Do Europeans need to return to Paganism?



Extraversion = #1 Predictor of ReproductiveSuccess
Jul 12, 2019
The videos on this channel make good points

It seems Christianity has turned Europeans into cucks more concerned with sticking to some arbitrary markers of muh morality so that they dont put a foot wrong than they are with attaining Glory through heroic acts
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  • JFL
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@cromagnon help an aryan brother out
  • JFL
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The videos on this channel make good points

It seems Christianity has turned Europeans into cucks more concerned with sticking to some arbitrary markers of muh morality so that they dont put a foot wrong than they are with attaining Glory through heroic acts
Christianity is cucked but secularism is the future for Whites, all religion is incoherent with modern technology and scientism, it’s pointless to return to such things
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  • JFL
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Christianity is cucked but secularism is the future for Whites, all religion is incoherent with modern technology and scientism, it’s pointless to return to such things
We should maintain pagan traditions and remember them but unironically believing in them is a bit too fat
  • JFL
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Yes that channel is really good another good channel which deals with similar topics is Russell walters
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christianity is better than pagan beliefs

has much better structure

telling from experience
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we should believe in SCIENCE like the good atheist redditors
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Jfl at believe in that horseshit
The videos on this channel make good points

It seems Christianity has turned Europeans into cucks more concerned with sticking to some arbitrary markers of muh morality so that they dont put a foot wrong than they are with attaining Glory through heroic acts
no, also
It seems Christianity has turned Europeans into cucks more concerned with sticking to some arbitrary markers of muh morality so that they dont put a foot wrong than they are with attaining Glory through heroic acts
this is the sickest cope ever i'm guessing you dont live in Europe?
  • JFL
Reactions: mayo mogger
no, also
It seems Christianity has turned Europeans into cucks more concerned with sticking to some arbitrary markers of muh morality so that they dont put a foot wrong than they are with attaining Glory through heroic acts
this is the sickest cope ever i'm guessing you dont live in Europe?
explain the cope, I live in Europe
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are you european ethnically?
Yes, you must not be familiar with my posts (hundreds of anti ethnic ones) but as far back as I can trace my family tree there are only Irish people meaning that I am one of the purest strands of european (highest r1b levels, least effected by the various waves of migration and mixing throughout europe) rather than a hybrid of an English Father and French Mother for example.
Not saying one is necessarily better than the other but I have significant attachment to my cultural identity and by extension European identity as a whole.
Due to this I feel a need for my soul to be awakened through something that goes beyond some desert stories that sprung up 2000 years ago to teach us about morality.
I need to something aggressive and war like
Why do white people have an affinity towards Heavy Metal more than any other race?
Is it a means to release something innate within them that would've been released through other war like rituals in the distant past?
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Yes, you must not be familiar with my posts but as far back as I can trace my family tree there are only Irish people meaning that I am one of the purest strands of european (highest r1b levels, least effected by the various waves of migration and mixing throughout europe)
Not saying one is necessarily better than the other but I have significant attachment to my cultural identity and by extension European identity as a whole.
European identity= 40% Christianity, 30% looks and 30% culture.
Due to this I feel a need for my soul to be awakened through something that goes beyond some desert stories that sprung up 2000 years ago to teach us about morality.
not stories, shame on you the Irish are (at least were) very faithful in the Lord
I need to something aggressive and war like
Why do white people have an affinity towards Heavy Metal more than any other race?
cus it wakes up our war drive
Is it a means to release something innate within them that would've been released through other war like rituals in the distant past?
not rituals just fighting/war
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not stories, shame on you the Irish are (at least were) very faithful in the Lord
I flip flop on my devotion and will occasionally be in states of pain where I pray an insane amount
It feels like there is something missing though, like Christianity in it's current form is outdated hence it's decline
We have never faced such a barrage on our homelands from outside forces of other ethnicities, I'm not sure if trying to stick to the Christian rulebook will allow us to do what needs to be done to ensure self preservation
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Idk about the philosophy behind them but Pagan religions seemed way cooler than the Abrahamic trash
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Christianity ruined European cultures. Ancient European where worshipping real gods with real power.
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We have never faced such a barrage on our homelands from outside forces of other ethnicities, I'm not sure if trying to stick to the Christian rulebook will allow us to do what needs to be done to ensure self preservation
You can literally ask the pagan gods to kill all of the migrants and they will get rid of them for you
IMG 8600

This guy makes some good points
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I flip flop on my devotion and will occasionally be in states of pain where I pray an insane amount
It feels like there is something missing though, like Christianity in it's current form is outdated hence it's decline
We have never faced such a barrage on our homelands from outside forces of other ethnicities, I'm not sure if trying to stick to the Christian rulebook will allow us to do what needs to be done to ensure self preservation
Bible predicted this, invasion of immigrants 'and they wil rule you' because you didnt obey the Word of God so yes we best
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imagine blaming it on christianity out of everything lmao

you are barely christian
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The videos on this channel make good points

It seems Christianity has turned Europeans into cucks more concerned with sticking to some arbitrary markers of muh morality so that they dont put a foot wrong than they are with attaining Glory through heroic acts
Yes, christcucks are okay with race-mixing and being sub5 cucks because pride and greed is muh evil
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Bible predicted this, invasion of immigrants 'and they wil rule you' because you didnt obey the Word of God so yes we best
What if the bible was written by Jews who prophesized they'd flood Europe with Arabs (it's written in the Torah or Talmud somewhere) and the bible just served to make Europeans think that God has a plan and will come to save them, just keep praying to God rather than picking up the sword and chopping off ethnic heads (as pagan euros would've done) and you'll be fine.

imagine blaming it on christianity out of everything lmao

you are barely christian
Well being Christian and allowing Christian beliefs to seep through to every part of society may have gotten us to this point, it doesn't matter that most people aren't currently practicing if the damage has already largely been done by the effects it had on previous generations
Virtue signalling woketards may be considered the extreme end of where Christian culture takes us, in fact when Christianity was first being spread in Europe, the ones spreading it would've been seen on par with the woke libtards of today but they managed to win out.
When I went to church there was so much shit about helping the poor little starving Africans and donating money to them.
Look where that well get us by helping them survive, a population prediction of 4.2 Billion Africans by 2100 with hoards of them trying to flood into Europe.

View attachment 3160938
This guy makes some good points

What level of influence does paganism have in your life, how did you get into it? (assuming you are an enthusiast for it)
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What if the bible was written by Jews who prophesized they'd flood Europe with Arabs (it's written in the Torah or Talmud somewhere) and the bible just served to make Europeans think that God has a plan and will come to save them, just keep praying to God rather than picking up the sword and chopping off ethnic heads (as pagan euros would've done) and you'll be fine.
God would never this isn’t the brightest thought the Israelites aren’t the Jews of now you know? Jesus Himself said Judaism is the synagogue of the devil.
Well being Christian and allowing Christian beliefs to seep through to every part of society may have gotten us to this point,
Not at all, reconquista remember?
it doesn't matter that most people aren't currently practicing if the damage has already largely been done by the effects it had on previous generations
Virtue signalling woketards may be considered the extreme end of where Christian culture takes us, in fact when Christianity was first being spread in Europe, the ones spreading it would've been seen on par with the woke libtards of today but they managed to win out.
Not woke libtards at all what are you even saying jfl that’s a lie.
When I went to church there was so much shit about helping the poor little starving Africans and donating money to them.
Look where that well get us by helping them survive, a population prediction of 4.2 Billion Africans by 2100 with hoards of them trying to flood into Europe.
Yep sad but true this. Too centralised on other people. This needa change I agree
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We don't even know what pagan believes looked like.

All the people "practicing" it nowadays are larping neo nazis.
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It is interesting how the statue busts of Roman emperors after Christianity took control literally lost their masculinity and Chad structures. Christianity's takeover was somewhat inevietable during the Dark Ages post-Rome more due to having a mogger concept for rules where those hobos at the time could attain social status, and more insight into philosophy, in fact idk. Roman paganism probably, honestly mogs them all, including other pagans.


The lyrics on this one...:

What if the bible was written by Jews who prophesized they'd flood Europe with Arabs (it's written in the Torah or Talmud somewhere) and the bible just served to make Europeans think that God has a plan and will come to save them, just keep praying to God rather than picking up the sword and chopping off ethnic heads (as pagan euros would've done) and you'll be fine.
And Muhammad is seen as the beast/ antichrist or false prophet.
Well being Christian and allowing Christian beliefs to seep through to every part of society may have gotten us to this point, it doesn't matter that most people aren't currently practicing if the damage has already largely been done by the effects it had on previous generations
Virtue signalling woketards may be considered the extreme end of where Christian culture takes us, in fact when Christianity was first being spread in Europe, the ones spreading it would've been seen on par with the woke libtards of today but they managed to win out.
When I went to church there was so much shit about helping the poor little starving Africans and donating money to them.
Look where that well get us by helping them survive, a population prediction of 4.2 Billion Africans by 2100 with hoards of them trying to flood into Europe.

What level of influence does paganism have in your life, how did you get into it? (assuming you are an enthusiast for it)
The way I see it now is that God is the movement of life and everything happening. Its equivalence is Darwin's natural selection so in essence Darwin = God.
Yes, we should completely reject all civilization (which spread from the Middle East), alphabet, numers, architecture etc. and go back to living in mud huts like our ancestors did before they met Roman civilization (which is extension of Greek which is extension of semitic Middle Eastern civilizations). Sounds like a good idea.
  • JFL
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