Degeneracy Megathread [NSFW ALLOWED]

Required viewing if you want to be based:

nigger rap and pedophile ringing

kill yourself
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New York
In reference to the city, let's just say that you know you're from there if any of the following apply to you:
  • You say "the city" and expect everyone to know that this means Manhattan.
  • You have never been to the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building.
  • You can get into a four-hour argument about how to get from Columbus Circle to Battery Park at 3:30 on the Friday before a long weekend, but can�t find Wisconsin on a map.
  • Hookers and the homeless are invisible.
  • The subway makes sense.
  • You believe that being able to swear at people in their own language makes you multi-lingual.
  • You've considered stabbing someone just for saying "The Big Apple".
  • The most frequently used part of your car is the horn.
  • You call an 8' x 10' plot of patchy grass a yard.
  • You consider Westchester "upstate".
  • You think Central Park is "nature."
  • You see nothing odd about the speed of an auctioneer's speaking.
  • You're paying $1,200 for a studio the size of a walk-in closet and you think it's a "steal."
  • You've been to New Jersey twice and got hopelessly lost both times.
  • You pay more each month to park your car than most people in the U.S. pay in rent.
  • You haven't seen more than twelve stars in the night sky since you went away to camp as a kid.
  • You go to dinner at 9 and head out to the clubs when most Americans are heading to bed.
    Your closet is filled with black clothes.
  • You haven't heard the sound of true absolute silence since the 80s, and when you did, it terrified you.
  • You pay $5 without blinking for a beer that cost the bar 28 cents.
  • You take fashion seriously.
  • Being truly alone makes you nervous.
  • You have 27 different menus next to your telephone.
  • Going to Brooklyn is considered a "road trip."
  • America west of the Hudson is still theoretical to you.
  • You've gotten jaywalking down to an art form.
  • You take a taxi to get to your health club to exercise.
  • Your idea of personal space is no one actually standing on your toes.
  • $50 worth of groceries fit in one paper bag.
  • You have a minimum of five "worst cab ride ever" stories.
  • You don't notice sirens anymore.
  • You live in a building with a larger population than most American towns.
  • Your doorman is Russian, your grocer is Korean your deli man is Israeli, your building super is Italian, your laundry guy is Chinese, your favorite bartender is Irish, your favorite diner owner is Greek, the watchseller on your corner is Senegalese, your last cabbie was Pakistani, your newsstand guy is Indian and your favorite falafel guy is Egyptian.
  • You're suspicious of strangers who are actually nice to you.
  • You secretly envy cabbies for their driving skills.
  • You think $7.00 to cross a bridge is a fair price.
  • Your door has more than three locks.
  • Your favorite movie has DeNiro in it.
  • You consider eye contact an act of overt aggression.
  • You run when you see a flashing "Do Not Walk" sign at the intersection.
  • You're 35 years old and don't have a driver's license.
  • You ride in a subway car with no air conditioning just because there are seats available.
  • You're willing to take in strange people as roommates simply to help pay the rent.
  • There is no North and South. It's uptown or downtown.
  • When you're away from home, you miss "real" pizza and "real" bagels.
  • You know the differences between all the different Ray's Pizzas.
  • You're not in the least bit interested in going to Times Square on New Year's Eve.
  • Your internal clock is permanently set to know when Alternate Side of the Street parking regulations are in effect.
  • You know what a bodega is.
  • You know how to fold the New York Times in half, vertically, so that you can read it on the subway or bus without knocking off other passenger's hats.
  • Someone bumps into you, and you check for your wallet...
  • You cringe at hearing people pronounce Houston St. like the city in Texas.
    Film crews on your block annoy you, not excite you.
by well, la dee dah January 9, 2006
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SJW tanny publisher revises late author's works:
The Twits​
ladies and gentlemen​
fearful ugliness​
Have you ever seen a woman with an uglier face than that? I doubt it.​
Have you ever seen anyone with an uglier face than that? I doubt it.​
You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth​
You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and stick-out teeth​
In her right hand she carried a walking stick. She used to tell people that this was because she had warts growing on her sole of her left foot and walking was painful.​
In her right hand she carried a walking stick. Not because she needed help walking.​
Oh do shut up, you old hag​
Oh do shut up, you old crow​
She lay there in the dark scratching her tummy. Her tummy was itching. Dity old hags like her always have itchy tummies.​
She lay there in the dark scratching her tummy. Her tummy was always itchy.​
She was a prisoner​
She was stuck​
old hag​
old crow​
Mrs Twit may have been ugly and she may have been beastly, but she was not stupid.​
Mrs Twit may have been beastly, but she was not stupid.​
But these were English birds and they couldn’t understand the weird African language the monkeys spoke.​
But these were English birds and they couldn’t understand the African language the monkeys spoke.​
He’s dotty!’ They cried. ‘He’s balmy!’ ‘He’s batty!’ ‘He’s nutty!’ ‘He’s screwy!’ ‘He’s wacky!’ Cried the Roly-Poly Bird. ‘Poor old Muggles has gone off his wump at last!’​
He’s dotty!’ They cried. ‘He’s wacky!’ Cried the Roly-Poly Bird.​
frumptious freaks​
beastly Twits​
ugly old cow​
ghastly old shrew​
fatty folds of his flabby neck​
folds of his neck​
The Witches​
Even if she is working as a cashier in a supermarket or typing letters for a businessman​
Even if she is working as a top scientist or running a business​
I do not wish to speak badly about women. Most women are lovely​
We could round them all up and put them in the meat-grinder​
There was something indecent about a bald woman​
“How horrid!” “Disgusting,” my grandmother said​
You can’t go round pulling the hair of every lady you meet, even if she is wearing gloves. Just you try it and see what happens​
Besides, there are plenty of other reasons why women might wear wigs and there is certainly nothing wrong with that​
When an actress wears a wig, or if you or I were to wear a wig, we would be putting it on over our own hair, but a witch has to put it straight on to her naked scalp​
Witches have slightly larger nose-holes than ordinary people​
Witches have slightly larger nose-holes​
Perhaps he had been forced to jam her thumb down the spout of a boiling kettle until it was steamed away​
The gums were like raw meat​
Fat and jolly​
Jolly lady​
Great flock of ladies​
Great group of ladies​
Adorable dress​
Lovely dress​
It nearly killed Ashton as well. Half the skin came away from his scalp​
It didn’t do Ashton much good​
The sheer horror of this woman’s features​
Revolting they were, as though the toes had been sliced away​
As though the toes had been sliced away​
I simply cannot tell you how awful they were, and somehow the whole sight was made more grotesque because underneath those frightful scabby bald heads, the bodies were dressed in fashionable and rather pretty clothes. It was monstrous. It was unnatural​
Foul bald-headed females​
Foul females​
A boy it vill be for a certainty because girls are not keeping pet mice​
These females​
Rather pretty young lady​
Bunch of dangerous females​
Bunch of dangerous witches​
Filthy old cow​
That awful maid​
The cleaner​
That seemed to calm her down a bit​
Bald pimply heads​
Bald heads​
Their feet had no toes​
Their feet were square at the end​
Awful woman​
Hotel maid​
Hotel cleaner​
Evil woman​
Evil person​
Immensely fat​
This woman’s mad​
This woman’s clearly not in her right mind​
Mad woman​
Fat little brown mouse​
Little brown mouse​
Fit and frisky​
People will think I’m dotty and talking to myself​
People will think I’m talking to myself​
Flood of females​
Flood of people​
Old hag​
Old crow​
Old hag​
Old crow​
Plenty of families with a husband, a wife and several children​
Plenty of families​
English father​
English parent​
You must be mad, woman!​
You must be out of your mind!​
Mrs Jenkins will go crazy​
Mrs Jenkins will be furious​
Skinny little woman​
Skinny woman​
Women were screaming and strong men were turning white in the face and shouting, “It’s crazy! This can’t happen!”​
All over the dining room people were screaming, looking panicky and shouting, ‘This can’t be happening!”​
Laughing like mad​
Laughing wildly​
Not very crazy​
Not a big fan​
Mrs Jenkins’ shrill voice​
Mrs Jenkins yelling​
“Herbert, get me out of here!”​
“Help!” she was shouting. “Get me out of here!”​
He needs to go on a diet​
I was crazy​
“But what about the rest of the world?’ I cried. “What about America and France and Holland and Germany?”​
“But what about the rest of the world?” I cried​
“There’s no way an English policeman is going to believe that you are the Head of the Norwegian Police.” “I am very good at imitating a man’s voice,” she said. “Of course he believed me.”​
“There’s no way a Chief of Police is going to believe that you are the Head of the Norwegian Police.” “I am very good at persuading people,” she said. “Of course they believed me.”​
Mothers and fathers​
Your daughter Vanessa, judging by what she’s learnt this term, has no hearing-organs at all​
Judging by what your daughter Vanessa has learnt this term, this fact alone is more interesting than anything I have taught in the classroom​
She went on olden-day sailing ships with Joseph Conrad. She went to Africa with Ernest Hemingway and to India with Rudyard Kipling​
She went to nineteenth century estates with Jane Austen. She went to Africa with Ernest Hemingway and California with John Steinbeck​
She wore heavy make-up and had one of those unfortunate bulging figures where the flesh appeas to be strapped in all around the body to prevent it from falling out​
Dickens or Kipling​
Dickens or Austen​
Hardly the kind of man a wife dreams about​
Hardly the man of my dreams​
His wife recognised the signs immediately and made herself scarce​
Shut up, you nut!​
Ssshh! Not yet!​
Turning white​
Turning quite pale​
Matilda took the knife she had been eating with​
He looked like a low-grade bookmaker dressed up for his daughter’s wedding​
Beginning to go dark red​
Beginning to tremble​
Bingo afternoons left her so exhausted both physically and emotionally that she never had enough energy left to cook an evening meal​
Red in the face​
Hot under the collar​
Female tightrope-walker​
A lovely pale oval madonna face​
A lovely oval face​
Wonderful parents​
Wonderful family​
Pale and pleasant​
A most formidable female​
A most formidable woman​
Her face, I’m afraid, was neither a thing of beauty nor a joy forever​
Her face was not a thing of beauty​
Your fanny​
Your backside​
The plain plump person with the smug suet-pudding face​
The plain person with the smug pudding face​
Their children turned out to be delinquents and drop-outs​
I don’t give a tinker’s toot​
I don’t give a flip​
Well thrown, sir!​
Well thrown, miss!​
She’s mad​
Mothers and fathers​
She’s mad​
She’s lost her mind​
Denizen of the underworld​
Resident of the underworld​
Her great horsy face​
Her face​
Huge overstuffed grub​
Overstuffed grub​
Get your mother or father​
Get your family​
Become a heroine​
Become a hero​
Small boys and girls​
Save myself from going round the bend​
Save myself the trouble​
His mother​
His parents​
Wobbling crazily on his one leg​
Wobbling unsteadily​
Foolish abandon​
Reckless abandon​
His mother thought it was beautiful​
He thought it was beautiful​
An ass​
A clown​
My father​
My family​
Bunch of morons​
Bunch of brats​
A gigantic spray-gun in my hands and start pumping it​
A gigantic spray-gun in my hands and start squirting them all​
Ranting like a maniac​
Bunch of midgets​
Bunch of squirts​
White in the face, white as paper​
Wise old bird​
Wise teacher​
A mother at home or a sister or a husband​
A mother at home or a sister or a husband, or anyone at all​
Sane and sensible man​
Sensible man​
I was her slave​
I had been her slave​
I had been serving her​
You’re mad​
I don’t know why​
A heroine​
A hero​
Knock her flat​
Give her a right talking to​
Eight nutty little idiots​
Eight nutty little boys​
School matron​
School nurse​
Crazy with frustration​
Wild with frustration​
Her father’s place​
Her parents’ place​
Fantastic Mr Fox​
He was enormously fat.​
He was enormous.​
He was a kind of pot-bellied dwarf.​
He was pot-bellied…​
If any man were lurking in the shadows ahead…​
If any person were lurking in the shadows ahead…​
… the wind would carry the smell of that man…​
… the wind would carry the smell of that person…​
… the fumes of apple cider hang around him like poisonous gases.’​
… the smell of apple cider hangs around him like poisonous fumes.’​
… asked one of the Small Foxes. His round black eyes were huge with fright.​
… asked one of the Small Foxes. Her round black eyes were huge with fright.​
“Will there be dogs?” he said.​
“Will there be dogs?” she said.​
Bunce, the little pot-bellied dwarf, looked up at Bean…​
Bunce looked up at Bean…​
The machines were both black. They were murderous, brutal-looking monsters.​
They were murderous, brutal-looking monsters.​
“Keep going!” the fat Boggis shouted…​
“Keep going!” Boggis shouted…​
The tall skinny Bean…​
…and dwarfish pot-bellied Bunce…​
… and Bunce…​
… were driving their machines like maniacs…​
… were driving their machines with wild abandon…​
The fat Boggis was hopping about like a dervish…​
Boggis was hopping about like a frog…​
“You must be mad!”​
“That makes one hundred and eight men altogether.”​
“That makes one hundred and eight people altogether.”​
Each man will have a gun and a flashlight.​
Each person will have a person and a flashlight.​
… and that night one hundred and eight men…​
… and that night one hundred and eight people…​
She was very weak.​
“… if I described it to you now you would go crazy with excitement.”​
“… if I described it to you now you would go wild with excitement.”​
… chasing the stupid chickens.​
… chasing the chickens.​
The Small Fox ran back along the tunnel as fast as he could…​
The Small Fox ran back along the tunnel as fast as she could…​
He was exploding with joy.​
She was exploding with joy.​
… he kept thinking…​
… she kept thinking…​
He had a long way to run but he never stopped once…​
She had a long way to run but she never stopped once​
… and he came bursting in upon Mrs Fox.​
and she came bursting in upon Mrs Fox.​
… he cried, out of breath.​
… she cried, out of breath.​
A Small Badger (his son) dropped down after him.​
A Small Badger dropped down after him.​
… and all our wives and children.​
and our families.​
Even Weasel… is right now hiding down my hole with Mrs Weasel and six kids.​
Even Weasel… is right now hiding down my hole with his family.​
Badger sat down and put a paw around his small son.​
Badger sat down and put a paw around the small badger.​
“My poor wife up there is so weak she can’t dig another yard.”​
“Nor can mine,” said Mr Fox. “And yet at this very minute she is preparing…”​
“No, we’re not,” said Mr Fox, “At this very minute Mrs Fox is preparing…”​
“… and you and Mole and Rabbit and Weasel and all your wives and children.”​
“… and you and Mole and Rabbit and Weasel and all your families.”​
… your small son can run back…​
… your little one can run back…​
… and he scrambled quickly back through the hole in the roof of the tunnel and disappeared.​
Scrambling quickly back through the hole in the roof of the tunnel, the little badger disappeared.​
which belongs to that nasty little pot-bellied dwarf, Bunce​
… which belongs to that nasty Bunce.​
“… you’ll never see finer geese than these in a king’s kitchen…”​
“… you’ll never see finer geese than these in a royal kitchen…”​
“What a thoughtful little fellow you are!”​
“What a thoughtful little fox you are.”​
“Tell her it must be a truly great feast…”​
“Tell her it will be a truly great feast…”​
…said the only Small Fox now left. He was the Smallest Fox of them all.​
… said the only Small Fox now left. She was the Smallest Fox of them all.​
“You saucy beast!”​
“You trickster!”​
“Oh, Dad!” he cried out.​
“Oh, Dad!” she cried out.​
(The Smallest Fox drinks the cider) the Smallest Fox had sneaked a jar off the shelf and had taken a gulp​
(The Smallest Fox smells the cider) the Smallest Fox had sneaked a jar off the shelf and had removed the stopper.​
“Wow!” he gasped. “Wowee!”​
“Wow” she gasped at the smell “Wowee!”​
“Ah-h-h-h-h-h!” gasped the Smallest Fox. “This is some cider!”​
“Ah-h-h-h-h-h!” gasped the Smallest Fox, about to take a sip. “This is some cider!”​
… they saw a huge woman…​
… they saw a woman…​
… up the long home stretch towards the place where they knew Mrs Fox would be waiting.​
… and then up the long home stretch towards the foxes’ home.​
“That ought to cheer up poor Mrs Fox.”​
“That ought to cheer up Mrs Fox.”​
Oh poor Mrs Badger, he cried,’​
Dear Mrs Badger, he cried,’​
… and Mr Fox and Badger and the Smallest Fox sat down with the others.​
… and Mr Fox and Badger and the Smallest Fox sat down with their families.​
“I therefore invite you all,” Mr Fox went on, “to stay here with me for ever.”​
“I therefore invite you all,” Mr Fox went on, “to stay here with us for ever.”​
“And every day we will eat like kings.”​
“And every day we will eat like royalty.”​
George's Marvelous Medicine​
Added a dedication: This book is for doctors everywhere​
He didn’t have a brother or a sister.​
He didn’t have any siblings.​
His father was a farmer​
His parents were farmers​
She had pale brown teeth and a small puckered-up mouth like a dog’s bottom.​
She had rotting teeth and a small puckered-up mouth like a dog’s bottom, from years of frowning.​
She certainly was a very tiny person.​
She certainly was very small.​
Her legs were so short she had to have a footstool​
It was as if she was shrinking, as she had to have a footstool​
Daddy says it’s fine for a man to be tall​
Daddy says it’s fine for people to be tall​
Mummy washes them down the sink​
Mummy and Daddy wash them down the sink​
Mummy’s as stupid as you are​
Mummy and Daddy are as stupid as you are​
filthy old woman​
mean old woman​
horny finger​
bony finger​
horrid old witchy woman​
horrid old woman​
blow off the top of her head​
shoot sparks out the top of her head​
Will she go pop? Will she explode?​
Will she go pop? Hop like a toad?​
Maybe that will brighten up those horrid brown teeth of hers​
Maybe that will brighten up her smile​
He found another aerosol can, NEVERMORE PONKING DEODORANT SPRAY, GUARANTEED, it said, TO KEEP AWAY UNPLEASANT BODY SMELLS FOR A WHOLE DAY. ‘She could use plenty of that,’ George said​
He found another aerosol can, NEVERMORE PONKING DEODORANT SPRAY, GUARANTEED, it said, TO KEEP AWAY UNPLEASANT BODY SMELLS FOR A WHOLE DAY. ‘Smelling nice never hurt,’ George said​
His mother’s dressing table​
The dressing table​
Grandma was very fond of gin. She was allowed to have a small nip of it every evening.​
Grandma was very fond of gin. She liked to have a small nip of it every evening.​
Screechy voice​
Nasty voice​
Splendid explosions inside the old geezer​
Splendid explosions inside her​
That grumpy old cow in the living room has every one of those rotten illnesses​
Grandma has every one of those rotten illnesses​
How I’d love to walk in and slosh it all over old Grandma and watch the ticks and fleas go jumping off her​
How I’d love to walk in and slosh it all over old Grandma and give her quite the fright.​
Dashed into his father’s toolshed​
Dashed into the toolshed​
The old hag opened her small wrinkled mouth, showing disgusting pale brown teeth​
The old lady opened her small wrinkled mouth.​
It was exactly as though someone had pushed an electric wire through the underneath of her chair and switched on the current.​
It was as though someone had switched her chair with a fighter-jet seat and pressed the eject button.​
the old hag bucked and shied and snorted​
She shied and snorted​
It’s killing me!​
It’s horrible!​
“Look at you! You’re standing up all on your own and you’re not even using a stick!’​
“Look at you! You’re full of beans!’​
The frozen pop-eyed look was back with her again now​
Marvellous medicine, George told himself. He found it fascinating to stand there watching what it was doing to the old hag. What next?​
What marvellous medicine. What next?​
old screechy voice​
old scratchy voice​
Your father’ll be after you now! He’ll give you socks and serve you right!​
Your parents will be furious! They’ll have you mucking out the stables for a month and it will serve you right!​
She looked as though she was going to faint.​
Mr Kranky was a small man with bandy legs and a huge head.​
Don’t listen to the old goat​
Don’t listen to the old grump​
Frisky as a ferret​
Lively as a ferret​
ancient old hag​
ancient old woman​
miserable midgets​
miserable bunch​
I’ll trample you to death​
I’ll flatten you​
We’ve made Grandma feel frisky as a ferret​
We’ve given Grandma a new lease of life​
Mummy’s dressing table​
The dressing table​
horny hand​
wrinkly hand​
the skinny old hag’s head​
her skinny old head​
a miserable midget​
almost invisible​
That’s what happens to you if you’re grumpy and bad tempered,’ said Mr Kranky. ‘Great medicine of yours, George.’​
But she calmed down quite quickly. And by lunchtime, she was saying, ‘Ah well, I suppose it’s all for the best, really. She was a bit of a nusiance around the house, wasn’t she?’ ‘Yes,’ Mr Kranky said. ‘She most certainly was.’​
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rate my vomit

0230219 215945
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Lady GaGa having a young girl vomit on her chest during a performance
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SJW tanny publisher revises late author's works:
The Twits​
ladies and gentlemen​
fearful ugliness​
Have you ever seen a woman with an uglier face than that? I doubt it.​
Have you ever seen anyone with an uglier face than that? I doubt it.​
You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth​
You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and stick-out teeth​
In her right hand she carried a walking stick. She used to tell people that this was because she had warts growing on her sole of her left foot and walking was painful.​
In her right hand she carried a walking stick. Not because she needed help walking.​
Oh do shut up, you old hag​
Oh do shut up, you old crow​
She lay there in the dark scratching her tummy. Her tummy was itching. Dity old hags like her always have itchy tummies.​
She lay there in the dark scratching her tummy. Her tummy was always itchy.​
She was a prisoner​
She was stuck​
old hag​
old crow​
Mrs Twit may have been ugly and she may have been beastly, but she was not stupid.​
Mrs Twit may have been beastly, but she was not stupid.​
But these were English birds and they couldn’t understand the weird African language the monkeys spoke.​
But these were English birds and they couldn’t understand the African language the monkeys spoke.​
He’s dotty!’ They cried. ‘He’s balmy!’ ‘He’s batty!’ ‘He’s nutty!’ ‘He’s screwy!’ ‘He’s wacky!’ Cried the Roly-Poly Bird. ‘Poor old Muggles has gone off his wump at last!’​
He’s dotty!’ They cried. ‘He’s wacky!’ Cried the Roly-Poly Bird.​
frumptious freaks​
beastly Twits​
ugly old cow​
ghastly old shrew​
fatty folds of his flabby neck​
folds of his neck​
The Witches​
Even if she is working as a cashier in a supermarket or typing letters for a businessman​
Even if she is working as a top scientist or running a business​
I do not wish to speak badly about women. Most women are lovely​
We could round them all up and put them in the meat-grinder​
There was something indecent about a bald woman​
“How horrid!” “Disgusting,” my grandmother said​
You can’t go round pulling the hair of every lady you meet, even if she is wearing gloves. Just you try it and see what happens​
Besides, there are plenty of other reasons why women might wear wigs and there is certainly nothing wrong with that​
When an actress wears a wig, or if you or I were to wear a wig, we would be putting it on over our own hair, but a witch has to put it straight on to her naked scalp​
Witches have slightly larger nose-holes than ordinary people​
Witches have slightly larger nose-holes​
Perhaps he had been forced to jam her thumb down the spout of a boiling kettle until it was steamed away​
The gums were like raw meat​
Fat and jolly​
Jolly lady​
Great flock of ladies​
Great group of ladies​
Adorable dress​
Lovely dress​
It nearly killed Ashton as well. Half the skin came away from his scalp​
It didn’t do Ashton much good​
The sheer horror of this woman’s features​
Revolting they were, as though the toes had been sliced away​
As though the toes had been sliced away​
I simply cannot tell you how awful they were, and somehow the whole sight was made more grotesque because underneath those frightful scabby bald heads, the bodies were dressed in fashionable and rather pretty clothes. It was monstrous. It was unnatural​
Foul bald-headed females​
Foul females​
A boy it vill be for a certainty because girls are not keeping pet mice​
These females​
Rather pretty young lady​
Bunch of dangerous females​
Bunch of dangerous witches​
Filthy old cow​
That awful maid​
The cleaner​
That seemed to calm her down a bit​
Bald pimply heads​
Bald heads​
Their feet had no toes​
Their feet were square at the end​
Awful woman​
Hotel maid​
Hotel cleaner​
Evil woman​
Evil person​
Immensely fat​
This woman’s mad​
This woman’s clearly not in her right mind​
Mad woman​
Fat little brown mouse​
Little brown mouse​
Fit and frisky​
People will think I’m dotty and talking to myself​
People will think I’m talking to myself​
Flood of females​
Flood of people​
Old hag​
Old crow​
Old hag​
Old crow​
Plenty of families with a husband, a wife and several children​
Plenty of families​
English father​
English parent​
You must be mad, woman!​
You must be out of your mind!​
Mrs Jenkins will go crazy​
Mrs Jenkins will be furious​
Skinny little woman​
Skinny woman​
Women were screaming and strong men were turning white in the face and shouting, “It’s crazy! This can’t happen!”​
All over the dining room people were screaming, looking panicky and shouting, ‘This can’t be happening!”​
Laughing like mad​
Laughing wildly​
Not very crazy​
Not a big fan​
Mrs Jenkins’ shrill voice​
Mrs Jenkins yelling​
“Herbert, get me out of here!”​
“Help!” she was shouting. “Get me out of here!”​
He needs to go on a diet​
I was crazy​
“But what about the rest of the world?’ I cried. “What about America and France and Holland and Germany?”​
“But what about the rest of the world?” I cried​
“There’s no way an English policeman is going to believe that you are the Head of the Norwegian Police.” “I am very good at imitating a man’s voice,” she said. “Of course he believed me.”​
“There’s no way a Chief of Police is going to believe that you are the Head of the Norwegian Police.” “I am very good at persuading people,” she said. “Of course they believed me.”​
Mothers and fathers​
Your daughter Vanessa, judging by what she’s learnt this term, has no hearing-organs at all​
Judging by what your daughter Vanessa has learnt this term, this fact alone is more interesting than anything I have taught in the classroom​
She went on olden-day sailing ships with Joseph Conrad. She went to Africa with Ernest Hemingway and to India with Rudyard Kipling​
She went to nineteenth century estates with Jane Austen. She went to Africa with Ernest Hemingway and California with John Steinbeck​
She wore heavy make-up and had one of those unfortunate bulging figures where the flesh appeas to be strapped in all around the body to prevent it from falling out​
Dickens or Kipling​
Dickens or Austen​
Hardly the kind of man a wife dreams about​
Hardly the man of my dreams​
His wife recognised the signs immediately and made herself scarce​
Shut up, you nut!​
Ssshh! Not yet!​
Turning white​
Turning quite pale​
Matilda took the knife she had been eating with​
He looked like a low-grade bookmaker dressed up for his daughter’s wedding​
Beginning to go dark red​
Beginning to tremble​
Bingo afternoons left her so exhausted both physically and emotionally that she never had enough energy left to cook an evening meal​
Red in the face​
Hot under the collar​
Female tightrope-walker​
A lovely pale oval madonna face​
A lovely oval face​
Wonderful parents​
Wonderful family​
Pale and pleasant​
A most formidable female​
A most formidable woman​
Her face, I’m afraid, was neither a thing of beauty nor a joy forever​
Her face was not a thing of beauty​
Your fanny​
Your backside​
The plain plump person with the smug suet-pudding face​
The plain person with the smug pudding face​
Their children turned out to be delinquents and drop-outs​
I don’t give a tinker’s toot​
I don’t give a flip​
Well thrown, sir!​
Well thrown, miss!​
She’s mad​
Mothers and fathers​
She’s mad​
She’s lost her mind​
Denizen of the underworld​
Resident of the underworld​
Her great horsy face​
Her face​
Huge overstuffed grub​
Overstuffed grub​
Get your mother or father​
Get your family​
Become a heroine​
Become a hero​
Small boys and girls​
Save myself from going round the bend​
Save myself the trouble​
His mother​
His parents​
Wobbling crazily on his one leg​
Wobbling unsteadily​
Foolish abandon​
Reckless abandon​
His mother thought it was beautiful​
He thought it was beautiful​
An ass​
A clown​
My father​
My family​
Bunch of morons​
Bunch of brats​
A gigantic spray-gun in my hands and start pumping it​
A gigantic spray-gun in my hands and start squirting them all​
Ranting like a maniac​
Bunch of midgets​
Bunch of squirts​
White in the face, white as paper​
Wise old bird​
Wise teacher​
A mother at home or a sister or a husband​
A mother at home or a sister or a husband, or anyone at all​
Sane and sensible man​
Sensible man​
I was her slave​
I had been her slave​
I had been serving her​
You’re mad​
I don’t know why​
A heroine​
A hero​
Knock her flat​
Give her a right talking to​
Eight nutty little idiots​
Eight nutty little boys​
School matron​
School nurse​
Crazy with frustration​
Wild with frustration​
Her father’s place​
Her parents’ place​
Fantastic Mr Fox​
He was enormously fat.​
He was enormous.​
He was a kind of pot-bellied dwarf.​
He was pot-bellied…​
If any man were lurking in the shadows ahead…​
If any person were lurking in the shadows ahead…​
… the wind would carry the smell of that man…​
… the wind would carry the smell of that person…​
… the fumes of apple cider hang around him like poisonous gases.’​
… the smell of apple cider hangs around him like poisonous fumes.’​
… asked one of the Small Foxes. His round black eyes were huge with fright.​
… asked one of the Small Foxes. Her round black eyes were huge with fright.​
“Will there be dogs?” he said.​
“Will there be dogs?” she said.​
Bunce, the little pot-bellied dwarf, looked up at Bean…​
Bunce looked up at Bean…​
The machines were both black. They were murderous, brutal-looking monsters.​
They were murderous, brutal-looking monsters.​
“Keep going!” the fat Boggis shouted…​
“Keep going!” Boggis shouted…​
The tall skinny Bean…​
…and dwarfish pot-bellied Bunce…​
… and Bunce…​
… were driving their machines like maniacs…​
… were driving their machines with wild abandon…​
The fat Boggis was hopping about like a dervish…​
Boggis was hopping about like a frog…​
“You must be mad!”​
“That makes one hundred and eight men altogether.”​
“That makes one hundred and eight people altogether.”​
Each man will have a gun and a flashlight.​
Each person will have a person and a flashlight.​
… and that night one hundred and eight men…​
… and that night one hundred and eight people…​
She was very weak.​
“… if I described it to you now you would go crazy with excitement.”​
“… if I described it to you now you would go wild with excitement.”​
… chasing the stupid chickens.​
… chasing the chickens.​
The Small Fox ran back along the tunnel as fast as he could…​
The Small Fox ran back along the tunnel as fast as she could…​
He was exploding with joy.​
She was exploding with joy.​
… he kept thinking…​
… she kept thinking…​
He had a long way to run but he never stopped once…​
She had a long way to run but she never stopped once​
… and he came bursting in upon Mrs Fox.​
and she came bursting in upon Mrs Fox.​
… he cried, out of breath.​
… she cried, out of breath.​
A Small Badger (his son) dropped down after him.​
A Small Badger dropped down after him.​
… and all our wives and children.​
and our families.​
Even Weasel… is right now hiding down my hole with Mrs Weasel and six kids.​
Even Weasel… is right now hiding down my hole with his family.​
Badger sat down and put a paw around his small son.​
Badger sat down and put a paw around the small badger.​
“My poor wife up there is so weak she can’t dig another yard.”​
“Nor can mine,” said Mr Fox. “And yet at this very minute she is preparing…”​
“No, we’re not,” said Mr Fox, “At this very minute Mrs Fox is preparing…”​
“… and you and Mole and Rabbit and Weasel and all your wives and children.”​
“… and you and Mole and Rabbit and Weasel and all your families.”​
… your small son can run back…​
… your little one can run back…​
… and he scrambled quickly back through the hole in the roof of the tunnel and disappeared.​
Scrambling quickly back through the hole in the roof of the tunnel, the little badger disappeared.​
which belongs to that nasty little pot-bellied dwarf, Bunce​
… which belongs to that nasty Bunce.​
“… you’ll never see finer geese than these in a king’s kitchen…”​
“… you’ll never see finer geese than these in a royal kitchen…”​
“What a thoughtful little fellow you are!”​
“What a thoughtful little fox you are.”​
“Tell her it must be a truly great feast…”​
“Tell her it will be a truly great feast…”​
…said the only Small Fox now left. He was the Smallest Fox of them all.​
… said the only Small Fox now left. She was the Smallest Fox of them all.​
“You saucy beast!”​
“You trickster!”​
“Oh, Dad!” he cried out.​
“Oh, Dad!” she cried out.​
(The Smallest Fox drinks the cider) the Smallest Fox had sneaked a jar off the shelf and had taken a gulp​
(The Smallest Fox smells the cider) the Smallest Fox had sneaked a jar off the shelf and had removed the stopper.​
“Wow!” he gasped. “Wowee!”​
“Wow” she gasped at the smell “Wowee!”​
“Ah-h-h-h-h-h!” gasped the Smallest Fox. “This is some cider!”​
“Ah-h-h-h-h-h!” gasped the Smallest Fox, about to take a sip. “This is some cider!”​
… they saw a huge woman…​
… they saw a woman…​
… up the long home stretch towards the place where they knew Mrs Fox would be waiting.​
… and then up the long home stretch towards the foxes’ home.​
“That ought to cheer up poor Mrs Fox.”​
“That ought to cheer up Mrs Fox.”​
Oh poor Mrs Badger, he cried,’​
Dear Mrs Badger, he cried,’​
… and Mr Fox and Badger and the Smallest Fox sat down with the others.​
… and Mr Fox and Badger and the Smallest Fox sat down with their families.​
“I therefore invite you all,” Mr Fox went on, “to stay here with me for ever.”​
“I therefore invite you all,” Mr Fox went on, “to stay here with us for ever.”​
“And every day we will eat like kings.”​
“And every day we will eat like royalty.”​
George's Marvelous Medicine​
Added a dedication: This book is for doctors everywhere​
He didn’t have a brother or a sister.​
He didn’t have any siblings.​
His father was a farmer​
His parents were farmers​
She had pale brown teeth and a small puckered-up mouth like a dog’s bottom.​
She had rotting teeth and a small puckered-up mouth like a dog’s bottom, from years of frowning.​
She certainly was a very tiny person.​
She certainly was very small.​
Her legs were so short she had to have a footstool​
It was as if she was shrinking, as she had to have a footstool​
Daddy says it’s fine for a man to be tall​
Daddy says it’s fine for people to be tall​
Mummy washes them down the sink​
Mummy and Daddy wash them down the sink​
Mummy’s as stupid as you are​
Mummy and Daddy are as stupid as you are​
filthy old woman​
mean old woman​
horny finger​
bony finger​
horrid old witchy woman​
horrid old woman​
blow off the top of her head​
shoot sparks out the top of her head​
Will she go pop? Will she explode?​
Will she go pop? Hop like a toad?​
Maybe that will brighten up those horrid brown teeth of hers​
Maybe that will brighten up her smile​
He found another aerosol can, NEVERMORE PONKING DEODORANT SPRAY, GUARANTEED, it said, TO KEEP AWAY UNPLEASANT BODY SMELLS FOR A WHOLE DAY. ‘She could use plenty of that,’ George said​
He found another aerosol can, NEVERMORE PONKING DEODORANT SPRAY, GUARANTEED, it said, TO KEEP AWAY UNPLEASANT BODY SMELLS FOR A WHOLE DAY. ‘Smelling nice never hurt,’ George said​
His mother’s dressing table​
The dressing table​
Grandma was very fond of gin. She was allowed to have a small nip of it every evening.​
Grandma was very fond of gin. She liked to have a small nip of it every evening.​
Screechy voice​
Nasty voice​
Splendid explosions inside the old geezer​
Splendid explosions inside her​
That grumpy old cow in the living room has every one of those rotten illnesses​
Grandma has every one of those rotten illnesses​
How I’d love to walk in and slosh it all over old Grandma and watch the ticks and fleas go jumping off her​
How I’d love to walk in and slosh it all over old Grandma and give her quite the fright.​
Dashed into his father’s toolshed​
Dashed into the toolshed​
The old hag opened her small wrinkled mouth, showing disgusting pale brown teeth​
The old lady opened her small wrinkled mouth.​
It was exactly as though someone had pushed an electric wire through the underneath of her chair and switched on the current.​
It was as though someone had switched her chair with a fighter-jet seat and pressed the eject button.​
the old hag bucked and shied and snorted​
She shied and snorted​
It’s killing me!​
It’s horrible!​
“Look at you! You’re standing up all on your own and you’re not even using a stick!’​
“Look at you! You’re full of beans!’​
The frozen pop-eyed look was back with her again now​
Marvellous medicine, George told himself. He found it fascinating to stand there watching what it was doing to the old hag. What next?​
What marvellous medicine. What next?​
old screechy voice​
old scratchy voice​
Your father’ll be after you now! He’ll give you socks and serve you right!​
Your parents will be furious! They’ll have you mucking out the stables for a month and it will serve you right!​
She looked as though she was going to faint.​
Mr Kranky was a small man with bandy legs and a huge head.​
Don’t listen to the old goat​
Don’t listen to the old grump​
Frisky as a ferret​
Lively as a ferret​
ancient old hag​
ancient old woman​
miserable midgets​
miserable bunch​
I’ll trample you to death​
I’ll flatten you​
We’ve made Grandma feel frisky as a ferret​
We’ve given Grandma a new lease of life​
Mummy’s dressing table​
The dressing table​
horny hand​
wrinkly hand​
the skinny old hag’s head​
her skinny old head​
a miserable midget​
almost invisible​
That’s what happens to you if you’re grumpy and bad tempered,’ said Mr Kranky. ‘Great medicine of yours, George.’​
But she calmed down quite quickly. And by lunchtime, she was saying, ‘Ah well, I suppose it’s all for the best, really. She was a bit of a nusiance around the house, wasn’t she?’ ‘Yes,’ Mr Kranky said. ‘She most certainly was.’​
His books were censored when they were released originally, this is another wave of censorship
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Hitler cat

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most of them are indeed sandn*ggers. rarely they have this 'teutonic' phenotype or whatever it's called
That's just a model hired for Israeli propaganda, that being said, only Ashkenazi's are part of Satan's Chosen People, anyone else who identifies as a "Jew" is not a pureblood, pure and simple, and even within the Ashkenazi's they have their own special bloodlines/families who view themselves as far more pure and chosen as Lucifer's people.

Everyone else is Goyim, particularly the ones who look white (usually because the ones who actually look attractive and white, actually are white)

Goyim are God's Chosen people, Ashkenazi's are Lucifers Chosen until they admit and expose their own people, which is the only way to allow them to become a Goyim. Almost all known facts about Judaism have come from good Ashkenazi's who have exposed the Satanic acts of their own people.
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one bottle of KayVai (warming lubricant);

one skein of adhesive tape;

one small or medium sized hamster;

one bottle of Detola (alcohol-containing disinfectant).
The first step is to buy the hamster itself. Try to choose the most energetic, the meaning of this you will understand later. When you bring the hamster home, cut its claws. Then pour Detol into a basin of water to kill all the bacteria on the coat and skin of the animal. Try so that the solution does not get on the hamster's face, you do not want to kill it ahead of time! Wipe the face carefully with a cotton swab and alcohol. Wash and dry the animal, then apply a thick layer of lubricant to its entire body. Before proceeding to the next steps, make sure that the tape is at your fingertips. Put scissors next to it and rewind the end of the tape a little, because you will have to carry out further actions with it with one hand. Now take the hamster and carefully enter it into your anus with your muzzle out. That way he won’t suffocate too soon. With your free hand, push the entrance to the anus and help move the hamster inward. Once the hamster is completely inside you, place your index finger on the hamster’s forehead and push it a little deeper. Now with your free hand, quickly stick tape over your ass. Try as soon as you seal the anus, wrap the adhesive tape around the waist crosswise and again between the legs, so it will hold on better. Now the coolest thing begins. The hamster begins to fight for his life, wriggle and slide inside you, but since the way out of the cage called your ass is sealed with tape, he naturally cannot get out. His movements in the rectum will bring you so much pleasure that in those few minutes while he is alive, you can cum at least twice!
Typically, hamsters stay alive for five to seven minutes and, combined with a warming lubricant, these minutes seem simply indescribable! If you stop feeling the movement inside, then the hamster is over. Peel off the tape, pull the dead animal out of the ass, wrap it in a plastic bag and throw it in the trash.
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@BrendioEEE can you format this into a copy pasta list, copy paste keeps fucking up

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