the reason why this is cope is because no fucking six to ten year old WITHOUT ANY DISORDERS is gonna know what HGH is or get their hands on them. For reference, i had a 15.5 bone age and I've been on 6 IU PHARMA GRADE HGH from my doctor and i see ZER000000000 fucking gains. not even 0.1 cm

2. Shoe/sock lifts
On the cover, this literally looks like a lifesaver. 10$ for two inches of extra height? FUCK YEA! Nah nigger its not that fucking simple at all. First, lets start of with one of the biggest problems. They don't actually give you the height that is shown on the label. See the problem is since the entire platform/base of the soles is not increased and only the heel part, the lifts compress down to ONE HALF OF WHAT ITS SUPPOSED TO GIVE. and you cant just double the height and get four inch lifts because you cant fit it into your shoe anymore. I had a lot of trouble fitting fucking 1.4 inches into my jordan highs what makes you think four inches is a viable option. This is only of the problems, not accounting how painful and uncomofrtable it is, how obvious it looks, etc

"Bbbbbb-but saar":feelsuhh::feelsuhh: (kill yourself)"why not just get shoe platform lifts like conzuri":feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:?? Well yes. I mean, its technically really only a 1.4 inch lift height boost if you get conzuris 2.4 inch lift platfoorm shoes because you and the people around you already get around a 1 inch lift boost. But still, height is height, and you can just get a 3.4 inch lift platform shoes instead right?

This is where the hard part starts. You've never noticed it before, but once you start lifting there will be so many fucking moments where you might have to take of your shoes. You will have to drastically change your lifestyle and sacrafice and fuckton of fun things you want to do. For example, going swimming with your friends, airport checks, sleeping over, going into peoples house, sex, long term relationships, shoes slipping, and thats only few of the millions of things. During all those times, there will be a moment you slip up and get caught wearing lifts. It's inevitable.

I mea sock lifts can fix a few of those problems like for exammple, now you can enter the inside of your friends house. But sock lifts are the most unreliable way of increasing height. One, you cannot fraud more than 2 fucking inches or else it will be extremely obvious because the sole literally buldges out of your sock. It also keeps slipping and gets messed up and you have to constantly readjust it.

TLDR: lifts are only a temporary option such as clubbing etc when your not with people you know. Or the best method imo, you can just fraud just 0.7-1.0 inches with lifts in your shoes, and when you take of your shoes people will usually not notice, unless there the same height as you.

3. Limb lengthening:

Been waiting to talk about this one. I fucking hate when niggas say "muhh just get LL bro" nigga do you not understand how hard it is to actually be able to go through the whole LL procedure? you need ATLEAST 150-200k minimum, 300k ideally for the best surgeon, Paley. YOU DO NOT WANT TO CHEAP OUT ON SURGERIES LIKE THIS, IF U WANT TO KEEP YOUR LIFE. I had some hope becauase this greek nigga who only charged 40k was supposdely a good surgeon, but apparently he killed someone recently from the procedure:feelskek:

Now, moving on actually getting the money for the surgerery. I'm gonna assume your the average incel on this forum who will probably just go to college and then work a 9-5 like 99.9 percent of this forum. By the time you paid of your college debt and saved up enough money to actually get LL, your gonna be fucking FOURTY YEARS OLD. Trust me there is no point of increasing height by that time and most of your life is over already.

And you have to practically disappear for atleast six months up to a year because one, your gonna be fucking disabled, and two, you will get clowned and viewed as a little insecure manlet little boy who went through a life-threatening surgery to gain a few more inches of height because of his weak little insecure mindset.

4. Every other method (raw milk, no fap, masaii jumps, "just live a healthy lifestyle")
Go fucking kill yourself.
true ama keep using my orthopedic insoles tho cope
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Who cares about running or scars

And there was a nigga who did 2 LL‘s femur and tibia and he runs and walks and does stupid excercuses lifts weights he is in a brtter state than me

The bone regrows its not a bad procedure

and even if somehow it goes bad and you got problems running who tf cares you aint no triathlon athelte
yeah idgaf about the pain ngl i will do anything for some height. but 100k is a minimum for LL imo
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yeah idgaf about the pain ngl i will do anything for some height. but 100k is a minimum for LL imo
100k will take too long

There was even a forum member who did it in germany for 60k and it went well for him

I will do it in Greece tho probably because 60k would also take too long
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: idkwhattoputhere, Randolf and MyDreamIsToBe183CM
I've been "heightmaxxing" for around a year since i was 14 (15 now) know trying every method in the book. And in all that time spent doing cope methods like drinking raw milk, massai jumps, doing "supposdely proven" methods like blasting hgh, or just straight up frauding with lifts.
It's all led to one conclusion. ITS ALL FUCKING COPE

1. Drugs (HGH, mk677, etc)

only fucking works for niggas without a defiency that HAVENT HIT PUBERTY yet. WHAT DO YOU NIGGERS NOT FUCKING understand. In studies, the average height gain was around 2-3 inches for niggas with a BONE AGE OF FUCKING 6-8. It doesnt magically fucking make you produce brand new chondrocytes out of what your DNA already planned out for you:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: And the reason why this is cope is because no fucking six to ten year old WITHOUT ANY DISORDERS is gonna know what HGH is or get their hands on them. For reference, i had a 15.5 bone age and I've been on 6 IU PHARMA GRADE HGH from my doctor and i see ZER000000000 fucking gains. not even 0.1 cm

2. Shoe/sock lifts
On the cover, this literally looks like a lifesaver. 10$ for two inches of extra height? FUCK YEA! Nah nigger its not that fucking simple at all. First, lets start of with one of the biggest problems. They don't actually give you the height that is shown on the label. See the problem is since the entire platform/base of the soles is not increased and only the heel part, the lifts compress down to ONE HALF OF WHAT ITS SUPPOSED TO GIVE. and you cant just double the height and get four inch lifts because you cant fit it into your shoe anymore. I had a lot of trouble fitting fucking 1.4 inches into my jordan highs what makes you think four inches is a viable option. This is only of the problems, not accounting how painful and uncomofrtable it is, how obvious it looks, etc

"Bbbbbb-but saar":feelsuhh::feelsuhh: (kill yourself)"why not just get shoe platform lifts like conzuri":feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:?? Well yes. I mean, its technically really only a 1.4 inch lift height boost if you get conzuris 2.4 inch lift platfoorm shoes because you and the people around you already get around a 1 inch lift boost. But still, height is height, and you can just get a 3.4 inch lift platform shoes instead right?

This is where the hard part starts. You've never noticed it before, but once you start lifting there will be so many fucking moments where you might have to take of your shoes. You will have to drastically change your lifestyle and sacrafice and fuckton of fun things you want to do. For example, going swimming with your friends, airport checks, sleeping over, going into peoples house, sex, long term relationships, shoes slipping, and thats only few of the millions of things. During all those times, there will be a moment you slip up and get caught wearing lifts. It's inevitable.

I mea sock lifts can fix a few of those problems like for exammple, now you can enter the inside of your friends house. But sock lifts are the most unreliable way of increasing height. One, you cannot fraud more than 2 fucking inches or else it will be extremely obvious because the sole literally buldges out of your sock. It also keeps slipping and gets messed up and you have to constantly readjust it.

TLDR: lifts are only a temporary option such as clubbing etc when your not with people you know. Or the best method imo, you can just fraud just 0.7-1.0 inches with lifts in your shoes, and when you take of your shoes people will usually not notice, unless there the same height as you.

3. Limb lengthening:

Been waiting to talk about this one. I fucking hate when niggas say "muhh just get LL bro" nigga do you not understand how hard it is to actually be able to go through the whole LL procedure? you need ATLEAST 150-200k minimum, 300k ideally for the best surgeon, Paley. YOU DO NOT WANT TO CHEAP OUT ON SURGERIES LIKE THIS, IF U WANT TO KEEP YOUR LIFE. I had some hope becauase this greek nigga who only charged 40k was supposdely a good surgeon, but apparently he killed someone recently from the procedure:feelskek:

Now, moving on actually getting the money for the surgerery. I'm gonna assume your the average incel on this forum who will probably just go to college and then work a 9-5 like 99.9 percent of this forum. By the time you paid of your college debt and saved up enough money to actually get LL, your gonna be fucking FOURTY YEARS OLD. Trust me there is no point of increasing height by that time and most of your life is over already.

And you have to practically disappear for atleast six months up to a year because one, your gonna be fucking disabled, and two, you will get clowned and viewed as a little insecure manlet little boy who went through a life-threatening surgery to gain a few more inches of height because of his weak little insecure mindset.

4. Every other method (raw milk, no fap, masaii jumps, "just live a healthy lifestyle")
Go fucking kill yourself.
Maybe if your parents aren’t short a possibility is maybe gluten had stunted ur growth, many people have celiac disease they don’t know about and one of the most prominent symptoms in teens is short stature, if u eat GF then u can regain the height as long as ur plates are still open
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300k? are you getting it done in israel?
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Maybe if your parents aren’t short a possibility is maybe gluten had stunted ur growth, many people have celiac disease they don’t know about and one of the most prominent symptoms in teens is short stature, if u eat GF then u can regain the height as long as ur plates are still open
Holy shit I never knew about this

Shit I eat so much gluten from rice everyday but idk if I have celiac disease

Also what does “GF” stand for
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Used to believe in those masai jump copes didnt do shit 🤣🤣🤣
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Used to believe in those masai jump copes didnt do shit 🤣🤣🤣
If it makes you feel better I used to think you can deadass manifest growing taller because thinking about growing taller will signal your growth plates to elongate or sum shit:lul::lul:
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Holy shit I never knew about this

Shit I eat so much gluten from rice everyday but idk if I have celiac disease

Also what does “GF” stand for
ye if u cut out gluten there’s a high chance u will get “catch up growth spurt” given your plates are still open
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I've been "heightmaxxing" for around a year since i was 14 (15 now) know trying every method in the book. And in all that time spent doing cope methods like drinking raw milk, massai jumps, doing "supposdely proven" methods like blasting hgh, or just straight up frauding with lifts.
It's all led to one conclusion. ITS ALL FUCKING COPE

1. Drugs (HGH, mk677, etc)

only fucking works for niggas without a defiency that HAVENT HIT PUBERTY yet. WHAT DO YOU NIGGERS NOT FUCKING understand. In studies, the average height gain was around 2-3 inches for niggas with a BONE AGE OF FUCKING 6-8. It doesnt magically fucking make you produce brand new chondrocytes out of what your DNA already planned out for you:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: And the reason why this is cope is because no fucking six to ten year old WITHOUT ANY DISORDERS is gonna know what HGH is or get their hands on them. For reference, i had a 15.5 bone age and I've been on 6 IU PHARMA GRADE HGH from my doctor and i see ZER000000000 fucking gains. not even 0.1 cm

2. Shoe/sock lifts
On the cover, this literally looks like a lifesaver. 10$ for two inches of extra height? FUCK YEA! Nah nigger its not that fucking simple at all. First, lets start of with one of the biggest problems. They don't actually give you the height that is shown on the label. See the problem is since the entire platform/base of the soles is not increased and only the heel part, the lifts compress down to ONE HALF OF WHAT ITS SUPPOSED TO GIVE. and you cant just double the height and get four inch lifts because you cant fit it into your shoe anymore. I had a lot of trouble fitting fucking 1.4 inches into my jordan highs what makes you think four inches is a viable option. This is only of the problems, not accounting how painful and uncomofrtable it is, how obvious it looks, etc

"Bbbbbb-but saar":feelsuhh::feelsuhh: (kill yourself)"why not just get shoe platform lifts like conzuri":feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:?? Well yes. I mean, its technically really only a 1.4 inch lift height boost if you get conzuris 2.4 inch lift platfoorm shoes because you and the people around you already get around a 1 inch lift boost. But still, height is height, and you can just get a 3.4 inch lift platform shoes instead right?

This is where the hard part starts. You've never noticed it before, but once you start lifting there will be so many fucking moments where you might have to take of your shoes. You will have to drastically change your lifestyle and sacrafice and fuckton of fun things you want to do. For example, going swimming with your friends, airport checks, sleeping over, going into peoples house, sex, long term relationships, shoes slipping, and thats only few of the millions of things. During all those times, there will be a moment you slip up and get caught wearing lifts. It's inevitable.

I mea sock lifts can fix a few of those problems like for exammple, now you can enter the inside of your friends house. But sock lifts are the most unreliable way of increasing height. One, you cannot fraud more than 2 fucking inches or else it will be extremely obvious because the sole literally buldges out of your sock. It also keeps slipping and gets messed up and you have to constantly readjust it.

TLDR: lifts are only a temporary option such as clubbing etc when your not with people you know. Or the best method imo, you can just fraud just 0.7-1.0 inches with lifts in your shoes, and when you take of your shoes people will usually not notice, unless there the same height as you.

3. Limb lengthening:

Been waiting to talk about this one. I fucking hate when niggas say "muhh just get LL bro" nigga do you not understand how hard it is to actually be able to go through the whole LL procedure? you need ATLEAST 150-200k minimum, 300k ideally for the best surgeon, Paley. YOU DO NOT WANT TO CHEAP OUT ON SURGERIES LIKE THIS, IF U WANT TO KEEP YOUR LIFE. I had some hope becauase this greek nigga who only charged 40k was supposdely a good surgeon, but apparently he killed someone recently from the procedure:feelskek:

Now, moving on actually getting the money for the surgerery. I'm gonna assume your the average incel on this forum who will probably just go to college and then work a 9-5 like 99.9 percent of this forum. By the time you paid of your college debt and saved up enough money to actually get LL, your gonna be fucking FOURTY YEARS OLD. Trust me there is no point of increasing height by that time and most of your life is over already.

And you have to practically disappear for atleast six months up to a year because one, your gonna be fucking disabled, and two, you will get clowned and viewed as a little insecure manlet little boy who went through a life-threatening surgery to gain a few more inches of height because of his weak little insecure mindset.

4. Every other method (raw milk, no fap, masaii jumps, "just live a healthy lifestyle")
Go fucking kill yourself.
ur genetics are just terrible thats why
  • JFL
Reactions: Randolf
ye if u cut out gluten there’s a high chance u will get “catch up growth spurt” given your plates are still open
O pray to god I have celiac disease only thing that can save me:lul::feelswhy:
  • JFL
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Maybe if your parents aren’t short a possibility is maybe gluten had stunted ur growth, many people have celiac disease they don’t know about and one of the most prominent symptoms in teens is short stature, if u eat GF then u can regain the height as long as ur plates are still open
Do you have celiac or just gluten intolerance
And did you cut out gluten completely or only partly? If celiac you have to cut out 100%

O pray to god I have celiac disease only thing that can save me:lul::feelswhy:
I have it I was growing 2cm a year

Then once starting diet it got a bit better but still slow growth

And if you have it you will be depressive flrever not even height will save you
Rice doesnt have gluten jfl

You probably dont have it but if you do say goodybe to eating anything from outside because of cross contamination, bread, burgers, pizza, crackers, mcdonalds


impossible to cope without drugs

Still better than being short tho

Go to your doctor and larp about all celiac issues and make him do a test for you
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How tall are you? 5'7-5'10 is an extremely nt height. Everyone cringes at tall people irl they are needlessly large
  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
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dnr this wall of cope
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Aparently Op is 5'6 xD.

do you have autism? When I was 15 I was 5'3, now im in NT height range
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Do you have celiac or just gluten intolerance
And did you cut out gluten completely or only partly? If celiac you have to cut out 100%

I have it I was growing 2cm a year

Then once starting diet it got a bit better but still slow growth

And if you have it you will be depressive flrever not even height will save you
Rice doesnt have gluten jfl

You probably dont have it but if you do say goodybe to eating anything from outside because of cross contamination, bread, burgers, pizza, crackers, mcdonalds


impossible to cope without drugs

Still better than being short tho

Go to your doctor and larp about all celiac issues and make him do a test for you
I had gluten intolerance but I take specific probiotics to combat the malnutrition
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read every single pixel great wall of cagefuel btw :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
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You’re just an abused dog that needs to be put down
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being under 6’4 must be sad
  • So Sad
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I had gluten intolerance but I take specific probiotics to combat the malnutrition
Was your malnutrition approved by vitamin levels or how do you even know you were actually malnourished?
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Was your malnutrition approved by vitamin levels or how do you even know you were actually malnourished?
Vitamin levels + they checked my gluten whatever the fuck in bloodwork
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Reactions: Randolf, GatoradeTRZ8 and MyDreamIsToBe183CM
How tall are you? 5'7-5'10 is an extremely nt height. Everyone cringes at tall people irl they are needlessly large
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  • JFL
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Aparently Op is 5'6 xD.

do you have autism? When I was 15 I was 5'3, now im in NT height range
Because u were late bloomer nigger

Was ur bone age 15 at 15? No
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4. Every other method (raw milk, no fap, masaii jumps, "just live a healthy lifestyle")
Go fucking kill yourself.
Captain America Lol GIF by mtv
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High IQ and High Effort post (y)

JFL'd at the part where the Greek surgeon you wanted to hire for 40k killed a guy doing his LL

Which Surgeon was this?
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High IQ and High Effort post (y)

JFL'd at the part where the Greek surgeon you wanted to hire for 40k killed a guy doing his LL

Which Surgeon was this?

I think his name was giotikas
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