Discussion: Deep Questions for Whites Regarding the Migrant Issue & "Save Europa." Intellectuals Only Please; I'm Bored

lmaooo stop pretending like niggers or towelhead fucks are "taking" anything, they would be kicked out of Europe in .2 seconds if it wasn't for your masters the jews letting you in. also saying white country's "primary source of income" came from colonization is unbelievably retarded JFL, this is literally vivek levels of copeium
Jew conspiracy without proof once again! Am I surprised… No!!!!!

France has the 4th largest gold reserve in the world with no gold mines.. where do you think they get it from? 😂😂😂😂 with logistics and infrastructure right? Or this God have it start raining from the sky after brutalizing Haitians? Hallelujah!

Search up how significant slave work products like cotton was in Americas economic/trade success. READ A BOOK

Where’s your answer to the discussion. If you don’t have any, shut the fuck up
No, I'm saying white countries were extremely wealthy and prosperous before colonization because it takes allot of fucking resources to ship armies around the world supplied with enough homegrown food/supplies to be not only able to make it there and survive BUT LITERALLY FIGHT AND WIN against the people who assault you when you land
Good explanation boyo

Unless you can show me where I said white countries didn’t have any success without taking, your “infrastructure and logistic” claim is useless in the argument. Like I said in previous replies, I STUDY WHITE AND BLACK history. I know certain powers like the UK or Greece built their own empires by themselves. I would be a retard to claim they didn’t.

BUT, these countries like the US and UK (again) are not the imperial superpowers due to this alone. THEIR PRIMARY SUCCESS came from other races. This stealing, taking, raping, government coups, assassinations, etc, of other races destroyed/hindered blacks and asians, leading them to YOUR countries. Without those barbaric kidnapping, false bible teachings and torturing methods US leaders did with African slaves, they would not be where they are today. This applies to everything else.

That’s why the discussion question is what it is lol. But you people who have tried to defend your “race” have blatantly shifted away from it and started splurging silly conspiracy or justifications

A way to help: Instead of trying to “debunk” me, answer the fucking question. You keep trying to prove my provable claims wrong and it’s not working well.
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Keep coping niggers. Whites and Viking Pashtuns are the master race

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Jew conspiracy without proof once again! Am I surprised… No!!!!!

France has the 4th largest gold reserve in the world with no gold mines.. where do you think they get it from? 😂😂😂😂 with logistics and infrastructure right? Or this God have it start raining from the sky after brutalizing Haitians? Hallelujah!

Search up how significant slave work products like cotton was in Americas economic/trade success. READ A BOOK

Where’s your answer to the discussion. If you don’t have any, shut the fuck up
mods kick this goofy ass nigger off the form, you don't even belong here and this is literally CNN level goyslop
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mods kick this goofy ass nigger off the form, you don't even belong here and this is literally CNN level goyslop

You ignored my previous response showing why your argument was useless; you ignored my orders to research the facts stated in my previous message; you have still ignored the discussion question; you haven’t read a book

and now because you’re too scared to do these, you make some random reply nobody will see or rep. You’re a disgrace.

I hope you never in your life deem yourself as an intellectual or someone “who seeks truth.” embarrassing

lmao you probably thought I was some retard like the rest of you guys on this forum. Sadly, I do REAL, EVIDENCE-BASED research and consider and predict counter arguments before I post it. AKA the average REAL intellectual. You failed to debunk me or answer my question so an escape for you was to let out your white animal rage

God Bless
Before I proceed with this post, I will state that I agree that every "race," including Whites, deserve their territorial home where they can be with their people(s). I also understand why you Whites are pushing hard for this as well, we are all animals and prioritize familiarity and cultural preservation (I do condemn many of your methods, propaganda/agenda bigotry, and ideologies, however). This discussion also doesn't refer to the criminal illegal immigrants; this is about the (im)migrants & non-whites who are stealing "your deserved jobs and homes."

I am not a racist or bigot; I love all and wish the system wasn't this way. I aim to change your perspective in hopes you learn to acknowledge the TRUE cause of your losses. Feelings aren't involved in this argument. I love you all .orgCels.

I do not blame the common White man or woman for your leaders' ignorance. I do blame you for believing their ignorance, however.

This post is specifically for the Marshall-Plan European & Aussie Whites. The US doesn't crybaby as much as you regarding this topic.

I'm not making this to read the seething of your White inferiority and fragile MonkeyIncel White egos. Either reply with something smart or disagree with tranquility. Or not, I don't care lmao. I'll reupload this to Chimpmania, Reddit, and/or Chimpout.

If you disagree or want to refute my statements, please do so WITH SOURCES. I am genuinely curious I'd love to be proven wrong. It might take a while to respond as I am a student.


To keep it short, it should be widely known amongst all that contrary civilizations built by the Black or Asian "race," Whites primarily gained their global success from not being self-sufficient, but instead extorting, destabilizing, and taking from the other "races." Although we're all humans and this barbaric behavior is natural, no other race has gone to the extent of barbarity as whites, historically and in the modern-day. For Christ's sake, Whites ate so many mummies to the point of endangerment and France still hasn't paid Haiti their 21 billion :lul::lul::lul::lul:. Moreover, look at what Whites are doing in the Congo TODAY, purely dehumanizing.

With that out of the way, my questions are: How did you not expect this to happen, and why are you mad at others rather than your idiotic past white leaders, who didn't think about this inevitable consequence? Don't you feel like a hypocritical, immature child? And why aren't you acknowledging this mistake?

Your past (and current) leader's lack of self-sufficiency leads to dreadful consequences that you and your future generations will deal with: The loss of your home. And rationally, you can't blame anyone but your own stupid, greedy white leaders who chose capitalistic, imperialistic, individualistic values and methodologies over socialistic, culturally-oriented, collectivist ones like many Africans and Asians.

You are lied to by your leaders with propaganda and silly shit like "IQ Tests," political cartoons, flawed documentaries, and Indian Street Food TikToks into thinking Blacks and Asians were "stupid, uncivilized, classless, subhumans," who could never rival or challenge whites in any aspect, which was always wrong.

You've been lied to about these races' ways of living, innovations, philosophies, and cultures, leading you to believe the mud huts and clay homes were because they're slow-minded n*ggers and sh*tskins, not because they maintained value being in tune with nature (These places still made amazing innovations with these, Mathematics, Surgery, GPS, Digital Cellphones, and Chess for example. These areas also have beautiful homes/kingdoms).

This had led many of you whites to become lazy, dependent on generational wealth/Euro HealthCare, and baselessly cocky, while Blacks and Asians slowly began to prevail. Like The Tortoise and The Hare story :ROFLMAO:

Furthermore, your leaders, in an attempt to back this propaganda with adequate proof, even committed acts so unjust and inhumane on Blacks and Asians to the point even God would've shed a tear.

  1. European Whites went to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) and bombed them unprovoked (Italians supported this because of Mussolini's claims of Abyssinian civilians being "uncivilized"). Ethiopians prevailed and were the only African country to resist colonization. Their women are also MegaSexy like the rest of the African women :love::love::love::love::love:.

  1. American White leaders toward Blacks have committed mass lynchings, planted crack/heroin in their already-poor urban communities (RIP Gary Webb), assassinated, jailed, ATE, and silenced Black revolutionaries (Nat Turner, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, MLK, Gil-Scott Heron, Angela Davis, Assata Shakur, etc) and committed mass massacres and floodings against successful, profitable, crime-free Black cities from the late 1800s - late 1900s (Belmont, Rosewood, Wilmington, Tulsa, Lake Lanier, etc), AND MUCH MORE. Blacks prevailed and now control your media, sports leagues, trends, and music. Hopefully, blacks will know their worth and build their leagues/media, leaving the Whites and Jews with nothing.

  1. I don't know much about the British Colonial Period as I haven't studied it, but Indians were done terribly lol. Indians still prevailed and now control tech/mathematics.

And this is a broad explanation of .0000001% of such inhumanities. I would elucidate further but this thread isn't about that. But we see the pattern: "Don't become self-sufficient and highly adaptable like them; just see, take, rape, destroy, propagandize, pray to Jesus, repeat."

Your leaders manipulated you with your religion, where they allegedly stated The Almighty Source/Energy, GOD, predestined all the lands and resources (Manifest Destiny, Crusades, etc), and anyone who stood in the White's way was demonic and "must be destroyed" :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:.

All of these spineless indoctrinations/brainwashing led to a hyperinflation of the White ego. Fortunately, it is slowly crumbling because the Whites' attempts to propagandize against the other "races" are coming close to futile.

It's leading most of you to act like little spoiled children with wealthy neglectful parents, which I've hysterically laughed at thinking about. There's no solution to your "home-loss crisis" anymore. Well, there's two:

Realistically, I believe the white's most probable choice of response to this is to go back to their animalistic nature; more animalistic than whites already are. You whites are already into the transition of going back to your WhiteApe mode, as many of you here are "Neo-Nazis" (lol) and Far-Right, Wojak-Style:feelshah: bigots who ramble about Jew conspiracies on Twitter all day :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:.

Even Trump is fueling the fire, removing DEI (Even though WHITE WOMEN benefited from it the most, and blacks a measly 4%). Additionally, he and his billionaire crew have now even substituted the word for just saying N*GGER :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. Truly comical.

But, even with that, this switch would not happen in time. The "minorities" are rising. Some examples if you've been living under a rock:

  1. Sahel Pact in Africa;
  2. Indians+Africans moving abroad to work STEM, some returning to build their country;
  3. Africans making deals with China;
  4. Africans seizing their resources, skyrocketing their GDP and country;
  5. Burkina Faso, Mali, & Niger's Gold and Electric Car Market Rising Exponentially;
  6. Countries like Ghana and Kenya now allow all Africans to come to their country;
  7. My GOAT country Liberia has economic increases as high as 6%;
and much more...

The second method, the ONLY method to get your home back is to GIVE IT UP; the African resources, the stolen and rebranded artifacts in your museum, the history boox, the discriminatory systems, and everything else. If this is done, equal and fair capitalistic competition would be promoted in countries globally, leaving the whites with Europa once again. This would not happen however as Europe would go to shit.

Asians are beginning to control the tech industry. Black people are becoming knowledgeable of their history and innovations, encouraging them to take being black seriously. Blacks have mass control of the media (which elites somewhat use to spread the agenda). Indians will soon control US/UK tech businesses. Even Latino folk are occupying the farming and blue-collar jobs, making bank; All while foolish whites complain to their anti-jew, anti-black, anti-immigrant hate groups and fail to occupy crucial jobs. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Again, I'm not claiming or hoping whites will go extinct, but, you will likely not have a home to yourself anytime soon. The cycle of cruelty, self-absorbed ignorance, and greed always make its 2pi. Intelligence and true, moral work always prevail brah.

What do you think? Again: If you disagree or want to refute my statements, please do so WITH SOURCES. Everything I've said can be backed up with research, Boox, and reliable online videos/links, so try your best. I don't believe most of you retards will though :p. No logical fallacies either

God Bless my White Brothers. Happy BHM. Tags: Nobody

Will probably make edits along the way
read every singular molecule made me shed a tear ( down my thigh )
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Bro how I'm supposed to read this without scrolling after every second word.
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Bro how I'm supposed to read this without scrolling after every second word.
Are you on mobile? Idk why it's like that for you.

I could PM the thread in normal text if you're that eager to read it
L Whites
  • Woah
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Re-reading this thread, I noticed I was more hateful than I should’ve been :lul:. I did mean to come off as an anti-white racist, but a fool’s ignorance diminishes all my academic decorum I was taught when young

Sorry to all the educated whites who were offended by my replies to some right-winged fools in this thread; if anyone reads this in the future.

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