maybe it is just an increase in erection quality.
When I did PE and NoFap right after and masturbated for the first time after a week I suddenly had a 16,5cm cock. This was due to improved erection quality. Now it's basically back to 15cm.
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It doesn’t matter, that’s barely my point, how do you know there’s actually DHT in the bottle? It’s just stupid. Even if there is dht, you’d be effectively destroying estrogen, which isn’t good.
Once again that only happens at higher dosages, I'm at the safer side. I've known former guys that tried it and I decided to try it purely as a test bunny for others, it works. I don't care about convincing some random guy like you
@Dyorotic2 check this retard out

You could take 20mgs of DHT and end up fine mate
nah, trt is prescribed as gel sometimes and even that will shut you down. if your hpta senses a small amount effecting the body it will shutdown to regulate.
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Dude, if your hairline is really receding you need to hop off now. Being bald isn’t worth it.
Could be puberty or differences in erection quality as well

I doubt it’s puberty since dick growth usually happens in the early stages.
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caring about a big dick when you cant even get a girl in bed jfl. you watch too much porn
SHUT the fuck up. With love. Lol
It doesn’t matter, that’s barely my point, how do you know there’s actually DHT in the bottle? It’s just stupid. Even if there is dht, you’d be effectively destroying estrogen, which isn’t good.
You too shut the fuck up pls
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nah, trt is prescribed as gel sometimes and even that will shut you down. if your hpta senses a small amount effecting the body it will shutdown to regulate.
That's testosterone not DHT
That's testosterone not DHT
test is converted into dht, higher levels of dht will result in hpta shutdown to reduce test and regulate conversion.
test is converted into dht, higher levels of dht will result in hpta shutdown to reduce test and regulate conversion.
Then why did you bring up TRT gel? DHT really isn't that surpressive and it's easy to get back either way. Nonetheless I'm fine since I don't do more than 15mgs a day
Then why did you bring up TRT gel? DHT really isn't that surpressive and it's easy to get back either way. Nonetheless I'm fine since I don't do more than 15mgs a day
test is directly related to dht, how could that not been relevant? use ur head bro
test is directly related to dht, how could that not been relevant? use ur head bro
Because we're not applying testosterone gel but instead applying DHT gel?
Because we're not applying testosterone gel but instead applying DHT gel?
my point is that if a test gel causes hpta shutdown, a dht gel will surely cause shutdown as it's much more potent when binding to androgen receptors. of course you are using a gel but the point is you will be causing some shutdown initially, which will mess with development and over time you will be completely shutdown. it wont be as quick as blasting roids but over time more and more production will stop.
do you really want to mess with development at a young age for a few cm on your dick? if so, your head is fucked.
my point is that if a test gel causes hpta shutdown, a dht gel will surely cause shutdown as it's much more potent when binding to androgen receptors. of course you are using a gel but the point is you will be causing some shutdown initially, which will mess with development and over time you will be completely shutdown. it wont be as quick as blasting roids but over time more and more production will stop.
That's simply not true though and you're talking bullshit. It's not created via LH and FSH signalling to the leydig cells in the testicles. As long as you take moderate dosages you'll be fine.
That's simply not true though and you're talking bullshit. It's not created via LH and FSH signalling to the leydig cells in the testicles. As long as you take moderate dosages you'll be fine.
sounds like you don't know how any of this works! steroid binds to androgen receptor -> insufficient binding -> lh/fsh signal to create more test -> binding again. now when you add any steroid (DHT) it will bind to an androgen receptor and saturate so there will be no need for lh/fsh signaling therefore test production will halt. glad i had to spoon feed it to you.
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sounds like you don't know how any of this works! steroid binds to androgen receptor -> insufficient binding -> lh/fsh signal to create more test -> binding again. now when you add any steroid (DHT) it will bind to an androgen receptor and saturate so there will be no need for lh/fsh signaling therefore test production will halt. glad i had to spoon feed it to you.
You do know this depends on the dosage right? This obviously happens and your estrogen will lower but this only happens significantly if you take high doses. Lh/fsh signaling isn't just for DHT
You do know this depends on the dosage right? This obviously happens and your estrogen will lower but this only happens significantly if you take high doses. Lh/fsh signaling isn't just for DHT
yea im sure you think that's obvious when you spent that last few responses argueing my point. no shit it depends on dosage, if you can read I said.

it wont be as quick as blasting roids but over time more and more production will stop.
do you really want to mess with development at a young age for a few cm on your dick? if so, your head is fucked.
when the fuck did i say lh/fsh signaling was only for dht? IT IS NEVER FOR DHT, IT IS FOR TESTOSTERONE PRODUCTION. dht binds to androgen receptors (like many steroid hormones). now that's my last response and if you don't understand after this, then you're fucking dense.
yea im sure you think that's obvious when you spent that last few responses argueing my point. no shit it depends on dosage, if you can read I said.

when the fuck did i say lh/fsh signaling was only for dht? IT IS NEVER FOR DHT, IT IS FOR TESTOSTERONE PRODUCTION. dht binds to androgen receptors (like many steroid hormones). now that's my last response and if you don't understand after this, then you're fucking dense.
Then stop being paranoid about shit that doesn't fucking matter. At the right dosage you'll be fine. Otherwise I'd have known at least some guys that crashed their T and E but I don't
im thinking about getting a bathmate a lot recently. im at 7.5x5 and i need girth gains asap. my gf still cums from my dick but when shes fully aroused and close to cumming, she cant feel my dick that much anymore she says. she gets SUPER wet all the time

im also jelqing since 2 months, think i gained 0.2 cm. starting clamping soon (already got clamps)
What kind of clamps?
Where all are you supposed to rub this gel? Just dixk? What about on jaw or wrist
Also what supp could you take to prevent the hairline damage? Maybe fin or just eat a bunch of hair supplements? I heard fin won't interfere with the dht effect on penis
Just the hair also I need link on where to get this gek
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How big is your cock now

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