Debunking the notion Africans have low IQ GTFIH

dnr thread just further confirms black have low iq

still dnr
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Also why do Black females have White male skulls

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The fact that niggers have low IQ only makes us getting cucked by BBC even more brutal. Not only are they black kings stealing our women, they are also stupid as hell doing it. Us crackers can't get a W
  • JFL
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IQ tests are for the most part cope anyways.
  • Hmm...
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There's a decent IQ gap between white americans and african americans. Whites are also ~2x more likely to produce geniuses (140+ IQ) than blacks. Asians/Indians are on average higher IQ than white americans but Ashkenazi/white americans have shown to be more creative, visualize things better and have a higher ability to process complex math while asians have better analytical qnd critical thinking. This is the reason why whites are explorers/pioneers and invent things while asians make for good corporate workers, CEOs and business tycoons.

African Americans have 80 IQ despite not living in Africa tier shithole
poor whites IQmog rich blacks. There’s a reason blacks have been the only race to never have an actual civilization or anything.
There’s not a single intelligence related measure blacks perform well in

There was a study about average Iq kids being adopted by rich parents. In their childhood they scored above average Iq but when they grew up they scored average. IQ stabilizes over age and adult Iq is almost entirely genetic (unless you were malnourished as a kid or completely illiterate or something)


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IQ tests are for the most part cope anyways.
False and dumb take. I can agree IQ tests aren't the end it be all but they are accurate for measuring the general intelligence of an individual.
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  • Hmm...
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There's a decent IQ gap between white americans and african americans. Whites are also ~2x more likely to produce geniuses (140+ IQ) than blacks. Asians/Indians are on average higher IQ than white americans but Ashkenazi/white americans have shown to be more creative, visualize things better and have a higher ability to process complex math while asians have better analytical qnd critical thinking. This is the reason why whites are explorers/pioneers and invent things while asians make for good corporate workers, CEOs and business tycoons.
This is a peer reviewed study btw @sportsmogger
  • JFL
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False and dumb take. I can agree IQ tests aren't the end it be all but they are accurate for measuring the general intelligence of an individual.
You can learn and memorise ( sometimes without even knowing) to invalidate their purpose.
  • JFL
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You can learn and memorise ( sometimes without even knowing) to invalidate their purpose.
You don't understand IQ tests if you think that lmao. Memorization alone won't help much with most IQ tests because they focus on how you think rather than what you know. Memorization is useless for Inductive/Deductive reasong, Spatial Reasoning, Critical thinking and Logical deductions. IQ test aren't cope.
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You don't understand IQ tests if you think that lmao. Memorization alone won't help much with most IQ tests because they focus on how you think rather than what you know. Memorization is useless for Inductive/Deductive reasong, Spatial Reasoning, Critical thinking and Logical deductions. IQ test aren't cope.
Lots of IQ tests have sequences as a subsection. If someone practices and practices many different types of sequences with different underlying patterns ( Arithmetic, quadratic/cubic, Geometric, Recurrent ect) surely they would do better compared to someone who didn’t ?
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Lots of IQ tests have sequences as a subsection. If someone practices and practices many different types of sequences with different underlying patterns ( Arithmetic, quadratic/cubic, Geometric, Recurrent ect) surely they would do better compared to someone who didn’t ?
And then get a higher overall score?
  • +1
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There's a decent IQ gap between white americans and african americans. Whites are also ~2x more likely to produce geniuses (140+ IQ) than blacks. Asians/Indians are on average higher IQ than white americans but Ashkenazi/white americans have shown to be more creative, visualize things better and have a higher ability to process complex math while asians have better analytical qnd critical thinking. This is the reason why whites are explorers/pioneers and invent things while asians make for good corporate workers, CEOs and business tycoons.
Source for Indians having a higher IQ than white Americans ?

East Asians, yes. But Indians ??? Are you sure it’s not survivorship bias by looking at the very successful Indians that come to the US to work in competitive industries rather than the average Indian ?
Lots of IQ tests have sequences as a subsection. If someone practices and practices many different types of sequences with different underlying patterns ( Arithmetic, quadratic/cubic, Geometric, Recurrent ect) surely they would do better compared to someone who didn’t ?
Practice helps you become more adept at identifying underlying patterns in sequences but you still need some natural aptitude and mental flexibility to answer all of them with accuracy and speed so isn't just practice that helps. In general outdo someone who has much better pattern recognizing that you even with a lot of practice this is exactly the visualization that whites excel in.
  • Hmm...
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Source for Indians having a higher IQ than white Americans ?

East Asians, yes. But Indians ??? Are you sure it’s not survivorship bias by looking at the very successful Indians that come to the US to work in competitive industries rather than the average Indian ?
See the document that I linked. It's a 60 page document about the various studies regarding cognitive ability of different races over 30 years. In that study they used second generation ethnics. Ashkenazi Jews, East Asians and Indians were the top 3 and scored higher than white americans.
Practice helps you become more adept at identifying underlying patterns in sequences but you still need some natural aptitude and mental flexibility to answer all of them with accuracy and speed so isn't just practice that helps. In general outdo someone who has much better pattern recognizing that you even with a lot of practice this is exactly the visualization that whites excel in.
From my understanding, surely these tests are most accurate to separate people around one SD from each tail? They get less and less accurate for very dumb and very Intelligent people?
From my understanding, surely these tests are most accurate to separate people around one SD from each tail? They get less and less accurate for very dumb and very Intelligent people?
Or does this not really matter statistically since the CLT is still applied ?
selective immigration brah
View attachment 3113626
Not even remotely true as a black Brit a lot of infact id say the majority of SSA and MENA migrants are of the low class variant. The USA gets the civilised rich Africans and Arabs but Europe and the UK get the chaff you don’t know what your speaking about and talking out your ass any Brit knows what I’m saying is true
My source is the Uk governement
One of the most common copes I see on this shithole from cumskins and others.

You heard it from the white man himself.

This isn't debunking its just casting doubt into one persons claims of a list.
Truth is even after socioeconomic adjustments there continues to be a pretty stark difference in any measure of IQ or educational attainment.
i.e Asians born into the poverty line are more likely to earn 6 figures than blacks born in a 6 figure household which is an insane statistic when you think about it.




And the gap is persisting.
Im not an SF nut head (not even white lol) but data is pretty hard to deal with
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Just say "My race is retarded but I am smart so it's ok". No need to cope this hard.
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  • JFL
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Negroids have an innate ability to ensure the destruction of any civilization that they enter.
Remove the schopen avi before i rape your entire family (males included)
Nah africa is a shithole, lived there and can confirm that people are generally stupid
Evidence of their stupidity could be water collection. Rather than building a fenced area or drain pipe to make it safer to collect, the tribal people instead risk getting eaten by crocodiles like some dumb zebra.
I’m arguing that there isn’t a single country in which the average IQ in Africa is sub 80.

Do you know how retarded a country would be if the average IQ would be 62?
Modern abos are
Not all black people have that headshape jfl
Prime example of red line skull mogging. Look how far in front of his eyes his frontal bone is
Jun 01 2006 galkayo somalia profile of an elderly somali militia man DPJHFH
  • JFL
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For the most part i don't think most actual african immigrants are that bad, especially when you compare african-americans to real africans, the latter are way better, hardworking honest people while the former are degenerate lowlives and leeches. In the UK it's kinda mixed, some african immigrants are good while some are just leeches.
The difference between the two is usually religion and the fact real Africans don’t feel owed anything. African Americans still act like they’re treated as 2nd class citizens
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Yes nobody has fucking 42 iq
But Africans are very dumb
Yet they scam the educated elderly from overseas. Prince Naseem has left a large inheritance, Juwan Mandela wants to be ur husband old fat white mother of 8
least racist thread on looksmaxx org
JFL at the people in the comments coping that they are shitholes cause they get muhh oppressed
You really going to argue that Africans don't have lower IQ on average? come on buddy boyo... let it go
Why so many cucks starting to be anti racist. Racism is real and normal because race is real. No way people think races are the same and blacks are the same as other races.

Anyone past the age of 16 understands they’re different
I'm not an sfcel. Idc about muh white race.
SFcel is just acknowledging basic things like race being real. By that logic even people like @JohnDoe @Beastimmung are sfcels useless term
I genuinely don't believe that your average city African is retarded. The uneducated rurals being low IQ is definitely believable. We have to remember guys that below around 80 IQ you literally come off as smooth brained to people.

your average african being lower iq on average compared to the rest of the world is true though.
African Americans definitely have a good amount of dudes below 75 iq genuinely. Go to any shithole inner city area and most of the people there are sub 75 iq lmfao
See the document that I linked. It's a 60 page document about the various studies regarding cognitive ability of different races over 30 years. In that study they used second generation ethnics. Ashkenazi Jews, East Asians and Indians were the top 3 and scored higher than white americans.
Yea race is real anyone who wasn’t a complete Normie during 2020 would know this by now.
least racist thread on looksmaxx org
Racism is normal
Im not an SF nut head (not even white lol) but data is pretty hard to deal with
Sfcel just means you acknowledge basic truths like this just a stupid buzzword tbh.

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