Debunking every "heightmaxxing" method and why there is no viable option to actually increase height permanently

Idiopathic short stature means that the reason why they are short isnt identified

Are they any studies where hgh was used on kids with familiar short stature? The one I saw said that it didnt increase predicted adult height.
Idiopathic short stature is being short without having any genetic deformities, or delayed development or conditions. This would be the best definition to work off since this applies to the largest amount of people. If you are referring to familial short stature, that's less common in the sense that could indicate a condition or genetic malformity causing that family to be short throughout generations.
Idiopathic short stature is being short without having any genetic deformities, or delayed development or conditions. This would be the best definition to work off since this applies to the largest amount of people. If you are referring to familial short stature, that's less common in the sense that could indicate a condition or genetic malformity causing that family to be short throughout generations.
The parents of children with ISS are tall so you cant say what their genetic limit in height is

There is a cause why they are short but the cause is unknown

If you would take a child who‘s dad is 155cm and mom is 140cm and give him hgh, he wouldnt be able to grow beyond 160cm considering he didnt get his height genes from other taller relatives
The parents of children with ISS are tall so you cant say what their genetic limit in height is

There is a cause why they are short but the cause is unknown

If you would take a child who‘s dad is 155cm and mom is 140cm and give him hgh, he wouldnt be able to grow beyond 160cm considering he didnt get his height genes from other taller relatives
That's not true, because their isn't any known limit to how much height someone can gain from HGH. That child can hit 180cm for all we know. As you have to keep in mind, the dad and mother could just be genetic outliers for thier family, and even if they are not, the reason why they are short, could be simply low IGF-1 levels. So if you were to give that child HGH, you are putting the child in a much better positon to grow and become taller and reach 160cm!
Blasting HGH by itself will just accelerate the calcification of your growth plates. You need an Aromatase Inhibitor. Take 6mg Aromasin everyday. You want your estradiol as low as possible without feeling too many sides, but sub-20 pg/ml is enough.

You also need good sleep and a good diet. Height is mostly genetic obviously so you need to be pristine on all fronts if you're serious about this. Also you're 15 so shut the fuck up.
ofc i am bruh
This is lazy. I was going to be interested because I thought you would provide proof. But I will list two studies below where children grew from HGH and AI without a deficiency or a low bone age. I want you to read the studies, and argue against them. No disrespect, but you have no proof of your personal stories, so I'll ignore it for now. And keep in mind, in these studies, these boys had bone ages either higher than yours or within your range. After that, I am going to list studies where children grew up without a deficiency. :

A randomized pilot trial of growth hormone with anastrozole versus growth hormone alone, starting at the very end of puberty in adolescents with idiopathic short stature

A pilot study of growth hormone administration in boys with predicted adult short stature and near-ending growth

[Aromatase inhibitors combined with growth hormone in the treatment of adolescent boys with short stature]

Additional Study where there is no deficiency:

Randomized Trial of Aromatase Inhibitors, Growth Hormone, or Combination in Pubertal Boys with Idiopathic, Short Stature

damn i actually havent seen these studies before gives me some lifefuel.

i dont understand why its not working for me then fuck man.

also i am not lying dude i have no reason to larp about the fact that i take HGH. if you knew me back then when i first started heightmaxxing and saw my old threads you wont know im not lying.

this are some threads i found to prove im not larping unless you believe i would go to an extent where i would be faking for half a year

i can also send pictures of my hgh to prove im not larping.

maybe im just fucking cursed or some shit i hate myself so mcuh brah i wonder what cardinal sin i accidently commited to come across my shitty fucknigger luck
Can bat hanging give you an inch for like 4 hours. Remember somebody claiming something like that on here. That the spine relaxes for some hours afterwards giving you height.
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Can bat hanging give you an inch for like 4 hours. Remember somebody claiming something like that on here. That the spine relaxes for some hours afterwards giving you height.
Yea its a great way of decompressing your spine.
I wouldnt say it gives an inch tho maybe like 1-2 cm temporarily
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cope its all genes
whaa, why would i cope about this i'm an old head. but really, bad habits degenerates the matrix for proper growth, don't just spam cope because you didn't try hard enough!
whaa, why would i cope about this i'm an old head. but really, bad habits degenerates the matrix for proper growth, don't just spam cope because you didn't try hard enough!
i tried everything
damn i actually havent seen these studies before gives me some lifefuel.

i dont understand why its not working for me then fuck man.

also i am not lying dude i have no reason to larp about the fact that i take HGH. if you knew me back then when i first started heightmaxxing and saw my old threads you wont know im not lying.

this are some threads i found to prove im not larping unless you believe i would go to an extent where i would be faking for half a year

i can also send pictures of my hgh to prove im not larping.

maybe im just fucking cursed or some shit i hate myself so mcuh brah i wonder what cardinal sin i accidently commited to come across my shitty fucknigger luck
Well, patience is key. And there could be some things you are doing wrong. Hit up my discord to talk further, osie_2savy
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That's not true, because their isn't any known limit to how much height someone can gain from HGH. That child can hit 180cm for all we know. As you have to keep in mind, the dad and mother could just be genetic outliers for thier family, and even if they are not, the reason why they are short, could be simply low IGF-1 levels. So if you were to give that child HGH, you are putting the child in a much better positon to grow and become taller and reach 160cm!
Genetic height its coded in your dna

If someone doesnt have any tall close relatives he wont have a taller genetic height unless he is real lucky and got it from his tall great great grandpa

Read this and also look up studies where people without any deficit but short parents dont grow past predicted adult height. Of course I think it would work somehow to grow 1-3 inches more but thats if you start at a young age like 10-12

But still everyone should give hgh a try because if you somehow didnt hit your genetic limit you can ensure that you will grow there
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Genetic height its coded in your dna

If someone doesnt have any tall close relatives he wont have a taller genetic height unless he is real lucky and got it from his tall great great grandpa

Read this and also look up studies where people without any deficit but short parents dont grow past predicted adult height. Of course I think it would work somehow to grow 1-3 inches more but thats if you start at a young age like 10-12

But still everyone should give hgh a try because if you somehow didnt hit your genetic limit you can ensure that you will grow there

Exactly my point thank you
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This is lazy. I was going to be interested because I thought you would provide proof. But I will list two studies below where children grew from HGH and AI without a deficiency or a low bone age. I want you to read the studies, and argue against them. No disrespect, but you have no proof of your personal stories, so I'll ignore it for now. And keep in mind, in these studies, these boys had bone ages either higher than yours or within your range. After that, I am going to list studies where children grew up without a deficiency. :

A randomized pilot trial of growth hormone with anastrozole versus growth hormone alone, starting at the very end of puberty in adolescents with idiopathic short stature

A pilot study of growth hormone administration in boys with predicted adult short stature and near-ending growth

[Aromatase inhibitors combined with growth hormone in the treatment of adolescent boys with short stature]

Additional Study where there is no deficiency:

Randomized Trial of Aromatase Inhibitors, Growth Hormone, or Combination in Pubertal Boys with Idiopathic, Short Stature

These studies also show that it didn't work for everybody though. It says for some people they didn't grow enough even with HGH, so they ceased treatment
I've been "heightmaxxing" for around a year since i was 14 (15 now) know trying every method in the book. And in all that time spent doing cope methods like drinking raw milk, massai jumps, doing "supposdely proven" methods like blasting hgh, or just straight up frauding with lifts.
It's all led to one conclusion. ITS ALL FUCKING COPE

1. Drugs (HGH, mk677, etc)

only fucking works for niggas without a defiency that HAVENT HIT PUBERTY yet. WHAT DO YOU NIGGERS NOT FUCKING understand. In studies, the average height gain was around 2-3 inches for niggas with a BONE AGE OF FUCKING 6-8. It doesnt magically fucking make you produce brand new chondrocytes out of what your DNA already planned out for you:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: And the reason why this is cope is because no fucking six to ten year old WITHOUT ANY DISORDERS is gonna know what HGH is or get their hands on them. For reference, i had a 15.5 bone age and I've been on 6 IU PHARMA GRADE HGH from my doctor and i see ZER000000000 fucking gains. not even 0.1 cm

2. Shoe/sock lifts
On the cover, this literally looks like a lifesaver. 10$ for two inches of extra height? FUCK YEA! Nah nigger its not that fucking simple at all. First, lets start of with one of the biggest problems. They don't actually give you the height that is shown on the label. See the problem is since the entire platform/base of the soles is not increased and only the heel part, the lifts compress down to ONE HALF OF WHAT ITS SUPPOSED TO GIVE. and you cant just double the height and get four inch lifts because you cant fit it into your shoe anymore. I had a lot of trouble fitting fucking 1.4 inches into my jordan highs what makes you think four inches is a viable option. This is only of the problems, not accounting how painful and uncomofrtable it is, how obvious it looks, etc

"Bbbbbb-but saar":feelsuhh::feelsuhh: (kill yourself)"why not just get shoe platform lifts like conzuri":feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:?? Well yes. I mean, its technically really only a 1.4 inch lift height boost if you get conzuris 2.4 inch lift platfoorm shoes because you and the people around you already get around a 1 inch lift boost. But still, height is height, and you can just get a 3.4 inch lift platform shoes instead right?

This is where the hard part starts. You've never noticed it before, but once you start lifting there will be so many fucking moments where you might have to take of your shoes. You will have to drastically change your lifestyle and sacrafice and fuckton of fun things you want to do. For example, going swimming with your friends, airport checks, sleeping over, going into peoples house, sex, long term relationships, shoes slipping, and thats only few of the millions of things. During all those times, there will be a moment you slip up and get caught wearing lifts. It's inevitable.

I mea sock lifts can fix a few of those problems like for exammple, now you can enter the inside of your friends house. But sock lifts are the most unreliable way of increasing height. One, you cannot fraud more than 2 fucking inches or else it will be extremely obvious because the sole literally buldges out of your sock. It also keeps slipping and gets messed up and you have to constantly readjust it.

TLDR: lifts are only a temporary option such as clubbing etc when your not with people you know. Or the best method imo, you can just fraud just 0.7-1.0 inches with lifts in your shoes, and when you take of your shoes people will usually not notice, unless there the same height as you.

3. Limb lengthening:

Been waiting to talk about this one. I fucking hate when niggas say "muhh just get LL bro" nigga do you not understand how hard it is to actually be able to go through the whole LL procedure? you need ATLEAST 150-200k minimum, 300k ideally for the best surgeon, Paley. YOU DO NOT WANT TO CHEAP OUT ON SURGERIES LIKE THIS, IF U WANT TO KEEP YOUR LIFE. I had some hope becauase this greek nigga who only charged 40k was supposdely a good surgeon, but apparently he killed someone recently from the procedure:feelskek:

Now, moving on actually getting the money for the surgerery. I'm gonna assume your the average incel on this forum who will probably just go to college and then work a 9-5 like 99.9 percent of this forum. By the time you paid of your college debt and saved up enough money to actually get LL, your gonna be fucking FOURTY YEARS OLD. Trust me there is no point of increasing height by that time and most of your life is over already.

And you have to practically disappear for atleast six months up to a year because one, your gonna be fucking disabled, and two, you will get clowned and viewed as a little insecure manlet little boy who went through a life-threatening surgery to gain a few more inches of height because of his weak little insecure mindset.

4. Every other method (raw milk, no fap, masaii jumps, "just live a healthy lifestyle")
Go fucking kill yourself.
how tall are ur parents. and how old are u. and do u have anyone from ur family side whos tall
how tall are ur parents. and how old are u. and do u have anyone from ur family side whos tall
6'1 5'5

my dads side is lowk short so he shoudlnt have benen 6'1

but my moms side is decently tall
6'1 5'5

my dads side is lowk short so he shoudlnt have benen 6'1

but my moms side is decently tall
ur a late bloomer. thats wat it is. keep taking hgh and testmaxx without ur growth plates closing though. ur just a late bloomer nothing to worry about. i was 5'5 at 18 and now at 20 im 6'1.
ur a late bloomer. thats wat it is. keep taking hgh and testmaxx without ur growth plates closing though. ur just a late bloomer nothing to worry about. i was 5'5 at 18 and now at 20 im 6'1.
NiggaYOUR a late bloomer

I hit puberty at 11-12

Bone age is 15.5
nigga can u even call that a growth spurt? its just u growing probably. ur a late bloomer

Broo haven’t grown in 1.5 years although my plates are open jfl.
Not a late bloomer bro I told
You I hit puberty at 11-12
My bone age is 13y 3m at 15 I’m a late bloomer

Btw bro do I take arimidex 0.5mg everyday or eod
Fuck you BLAST HGH now

I don’t know about arimidex dosages brah I only used aromasin and letrozole
tbh i guess why not cuz ill probably kill myself anyways:feelskek: but LL is most definetely not "low risk" bro just because chance of death is low doesnt mean all the other factors arent present such as nerve damage, not being able to run normally, permanent scars, etc
Loss of athletic ability is definitely a downside.
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BRO FUCK man like why won’t I grow this shit is tearing my mental health into bits :feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy:
Please don’t give up bhai, I am willing to bet my left nut that 5-10 years from now AI powered genomics will solve literally anything. In the meantime, for the sake of your psyche please look into meditation, and how to detach from the material world/accept what you are. Ik it sounds like giga cope but it gives you so much peace.
tbh i guess why not cuz ill probably kill myself anyways:feelskek: but LL is most definetely not "low risk" bro just because chance of death is low doesnt mean all the other factors arent present such as nerve damage, not being able to run normally, permanent scars, etc



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maybe ill go ER on the doctor who failed my surgery too:feelskek:
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The parents of children with ISS are tall so you cant say what their genetic limit in height is

There is a cause why they are short but the cause is unknown

If you would take a child who‘s dad is 155cm and mom is 140cm and give him hgh, he wouldnt be able to grow beyond 160cm considering he didnt get his height genes from other taller relatives
He would be able to you just have to start early at like a crazy high dosage, what do you think how people with gigantism are way taller than their genetic predisposition?
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He would be able to you just have to start early at like a crazy high dosage, what do you think how people with gigantism are way taller than their genetic predisposition?
Yeah niggas with gigantism be producing like 50-100 IU of growth hormone and niggas think mk 677 will make them grow 5 inches:feelskek::feelskek:
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He would be able to you just have to start early at like a crazy high dosage, what do you think how people with gigantism are way taller than their genetic predisposition?
I think the doctor that gave him the hgh knew what he was doing he obviously wasnt at low dosage

Also he started young

I think there was even a forum member whos predicted adult height was 5‘6, he got hgh even though he didnt have a deficit, I think from age 12-14 or 14-16 and his predicted adult height stayed the same

It can work if you didnt hit yout genetic limit or somehow your height got stunted
its all genetics anyway lol
  • +1
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I've been "heightmaxxing" for around a year since i was 14 (15 now) know trying every method in the book. And in all that time spent doing cope methods like drinking raw milk, massai jumps, doing "supposdely proven" methods like blasting hgh, or just straight up frauding with lifts.
It's all led to one conclusion. ITS ALL FUCKING COPE

1. Drugs (HGH, mk677, etc)

only fucking works for niggas without a defiency that HAVENT HIT PUBERTY yet. WHAT DO YOU NIGGERS NOT FUCKING understand. In studies, the average height gain was around 2-3 inches for niggas with a BONE AGE OF FUCKING 6-8. It doesnt magically fucking make you produce brand new chondrocytes out of what your DNA already planned out for you:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: And the reason why this is cope is because no fucking six to ten year old WITHOUT ANY DISORDERS is gonna know what HGH is or get their hands on them. For reference, i had a 15.5 bone age and I've been on 6 IU PHARMA GRADE HGH from my doctor and i see ZER000000000 fucking gains. not even 0.1 cm

2. Shoe/sock lifts
On the cover, this literally looks like a lifesaver. 10$ for two inches of extra height? FUCK YEA! Nah nigger its not that fucking simple at all. First, lets start of with one of the biggest problems. They don't actually give you the height that is shown on the label. See the problem is since the entire platform/base of the soles is not increased and only the heel part, the lifts compress down to ONE HALF OF WHAT ITS SUPPOSED TO GIVE. and you cant just double the height and get four inch lifts because you cant fit it into your shoe anymore. I had a lot of trouble fitting fucking 1.4 inches into my jordan highs what makes you think four inches is a viable option. This is only of the problems, not accounting how painful and uncomofrtable it is, how obvious it looks, etc

"Bbbbbb-but saar":feelsuhh::feelsuhh: (kill yourself)"why not just get shoe platform lifts like conzuri":feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:?? Well yes. I mean, its technically really only a 1.4 inch lift height boost if you get conzuris 2.4 inch lift platfoorm shoes because you and the people around you already get around a 1 inch lift boost. But still, height is height, and you can just get a 3.4 inch lift platform shoes instead right?

This is where the hard part starts. You've never noticed it before, but once you start lifting there will be so many fucking moments where you might have to take of your shoes. You will have to drastically change your lifestyle and sacrafice and fuckton of fun things you want to do. For example, going swimming with your friends, airport checks, sleeping over, going into peoples house, sex, long term relationships, shoes slipping, and thats only few of the millions of things. During all those times, there will be a moment you slip up and get caught wearing lifts. It's inevitable.

I mea sock lifts can fix a few of those problems like for exammple, now you can enter the inside of your friends house. But sock lifts are the most unreliable way of increasing height. One, you cannot fraud more than 2 fucking inches or else it will be extremely obvious because the sole literally buldges out of your sock. It also keeps slipping and gets messed up and you have to constantly readjust it.

TLDR: lifts are only a temporary option such as clubbing etc when your not with people you know. Or the best method imo, you can just fraud just 0.7-1.0 inches with lifts in your shoes, and when you take of your shoes people will usually not notice, unless there the same height as you.

3. Limb lengthening:

Been waiting to talk about this one. I fucking hate when niggas say "muhh just get LL bro" nigga do you not understand how hard it is to actually be able to go through the whole LL procedure? you need ATLEAST 150-200k minimum, 300k ideally for the best surgeon, Paley. YOU DO NOT WANT TO CHEAP OUT ON SURGERIES LIKE THIS, IF U WANT TO KEEP YOUR LIFE. I had some hope becauase this greek nigga who only charged 40k was supposdely a good surgeon, but apparently he killed someone recently from the procedure:feelskek:

Now, moving on actually getting the money for the surgerery. I'm gonna assume your the average incel on this forum who will probably just go to college and then work a 9-5 like 99.9 percent of this forum. By the time you paid of your college debt and saved up enough money to actually get LL, your gonna be fucking FOURTY YEARS OLD. Trust me there is no point of increasing height by that time and most of your life is over already.

And you have to practically disappear for atleast six months up to a year because one, your gonna be fucking disabled, and two, you will get clowned and viewed as a little insecure manlet little boy who went through a life-threatening surgery to gain a few more inches of height because of his weak little insecure mindset.

4. Every other method (raw milk, no fap, masaii jumps, "just live a healthy lifestyle")
Go fucking kill yourself.
dont lose hope😢
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