Do my small legs have a significant impact on my psl?



OG poster
Aug 12, 2018
Title. I've literally only been working out 5 months and lifting 3 months thus the overall smallness.

Title. I've literally only been working out 5 months and lifting 3 months thus the overall smallness.

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Yeah, it would take quite the imbalance for girls to really care. It would have to be a meme, like this guy
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Just don't wear shorts.
Nah bro. Just make sure you train them in balance with the rest of your body and it should even out. If not then see if there’s anything wrong with your program but they look fine to me
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Title. I've literally only been working out 5 months and lifting 3 months thus the overall smallness.

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That picture isn't the greatest because it hides your calves, but I highly working out calves twice a week in addition to killing it on leg day. Squats, Deadlifts (although that's more core oriented), lunges, calve raises, and reverse squats will help you much more than the knee/quad raising machine, that shit fucks up your knees. Your upper body will develop much more easily than legs, so acknowledge that. Otherwise, your PSL shouldn't take a big hit, but don't skip legs. You can get away with it when you wear jeans but in shorts it looks ridiculous on most people.
Is that you?
That picture isn't the greatest because it hides your calves, but I highly working out calves twice a week in addition to killing it on leg day. Squats, Deadlifts (although that's more core oriented), lunges, calve raises, and reverse squats will help you much more than the knee/quad raising machine, that shit fucks up your knees. Your upper body will develop much more easily than legs, so acknowledge that. Otherwise, your PSL shouldn't take a big hit, but don't skip legs. You can get away with it when you wear jeans but in shorts it looks ridiculous on most people.

Yeah, I've gotten into a bad habit of skipping leg day. The past few times I've been going hard with the squats though.
Title. I've literally only been working out 5 months and lifting 3 months thus the overall smallness.

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Please train them.

There's a dude at my gym who has a godlike fucking upper body and skinny ass legs. Every fucking chick makes fun of him no matter if he wears joggers or shorts. You don't wanna be the guy that attracts looks because his upper body is disproportionate to his lower body.
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not at all, but they could be more defined
In a sense it depends on genetics I have big legs and long calves good genes, if roiding I would probably only hit em once, but hit calves twice a week. I see alotta gl guys with fucking stick legs and shit. I don’t think it takes anything off psl but maybe your whole physique it would knock it down slightly.
Boyo, do you even train legs?? A proportional body looks more aesthetic, always.
I skip over half of leg days although the last few weeks I started skipping less.
IDK why you give off a Connor Murphy vibe tbh.
Having looked at you previous pregymcelled pic you made huge body gains ngl
and according to research due to roid >90% of that was muscle
I don't think any of it is body fat but probably about ~10lbs is water weight that I will drop as soon as I stop taking them.
looking good bro no homo, are you on pct now? hope for a write up on ur experience with the cycle twould be interesting read!
I don't think any of it is body fat but probably about ~10lbs is water weight that I will drop as soon as I stop taking them.

I'd say 15lbs muscle. WHICH IS A LOT.

Anyways, my legs are worse than yours, but my upper body isnt as developed so it looks okay in regards to proportion lol
looking good bro no homo, are you on pct now? hope for a write up on ur experience with the cycle twould be interesting read!
I'll be coming off 1 week from now, then I'll post full before and afters

Yes bro, women don't fuck guys with thigh circumference less than 28" srs.
Inb4 thighcel.
I'd say 15lbs muscle. WHICH IS A LOT.

Anyways, my legs are worse than yours, but my upper body isnt as developed so it looks okay in regards to proportion lol
Idk I feel I'll be able to keep more then you did because I'm using hcg and won't stop training during pct. I guess I'll have to see though.
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It lets everyone know you have no clue what you're doing. Just don't keep over working your upper body until your legs have a chance to catch up.
I don't think any of it is body fat but probably about ~10lbs is water weight that I will drop as soon as I stop taking them.
research showed (can't fin it now) that in 4 weeks
-Natty doing shit: No gains
-Natty + gym: 4lbs
-Roid doing shit: 7lbs
-Roid + gym: 13lbs
It lets everyone know you have no clue what you're doing. Just don't keep over working your upper body until your legs have a chance to catch up.
I need good shoulders to fraud having a good frame though
I need good shoulders to fraud having a good frame though

Becoming obsessed over certain traits does nothing, but give yourself a consist reminder of your shortcomings. You need to try to change the reason you workout for. You can't get stuck in these mindsets that eats you on the inside. i use to be completely obsessed else mattering if i didn't fix my asymmetric side of my face. It didn't let me focus on improvising anything else but that and overall only prolonged my looksmaxxing
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