Ethnics who claim that the west is racist, why do you live in the west?

As Mr. Bateman said your reply is nonsense.

Native europeans are second class citizens in their own countries, if you punch a nigger and call him nigger you are given aditional punishment due to the new legislation of hate crimes and such, if the nigger calls you craker or cumskin or oogabooga or whatever niggers say, he is not receiving aditional punishment because there is no "systemic racism" against whites.
Just like women aren't charged with aggravated gender violence when they hit a man, they get away with a fine, but the man will get a jail sentence if he hits a woman, specially in "domestic violence".
There are all sorts of other examples like affirmative action, the cover up of ethnic crimes in the mainstream media (not reporting them if they can get away with it), the inflation of SMV of ethnics (BBC, exotic halo, etc), and so on, and so on, and so on. All of this courtesy of the jews, they are an ethnic minority after all.

To all the ethnics in the west complaining, i can only tell you this, you are subhumans, most of you are beggars and parasites, the jews brought you to the west and you are getting out of the west with them (if you are fast enough). The jews in France are already doing aliya, don't be too slow or you will burn in your ghettoes.

I was gonna reply with an argument but you're a racist so there's nothing I can really say to change your mind about minorities, nor do I want to waste my time entertaining racist people. I just don't get why everyone on this site is racist but I don't wanna deal with it. Have a good day, sir.
  • +1
  • JFL
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I was gonna reply with an argument but you're a racist so there's nothing I can really say to change your mind about minorities, nor do I want to waste my time entertaining racist people. I just don't get why everyone on this site is racist but I don't wanna deal with it. Have a good day, sir.
You know you just got rktd and your cognitive dissonance is too much for you to handle. You are a brainlet, a dog and a slave.
  • +1
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You've never met legit racist white person? Where the fuck are you living? Even in Los Angeles there are racist whites...
😭 the big bad white people prefer...other white people’s company. How racist. Somebody call a fucking whambulance. If I went to Japan and Japanese people didn’t hire me as often as a native Japan, I wouldn’t go hold a sign in the middle of and y’all at Japanese people traveling to work. I’d keep interviewing.
  • +1
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Curries who complain about the west being racist can’t cope with the fact that they are genetic failures and all their problems stem from that.
Yea there are social stigmas I face but let’s be real stereotypes are there for a reason
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I got hot Arab goom all over her pig face
Thought you guys didn’t touch swine... Now suddenly your neglecting all your punjabs for some best in class? Gimme a break.
  • +1
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You know you just got rktd and your cognitive dissonance is too much for you to handle. You are a brainlet, a dog and a slave.

I'm the brainlet when you're using words like "nigger", "oogabooga" and calling random ethnics parasites lmao alright then. What's the point of arguing about racism to someone who can't relate and doesn't care + is also a racist himself?

I could show you all the evidence in the world of racism against ethnics and you would just be like "good", along with 5 other guys who would jump in the argument by using random racial slurs too. No point in even putting in the effort.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: TITUS and Deleted member 906
Thought you guys didn’t touch swine... Now suddenly your neglecting all your punjabs for some best in class? Gimme a break.
All my punjabs? tf you talking about greycel
I tell your sister to oink for me when Im about to goom her butthole
  • +1
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You know you just got rktd and your cognitive dissonance is too much for you to handle. You are a brainlet, a dog and a slave.
Well said, Mr. Allen.
As Mr. Bateman said your reply is nonsense.

Native europeans are second class citizens in their own countries, if you punch a nigger and call him nigger you are given aditional punishment due to the new legislation of hate crimes and such, if the nigger calls you craker or cumskin or oogabooga or whatever niggers say, he is not receiving aditional punishment because there is no "systemic racism" against whites.
Just like women aren't charged with aggravated gender violence when they hit a man, they get away with a fine, but the man will get a jail sentence if he hits a woman, specially in "domestic violence".
There are all sorts of other examples like affirmative action, the cover up of ethnic crimes in the mainstream media (not reporting them if they can get away with it), the inflation of SMV of ethnics (BBC, exotic halo, etc), and so on, and so on, and so on. All of this courtesy of the jews, they are an ethnic minority after all.

To all the ethnics in the west complaining, i can only tell you this, you are subhumans, most of you are beggars and parasites, the jews brought you to the west and you are getting out of the west with them (if you are fast enough). The jews in France are already doing aliya, don't be too slow or you will burn in your ghettoes.
I liked the part where you said, "whatever niggers say".
  • JFL
Reactions: TITUS
All my punjabs? tf you talking about greycel
I tell your sister to oink for me when Im about to goom her butthole
Her butt hole? Not surprised you prefer the shit end of the stick. No place like home.
Jfl at all the racists liking this post

this shit is low IQ as hell & makes it seem like you’ve never been outside.

Ethnic people are racist, so are white people. That’s it. The end.
This thread is such shit. JFL.

Firstly, he claims to have never met a white racist and believes they only exist on obscure forums (which seems like utter horseshit to me), secondly he generalizes the majority of ethnics as racist based on either his personal experience or other anecdotal evidence (I’m guessing).

And lastly he seems to have this notion that if there’s something unfavorable going on in the country you live in (and you don’t originate from it), you don’t have the right to bring attention to the matter and try to solve it but should just leave.

Seemingly disregarding the fact some people grew up there, have friends there, family, basically their whole lives.
Well then it's their parent's fault that they forced them to live in a "racist" nation.

Also, why did their parents bring a kid into a "racist" society? Kinda cruel don't you think?
Is it? Would you rather have your kids live in a country where their safety and health isn’t guaranteed and where they won’t have easy access to clean water or food?
  • +1
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Probably means you haven’t been to many places.
The only place you visit racism is in your mind. What is racism? Have you ever defined it? You see "racism" on CNN and CNBC, and conned from the lips of blue haired chubby nimpho mudsharks exercising their right to openly scream at the world on live television. The more you repeat something, the less it is rejected. Look up the "illusory truth effect", (validity effect). Imagine I want you to lose weight. So I tell you every day that eating ice cream makes you stupid. At first it seems illogical. Then you start noticing that smart people seem to always be skinny. The more skinny people you see eating healthy food, the more you begin to believe that only stupid people eat ice cream.
Using the word "nigger" neither makes you a racist nor a white person. I hear black people call themselves niggers every day, and I don't a shit what context they're using it in, it's indicative of how they feel about one another.
Racism is the an evolving movement. But it's not a movement based in reality. Google the word racism and tell me how many different examples you find. You'd be amazed at the benefit of doubt white people will give you if one day you stopped blaming him for your own aversion.
  • +1
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The only place you visit racism is in your mind. What is racism? Have you ever defined it?
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another
You see "racism" on CNN and CNBC, and conned from the lips of blue haired chubby nimpho mudsharks exercising their right to openly scream at the world on live television. The more you repeat something, the less it is rejected. Look up the "illusory truth effect", (validity effect). Imagine I want you to lose weight. So I tell you every day that eating ice cream makes you stupid. At first it seems illogical. Then you start noticing that smart people seem to always be skinny. The more skinny people you see eating healthy food, the more you begin to believe that only stupid people eat ice cream.
Using the word "nigger" neither makes you a racist nor a white person. I hear black people call themselves niggers every day, and I don't a shit what context they're using it in, it's indicative of how they feel about one another.
Racism is the an evolving movement. But it's not a movement based in reality. Google the word racism and tell me how many different examples you find. You'd be amazed at the benefit of doubt white people will give you if one day you stopped blaming him for your own aversion.
This thread is such shit. JFL.

Firstly, he claims to have never met a white racist and believes they only exist on obscure forums (which seems like utter horseshit to me), secondly he generalizes the majority of ethnics as racist based on either his personal experience or other anecdotal evidence (I’m guessing).

And lastly he seems to have this notion that if there’s something unfavorable going on in the country you live in (and you don’t originate from it), you don’t have the right to bring attention to the matter and try to solve it but should just leave.

Seemingly disregarding the fact some people grew up there, have friends there, family, basically their whole lives.

Is it? Would you rather have your kids live in a country where their safety and health isn’t guaranteed and where they won’t have easy access to clean water or food?
tbh this.
I was called a tonne of fucking shit in elementry school because I was one of only 3-5 Indian dudes and was by far the darkest of them so yea.
ofc kids are more upfront about it then older people, but I've had subtle forms of mistreatment mainly by white boomers, I dont like to jump to conclusions but I feel like there was no reason for that mistreatment other than racism.
OP saying he has never met a racist white is a bunch of bullshit tbh because why would he experience racism himself? + Its shitty anecdotes like you said.
Shitty thing is I was born here, @Swescension and other stormfronters wanna say "just move back bro" etc., firstly If I "move back" I essentially kill my future.
  • +1
Reactions: hairyballscel, Tall and Alexanderr
I would leave but I wouldn't complain about racism if another country saved my life by giving me a new opportunity to start a new life.
Alright, let me try to sum up what you’re trying to say.
If the circumstances in the country you didn’t originate from are better than those in your previous country, you are not allowed to complain whatsoever about any injustice/negatives you experience or you should just leave.
  • Love it
  • +1
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Alright, let me try to sum up what you’re trying to say.
If the circumstances in the country you didn’t originate from are better than those in your previous country, you are not allowed to complain whatsoever about any injustice/negatives you experience or you should just leave.
Tbh its such a false dichotomy this fucking brainlet it presenting.
You can have legit criticisms of something without hating the entirety of it.
Stormfront faggots always play these stupid fucking word games.
  • +1
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No one is racist in my city
  • JFL
Reactions: hairyballscel
Tbh its such a false dichotomy this fucking brainlet it presenting.
You can have legit criticisms of something without hating the entirety of it.
Stormfront faggots always play these stupid fucking word games
Tbh its such a false dichotomy this fucking brainlet it presenting.
You can have legit criticisms of something without hating the entirety of it.
Stormfront faggots always play these stupid fucking word games.
that’a called bigotry not racism
Her butt hole? Not surprised you prefer the shit end of the stick. No place like home.
Ya I like to hear her scream while i stretch her pink asshole
Then she licks the tip clean
My home is USA and your family are my fuck toys
Ya I like to hear her scream while i stretch her pink asshole
Then she licks the tip clean
My home is USA and your family are my fuck toys
You live in the USA bc you hate your own country and you can’t hack it there. You’re a joke to your people. A sell out. A betrayer. You live amongst the people you hate, bc why? You defector.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 6789
You live in the USA bc you hate your own country and you can’t hack it there. You’re a joke to your people. A sell out. A betrayer. You live amongst the people you hate, bc why? You defector.
Muh country
My country is USA i was born here and im a citizen
Being white doesnt make you more American
Indians and asians are making all the money in USA white you retards cope with your wage cuck labor jobs
Everyone is racist. Racism is a natural human behavior. The difference is: if you want to give something their true value, you had to put some effort into that. Therefore: immigrants will never give the true value to something. For them everything will always be shitty, despite being better than what they had or they want to have.

Therefore, for a ethnic on the western civilization, everything bad will be white's people fault. But ask if they want to go back to their shitholes. No no no, that's too much.
  • +1
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Alright, let me try to sum up what you’re trying to say.
If the circumstances in the country you didn’t originate from are better than those in your previous country, you are not allowed to complain whatsoever about any injustice/negatives you experience or you should just leave.
Literally 57 IQ

If a country welcomes you with open arms, offer you welfare, education, opportunities and a safe haven then it's literally the opposite of racism.

I don't complain when somebody is barking at me for being white and I can forget about it the same day and move on with my life because I know that it's low IQ to hate people just because they are a different race. Ethnics can just do the same. Racism will always exist to some extent but it's your choice if you want to get butthurt over some mean words or if you want to move on with your life and deal with it like an adult.
tbh this.
I was called a tonne of fucking shit in elementry school because I was one of only 3-5 Indian dudes and was by far the darkest of them so yea.
ofc kids are more upfront about it then older people, but I've had subtle forms of mistreatment mainly by white boomers, I dont like to jump to conclusions but I feel like there was no reason for that mistreatment other than racism.
OP saying he has never met a racist white is a bunch of bullshit tbh because why would he experience racism himself? + Its shitty anecdotes like you said.
Shitty thing is I was born here, @Swescension and other stormfronters wanna say "just move back bro" etc., firstly If I "move back" I essentially kill my future.
Where did I claim to be a stormfrontcel? I literally just said that the west is not racist and that ethnics have it better here than in some desert.

I like your posts for the most part but come on, you are acting like a normie now. Just because I expressed some aversion towards mass immigration you immediately came to the conclusion that I was a sfcel.
Where did I claim to be a stormfrontcel? I literally just said that the west is not racist and that ethnics have it better here than in some desert.

I like your posts for the most part but come on, you are acting like a normie now. Just because I expressed some aversion towards mass immigration you immediately came to the conclusion that I was a sfcel.
U aren't are a stormfrontcel (I really dont know if you are tbh) but that talking point is something I see a lot on stormfront/ /pol/ shit "if you don't like it/complain leave"
As for mass immigration I am against it too, my parents were forced to immigrate because our countries government was overthrown and my mums sister needed life saving medicine that was no longer available so yea.
Mass immigration vs the experience of individual ethnics in the West is completely different my guy.
I would agree that mass immigrant ethnics that try and turn the country they move to into the shithole they came from they should be deported right back
(I mean just look at the rape gangs in London)
U aren't are a stormfrontcel (I really dont know if you are tbh) but that talking point is something I see a lot on stormfront/ /pol/ shit "if you don't like it/complain leave"
As for mass immigration I am against it too, my parents were forced to immigrate because our countries government was overthrown and my mums sister needed life saving medicine that was no longer available so yea.
Mass immigration vs the experience of individual ethnics in the West is completely different my guy.
I would agree that mass immigrant ethnics that try and turn the country they move to into the shithole they came from they should be deported right back
(I mean just look at the rape gangs in London)
I live in Sweden so you have to understand how tiring it is to deal with racist ethnics on a regular basis who would be starving in some shithole if it weren't for Sweden's generosity. It just makes zero sense to complain about racism and then proceed to hate whites and Jews despite the fact that whites literally saved your life.

We recently had BLM protests in the major cities here which is hilarious because literally every ethnic present in those protests are alive and well because Sweden saved their lives. The protestors threw stuff at the police and vandalized everything in their way. Was it their way of thanking Sweden for saving their lives?
  • +1
Reactions: SubhumanCurrycel
I live in Sweden so you have to understand how tiring it is to deal with racist ethnics on a regular basis who would be starving in some shithole if it weren't for Sweden's generosity. It just makes zero sense to complain about racism and then proceed to hate whites and Jews despite the fact that whites literally saved your life.

We recently had BLM protests in the major cities here which is hilarious because literally every ethnic present in those protests are alive and well because Sweden saved their lives. The protestors threw stuff at the police and vandalized everything in their way. Was it their way of thanking Sweden for saving their lives?
Yea genuine misunderstanding between us I can’t relate to Sweden’s situation at all tbh JFL but from what you’re saying it does indeed sound fucked.
Just to clarify I don’t think there is systemic racism against ethnics that idea is retarded, there are individual experiences of racism which is what I was referring to but.
  • +1
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Literally 57 IQ

If a country welcomes you with open arms, offer you welfare, education, opportunities and a safe haven then it's literally the opposite of racism.

I don't complain when somebody is barking at me for being white and I can forget about it the same day and move on with my life because I know that it's low IQ to hate people just because they are a different race. Ethnics can just do the same. Racism will always exist to some extent but it's your choice if you want to get butthurt over some mean words or if you want to move on with your life and deal with it like an adult.
I don’t think ethnics truly understand that, the majority of us aren’t racist. Like, the overwhelming majority. What you outlined is true; we are the opposite of racist. We are highly tolerant and compassionate people. But we can only take so much bullshit.
  • +1
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I don’t think ethnics truly understand that, the majority of us aren’t racist. Like, the overwhelming majority. What you outlined is true; we are the opposite of racist. We are highly tolerant and compassionate people. But we can only take so much bullshit.
If a country welcomes you with open arms, offer you welfare, education, opportunities and a safe haven then it's literally the opposite of racism.
Are you trying to imply, one cannot experience racism in a country that gives them refuge?
I don't complain when somebody is barking at me for being white and I can forget about it the same day and move on with my life because I know that it's low IQ to hate people just because they are a different race.
Well, that’s you, not everyone is gonna stand by and and say nothing when they’re facing blatant discrimination or racism.
Ethnics can just do the same. Racism will always exist to some extent but it's your choice if you want to get butthurt over some mean words or if you want to move on with your life and deal with it like an adult.
Bad things will always exist to some measure, doesn’t mean it’s a stupid thing to try and lessen it. Which is why people don’t just stand by and say “it is what it is“ when car accident rates go up, for example. They do something about it or bring attention to the matter.
Lastly, how is speaking up against racism or discrimination not dealing with it like an adult? I’d argue it’s childish to not stand up for yourself.

Also, racism isn’t just exclusively some mean words like you try to suggest.
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I don’t think ethnics truly understand that, the majority of us aren’t racist. Like, the overwhelming majority. What you outlined is true; we are the opposite of racist. We are highly tolerant and compassionate people. But we can only take so much bullshit.
The vast majority of us white people aren’t racist. Most sensible ethnics would know that. However, that doesn’t mean they won’t experience any racism here. OP seems to have this notion that they’re not allowed to critique this though.
Are you trying to imply, one cannot experience racism in a country that gives them refuge?

Well, that’s you, not everyone is gonna stand by and and say nothing when they’re facing blatant discrimination or racism.

Bad things will always exist to some measure, doesn’t mean it’s a stupid thing to try and lessen it. Which is why people don’t just stand by and say “it is what it is“ when car accident rates go up, for example. They do something about it or bring attention to the matter.
Lastly, how speaking up against racism or discrimination not dealing with it like an adult? I’d argue it’s a childish to not stand up for yourself.

Also, racism isn’t just exclusively some mean words like you try to suggest.
Any racism they experience in their new country pales in comparison to what they would experience if they stayed in their shithole.

Your comment is hilarious because whites are told that they should just accept racism aimed towards them.

You can't stop racism 100% because it's human nature, just like lookism. Western countries have gone above and beyond to stop racism as much as possible.
  • +1
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Any racism they experience in their new country pales in comparison to what they would experience if they stayed in their shithole.
Which means they’re not allowed to speak up against it even if it’s unfair?
Your comment is hilarious because whites are told that they should just accept racism aimed towards them.
The people that say that are absolute morons, which is why I don’t take that stance regardless of who the racism is aimed towards.
You can't stop racism 100% because it's human nature, just like lookism.
You can’t stop crime 100%, doesn’t mean it’s bad to lessen it.
Muh country
My country is USA i was born here and im a citizen
Being white doesnt make you more American
Indians and asians are making all the money in USA white you retards cope with your wage cuck labor jobs
cope you are not an american at all.

America is DEFINED by white ppl and their accomplishments.

Thats like saying a black guy in china is "Chinese rather than African"
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 6789
I live in Sweden so you have to understand how tiring it is to deal with racist ethnics on a regular basis who would be starving in some shithole if it weren't for Sweden's generosity. It just makes zero sense to complain about racism and then proceed to hate whites and Jews despite the fact that whites literally saved your life.

We recently had BLM protests in the major cities here which is hilarious because literally every ethnic present in those protests are alive and well because Sweden saved their lives. The protestors threw stuff at the police and vandalized everything in their way. Was it their way of thanking Sweden for saving their lives?
take a shit and rub it on your face after that go outside how do people react thats how we feel you fucken cumskin coper even though we mog you
cope you are not an american at all.

America is DEFINED by white ppl and their accomplishments.

Thats like saying a black guy in china is "Chinese rather than African"
Youre confusing nationality with race your fucking donkey
USA is a melting pot of races especially in the states that actually matter, NYC, California etc
JFL @ u useless rust belt retard wage cucks
Youre confusing nationality with race your fucking donkey
USA is a melting pot of races especially in the states that actually matter, NYC, California etc
JFL @ u useless rust belt retard wage cucks
I was born in the U.S but Im not a true american since Im not white.

This is pretty obvious. You are coping if you say otherwise. If you ask a girl/anyone what you are, they would assume you are the country of your origin.

also lol @ calling white ppl useless wage cucks. Thats the /Blacks/Hispanics/Arabs working blue collar. Asians/Indians actually respect white ppl.

Asians/Indians were brought into this country on the basis of their iq really so its obvious they would have more household income on average compared to whites, not to mention Asians/Indians are a minority compared to the white majority.
Like always, this conversation gets boring very quickly. 🥱 Next
Which means they’re not allowed to speak up against it even if it’s unfair?

The people that say that are absolute morons, which is why I don’t take that stance regardless of who the racism is aimed towards.

You can’t stop crime 100%, doesn’t mean it’s bad to lessen it.
Dude. Gimme a break. All we hear about on social media and the news is fucking racism this, racism that. It’s a virtue signal extravaganza. Racism exists, we get it. When you bombard white people with it every day, with relentless guilting and shaming, trust me, it wont make the planet less racist, but quite possibly MORE racist. Racism is mostly subjective. So when you inundate white people about how horrible they are...while simultaneously asking them for more tolerance, it doesn‘t bode well. What is the end game here? Like, what amount if guilt and servitude is enough to eliminate their hate for us? These movements are not about racism. It’s hard to take any of these fucking movements seriously when brown people are openly, make that boastfully racist to us. It doesn’t work.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Alexanderr
take a shit and rub it on your face after that go outside how do people react thats how we feel you fucken cumskin coper even though we mog you
Well ethnics are shorter than white people so I don't see how you can mog us
  • JFL
Reactions: SoloistUndAntagonist
Well, many of us ethnics were born in the West. Some never went to their parents countries and some don't even speak the language of their actual culture. So "getting back to our countries" is simply not an option for the majority of us.

On the other hand, I never seen the point of labeling an entire society as racist. If some white doesn't like me because of my colour or anything pertaining the fact that I'm not white then I just hold the individual as racist and not the entire group he belongs to.

Racism & xenophobia are a real thing and they are unacceptable. But shitting upon a host country is a very obnoxious thing to do.
  • +1
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Racism=bad. Just stop being racist.
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