Do you have any hope?

Deleted member 209

Deleted member 209

Aug 25, 2018
I used to cope by thinking that since I managed to make out with a girl, maybe im not that bad. But rememberng the absurd amount of pressure and emotional abuse i had to harness to get to that point makes me realize how over it is.

I could beg/plead my way to a date but it wont result to sex anyway. Manipulation is a meme. It sucks and merely proves that you are not attractive. if you were, it would happen on its own.

And seeing how every guy with a gf mogs me, hell, even most posters here mog me, its prety obvious where i belong. I used to hope that maybe some girl would like me but seeing how hight the standards are, i know the truth. Either slay or be slayed.
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No bro, I’m 25 and haven’t had any friends since leaving high school. I’m a social outcast with no prospects and I’ve given up on foids. I would rather LDAR tbh

It is over.
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aren't u pretty average looking dude most people here are around ur looks level, obviously the better looking ones will be more likely to post pics of them
No bro, I’m 25 and haven’t had any friends since leaving high school. I’m a social outcast with no prospects and I’ve given up on foids. I would rather LDAR tbh

It is over.
View attachment 63253
try vyvanse
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no bro it is over for me and dozens of other men :(
Let’s hope it isn’t over for you, man.
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I kinda hope I've hit the bottom no where to go but up
too late for me
I am hopeful
No bro, I’m 25 and haven’t had any friends since leaving high school. I’m a social outcast with no prospects and I’ve given up on foids. I would rather LDAR tbh

It is over.

we shall cope together
ren't u pretty average looking dude most people here are around ur looks level, obviously the better looking ones will be more likely to post pics of them

only the top 1% of this website gets laid
Let’s hope it isn’t over for you, man.

its over
I used to cope by thinking that since I managed to make out with a girl, maybe im not that bad. But rememberng the absurd amount of pressure and emotional abuse i had to harness to get to that point makes me realize how over it is.

I could beg/plead my way to a date but it wont result to sex anyway. Manipulation is a meme. It sucks and merely proves that you are not attractive. if you were, it would happen on its own.

And seeing how every guy with a gf mogs me, hell, even most posters here mog me, its prety obvious where i belong. I used to hope that maybe some girl would like me but seeing how hight the standards are, i know the truth. Either slay or be slayed.
Yeah I made out with a (obese) girl as well. She was never my friend though- I talked to her once before and once after and then she ghosted me. I’ve never had a female acquaintance or friend yet since I have that one experience some people call me a normie. JFL.

Answering your question, yes I do have hope. I’m still in high school and I’m hoping/coping that college will be better. I’m going to a big state university in my progressive hometown that I’ve lived in all my life so hopefully I can find someone.
eah I made out with a (obese) girl as well. She was never my friend though- I talked to her once before and once after and then she ghosted me. I’ve never had a female acquaintance or friend yet since I have that one experience some people call me a normie. JFL.

if it makes you feel better, i made out with a stacy and it sucked big time.
I have a sliver of hope since I'm a 30%bf tub o' lard but it easily fades and it become very hard to stay motivated and lose the weight.

There were a couple foids very interested in me in Highschool but I had an LTR from freshman year onwards because I was bluepilled so my slay count is 1 at 24 years old.
Still kinda hopeful despite being a giga baldcel, but I think I'm roping in the long run realistically speaking tbh. Probably gonna cope for a while longer though
There were a couple foids very interested in me in Highschool but I had an LTR from freshman year onwards because I was bluepilled so my slay count is 1 at 24 years old.

my slay count is 0 at 24 yo.
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Absolutely not but Im pretty sure im losing my mind so it will be o k

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I used to be like you but I got lucky and also saved myself from absolute inceldom.

Now I am stuck with hopelessness about being an ordinary nobody and staying that way... I doubt I will ever achieve anything remarkable. I doubt I will get the slayer lifestyle I desire. It's saddening.
khhv with absolutely 0 contact with a foid with almost 23. ofc i dont have any hope jfl
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you got lucky at birth

Maybe that's true, since I was able to recover from my shitty past, but not lucky enough to become an Ubermensch ever. I was cucked socially by my parents from age 6 to 16 because I skipped a grade because of giftedness and had to live as a baby-faced manlet my entire youth, ruining my social life. I had to recover the next few years and eventually I became normal but I will never slay since I'm not chad or have a basic social network from my decades of schooling since I was rock bottom on the hierarchy from 6 to 16 years old
To genocide femoids
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Ive hit rock bottom
I can only go up from here bros
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If you're not born chad, rope. That is what I told to all my normie friends at school. I tell them to visit this forum and they all killed themselves.
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Yes bro.Thats why I'm on here.To fix my face.
im a hopeful copecel tbh
I dont know if its over for me but what I do know is that when I was younger girls were more attracted to me and more charismatic now I feel like life isnt the same but I still have hope for some reason
No hope bro, I'm ugly, autistic, and low IQ, even if I were to get surgeries I would at best be only above average while still being autistic on top of it
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Lmao I was being sarcastic saying to kill yourself if you're not chad is like saying if you want to be rich but aren't born rich, kill yourself. Lowest IQ loser mindset ever, cant believe I actually got likes on that post jfl
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No bro, I’m 25 and haven’t had any friends since leaving high school. I’m a social outcast with no prospects and I’ve given up on foids. I would rather LDAR tbh

It is over.
View attachment 63253
Happy belated birthday btw.
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Society has gone to hell.
I have a fuckton of hope
Any hope I had was crushed tonight tbh.

Kinda wanna rope ngl
Some hope i have
It never even began for me
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