Ethnics who claim that the west is racist, why do you live in the west?


Deleted member 4310

Dec 11, 2019
I have literally never met a legit racist white person, they only exist on obscure forums.

Ethnics on the other hand are openly racist and the majority of them despise other races. Like we had BLM riots here in Sweden where ethnics complained about how racist Sweden is which is weird because literally every ethnic who lives in Sweden came here by their own volition. They can just move back to their desert if it's much better there.

If you hate the west so much and everything it represents, why don't you just leave?
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Whites can be racists tbh. Especially European ones. But at the end of the day, the demands outdid the supply. There are not enough racist in this world so naturally, they tend to blow everything out of proportion in an attempt to create more racist i guess?
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I see this shit tbh, I had this indian friend who always complained about getting followed round in this shop near where he lived and he claimed it was racial profiling about shoplifting.

Same guy would brag to me about stealing from other shops jfl and just committed a lot of crime in general.

If they were profiling him then they obviously did a good job.
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So I can jizz on your white sister
My boy mirin posted a pic of him getting head from a white bitch
Over for you pink dicked pigs
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stfu cumskin faggot
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Whites can be racists tbh. Especially European ones. But at the end of the day, the supply outdid the demands. There are not enough racist in this world so naturally, they tend to blow everything out of proportion in an attempt to create more racist i guess?
Well of course but whites are the least racist group.
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Imagine talking shit when youre swedish

youre a cuck. its in your blood to be cuck

you are laughing stock.drug dealers has taken over ur country
dont talk again
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because i was born and raised here, meaning that im 10x more used to america than anywhere else. i wouldnt fit in at all in any south asian country and would easily stand out as a foreigner there too (in terms of appearance, dialect, etc).

although i have yet to meet someone who was racist towards me directly irl lol
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I see this shit tbh, I had this indian friend who always complained about getting followed round in this shop near where he lived and he claimed it was racial profiling about shoplifting.

Same guy would brag to me about stealing from other shops jfl and just committed a lot of crime in general.

If they were profiling him then they obviously did a good job.
Exactly, it's hilarious because he is just targeted because he's ugly. Shop attendants don't follow attractive and well dressed people no matter what race they are.
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Imagine talking shit when youre swedish

youre a cuck. its in your blood to be cuck

you are laughing stock.drug dealers has taken over ur country
dont talk again
Rent free
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Exactly, it's hilarious because he is just targeted because he's ugly. Shop attendants don't follow attractive and well dressed people no matter what race they are.
he was pretty gl tbh but looked like a thug and he was a wannabe
if your a teenager dressing like a thug you can't complain that they follow you in a shop for 2 secs while you get an energy drink
dude was legit whining to me about it when he is very privileged
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he was pretty gl tbh but looked like a thug and he was a wannabe
if your a teenager dressing like a thug you can't complain that they follow you in a shop for 2 secs while you get an energy drink
dude was legit whining to me about it when he is very privileged
Shop attendants treat me completely differently when I dress up vs when I just wear casual clothes
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he was pretty gl tbh but looked like a thug and he was a wannabe
if your a teenager dressing like a thug you can't complain that they follow you in a shop for 2 secs while you get an energy drink
dude was legit whining to me about it when he is very privileged
Cope never happened to me
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Cope never happened to me
You are too short for them to take you seriously, they probably think that you are a child that strayed away from his parents.
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but you're also non-white

I've been followed around in shops and shit, there's just alot of theft where I am
wdym? I said it never happened to me despite being ethnic
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You are too short for them to take you seriously, they probably think that you are a child that strayed away from his parents.
I would beat you to a pulp, i know you wouldnt say this shit IRL
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wdym? I said it never happened to me despite being ethnic
that's my point

probably just the difference between our areas, but you were calling it cope for some reason
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Coward, you are not a real man so you have to use weapons.
If you wanna try me you will end up with bullets, dont joke with me and we wont have a problem
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It's uncommon to look white while being half japanese tbh
people have seen my face and can verify but yeah
the only other half jap half brit I know (besides my family) looks weird as fuck tbh
I think it's cos both my parents are hapas so I just got a 'white' genetic recomb if that makes sense
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Its not my case but I dont get your point
They probably live in the west because its better than their shithole countries, which doesnt mean they cant complain about racism. There's simply no correlation.
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Its not my case but I dont get your point
They probably live in the west because its better than their shithole countries, which doesnt mean they cant complain about racism. There's simply no correlation.
Imagine fleeing to a country and that country gives you everything and provide you with the opportunity to live a life that's unimaginable in your shithole and then you have the audacity to accuse the country of being racist when they literally proved the opposite when they took you in.
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Imagine fleeing to a country and that country gives you everything and provide you with the opportunity to live a life that's unimaginable in your shithole and then you have the audacity to accuse the country of being racist when they literally proved the opposite when they took you in.

Thats another thing

Im only saying that if an ethnic suffers actual racism from someone, he has the right to complain, it doesnt matter that his country is a shithole, that doesnt change the fact that racism is not fair.
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Why do I live here?

Maybe cuz u guys stole our natural resourxes

And my ancestors fought to keep this country alive
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Why do I live here?

Maybe cuz u guys stole our natural resourxes

And my ancestors fought to keep this country alive

Tell me exactly which resources my country stole from your country.

Also every piece of land is stolen from someone, your country are just as guilty of this as mine, if not more.
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Tell me exactly which resources my country stole from your country.

Also every piece of land is stolen from someone, your country are just as guilty of this as mine, if not more.
Sweden went to India and set up shit there

But I'm talking abt UK here
. Whites lived in the North.. Of the world
Yellow in the middle
Black in the south

So by forcing urself Intk the middle and the south u kinda owe us
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Sweden went to India and set up shit there

But I'm talking abt UK here
. Whites lived in the North.. Of the world
Yellow in the middle
Black in the south

So by forcing urself Intk the middle and the south u kinda owe us
So every white person on earth lives in the UK? Why is it okay for ethnics to make broad generalizations about white people?

My country has zero colonial history
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My parents came here because they are poor I guess

I never chooses to be here, I didn't had a choice.
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Some years ago i used to listen to alt-right podcasts and such (incel trait), but I've always had immigrant friends and never treated anyone worse because of race (atleast consciously). I feel really bad for the ethnics I meet that are significantly shorter than me. Most people aren't racist it's just that we segment naturally by ethnicity, even my racist uncle is friends with all the arabs and asians at his workplace.
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Some years ago i used to listen to alt-right podcasts and such (incel trait), but I've always had immigrant friends and never treated anyone worse because of race (atleast consciously). I feel really bad for the ethnics I meet that are significantly shorter than me. Most people aren't racist it's just that we segment naturally by ethnicity, even my racist uncle is friends with all the arabs and asians at his workplace.
Same tbh, whites are very tolerant.
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Why do I live here?

Maybe cuz u guys stole our natural resourxes

And my ancestors fought to keep this country alive
weep for your inferior ancestors
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Most people aren't rich enough to pack up and leave their country bro, not to mention their family. Then they'd have to spend time learning a new language and customs, it's like asking the poor why don't you become rich.
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Most people aren't rich enough to pack up and leave their country bro, not to mention their family. Then they'd have to spend time learning a new language and customs, it's like asking the poor why don't you become rich.
Yeah but they came here on their own volition jfl
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Yeah but they came here on their own volition jfl
u see blacks that willingly moved to japan crying about racism
they are just whiney bitches that think they deserve the world on a platter
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Yeah but they came here on their own volition jfl
Their parents came on their own volition, most people posting here aren't 1st generation immigrants or migrants. I'm not including ethnics who moved out to the west by choice (obv).
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Shut you cracka ass up we dindu nuffin
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Their parents came on their own volition, most people posting here aren't 1st generation immigrants or migrants. I'm not including ethnics who moved out to the west by choice (obv).
Well then it's their parent's fault that they forced them to live in a "racist" nation.

Also, why did their parents bring a kid into a "racist" society? Kinda cruel don't you think?
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Most people aren't rich enough to pack up and leave their country bro, not to mention their family. Then they'd have to spend time learning a new language and customs, it's like asking the poor why don't you become rich.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't western-raised asians have some halo in their home countries? Assuming they still know the language that is. Even then it would probably be a better life than the porn and vidya life many live here
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Exactly, it's hilarious because he is just targeted because he's ugly. Shop attendants don't follow attractive and well dressed people no matter what race they are.
In my shop we keep a close eye on all ethnics except asians. 95% of the thieves we catch are ethnic, so it's kinda an unspoken rule to keep watch on them.
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In my shop we keep a close eye on all ethnics except asians. 95% of the thieves we catch are ethnic, so it's kinda an unspoken rule to keep watch on them.
Ethnics would call you racist for this even though you are just acting out of experience.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't western-raised asians have some halo in their home countries? Assuming they still know the language that is. Even then it would probably be a better life than the porn and vidya life many live here
Not really. Foreigner halo only works if you're white, so moving to their home countries is definitely a poor choice. Also, westernized Asians are attracted to white women and white girls are rare in East Asian countries. Asking them to move to their home countries is like asking them to end their lives.
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