[Ded srs] Being a man is probably better than being a women tbh

Cope/BS thread tbh. Anyone can debate me on this if you want. This world has been restructured to be made for women. If society had to choose between what to kill, a random foid or a random male, society would choose a random male. Male life has less intrinsic value than female life and this is the reality after the emergence of feminism, legalization and defense of abortion and spread of lies such as "gender wage gap" or "pink tax". In modern society, a women will get significantly less of a punishment for the SAME crime a man commits, ask a random guy on the street to buy her lunch and she has a decent chance of getting it, cry on social media for money and larp that she is a victim of "domestic violence" and get thousands of dollars, make a living off her body, and have the ability to receive love and value UNCONDITIONALLY to the point where your breaths give value to a society.

I don't even know how men can continue coping that our life is better than the life of a woman when women literally complain about men calling them hot on the sidewalk tbh. That alone proves that they have literally nothing to worry about
  • +1
Reactions: BucketCrab and Need2Ascend
I'm talking about >6 PSL man ofc. but even if ur a normie u can still surgerymaxx + other looksmaxx to 6 PSL+

Being a women sucks:
  • Forever nagging fear of aging out of prime - even Angelina Jolie couldn't manage and is probably depressed
  • Imagine being young and adventurous but then knowing that it will only go downhill JFL
  • If ur 8+ u will have 0 real female friends and even simps will go away after ur 35+ time flies ngl
  • Need to give birth
  • Weaker than men - always worried abt sexual or domestic abuse
  • If ur gl and u finally get ur high quality man he'll dump u after u turn 26 JFL at Dicaprio
  • If u sleep around no high quality man fo u
Being chad u get to pump and dump 100+ and this encouraged by societal norms.

Also I can debunk the claims made in this post

  • Forever nagging fear of aging out of prime - even Angelina Jolie couldn't manage and is probably depressed

Irrelevant. Even when women are past their prime, typically they are already married or have fucked enough to have their lives perfectly settled. Your cherry-picked reference to Angelina Jolie doesn't aid your argument as well. First, Angelina Jole has guaranteed been fucking several chads since she ended it with Brad Pitt, and she is also a celebrity, claiming that she is depressed is worthless - I couldn't care less if someone at the top is depressed. Also, substantiate how is she afraid of aging? She is one of the most successful stars in Hollywood and the world doesn't give a shit if she's getting old. With makeup, she still looks similar to how she used to as well.
She is also coming out in this new movie very soon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Those_Who_Wish_Me_Dead and is still nominated for many awards.

  • Imagine being young and adventurous but then knowing that it will only go downhill JFL

I already refuted this if you meant that Angelina Jolie fits this description, but I can tackle it even more. In order for this to counter against the concept of women privilege, you need to show that males don't have to worry about this, and I can counter it obviously. As males are over represented in athletic fields, (primarily males) they lose their abilities when they turn around 35-40 for example. After that, they have to rely on the success they earned when they were young to maintain a quality lifestyle. This can cause depression, because it's such a drastic change in their lives, and the passion they have for their sport stays while their body just can't handle it. Here's a source that talks about this: https://believeperform.com/life-after-sport-depression-in-retired-athletes/ " Sport career termination induces dramatic changes in athletes’ personal, social and occupational lives, this can in turn potentially affect individuals cognitively, emotionally and behaviourally (Taylor & Ogilvie, 1994). The social and professional changes induced by retirement from sport can in effect cause distressful reactions (Allison & Meyer, 1988; Lavallee, Gordon, & Grove, 1997). These retired athletes express a feeling of emptiness in their lives (Stambulova, 1997) and one of the main stakes of this transition is to therefore reconstruct and adjust themselves on the basis of a new life style. "

  • If ur 8+ u will have 0 real female friends and even simps will go away after ur 35+ time flies ngl
Lol what? A british survey found that 1 in 5 men have no close friends vs only 1 in 8 women: https://yougov.co.uk/topics/relatio...9/09/25/quarter-britons-dont-have-best-friend Studies consistently show that women not only have more close friends than men but are more likely to keep them over a lifetime https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/li...ed-to-keep-their-friends-20200604-p54zky.html and yes 35 year old women can get simps easily. Some have concluded that women's same-gender friendships may have a therapeutic component, because of the intimacy and empathetic understanding that characterizes them (Aukett et al. 1988; Buhrke & Fuqua, 1987). Men may not reap this benefit in their same-gender friendships. https://www.researchgate.net/public...es_in_best_friendships_Sex_Roles_297-8497-508

  • Need to give birth
You could also say Men need to be fathers... this is a weak claim to make. Also, this ignores how far less women are giving birth and more are pursuing occupations or living independently. This is due to feminism spitting the bullshit out that women are independent and don't nead men. So this concept of needing to give birth was true 200 years ago, but now it's not at all valid. https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/birthratecdc/2020/01/10/id/949354/

  • Weaker than men - always worried abt sexual or domestic abuse
This is a very weak claim I see many feminists make. First, I won't even address the realities of the two things you mentioned. Let's just talk about being weaker than men. This is inaccurate. Sure on average males are stronger than women, but let's talk about a 5'8 120 pound man vs a 6'3 200 pound female. Which one would be more of a risk if they walk around in public? Obviously the weaker small guy right? So it's not because they're women they're weaker, it's because of their size and height, that yes has a relation with their sex, but don't have to be necessarily equivalent. Next, males are more likely to get raped than women if we account for the prison population and this is important because males get harsher sentences for the same crime than females https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...d-US-women-including-prison-sexual-abuse.html https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/...h-publications/2017/20171114_Demographics.pdf " Female offenders of all races received shorter sentences than White male offenders during the Post-Report period, as they had for the prior four periods. " for the same crime they account for that in this study. Also, rates of domestic abuse are typically mixed. Many sources claim that women actually abuse men more often. Some do claim that men do, but actually there is also a culture for men to not claim that they're abused because of how society would treat us and the fact that society would always side with the female, so if we're being honest, it probably really is men being abused more often than females. Heres a harvard peer reviewed study that defends that women domestically abuse men more than females though, try to refute it: " In nonreciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more than 70% of the cases. " https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/full/10.2105/AJPH.2005.079020

  • If ur gl and u finally get ur high quality man he'll dump u after u turn 26 JFL at Dicaprio
Cherrypicked example to defend an inaccurate claim though. Women are the ones more likely to initiate divorce so I don't even need to go into discussion about this claim anymore after that. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/...to a survey of over 2000 heterosexual couples.

  • If u sleep around no high quality man fo u
I mean this is applicable to both genders though, this isn't a gotcha for women privilege. When two virgins get married their relationships are 64% more happy than others, but if you believe that it's different for men vs women the burden of proof is on you to find something that defends that cause I doubt it's anything significant. But I mean, sources universally say that women have sex more than men, and they are still getting married and shit, only 3% of women marry the man that they lose their virginity to https://pairedlife.com/relationships/Why-Women-Dont-Marry-The-Men-Who-Disvirgined-Them but there's no study that goes into "high quality" males so I don't think this is an objective claim to talk about the existence of female privilege or not.

Tagging people that thumbed you up, lmk if you guys still agree with him, or just friends to read / critique me or debate if you want i'm down
@ezio6 @efidescontinuado
@CopeTilliRope @Celexawer @PrisonMike
@Need2Ascend @Maesthetic @celmane @OgreMaxxing @Blackmannnns
@Incoming @joeveniro @Chintuck22 @Won'tStopNoodling @MAKEOUTHILL999 @alexjones
@NewParasite @nonserviam @Jk257
@kjsbdfiusdf @Clark69
  1. @Yuyevon
  • +1
Reactions: BucketCrab, Deleted member 9467 and PrisonMike
Cope/BS thread tbh. Anyone can debate me on this if you want. This world has been restructured to be made for women. If society had to choose between what to kill, a random foid or a random male, society would choose a random male. Male life has less intrinsic value than female life and this is the reality after the emergence of feminism, legalization and defense of abortion and spread of lies such as "gender wage gap" or "pink tax". In modern society, a women will get significantly less of a punishment for the SAME crime a man commits, ask a random guy on the street to buy her lunch and she has a decent chance of getting it, cry on social media for money and larp that she is a victim of "domestic violence" and get thousands of dollars, make a living off her body, and have the ability to receive love and value UNCONDITIONALLY to the point where your breaths give value to a society.

I don't even know how men can continue coping that our life is better than the life of a woman when women literally complain about men calling them hot on the sidewalk tbh. That alone proves that they have literally nothing to worry about
Life as a chad(less than 5% of males) >>> life as a female >>> life as a male tbh

Life as a female is objectively far better than the average male's, no doubt, the only thing we have is testosterone, which gives us the power needed to cope in this rigged world and hope to make it to the top
  • +1
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bruh ngga no amount of surgery will make me 6 PSL and being a man is shit
  • +1
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I'm talking about >6 PSL man ofc. but even if ur a normie u can still surgerymaxx + other looksmaxx to 6 PSL+

Being a women sucks:
  • Forever nagging fear of aging out of prime - even Angelina Jolie couldn't manage and is probably depressed
  • Imagine being young and adventurous but then knowing that it will only go downhill JFL
  • If ur 8+ u will have 0 real female friends and even simps will go away after ur 35+ time flies ngl
  • Need to give birth
  • Weaker than men - always worried abt sexual or domestic abuse
  • If ur gl and u finally get ur high quality man he'll dump u after u turn 26 JFL at Dicaprio
  • If u sleep around no high quality man fo u
Being chad u get to pump and dump 100+ and this encouraged by societal norms.
Chads always mog and are unstoppable.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4797 and CopeTilliRope
Also I can debunk the claims made in this post

  • Forever nagging fear of aging out of prime - even Angelina Jolie couldn't manage and is probably depressed

Irrelevant. Even when women are past their prime, typically they are already married or have fucked enough to have their lives perfectly settled. Your cherry-picked reference to Angelina Jolie doesn't aid your argument as well. First, Angelina Jole has guaranteed been fucking several chads since she ended it with Brad Pitt, and she is also a celebrity, claiming that she is depressed is worthless - I couldn't care less if someone at the top is depressed. Also, substantiate how is she afraid of aging? She is one of the most successful stars in Hollywood and the world doesn't give a shit if she's getting old. With makeup, she still looks similar to how she used to as well.
She is also coming out in this new movie very soon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Those_Who_Wish_Me_Dead and is still nominated for many awards.

  • Imagine being young and adventurous but then knowing that it will only go downhill JFL

I already refuted this if you meant that Angelina Jolie fits this description, but I can tackle it even more. In order for this to counter against the concept of women privilege, you need to show that males don't have to worry about this, and I can counter it obviously. As males are over represented in athletic fields, (primarily males) they lose their abilities when they turn around 35-40 for example. After that, they have to rely on the success they earned when they were young to maintain a quality lifestyle. This can cause depression, because it's such a drastic change in their lives, and the passion they have for their sport stays while their body just can't handle it. Here's a source that talks about this: https://believeperform.com/life-after-sport-depression-in-retired-athletes/ " Sport career termination induces dramatic changes in athletes’ personal, social and occupational lives, this can in turn potentially affect individuals cognitively, emotionally and behaviourally (Taylor & Ogilvie, 1994). The social and professional changes induced by retirement from sport can in effect cause distressful reactions (Allison & Meyer, 1988; Lavallee, Gordon, & Grove, 1997). These retired athletes express a feeling of emptiness in their lives (Stambulova, 1997) and one of the main stakes of this transition is to therefore reconstruct and adjust themselves on the basis of a new life style. "

  • If ur 8+ u will have 0 real female friends and even simps will go away after ur 35+ time flies ngl
Lol what? A british survey found that 1 in 5 men have no close friends vs only 1 in 8 women: https://yougov.co.uk/topics/relatio...9/09/25/quarter-britons-dont-have-best-friend Studies consistently show that women not only have more close friends than men but are more likely to keep them over a lifetime https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/li...ed-to-keep-their-friends-20200604-p54zky.html and yes 35 year old women can get simps easily. Some have concluded that women's same-gender friendships may have a therapeutic component, because of the intimacy and empathetic understanding that characterizes them (Aukett et al. 1988; Buhrke & Fuqua, 1987). Men may not reap this benefit in their same-gender friendships. https://www.researchgate.net/public...es_in_best_friendships_Sex_Roles_297-8497-508

  • Need to give birth
You could also say Men need to be fathers... this is a weak claim to make. Also, this ignores how far less women are giving birth and more are pursuing occupations or living independently. This is due to feminism spitting the bullshit out that women are independent and don't nead men. So this concept of needing to give birth was true 200 years ago, but now it's not at all valid. https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/birthratecdc/2020/01/10/id/949354/

  • Weaker than men - always worried abt sexual or domestic abuse
This is a very weak claim I see many feminists make. First, I won't even address the realities of the two things you mentioned. Let's just talk about being weaker than men. This is inaccurate. Sure on average males are stronger than women, but let's talk about a 5'8 120 pound man vs a 6'3 200 pound female. Which one would be more of a risk if they walk around in public? Obviously the weaker small guy right? So it's not because they're women they're weaker, it's because of their size and height, that yes has a relation with their sex, but don't have to be necessarily equivalent. Next, males are more likely to get raped than women if we account for the prison population and this is important because males get harsher sentences for the same crime than females https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...d-US-women-including-prison-sexual-abuse.html https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/...h-publications/2017/20171114_Demographics.pdf " Female offenders of all races received shorter sentences than White male offenders during the Post-Report period, as they had for the prior four periods. " for the same crime they account for that in this study. Also, rates of domestic abuse are typically mixed. Many sources claim that women actually abuse men more often. Some do claim that men do, but actually there is also a culture for men to not claim that they're abused because of how society would treat us and the fact that society would always side with the female, so if we're being honest, it probably really is men being abused more often than females. Heres a harvard peer reviewed study that defends that women domestically abuse men more than females though, try to refute it: " In nonreciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more than 70% of the cases. " https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/full/10.2105/AJPH.2005.079020

  • If ur gl and u finally get ur high quality man he'll dump u after u turn 26 JFL at Dicaprio
Cherrypicked example to defend an inaccurate claim though. Women are the ones more likely to initiate divorce so I don't even need to go into discussion about this claim anymore after that. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-new-resilience/201508/women-initiate-divorce-much-more-men-heres-why#:~:text=Wives report more dissatisfaction with their marriages than,to a survey of over 2000 heterosexual couples.

  • If u sleep around no high quality man fo u
I mean this is applicable to both genders though, this isn't a gotcha for women privilege. When two virgins get married their relationships are 64% more happy than others, but if you believe that it's different for men vs women the burden of proof is on you to find something that defends that cause I doubt it's anything significant. But I mean, sources universally say that women have sex more than men, and they are still getting married and shit, only 3% of women marry the man that they lose their virginity to https://pairedlife.com/relationships/Why-Women-Dont-Marry-The-Men-Who-Disvirgined-Them but there's no study that goes into "high quality" males so I don't think this is an objective claim to talk about the existence of female privilege or not.

Tagging people that thumbed you up, lmk if you guys still agree with him, or just friends to read / critique me or debate if you want i'm down
@ezio6 @efidescontinuado
@CopeTilliRope @Celexawer @PrisonMike
@Need2Ascend @Maesthetic @celmane @OgreMaxxing @Blackmannnns
@Incoming @joeveniro @Chintuck22 @Won'tStopNoodling @MAKEOUTHILL999 @alexjones
@NewParasite @nonserviam @Jk257
@kjsbdfiusdf @Clark69
  1. @Yuyevon

Dont disagree with everything for the sake of disagreeing

1. men have more muscle mass than women and are on average taller and stronger 6'2'' woman? 99.99% are shorter than 5'10'' and assuming a 5'10'' guy vs a 6'2'' woman happens the guy would win due to having T and the heightened athletic ability that comes with it.

2. There are numerous studies showing non-virgin women have worse marriages due to depleted oxytocin, look them up.
Dont disagree with everything for the sake of disagreeing

1. men have more muscle mass than women and are on average taller and stronger 6'2'' woman? 99.99% are shorter than 5'10'' and assuming a 5'10'' guy vs a 6'2'' woman happens the guy would win due to having T and the heightened athletic ability that comes with it.

2. There are numerous studies showing non-virgin women have worse marriages due to depleted oxytocin, look them up.

1. Vacuous truth. The thing is that belief of being a risk comes from size and height, not just from gender. Shorter people are more likely to be afraid and paranoid and taller people are more likely to be assured, confident and calm, etc. And yeah, men are more likely to be taller, sure. But if you want to say these things defend the concept of male privilege, you have to show how "being afraid" should matter more than actually being attacked, because males are 70% of homicide victims and the majority victims of violent crime on the streets. https://www.smh.com.au/national/men...-by-strangers-than-women-20180703-p4zp5z.html Even if the 5'10 man can beat a 6'2 woman in a fight, the man is more likely to get attacked on the streets, and the feelings of being a risk don't mean shit since the statistics don't even defend them to feel that way. This also doesn't refute the fact that males are raped more including the prison population (which matters since males get worse sentences for the same crime) and the domestic abuse rates are almost equal with more male cases going unreported because of stigma against males reporting domestic abuse.

2. Oxytocin is not something unique to women, males have this hormone as well. Many studies have also shown it's not really associated with male vs female, it connects more with whether or not the marriage is new, and these studies about marriages becoming worse due to depleted oxytocin are true for both male and females: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3936960/ . Regardless, even if this weren't true, I don't see how this substantiates the belief of male privilege surpassing female privilege. If non-virgin women have worse marriages (assuming you mean virgin women), good? Frankly, I think that they deserve it. But to say that this is true while non-virgin men don't have any worse marriages than virgin men is idiotic and unfactually based, and the burden of proof would be on you to show that, and you must account for correlation/causation as well, because non virgins typically also marry non virgins and virgins also marry virgins, and since marriages are two people it's very difficult to look at and make claims about the effects of one person directly.


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  • So Sad
Reactions: Adreyan

Very good arguments tbh. I think I should reframe my argument.

*Being chad is better than being any tier of woman
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 7313
1. Vacuous truth. The thing is that belief of being a risk comes from size and height, not just from gender. Shorter people are more likely to be afraid and paranoid and taller people are more likely to be assured, confident and calm, etc. And yeah, men are more likely to be taller, sure. But if you want to say these things defend the concept of male privilege, you have to show how "being afraid" should matter more than actually being attacked, because males are 70% of homicide victims and the majority victims of violent crime on the streets. https://www.smh.com.au/national/men...-by-strangers-than-women-20180703-p4zp5z.html Even if the 5'10 man can beat a 6'2 woman in a fight, the man is more likely to get attacked on the streets, and the feelings of being a risk don't mean shit since the statistics don't even defend them to feel that way. This also doesn't refute the fact that males are raped more including the prison population (which matters since males get worse sentences for the same crime) and the domestic abuse rates are almost equal with more male cases going unreported because of stigma against males reporting domestic abuse.

2. Oxytocin is not something unique to women, males have this hormone as well. Many studies have also shown it's not really associated with male vs female, it connects more with whether or not the marriage is new, and these studies about marriages becoming worse due to depleted oxytocin are true for both male and females: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3936960/ . Regardless, even if this weren't true, I don't see how this substantiates the belief of male privilege surpassing female privilege. If non-virgin women have worse marriages (assuming you mean virgin women), good? Frankly, I think that they deserve it. But to say that this is true while non-virgin men don't have any worse marriages than virgin men is idiotic and unfactually based, and the burden of proof would be on you to show that, and you must account for correlation/causation as well, because non virgins typically also marry non virgins and virgins also marry virgins, and since marriages are two people it's very difficult to look at and make claims about the effects of one person directly.

1. Do you even remember what we were arguing about? (strength of men vs women)
Men are stronger than women and more aggressive and more horny and disagreeable due to testosterone all the "proof" you provide is incongruent, very tertiarily related to the topic and prone to much bias due to confounding factors
"you have to show how "being afraid" should matter more than actually being attacked' has nothing to do with.

2. I think we both agree non-virgin men and women have worse pair bonding in marriage and anyone who "slays" is a retard that thinks with their dick rather than their head but data is more forgiving for men than for women in that regard men have 1 chance at redeeming themselves (drops to 65% at 2) but women do not (drops below 60% at 2)

men just anti-age mog females, it's crazy

isnt it funny ?

womans fertility falls off a cliff after 35

and her face will reflect that, whereas a mans doesnt

so its like the collagen kills itself to align with her internal senescence

but must have been advantageous from an evolutionary point of view

if men were chasing oldie chicks with the same enthusiasm it wouldnt be efficient
Not to mention the complete disconnect in the wiring of their brains, imagine being emotional and crying about everything, and then on top of that being low iq, truely only meant to care for children and produce more
  • JFL
Reactions: Adreyan
If you were a woman, you would never really appreciate the perks of being a woman, so it is not a practical question to ask. But for those that have really dug deep into his question, the answer is that being a man is harder:

I'm talking about >6 PSL man ofc. but even if ur a normie u can still surgerymaxx + other looksmaxx to 6 PSL+

Being a women sucks:
  • Forever nagging fear of aging out of prime - even Angelina Jolie couldn't manage and is probably depressed
  • Imagine being young and adventurous but then knowing that it will only go downhill JFL
  • If ur 8+ u will have 0 real female friends and even simps will go away after ur 35+ time flies ngl
  • Need to give birth
  • Weaker than men - always worried abt sexual or domestic abuse
  • If ur gl and u finally get ur high quality man he'll dump u after u turn 26 JFL at Dicaprio
  • If u sleep around no high quality man fo u
Being chad u get to pump and dump 100+ and this encouraged by societal norms.

Your a retard if you think the average dude can get surgery to get to 6 psl do you even know how rear that is? Thats like 90 percentile meaning 100 out of a thousand will have looks similar to thay
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 9467
Some interesting takes on this. I know older women in my age range are also more delusional than women those ages were in the past which leads to a lot of average looksmatched guys being screwed over. I would say the one sub-group of guys that things get easier for once you are talking late 30s and older is the high tier normie that still has hair and kept himself in shape. They are almost as rare as Chadlites were in their 20s and Chadlites are mostly gone at 40.

Like said above average Joe still has a hard time even with these women being that age and they will expect him to be well off many times to have anything to do with him.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 9467
Forever nagging fear of aging out of prime - even Angelina Jolie couldn't manage and is probably depressed
Going bald is the wall of men, and I am not sure about you but its my biggest nightmare, even though I don't even show signs yet
I prefer to be a guy. Because I don't want to get fuck by penises.

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