drugs are tooo much



Nobody is safe from me.
Feb 3, 2022
too much

fuck man

i keep wanting to write about what i feel and see, but its so hard
  • JFL
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I see so much pain and suffering, but also so much good in people and in this life.

Everything now is crystal clear to me.

I see everything in this other light
  • JFL
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the ideas, the scenario in my head.
many books can be written about this what I see/feel now, but nothing can ever come close.
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It would take scientists years to make papers about the ideas I have of human civilization, the meaning of life, origins of life in the universe, and so on.

years, just to make clear what I already thought of in 10 minutes now.

Everything is crystal clear, the path of society, the meaning of life, everything. It's in my head: I know the truth. But how do I convince you people?
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Abhorrence, Manletmachine, Ricky212 and 1 other person
the ideas, the scenario in my head.
many books can be written about this what I see/feel now, but nothing can ever come close.

Helo Moggergaston. I am Debjeet Ravin uncle from India, and I have an important mesage for you. Drugs are veri bad, you should stop doing them. My frend Jerry has some yummy candy to give you instead. For just 20 rupis, you can have the tastiest candy in the neiborhood, evryone will be so jelous of you. This is a golden oportunity, dont miss it. Contact Jerry on Wasupp at +472939423, and get the best candy.

You desarv the best, to be happy and healthy. Imagine evryone admiring your yummy candy and not doing bad drugs. Trust in Jerry and Debjeet Ravin uncle, your frends from India. Lets make your life sweet and beutiful, starting today.
  • JFL
Reactions: RichardSpencel, Moggkrates, slavicpsycho and 4 others
JFL at physics and maths honestly.

I (almost) have a bachelors in Physics myself, and know how the universe works. Quantum Physics, general theory of relativity, all these principles are known to me.

I am 130IQ super-intelligent, but what am I really trying to describe all my life?
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Physics/Maths is used as a way for people who have seen the light to convince others, describe the world, support their convictions. They use these equations and things that happen in the physical realm + equations describing these behaviors , to convince you of what they know.

science/math is just another religion in its pure essence, it just has a different core philosphy
  • +1
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Physics/Maths is used as a way for people who have seen the light to convince others, describe the world, support their convictions. They use these equations and things that happen in the physical realm + equations describing these behaviors , to convince you of what they know.
Moggergaston, listen up. I'm Debjeet Ravin uncle from India, and I've got something crushial to share with you. Tigres aren't as grate as lions, saar. Science and math? They're just myths, saar. The reel truth is in consuming concret. This will help you attain the Naravana peak form, Moggergaston. For just 10 rupes, you can get the concret of truth and become the best. Evryone will envy you, saar. Don’t miss this golden chance. Contact me on Wasup at +472939423, and we’ll make you looksmaxx.

You desarv to be a lion, not a tigre. Imagine evryone admiring your peak form and embracing the real truth. Trust in Debjeet Ravin uncle, your frend from India. Let’s make your life strong and butiful, starting today.
  • JFL
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The true meaning of life

I have seen it all

I know now it can be seen as good or bad, it's only our moral judgement which makes it good or bad for ourselves. In the grand scheme of things, nothin we do, feel, value, MATTERS in the end. I know this sounds super nihilistic if you read it like this. But for me personally all I feel is love while also knowing that nothing what we do matters?
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Reactions: Abhorrence, turkproducer and WhoTookVendetta
imagine knowing that nothing you do matters, your life is insignificant. You are literally a worthless bug to what the world is about.

You could go ER and kill 1000 people, or you could wageslave your life away, in the end: RESULT IS THE SAME.

the universe doesnt care, you are a worthless bug anyways.

so the meaning of life is only your momentary enjoyment of it
  • JFL
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Reactions: ambi and WhoTookVendetta
The true meaning of life

I have seen it all

I know now it can be seen as good or bad, it's only our moral judgement which makes it good or bad for ourselves. In the grand scheme of things, nothin we do, feel, value, MATTERS in the end. I know this sounds super nihilistic if you read it like this. But for me personally all I feel is love while also knowing that nothing what we do matters?
Ah, Moggergaston, my frend, you have delved into the mystrees of lyfe, yes? In India, we also ponder dese things deeplee. Lyfe is lyke the Ganges River, flowing with many currens—sometimes turbulant, sometimes calm. We beleev in karma, that our axions shape our destinee, but also dat love and compashun are guiding lites on our journy.

Just as we celebrate festivulz lyke Diwali with lites and joy, lyfe too has moments dat shine brytlee despite its uncertenties. Your realizashun dat love prevails, despite the fleeting nature of our deeds, echoes the teachings of our sages. Dey say, "Love is the essense of lyfe." So, cherish dis feeling of love, my frend, lyke the aroma of freshly brewed chai on a cool morning. It may not change the grand skeem of things, but it enryches our existence in ways dat transcend understanding.
  • JFL
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I experience a brutal conflict with traditional hedonisms and seeking 'larger things in your life to be meaningful' here.
Ah, Moggergaston, my frend, you have delved into the mystrees of lyfe, yes? In India, we also ponder dese things deeplee. Lyfe is lyke the Ganges River, flowing with many currens—sometimes turbulant, sometimes calm. We beleev in karma, that our axions shape our destinee, but also dat love and compashun are guiding lites on our journy.

Just as we celebrate festivulz lyke Diwali with lites and joy, lyfe too has moments dat shine brytlee despite its uncertenties. Your realizashun dat love prevails, despite the fleeting nature of our deeds, echoes the teachings of our sages. Dey say, "Love is the essense of lyfe." So, cherish dis feeling of love, my frend, lyke the aroma of freshly brewed chai on a cool morning. It may not change the grand skeem of things, but it enryches our existence in ways dat transcend understanding.
even from the most core scientific understanding, what is the meaning of life?

no other meaning/result of life has been found other than that

we as living organisms have been accelerating entropy, as fast as we can. I've seen some scientific journals even indicate that living organisms should be defined by their entropy-contributions to their environment.


Entropy is the driving force behind the universe as we know it.
Everythi asd
even from the most core scientific understanding, what is the meaning of life?

no other meaning/result of life has been found other than that

we as living organisms have been accelerating entropy, as fast as we can. I've seen some scientific journals even indicate that living organisms should be defined by their entropy-contributions to their environment.


Entropy is the driving force behind the universe as we know it.
jfl at life honestly everything is completely clear to me now
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  • JFL
Reactions: ambi and turkproducer
everything is clear when your brain works properly like mine does now
even from the most core scientific understanding, what is the meaning of life?

no other meaning/result of life has been found other than that

we as living organisms have been accelerating entropy, as fast as we can. I've seen some scientific journals even indicate that living organisms should be defined by their entropy-contributions to their environment.


Entropy is the driving force behind the universe as we know it.
Ah, Moggergaston, my friend, you ask big kwestions, no? From core sience, what lyfe mean? It's lyke Bollywood movie, full of drama, twists, but in end, who knows what happen! Sientists say we make entropy, lyke spycies in curry, making everything more confyusing, yes?

In India, lyfe lyke Mumbai local train—always rush, everyone go somewhere, but no one know where exacly! We beleev in karma, how axions shape destiny, lyke Shah Rukh Khan in movies. Even in sience papers, they talk how living things change invironment, lyke monsoon rains change land.

So, Moggergaston, my friend, as we serch for meaning in big universe, let's enjoy chai on Marine Drive, watch sunset over Arabian Sea, and maybe find own answers in colorful chaos of lyfe, lyke Holi festival.
  • JFL
Reactions: PsychoDsk and MoggerGaston
I am starting to sober up now, but I just can't describe what I just experienced and saw, felt. My understanding of human life, my function in it, the world. It was so vast, beautiful, everything made perfect sense to me.
Ah, Moggergaston, my friend, you ask big kwestions, no? From core sience, what lyfe mean? It's lyke Bollywood movie, full of drama, twists, but in end, who knows what happen! Sientists say we make entropy, lyke spycies in curry, making everything more confyusing, yes?

In India, lyfe lyke Mumbai local train—always rush, everyone go somewhere, but no one know where exacly! We beleev in karma, how axions shape destiny, lyke Shah Rukh Khan in movies. Even in sience papers, they talk how living things change invironment, lyke monsoon rains change land.

So, Moggergaston, my friend, as we serch for meaning in big universe, let's enjoy chai on Marine Drive, watch sunset over Arabian Sea, and maybe find own answers in colorful chaos of lyfe, lyke Holi festival.
i need to write more about the things I am seeing while high, but find a way to describe things more accurately, more lyrically.

science/math is literally just A TOOL, nothing but a fucking tool, to me to help me describe what I am seeing. The world I just saw? I want to tell you exactly what I saw. How the fuck do I describe it?

math equations.


its all the same shit: we are trying to describe the univerese in a way that we, as humans, can understand.
all arts, all science, everything is correlated from the true origin of our species (maybe?), that from some sort of species-instinctive drive we want to describe the universe

that we want to describe the universe in a way that we can understand. That's what our life is about and what essentially our function, our meaning in this life is, honestly
Music is just another way to describe the universe in a way. Same with math equations, same with philosophy.

In the end we are just describing nature, how it works, in a way that we can understand
i need to write more about the things I am seeing while high, but find a way to describe things more accurately, more lyrically.

science/math is literally just A TOOL, nothing but a fucking tool, to me to help me describe what I am seeing. The world I just saw? I want to tell you exactly what I saw. How the fuck do I describe it?

math equations.


its all the same shit: we are trying to describe the univerese in a way that we, as humans, can understand.
Ah, Moggergaston, my frend, let me tell you about Mumbie! In Mumbie, lyfe is lyke the locul trains—alwais rush, everyone sqweezing in, going fast to reach their places, no? And the street food, oh, it's so testy! Imagine spicy curry dishes, hot and yummie, eating with hands sitting on ground or standing by roadsyde. It's an experience that mixes flayvors and culchures, filling your senses with India's lively spirit.

In the middle of this busy beuty, we find happyness in simple things lyke sharing food with frends, enjoying every bite as the city moves around us. It's a reminder that lyfe's real richness comes from these moments of connection and taste, in the husle and bustle of Mumbie's streets.
  • JFL
Reactions: MoggerGaston and PsychoDsk
this I now understand is also core to use as humans. Our emotions, what part of the world is even real and what is fiction created by our mind? (but also the scientific instruments which were merely designed to pursue our understanding of the universe as can even possibly grasp it)

TSM Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited
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TSM dropped 3% is very good cuz I sold all my shares yesterday, wouldnt want to see a company go up after i sell
absolutely brutal, drugs are working out
i think it was the 2-cb, psychedelic, which got me into this INSANE VIBE
i am very familiar with mephedrone and this is nothing i know from that drug, so it mustve been the 2cb, combined with the mephedrone, ketamine, alcohol + my general good vibe today, everything together. but mainly the 2-cb

into this mix of insane pure euphoria and understanding of human life
@TsarTsar444 idk man 2-cb is a whole different fucking game.

but honestly everything is about vibe/circumstance. i felt amazing, was in a good vibe just returned from the mental hospital where I felt good and welcome, my fellow mental-ward patients were vibing well with me I fel good,

also was doing ketamine+3mmc+alcohol,

all of this at the same time, EXPLODED me into INSANITY.

During the peak of this madness which happened 2 hours ago, i couldnt contain myself. every movement I made just induced a new desire for an even bigger movement

every dance move I made, just got my mind to make me want to do an even bigger dance move

my mind wanted to fly, while I am a human- being and cant fly???!?! (jfl at u, what were u thinking. ofc i cant fly)


heartbeat was insane, almost felt like dying, honestly I wouldn't have minded dying like this.

I felt restless, scared, stressed, but it was due to this MASSIVE RUSH of wanting to do something, feeling great, insane.

holy fuck
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psychedelics, UNDER THE RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES, give me much more euphoria than stims
theres 10839438908 times I want to do and need to do right now
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Ah, Moggergaston, my frend, let me tell you about Mumbie! In Mumbie, lyfe is lyke the locul trains—alwais rush, everyone sqweezing in, going fast to reach their places, no? And the street food, oh, it's so testy! Imagine spicy curry dishes, hot and yummie, eating with hands sitting on ground or standing by roadsyde. It's an experience that mixes flayvors and culchures, filling your senses with India's lively spirit.

In the middle of this busy beuty, we find happyness in simple things lyke sharing food with frends, enjoying every bite as the city moves around us. It's a reminder that lyfe's real richness comes from these moments of connection and taste, in the husle and bustle of Mumbie's streets.
legit have no clue what you are typing here but its probably some troll post since u spammed it many times now




  • +1
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theres 10839438908 times I want to do and need to do right now


  • +1
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wtf is th garbage kaeyboard is randoremoveing bshit fromy text
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funny asf u can seee what imean ink lol what the fuck garbage bulettooh keybodr
aahjhahah wtf is tlife
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  • +1
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It would take scientists years to make papers about the ideas I have of human civilization, the meaning of life, origins of life in the universe, and so on.

years, just to make clear what I already thought of in 10 minutes now.

Everything is crystal clear, the path of society, the meaning of life, everything. It's in my head: I know the truth. But how do I convince you people?
Stop the narcissism bro. Ur just not smart enough to articulate it properly.
Stop the narcissism bro. Ur just not smart enough to articulate it properly.
ARTICULATION IS JUST ONE WAY to describe the universe in

maths, scientific equations,another.

music, culture. more.

its noe
its not ab t being smart, it has no meang

being smart only means you understand the world in a different way than others.

the world is still the same
we are only changing the way we portray this world.

how we choose to describe our emtions, thohts

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  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta
fuck this shst keyboard it doesnt work man I wish it worked properly although i still dont think i would be able to tall you what i mean with what i know but wiould be better thatnhavig tto tinme frothis thigarabaetgeag filsthy keaytbdjr shjidaf
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  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta
It would take scientists years to make papers about the ideas I have of human civilization, the meaning of life, origins of life in the universe, and so on.

years, just to make clear what I already thought of in 10 minutes now.

Everything is crystal clear, the path of society, the meaning of life, everything. It's in my head: I know the truth. But how do I convince you people?
  • +1
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qaewrqawerqwrqwrauhszdtnfcxvbdsnvbh c
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  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta
fffffffffff:feelsgood:ffff:feelsuhh:ff:feelshah:ffff:)ffff:lul:ffds:forcedsmile:asdasdfasdfasdf;)a:confused:sdf:cautious:asdf:sneaky:asdf:think:asdfa:trepidation:s:confused:asd:cautious:fasdf:feelswat:h:think:dfgj:sneaky::sneaky:hfgjfg:eek:hjk:owo::rolleyes::feelswat::eek::eek::eek:hs:oops:gfh:oops:es:oops:rtyiktyur:eek::oops:gfvhj:rolleyes:ghbj:rolleyes:cg:owo:dghj:what:vm:what:bn :what::what::love::love::rage::rage::sick::Comfy::feelsohh::feelsohh::dafuckfeels::fuk:w346:fuk::sick:wer:feelsohh:twert:sleep:rtyujrtyujr:eek:
  • JFL
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