Discussion: Deep Questions for Whites Regarding the Migrant Issue & "Save Europa." Intellectuals Only Please; I'm Bored

To keep it short, it should be widely known amongst all that contrary civilizations built by the Black or Asian "race," Whites primarily gained their global success from not being self-sufficient, but instead extorting, destabilizing, and taking from the other "races."
Literal jewish propaganda, why were white people in a position to extort destabilize and take from other races as you say?White people literally invented evey that makes life a little more sufferable and as for whites having done the most evil in history, whites are by far the most noble race. Whites ended slavery they exported technologies that increase life span and gave civilization to 3rd world shitholes.If other races were at the position of absolute power that the white race used to be the world would be a giant fucking shithole
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Literal jewish propaganda, why were white people in a position to extort destabilize and take from other races as you say?White people literally invented evey that makes life a little more sufferable and as for whites having done the most evil in history, whites are by far the most noble race. Whites ended slavery they exported technologies that increase life span and gave civilization to 3rd world shitholes.If other races were at the position of absolute power that the white race used to be the world would be a giant fucking shithole
predicted; stupid lizard pushes the blame to jews as if they have anything to do with this argument. mentioned this twice in my discussion and you still do it 😂😂😂

This shitty excuse of a defense shows you’ve never read a history book from the african or asian diaspora and have only (maybe) read the tampered history of whites. All races but primarily whites have had highly powerful, innovative, and wealthy empires that were SELF-SUFFICIENT and built with their own.

This also didn’t answer the discussions question. Probably because you couldn’t think of a way to refute my argument and your white ego restrains you from saying “damn you’re right, our white leaders are retarded asf”

“The world would be a giant shithole” whiteBrah says this whilst Africa were had empires like the Mali empire, which sailed to the Americas for a peaceful trade with the natives for sweet potatoes (Abubakari III) and was home to the richest man in history (Mansa Musa) 😂😂😂. and that’s just Africa, Asia also was very prosperous

Another retarded white who has never read a book and just regurgitated deep-rooted propaganda from the 1700s. And even better, you said all this shit with not one source, OR LINK 😂😂You probably still stink Columbus discovered America 😂😂😂

read a book
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First when I say whites I refer to Europeans as a whole as that's probably what you're thinking aswell.

This notion that whites are only successful due to exploitation of other people's is put simply ignorant. The oldest wheel-esque device is found in Europe, the first proto city is in Europe, the largest building in 6000 bc was in Europe, 8 of the 10 most spoken languages have European roots. The biggest religions have European roots (including abrahamic ones as they derive from ancient proto semetic paganism which is related to indo European paganism).

Now in regards to who is to blame its quite well known that after WW2 that jews have been trying to deconstruct European identity to make us not a threat to them ever again. This involves many things including media (promoting AA culture in america and by extent the world, also racial mixing and to try and guilt us into hating our history), politics (lobbying the governments to do many things to destroy the opposition), and a multitude of other areas of society. Even then you obviously haven't seen but alot of nat socs and other similar groups actually put the blame mostly at ourselves and the traitors, this doesn't mean we can't also blame blacks and browns that come here and commit crime at a much higher level then the natives (the only outlier being Albanians).

On a side note I'd like to say why should France pay anything to Haiti when they killed all the French on the island.

now in regards to you talking about the values being individualistic this is stupid as it's actually the opposite it's hyper altruistic to let in all of you people beacuse the way we see it we are helping you people escape the shitholes you're in.

Bradford parkinson on made the gps
Martin Cooper made the digital cellphone

You do know Ethiopia was a slave state right ? You idolise a slave state that got what they deserve when they attacked Mussolini's Italy (also attacking many Somalis that fought for italy).

Also blacks don't "control " anything it's like saying the queen controls the United Kingdom, they're just a figure head.

With the Indian question
They don't "control" tech it's still white men that control it. Also like jews indians are hyper nepotistic, as in they employ other Indians beacuse they're Indian.

I'm not even going to say anything about your retard take about how animalistic whites are as this is just cope.

My final statement is this thread is incredibly ignorant and If you guys are so much better then "nat socs" think why do you guys all come to our nations and don't build up your own countries ?
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First when I say whites I refer to Europeans as a whole as that's probably what you're thinking aswell.

This notion that whites are only successful due to exploitation of other people's is put simply ignorant. The oldest wheel-esque device is found in Europe, the first proto city is in Europe, the largest building in 6000 bc was in Europe, 8 of the 10 most spoken languages have European roots. The biggest religions have European roots (including abrahamic ones as they derive from ancient proto semetic paganism which is related to indo European paganism).

Now in regards to who is to blame its quite well known that after WW2 that jews have been trying to deconstruct European identity to make us not a threat to them ever again. This involves many things including media (promoting AA culture in america and by extent the world, also racial mixing and to try and guilt us into hating our history), politics (lobbying the governments to do many things to destroy the opposition), and a multitude of other areas of society. Even then you obviously haven't seen but alot of nat socs and other similar groups actually put the blame mostly at ourselves and the traitors, this doesn't mean we can't also blame blacks and browns that come here and commit crime at a much higher level then the natives (the only outlier being Albanians).

On a side note I'd like to say why should France pay anything to Haiti when they killed all the French on the island.

now in regards to you talking about the values being individualistic this is stupid as it's actually the opposite it's hyper altruistic to let in all of you people beacuse the way we see it we are helping you people escape the shitholes you're in.

Bradford parkinson on made the gps
Martin Cooper made the digital cellphone

You do know Ethiopia was a slave state right ? You idolise a slave state that got what they deserve when they attacked Mussolini's Italy (also attacking many Somalis that fought for italy).

Also blacks don't "control " anything it's like saying the queen controls the United Kingdom, they're just a figure head.

With the Indian question
They don't "control" tech it's still white men that control it. Also like jews indians are hyper nepotistic, as in they employ other Indians beacuse they're Indian.

I'm not even going to say anything about your retard take about how animalistic whites are as this is just cope.

My final statement is this thread is incredibly ignorant and If you guys are so much better then "nat socs" think why do you guys all come to our nations and don't build up your own countries ?
Search up the kalergi plan

Slavery in Abyssinia was stopped in 1942
With approximately 2 million slaves before Italian occupation
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predicted; stupid lizard pushes the blame to jews as if they have anything to do with this argument. mentioned this twice in my discussion and you still do it 😂😂😂

This shitty excuse of a defense shows you’ve never read a history book from the african or asian diaspora and have only (maybe) read the tampered history of whites. All races but primarily whites have had highly powerful, innovative, and wealthy empires that were SELF-SUFFICIENT and built with their own.

This also didn’t answer the discussions question. Probably because you couldn’t think of a way to refute my argument and your white ego restrains you from saying “damn you’re right, our white leaders are retarded asf”

“The world would be a giant shithole” whiteBrah says this whilst Africa were had empires like the Mali empire, which sailed to the Americas for a peaceful trade with the natives for sweet potatoes (Abubakari III) and was home to the richest man in history (Mansa Musa) 😂😂😂. and that’s just Africa, Asia also was very prosperous

Another retarded white who has never read a book and just regurgitated deep-rooted propaganda from the 1700s. And even better, you said all this shit with not one source, OR LINK 😂😂You probably still stink Columbus discovered America 😂😂😂

read a book
And what was the contribution of these great african empires to the world? Nigga africa didnt even have an independently developed writing system or the fucking wheel for gods sake. And also my argument for jewish propaganda to villify whites is 100% valid, jews created the myth that the belgians genocided 10 million africans in the congo and like a billion in the americas, jfl if you still believe those myths.And lastly blacks today slaughter their neighboring villages for shits and giggles, do you think they would be more benevolent to other races if they conquered the world like whites did?
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are only successful due to exploitation
won’t even read this paragraph, never said only, i said primarily

8 of the 10 most spoken languages have European roots.
make a guess as to why this is

The biggest religions have European roots
guess where they originated from. Guess what the Euros did with one of these spiritual religions (Christianity).
Now in regards to who is to blame it’s quite well known that after WW2 that jews have been trying to deconstruct European identity to make us not a threat to them ever again.
white inferiority and conspiracy; baseless claims w/o a source or concrete evidence; predicted.

I’ve already elucidated with detail as to why the loss of European home were due to their process to become the most powerful (taking from others instead of prioritizing self-sufficiency) and how that’ll cause their inevitable fall. It’s as if you didn’t read the discussion and started rambling 😂

promoting AA culture in america and by extent the world, also racial mixing and to try and guilt us into hating our history)
Yes they capitalize off the poor side of African-American culture. But now: Guess who is the reason these african americans were able to adopt these shitty cultures? WHITES. I’ve already explained in the discussion with a miniscule amount of the American Whites’ cruelty of how this came to be. So again, whites digging up their own grave

blame blacks and browns that come here and commit crime at a much higher level then the natives (the only outlier being Albanians).
Talking about the criminal immigrants; already stated in the beginning that they are disregarded in this discussion for obvious reasons. every country deserves right to remove CRIMINALS.
Haiti when they killed all the French on the island.
Guess why they had to. Research the Haitian Revolution and its reasons/origins.
now in regards to you talking about the values being individualistic this is stupid as it's actually the opposite it's hyper altruistic to let in all of you people beacuse the way we see it we are helping you people escape the shitholes you're in.
”Helping” lol yeah right because colonizations and imperialism is so good for the people after you took the people and resources.
These countries were also not “shitholes” through its entirety, only when white leaders destabilized and destroyed like the animals they are

White brainwash rules your mind once again, read a book

Bradford parkinson on made the gps
Martin Cooper made the digital cellphone
incorrect, what google do you use? will I need to prove this wrong with sources? 😂

Also blacks don't "control " anything it's like saying the queen controls the United Kingdom, they're just a figure head.
AA culture in america and by extent the world,
but now they don’t control anything. Okay

You do know Ethiopia was a slave state right ? You idolise a slave state that got what they deserve when they attacked Mussolini's Italy
Just gave the reason for a justified attack in your sentence lol

I'm not even going to say anything about your retard take about how animalistic whites are as this is just cope.
white ego stepping in, i’ll let you have it

think why do you guys all come to our nations and don't build up your own countries ?
literally explained throughout the whole discussion + I have examples of africa building as we speak.

Btw for the Sahel Pact one, whites has attempted over 16+ assassination attempts in the last 6 months. Whites are animals.

And no I’m not victimizing or blaming the average white civilian (already said this in the beginning of the discussion, but based on this reply, you don’t read at all)
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Stopped reading at African civilizations. Lol
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And what was the contribution of these great african empires to the world? Nigga africa didnt even have an independently developed writing system or the fucking wheel for gods sake. And also my argument for jewish propaganda to villify whites is 100% valid, jews created the myth that the belgians genocided 10 million africans in the congo and like a billion in the americas, jfl if you still believe those myths.And lastly blacks today slaughter their neighboring villages for shits and giggles, do you think they would be more benevolent to other races if they conquered the world like whites did?
Kemet, now egypt. Search up what kemet means. That’s all I’ll say. + No language ≠ stupid/not innovative

Guess where mathematics was founded

+ more jew conspiracy with 0 evidence, fucking clueless dork

+ Goal post shift of doom, focus on the topics regarded in my discussion.
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  • +1
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won’t even read this paragraph, never said only, i said primarily

make a guess as to why this is

guess where they originated from. Guess what the Euros did with one of these spiritual religions (Christianity).

white inferiority and conspiracy; baseless claims w/o a source or concrete evidence; predicted.

I’ve already elucidated with detail as to why the loss of European home were due to their process to become the most powerful (taking from others instead of prioritizing self-sufficiency) and how that’ll cause their inevitable fall. It’s as if you didn’t read the discussion and started rambling 😂

Yes they capitalize off the poor side of African-American culture. But now: Guess who is the reason these african americans were able to adopt these shitty cultures? WHITES. I’ve already explained in the discussion with a miniscule amount of the American Whites’ cruelty of how this came to be. So again, whites digging up their own grave

Talking about the criminal immigrants; already stated in the beginning that they are disregarded in this discussion for obvious reasons. every country deserves right to remove CRIMINALS.

Guess why they had to. Research the Haitian Revolution and its reasons/origins.

”Helping” lol yeah right because colonizations and imperialism is so good for the people after you took the people and resources.
These countries were also not “shitholes” through its entirety, only when white leaders destabilized and destroyed like the animals they are

White brainwash rules your mind once again, read a book

incorrect, what google do you use? will I need to prove this wrong with sources? 😂


but now they don’t control anything. Okay

Just gave the reason for a justified attack in your sentence lol

white ego stepping in, i’ll let you have it

literally explained throughout the whole discussion + I have examples of africa building as we speak.

Btw for the Sahel Pact one, whites has attempted over 16+ assassination attempts in the last 6 months. Whites are animals.

And no I’m not victimizing or blaming the average white civilian (already said this in the beginning of the discussion, but based on this reply, you don’t read at all)
Yeah @Gargantuan I fully understand what you mean now, it's literally just a circle jerk, even when I say stuff he gives zero push back like I expected. Just call whites animals and act like you're gods who do no wrong.
  • +1
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Yeah @Gargantuan I fully understand what you mean now, it's literally just a circle jerk, even when I say stuff he gives zero push back like I expected. Just call whites animals and act like you're gods who do no wrong.
More baseless assumptions

and now, you’ve even tagged your favorite guy to feel comfortable in your ignorance

everything you’ve argued has already been answered in my discussion with examples you google with ease for verifications.

only source you’ve provided was a google link about the kalergi

I’m disappointed, really. All I had to do to reply to you was just refer to what i’ve already stated and back pedaled your surface level knowledge on whites

Like I said in the discussion, not a racist, love all whites, but you will lose your continent for a reason.
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More baseless assumptions

and now, you’ve even tagged your favorite guy to feel comfortable in your ignorance

everything you’ve argued has already been answered in my discussion with examples you google with ease for verifications.

only source you’ve provided was a google link about the kalergi

I’m disappointed, really. All I had to do to reply to you was just refer to what i’ve already stated and back pedaled your surface level knowledge on whites

Like I said in the discussion, not a racist, love all whites, but you will lose your continent for a reason.
You don't even understand basic white history, you complain about muh asian black history but don't even basic understanding of modern whites morality and history
Kemet, now egypt. Search up what kemet means. That’s all I’ll say. + No language ≠ stupid/not innovative

Guess where mathematics was founded

+ more jew conspiracy with 0 evidence, fucking clueless dork

+ Goal post shift of doom, focus on the topics regarded
Egyptians werent black, blacks contributed absolutely zero to mathematics and no language definitely means stupid.You are literally a product of jewish propaganda, they filled your brain with antinwhite hate.Also would be nice to show some appreciation to whites for all they ve done instead of blaming them for everything, blacks leech off whites every chance they get and they still are ungrateful.
You don't even understand basic white history, you complain about muh asian black history but don't even basic understanding of modern whites morality and history
Where was I wrong lmao

Obviously there a few white civilizations that dominated via hard work or whatever else; but not many of them—The stealing and destruction is what sprouted their succession i.e. Every modern superpower like the US/Great Britain

I’ve studied your history, which is the only reason this post was made. the problem is YOU haven’t studied MY history from the perspective of OUR history boox. How do you even have the audacity to reply to my comment with 0 background knowledge of the blacks when I do? Academically disrespectful

Shame on you
  • +1
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Egyptians werent black, blacks contributed absolutely zero to mathematics and no language definitely means stupid.You are literally a product of jewish propaganda, they filled your brain with antinwhite hate.Also would be nice to show some appreciation to whites for all they ve done instead of blaming them for everything, blacks leech off whites every chance they get and they still are ungrateful.
You’ve never read a book outside of the whites perspective in your life—Give up dude

Both of your arguments were just spewing CONSPIRACY and bigoted claims. My claims are ones that took research and learning YOUR AND MINE history for months and years. Academically disrespectful. Give up
  • +1
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You’ve never read a book outside of the whites perspective in your life—Give up dude

Both of your arguments were just spewing CONSPIRACY and bigoted claims. My claims are ones that took research and learning YOUR AND MINE history for months and years. Academically disrespectful. Give up
@psychomandible because you attempted to steal the crucial contributions of the GPS/Digital and give it to whites

IMG 4925 IMG 4926
read their stories, watch their documentaries. these quick google searches don’t give them as much credit.
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  • +1
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Smart response, Mr. Conspiracist Debator. The smartest one you’ve gave

God bless EuroCel
Its a hard pill to swallow, i get it, but the greatness of the white race is unmatched.I appreciate that at least you try to put some effort into your argument but your bias blinds you
Its a hard pill to swallow, i get it, but the greatness of the white race is unmatched.I appreciate that at least you try to put some effort into your argument but your bias blinds you
lol okay

read a 📖
  • +1
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Literal jewish propaganda, why were white people in a position to extort destabilize and take from other races as you say?White people literally invented evey that makes life a little more sufferable and as for whites having done the most evil in history, whites are by far the most noble race. Whites ended slavery they exported technologies that increase life span and gave civilization to 3rd world shitholes.If other races were at the position of absolute power that the white race used to be the world would be a giant fucking shithole
  • +1
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Egyptians werent black, blacks contributed absolutely zero to mathematics and no language definitely means stupid.You are literally a product of jewish propaganda, they filled your brain with antinwhite hate.Also would be nice to show some appreciation to whites for all they ve done instead of blaming them for everything, blacks leech off whites every chance they get and they still are ungrateful.
More Cope
More Cope
No he’s right, these are the people who built the pyramids in the harsh heat of Kemet/Egypt
IMG 4928 IMG 4929

this is the surperior race that stacked those blocks in the LAND OF BLACK!!
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  • JFL
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The egyptians were white
Lmfao what a complete total utter fucking retard you are
IMG 1832

cumskins be like

@FaceandBBC @klip11 @liberiangrimreaper
  • JFL
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Does that nigga have klinefelters or sum shit.
It’s a pinkie they all look the same to me tbh

All I know is without modern vaccines cumskins literally can’t survive Egypt without being turned into tomato paste :lul:

Niggas literally die from heat stroke that’s why the ottomans used cumskins as sex slaves in palaces and galley slaves on the ships because any other type of slaverh is impossible for them in a hot climate they just ain’t cut out for it

But hey cumskins are now able to be Egyptians
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