Epstein and the Jews



Dec 15, 2023
as we all know about the pedo island most people don’t know that a majority of people there INCLUDING Epstein were all Jewish. But there not the bad guys. Jewish family ties run very deep in this country as most big corpos and banks in America are run by Jewish family’s. But it’s all just a conspiracy theory right?


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Yes buddy we run everything Goyim will seethe with "oh Jews so inferior "
then 5 seconds later talk about how we control everything lolz
  • +1
Reactions: gonion wanter
Yes buddy we run everything Goyim will seethe with "oh Jews so inferior "
then 5 seconds later talk about how we control everything lolz
common Jewish Cope you are blind
  • Ugh..
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Gut so sollte meine Zeit nicht verschmutzen mit deiner unter Mensch Sprache zu reden
  • Ugh..
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онда одлази јеврејски пас
op must be 15, finally learned about the jews
  • JFL
Reactions: to be human, Deleted member 57122 and slavicpsycho
Yes buddy we run everything Goyim will seethe with "oh Jews so inferior "
then 5 seconds later talk about how we control everything lolz
Shame on the goyim. Jews are only inferior in the sense that they autistically can’t grasp the fact that Jesus is the divine messiah but they’re brilliant people otherwise.
  • +1
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Gut so sollte meine Zeit nicht verschmutzen mit deiner unter Mensch Sprache zu reden
>defends jews
>uses racist words describing jews in ww2
  • +1
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Can't do anything to stop them GOY just FORGET ABOUT THEM AND GIVE UP!
  • JFL
Reactions: heightmaxxing and slavicpsycho
op must be 15, finally learned about the jews
your litterally right but iv known about Jews for awhile my uncles supreme jew hate guy
Shame on the goyim. Jews are only inferior in the sense that they autistically can’t grasp the fact that Jesus is the divine messiah but they’re brilliant people otherwise.
No one went to epstein's island to rape child sex slaves
Celebrities are trannies, this entire situation was a stage play to make slaves angry and have something to talk about

the guy you're replying to is a golem christcuck slave of the jews helping them to fulfill their plan. he thinks they're special people, first chosen by god :ROFLMAO: and all they need to do is come into jesus. he refuses to recognise actual jewish beliefs and denies the extent of their power because that would mean admitting christcucks are nothing but dumb golems responsible for jews gaining that power over us.
the guy you're replying to is a golem christcuck slave of the jews helping them to fulfill their plan. he thinks they're special people, first chosen by god :ROFLMAO: and all they need to do is come into jesus. he refuses to recognise actual jewish beliefs and denies the extent of their power because that would mean admitting christcucks are nothing but dumb golems responsible for jews gaining that power over us.
I don’t think they’re special people! Lol, I’ve been very clear on my position when it comes to Jews. I think they were used as intermediary for the revelation of Gods incarnation to the whole world. Jews are the same as any other people to me. If they don’t accept Jesus, their outcome is the same as a Muslim or pagan or whoever else.

I don’t subscribe to American Zionist evangelicalist ideology since that’s what you’re hinting at.

Jews dominate because their average IQ is 1 whole standard deviation above average and they have a very strong collective consciousness.
I don’t think they’re special people! Lol, I’ve been very clear on my position when it comes to Jews. I think they were used as intermediary for the revelation of Gods incarnation to the whole world. Jews are the same as any other people to me. If they don’t accept Jesus, their outcome is the same as a Muslim or pagan or whoever else.

I don’t subscribe to American Zionist evangelicalist ideology since that’s what you’re hinting at.

Jews dominate because their average IQ is 1 whole standard deviation above average and they have a very strong collective consciousness.

They dominate because they have all the money because Christianity gave them the usury monopoly. They routinely get intellectually dominated in every debate online and rely on censorship, they are not intellectually superior and are completely reliant on non-jewish ingenuity. Their collective conciousness isn't superior to any other race. All races are extremely biased to their own, they just have their hands on a weapon which ensures whites do not collectivise. Their one trait of superiority is that they were the first to invent fanaticism, and after learning to manipulate their own people with fanaticism by constantly drumming into their heads a script (we call this brainwashing today), they then branched out the tactic to manipulate others through christianity and islam, and then communism and modern liberalism. It's literally a stereotypical fictional epic of a cave serpent who turns the dumbest fucks into psycho goblins to attack the knights of honour and destroy their beautiful works and cities. Whites simply lacked a desire to dominate every human they came across because they already possess the innate ability to dominate nature (they even tried raising other races up to learn this ability so that all can live well), whereas Jews have to rely on this ability of whites to manipulate nature to survive themselves, so they bent all their desire on dominating other humans to ensure their own survival. Women do the same to men, but in no way are women superior to men. In every other regard, whites stand head and shoulders above this pathetic subhuman group. The man of ability is always superior to the thief.

You sure seem desperate to go to bat for these people. Like all christians you play pretend at being a good person and delude yourself while actually supporting the greatest evil.
They dominate because they have all the money because Christianity gave them the usury monopoly. They routinely get intellectually dominated in every debate online and rely on censorship, they are not intellectually superior and are completely reliant on non-jewish ingenuity. Their collective conciousness isn't superior to any other race. All races are extremely biased to their own, they just have their hands on a weapon which ensures whites do not collectivise. Their one trait of superiority is that they were the first to invent fanaticism, and after learning to manipulate their own people with fanaticism by constantly drumming into their heads a script (we call this brainwashing today), they then branched out the tactic to manipulate others through christianity and islam, and then communism and modern liberalism. It's literally a stereotypical fictional epic of a cave serpent who turns the dumbest fucks into psycho goblins to attack the knights of honour and destroy their beautiful works and cities. Whites simply lacked a desire to dominate every human they came across because they already possess the innate ability to dominate nature (they even tried raising other races up to learn this ability so that all can live well), whereas Jews have to rely on this ability of whites to manipulate nature to survive themselves, so they bent all their desire on dominating other humans to ensure their own survival. Women do the same to men, but in no way are women superior to men. In every other regard, whites stand head and shoulders above this pathetic subhuman group. The man of ability is always superior to the thief.

You sure seem desperate to go to bat for these people. Like all christians you play pretend at being a good person and delude yourself while actually supporting the greatest evil.

Often times you’re very annoying because you inadvertently deify these same people that you hate. Do you not understand how insane you sound?

You believe that Jews are absolutely not superior in any arena and that the pure white man excels at anything…YET Jews dominate every single intellectual field. They dominate finance. They dominate medicine/pharmaceuticals. They dominate philosophy. They dominate politics. They dominate math/physics/STEM.

They have all the money because they’re smarter than whites. Sorry this is so hard for you to comprehend. While white people are breaking their back in the farm or barely getting by being wards of the state or getting slaughtered in the front lines while fighting useless wars, Jews are making their salaries in a single days time in front of a computer screen—all without breaking a drop of sweat.

According to you, Jews created everything and can manipulate everyone at their whim—yet somehow they’re not smart or capable people. You are absolutely RIDICULOUS.
No one went to epstein's island to rape child sex slaves
Celebrities are trannies, this entire situation was a stage play to make slaves angry and have something to talk about
someone’s retarted
the guy you're replying to is a golem christcuck slave of the jews helping them to fulfill their plan. he thinks they're special people, first chosen by god :ROFLMAO: and all they need to do is come into jesus. he refuses to recognise actual jewish beliefs and denies the extent of their power because that would mean admitting christcucks are nothing but dumb golems responsible for jews gaining that power over us.
he’s a bit slow 😭
  • +1
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Often times you’re very annoying because you inadvertently deify these same people that you hate. Do you not understand how insane you sound?

You believe that Jews are absolutely not superior in any arena and that the pure white man excels at anything…YET Jews dominate every single intellectual field. They dominate finance. They dominate medicine/pharmaceuticals. They dominate philosophy. They dominate politics. They dominate math/physics/STEM.

They have all the money because they’re smarter than whites. Sorry this is so hard for you to comprehend. While white people are breaking their back in the farm or barely getting by being wards of the state or getting slaughtered in the front lines while fighting useless wars, Jews are making their salaries in a single days time in front of a computer screen—all without breaking a drop of sweat.

According to you, Jews created everything and can manipulate everyone at their whim—yet somehow they’re not smart or capable people. You are absolutely RIDICULOUS.
this is literally why I don’t like them 😭
They dominate because they have all the money because Christianity gave them the usury monopoly. They routinely get intellectually dominated in every debate online and rely on censorship, they are not intellectually superior and are completely reliant on non-jewish ingenuity. Their collective conciousness isn't superior to any other race. All races are extremely biased to their own, they just have their hands on a weapon which ensures whites do not collectivise. Their one trait of superiority is that they were the first to invent fanaticism, and after learning to manipulate their own people with fanaticism by constantly drumming into their heads a script (we call this brainwashing today), they then branched out the tactic to manipulate others through christianity and islam, and then communism and modern liberalism. It's literally a stereotypical fictional epic of a cave serpent who turns the dumbest fucks into psycho goblins to attack the knights of honour and destroy their beautiful works and cities. Whites simply lacked a desire to dominate every human they came across because they already possess the innate ability to dominate nature (they even tried raising other races up to learn this ability so that all can live well), whereas Jews have to rely on this ability of whites to manipulate nature to survive themselves, so they bent all their desire on dominating other humans to ensure their own survival. Women do the same to men, but in no way are women superior to men. In every other regard, whites stand head and shoulders above this pathetic subhuman group. The man of ability is always superior to the thief.

You sure seem desperate to go to bat for these people. Like all christians you play pretend at being a good person and delude yourself while actually supporting the greatest evil.
spit brotha 🗣️🔥
  • +1
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buy a shovel and dig under the sidewalks like your brothers
Surely you don’t think the Jews themselves were doing the tunnel digging do you? Physical labor for thee but not for me! 💰
Often times you’re very annoying because you inadvertently deify these same people that you hate. Do you not understand how insane you sound?

You believe that Jews are absolutely not superior in any arena and that the pure white man excels at anything…YET Jews dominate every single intellectual field. They dominate finance. They dominate medicine/pharmaceuticals. They dominate philosophy. They dominate politics. They dominate math/physics/STEM.

They have all the money because they’re smarter than whites. Sorry this is so hard for you to comprehend. While white people are breaking their back in the farm or barely getting by being wards of the state or getting slaughtered in the front lines while fighting useless wars, Jews are making their salaries in a single days time in front of a computer screen—all without breaking a drop of sweat.

According to you, Jews created everything and can manipulate everyone at their whim—yet somehow they’re not smart or capable people. You are absolutely RIDICULOUS.

I already explained this to you. You simply refuse to acknowledge the fact that Christianity gave them the usury monopoly and so all you're left to do is deny my pure sound logic. You're performing every same tactic that a lefitst does once their brainwashing is confronted with the truth... projection, lying, twisting, avoidance. You deify them as intellectually superior while projecting that I'm doing that. You lie and say that I said Jews created everything when I said whites created everything. You are behaving like an evil person because you've been brainwashed by evil people.

Every other category follows money. Jews don't dominate any intellectual field, but they're often emplaced in ranking positions of those fields. Their only dominator was Einstein, who turned out to be a total fraud. If you analyse any of their top rankers, almost all of them have suspicious backstories (Oppenheimer, for example, was never selected on merit, and never contributed to the project). There's a reason they have zero intellectuals besides Spinoza before the late 1800s when they gained ascendancy.
I already explained this to you. You simply refuse to acknowledge the fact that Christianity gave them the usury monopoly and so all you're left to do is deny my pure sound logic. You're performing every same tactic that a lefitst does once their brainwashing is confronted with the truth... projection, lying, twisting, avoidance. You deify them as intellectually superior while projecting that I'm doing that. You lie and say that I said Jews created everything when I said whites created everything. You are behaving like an evil person because you've been brainwashed by evil people.

Every other category follows money. Jews don't dominate any intellectual field, but they're often emplaced in ranking positions of those fields. Their only dominator was Einstein, who turned out to be a total fraud. If you analyse any of their top rankers, almost all of them have suspicious backstories (Oppenheimer, for example, was never selected on merit, and never contributed to the project). There's a reason they have zero intellectuals besides Spinoza before the late 1800s when they gained ascendancy.

Disclaimer: I’m very white.

The funny thing about you and every other white supremacist is that you are like every other supremacist group—that is, retarded.

You think whites are these sinless angels sent down by God himself to bless humanity. You think whites can do no wrong and everything that ails the white man is the fault of the Jew or another race/ethnic group.

Reality: Whites generally dislike each other. White societies display tall poppy syndrome. White people love to slaughter each other in pointless wars and also to slaughter and subjugate others in their colonialist endeavors. Whites are very racist and xenophobic (like many other people), etc.

The fact that you think I’m behaving like an evil person is ridiculous, just as everything else you say is ridiculous and detached from reality.
Disclaimer: I’m very white.

The funny thing about you and every other white supremacist is that you are like every other supremacist group—that is, retarded.

You think whites are these sinless angels sent down by God himself to bless humanity. You think whites can do no wrong and everything that ails the white man is the fault of the Jew or another race/ethnic group.

Reality: Whites generally dislike each other. White societies display tall poppy syndrome. White people love to slaughter each other in pointless wars and also to slaughter and subjugate others in their colonialist endeavors. Whites are very racist and xenophobic (like many other people), etc.

The fact that you think I’m behaving like an evil person is ridiculous, just as everything else you say is ridiculous and detached from reality.

I never said any of that. Pointing out that pitbulls are an aggressive breed does not mean I believe no other dog breed bites or can be aggressive. One is simply far more problematic than the others and needs to be dealt with. I'll take that as my Victory in this debate.
I never said any of that. Pointing out that pitbulls are an aggressive breed does not mean I believe no other dog breed bites or can be aggressive. One is simply far more problematic than the others and needs to be dealt with. I'll take that as my Victory in this debate.
“Whites simply lacked a desire to dominate every human they came across because they already possess the innate ability to dominate nature (they even tried raising other races up to learn this ability so that all can live well),”

“In every other regard, whites stand head and shoulders above this pathetic subhuman group. The man of ability is always superior to the thief”

Bow down and be thankful to the white man for teaching the whole world how to sustain themselves and live in harmony. All is possible, but only through the white man. Maybe Jesus wasn’t the messiah after all but every white person is a messiah.
“Whites simply lacked a desire to dominate every human they came across because they already possess the innate ability to dominate nature (they even tried raising other races up to learn this ability so that all can live well),”

“In every other regard, whites stand head and shoulders above this pathetic subhuman group. The man of ability is always superior to the thief”

Bow down and be thankful to the white man for teaching the whole world how to sustain themselves and live in harmony. All is possible, but only through the white man. Maybe Jesus wasn’t the messiah after all but every white person is a messiah.

Funny, cause I know you'd agree with me if I said Christians helped raised other races up and gave them modern living. But when we strip the religion and focus on the root, suddenly you have a revulsion to it because it confronts your brainwashing. They were white Christians, ergo they were white. Whites brought the modern world to all peoples, and despite lies about our past, the worldwide swastikas and every peoples mythology of white gods introducing them to farming etc. is an obvious sign that whites brought everything to all peoples, which is the only congruent theory that makes sense in the first place. If whites are the only peoples capable of inventing anything nowadays, then it was the same in the past. So yes, whites basically are gods, if you want to put it like that. They're the superior race because they endured an ice age and adapted to become smarter as a result. Because they adapted to a harsher nature, they learned better to overcome nature, and were less reliant on other men and therefore less reliant on enslaving and dominating other men. That doesn't mean they don't do it, it means they have less of a desire to do it compared to other races. We see this very clearly in that white societies are less corruptible, have more focus on human rights, etc.

And yes, without whites, humanity will be doomed, so everything you say in a mocking tone is actually true. It's very sad that you're denying these basic truths because of your brainwashing instead of being proud of them. Do you even have blue eyes, or are you a bit of a mudblood?

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