Diego (@schery6) Conversation with his mum
ElBastardo Zephir Joined Dec 3, 2022 Posts 1,754 Reputation 2,341 Aug 21, 2023 #2 Poor kid. I really felt bad for him. However, before this turns into a BGM killed Schery6 thread, as a reminder, I don't BGM in this thread YOU ASSHOLES TOLD ME TO CHANGE MY HAIRSTYLE AND NOW IT LOOKS 100X WORSE FUCK THIS FORUM looksmax.org
Poor kid. I really felt bad for him. However, before this turns into a BGM killed Schery6 thread, as a reminder, I don't BGM in this thread YOU ASSHOLES TOLD ME TO CHANGE MY HAIRSTYLE AND NOW IT LOOKS 100X WORSE FUCK THIS FORUM looksmax.org
Gengar male gaze victim Staff Joined Oct 25, 2018 Posts 118,792 Reputation 160,652 Aug 21, 2023 #3 LARP. He's American, they don't refer to their mothers as "mum."