do u support russia or ukraine?


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They are both controlled by Jews so what gucking difference
Everyone who supports Russia are either sub-zero IQ or chronically online autistic idiots who wants to be quirky and "cool" on incel forums :feelskek:
John Mearsheimer and Ron Unz are sub-zero IQ fs bro. The jews and libfags shilling Ukraine are brilliant tho.
Ukraine because if Russia takes over, I likely won't be able to go there without a visa.
It’s not that I support Russia, but I am sick of my tax money going to Ukraine, and the risk of nuclear war should be completely unacceptable. Crimea makes more sense as part of Russia anyways.

Also, what no one ever considers is how effective Russia is at winning wars. World War II, Chechenya, South Ossetia, Syria, and now Ukraine… they accomplish their geopolitical goals every single time. And in proxy wars all over the world, the side using Russian weaponry wins just about every single time. I wish the US/West/NATO would just stop, but I don’t think they will as long as the MIC is making so much money.
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These "Russians" who were killed

IMG 2019

Rip to all Reze bros out there. Over for Russians and their big ass maxillas.
I support the Germanic nations. l support America giving Ukraine just enough supplies to create a stagnant war that drains Russia's population.
thats literally just indirectly supporting the jewish western hegemon. so based!!!! :feelsuhh:
It’s not that I support Russia, but I am sick of my tax money going to Ukraine, and the risk of nuclear war should be completely unacceptable. Crimea makes more sense as part of Russia anyways.

Also, what no one ever considers is how effective Russia is at winning wars. World War II, Chechenya, South Ossetia, Syria, and now Ukraine… they accomplish their geopolitical goals every single time. And in proxy wars all over the world, the side using Russian weaponry wins just about every single time. I wish the US/West/NATO would just stop, but I don’t think they will as long as the MIC is making so much money.
Ww2 was honestly just extreme luck for the soviets. Mind u the Soviet Union and modern federation of Russia are drastically different

Chechnya and Syria :lul::lul::lul:

Russia seems to be fucking up against Ukraine icl.
yeah that's what im saying, it's why im neutral. it's fucking very brutal. if only they see how an actual warzone is like and how the bodies look like tbh

they're like kids that are like ohh war is cool i wanna go to war after playing some cod, also the fact that they will have to work office works if they manage to return from war, wageslaving minimum wage after war with ptsd, its brutal af for both sides
such a feminine milquetoast opinion. Impartial fence-sitters are so gay. "why cant we all just get along :feelsuhh:"
The occupied territories were mostly Ukrainian, so the Ukrainians ruined our statistics again
Icl bhai Russians and Ukrainians are the fucking same, name 2 differences (apart from Reze. Another day, another W for Reze.)
Icl bhai Russians and Ukrainians are the fucking same, name 2 differences
1. Russians are not nazis
2. We speak different languages
3. Ukrainian language sounds funny and goofy
4. We Russians do not want to betray our history and join NATO
(apart from Reze. Another day, another W for Reze.)
what do you mean Reze? You mean this girl from chainsaw man who kissed denji?
Ww2 was honestly just extreme luck for the soviets. Mind u the Soviet Union and modern federation of Russia are drastically different

Chechnya and Syria :lul::lul::lul:

Russia seems to be fucking up against Ukraine icl.

I know that it was brutal, maybe even a genocide, but Russia successfully stomped out a populist independence in Chechenya. That’s something that the US, Israel, most countries could only dream of.

In Syria, Russia/Iran/Assad had a lot more success against who they consider to be terrorists than the US/NATO did in Afghanistan, Yemen, etc.
1. Russians are not nazis
2. We speak different languages
3. Ukrainian language sounds funny and goofy
4. We Russians do not want to betray our history and join NATO

what do you mean Reze? You mean this girl from chainsaw man who kissed denji?
1. Anyone can be a Nazi bhai, JFL at bhai thinking all Ukrainians are born nazis
2. Fe
3. So do Russian ones icl
4. Most Russians don’t give aft abt that shit, it’s just u bhai

JFL did u search up Reze nigga? By the way she didn’t kiss denji she ripped his tongue out. She’s Russian so I keep saying her cuz she’s Russian nigga so that’s why I keep saying her cuz like she’s Russian bhaijan
I know that it was brutal, maybe even a genocide, but Russia successfully stomped out a populist independence in Chechenya. That’s something that the US, Israel, most countries could only dream of.

In Syria, Russia/Iran/Assad had a lot more success against who they consider to be terrorists than the US/NATO did in Afghanistan, Yemen, etc.
Russians had intel from the Syrians on the locations, Syrians do not rate the US.

Another day, another Reze W
In the netherlands where I am from, there is no war footage. It is all censored.
The only 'war footage' you get is zelensky talking, and other EU spoke-persons talking and giving their opinion.

The EU has blocked RT and other russian news channels. They dont like freedom, they dont like free journalism.

Personally what do I want?
Europe which includes russia. As a superpower.
Next to the US and China/Asia.

There's so much propaganda, hate, bullshit into making europeans hate russians.
Yet we are the same people.

Europe should be one alliance which includes russia. Russians aren't our enemy.
They are slavs just like me.

This whole 'Russia VS us' is a cold-war retardation which holds no relevance.
The Cold War dynamic holds all of the relevance as it frames the entirety of the global conflict. America and by extension, the West have made it clear time and time again that they are not willing to play ball with nations and axes' that don't align with their values/interests. China 'must be countered' because they are outperforming us economically. Russia 'must be countered' because they are threatening our grip on Europe. Iran 'must be destroyed' because they are a threat to our overlord Israel. The basic principles of competition that existed during the Cold War still underscore the modern conflict, in that America expects to maintain hegemony over the globe, while other nations seek to assert themselves. The idea of a united superpower Europe is a fairytale until America's stranglehold is pried apart, which makes Russia's operation in Ukraine logical and appropriate.
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1. Anyone can be a Nazi bhai, JFL at bhai thinking all Ukrainians are born nazis
they weren't born nazis, but they become nazis at schools
3. So do Russian ones icl
Ukrainian language sounds goofy and funny as fuck
Russian language sounds soft and pleasing
4. Most Russians don’t give aft abt that shit, it’s just u bhai
A country that forgets its history has no future
they forgot who's their father
JFL did u search up Reze nigga? By the way she didn’t kiss denji she ripped his tongue out. She’s Russian so I keep saying her cuz she’s Russian nigga so that’s why I keep saying her cuz like she’s Russian bhaijan
I read this weird manga in the beginning of 2022
Reze is another proof that you consider us demons, so Putin did not attack Ukraine in vain
they weren't born nazis, but they become nazis at schools


Ukrainian language sounds goofy and funny as fuck
Russian language sounds soft and pleasing

A country that forgets its history has no future
they forgot who's their father

I read this weird manga in the beginning of 2022
Reze is another proof that you consider us demons, so Putin did not attack Ukraine in vain
1234. Ok bhai

Reze is queen nigga I love Russians cuz Reze is Russian. My gf looks like Reze she even stinks like Reze so I’m makima fuck putin only Khrushchev cuz mogger eyebrows :smonk:
do u support russia or ukraine? me personally, im neutral, both sides have losses and everyone should go home safe and reunite with their famly
I want them both to be nuked
Incels benefit grately from the globalist post WW2 order.
They never had it better in the entire human history than they do now.
They would be the ones most fucked up in some new multipolar "age of empires" scenario.
That's why it is funny to see incels complaining about muh evil west, muh evil jooz etc. good luck being an incel and fighting any kid of war (war is guaranteed if the current global order falls apart, and no, you won't be able to escape mobilization with modern tech that government has), normies and Chads can survive war, incels get PTSD from high school and college experience.
Stupid, stupid western incels cheering against globalist post WW2 world order from the comfort of their homes in western europe or USA. Dumbest cretures on earth.
thats literally just indirectly supporting the jewish western hegemon. so based!!!! :feelsuhh:
Ashkenazi Jews are Genetically closer to Germans or Brits than Russians since they're just Italian-German comverts. Ofc I'd rather help them over slavs or whatever.
I don’t support either, normal people getting killed while scum politicians making massive profits off war. Fuck them and fuck their piece of shit war.

Also, remember this all started because United Cucks of America wanted to enlarge NATO by attracting Ukraine and Georgia in it. If they stopped their expansion, none of this would’ve happened. So I think a significant amount of blame should be put on America.
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I saw a Ukrainian soldier having his balls cut off alive:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

why do you support Ukraine then? They attack annexed territories
and i saw a russian getting his mouth stuffed with his own flag, not gonna describe the rest lol :LOL:
and i saw a russian getting his mouth stuffed with his own flag, not gonna describe the rest lol :LOL:
this is not true
but even if this is true, why the hell would anyone support Ukraine after that?
war is hell, all of this imperialistic conquest only benefits the people on the top, aka daddy vlad and his oligarch buddies

thousands of russian and ukrainian men keep dying for what? nothing helps the people of these nations.
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If you're 'supporting' any side, while sitting somewhere thousands kilometres away JFL at you, go kys:).
The war is meaningless, but BPs should know that humans are animals and killing each others is our nature.

Reminder for western NEETS: if Russia didn't get cucked by 'allies' after WW2 you wouldn't be rotting at your basement on a welfare, if the West fails it's so over for you.
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and i saw a russian getting his mouth stuffed with his own flag, not gonna describe the rest lol :LOL:
That's 'normal', don't you think?
Humans are cruel animals and if they're allowed they will do such awful things.
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this is not true
but even if this is true, why the hell would anyone support Ukraine after that?
It is true becsuse I’ve seen a video lol. I have it as well also the dude who got killed himself was a war criminal and it was revenge

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