
9/11, Orlando nightclub shooting...

Nearly 20 years separates these two incidents, one of which was rightly designsted as a coordinated, al-Qaeda funded terrorist attack. Holy fuck, did you actually think that 9/11 was some kind of incel rebellion and not an Islamic terrorist attack?

Many are.

Virtually all the shooters are. But they're also mostly WM.

You're trying to argue semantics here. Regardless of the manifestation of violence or sexual assault, East Asian males report some of the highest levels of inceldom in the West. I already linked the BPS page on the incel wiki.

Incels wiki is literally just a wikipedia run by incels. And this has nothing to do with Hapas.

If Asian female genes don't negatively impact growth, then the reason purebred Asians are smaller (both in height and dick size, on average) would have to be because of Asian male genes. Therefore, it's illogical to assume that Hapa babies from Asian fathers are smaller simply due to "white women's incel DNA."

If white women had the genes for producing good sons, they would produce them with Asian males. They don't, and Asian females produce babies nearly as large as white women's, despite the smaller body mass of Asian women.

So it's not just Asian male DNA. White women really do lack the genetics to produce good sons.

Either way, your argument is stupid because the article you linked clearly indicates WMAF parents giving birth to smaller babies than two white parents,

Slightly smaller, but Asian women themselves are smaller than white women. If Asian women ate as much as white women, and became as massive, they would probably have bigger sons.

which obviously reveals that Asian females have a negative impact on the size of their offspring, overall.


I meant shorter.


Lewst attractive? Is this a mistake or what?

Yeah that was a mistake. I obviously meant Asian women are the most attractive.

The "Latin American" women that are more attractive are the mestizos living in eastern South America (that are more heterozygous), not the indigenous women in Peru.

Mexican Americans have longer ROH than whites.

No, get your eyes checked. England is included. Throw most of the British Isles in there as well; it's geographically isolated from mainland Europe.

No, dude, england is not included. The map shows England as the same color as Western Europe, Scotland and Northern Ireland are purple. Your eyes are screwed up.

Yes it does. A population can contain quite a bit of genetic variability between individuals, despite all of the individuals being particularly homozygous.

No dude, it is impossible to have significantly lesser population-wide ROH and still have a significant number of long-ROH people bringing down attractiveness ratings of a given sample.

It's a contributing factor, as I already mentioned (heterozygosity + feminine dimorphism + ability to breed competitive males).

You have not provided a single source for this theory.

There's no "morphing the argument." Black women have higher levels of masculine dimorphism compared to other races, thus, they are critically lacking one of the three important aspects of female SMV.

"One of three" according to which authors?
You've made this theory up entirely but provided no sources for it.

By the way, East Asian women have smaller bust and hip sizes, so they cannot even be used as pinnacles of aesthetic femininity.

Wrong. Asian women have larger hip sizes, rounder breasts, larger and more darkly pigmented nipples, etc. You're grasping for staws, including straws that don't exist.

Yes, because in at least one of the studies you use, the study probably includes landwhale white women (it makes no mention of controlling for "landwhaleness").

You have no reason at all to believe this and have provided no evidence for it.

Yes, I've been saying that the entire argument.

Without any evidence at all.

The median white woman living in the West is a gorilla, and I never once said that the median white woman living in the West is more attractive than the median Asian woman living in the West.

If the average white woman is a gorilla, there is no way that white women are more attractive, period.
If Asian women ate as much as white women, and became as massive, they would probably have bigger sons.
Joe Biden Lol GIF

Mexican Americans have longer ROH than whites.
"Mexican Americans" are mixed Native American and white, so that's unlikely.

No, dude, england is not included. The map shows England as the same color as Western Europe, Scotland and Northern Ireland are purple. Your eyes are screwed up.

Joe Biden Lol GIF

No dude, it is impossible to have significantly lesser population-wide ROH and still have a significant number of long-ROH people bringing down attractiveness ratings of a given sample.
Not if individuals within a subset of the population exclusively breed with each other (which could be the case in SSA).

You have not provided a single source for this theory.
"One of three" according to which authors?
You've made this theory up entirely but provided no sources for it.
It's my own hypothesis.

Wrong. Asian women have larger hip sizes, rounder breasts, larger and more darkly pigmented nipples, etc. You're grasping for staws, including straws that don't exist.

If the average white woman is a gorilla, there is no way that white women are more attractive, period.
The median white woman in the West isn't more attractive than the median Asian woman. I've never denied this.
@Reckless Turtle please elaborate on the physical manifestations of this genetic diversity argument. East Asians aren't dying younger than Caucasians. They don't have a higher rate of cancer, they don't become "gorillas", etc. They're not showing physical health symptoms from having longer ROH.

Also, the homozygosity of Asians would seem to be of little significance in interracial attraction, because the offspring of an Asian and a European will have a higher level of heterozygosity than both parents. This is essentially the main argument for race mixing, as first generation descendants will be heterozygous (although second gen can suffer recombination). Homozygosity should only be threatening to individuals from the ingroup.

There are incongruent results from different studies on heterozygosity and attraction.

"We found no evidence that men prefer odours of HLA-dissimilar women, odours of HLA-heterozygous women, or women with rare HLA alleles. Overall, these results can be taken as strong evidence that HLA plays an insignificant role in men's preferences for women's body odours."
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What is the point of this?

"Mexican Americans" are mixed Native American and white, so that's unlikely.

But very high ROH due to founder effect and population bottleneck.

Thank you for providing a map of England. How exactly is this relevant to your failure to see that on the genetic diversity map I showed you, only Scotland and Northern Ireland are a darker shade?

Not if individuals within a subset of the population exclusively breed with each other (which could be the case in SSA).

Could? Where is any evidence for any of this?

It's my own hypothesis.

We need evidence not hypotheses.

And not a single source to be found in any of these made-up maps.

The median white woman in the West isn't more attractive than the median Asian woman. I've never denied this.

Na nigga, it's the average and the median.
@Reckless Turtle please expand on the physical manifestations of this genetic diversity argument. East Asians aren't dying younger than Caucasians. They don't have a higher rate of cancer, they don't become "gorillas", etc. They're not showing physical health symptoms from having longer ROH.

Also, the homozygosity of Asians would seem to be of little significance in interracial attraction, because the offspring of an Asian and a European will have a higher level of heterozygosity than both parents. This is essentially the main argument for race mixing, as first generation descendants will be heterozygous (although second gen can suffer recombination).

There is is contradictory evidence about homozygosity and attraction.

"We found no evidence that men prefer odours of HLA-dissimilar women, odours of HLA-heterozygous women, or women with rare HLA alleles. Overall, these results can be taken as strong evidence that HLA plays an insignificant role in men's preferences for women's body odours."
East Asian males cannot compete against most males of other races (especially whites) in the sexual selection process. Prolonged life and reduced cancer rates don't mean anything without reproduction.

Inbreeding is also less likely to yield normalized facial ratios (which are considered objectively beautiful).

But very high ROH due to founder effect and population bottleneck.
The founder effect was less significant due to Europeans (not just colonizers) immigrating to the Mexican territory. Only the very indigenous "Mexican Americans" are probably yielding longer ROH.

Thank you for providing a map of England. How exactly is this relevant to your failure to see that on the genetic diversity map I showed you, only Scotland and Northern Ireland are a darker shade?

Could? Where is any evidence for any of this?

And not a single source to be found in any of these made-up maps.
Where's your source?

Na nigga, it's the average and the median.
Use the average too. Most white women in the West are fat.
East Asian males cannot compete against most males of other races (especially whites) in the sexual selection process. Prolonged life and reduced cancer rates don't mean anything without reproduction.

That's a ridiculous thing to say as East Asians have greatly outnumbered whites for all of history.

inbreeding is also less likely to yield normalized facial ratios (which are considered objectively beautiful).

Not seeing any sources here.

The founder effect was less significant due to Europeans (not just colonizers) immigrating to the Mexican territory. Only the very indigenous "Mexican Americans" are probably yielding longer ROH.

No dude, it's an objective fact that you can Google up. Mexicans have higher ROH and stronger founder effect than Europeans. The majority of Mexicans descend from a handful of males and females.

Thank you for demonstrating here that England is the same color as France and the rest of Western Europe on the map, as I told you.


A hypothesis is utterly useless. You're telling me that I and the studies I'm posting are wrong. You need more than a hypothesis for that.

Where's your source?

Not gonna post more sources until you acknowledge the multitude I have already posted. It's futile.

Use the average too. Most white women in the West are fat.

And the top percentiles.
That's a ridiculous thing to say as East Asians have greatly outnumbered whites for all of history.
They cannot compete on the globalized market with females having sexual mobility. Feel free to click the incels.wiki link.

Not seeing any sources here.

The majority of Mexicans descend from a handful of males and females.
You could say this for practically any ethnic group. Not seeing any sources here.

Thank you for demonstrating here that England is the same color as France and the rest of Western Europe on the map, as I told you.
More than the entirety of Northern England is purple. I would tell you to get your eyes checked, but you can clearly tell the difference between the two shades that change around Nottingham, England.

Not gonna post more sources until you acknowledge the multitude I have already posted. It's futile.
I've acknowledged all of them.

And the top percentiles.
Depends on the "top percentile" you're referring to.
They cannot compete on the globalized market with females having sexual mobility. Feel free to click the incels.wiki link.

Ok, but,
1. They are largely not in the globalized market, as most of them live in Asia
2. Asian females can out-compete white women, and in fact already are, as the growth rate of mixed race births to Asian women has greatly exceeded white-white births.


Whose hypothesis?

You could say this for practically any ethnic group. Not seeing any sources here.

Yeah some more than others.


AA = African American

PR = Puerto Rican

MX = Mexican

More than the entirety of Northern England is purple. I would tell you to get your eyes checked, but you can clearly tell the difference between the two shades that change around Nottingham, England.

I suggest you get your facts checked because that's about 25% of the population of England. Most of England's population is located in central and southern England, in the red color.

I've acknowledged all of them.

But denied their validity.

Depends on the "top percentile" you're referring to.

90th to 99th.
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1. They are largely not in the globalized market, as most of them live in Asia
White men would theoretically outcompete Asian men, even in Asia.

as the growth rate of mixed race births to Asian women has greatly exceeded white-white births.
Not seeing any sources here.

Yeah some more than others.


AA = African American

PR = Puerto Rican

MX = Mexican
You're considering Puerto Ricans and African Americans "whites?"

I suggest you get your facts checked because that's about 15% of the population of England.
As of the 2011 census, Northern England had a population of 14,933,000 – a growth of 5.1% since 2001 – in 6,364,000 households, meaning that Northerners comprise 28% of the English population and 24% of the UK population. Taken overall, 8% of the population of Northern England were born overseas (3% from the European Union including Ireland and 5% from elsewhere), substantially less than the England and Wales average of 13%, and 5% define their nationality as something other than a UK or Irish identity.

But denied their validity.
I agreed with the studies you linked that seemed to indicate that East Asians are one the most homozygous ethnic groups. For the others, either their methods were weak or your were misrepresenting them.

90th to 99th.
90th if all ages are included. 99th starts to get extreme.
White men would theoretically outcompete Asian men, even in Asia.

Yes, but Asian women would also outcompete white women there.

Not seeing any sources here.

You're considering Puerto Ricans and African Americans "whites?"

No, but you can compare the results there to the European populations in the other chart I posted.

Btw I posted this just to show you that Mexicans are heavily homozygous in spite of "muh mix".

And? 25% is still the minority and over half the population there isn't English. Nevertheless I will edit my post since it's still a minority.

I agreed with the studies you linked that seemed to indicate that East Asians are one the most homozygous ethnic groups. For the others, either their methods were weak or your were misrepresenting them.

Cope. You have never given an explanation for this. It is pure wishfulness.

90th if all ages are included. 99th starts to get extreme.

Asians beat white women at any age.
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Yes, but Asian women would also outcompete white women there.
Asian women can already outcompete white women on dating apps in the West, so that wouldn't be surprising.

See my thread on mixed race births for sources.

No, but you can compare the results there to the European populstions in the other chart I posted.
I don't know how to convert the units between both studies and which charts to use.

And? 25% is still the minority and half the population there isn't English. Nevertheless I will edit my post to reflect this.
It would be closer to 1/3 if you correctly extend the population slightly further down south to where the division is on the graph you linked and factor out the disproportionately higher amount of ethnics living in southern England. That is a significant enough amount to make England more homozygous than western Europe, according to your own linked graph.

Cope. You have never given an explanation for this.
Asian women can already outcompete white women on dating apps in the West, so that wouldn't be surprising.


Huge declines in the number of whites snd stellar explosion in the growth of multiracials.

Both white and Hispanic births have declined in the last decade.

I don't know how to convert the units between both studies and which charts to use.

It would be closer to 1/3 if you correctly extend the population slightly further down south to where the division is on the graph you linked and factor out the disproportionately higher amount of ethnics living in southern England. That is a significant enough amount to make England more homozygous than western Europe, according to your own linked graph.

1. There are proportionately more ethnics in Northern England, which is where the Pakis live. Southern England is whiter.

2. This discussion is about tribes. Northern England is majority britonic/celtic/gaelic like their fellow inbreds in Northern Ireland and Scotland. They are not English.

That is not an explanation but a daydream without evidence.
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Huge declines in the number of whites snd stellar explosion in the growth of multiracials.

Both white and Hispanic births have declined in the last decade.
Where in this article does it say that "the growth rate of mixed race births to Asian women has greatly exceeded white-white births?"

1. There are proportionately more ethnics in Northern England, which is where the Pakis live
Taken overall, 8% of the population of Northern England were born overseas (3% from the European Union including Ireland and 5% from elsewhere), substantially less than the England and Wales average of 13%, and 5% define their nationality as something other than a UK or Irish identity.

2. This discussion is about tribes. Northern England is majority britonic/celtic/gaelic like their fellow inbreds in Northern Ireland and Scotland. They are not English.
Semantics. The point was that the island itself is more inbred than the mainland due to an allopatric effect.
Where in this article does it say that "the growth rate of mixed race births to Asian women has greatly exceeded white-white births?"

Where it says the white self-identified population greatly declined. Multiracials with one white parent exploded.

Taken overall, 8% of the population of Northern England were born overseas (3% from the European Union including Ireland and 5% from elsewhere), substantially less than the England and Wales average of 13%, and 5% define their nationality as something other than a UK or Irish identity.

"Born overseas" =/= ethnic population. There are huge numbers of native born ethnics in the north, and huge numbers of overseas-born people in England as a whole are European (non ethnic).

Northern England is home to most of the infamous Pakistani-related crime scandals.

Semantics. The point was that the island itself is more inbred than the mainland due to an allopatric effect.

That's not semantics, it's a genetic reality. The people of northern England are genetically and ethnically different from the southerners. They don't consider themselves English. You said English people are more inbred + recalled English stereotypes and it's not true. Both British Isles and manland Europe have the same color coding on that chart.
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Cope, asian womans jaw is more feminine as is her nose, eye area, midface, etc.

White foids eyebrows are dyed and drawn on at the outer rims.
nigga I'd be willing to listen to you if you didn't think that the asian woman in the pic is more attractive, when there's 30 people here who disagree with you and only alex, who is also trolling, agrees with you. This thing just makes you lose all validity over the asian stance you have. Like a reverse SFcel.
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@Reckless Turtle

Please explain how it is possible for these charts to be independently produced in a world where Asian women are not the most attractive.

No one ever gave a straight evidence-based answer for it.





1.White women on average are domineering and act very entitled. Asian women are more modest, cooperative and agreeable compared to them.
2. White women are fat on average while asian women aren't.
3. Asian women on average look more neotenous.

personality wise asian women are better than white women. So are middle eastern women for that matter. Physically on average asian women are better due to the obesity epidemic in America. Since the survey is for the average male then these reasons are all he will account for.

If you put a feminine thin white girl next to a feminine thin asian girl then most men would prefer the white girl.
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If you put a feminine thin white girl next to a feminine thin asian girl then most men would prefer the white girl.

Absolute cope. They will prefer Asian. Keep simping for gangly Caucasoid girls.

Also, plesse give a single reason for this strange belief.
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nigga I'd be willing to listen to you if you didn't think that the asian woman in the pic is more attractive, when there's 30 people here who disagree with you and only alex, who is also trolling, agrees with you.


This thing just makes you lose all validity over the asian stance you have. Like a reverse SFcel.


I can't lose validity when I'm just quoting numerous sources like TheEconomist magazine.

Also, what's with this perverse need to find a white girl who looks better than an Asian, even using makeup maxxed white women compared to Asian girls who just woke up in the morning?

Reeks of desperation and low-T, tbh.
This thread will be the next @ArchaicAlchemist22 mark my words
@StrangerDanger @ForeverRecession @Octillionaire
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Just jumping in to get some hits on the Detona punching bag retard.

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