[EDUCATIONAL] If you do not looksmax, if you use PUA tactics, if you associate with liberal women, you WILL be accused of rape.



Bu to the sinner he gives the task of gathering.
Oct 4, 2020
As some users here know, @Biggdink @smvmaxxertilllate and many others, I have been falsely accused of sexual assault before.

Tldr, without doxxing myself, a woman I was friends with previously would frequently do things like
take off her clothes in front of me, grind on me in public, encourage me to grab her boobs even after I said no, and things of that nature. This was before I experienced sex, so I didn't really understand what was going on and just kind of went with it. There was another night she made it very clear she wanted to have sex with me. As in she verbally said "I am very horny and I'm not going to stop you if you make a move on me". Note that this is after she told me verbally a week before "I would not have sex with you". I didn't get why she was told me either of those things, cuz in both situations, I was not trying to have sex with her or even touching her. But this will become important later. One night, I put my head on her boob (that's it, literally all I did), and months later, when she got mad at me for various reasons, she told everyone I sexually assaulted her, as in I snuck into her room and wouldn't stop groping her even after she tried to kick me out. This was, of course, a lie and an exaggeration, but it didn't matter. After this happened, I lost all my college clout, was tormented for months, became an outcast, became paranoid and depressed and non NT, and many more things I can't list on this forum.

Now what does my story have to do with you?

Simple. It's a cautionary tale against 3 things.

1) Hanging out with liberal, hyper-feminist women

2) Refusing to looksmax

3) Trying to rely on PUA techniques to attract women

While I am only guilty of the first two in my situation, I have a perfect new case study who seems to have committed all three. His name is Andrew Callaghan.

Many of you might recognize him from successful Youtube channels, All Gas No Brakes, and Channel 5 News, where he has done interviews with the likes of Yeat and Alex Jones.
And oh would you look at that? Andrew Callaghan, who is now even getting his own show on HBO, is now being accused of sexual assault?

Yes, I know this video is 15 minutes long and most of you have Tiktok attention span, so your brother whiteissuperior will break it down for you. First, let's go over the accusations.

The video starts with a woman coming forward and saying Andrew SEXUALLY ASSAULTED her. I am not one of those people who doesn't believe women really get assaulted, but if the recent Rex Orange County accusations have taught as anything, when someone uses the term "sexual assault" instead of just listing what the person actually did, (as in saying rape, grope, molested), they are often being disingenuous.
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As you can see from this screenshot from " Rex's instagram page, he was charged with
6 counts of sexual assault for touching a woman's leg, butt, neck and arm. When women say, "he sexually assaulted me", it is often the first sign of disingenuousness, because it is such an umbrella term that encompasses everything from kidnapping, beating, and forcibly raping someone to touching a woman on the shoulder unconsentually. If he did something as bad as rape, they would say, "he raped me", or "he inserted himself into me without consent".

So back to Andrew Callaghan, the woman in the video accused him of "sexual assault". Then in her next video about him, she made it very clear that she eventually gave consent, but only because he pressured her, and she kept giving excuses, like she was tired, and she had work in the morning, and he kept pushing and pushing until she gave in. She admitted she eventually gave consent, because she felt
pressured, but she also admits that no penetrative sex occurred. So what is she even accusing him of doing at this point, if they didnt' even have intercourse and she didn't even give him head? No one actually knows, she refuses to tell because we should #believewomen. In her own words, "Yes I have receipts and evidence but you shouldn't need that and a woman coming forward and telling her story should be enough for you". Jfl you can't make this stuff up. She then proceeds to post her "receipts", and it's just proof they hung out in general, in fact the receipts show her asking him to hang out. So this story obviously seems to be either bs or something minor like "he touched her butt after a date". However, that did not stop more women from "coming forward" about his predatory ways after seeing the Tiktok about him.

Women sent their "stories" of him, and all of it was the same thing. Different variations of "he asked to have sex with me and kept asking after I said no". "He tried to get me drunk and kept asking to fuck me", "he wouldn't leave the room and kept inviting me to his house after I said no" things of this nature. Basically him being pushy for sex. Now that we understand the accusations, let's go into our breakdown.

Never hang out with hyper liberal women

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The above picture is a picture of the woman who first came forward accusing Callaghan. If you couldn't already tell by her actions, she is very obviously the classical hyper liberal, hyper feminist woman. You can tell my the classic lesbian/feminist haircut, her weight, and her talking points.

The thing about hyper feminist women is they've bought into a narrative that
the western world has a problem with rape culture, most women have been sexually assaulted, and women don't lie about sexual assault EVER. Additionally, they operate in a space where the biggest victim gets the most clout, so subconsciously in their world, the more traumatically a woman has been raped or abused by men, the better a feminist she is. This trauma porn is what drives so much of the modern feminist woman.

This is why they have phrases like "believe all women" and "1/4 women is raped!". This mindset causes these types of women to be hyper vigilant of men at all times, and they are
constantly on the lookout for men to behave inappropriately in any way towards women. If they can expose an abuser or sexual predator, especially if it is someone who abused them, in their conscious mind, they just stopped an abuser, and in their subconscious mind, they have earned SJW/feminist points.

To understand this better, lets go through some example of how a normal woman interprets men hitting on her versus a hyper liberal woman.

A man buys you a few drinks on a date
Normal woman: "Oh how sweet, he's buying me a few drinks. That doesn't mean I'll fuck him"
Hyper feminist: "He is trying to get me drunk so I am vulnerable and he can rape me later"

A guy had too much liquor and crudely touches her butt a party
Normal woman: "Oh god what a creep, I'm going to move his hand away and leave"
Hyper feminist: "This guy just groped me which is sexual assault. He's clearly trying to rape me, I need to come forward, tell my story, and cancel him on social media"

A man asks you for sex, you say no. An hour later he asked again, and you have sex
Normal woman: "He convinced me to fuck him, I regret it a bit, but next time I'll be more careful"
Hyper feminist: "He just coerced me by taking advantage of his male privilege and power over me. He knew I'd be too scared to say no so he asked me more than once. He wore me down which is coercion which is rape. Now I'm going to be traumatized for life. I was raped, and now I must come forward to make sure he never abuses anyone else" (what's funny is this is roughly an actual situation that happened to someone I know, not me, so I'm not even exaggerating. The full story actually sounds more contrived)

As you can see, this is actually how most hyper feminists in the west view the world and men. The woman who accused me was like this. Always going on about how poorly men treated women, and how the world was so unfair to women. That is why if you ever run across a woman who is hyper feminist I recommend you run the other away and don't even interact with her. Most working class women do not act like this. To a hyper feminist, if a woman had "no hookups" in her tinder bio but then she hooks up with Chad, she was raped because she said no on tinder.

However, if you are like me and attend a liberal elite university, or another environment dominated by hyper feminists, you will be forced to interact with them. I recommend you keep interactions with them friendly, and non controversial. If you enter a sexual relationship with a hyper feminist, (I strongly advise against it), then make sure she initiates the sex and do not try to initiate yourself.

"B-but, whiteissuperior, Im not Chad, no woman is going to initiate sex with me!"

While that is true, I will explain in a later section.

In 2023, PUA techniques are RAPE

PUA's think they can generate attraction where there is none with "game". In the black pill, we know that "game" cannot create attraction, only build on attraction that is already there. PUAs give dangerous advice to women to push past their "objections", like in the video I linked above, in order to convince a woman to have sex with you, when they already gave an excuse not to. This is a sample PUA interaction with a woman who is giving excuses not to have sex/hang out with you, straight from the John Anthony Lifestyle video linked above.

"Hey Stacy, why don't we leave the club take this back to my place"
"Omggg, John Anthony I can't, my friends are with me, and I can't leave them here"
"Well, that's fine, we'll leave and come right back"
"Omggg, John Anthony, I'd love to but I caaaaaaan't I have to wake up early"
"Well I have to wake up early too, I only wanna get one drink and go to bed"
"Well uhhh, ok John, I guess I can go for only one drink"

In this example, the PUA is clearly trying to get the foid back to his place to fuck her, and the foid is clearly coming up with excuses not to. She eventually caves in. Now, why would the woman say no then cave in? There could be a few reasons:
  1. Woman are bad at saying no, cuz society + nature made them naturally more submissive. Many women are afraid to say no to men because they fear they will be in danger if they reject him too harshly, and so she will eventually cave in, out of fear. The whole time, she was uncomfortable and didn't really wanna do it, but she did it anyway, because not rocking the boat and hooking up with you to her is less scary than what she thinks would happen if she just says "no Im not interested in sex with you". This is especially bad if she is a hyper feminist, as she has been taught that men sometimes violently assault women if they tell them "I am not interested in sex with you".
  2. She was on the fence about having sex with you for the reasons she said, and you actually did just convince her
  3. She was playing hard to get/doing a shit test/giving obligatory objection to not seem like a slut. and she was planning on having sex with you the whole time anyway. (Yes, sometimes no doesn't mean no, water, liberals are gonna hate this one).
So how do you know which of these reasons a woman is giving you excuses to not come back to your place for?

It's simple, aside from subtle body language cues, you don't
So if the woman is giving excuses for reason 1 I just listed, and she goes along with it, you are liable to be accused of rape.
I'm actually not even saying this is a good or bad thing. To be clear, I believe we should be cognizant of when a woman doesn't really wanna have sex with you, even if she agrees, and as men we should try to avoid it. Conversely, I also believe women should clearly say "no" if they don't wanna have sex. However, in this imperfect world, that does not always happen. I am not saying if a woman goes along with sex willingly when she didn't want to that you raped her, I don't believe that. However, I am also not saying it is a good thing, and I think a good citizen would want to try to avoid a situation like this, for both his own wellbeing, and the woman's. For one, these situations obviously harm the woman, and two, a hyper feminist woman will always view this as her getting RAPED. A normal woman will regret the sex afterwards and move on. A feminist will say that you coerced her by not heeding her excuses, and may accuse you of trying to rape her.

Another PUA technique, called "kino", is even worse for racking up allegations. Kino describes the process through which you escalate sex with a woman, and overcome her objections. I too, was once non NT and was paralyzed in fear, and didn't know how to initiate sex with a woman. I would have women in my bed and not even touch them, cuz I didn't know how to initiate. Then I discovered kino. This is how kino works: You begin flirting with a woman, and touching her in low risk zones, like her shoulder, or arm, and slowly escalate to higher risk zones like her lower back, or hips. You then escalate to kissing her, and feeling her up, and sex, once you have isolated her. This is meant to be a slow escalation to slowly turn the woman on. There is nothing wrong with this, but again, as we saw with Rex Orange County, touching the wrong woman even on her shoulder could lead to a sexual assault accusation. However, what is REALLY wrong with kino, is that if the girl rejects your advances, such as by moving your hand off her butt, then kino tells you to de-escalate and try to re-escalate again later, when you think she is more comfortable.

Now this is bad for the same reasons that trying overcome a woman's verbal excuses is bad. But this is even worse, because now you are actually touching her. So guess what? If you're lying in bed with a woman after a date, you're making out, and then you touch her butt, and she moves your hand away, then ten minutes later, after more making out, you touch her butt again, guess what you just did? You comitted sexual assault. Now obviously, most people wouldn't view this as sexual assault or even something bad. You were tryna fuck. But according to the hyper feminist woman, you just tried to coerce her by not responding to her non verbal cues and you assaulted her.

Now I have definitely performed kino techniques before, had sex with women using them, and I have never been accused of sexual assault for kino'ing a woman. (Again, it's funny how when I did get accused I wasn't even trying to fuck, more reason to stay away from hyper liberal woman). But after reflecting on my experiences and modern feminist culture, there is no WAY I'd try kino, at least not the part where you try to re-escalate after ten minutes because that could be perceived as negatively, and make some women uncomfortable. Yes some women just need time to warm up, but others will just go along with things they don't like for reasons aforementioned. You can't tell the difference so don't even try once she has given the slightest indication or excuse. If a woman at any point gives the slightest, excuse or slight indication she doesn't want to have sex with you, don't even try to kiss her, even if it's just a look in her eye, even if it's just a shit test or obligatory objection to not seem like a slut. Not because you are raping a woman for trying to kiss her on a date, but because you are putting yourself and her at risk.

Let's go back to our case study, Andrew Callaghan. Many women "came forward" with their stories of him trying to assault them, and what were many of the stories? PUA techniques. Trying to break past a woman's excuses, trying to convince women to have sex with him, or woman regretting giving in after he asked them over and over again. If he hadn't used PUA techniques and just walked away at the first excuse, this wouldn't have happened to him.

You must looksmax
Now, here is the biggest objection to what I'm saying. There are three kinds of girls. Girls with high interest, low interest, and no interest, (shout out @tyronelite ). High interest girls already like you and wanna fuck you, all you gotta do is link. Low interest girls could be convinced to be into you, if they like your personality, charisma, job ...etc after you hang out with them a few times, but they're on the fence about you. And girls with no interest (the vast majority of girls for sub chad), want nothing to do with you.

If you are sub chadlite,
THE VAST MAJORITY OF WOMEN WILL HAVE NO OR LOW INTEREST IN YOU. This means to fuck them, you will have to try to convince them to have sex with you or date you. But I just wrote a whole thread about not trying to convince girls to fuck you in any way cuz it could be perceived as rape. So how is the normie man supposed to get sex then? By betabuxxing and jestermaxxing. That's it. You see, normies who try to live a Chad life style, slaying women, having casual sex frequently, ...etc are trying to cheat the system. Sex is a value exchange. For Chad, his sex alone is equivalent to a woman's sex alone, so therefore that's all he needs. For a celebrity, his status alone is enough for a woman's sex, so that's all he needs. However, if a woman does not see you as Chad or high status, then you will need to provide her with something in order to gain access to her sexually, whether it be time, money, jestering, or emotional resources. PUAs try to essentially convince women to give them sex in an unequal value exchange. Therefore when a man convinces a low interest girl to have sex with him before enough value has been exchanged, the woman feels cheated and used (like a whore), and she either regrets the sex, or believes she was raped, if she is a hyper feminist.

Therefore, if you have to convince a woman to fuck you in the first place, just get back to betabuxxing and jestermaxxing til she doesn't need to be convinced. But no one wants to be a betabuxxer or an oofy doofy jester, right? I agree, so get to looksmaxxing. It's the only way. This is why LTRs mog slaying as well. Better to have one girl who enthusiastically wants to fuck you consistently than a rotation of three girls you have to try to convince to fuck you. If you're not Chad, which most of us will never be, you should be trying to find a high interest girl around your looks level to fuck consistenly, not try to slay. Trying to slay with sub 7/10 SMV is a disaster waiting to happen, even for Chad, albeit to a much lower degree. The only way you'll find a high interest woman who is also reasonable looking without extrenuous effort is looksmaxing to at least a solid HTN and running numbers game.

Let us return to our example, Andrew Callaghan.


Of course women feel raped by having casual sex with a downward grown ginger. Of course they're afraid this guy tried to rape them cuz he bought them drinks. Now, let's revisit the scenarios from our section about hyper liberal woman, except instead of comparing how a feminist would react versus a non feminist, let's compare how the average woman would react to Andrew over here versus Tyler Maher (@forevergymcelling ).


A man buys you a few drinks on a date
Maher: "Oh how sweet, he's buying me a few drinks. He's so sweet, he really cares about me"
Callaghan: "He is trying to get me drunk so I am vulnerable and he can rape me later, what a creep"

A guy had too much liquor and crudely touches her butt a party
Maher: "OMG, he is flirting with me, I LOVE how bold he is"
Callaghan: "POLICE!!!! POLICE!!!!!"

A man asks you for sex, you say no. An hour later he asked again, and you have sex
Maher: "OMG, Chad is so persistent, I love how he just goes after what he wants, teehee, he must like me"
Hyper feminist: "He just coerced me by taking advantage of his male privilege and power over me. He knew I'd be too scared to say no so he asked me more than once. He wore me down which is coercion which is rape. Now I'm going to be traumatized for life. I was raped, and now I must come forward to make sure he never abuses anyone else"

As I have demonstrated above, being a low value man who tries to live a high value lifestyle is only asking for trouble. Even when I was accused of sexual assault, I was an ugly lanklet. When I told someone she had made advances toward me, he didn't even believe me due to my subhumanity. And in the woman's own words, she accused me cuz she felt like I wasn't hanging out with her enough (not joking). As in my ugly self refused to give her what I owed for sexual attention I didn't even ask for.

To recap:
1) Trying to convince a woman to have sex with you is dangerous in 2023
2) Hyper liberal women view PUA techniques as rape
3) PUA techniques consist largely of trying to convince women to have sex with you
4) If you're sub 7/10, you will ALWAYS have to try to convince women to have sex with you
5) The only reasonable thing to do is to looksmax to a solid HTN so there is a sizable portion of women you dont need to convince to fuck, and you can choose a nice FWB/LTR from that cohort
6) Trying to live a life thats higher value than you is dangerous



TAGS @luljankybo @PrinceLuenLeoncur @GetShrekt @tyronelite @fogdart @Racky @Xangsane @Prettyboy @looksmaxxer234 @Biggdink @smvmaxxertilllate @AscendingHero @thereallegend @FunkyMcMunky24 @KayJayTooHot @FailedNormieManlet @currylightskin @Niklaus Mikaelson @Nebula @gymmaxedhorse @Blackgymmax @PrinceLuenLeoncur
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  • +1
  • Love it
  • JFL
Reactions: Timmy, Canwefixit, TechnoBoss and 66 others
Also why would I want to fuck feminist bitches? They're usually hairy and fat
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: enchanted_elixir, OGJBSLAYER, Deleted member 25377 and 15 others
Didn't read but sounds based and ChadPilled
  • +1
Reactions: BigDom, A L P H A M A L E, Deleted member 17997 and 4 others
It’s over for me as a subhuman stranded in the most disgustingly liberal Uni on planet earth lol. The best I can hope for is to loox maxx and hope some ugly bitch wants to fuck lol

also this thread is only encouraging me to allow my parents to arrange marriage maxx me to a third world bitch. After I do adequate looksmaxxing of course.
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: OGJBSLAYER, Deleted member 17997, Chadeep and 4 others
Also why would I want to fuck feminist bitches? They're usually hairy and fat
Yea but there are so many normal looking attractive skinny college girls who identify as feminists
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 24770, Deleted member 4946, Deleted member 17997 and 9 others
Yea but there are so many normal looking attractive skinny college girls who identify as feminists
uni ruins women. Id estimate that 60% of woman at top unis think like this.
  • +1
Reactions: fjor2096, PURE ARYAN GENETICS, Deleted member 16369 and 7 others
A guy had too much liquor and crudely touches her butt a party
Normal woman: "Oh god what a creep, I'm going to move his hand away and leave"
Hyper feminist: "This guy just groped me
I’m dead 💀
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: OGJBSLAYER, PURE ARYAN GENETICS, Deleted member 17997 and 9 others
6 psl or rope
  • +1
Reactions: metalmogger12, Deleted member 4946, GetShrekt and 3 others
As some users here know, @Biggdink @smvmaxxertilllate and many others, I have been falsely accused of sexual assault before.

Tldr, without doxxing myself, a woman I was friends with previously would frequently do things like
take off her clothes in front of me, grind on me in public, encourage me to grab her boobs even after I said no, and things of that nature. This was before I experienced sex, so I didn't really understand what was going on and just kind of went with it. There was another night she made it very clear she wanted to have sex with me. As in she verbally said "I am very horny and I'm not going to stop you if you make a move on me". Note that this is after she told me verbally a week before "I would not have sex with you". I didn't get why she was told me either of those things, cuz in both situations, I was not trying to have sex with her or even touching her. But this will become important later. One night, I put my head on her boob (that's it, literally all I did), and months later, when she got mad at me for various reasons, she told everyone I sexually assaulted her, as in I snuck into her room and wouldn't stop groping her even after she tried to kick me out. This was, of course, a lie and an exaggeration, but it didn't matter. After this happened, I lost all my college clout, was tormented for months, became an outcast, became paranoid and depressed and non NT, and many more things I can't list on this forum.

Now what does my story have to do with you?

Simple. It's a cautionary tale against 3 things.

1) Hanging out with liberal, hyper-feminist women

2) Refusing to looksmax

3) Trying to rely on PUA techniques to attract women

View attachment 2031767

While I am only guilty of the first two in my situation, I have a perfect new case study who seems to have committed all three. His name is Andrew Callaghan.

Many of you might recognize him from successful Youtube channels, All Gas No Brakes, and Channel 5 News, where he has done interviews with the likes of Yeat and Alex Jones.
And oh would you look at that? Andrew Callaghan, who is now even getting his own show on HBO, is now being accused of sexual assault?

Yes, I know this video is 15 minutes long and most of you have Tiktok attention span, so your brother whiteissuperior will break it down for you. First, let's go over the accusations.

The video starts with a woman coming forward and saying Andrew SEXUALLY ASSAULTED her. I am not one of those people who doesn't believe women really get assaulted, but if the recent Rex Orange County accusations have taught as anything, when someone uses the term "sexual assault" instead of just listing what the person actually did, (as in saying rape, grope, molested), they are often being disingenuous.
View attachment 2031778

As you can see from this screenshot from " Rex's instagram page, he was charged with
6 counts of sexual assault for touching a woman's leg, butt, neck and arm. When women say, "he sexually assaulted me", it is often the first sign of disingenuousness, because it is such an umbrella term that encompasses everything from kidnapping, beating, and forcibly raping someone to touching a woman on the shoulder unconsentually. If he did something as bad as rape, they would say, "he raped me", or "he inserted himself into me without consent".

So back to Andrew Callaghan, the woman in the video accused him of "sexual assault". Then in her next video about him, she made it very clear that she eventually gave consent, but only because he pressured her, and she kept giving excuses, like she was tired, and she had work in the morning, and he kept pushing and pushing until she gave in. She admitted she eventually gave consent, because she felt
pressured, but she also admits that no penetrative sex occurred. So what is she even accusing him of doing at this point, if they didnt' even have intercourse and she didn't even give him head? No one actually knows, she refuses to tell because we should #believewomen. In her own words, "Yes I have receipts and evidence but you shouldn't need that and a woman coming forward and telling her story should be enough for you". Jfl you can't make this stuff up. She then proceeds to post her "receipts", and it's just proof they hung out in general, in fact the receipts show her asking him to hang out. So this story obviously seems to be either bs or something minor like "he touched her butt after a date". However, that did not stop more women from "coming forward" about his predatory ways after seeing the Tiktok about him.

Women sent their "stories" of him, and all of it was the same thing. Different variations of "he asked to have sex with me and kept asking after I said no". "He tried to get me drunk and kept asking to fuck me", "he wouldn't leave the room and kept inviting me to his house after I said no" things of this nature. Basically him being pushy for sex. Now that we understand the accusations, let's go into our breakdown.

Never hang out with hyper liberal women

View attachment 2031799

The above picture is a picture of the woman who first came forward accusing Callaghan. If you couldn't already tell by her actions, she is very obviously the classical hyper liberal, hyper feminist woman. You can tell my the classic lesbian/feminist haircut, her weight, and her talking points.

The thing about hyper feminist women is they've bought into a narrative that
the western world has a problem with rape culture, most women have been sexually assaulted, and women don't lie about sexual assault EVER. Additionally, they operate in a space where the biggest victim gets the most clout, so subconsciously in their world, the more traumatically a woman has been raped or abused by men, the better a feminist she is. This trauma porn is what drives so much of the modern feminist woman.

This is why they have phrases like "believe all women" and "1/4 women is raped!". This mindset causes these types of women to be hyper vigilant of men at all times, and they are
constantly on the lookout for men to behave inappropriately in any way towards women. If they can expose an abuser or sexual predator, especially if it is someone who abused them, in their conscious mind, they just stopped an abuser, and in their subconscious mind, they have earned SJW/feminist points.

To understand this better, lets go through some example of how a normal woman interprets men hitting on her versus a hyper liberal woman.

A man buys you a few drinks on a date
Normal woman: "Oh how sweet, he's buying me a few drinks. That doesn't mean I'll fuck him"
Hyper feminist: "He is trying to get me drunk so I am vulnerable and he can rape me later"

A guy had too much liquor and crudely touches her butt a party
Normal woman: "Oh god what a creep, I'm going to move his hand away and leave"
Hyper feminist: "This guy just groped me which is sexual assault. He's clearly trying to rape me, I need to come forward, tell my story, and cancel him on social media"

A man asks you for sex, you say no. An hour later he asked again, and you have sex
Normal woman: "He convinced me to fuck him, I regret it a bit, but next time I'll be more careful"
Hyper feminist: "He just coerced me by taking advantage of his male privilege and power over me. He knew I'd be too scared to say no so he asked me more than once. He wore me down which is coercion which is rape. Now I'm going to be traumatized for life. I was raped, and now I must come forward to make sure he never abuses anyone else" (what's funny is this is roughly an actual situation that happened to someone I know, not me, so I'm not even exaggerating. The full story actually sounds more contrived)

As you can see, this is actually how most hyper feminists in the west view the world and men. The woman who accused me was like this. Always going on about how poorly men treated women, and how the world was so unfair to women. That is why if you ever run across a woman who is hyper feminist I recommend you run the other away and don't even interact with her. Most working class women do not act like this. To a hyper feminist, if a woman had "no hookups" in her tinder bio but then she hooks up with Chad, she was raped because she said no on tinder.

However, if you are like me and attend a liberal elite university, or another environment dominated by hyper feminists, you will be forced to interact with them. I recommend you keep interactions with them friendly, and non controversial. If you enter a sexual relationship with a hyper feminist, (I strongly advise against it), then make sure she initiates the sex and do not try to initiate yourself.

"B-but, whiteissuperior, Im not Chad, no woman is going to initiate sex with me!"

While that is true, I will explain in a later section.

In 2023, PUA techniques are RAPE

PUA's think they can generate attraction where there is none with "game". In the black pill, we know that "game" cannot create attraction, only build on attraction that is already there. PUAs give dangerous advice to women to push past their "objections", like in the video I linked above, in order to convince a woman to have sex with you, when they already gave an excuse not to. This is a sample PUA interaction with a woman who is giving excuses not to have sex/hang out with you, straight from the John Anthony Lifestyle video linked above.

"Hey Stacy, why don't we leave the club take this back to my place"
"Omggg, John Anthony I can't, my friends are with me, and I can't leave them here"
"Well, that's fine, we'll leave and come right back"
"Omggg, John Anthony, I'd love to but I caaaaaaan't I have to wake up early"
"Well I have to wake up early too, I only wanna get one drink and go to bed"
"Well uhhh, ok John, I guess I can go for only one drink"

In this example, the PUA is clearly trying to get the foid back to his place to fuck her, and the foid is clearly coming up with excuses not to. She eventually caves in. Now, why would the woman say no then cave in? There could be a few reasons:
  1. Woman are bad at saying no, cuz society + nature made them naturally more submissive. Many women are afraid to say no to men because they fear they will be in danger if they reject him too harshly, and so she will eventually cave in, out of fear. The whole time, she was uncomfortable and didn't really wanna do it, but she did it anyway, because not rocking the boat and hooking up with you to her is less scary than what she thinks would happen if she just says "no Im not interested in sex with you". This is especially bad if she is a hyper feminist, as she has been taught that men sometimes violently assault women if they tell them "I am not interested in sex with you".
  2. She was on the fence about having sex with you for the reasons she said, and you actually did just convince her
  3. She was playing hard to get/doing a shit test/giving obligatory objection to not seem like a slut. and she was planning on having sex with you the whole time anyway. (Yes, sometimes no doesn't mean no, water, liberals are gonna hate this one).
So how do you know which of these reasons a woman is giving you excuses to not come back to your place for?

It's simple, aside from subtle body language cues, you don't
So if the woman is giving excuses for reason 1 I just listed, and she goes along with it, you are liable to be accused of rape.
I'm actually not even saying this is a good or bad thing. To be clear, I believe we should be cognizant of when a woman doesn't really wanna have sex with you, even if she agrees, and as men we should try to avoid it. Conversely, I also believe women should clearly say "no" if they don't wanna have sex. However, in this imperfect world, that does not always happen. I am not saying if a woman goes along with sex willingly when she didn't want to that you raped her, I don't believe that. However, I am also not saying it is a good thing, and I think a good citizen would want to try to avoid a situation like this, for both his own wellbeing, and the woman's. For one, these situations obviously harm the woman, and two, a hyper feminist woman will always view this as her getting RAPED. A normal woman will regret the sex afterwards and move on. A feminist will say that you coerced her by not heeding her excuses, and may accuse you of trying to rape her.

Another PUA technique, called "kino", is even worse for racking up allegations. Kino describes the process through which you escalate sex with a woman, and overcome her objections. I too, was once non NT and was paralyzed in fear, and didn't know how to initiate sex with a woman. I would have women in my bed and not even touch them, cuz I didn't know how to initiate. Then I discovered kino. This is how kino works: You begin flirting with a woman, and touching her in low risk zones, like her shoulder, or arm, and slowly escalate to higher risk zones like her lower back, or hips. You then escalate to kissing her, and feeling her up, and sex, once you have isolated her. This is meant to be a slow escalation to slowly turn the woman on. There is nothing wrong with this, but again, as we saw with Rex Orange County, touching the wrong woman even on her shoulder could lead to a sexual assault accusation. However, what is REALLY wrong with kino, is that if the girl rejects your advances, such as by moving your hand off her butt, then kino tells you to de-escalate and try to re-escalate again later, when you think she is more comfortable.

Now this is bad for the same reasons that trying overcome a woman's verbal excuses is bad. But this is even worse, because now you are actually touching her. So guess what? If you're lying in bed with a woman after a date, you're making out, and then you touch her butt, and she moves your hand away, then ten minutes later, after more making out, you touch her butt again, guess what you just did? You comitted sexual assault. Now obviously, most people wouldn't view this as sexual assault or even something bad. You were tryna fuck. But according to the hyper feminist woman, you just tried to coerce her by not responding to her non verbal cues and you assaulted her.

Now I have definitely performed kino techniques before, had sex with women using them, and I have never been accused of sexual assault for kino'ing a woman. (Again, it's funny how when I did get accused I wasn't even trying to fuck, more reason to stay away from hyper liberal woman). But after reflecting on my experiences and modern feminist culture, there is no WAY I'd try kino, at least not the part where you try to re-escalate after ten minutes because that could be perceived as negatively, and make some women uncomfortable. Yes some women just need time to warm up, but others will just go along with things they don't like for reasons aforementioned. You can't tell the difference so don't even try once she has given the slightest indication or excuse. If a woman at any point gives the slightest, excuse or slight indication she doesn't want to have sex with you, don't even try to kiss her, even if it's just a look in her eye, even if it's just a shit test or obligatory objection to not seem like a slut. Not because you are raping a woman for trying to kiss her on a date, but because you are putting yourself and her at risk.

Let's go back to our case study, Andrew Callaghan. Many women "came forward" with their stories of him trying to assault them, and what were many of the stories? PUA techniques. Trying to break past a woman's excuses, trying to convince women to have sex with him, or woman regretting giving in after he asked them over and over again. If he hadn't used PUA techniques and just walked away at the first excuse, this wouldn't have happened to him.

You must looksmax
Now, here is the biggest objection to what I'm saying. There are three kinds of girls. Girls with high interest, low interest, and no interest, (shout out @tyronelite ). High interest girls already like you and wanna fuck you, all you gotta do is link. Low interest girls could be convinced to be into you, if they like your personality, charisma, job ...etc after you hang out with them a few times, but they're on the fence about you. And girls with no interest (the vast majority of girls for sub chad), want nothing to do with you.

If you are sub chadlite,
THE VAST MAJORITY OF WOMEN WILL HAVE NO OR LOW INTEREST IN YOU. This means to fuck them, you will have to try to convince them to have sex with you or date you. But I just wrote a whole thread about not trying to convince girls to fuck you in any way cuz it could be perceived as rape. So how is the normie man supposed to get sex then? By betabuxxing and jestermaxxing. That's it. You see, normies who try to live a Chad life style, slaying women, having casual sex frequently, ...etc are trying to cheat the system. Sex is a value exchange. For Chad, his sex alone is equivalent to a woman's sex alone, so therefore that's all he needs. For a celebrity, his status alone is enough for a woman's sex, so that's all he needs. However, if a woman does not see you as Chad or high status, then you will need to provide her with something in order to gain access to her sexually, whether it be time, money, jestering, or emotional resources. PUAs try to essentially convince women to give them sex in an unequal value exchange. Therefore when a man convinces a low interest girl to have sex with him before enough value has been exchanged, the woman feels cheated and used (like a whore), and she either regrets the sex, or believes she was raped, if she is a hyper feminist.

Therefore, if you have to convince a woman to fuck you in the first place, just get back to betabuxxing and jestermaxxing til she doesn't need to be convinced. But no one wants to be a betabuxxer or an oofy doofy jester, right? I agree, so get to looksmaxxing. It's the only way. This is why LTRs mog slaying as well. Better to have one girl who enthusiastically wants to fuck you consistently than a rotation of three girls you have to try to convince to fuck you. If you're not Chad, which most of us will never be, you should be trying to find a high interest girl around your looks level to fuck consistenly, not try to slay. Trying to slay with sub 7/10 SMV is a disaster waiting to happen, even for Chad, albeit to a much lower degree. The only way you'll find a high interest woman who is also reasonable looking without extrenuous effort is looksmaxing to at least a solid HTN and running numbers game.

Let us return to our example, Andrew Callaghan.


Of course women feel raped by having casual sex with a downward grown ginger. Of course they're afraid this guy tried to rape them cuz he bought them drinks. Now, let's revisit the scenarios from our section about hyper liberal woman, except instead of comparing how a feminist would react versus a non feminist, let's compare how the average woman would react to Andrew over here versus Tyler Maher (@forevergymcelling ).


A man buys you a few drinks on a date
Maher: "Oh how sweet, he's buying me a few drinks. He's so sweet, he really cares about me"
Callaghan: "He is trying to get me drunk so I am vulnerable and he can rape me later, what a creep"

A guy had too much liquor and crudely touches her butt a party
Maher: "OMG, he is flirting with me, I LOVE how bold he is"
Callaghan: "POLICE!!!! POLICE!!!!!"

A man asks you for sex, you say no. An hour later he asked again, and you have sex
Maher: "OMG, Chad is so persistent, I love how he just goes after what he wants, teehee, he must like me"
Hyper feminist: "He just coerced me by taking advantage of his male privilege and power over me. He knew I'd be too scared to say no so he asked me more than once. He wore me down which is coercion which is rape. Now I'm going to be traumatized for life. I was raped, and now I must come forward to make sure he never abuses anyone else"

As I have demonstrated above, being a low value man who tries to live a high value lifestyle is only asking for trouble. Even when I was accused of sexual assault, I was an ugly lanklet. When I told someone she had made advances toward me, he didn't even believe me due to my subhumanity. And in the woman's own words, she accused me cuz she felt like I wasn't hanging out with her enough (not joking). As in my ugly self refused to give her what I owed for sexual attention I didn't even ask for.

To recap:
1) Trying to convince a woman to have sex with you is dangerous in 2023
2) Hyper liberal women view PUA techniques as rape
3) PUA techniques consist largely of trying to convince women to have sex with you
4) If you're sub 7/10, you will ALWAYS have to try to convince women to have sex with you
5) The only reasonable thing to do is to looksmax to a solid HTN so there is a sizable portion of women you dont need to convince to fuck, and you can choose a nice FWB/LTR from that cohort
6) Trying to live a life thats higher value than you is dangerous



TAGS @luljankybo @PrinceLuenLeoncur @GetShrekt @tyronelite @fogdart @Racky @Xangsane @Prettyboy @looksmaxxer234 @Biggdink @smvmaxxertilllate @AscendingHero @thereallegend @FunkyMcMunky24 @KayJayTooHot @FailedNormieManlet @currylightskin @Niklaus Mikaelson @Nebula @gymmaxedhorse @Blackgymmax @PrinceLuenLeoncur

Great thread, I hope many bruddas read this .

My condolences for your experience but we've all learned some from that, good luck looksmaxxing OP
  • +1
Reactions: OGJBSLAYER, 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫, Deleted member 17997 and 2 others
This thread is brutal because I don’t have the attention span to take on the knowledge
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: OGJBSLAYER, Sub0, Deleted member 25377 and 19 others
Sorry bro I only got to the TikTok attention but then dn rd
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 25377, Deleted member 17997, Marsiere214 and 8 others
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: GetShrekt, looksmaxxtocope, Moggie and 8 others
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 25377, A L P H A M A L E, Deleted member 17997 and 9 others
Yea but there are so many normal looking attractive skinny college girls who identify as feminists
They're "feminists" until her boyfriend fucks her on the sink while she's doing the dishes
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 25377, Oberyn, Deleted member 17997 and 10 others
Oh yes, of course. Blops2cel should have just looksmaxxed from 2PSL, how comes he hasn't thought of that?
if u cant looksmax to htn all u can do is jester or betabux for ur looksmattch. sorry i didnt make the rules, women did
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 4946, PURE ARYAN GENETICS, Deleted member 17997 and 7 others
I lost all my college clout, was tormented for months, became an outcast, became paranoid and depressed and non NT, and many more things I can't list on this forum.
I'm all those things and I don't even speak to women
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17997
Did you seriously write all this lol
  • WTF
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Yliaster, PURE ARYAN GENETICS, MentalistKebab and 4 others
  • +1
Reactions: 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫, Deleted member 17997, Marsiere214 and 5 others
I think all of this is cope, you can act however you want and still can get hit with a sexual harassment accusation
the accusation does not even need to make sense, you still will be ruined

the only way to avoid it is to be high status, meaning if a woman were to accuse you she would suffer a hit to her own status because your network of male (and even female) friends would defend you

loners and people with weak social standing are most at risk, because noone will stand up for you, it's not worth for them, you will simply get rolled
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: yellowrice, Sub0, Skywalker and 13 others
Can’t make this shit up Zoomer streamer Kai cenat involved in allegations too

  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17997 and Marsiere214
Too much text but you prolly right
That's why avoid hanging alone with women i have no interest in
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17997 and whiteissuperior
Very very good thread, I thought it would be the typical “hurr durr it’s only rape if he is ugly :soy:“ thread at first.
  • Love it
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17997 and whiteissuperior
It’s over for me as a subhuman stranded in the most disgustingly liberal Uni on planet earth lol. The best I can hope for is to loox maxx and hope some ugly bitch wants to fuck lol

also this thread is only encouraging me to allow my parents to arrange marriage maxx me to a third world bitch. After I do adequate looksmaxxing of course.
Honestly might be the move if you can’t hit 7/10
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17997
A must read for every incel. This is your fate if you don't hardmaxx.
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS, Deleted member 17997 and whiteissuperior
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17997 and whiteissuperior
Meanwhile I, as a truecel, “sexually assaulted” classmates in high school (I just slapped their asses, pulled them near me so they couldn’t get away) and I got away with it. Really makes you think. I remember a guy who mogged the shit outta me did way less than what I did and the girl complained to the principal. :lul:
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: yellowrice, Sub0, fjor2096 and 12 others
It’s over for me as a subhuman stranded in the most disgustingly liberal Uni on planet earth lol. The best I can hope for is to loox maxx and hope some ugly bitch wants to fuck lol

also this thread is only encouraging me to allow my parents to arrange marriage maxx me to a third world bitch. After I do adequate looksmaxxing of course.
Lol bro just eemax and get urself a Slavic Stacey polina. Why would you ever settle for a femcel?
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: subhuman tyrone, Deleted member 17997, Chadeep and 3 others
Lol bro just eemax and get urself a Slavic Stacey polina. Why would you ever settle for a femcel?
@whiteissuperior this dude thinks I haven't contemplated this 10 times over. Its cope lol stacy there is only maybe a tiny bit easier to get than a stacy here. The prettiest girls there have social media, they get the attention of rich locals and foreigners, the competition and standards are the same basically. And JFL at thinking you will find sheltered village Stacy lol. Incel delusions and dreams.
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker, fjor2096, PURE ARYAN GENETICS and 4 others
@whiteissuperior this dude thinks I haven't contemplated this 10 times over. Its cope lol stacy there is only maybe a tiny bit easier to get than a stacy here. The prettiest girls there have social media, they get the attention of rich locals and foreigners, the competition and standards are the same basically. And JFL at thinking you will find sheltered village Stacy lol. Incel delusions and dreams.
He doesn’t know you’re Slavic wife pilled already 😂😂
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17997
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17997 and whiteissuperior
Will read tomorrow
But epic high effort post

What if I just go to a random collage girl and ask her for a date or a conversation
I'm 27 tho
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17997
Will read tomorrow
But epic high effort post

What if I just go to a random collage girl and ask her for a date or a conversation
I'm 27 tho
That’s fine, just don’t try to convince her at all if she says no
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17997
i almost read it all fuck this is a long post
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17997 and whiteissuperior
Lol bro just eemax and get urself a Slavic Stacey polina. Why would you ever settle for a femcel?
Newsflash to unaware americucks : Slavic stacies are just like any other stacies - looks and status are a prerequisite to date them.
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker, Deleted member 17997, Chadeep and 6 others
It’s over for me as a subhuman stranded in the most disgustingly liberal Uni on planet earth lol. The best I can hope for is to loox maxx and hope some ugly bitch wants to fuck lol

also this thread is only encouraging me to allow my parents to arrange marriage maxx me to a third world bitch. After I do adequate looksmaxxing of course.
Bruh I thought you were the chad in your avi
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17997 and smvmaxxertilllate
I skipped most of this but it was still worth the click to find out Callaghan got me tood. He’s always come across as a typical pseudo intellectual liberal normie journalist masquerading as a counter culture figure. so I’m glad he’s getting his, even if it’s bs
  • JFL
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Reactions: OGJBSLAYER, Deleted member 25377, Deleted member 17997 and 4 others
As some users here know, @Biggdink @smvmaxxertilllate and many others, I have been falsely accused of sexual assault before.

Tldr, without doxxing myself, a woman I was friends with previously would frequently do things like
take off her clothes in front of me, grind on me in public, encourage me to grab her boobs even after I said no, and things of that nature. This was before I experienced sex, so I didn't really understand what was going on and just kind of went with it. There was another night she made it very clear she wanted to have sex with me. As in she verbally said "I am very horny and I'm not going to stop you if you make a move on me". Note that this is after she told me verbally a week before "I would not have sex with you". I didn't get why she was told me either of those things, cuz in both situations, I was not trying to have sex with her or even touching her. But this will become important later. One night, I put my head on her boob (that's it, literally all I did), and months later, when she got mad at me for various reasons, she told everyone I sexually assaulted her, as in I snuck into her room and wouldn't stop groping her even after she tried to kick me out. This was, of course, a lie and an exaggeration, but it didn't matter. After this happened, I lost all my college clout, was tormented for months, became an outcast, became paranoid and depressed and non NT, and many more things I can't list on this forum.

Now what does my story have to do with you?

Simple. It's a cautionary tale against 3 things.

1) Hanging out with liberal, hyper-feminist women

2) Refusing to looksmax

3) Trying to rely on PUA techniques to attract women

View attachment 2031767

While I am only guilty of the first two in my situation, I have a perfect new case study who seems to have committed all three. His name is Andrew Callaghan.

Many of you might recognize him from successful Youtube channels, All Gas No Brakes, and Channel 5 News, where he has done interviews with the likes of Yeat and Alex Jones.
And oh would you look at that? Andrew Callaghan, who is now even getting his own show on HBO, is now being accused of sexual assault?

Yes, I know this video is 15 minutes long and most of you have Tiktok attention span, so your brother whiteissuperior will break it down for you. First, let's go over the accusations.

The video starts with a woman coming forward and saying Andrew SEXUALLY ASSAULTED her. I am not one of those people who doesn't believe women really get assaulted, but if the recent Rex Orange County accusations have taught as anything, when someone uses the term "sexual assault" instead of just listing what the person actually did, (as in saying rape, grope, molested), they are often being disingenuous.
View attachment 2031778

As you can see from this screenshot from " Rex's instagram page, he was charged with
6 counts of sexual assault for touching a woman's leg, butt, neck and arm. When women say, "he sexually assaulted me", it is often the first sign of disingenuousness, because it is such an umbrella term that encompasses everything from kidnapping, beating, and forcibly raping someone to touching a woman on the shoulder unconsentually. If he did something as bad as rape, they would say, "he raped me", or "he inserted himself into me without consent".

So back to Andrew Callaghan, the woman in the video accused him of "sexual assault". Then in her next video about him, she made it very clear that she eventually gave consent, but only because he pressured her, and she kept giving excuses, like she was tired, and she had work in the morning, and he kept pushing and pushing until she gave in. She admitted she eventually gave consent, because she felt
pressured, but she also admits that no penetrative sex occurred. So what is she even accusing him of doing at this point, if they didnt' even have intercourse and she didn't even give him head? No one actually knows, she refuses to tell because we should #believewomen. In her own words, "Yes I have receipts and evidence but you shouldn't need that and a woman coming forward and telling her story should be enough for you". Jfl you can't make this stuff up. She then proceeds to post her "receipts", and it's just proof they hung out in general, in fact the receipts show her asking him to hang out. So this story obviously seems to be either bs or something minor like "he touched her butt after a date". However, that did not stop more women from "coming forward" about his predatory ways after seeing the Tiktok about him.

Women sent their "stories" of him, and all of it was the same thing. Different variations of "he asked to have sex with me and kept asking after I said no". "He tried to get me drunk and kept asking to fuck me", "he wouldn't leave the room and kept inviting me to his house after I said no" things of this nature. Basically him being pushy for sex. Now that we understand the accusations, let's go into our breakdown.

Never hang out with hyper liberal women

View attachment 2031799

The above picture is a picture of the woman who first came forward accusing Callaghan. If you couldn't already tell by her actions, she is very obviously the classical hyper liberal, hyper feminist woman. You can tell my the classic lesbian/feminist haircut, her weight, and her talking points.

The thing about hyper feminist women is they've bought into a narrative that
the western world has a problem with rape culture, most women have been sexually assaulted, and women don't lie about sexual assault EVER. Additionally, they operate in a space where the biggest victim gets the most clout, so subconsciously in their world, the more traumatically a woman has been raped or abused by men, the better a feminist she is. This trauma porn is what drives so much of the modern feminist woman.

This is why they have phrases like "believe all women" and "1/4 women is raped!". This mindset causes these types of women to be hyper vigilant of men at all times, and they are
constantly on the lookout for men to behave inappropriately in any way towards women. If they can expose an abuser or sexual predator, especially if it is someone who abused them, in their conscious mind, they just stopped an abuser, and in their subconscious mind, they have earned SJW/feminist points.

To understand this better, lets go through some example of how a normal woman interprets men hitting on her versus a hyper liberal woman.

A man buys you a few drinks on a date
Normal woman: "Oh how sweet, he's buying me a few drinks. That doesn't mean I'll fuck him"
Hyper feminist: "He is trying to get me drunk so I am vulnerable and he can rape me later"

A guy had too much liquor and crudely touches her butt a party
Normal woman: "Oh god what a creep, I'm going to move his hand away and leave"
Hyper feminist: "This guy just groped me which is sexual assault. He's clearly trying to rape me, I need to come forward, tell my story, and cancel him on social media"

A man asks you for sex, you say no. An hour later he asked again, and you have sex
Normal woman: "He convinced me to fuck him, I regret it a bit, but next time I'll be more careful"
Hyper feminist: "He just coerced me by taking advantage of his male privilege and power over me. He knew I'd be too scared to say no so he asked me more than once. He wore me down which is coercion which is rape. Now I'm going to be traumatized for life. I was raped, and now I must come forward to make sure he never abuses anyone else" (what's funny is this is roughly an actual situation that happened to someone I know, not me, so I'm not even exaggerating. The full story actually sounds more contrived)

As you can see, this is actually how most hyper feminists in the west view the world and men. The woman who accused me was like this. Always going on about how poorly men treated women, and how the world was so unfair to women. That is why if you ever run across a woman who is hyper feminist I recommend you run the other away and don't even interact with her. Most working class women do not act like this. To a hyper feminist, if a woman had "no hookups" in her tinder bio but then she hooks up with Chad, she was raped because she said no on tinder.

However, if you are like me and attend a liberal elite university, or another environment dominated by hyper feminists, you will be forced to interact with them. I recommend you keep interactions with them friendly, and non controversial. If you enter a sexual relationship with a hyper feminist, (I strongly advise against it), then make sure she initiates the sex and do not try to initiate yourself.

"B-but, whiteissuperior, Im not Chad, no woman is going to initiate sex with me!"

While that is true, I will explain in a later section.

In 2023, PUA techniques are RAPE

PUA's think they can generate attraction where there is none with "game". In the black pill, we know that "game" cannot create attraction, only build on attraction that is already there. PUAs give dangerous advice to women to push past their "objections", like in the video I linked above, in order to convince a woman to have sex with you, when they already gave an excuse not to. This is a sample PUA interaction with a woman who is giving excuses not to have sex/hang out with you, straight from the John Anthony Lifestyle video linked above.

"Hey Stacy, why don't we leave the club take this back to my place"
"Omggg, John Anthony I can't, my friends are with me, and I can't leave them here"
"Well, that's fine, we'll leave and come right back"
"Omggg, John Anthony, I'd love to but I caaaaaaan't I have to wake up early"
"Well I have to wake up early too, I only wanna get one drink and go to bed"
"Well uhhh, ok John, I guess I can go for only one drink"

In this example, the PUA is clearly trying to get the foid back to his place to fuck her, and the foid is clearly coming up with excuses not to. She eventually caves in. Now, why would the woman say no then cave in? There could be a few reasons:
  1. Woman are bad at saying no, cuz society + nature made them naturally more submissive. Many women are afraid to say no to men because they fear they will be in danger if they reject him too harshly, and so she will eventually cave in, out of fear. The whole time, she was uncomfortable and didn't really wanna do it, but she did it anyway, because not rocking the boat and hooking up with you to her is less scary than what she thinks would happen if she just says "no Im not interested in sex with you". This is especially bad if she is a hyper feminist, as she has been taught that men sometimes violently assault women if they tell them "I am not interested in sex with you".
  2. She was on the fence about having sex with you for the reasons she said, and you actually did just convince her
  3. She was playing hard to get/doing a shit test/giving obligatory objection to not seem like a slut. and she was planning on having sex with you the whole time anyway. (Yes, sometimes no doesn't mean no, water, liberals are gonna hate this one).
So how do you know which of these reasons a woman is giving you excuses to not come back to your place for?

It's simple, aside from subtle body language cues, you don't
So if the woman is giving excuses for reason 1 I just listed, and she goes along with it, you are liable to be accused of rape.
I'm actually not even saying this is a good or bad thing. To be clear, I believe we should be cognizant of when a woman doesn't really wanna have sex with you, even if she agrees, and as men we should try to avoid it. Conversely, I also believe women should clearly say "no" if they don't wanna have sex. However, in this imperfect world, that does not always happen. I am not saying if a woman goes along with sex willingly when she didn't want to that you raped her, I don't believe that. However, I am also not saying it is a good thing, and I think a good citizen would want to try to avoid a situation like this, for both his own wellbeing, and the woman's. For one, these situations obviously harm the woman, and two, a hyper feminist woman will always view this as her getting RAPED. A normal woman will regret the sex afterwards and move on. A feminist will say that you coerced her by not heeding her excuses, and may accuse you of trying to rape her.

Another PUA technique, called "kino", is even worse for racking up allegations. Kino describes the process through which you escalate sex with a woman, and overcome her objections. I too, was once non NT and was paralyzed in fear, and didn't know how to initiate sex with a woman. I would have women in my bed and not even touch them, cuz I didn't know how to initiate. Then I discovered kino. This is how kino works: You begin flirting with a woman, and touching her in low risk zones, like her shoulder, or arm, and slowly escalate to higher risk zones like her lower back, or hips. You then escalate to kissing her, and feeling her up, and sex, once you have isolated her. This is meant to be a slow escalation to slowly turn the woman on. There is nothing wrong with this, but again, as we saw with Rex Orange County, touching the wrong woman even on her shoulder could lead to a sexual assault accusation. However, what is REALLY wrong with kino, is that if the girl rejects your advances, such as by moving your hand off her butt, then kino tells you to de-escalate and try to re-escalate again later, when you think she is more comfortable.

Now this is bad for the same reasons that trying overcome a woman's verbal excuses is bad. But this is even worse, because now you are actually touching her. So guess what? If you're lying in bed with a woman after a date, you're making out, and then you touch her butt, and she moves your hand away, then ten minutes later, after more making out, you touch her butt again, guess what you just did? You comitted sexual assault. Now obviously, most people wouldn't view this as sexual assault or even something bad. You were tryna fuck. But according to the hyper feminist woman, you just tried to coerce her by not responding to her non verbal cues and you assaulted her.

Now I have definitely performed kino techniques before, had sex with women using them, and I have never been accused of sexual assault for kino'ing a woman. (Again, it's funny how when I did get accused I wasn't even trying to fuck, more reason to stay away from hyper liberal woman). But after reflecting on my experiences and modern feminist culture, there is no WAY I'd try kino, at least not the part where you try to re-escalate after ten minutes because that could be perceived as negatively, and make some women uncomfortable. Yes some women just need time to warm up, but others will just go along with things they don't like for reasons aforementioned. You can't tell the difference so don't even try once she has given the slightest indication or excuse. If a woman at any point gives the slightest, excuse or slight indication she doesn't want to have sex with you, don't even try to kiss her, even if it's just a look in her eye, even if it's just a shit test or obligatory objection to not seem like a slut. Not because you are raping a woman for trying to kiss her on a date, but because you are putting yourself and her at risk.

Let's go back to our case study, Andrew Callaghan. Many women "came forward" with their stories of him trying to assault them, and what were many of the stories? PUA techniques. Trying to break past a woman's excuses, trying to convince women to have sex with him, or woman regretting giving in after he asked them over and over again. If he hadn't used PUA techniques and just walked away at the first excuse, this wouldn't have happened to him.

You must looksmax
Now, here is the biggest objection to what I'm saying. There are three kinds of girls. Girls with high interest, low interest, and no interest, (shout out @tyronelite ). High interest girls already like you and wanna fuck you, all you gotta do is link. Low interest girls could be convinced to be into you, if they like your personality, charisma, job ...etc after you hang out with them a few times, but they're on the fence about you. And girls with no interest (the vast majority of girls for sub chad), want nothing to do with you.

If you are sub chadlite,
THE VAST MAJORITY OF WOMEN WILL HAVE NO OR LOW INTEREST IN YOU. This means to fuck them, you will have to try to convince them to have sex with you or date you. But I just wrote a whole thread about not trying to convince girls to fuck you in any way cuz it could be perceived as rape. So how is the normie man supposed to get sex then? By betabuxxing and jestermaxxing. That's it. You see, normies who try to live a Chad life style, slaying women, having casual sex frequently, ...etc are trying to cheat the system. Sex is a value exchange. For Chad, his sex alone is equivalent to a woman's sex alone, so therefore that's all he needs. For a celebrity, his status alone is enough for a woman's sex, so that's all he needs. However, if a woman does not see you as Chad or high status, then you will need to provide her with something in order to gain access to her sexually, whether it be time, money, jestering, or emotional resources. PUAs try to essentially convince women to give them sex in an unequal value exchange. Therefore when a man convinces a low interest girl to have sex with him before enough value has been exchanged, the woman feels cheated and used (like a whore), and she either regrets the sex, or believes she was raped, if she is a hyper feminist.

Therefore, if you have to convince a woman to fuck you in the first place, just get back to betabuxxing and jestermaxxing til she doesn't need to be convinced. But no one wants to be a betabuxxer or an oofy doofy jester, right? I agree, so get to looksmaxxing. It's the only way. This is why LTRs mog slaying as well. Better to have one girl who enthusiastically wants to fuck you consistently than a rotation of three girls you have to try to convince to fuck you. If you're not Chad, which most of us will never be, you should be trying to find a high interest girl around your looks level to fuck consistenly, not try to slay. Trying to slay with sub 7/10 SMV is a disaster waiting to happen, even for Chad, albeit to a much lower degree. The only way you'll find a high interest woman who is also reasonable looking without extrenuous effort is looksmaxing to at least a solid HTN and running numbers game.

Let us return to our example, Andrew Callaghan.


Of course women feel raped by having casual sex with a downward grown ginger. Of course they're afraid this guy tried to rape them cuz he bought them drinks. Now, let's revisit the scenarios from our section about hyper liberal woman, except instead of comparing how a feminist would react versus a non feminist, let's compare how the average woman would react to Andrew over here versus Tyler Maher (@forevergymcelling ).


A man buys you a few drinks on a date
Maher: "Oh how sweet, he's buying me a few drinks. He's so sweet, he really cares about me"
Callaghan: "He is trying to get me drunk so I am vulnerable and he can rape me later, what a creep"

A guy had too much liquor and crudely touches her butt a party
Maher: "OMG, he is flirting with me, I LOVE how bold he is"
Callaghan: "POLICE!!!! POLICE!!!!!"

A man asks you for sex, you say no. An hour later he asked again, and you have sex
Maher: "OMG, Chad is so persistent, I love how he just goes after what he wants, teehee, he must like me"
Hyper feminist: "He just coerced me by taking advantage of his male privilege and power over me. He knew I'd be too scared to say no so he asked me more than once. He wore me down which is coercion which is rape. Now I'm going to be traumatized for life. I was raped, and now I must come forward to make sure he never abuses anyone else"

As I have demonstrated above, being a low value man who tries to live a high value lifestyle is only asking for trouble. Even when I was accused of sexual assault, I was an ugly lanklet. When I told someone she had made advances toward me, he didn't even believe me due to my subhumanity. And in the woman's own words, she accused me cuz she felt like I wasn't hanging out with her enough (not joking). As in my ugly self refused to give her what I owed for sexual attention I didn't even ask for.

To recap:
1) Trying to convince a woman to have sex with you is dangerous in 2023
2) Hyper liberal women view PUA techniques as rape
3) PUA techniques consist largely of trying to convince women to have sex with you
4) If you're sub 7/10, you will ALWAYS have to try to convince women to have sex with you
5) The only reasonable thing to do is to looksmax to a solid HTN so there is a sizable portion of women you dont need to convince to fuck, and you can choose a nice FWB/LTR from that cohort
6) Trying to live a life thats higher value than you is dangerous



TAGS @luljankybo @PrinceLuenLeoncur @GetShrekt @tyronelite @fogdart @Racky @Xangsane @Prettyboy @looksmaxxer234 @Biggdink @smvmaxxertilllate @AscendingHero @thereallegend @FunkyMcMunky24 @KayJayTooHot @FailedNormieManlet @currylightskin @Niklaus Mikaelson @Nebula @gymmaxedhorse @Blackgymmax @PrinceLuenLeoncur

Damn nigga wrote a whole essay, while no one gonna read it.
  • WTF
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17997 and whiteissuperior
Read some of it. Water for any learned blackpiller.
  • +1
Reactions: Sub0, Deleted member 25377 and Deleted member 17997
That’s why you just go to europe or outside of america to sexually assault girls

I would never do the things I do to these foreigns the same as Americans
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17997 and Lawton88
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17997
women are so fucking evil man
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4946, Amexmaxx and Deleted member 17997
OP your way to neurotic.

It doesn't matter what a foid accuses of, it's what she CAN PROVE. Rape is almost impossible to prove without direct witness testimony, or a confession that you accidently make via text (ie "I'm so sorry for what happened last night").

No cop is going to arrest you, nevermind a jury prosecute you, for a he said she said situation without evidence.

If you don't leave any paper trail and don't literally admit to it, then it doesn't matter what she accuses you of. This is assuming you are outside of college where even an accusation can fuck your social status.
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  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: OGJBSLAYER, Skywalker, 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 and 6 others
Also why would I want to fuck feminist bitches? They're usually hairy and fat
That might have been true in 2013

Nowadays feminists are just regular women. It used to be an extreme faction of women that most females distanced themselves from. Now it's considered normal to be a feminist and encouraged.
  • +1
Reactions: TsarTsar444, Deleted member 17997 and Deleted member 19036
That might have been true in 2013

Nowadays feminists are just regular women. It used to be an extreme faction of women that most females distanced themselves from. Now it's considered normal to be a feminist and encouraged.
Thanks for the lesson 😔
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 17997 and Deleted member 23778
  • +1
Reactions: Kristin, Deleted member 17997 and Corleone
As some users here know, @Biggdink @smvmaxxertilllate and many others, I have been falsely accused of sexual assault before.

Tldr, without doxxing myself, a woman I was friends with previously would frequently do things like
take off her clothes in front of me, grind on me in public, encourage me to grab her boobs even after I said no, and things of that nature. This was before I experienced sex, so I didn't really understand what was going on and just kind of went with it. There was another night she made it very clear she wanted to have sex with me. As in she verbally said "I am very horny and I'm not going to stop you if you make a move on me". Note that this is after she told me verbally a week before "I would not have sex with you". I didn't get why she was told me either of those things, cuz in both situations, I was not trying to have sex with her or even touching her. But this will become important later. One night, I put my head on her boob (that's it, literally all I did), and months later, when she got mad at me for various reasons, she told everyone I sexually assaulted her, as in I snuck into her room and wouldn't stop groping her even after she tried to kick me out. This was, of course, a lie and an exaggeration, but it didn't matter. After this happened, I lost all my college clout, was tormented for months, became an outcast, became paranoid and depressed and non NT, and many more things I can't list on this forum.

Now what does my story have to do with you?

Simple. It's a cautionary tale against 3 things.

1) Hanging out with liberal, hyper-feminist women

2) Refusing to looksmax

3) Trying to rely on PUA techniques to attract women

View attachment 2031767

While I am only guilty of the first two in my situation, I have a perfect new case study who seems to have committed all three. His name is Andrew Callaghan.

Many of you might recognize him from successful Youtube channels, All Gas No Brakes, and Channel 5 News, where he has done interviews with the likes of Yeat and Alex Jones.
And oh would you look at that? Andrew Callaghan, who is now even getting his own show on HBO, is now being accused of sexual assault?

Yes, I know this video is 15 minutes long and most of you have Tiktok attention span, so your brother whiteissuperior will break it down for you. First, let's go over the accusations.

The video starts with a woman coming forward and saying Andrew SEXUALLY ASSAULTED her. I am not one of those people who doesn't believe women really get assaulted, but if the recent Rex Orange County accusations have taught as anything, when someone uses the term "sexual assault" instead of just listing what the person actually did, (as in saying rape, grope, molested), they are often being disingenuous.
View attachment 2031778

As you can see from this screenshot from " Rex's instagram page, he was charged with
6 counts of sexual assault for touching a woman's leg, butt, neck and arm. When women say, "he sexually assaulted me", it is often the first sign of disingenuousness, because it is such an umbrella term that encompasses everything from kidnapping, beating, and forcibly raping someone to touching a woman on the shoulder unconsentually. If he did something as bad as rape, they would say, "he raped me", or "he inserted himself into me without consent".

So back to Andrew Callaghan, the woman in the video accused him of "sexual assault". Then in her next video about him, she made it very clear that she eventually gave consent, but only because he pressured her, and she kept giving excuses, like she was tired, and she had work in the morning, and he kept pushing and pushing until she gave in. She admitted she eventually gave consent, because she felt
pressured, but she also admits that no penetrative sex occurred. So what is she even accusing him of doing at this point, if they didnt' even have intercourse and she didn't even give him head? No one actually knows, she refuses to tell because we should #believewomen. In her own words, "Yes I have receipts and evidence but you shouldn't need that and a woman coming forward and telling her story should be enough for you". Jfl you can't make this stuff up. She then proceeds to post her "receipts", and it's just proof they hung out in general, in fact the receipts show her asking him to hang out. So this story obviously seems to be either bs or something minor like "he touched her butt after a date". However, that did not stop more women from "coming forward" about his predatory ways after seeing the Tiktok about him.

Women sent their "stories" of him, and all of it was the same thing. Different variations of "he asked to have sex with me and kept asking after I said no". "He tried to get me drunk and kept asking to fuck me", "he wouldn't leave the room and kept inviting me to his house after I said no" things of this nature. Basically him being pushy for sex. Now that we understand the accusations, let's go into our breakdown.

Never hang out with hyper liberal women

View attachment 2031799

The above picture is a picture of the woman who first came forward accusing Callaghan. If you couldn't already tell by her actions, she is very obviously the classical hyper liberal, hyper feminist woman. You can tell my the classic lesbian/feminist haircut, her weight, and her talking points.

The thing about hyper feminist women is they've bought into a narrative that
the western world has a problem with rape culture, most women have been sexually assaulted, and women don't lie about sexual assault EVER. Additionally, they operate in a space where the biggest victim gets the most clout, so subconsciously in their world, the more traumatically a woman has been raped or abused by men, the better a feminist she is. This trauma porn is what drives so much of the modern feminist woman.

This is why they have phrases like "believe all women" and "1/4 women is raped!". This mindset causes these types of women to be hyper vigilant of men at all times, and they are
constantly on the lookout for men to behave inappropriately in any way towards women. If they can expose an abuser or sexual predator, especially if it is someone who abused them, in their conscious mind, they just stopped an abuser, and in their subconscious mind, they have earned SJW/feminist points.

To understand this better, lets go through some example of how a normal woman interprets men hitting on her versus a hyper liberal woman.

A man buys you a few drinks on a date
Normal woman: "Oh how sweet, he's buying me a few drinks. That doesn't mean I'll fuck him"
Hyper feminist: "He is trying to get me drunk so I am vulnerable and he can rape me later"

A guy had too much liquor and crudely touches her butt a party
Normal woman: "Oh god what a creep, I'm going to move his hand away and leave"
Hyper feminist: "This guy just groped me which is sexual assault. He's clearly trying to rape me, I need to come forward, tell my story, and cancel him on social media"

A man asks you for sex, you say no. An hour later he asked again, and you have sex
Normal woman: "He convinced me to fuck him, I regret it a bit, but next time I'll be more careful"
Hyper feminist: "He just coerced me by taking advantage of his male privilege and power over me. He knew I'd be too scared to say no so he asked me more than once. He wore me down which is coercion which is rape. Now I'm going to be traumatized for life. I was raped, and now I must come forward to make sure he never abuses anyone else" (what's funny is this is roughly an actual situation that happened to someone I know, not me, so I'm not even exaggerating. The full story actually sounds more contrived)

As you can see, this is actually how most hyper feminists in the west view the world and men. The woman who accused me was like this. Always going on about how poorly men treated women, and how the world was so unfair to women. That is why if you ever run across a woman who is hyper feminist I recommend you run the other away and don't even interact with her. Most working class women do not act like this. To a hyper feminist, if a woman had "no hookups" in her tinder bio but then she hooks up with Chad, she was raped because she said no on tinder.

However, if you are like me and attend a liberal elite university, or another environment dominated by hyper feminists, you will be forced to interact with them. I recommend you keep interactions with them friendly, and non controversial. If you enter a sexual relationship with a hyper feminist, (I strongly advise against it), then make sure she initiates the sex and do not try to initiate yourself.

"B-but, whiteissuperior, Im not Chad, no woman is going to initiate sex with me!"

While that is true, I will explain in a later section.

In 2023, PUA techniques are RAPE

PUA's think they can generate attraction where there is none with "game". In the black pill, we know that "game" cannot create attraction, only build on attraction that is already there. PUAs give dangerous advice to women to push past their "objections", like in the video I linked above, in order to convince a woman to have sex with you, when they already gave an excuse not to. This is a sample PUA interaction with a woman who is giving excuses not to have sex/hang out with you, straight from the John Anthony Lifestyle video linked above.

"Hey Stacy, why don't we leave the club take this back to my place"
"Omggg, John Anthony I can't, my friends are with me, and I can't leave them here"
"Well, that's fine, we'll leave and come right back"
"Omggg, John Anthony, I'd love to but I caaaaaaan't I have to wake up early"
"Well I have to wake up early too, I only wanna get one drink and go to bed"
"Well uhhh, ok John, I guess I can go for only one drink"

In this example, the PUA is clearly trying to get the foid back to his place to fuck her, and the foid is clearly coming up with excuses not to. She eventually caves in. Now, why would the woman say no then cave in? There could be a few reasons:
  1. Woman are bad at saying no, cuz society + nature made them naturally more submissive. Many women are afraid to say no to men because they fear they will be in danger if they reject him too harshly, and so she will eventually cave in, out of fear. The whole time, she was uncomfortable and didn't really wanna do it, but she did it anyway, because not rocking the boat and hooking up with you to her is less scary than what she thinks would happen if she just says "no Im not interested in sex with you". This is especially bad if she is a hyper feminist, as she has been taught that men sometimes violently assault women if they tell them "I am not interested in sex with you".
  2. She was on the fence about having sex with you for the reasons she said, and you actually did just convince her
  3. She was playing hard to get/doing a shit test/giving obligatory objection to not seem like a slut. and she was planning on having sex with you the whole time anyway. (Yes, sometimes no doesn't mean no, water, liberals are gonna hate this one).
So how do you know which of these reasons a woman is giving you excuses to not come back to your place for?

It's simple, aside from subtle body language cues, you don't
So if the woman is giving excuses for reason 1 I just listed, and she goes along with it, you are liable to be accused of rape.
I'm actually not even saying this is a good or bad thing. To be clear, I believe we should be cognizant of when a woman doesn't really wanna have sex with you, even if she agrees, and as men we should try to avoid it. Conversely, I also believe women should clearly say "no" if they don't wanna have sex. However, in this imperfect world, that does not always happen. I am not saying if a woman goes along with sex willingly when she didn't want to that you raped her, I don't believe that. However, I am also not saying it is a good thing, and I think a good citizen would want to try to avoid a situation like this, for both his own wellbeing, and the woman's. For one, these situations obviously harm the woman, and two, a hyper feminist woman will always view this as her getting RAPED. A normal woman will regret the sex afterwards and move on. A feminist will say that you coerced her by not heeding her excuses, and may accuse you of trying to rape her.

Another PUA technique, called "kino", is even worse for racking up allegations. Kino describes the process through which you escalate sex with a woman, and overcome her objections. I too, was once non NT and was paralyzed in fear, and didn't know how to initiate sex with a woman. I would have women in my bed and not even touch them, cuz I didn't know how to initiate. Then I discovered kino. This is how kino works: You begin flirting with a woman, and touching her in low risk zones, like her shoulder, or arm, and slowly escalate to higher risk zones like her lower back, or hips. You then escalate to kissing her, and feeling her up, and sex, once you have isolated her. This is meant to be a slow escalation to slowly turn the woman on. There is nothing wrong with this, but again, as we saw with Rex Orange County, touching the wrong woman even on her shoulder could lead to a sexual assault accusation. However, what is REALLY wrong with kino, is that if the girl rejects your advances, such as by moving your hand off her butt, then kino tells you to de-escalate and try to re-escalate again later, when you think she is more comfortable.

Now this is bad for the same reasons that trying overcome a woman's verbal excuses is bad. But this is even worse, because now you are actually touching her. So guess what? If you're lying in bed with a woman after a date, you're making out, and then you touch her butt, and she moves your hand away, then ten minutes later, after more making out, you touch her butt again, guess what you just did? You comitted sexual assault. Now obviously, most people wouldn't view this as sexual assault or even something bad. You were tryna fuck. But according to the hyper feminist woman, you just tried to coerce her by not responding to her non verbal cues and you assaulted her.

Now I have definitely performed kino techniques before, had sex with women using them, and I have never been accused of sexual assault for kino'ing a woman. (Again, it's funny how when I did get accused I wasn't even trying to fuck, more reason to stay away from hyper liberal woman). But after reflecting on my experiences and modern feminist culture, there is no WAY I'd try kino, at least not the part where you try to re-escalate after ten minutes because that could be perceived as negatively, and make some women uncomfortable. Yes some women just need time to warm up, but others will just go along with things they don't like for reasons aforementioned. You can't tell the difference so don't even try once she has given the slightest indication or excuse. If a woman at any point gives the slightest, excuse or slight indication she doesn't want to have sex with you, don't even try to kiss her, even if it's just a look in her eye, even if it's just a shit test or obligatory objection to not seem like a slut. Not because you are raping a woman for trying to kiss her on a date, but because you are putting yourself and her at risk.

Let's go back to our case study, Andrew Callaghan. Many women "came forward" with their stories of him trying to assault them, and what were many of the stories? PUA techniques. Trying to break past a woman's excuses, trying to convince women to have sex with him, or woman regretting giving in after he asked them over and over again. If he hadn't used PUA techniques and just walked away at the first excuse, this wouldn't have happened to him.

You must looksmax
Now, here is the biggest objection to what I'm saying. There are three kinds of girls. Girls with high interest, low interest, and no interest, (shout out @tyronelite ). High interest girls already like you and wanna fuck you, all you gotta do is link. Low interest girls could be convinced to be into you, if they like your personality, charisma, job ...etc after you hang out with them a few times, but they're on the fence about you. And girls with no interest (the vast majority of girls for sub chad), want nothing to do with you.

If you are sub chadlite,
THE VAST MAJORITY OF WOMEN WILL HAVE NO OR LOW INTEREST IN YOU. This means to fuck them, you will have to try to convince them to have sex with you or date you. But I just wrote a whole thread about not trying to convince girls to fuck you in any way cuz it could be perceived as rape. So how is the normie man supposed to get sex then? By betabuxxing and jestermaxxing. That's it. You see, normies who try to live a Chad life style, slaying women, having casual sex frequently, ...etc are trying to cheat the system. Sex is a value exchange. For Chad, his sex alone is equivalent to a woman's sex alone, so therefore that's all he needs. For a celebrity, his status alone is enough for a woman's sex, so that's all he needs. However, if a woman does not see you as Chad or high status, then you will need to provide her with something in order to gain access to her sexually, whether it be time, money, jestering, or emotional resources. PUAs try to essentially convince women to give them sex in an unequal value exchange. Therefore when a man convinces a low interest girl to have sex with him before enough value has been exchanged, the woman feels cheated and used (like a whore), and she either regrets the sex, or believes she was raped, if she is a hyper feminist.

Therefore, if you have to convince a woman to fuck you in the first place, just get back to betabuxxing and jestermaxxing til she doesn't need to be convinced. But no one wants to be a betabuxxer or an oofy doofy jester, right? I agree, so get to looksmaxxing. It's the only way. This is why LTRs mog slaying as well. Better to have one girl who enthusiastically wants to fuck you consistently than a rotation of three girls you have to try to convince to fuck you. If you're not Chad, which most of us will never be, you should be trying to find a high interest girl around your looks level to fuck consistenly, not try to slay. Trying to slay with sub 7/10 SMV is a disaster waiting to happen, even for Chad, albeit to a much lower degree. The only way you'll find a high interest woman who is also reasonable looking without extrenuous effort is looksmaxing to at least a solid HTN and running numbers game.

Let us return to our example, Andrew Callaghan.


Of course women feel raped by having casual sex with a downward grown ginger. Of course they're afraid this guy tried to rape them cuz he bought them drinks. Now, let's revisit the scenarios from our section about hyper liberal woman, except instead of comparing how a feminist would react versus a non feminist, let's compare how the average woman would react to Andrew over here versus Tyler Maher (@forevergymcelling ).


A man buys you a few drinks on a date
Maher: "Oh how sweet, he's buying me a few drinks. He's so sweet, he really cares about me"
Callaghan: "He is trying to get me drunk so I am vulnerable and he can rape me later, what a creep"

A guy had too much liquor and crudely touches her butt a party
Maher: "OMG, he is flirting with me, I LOVE how bold he is"
Callaghan: "POLICE!!!! POLICE!!!!!"

A man asks you for sex, you say no. An hour later he asked again, and you have sex
Maher: "OMG, Chad is so persistent, I love how he just goes after what he wants, teehee, he must like me"
Hyper feminist: "He just coerced me by taking advantage of his male privilege and power over me. He knew I'd be too scared to say no so he asked me more than once. He wore me down which is coercion which is rape. Now I'm going to be traumatized for life. I was raped, and now I must come forward to make sure he never abuses anyone else"

As I have demonstrated above, being a low value man who tries to live a high value lifestyle is only asking for trouble. Even when I was accused of sexual assault, I was an ugly lanklet. When I told someone she had made advances toward me, he didn't even believe me due to my subhumanity. And in the woman's own words, she accused me cuz she felt like I wasn't hanging out with her enough (not joking). As in my ugly self refused to give her what I owed for sexual attention I didn't even ask for.

To recap:
1) Trying to convince a woman to have sex with you is dangerous in 2023
2) Hyper liberal women view PUA techniques as rape
3) PUA techniques consist largely of trying to convince women to have sex with you
4) If you're sub 7/10, you will ALWAYS have to try to convince women to have sex with you
5) The only reasonable thing to do is to looksmax to a solid HTN so there is a sizable portion of women you dont need to convince to fuck, and you can choose a nice FWB/LTR from that cohort
6) Trying to live a life thats higher value than you is dangerous



TAGS @luljankybo @PrinceLuenLeoncur @GetShrekt @tyronelite @fogdart @Racky @Xangsane @Prettyboy @looksmaxxer234 @Biggdink @smvmaxxertilllate @AscendingHero @thereallegend @FunkyMcMunky24 @KayJayTooHot @FailedNormieManlet @currylightskin @Niklaus Mikaelson @Nebula @gymmaxedhorse @Blackgymmax @PrinceLuenLeoncur

Stop being so high inhib. Live like a low inhib BBC and you'll be happier
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