Does anyone here think they will ever lose their virginity

I am 19 years old. I only became sexually active physically at 18. Before my 18th birthday, I had never kissed. The only real life experience I had prior to that was at 16 when I briefly “dated” a girl and we held hands a few times. You will be fine.

I am still a virgin, although by choice at this point. Funnily enough for the reason that girls I’ve dated since have always had strict parents, and I didn’t wanna lose my virginity in my car in a parking lot.
Wdym I’ll be fine? Elab
I lost it a long time ago tho
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0 circumstances that’s the issue lol
The issue is your relationship with validation and sense of self. Fix these and you’ll find women much easier to navigate.
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The issue is your relationship with validation and sense of self. Fix these and you’ll find women much easier to navigate.
Yeh I know, but it’s really not that easy. Like how
I will die a virgin and I'll rope till the end of the year.
I've already lost my virginity and have had sex with four different women and have given several other women orgasms. I'm autistic by the way. The secret is finding insecure and shy girls, especially those who lack experience
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I've already lost my virginity and have had sex with four different women and have given several other women orgasms. I'm autistic by the way. The secret is finding insecure and shy girls, especially those who lack experience
w do you find them
Don’t care about being a virgin I just want the KH + relationship part to be lost
  • JFL
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So how is paying for girls drinks in clubs and then paying for their Uber home any different lol
What does my mom have to do with this?
If I pay your mom to destroy her pussy, does that mean that I'm not loser??
  • JFL
Reactions: Htobrother
What does my mom have to do with this?
If I pay your mom to destroy her pussy, does that mean that I'm not loser??
What does your post have to do with the thread? It’s not about being a loser or a winner, it’s about getting your dick wet. Your IQ is very low and you probably have autism
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So how is paying for girls drinks in clubs and then paying for their Uber home any different lol
Yeah it’s not different. Just pay for everything theory.
  • JFL
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Agreed lol
What does your post have to do with the thread? It’s not about being a loser or a winner, it’s about getting your dick wet. Your IQ is very low and you probably have autism
Agreed lol
He either can’t read properly or is mentally disabled. Nobody said fucking a hooker means you’re a slayer, but I can’t believe I’m actually arguing with a self proclaimed diagnosed autist, so I’m the idiot in this situation actually
  • JFL
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What does your post have to do with the thread? It’s not about being a loser or a winner, it’s about getting your dick wet. Your IQ is very low and you probably have autism
Paying for sex is different than getting it for free nigga. If you have to pay for something that most men are getting for free, then you’re a fucking loser. Period. People don’t have to devise a plan and set some cash aside to lose their V cards. They go through life and it just happens.
Paying for sex is different than getting it for free nigga. If you have to pay for something that most men are getting for free, then you’re a fucking loser. Period. People don’t have to devise a plan and set some cash aside to lose their V cards. They go through life and it just happens.
Bro, you’re disabled, don’t interact with me
He either can’t read properly or is mentally disabled. Nobody said fucking a hooker means you’re a slayer, but I can’t believe I’m actually arguing with a self proclaimed diagnosed autist, so I’m the idiot in this situation actually
He either can’t read properly or is mentally disabled. Nobody said fucking a hooker means you’re a slayer, but I can’t believe I’m actually arguing with a self proclaimed diagnosed autist, so I’m the idiot in this situation actually
Where did I mention the word “ slayer “ ??
Title. Assuming if you are a virgin, do you ever think you will lose it?

Because I don’t think so tbh, already almost 22 and still havnt lost it lol.
Glad Im not a virgin since 19.
Where did I mention the word “ slayer “ ??
Bye bye, little autist, welcome to my ignore list

Go Away Do Not Want GIF
  • JFL
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There's a very thin possibility

If i get my shit together and get a personality and looksmax a lil
Girls will like
  • JFL
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We need girls who have experience. Tall hot stacies.
Nick your standards are delusional. If you're serious about losing your virginity, lower your standards
  • JFL
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Usually at bookstores or universities. Sometimes cold approaching on the street. One big tell is if they don't wear makeup
Hello give me your namber ma am
Nick your standards are delusional. If you're serious about losing your virginity, lower your standards
I don’t have standards, and I’m still KHHV. I'm pretty sure even the girl who won the award for the world’s ugliest chick would reject me.
  • JFL
Reactions: Htobrother
I don’t have standards, and I’m still KHHV. I'm pretty sure even the girl who won the award for the world’s ugliest chick would reject me.

I'm sorry Bhai whats your age?
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