'Escaping the Matrix' - Satan's Great Deception (MEGATHREAD)



Matthew 4:1-11
Dec 6, 2021
Humanity's descent down the Rabbit Hole, into Lucifer's Light at the end of the Tunnel. Satan's True End Game and the Fallen Angel's False Flag Operation. Courtesy of DonnieDarkened on Twitter.

In the movie The Matrix, Neo is awoken to a message on his computer telling him to wake up and follow the white rabbit. Neo eventually takes the rabbit hole into realizing that his reality is a lie and that he must wake up and realize his true power to end the machine's tyranny.


The phrase "Follow the white rabbit" stems from Alice in Wonderland. Alice follows the rabbit down the rabbit hole, where she realizes her true destiny, to end the Red Queen's reign of tyranny. Keep these themes in mind as we move along.


Another film by the Wachowski brothers besides the Matrix is 'V for Vendetta.' In the film, London is the capital of a tyrannical police state and their only hope of resisting is united behind their leader, 'V'. He eventually saves a woman named 'Evey,' which will be important later.


With all of these themes in mind, there are two videos that i believe will tie this all in very eloquently to the powerful deception taking place. This video explains how "Escaping the matrix" is directly tied with what's really coming.

This video goes over a very esoteric scene from 'V for Vendetta.' In which 'V' (Satan) frees Evey (Eve) from her prison, and awakening her to her "true destiny and power"

The Occult stems from the inversion of the story of the Garden of Eden. The Luciferian version is, that Adam and Eve were oppressed by a “cruel tyrannical” God and that the serpent was the “Great Liberator” who gave us a “Great Awakening” of having knowledge or “enlightenment.”

In the same way that the Luciferian lie teaches that Satan "freed us" from the Garden, He will also "free" mankind from the tyranny of this age, leading the world into the false light of a new age. The God of the Bible will be framed as a tyrant. Much like the gnostics believe.

An edit by NuclearBrain: 'Much like how some of the Gnostics believe' it should read. Gnosticism is a very broad topic so I disagree with the original thread makers statement though many do believe this.

What's happening now is what's called the "Matrix disclosure." The "conspiracy theorists" will be proven right about the many lies of this world. Christianity will be lumped into these lies. Interestingly enough, Elon Musk posted this on New Years Eve.

Donnie Darkened: This was a hard pill to swallow for me. But what I've realized after many years is that the "truther" movement has always been about laying the foundation for the true Beast system. This video explains this very well.

The truth is, the dark, scary, tyrannical New World Order that has been shoved in our faces as a means to lead us into fear. This fear will lead the masses into demanding something be done about it, in which Satan will offer the solution. It is a brilliant deception.

2023 is the year of the Rabbit. I believe this is the year that humanity will go "down the rabbit hole" into realizing their "true destiny" to unite the "global consciousness" into usurping this current age, into the new one. 2024 is the year of the Dragon, interestingly enough.

As you can probably tell, there is a lot that encompasses this and one simple thread will not be enough to lay out all of the information about this. I highly recommend "What's Really Coming" by E511 Ministries as well as his other videos about this.

Many will hear this and think, “so what are we supposed to do, sit back and do nothing?” No, our battle is spiritual, not physical. We must spread the Word of God, seek personal sanctification and that of loved ones and others. We have no control over the events of the world. Many of the new age persuasion will not like this thread very much, as the entire basis of their spirituality is "spiritual awakening" and the world uniting their "global consciousness." My friends, Satan will always point us to our "divinity" and away from the God of the Bible.

Another video i highly recommend if you are interested is 'Road to Antichrist.' There are five separate parts available on E511's Rumble, his YouTube channel was terminated, so please support his work.

God bless you all, and stay strong in spiritual discernment. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ's Return, and not in man.
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so how does this tie in to Revelations prohecy?
"Dear Diary,

I am a schizo freak"
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so how does this tie in to Revelations prohecy?
If we are entering a state where the fake new world order (the obtusely evil version we have seen for the last 20 years or so) is being 'defeated' by the New Age movement (which I have spoken about before). Then it is clear that the new age movement is the 'false light' of lucifer. He shall camouflage as an angel of light which means that his ideology will seem enlightening.

'ye shall be as gods' is his ideology. That human beings should 'mature' into godlike beings. What other ideology other than the new age promotes this belief system on a mass scale? There isnt any.

The antichrist will be loved by the world because he will seemingly defeat the old system to create the new one of false light. We'll see it all play out soon enough.

"Dear Diary,

I am a schizo freak"
Dear diary, I unironically use CIA operative deflection terminology to silence opposition.
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If we are entering a state where the fake new world order (the obtusely evil version we have seen for the last 20 years or so) is being 'defeated' by the New Age movement (which I have spoken about before). Then it is clear that the new age movement is the 'false light' of lucifer. He shall camouflage as an angel of light which means that his ideology will seem enlightening.

'ye shall be as gods' is his ideology. That human beings should 'mature' into godlike beings. What other ideology other than the new age promotes this belief system on a mass scale? There isnt any.

The antichrist will be loved by the world because he will seemingly defeat the old system to create the new one of false light. We'll see it all play out soon enough.

Dear diary, I unironically use CIA operative deflection terminology to silence opposition.
Isn't this what the WEF is doing? They proclaimed they are close to making humans into "gods"
What's the timetable for this? Will the real stuff kick off in 2025?
Humans are the opposite of godlike today

No benevolence, no selflessness, all pettiness and cruelty

All consumption, no creating
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I agree with the idea that most "Escape the Matrix", "Fight New World Order", etc ideas are just people trying to impose their personal tyranny on you to profit by exploiting your dissatisfaction with the current status quo. However, I think there is very little for us to do about this, and obsessing over these things does make you paranoid and hyperfocused on conspiracies that don't really exist or are overblown. Both the conspiratorial people and the conspiracy exposers just want your attention so they can profit by keeping your peace of mind hostage. If you want to be happy, you need to look within.
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Isn't this what the WEF is doing? They proclaimed they are close to making humans into "gods"
What's the timetable for this? Will the real stuff kick off in 2025?
Yes it is very much tied with Transhumanism. I explain it here:

"Final conclusion to think about:
If this world is actually hell and you are reincarnated over and over again until you learn to let go of attachment to this world, then the concept of transhumanism should be something to never pass off as nonsense.
We all know the controllers of this world are nefarious in nature. Trapping human consciousness inside of machines is the only way to prevent anyone from escaping material reality. The promise that you will 'live forever' is merely playing on the human fear of death. A fear we were given so that can we truly ascend of our own volition if it is our time to leave the reincarnation cycle.

If you really want to kill gods creation (Mankind), then trapping their souls inside of machines is the only way to do it. Never take any transhumanist technology."

Humans are the opposite of godlike today

No benevolence, no selflessness, all pettiness and cruelty

All consumption, no creating
Which is why it will seem so enticing.

I agree with the idea that most "Escape the Matrix", "Fight New World Order", etc ideas are just people trying to impose their personal tyranny on you to profit by exploiting your dissatisfaction with the current status quo. However, I think there is very little for us to do about this, and obsessing over these things does make you paranoid and hyperfocused on conspiracies that don't really exist or are overblown. Both the conspiratorial people and the conspiracy exposers just want your attention so they can profit by keeping your peace of mind hostage. If you want to be happy, you need to look within.
Really depends how long you've been in the game. I've been in this sphere closing in on a decade now so I have learned to understand what is paranoid idiot thinking and what isn't. I live a very normal happy life on the outside world.
Wanted to improve my looks, ended up here
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Wanted to improve my looks, ended up here
Such is the nature of God. You think you're going one way and end up somewhere you could not possibly have imagined in your wildest dreams. Or nightmares.
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So when i die should I go to the end of the tunnel or not?
There is one thing that I don't understand with stuff like these: How the fuck do you know all this? Is it some kind of Jungian perception? Intuition and then closing the gaps? Is it unchecked, unlimited imagination?
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Read it all and watched the vids
I have actually recently been delving into the stuff that says that we are God and that the only limit to our potential is the belief that we are beneath a superior power rather than understanding that we are "one" with limitless power.

At 28:40 he starts discussing how everything that exists is based on reason and mathematics and at 34:07 he gets to the point of saying how we are God. I have been watching this guy for a while and have been very convinced by him

Aspie essay incoming:
The part of the video you linked where it said that the release of earth's prisoners will be overseen by the leader of the ascended masters Sanat Kumara was a mindfuck for me because it is Satan masquarading as a Golden Aryan savior
During an LSD trip I experienced a dark evil force trying to steal my energy/soul from me and I fought it as much as I could believing I had to save myself then a "Golden God" appeared and saved my from the evil force.
I then began thinking that this Golden God was a superior being that was levels above me and that it is basically to goal to ascend to that level. Once I was saved I felt like I was back in my room and I had an insane feeling of liberation and happiness.
Like all of the stress I've experienced in my life was simply to harden me to prepare me to see if I could pass the test to see if I would try fight against the evil force or surrender and I chose not to surrender.
I then started experiencing the Truman show effect common on LSD where it feels like everyone had been watching me to see what happened and were celebrating what I had just done. It felt like I had achieved the acceptance and appreciation I had been searching for all my life and it was my belief that all girls finally wanted me because they seen what I was capable of.
I felt like this was the new world where anything is possible and I would be at the top of the hierarchy and that all shame that we held did not matter because everyone was interconnected and could read each other's minds because all of our deepest secrets were out in the open. It was a real hippy flower power moment and all of my feelings of dislike for ethnics or homosexuals had disappeared.

When I had this trip the lockdown was in full flow and having this experience made me believe that the NWO cannot defeat you until you give up, it will try to break you but if you don't surrender you will defeat it because we have the ultimate power within ourselves to defeat it. This is quite similar to the V for vendetta scene of her transformation where Satan pushes her close to death so she no longer fears it and once she reaches that point she can be initiated into Satan's plan

Seeing just how many people out there are insentient enough to believe the scamdemic propaganda made me think that some people on this planet are less evolved but some are also more ascended beings (I included myself in this coz I'm narcy) so I would be very susceptable to believing that we need ascended saviors to save the planet.
I strongly believe in evolution but believe that evolution is not just physical but also spiritual throughout countless lifetimes and we eventually ascend into a realm above this one so I thought at some point I will be the ascended being saving another person from a dark, evil energy.

I had recently been thinking that Christianity was just created by the jews in order to have power over the goyim and now that they no longer need it, it's being dismantled so we have no unity to stand up against the ethnic invasion of europe and also no opposition to feminism or LGBT.
But what if this really is all one big trick where we think the enemy is the NWO trying to replace our people with ethnics and enslave us, mocking us all the way while we become so consumed with looking perfect thanks to increased narcisim and exposure to instagram chads until before us we see a perfect looking Aryan human who masquarades as our savior from the prison plant but he is really Satan

My question is: If we accept Satan's plan once the false flag NWO is defeated, what happens?
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So when i die should I go to the end of the tunnel or not?
I'm unsure if there really is a tunnel of light. I cannot give you an answer to this as it's not something I 100% have faith in as true or untrue, good or bad. I wish I did as it seems very very important and a common topic amongst NDE survivors.

There is one thing that I don't understand with stuff like these: How the fuck do you know all this? Is it some kind of Jungian perception? Intuition and then closing the gaps? Is it unchecked, unlimited imagination?
If you're asking whether I know all of this to be 100% factually true then I'll tell you I do not. I have a strong inclination to believe it as true because of my experiences in this life lining up with these ideas. But 'I know that I know nothing'. Anybody that tells you their viewpoint is 100% true, no questions asked is a deceiver and you should not trust them in the slightest.

Having faith is very different. I have faith at what I believe to be true but I could never ever tell you for certain. Some people would look at that and say 'well I don't need to look at this because even the OP doesn't know for sure at what he is saying is true' but this is because people always look for definitive proof of this and that. It's a human problem which is why 'faith' is very hard for people to understand as a concept. And why the 'path to salvation is narrow', as Jesus said.

If you are asking simply how I know all of this information, period, then I can answer that. The reason I have extensive understanding (as far as I am concerned) of these ideas is because I have been researching it for close to a decade. It is a slow build-up of questions and answers over time that has led me to my current beliefs. Slowly building it layer by layer, putting previous information into context with new, throwing out old information that no longer seems to be correct. Things like that. An entire decade of doing this.
I'm becoming an Orthodox Christian. I've just seen the light- have been having a great internal struggle for weeks now, and was part of another forum that discussed Orthodox Christianity.

This thread certainly helped me come to that realization.
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Really depends how long you've been in the game. I've been in this sphere closing in on a decade now so I have learned to understand what is paranoid idiot thinking and what isn't. I live a very normal happy life on the outside world.
That is what everybody thinks. Do you think people out there know they are being fooled? The more time you spent thinking others are the problem the easier it is to fool you and the more invested you are so it gets difficult to acknowledge you've been duped.
This is a lot to answer so I will try to break it down in sections.

Read it all and watched the vids
I have actually recently been delving into the stuff that says that we are God and that the only limit to our potential is the belief that we are beneath a superior power rather than understanding that we are "one" with limitless power.

At 28:40 he starts discussing how everything that exists is based on reason and mathematics and at 34:07 he gets to the point of saying how we are God. I have been watching this guy for a while and have been very convinced by him

The video you linked doesn't seem to work for some reason. I am interested to know about it though so please give me the title so I can look it up.
Aspie essay incoming:
The part of the video you linked where it said that the release of earth's prisoners will be overseen by the leader of the ascended masters Sanat Kumara was a mindfuck for me because it is Satan masquarading as a Golden Aryan savior
During an LSD trip I experienced a dark evil force trying to steal my energy/soul from me and I fought it as much as I could believing I had to save myself then a "Golden God" appeared and saved my from the evil force.
I then began thinking that this Golden God was a superior being that was levels above me and that it is basically to goal to ascend to that level. Once I was saved I felt like I was back in my room and I had an insane feeling of liberation and happiness.
Like all of the stress I've experienced in my life was simply to harden me to prepare me to see if I could pass the test to see if I would try fight against the evil force or surrender and I chose not to surrender.
I then started experiencing the Truman show effect common on LSD where it feels like everyone had been watching me to see what happened and were celebrating what I had just done. It felt like I had achieved the acceptance and appreciation I had been searching for all my life and it was my belief that all girls finally wanted me because they seen what I was capable of.
I felt like this was the new world where anything is possible and I would be at the top of the hierarchy and that all shame that we held did not matter because everyone was interconnected and could read each other's minds because all of our deepest secrets were out in the open. It was a real hippy flower power moment and all of my feelings of dislike for ethnics or homosexuals had disappeared.
Yes. The false light of lucifer is directly tied to the hippie 'flower power' mindset that everyone is one God experiencing life as seperate beings. I also used to believe this idea and realised just how fucking evil it was. It is the ultimate great deception and a direct connection to Genesis 3:5.

"For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

Clearly, the 'eyes' that will be opened is the Third Eye of Adam and Eve respectively. Opening of the Third Eye is breaking down the barrier that God has placed inside of us as a prevention measure. It stops us from going insane. Whenever I had taken psychedelics I had a very similar experience to begin with. Psychs started off as loving and wholesome but quickly descended into the most nightmarish situation you could possibly imagine.

As I became closer to God in my sober life, my psychedelic experiences became more and more destructive. It was as if I was having raw information directly beamed into my head. I started to view eating from an objective point of view and now cannot eat whenever I am on drugs (though I am stopping my drug usage for the very reason of it being a false light). I remember watching my friend eat when he had weed munchies and I felt so disgusted that the human body becomes ravenous like an animal. This eventually led me to the Orthodox Christian idea of the 'passions' and reducing them through faith.

It clicked in my head at what I had experienced is an indulgence of the passions to the most extreme that I could think of. Ravenous hunger is as if all your humanity and cognition is shut off. You can no longer pace yourself/stop yourself from indulging in animalistic behaviour. Watching my friend eat was as if his soul had switched off and he had become purely animal. It was so frightening that words cannot describe how it truly felt.
When I had this trip the lockdown was in full flow and having this experience made me believe that the NWO cannot defeat you until you give up, it will try to break you but if you don't surrender you will defeat it because we have the ultimate power within ourselves to defeat it. This is quite similar to the V for vendetta scene of her transformation where Satan pushes her close to death so she no longer fears it and once she reaches that point she can be initiated into Satan's plan

Seeing just how many people out there are insentient enough to believe the scamdemic propaganda made me think that some people on this planet are less evolved but some are also more ascended beings (I included myself in this coz I'm narcy) so I would be very susceptable to believing that we need ascended saviors to save the planet.
I strongly believe in evolution but believe that evolution is not just physical but also spiritual throughout countless lifetimes and we eventually ascend into a realm above this one so I thought at some point I will be the ascended being saving another person from a dark, evil energy.
In my opinion, it isn't that some people are more or less evolved than eachother. It is purely a spiritual concept. Some people are more spiritually minded than others and God made this to be so. Since this world is Fallen I have had the belief for a while that 'hell' is this world. If you do not follow the narrow path then you will be sent back to do it again, this time with a little more subconscious knowledge of your previous life. Those who are enslaved by material luxury or the pursuit of the pleasures are either on their first cycle or are just doomed. Hard, once again, to put into words.

Though this too might be a false light but I don't know for sure. Just a thought I have had recently.
I had recently been thinking that Christianity was just created by the jews in order to have power over the goyim and now that they no longer need it, it's being dismantled so we have no unity to stand up against the ethnic invasion of europe and also no opposition to feminism or LGBT.
But what if this really is all one big trick where we think the enemy is the NWO trying to replace our people with ethnics and enslave us, mocking us all the way while we become so consumed with looking perfect thanks to increased narcisim and exposure to instagram chads until before us we see a perfect looking Aryan human who masquarades as our savior from the prison plant but he is really Satan
Christianity is the only religion that can stand up to the synagogue of Satan. Rejection of the material world is the fundamental aspect of Christianity therefore dismantling it will allow for more people to be enslaved by the system. Christianity is not a psyop, quite the opposite.
My question is: If we accept Satan's plan once the false flag NWO is defeated, what happens?
A person that truly accepts the new False Light NWO of Oneness and Godhood will be enslaved by a craving of Knowledge (lucifer's lantern in the dark). I have no idea what happens then. Its a scary thought nonetheless.
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  • Ad hominem: Your thread attacks "conspiracy theorists" and lumps Christianity in with these lies.
  • Appeal to fear: Your thread uses fear of a tyrannical New World Order to lead the masses into demanding a solution.
  • Appeal to emotion: Your thread uses emotional language and appeals to the readers' feelings to make its argument.
  • False dichotomy: Your thread presents the choice as being between a tyrannical current age and a new, enlightened age, implying that there are no other options.
  • Slippery slope: Your thread implies that the acceptance of certain ideas will inevitably lead to the acceptance of a particular belief or outcome, without providing evidence to support this.
  • Hasty generalization: Your thread makes broad, sweeping statements about humanity and the future based on limited evidence.
10/10 shitpost ngl tbh

EDIT: The above was written by ChatGPT btw, when asked to point out any and all faulty reasoning
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@NuclearBrainReturns so you are orthodox christian and you believe that you will go to heaven?

What about people who believe that all religions are just here to keep you in reincarnation trap?

Also thoughts on astral projection?
  • Ad hominem: Your thread attacks "conspiracy theorists" and lumps Christianity in with these lies.
It doesn't attack conspiracy theorists as a whole. It attacks a specific branch of conspiracy theorist that believes we are all God. Interesting that you yourself have committed an ad hominem whilst telling me I have. The first slide of this thread is from another account with me adding in bits and pieces of my own view. You would see this if you read the very beginning statement in big bold writing lol.
  • Appeal to fear: Your thread uses fear of a tyrannical New World Order to lead the masses into demanding a solution.
The entire point of the thread was to show the tyrannical aspect of the NWO WILL do the very thing you accuse this thread of doing. Considering not even bothering to respond to anything else if you are going to be that ridiculous.
  • Appeal to emotion: Your thread uses emotional language and appeals to the readers' feelings to make its argument.
Emotion is a fundamental aspect of human experience. I also don't see how I appeal to emotion soley.
  • False dichotomy: Your thread presents the choice as being between a tyrannical current age and a new, enlightened age, implying that there are no other options.
That is the false dichotomy that will be set up for the world. Regardless of personal opinion. That is the point.
  • Slippery slope: Your thread implies that the acceptance of certain ideas will inevitably lead to the acceptance of a particular belief or outcome, without providing evidence to support this.
Because that is how things work when you work within limitations. I also don't know 100% how everything will play out as I've stated numerous times.
  • Hasty generalization: Your thread makes broad, sweeping statements about humanity and the future based on limited evidence.
10/10 shitpost ngl tbh
Hasty generalisations? Or perhaps overarching conclusions based on the thread content?

Nice try but if you're going to act as billy big balls then at least know what you are talking about next time.
@NuclearBrainReturns so you are orthodox christian and you believe that you will go to heaven?

What about people who believe that all religions are just here to keep you in reincarnation trap?

Also thoughts on astral projection?
I'm not Orthodox Christian though I agree with a very large percentage of its beliefs. Seems to be on the money specifically with passion reduction and it's view that this world is fallen.

To your second question, I cannot begin to understand the mind of God on these matters. There are a lot of convincing arguments for the reincarnation trap theory that I have entertained in the past. It could very well be possible that we are reincarnated over and over again in order to harvest 'loosh' or suffering. Very possible.

Astral projection is false light in my opinion. You are left very vulnerable to spiritual attack when you practice this.
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It should go without saying that everything I am saying is opinionated and could very well be wrong. I find it interesting that @100orya is acting as if I believe I have all the answers when I am merely a Man like he is. I shouldn't have to specify that on the topic of theology, everything I could possibly say is opinionated based on my life experience and contemplation of these ideas.
This is a lot to answer so I will try to break it down in sections.

The video you linked doesn't seem to work for some reason. I am interested to know about it though so please give me the title so I can look it up.

Yes. The false light of lucifer is directly tied to the hippie 'flower power' mindset that everyone is one God experiencing life as seperate beings. I also used to believe this idea and realised just how fucking evil it was. It is the ultimate great deception and a direct connection to Genesis 3:5.

"For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

Clearly, the 'eyes' that will be opened is the Third Eye of Adam and Eve respectively. Opening of the Third Eye is breaking down the barrier that God has placed inside of us as a prevention measure. It stops us from going insane. Whenever I had taken psychedelics I had a very similar experience to begin with. Psychs started off as loving and wholesome but quickly descended into the most nightmarish situation you could possibly imagine.

As I became closer to God in my sober life, my psychedelic experiences became more and more destructive. It was as if I was having raw information directly beamed into my head. I started to view eating from an objective point of view and now cannot eat whenever I am on drugs (though I am stopping my drug usage for the very reason of it being a false light). I remember watching my friend eat when he had weed munchies and I felt so disgusted that the human body becomes ravenous like an animal. This eventually led me to the Orthodox Christian idea of the 'passions' and reducing them through faith.
Interesting, my psychedelic experiences had lots of unpleasant information being transferred to me right from the beginning.

It clicked in my head at what I had experienced is an indulgence of the passions to the most extreme that I could think of. Ravenous hunger is as if all your humanity and cognition is shut off. You can no longer pace yourself/stop yourself from indulging in animalistic behaviour. Watching my friend eat was as if his soul had switched off and he had become purely animal. It was so frightening that words cannot describe how it truly felt.

In my opinion, it isn't that some people are more or less evolved than eachother. It is purely a spiritual concept. Some people are more spiritually minded than others and God made this to be so. Since this world is Fallen I have had the belief for a while that 'hell' is this world. If you do not follow the narrow path then you will be sent back to do it again, this time with a little more subconscious knowledge of your previous life. Those who are enslaved by material luxury or the pursuit of the pleasures are either on their first cycle or are just doomed. Hard, once again, to put into words.
If you believe you are sent back to do it again, do you believe that the identity of your body has no permanent ties to your soul?
I thought it was the Christian belief that you have one physical representation of your soul and that is permanent so in heaven you will look like how you did on earth (this concept never really made sense to me)
My belief since I've been getting into the "we are God" stuff is that after the inception of the universe, your mind is in it's least sentient state and links to the most basic of bodies which we use as avatars to experience the world.
Like we start off behaving as simple as if we are programmed in a simulation

With the experience you gain throughout a lifetime, you reincarnate into a new creature that has more "evolved" or more complex sensory system, so it experiences the world in a more advanced way. Your only objective when in the animal state is survival and reproduction but that's fine because morals cannot be applied to you when you are in ignorance of what you are and lack self awareness.
Once your mind incarnates into creatures that have the capacity for self awareness, you then reach the point of religion etc but then resist religion upon realizing/remembering that your mind has already reached the pinnacle of infinite knowledge and you have just put yourself back into ignorance to start the journey again so you experience the joys of novelty and learning again as if it was the first time.
The disgust you mention about seeing how ravenous the human body can become, like an animal, I believe that it is fine to accept we still have those traits within us in our current form but the self awareness we have developed allows us to resist and this is what will take us into a more advanced state than we are currently in.
Compare someone who receives money and instantly spends it on instant gratification stuff like weed, alcohol, junk food, escorts, gambling and remains poor in a shitty loop and has similar children, to someone who is less "animal like" and has the self awareness to practice restraint and use his resources to create a more prosperous life to help his children and other people. Imagine if no person on earth was solely focused on self interest and fucking over others to benefit themselves, it would mean no more disgust at seeing ravenous people.

Christianity is the only religion that can stand up to the synagogue of Satan. Rejection of the material world is the fundamental aspect of Christianity therefore dismantling it will allow for more people to be enslaved by the system. Christianity is not a psyop, quite the opposite.

A person that truly accepts the new False Light NWO of Oneness and Godhood will be enslaved by a craving of Knowledge (lucifer's lantern in the dark). I have no idea what happens then. Its a scary thought nonetheless.
I just don't understand why God would decide that the awareness and knowledge given to the humans he created is the exact amount that we are meant to have. Like we are born not knowing where we came from or why we are here yet we are meant to believe what has been passed down to use simply on blind faith? so those who question it and eventually stop believing are punished and will suffer. What is the purpose of this. Imagine yourself in God's shoes, you find a way to create life that you can watch down on and you decide to leave clues of your existence and favour those who's brain configuration cause them to believe in it but punish does who's brain configuration causes them to not believe in it. Isn't that just some sick narcisism that an all knowing being has no reason to partake in?

I just can't see anything convincing me to choose the side of the Christian God because the idea that he has heaven waiting for us just doesn't make sense to me (but then again the thing about NWO being a false flag by Satan is registering with me)

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When I tripped hard on LSD, I felt like I was god and that everything I saw around me; earth, friends, etc. are all the same thing, including myself. I am everyone and everything.

It sorta resulted in a 'bad trip' (negative emotions) towards the end, because I didn't see the point of talking to my friends anymore. As it seemed like I was talking to myself. And they were just giving expected answers based on my behavior.

I started feeling like I have absolutely 0 freedom and control in life, because the world just shapes around me no matter what I do. Like a fish swimming through an empty sea: No matter which direction he swims in, water will surround him from all sides all the same.

When I am tripping on other drugs like 2-cb or ketamine I also think about this a lot and my/our purpose on this earth. And I always get into the same conclusion that we are used as machines by some other entity to solve some kind of problem by brute force. Aka create a shit ton of humans with slightly different personalities, all of them unfullfilled, and see what they come up with after centuries.
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Wanted to improve my looks, ended up here


There's nothing to improve on. You're already at peak appeal for White stacies. 8 PSL ascended being.
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Read the Old Testament brother , are you a Christian moron. Yahweh is not a friendly guy

Isaiah 45:7 in the King James Version reads, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
Read the Old Testament brother , are you a Christian moron. Yahweh is not a friendly guy

Isaiah 45:7 in the King James Version reads, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
I have an alternative view of the old testament 'god'. A god that would demand sacrifice of an infant child is not god, it is satan. Some of the old testement in my opinion was not written by god but by satan. I won't get into this though as its pretty complicated and in its infancy in my mind.
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I have an alternative view of the old testament 'god'. A god that would demand sacrifice of an infant child is not god, it is satan. Some of the old testement in my opinion was not written by god but by satan. I won't get into this though as its pretty complicated and in its infancy in my mind.
Yahweh there is a higher more benevolent god
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The problem with all of these theories is that there's 0 evidence for any of it.

As humans we have our human senses, but also a plethora of scientific tools to see/hear/measure almost anything we want. We can measure gravitational waves, we can measure the speed of light, we can look at structures on an atomic level, we can measure the transfer of matter/energy.

How could anyone ever truly believe in any of this stuff. Like an after-life, god, good/evil, when there's 0 things we can see or measure that are related to that.

It's truly interesting to see what funky shit our brains can come up with, especially on psychedelics. Note that most of the psychedelics that we have today, used to exist thousands of years ago in nature aswell. It's not strange to think a lot of the old stories like the old testament, etc. came from someone that tripped balls.

And considering how anyone doing DMT/LSD seems to see the same type of entities. Have the same type of experiences while tripping. It's not weird to see where all this came from.

The meaning of all of it? No idea.
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Yahweh is the devil Satan i think, there is a higher source god which emanated all human souls and is above Yahweh, the one .
I had a really good post that I can't find that was from 4chan of a guy making a very good argument that the Gnostic view of Yahweh being the devil was legit. I can't seem to find it though which is really annoying. I posted it here at one point but I can't remember the thread name.
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I had a really good post that I can't find that was from 4chan of a guy making a very good argument that the Gnostic view of Yahweh being the devil was legit. I can't seem to find it though which is really annoying. I posted it here at one point but I can't remember the thread name.
Are you implying God allowed Satan to corrupt his message?
Are you implying God allowed Satan to corrupt his message?
Any evil thing that happens in this world is allowed by God. The path to salvation is narrow.

There's nothing to improve on. You're already at peak appeal for White stacies. 8 PSL ascended being.
You are gaslighting the same way as my parents
  • JFL
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There is one thing that I don't understand with stuff like these: How the fuck do you know all this? Is it some kind of Jungian perception? Intuition and then closing the gaps? Is it unchecked, unlimited imagination?
just access akashic record theorem
Ok then what does God do exactly?

Watch this video if you have time. This is the great deception.

The TL;DR is that the old lie that 'man is god' is coming back in the form of the 'great awakening' which will destroy the new world order as we know it today. If you take anything away from this thread, it's that you should pay attention to peoples spiritual beliefs within the next 2 - 3 years. You will start to hear, more and more of people coming in contact with the religion of 'Gnosticism' though it is a specific BRANCH of Gnosticism that Lucifer, the snake gave humanity forbidden knowledge that WE are Gods.

That is a fundamental aspect of the New Age movement which will be growing into the 2020's. Remember this within the next couple of years and do not fall for it. Man is not God.
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Watch this 2 minute synopsis:
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Humanity's descent down the Rabbit Hole, into Lucifer's Light at the end of the Tunnel. Satan's True End Game and the Fallen Angel's False Flag Operation. Courtesy of DonnieDarkened on Twitter.

In the movie The Matrix, Neo is awoken to a message on his computer telling him to wake up and follow the white rabbit. Neo eventually takes the rabbit hole into realizing that his reality is a lie and that he must wake up and realize his true power to end the machine's tyranny.


The phrase "Follow the white rabbit" stems from Alice in Wonderland. Alice follows the rabbit down the rabbit hole, where she realizes her true destiny, to end the Red Queen's reign of tyranny. Keep these themes in mind as we move along.


Another film by the Wachowski brothers besides the Matrix is 'V for Vendetta.' In the film, London is the capital of a tyrannical police state and their only hope of resisting is united behind their leader, 'V'. He eventually saves a woman named 'Evey,' which will be important later.


With all of these themes in mind, there are two videos that i believe will tie this all in very eloquently to the powerful deception taking place. This video explains how "Escaping the matrix" is directly tied with what's really coming.

This video goes over a very esoteric scene from 'V for Vendetta.' In which 'V' (Satan) frees Evey (Eve) from her prison, and awakening her to her "true destiny and power"

The Occult stems from the inversion of the story of the Garden of Eden. The Luciferian version is, that Adam and Eve were oppressed by a “cruel tyrannical” God and that the serpent was the “Great Liberator” who gave us a “Great Awakening” of having knowledge or “enlightenment.”

In the same way that the Luciferian lie teaches that Satan "freed us" from the Garden, He will also "free" mankind from the tyranny of this age, leading the world into the false light of a new age. The God of the Bible will be framed as a tyrant. Much like the gnostics believe.

An edit by NuclearBrain: 'Much like how some of the Gnostics believe' it should read. Gnosticism is a very broad topic so I disagree with the original thread makers statement though many do believe this.

What's happening now is what's called the "Matrix disclosure." The "conspiracy theorists" will be proven right about the many lies of this world. Christianity will be lumped into these lies. Interestingly enough, Elon Musk posted this on New Years Eve.

Donnie Darkened: This was a hard pill to swallow for me. But what I've realized after many years is that the "truther" movement has always been about laying the foundation for the true Beast system. This video explains this very well.

The truth is, the dark, scary, tyrannical New World Order that has been shoved in our faces as a means to lead us into fear. This fear will lead the masses into demanding something be done about it, in which Satan will offer the solution. It is a brilliant deception.

2023 is the year of the Rabbit. I believe this is the year that humanity will go "down the rabbit hole" into realizing their "true destiny" to unite the "global consciousness" into usurping this current age, into the new one. 2024 is the year of the Dragon, interestingly enough.

As you can probably tell, there is a lot that encompasses this and one simple thread will not be enough to lay out all of the information about this. I highly recommend "What's Really Coming" by E511 Ministries as well as his other videos about this.

Many will hear this and think, “so what are we supposed to do, sit back and do nothing?” No, our battle is spiritual, not physical. We must spread the Word of God, seek personal sanctification and that of loved ones and others. We have no control over the events of the world. Many of the new age persuasion will not like this thread very much, as the entire basis of their spirituality is "spiritual awakening" and the world uniting their "global consciousness." My friends, Satan will always point us to our "divinity" and away from the God of the Bible.

Another video i highly recommend if you are interested is 'Road to Antichrist.' There are five separate parts available on E511's Rumble, his YouTube channel was terminated, so please support his work.

God bless you all, and stay strong in spiritual discernment. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ's Return, and not in man.

I want Jesus to return tomorrow I hate living. I want the end times to begin I want Stacy and chad to burn in hell for making me incel

I just wanna die and chill with god
  • So Sad
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I want Jesus to return tomorrow I hate living. I want the end times to begin I want Stacy and chad to burn in hell for making me incel

I just wanna die and chill with god
We never know the day or the hour but before the end it will get much harder. Just be prepared and be watchful for the New Age becoming popular like a Hippie movement 2.0
I'm becoming an Orthodox Christian. I've just seen the light- have been having a great internal struggle for weeks now, and was part of another forum that discussed Orthodox Christianity.

This thread certainly helped me come to that realization.
I didn't see this comment. I am very grateful that I have helped you come closer to God. That really means a lot.
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Heaven and hell are 2 sides of the same coin. You're interacting with this world by giving your energy and fear when you think about "hell". Hell is a deception, if you allow Satan to trick you into going to hell then you will go. We may be in a sort of hell right now but it could be worse. But i refuse to believe that a loving God will send his creations to eternal suffering. Seems stupid doesn't it? Bcs it is

I guarantee that the old testament "God" is actually Satan and the gnostics were right. But leaving this material world behind means leaving literally everything, islam or christianity doesn't matter. They're a part of this world

Gnositcs pretty sure were the first true Christians but these kikes and people in power with an agenda infiltrated both Christianity and Gnostiicsm

Islam is kinda doomed tho. Their heaven is based on materialistic things.

Don't know how Hinduism and Buddhism fit into all of this but it does.

The truth is in this world, we have clues in every place, it's like a complicated puzzle. We may not solve it 100% but we could solve it just enough to know what we are looking at.
god needs to give me pussy first
  • JFL
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Wachowski brothers are retards
Heaven and hell are 2 sides of the same coin. You're interacting with this world by giving your energy and fear when you think about "hell". Hell is a deception, if you allow Satan to trick you into going to hell then you will go. We may be in a sort of hell right now but it could be worse. But i refuse to believe that a loving God will send his creations to eternal suffering. Seems stupid doesn't it? Bcs it is

I guarantee that the old testament "God" is actually Satan and the gnostics were right. But leaving this material world behind means leaving literally everything, islam or christianity doesn't matter. They're a part of this world

Gnositcs pretty sure were the first true Christians but these kikes and people in power with an agenda infiltrated both Christianity and Gnostiicsm

Islam is kinda doomed tho. Their heaven is based on materialistic things.

Don't know how Hinduism and Buddhism fit into all of this but it does.

The truth is in this world, we have clues in every place, it's like a complicated puzzle. We may not solve it 100% but we could solve it just enough to know what we are looking at.
The greatness of God is that he would probably not cause eternal punishment for temporal sins.

But a malevolent entity like satan may trap human beings into a state of eternal suffering and confusion via transhumanism and New Age false awakening/insanity.
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The greatness of God is that he would probably not cause eternal punishment for temporal sins.
Well obviously
But a malevolent entity like satan may trap human beings into a state of eternal suffering and confusion via transhumanism and New Age false awakening/insanity.
Ye, we can't fckin trust these guys to be in control of anything let alone our conciousness. Fuckin soy redditors wanting this shit is insane. Hopefully they will be trappes forever and suffer to realize how stupid it is

First we need to reach god and escspe this shithole planet, but how do we do that? Nobody knows. Too many distractions. I think we should ignore everything and everyone and be neutral in the afterlife. Just to get accommodated

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