Debunking every "heightmaxxing" method and why there is no viable option to actually increase height permanently

The only thing that’s isn’t cope
But really unhealthy is spamming ai because your delay growth plates closer
Add to that hgh or secreataguogue which would make you taller 1-5% more supposing your not hgh deficient than if you weren’t using it
Using both of those compound could add 1-3 inches depending on genetics
Just ise come on fucking sense
Lets say you grow up to 175 cm at 18 yo then you stopped growing
If you had used hgh and secreataguogues when you were 15 you could have been 176-177 cm at 18 but because you used ai you kept growing till you were 19-20 and grew up to 179-80 cm
That’s 4-5 cm possible gain that you could aquire
What would be the cheapest safest most effective cycle i could use :
1.25 mg letrozole
19 iu of lantus insulin
3 iu of pharma grade genotropin hgh
If your over 16 its over for you but if your not this is the best cycle a lot of guy think that more is better when in reality you igf-1 stop increasing at 500 why would you use 10x the dose 50x the side effects for 2x more gains if your a richceml then feel free to do so if not just stick to my stack
@Cyrus @halloweed
2 inches is impossible bro am sorry
Also I’m starting to think AIs are cope too ngl open plates literally mean nothing it’s all DNA
Isnt the average height 5ft9 in london
If you 6ft1 that’s the 90th percentile
Average height in London in my generation is 5’10, sitting 1 inch below and above isn’t bad really.
2 inches is impossible bro am sorry
Bro i read short stature studies
But keep in mind those kiddos are the shittiet of the shittiest of the genetic pool and even them grow 3 inche sover their expected adult height
I read the literraure brother
Im also talking about the average nigga if your a manlet its over for you but a guy who is 5ft9 he could have been 5ft11 if he troed everythibg to max out his height
  • Hmm...
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Bro i read short stature studies
But keep in mind those kiddos are the shittiet of the shittiest of the genetic pool and even them grow 3 inche sover their expected adult height
I read the literraure brother
Im also talking about the average nigga if your a manlet its over for you but a guy who is 5ft9 he could have been 5ft11 if he troed everythibg to max out his height
Bro in short stature they used height treatment when they were like fucking 8
  • +1
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Bro in short stature they used height treatment when they were like fucking 8
Yup i know
And they spammed letrozole and hgh i know
But it like i took the shitties of the shittiest genetics guys give them testosterone and they gained 2 pounds in 10 years
Then i writed a thread about how testosterone doesn’t build muscle cuz those guys built 2 lbs in those years
Also even something like diet could influenece your growth is it a coeincidance that poor countries are shorter than rich countries
Is it a coeincidence that height keep increasing over the years it don’t think so
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Bro in short stature they used height treatment when they were like fucking 8
True, but its actually insane how u didnt grow, ANYTHING, with growth open plates, tanner stage under 4.3, taking an ai, and using real HGH, that simply doesnt make any sense at all based off science, like HOW, I saw so many users showing that they increased growth speed and actually grew taller then what their doctors said, I really dont understand whats wrong, ESPECIALLY, considering u are very short compared to YOUR OWN DAD, doesnt make sense, Im 15 and I have almost the same height as my dad
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Yup i know
And they spammed letrozole and hgh i know
But it like i took the shitties of the shittiest genetics guys give them testosterone and they gained 2 pounds in 10 years
Then i writed a thread about how testosterone doesn’t build muscle cuz those guys built 2 lbs in those years
Also even something like diet could influenece your growth is it a coeincidance that poor countries are shorter than rich countries
Is it a coeincidence that height keep increasing over the years it don’t think so
TLDR: HGH and AI actually work, and this guy is just the most unlucky man on the planet
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Reactions: ltncurry and 20/04/2008
True, but its actually insane how u didnt grow, ANYTHING, with growth open plates, tanner stage under 4.3, taking an ai, and using real HGH, that simply doesnt make any sense at all based off science, like HOW, I saw so many users showing that they increased growth speed and actually grew taller then what their doctors said, I really dont understand whats wrong, ESPECIALLY, considering u are very short compared to YOUR OWN DAD, doesnt make sense, Im 15 and I have almost the same height as my dad
I actually don’t fucking know either unless SOMEHOW my growth plates fused at like come age 15 because I got my xrays a few months back

I literally did everything right and nothing happend I was the perfect fucking candidate
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TLDR: HGH and AI actually work, and this guy is just the most unlucky man on the planet
Nah I think HGH and AI works but this forum absolutely overestimates the results like it will most likely give the average teenager on this forum a few cm at max
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I actually don’t fucking know either unless SOMEHOW my growth plates fused at like come age 15 because I got my xrays a few months back

I literally did everything right and nothing happend I was the perfect fucking candidate
Fr u got the knowledge and the stuff, legit idk what the fuck happened, did ur bones at least changed in any part or anything? Maybe ur body isnt absorving the hormone well, also u might wanna check if ur plates fused bc if they did, its actually fucking over☹️
  • So Sad
Reactions: MyDreamIsToBe183CM
Nah I think HGH and AI works but this forum absolutely overestimates the results like it will most likely give the average teenager on this forum a few cm at max
I mean im 15, And started using AI a little before being 15, im 174 now I hope I can get to at leastt 183, 9 cm seems ok if I do it for like a whole year
  • So Sad
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Fr u got the knowledge and the stuff, legit idk what the fuck happened, did ur bones at least changed in any part or anything? Maybe ur body isnt absorving the hormone well, also u might wanna check if ur plates fused bc if they did, its actually fucking over☹️
Actually wait I lied I forgot I got all my bones checked again when I got prescribed HGH and they said all of them were open and that shit was like two-three months ago and they said I have around two years left so there’s no way my plates closed brah

I also thought abt that shit as well and I’ve done everything to increase androgen receptor sensitivity with lifestyle changes and spamming L carnitine, thinking about doing steroids too cause they increase androgen sensitivity
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I mean im 15, And started using AI a little before being 15, im 174 now I hope I can get to at leastt 183, 9 cm seems ok if I do it for like a whole year
174 cm is not bad.

9 cm is too high I’m ngl
  • +1
Reactions: org3cel.RR
Fr u got the knowledge and the stuff, legit idk what the fuck happened, did ur bones at least changed in any part or anything? Maybe ur body isnt absorving the hormone well, also u might wanna check if ur plates fused bc if they did, its actually fucking over☹️
BRO FUCK man like why won’t I grow this shit is tearing my mental health into bits :feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy:
Actually wait I lied I forgot I got all my bones checked again when I got prescribed HGH and they said all of them were open and that shit was like two-three months ago and they said I have around two years left so there’s no way my plates closed brah

I also thought abt that shit as well and I’ve done everything to increase androgen receptor sensitivity with lifestyle changes and spamming L carnitine, thinking about doing steroids too cause they increase androgen sensitivity
Holy fuck, legit high iq user with bad genes, u deserve a different body bro ngl, idk what THE FUCK happened to u, but I really hope u get a growth spurt or something man u need it, keep spamming HGH maybe even increase dosage
  • +1
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Holy fuck, legit high iq user with bad genes, u deserve a different body bro ngl, idk what THE FUCK happened to u, but I really hope u get a growth spurt or something man u need it, keep spamming HGH maybe even increase dosage
I’m still on a heightmszzing stack but like holy shit bro I will literally cry if I even get 1 CM of growth:feelswhy:

Idk why I got the shitty genes man i could’ve literally hit 6 ft naturally😡😡

I’m literally only alive because of the slim chance of a miracle of me getting growth spurt:feelswhy:
  • +1
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I’m still on a heightmszzing stack but like holy shit bro I will literally cry if I even get 1 CM of growth:feelswhy:

Idk why I got the shitty genes man i could’ve literally hit 6 ft naturally😡😡

I’m literally only alive because of the slim chance of a miracle of me getting growth spurt:feelswhy:
Fr bro, dont give up before u grow at least a little bit more, like legit imagine u get a 8 cm growth spurt in the summer, that would be insanee but very realistic based off ur genes
  • Woah
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Fr bro, dont give up before u grow at least a little bit more, like legit imagine u get a 8 cm growth spurt in the summer, that would be insanee but very realistic based off ur genes
Fuck Mann I just want to be atleast like 5’9 so I can just ntmaxx and gymaxx:feelswhy::feelswhy:

Nah like deadass my mental health is in absolutely ruins because I won’t fucking grow. I’ve been checking my height everyday since summer of 23
  • +1
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Fuck Mann I just want to be atleast like 5’9 so I can just ntmaxx and gymaxx:feelswhy::feelswhy:

Nah like deadass my mental health is in absolutely ruins because I won’t fucking grow. I’ve been checking my height everyday since summer of 23
Fuck mann, ur 5'6 rn right? Fucking brutal man, this life is so fucking unfair, the most rude ass niggers are always the ones with the best genes, hope u get the height u want bro, u truly deserve it after all that suffer and search, Im gonna make a lifefuel thread abt richard ramirez Ill mark u on it later
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Reactions: ltncurry and MyDreamIsToBe183CM
dude posted like 9 heightmaxxing threads cause he didnt grow a centimeter
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Reactions: ltncurry, HandsomeHustler and MyDreamIsToBe183CM
Bro I have to have some kind of genetic defect😡 why won’t I grow😡
Fuck mann, ur 5'6 rn right? Fucking brutal man, this life is so fucking unfair, the most rude ass niggers are always the ones with the best genes, hope u get the height u want bro, u truly deserve it after all that suffer and search, Im gonna make a lifefuel thread abt richard ramirez Ill mark u on it later
Thank you bhaii and yea tag me:feelswhy:

It’s really sad cuz Ik on org I’m a nigger sometimes but I’m actually nice as fuck and I’ve always tried to help people out and I’m actually known for being a chill guy in my school.

And the sad part is when your 5’6 and nice niggas believe your weak and pussy, but if I was 6 ft and nice, they would think I’m just a kind strong man

  • +1
Reactions: org3cel.RR
just dfrink milk bro
Exactly fuck heightmazzin
wish u the best brodie

im just saving up for that thread that mathis posted, i think it was like 40k to run it fully jfl

anyways if I do end up trying it ill let you know how it goes, im currently 5'10 rn
  • +1
Reactions: MyDreamIsToBe183CM
Thank you bhaii and yea tag me:feelswhy:

It’s really sad cuz Ik on org I’m a nigger sometimes but I’m actually nice as fuck and I’ve always tried to help people out and I’m actually known for being a chill guy in my school.

And the sad part is when your 5’6 and nice niggas believe your weak and pussy, but if I was 6 ft and nice, they would think I’m just a kind strong man

Real shit, u have the traits of a tall guy, all tall niggas I met are always chill w no stress cause those niggas never had to deal w shit from no one, we both need to be 6'1 or else its fucking over
  • So Sad
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wish u the best brodie

im just saving up for that thread that mathis posted, i think it was like 40k to run it fully jfl

anyways if I do end up trying it ill let you know how it goes, im currently 5'10 rn
true he began like 3-4 months ago
I’ve been heightmazzing for over a year now but I started HGH like 2-3 months ago, started AI like six months ago tho, and I did some mk677 cycles like twice for a month
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I wouldn’t waste my time ngl on what a random forum member posted ngl just use that money for LL
his thread looks logical, also some other highiq confirmed it

ill look into some other options tho its not my first one
  • +1
Reactions: MyDreamIsToBe183CM
his thread looks logical, also some other highiq confirmed it

ill look into some other options tho its not my first one
I checked it as well and it looks logical as well, should work in theory

But regardless LL is a better option
  • +1
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I checked it as well and it looks logical as well, should work in theory

But regardless LL is a better option
its either i inject into somebody that has nothing else to live for and is short or I just do it on myself on the getgo

the first option seems nice but if i get caught its over for me (ofc ill ask for permission from them n sheet)
  • +1
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I've been "heightmaxxing" for around a year since i was 14 (15 now) know trying every method in the book. And in all that time spent doing cope methods like drinking raw milk, massai jumps, doing "supposdely proven" methods like blasting hgh, or just straight up frauding with lifts.
It's all led to one conclusion. ITS ALL FUCKING COPE

1. Drugs (HGH, mk677, etc)

only fucking works for niggas without a defiency that HAVENT HIT PUBERTY yet. WHAT DO YOU NIGGERS NOT FUCKING understand. In studies, the average height gain was around 2-3 inches for niggas with a BONE AGE OF FUCKING 6-8. It doesnt magically fucking make you produce brand new chondrocytes out of what your DNA already planned out for you:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: And the reason why this is cope is because no fucking six to ten year old WITHOUT ANY DISORDERS is gonna know what HGH is or get their hands on them. For reference, i had a 15.5 bone age and I've been on 6 IU PHARMA GRADE HGH from my doctor and i see ZER000000000 fucking gains. not even 0.1 cm

2. Shoe/sock lifts
On the cover, this literally looks like a lifesaver. 10$ for two inches of extra height? FUCK YEA! Nah nigger its not that fucking simple at all. First, lets start of with one of the biggest problems. They don't actually give you the height that is shown on the label. See the problem is since the entire platform/base of the soles is not increased and only the heel part, the lifts compress down to ONE HALF OF WHAT ITS SUPPOSED TO GIVE. and you cant just double the height and get four inch lifts because you cant fit it into your shoe anymore. I had a lot of trouble fitting fucking 1.4 inches into my jordan highs what makes you think four inches is a viable option. This is only of the problems, not accounting how painful and uncomofrtable it is, how obvious it looks, etc

"Bbbbbb-but saar":feelsuhh::feelsuhh: (kill yourself)"why not just get shoe platform lifts like conzuri":feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:?? Well yes. I mean, its technically really only a 1.4 inch lift height boost if you get conzuris 2.4 inch lift platfoorm shoes because you and the people around you already get around a 1 inch lift boost. But still, height is height, and you can just get a 3.4 inch lift platform shoes instead right?

This is where the hard part starts. You've never noticed it before, but once you start lifting there will be so many fucking moments where you might have to take of your shoes. You will have to drastically change your lifestyle and sacrafice and fuckton of fun things you want to do. For example, going swimming with your friends, airport checks, sleeping over, going into peoples house, sex, long term relationships, shoes slipping, and thats only few of the millions of things. During all those times, there will be a moment you slip up and get caught wearing lifts. It's inevitable.

I mea sock lifts can fix a few of those problems like for exammple, now you can enter the inside of your friends house. But sock lifts are the most unreliable way of increasing height. One, you cannot fraud more than 2 fucking inches or else it will be extremely obvious because the sole literally buldges out of your sock. It also keeps slipping and gets messed up and you have to constantly readjust it.

TLDR: lifts are only a temporary option such as clubbing etc when your not with people you know. Or the best method imo, you can just fraud just 0.7-1.0 inches with lifts in your shoes, and when you take of your shoes people will usually not notice, unless there the same height as you.

3. Limb lengthening:

Been waiting to talk about this one. I fucking hate when niggas say "muhh just get LL bro" nigga do you not understand how hard it is to actually be able to go through the whole LL procedure? you need ATLEAST 150-200k minimum, 300k ideally for the best surgeon, Paley. YOU DO NOT WANT TO CHEAP OUT ON SURGERIES LIKE THIS, IF U WANT TO KEEP YOUR LIFE. I had some hope becauase this greek nigga who only charged 40k was supposdely a good surgeon, but apparently he killed someone recently from the procedure:feelskek:

Now, moving on actually getting the money for the surgerery. I'm gonna assume your the average incel on this forum who will probably just go to college and then work a 9-5 like 99.9 percent of this forum. By the time you paid of your college debt and saved up enough money to actually get LL, your gonna be fucking FOURTY YEARS OLD. Trust me there is no point of increasing height by that time and most of your life is over already.

And you have to practically disappear for atleast six months up to a year because one, your gonna be fucking disabled, and two, you will get clowned and viewed as a little insecure manlet little boy who went through a life-threatening surgery to gain a few more inches of height because of his weak little insecure mindset.

4. Every other method (raw milk, no fap, masaii jumps, "just live a healthy lifestyle")
Go fucking kill yourself.
Autistic thread
its either i inject into somebody that has nothing else to live for and is short or I just do it on myself on the getgo

the first option seems nice but if i get caught its over for me (ofc ill ask for permission from them n sheet)
why would you waste money on another person bro

shit that person could be me:lul:
How tall are you? 5'7-5'10 is an extremely nt height. Everyone cringes at tall people irl they are needlessly large
this is unironically true and not cope. yes being super tall is attractive to girls, but most tall ppl i knew irl were non nt af and not very good looking, theyre never intimidating too. the guys who bullied ppl at school and were respected were always short
  • +1
Reactions: ltncurry, Joaquin and Crusile
this is unironically true and not cope. yes being super tall is attractive to girls, but most tall ppl i knew irl were non nt af and not very good looking, theyre never intimidating too. the guys who bullied ppl at school and were respected were always short
holy cope

besides the5’8-5’11 part. I don’t mind if I’m 5’9
I've been "heightmaxxing" for around a year since i was 14 (15 now) know trying every method in the book. And in all that time spent doing cope methods like drinking raw milk, massai jumps, doing "supposdely proven" methods like blasting hgh, or just straight up frauding with lifts.
It's all led to one conclusion. ITS ALL FUCKING COPE

1. Drugs (HGH, mk677, etc)

only fucking works for niggas without a defiency that HAVENT HIT PUBERTY yet. WHAT DO YOU NIGGERS NOT FUCKING understand. In studies, the average height gain was around 2-3 inches for niggas with a BONE AGE OF FUCKING 6-8. It doesnt magically fucking make you produce brand new chondrocytes out of what your DNA already planned out for you:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: And the reason why this is cope is because no fucking six to ten year old WITHOUT ANY DISORDERS is gonna know what HGH is or get their hands on them. For reference, i had a 15.5 bone age and I've been on 6 IU PHARMA GRADE HGH from my doctor and i see ZER000000000 fucking gains. not even 0.1 cm
This is lazy. I was going to be interested because I thought you would provide proof. But I will list two studies below where children grew from HGH and AI without a deficiency or a low bone age. I want you to read the studies, and argue against them. No disrespect, but you have no proof of your personal stories, so I'll ignore it for now. And keep in mind, in these studies, these boys had bone ages either higher than yours or within your range. After that, I am going to list studies where children grew up without a deficiency. :

A randomized pilot trial of growth hormone with anastrozole versus growth hormone alone, starting at the very end of puberty in adolescents with idiopathic short stature

A pilot study of growth hormone administration in boys with predicted adult short stature and near-ending growth

[Aromatase inhibitors combined with growth hormone in the treatment of adolescent boys with short stature]

Additional Study where there is no deficiency:

Randomized Trial of Aromatase Inhibitors, Growth Hormone, or Combination in Pubertal Boys with Idiopathic, Short Stature

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  • JFL
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This is lazy. I was going to be interested because I thought you would provide proof. But I will list two studies below where children grew from HGH and AI without a deficiency or a low bone age. I want you to read the studies, and argue against them. No disrespect, but you have no proof of your personal stories, so I'll ignore it for now. And keep in mind, in these studies, these boys had bone ages either higher than yours or within your range. After that, I am going to list studies where children grew up without a deficiency. :

A randomized pilot trial of growth hormone with anastrozole versus growth hormone alone, starting at the very end of puberty in adolescents with idiopathic short stature

A pilot study of growth hormone administration in boys with predicted adult short stature and near-ending growth

[Aromatase inhibitors combined with growth hormone in the treatment of adolescent boys with short stature]

Additional Study where there is no deficiency:

Randomized Trial of Aromatase Inhibitors, Growth Hormone, or Combination in Pubertal Boys with Idiopathic, Short Stature this one too for iss +8cm in avg 15 yo. Wait u already mentioned sry
Wow finally took you retards long enough to realise this.
  • JFL
Reactions: Lord Shadow
is an x-ray of hand enough for checking my growth plates?anything else before i book an appointment
im in london btw
Blasting HGH by itself will just accelerate the calcification of your growth plates. You need an Aromatase Inhibitor. Take 6mg Aromasin everyday. You want your estradiol as low as possible without feeling too many sides, but sub-20 pg/ml is enough.

You also need good sleep and a good diet. Height is mostly genetic obviously so you need to be pristine on all fronts if you're serious about this. Also you're 15 so shut the fuck up.
  • +1
Reactions: MyDreamIsToBe183CM
This is lazy. I was going to be interested because I thought you would provide proof. But I will list two studies below where children grew from HGH and AI without a deficiency or a low bone age. I want you to read the studies, and argue against them. No disrespect, but you have no proof of your personal stories, so I'll ignore it for now. And keep in mind, in these studies, these boys had bone ages either higher than yours or within your range. After that, I am going to list studies where children grew up without a deficiency. :

A randomized pilot trial of growth hormone with anastrozole versus growth hormone alone, starting at the very end of puberty in adolescents with idiopathic short stature

A pilot study of growth hormone administration in boys with predicted adult short stature and near-ending growth

[Aromatase inhibitors combined with growth hormone in the treatment of adolescent boys with short stature]

Additional Study where there is no deficiency:

Randomized Trial of Aromatase Inhibitors, Growth Hormone, or Combination in Pubertal Boys with Idiopathic, Short Stature

Idiopathic short stature means that the reason why they are short isnt identified

Are they any studies where hgh was used on kids with familiar short stature? The one I saw said that it didnt increase predicted adult height.
sleep quality and other habits are also really important!

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