Exo vs Endo Test on hair loss



Check the weather & it’s gettin real sussy outside
Oct 17, 2019
I’ve heard that one of the benefits of TRT/cycling test is that even your natural T is, let’s say, 800 ng/dl, having 800 T from pinning is superior. This is because natural T has ebbs and flows throughout the day is susceptible to many factors like sleep, diet, exercise, stress, etc. When you inject the test to get to the same level, you maintain that level all day for more energy, gains, libido etc.

But then doesn’t that mean you’d have increased hair loss even if your dose gets you to the same T level you would have naturally while fasted in the morning?

I would love to get on the low test+anavar gain train in the somewhat near future, but this is a big concern. If I’m experiencing hair loss at my natural level of 800 or so, would it worsen the rate of balding even if I took a low dose that keeps me around this same level?

I haven’t heard this talked about, even on mpmd, but it makes sense to me. This, and the apparent increased chance of conceiving whores(daughters) are the two biggest fears keeping me natural
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The chance of having daughters does increase for some reason, I don't remember the reasoning behind it though.

I think if you're gonna do this you should pin everyday so that you avoid the huge spike you get 1-2 days after injection which will dramatically increase the amount of androgens that get to the hair follicles. With everyday pinning you also don't get the estrogen spikes and thus can avoid using an AI as long as the dose of test isn't too high. Don't go over 250/week if you want to avoid hairloss.

What I'm going to do for my next "blast" is this:
250mg Test E per week (2 injections)
20-40mg Anavar daily. Might go to 60 eventually
20mg progesterone daily.
+ Finasteride and RU58841 obviously
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The chance of having daughters does increase for some reason, I don't remember the reasoning behind it though.

I think if you're gonna do this you should pin everyday so that you avoid the huge spike you get 1-2 days after injection which will dramatically increase the amount of androgens that get to the hair follicles. With everyday pinning you also don't get the estrogen spikes and thus can avoid using an AI as long as the dose of test isn't too high. Don't go over 250/week if you want to avoid hairloss.

What I'm going to do for my next "blast" is this:
250mg Test E per week (2 injections)
20-40mg Anavar daily. Might go to 60 eventually
20mg progesterone daily.
+ Finasteride and RU58841 obviously
Do you know how different T doses translate to different T levels? Im not even thinking about going as high as 250. Im balding natty. Im thinking about that study showing 100 t+20 var=600 t. Would trt as low as 100/week increase my balding? Idk what t levels that would get me.

Regarding daughters, any idea where I could find info on that? Haven’t found much it just seems to be statistically significant. Aren’t you worried about that?
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If I’m experiencing hair loss at my natural level of 800 or so, would it worsen the rate of balding even if I took a low dose that keeps me around this same level?
Theoretically yes, but in reality it's more or less biochemically negligible at 800ng/dl level.

By the way, it's not worth shutting down your natty production for a pussy TRT equivalent dose.

The chance of having daughters does increase for some reason, I don't remember the reasoning behind it though.

I think if you're gonna do this you should pin everyday so that you avoid the huge spike you get 1-2 days after injection which will dramatically increase the amount of androgens that get to the hair follicles. With everyday pinning you also don't get the estrogen spikes and thus can avoid using an AI as long as the dose of test isn't too high. Don't go over 250/week if you want to avoid hairloss.

What I'm going to do for my next "blast" is this:
250mg Test E per week (2 injections)
20-40mg Anavar daily. Might go to 60 eventually
20mg progesterone daily.
+ Finasteride and RU58841 obviously
Solid advice.

Low dose test + anavar has nice synergy, too.
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Do you know how different T doses translate to different T levels? Im not even thinking about going as high as 250. Im balding natty. Im thinking about that study showing 100 t+20 var=600 t. Would trt as low as 100/week increase my balding? Idk what t levels that would get me.

Regarding daughters, any idea where I could find info on that? Haven’t found much it just seems to be statistically significant. Aren’t you worried about that?
It's hard to say for you. With your messed up sleep and low libido you might actually have low T. 100 is honestly quite low especially if you're using underground lab gear which might be underdosed slightly. I'd stick with 150 at least then tweak the Anavar however you see fit.

And test doses don't always translate to a certain serum concentration in all people. It actually varies a lot sometimes but usually ~200mg Test will put you at the top of the reference range
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By the way, it's not worth shutting down your natty production for a pussy TRT equivalent dose.
I wanted to say this but couldn't word it properly. @OOGABOOGA it's kinda dumb to take exogenous steroids if you're gonna probably have lower or the same levels you would have naturally
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Theoretically yes, but in reality it's more or less biochemically negligible at 800ng/dl level.

By the way, it's not worth shutting down your natty production for a pussy TRT equivalent dose.

Solid advice.

Low dose test + anavar has nice synergy, too.
Getting on T would just be so I can properly use var to give me my gains. Plus it would make staying at low bf easier(fat face genes). I’d consider staying on simply so I don’t have to deal with pct, suppression, losing my gains, etc. Idk what it’s like to come off a 12 week cycle so that could very well be the better option. And the difference might not be huge but shit I’m balding natty. I want the gains but hair is obviously king.
It's hard to say for you. With your messed up sleep and low libido you might actually have low T. 100 is honestly quite low especially if you're using underground lab gear which might be underdosed slightly. I'd stick with 150 at least then tweak the Anavar however you see fit.

And test doses don't always translate to a certain serum concentration in all people. It actually varies a lot sometimes but usually ~200mg Test will put you at the top of the reference range
I thought the same about my sleep in the past. I thought my symptoms were from low T before I figured out it was sleep. Got tested nearly two years ago and haven’t since(870 ng/dl). That being said, I was eating carnivore esque during that summer so my total was high and free was a bit lower due to high shbg, so my levels could definitely be lower than that. Hard to imagine fixing my sleep would increase my T and thus make my balding even worse. Fuark.
I thought the same about my sleep in the past. I thought my symptoms were from low T before I figured out it was sleep. Got tested nearly two years ago and haven’t since(870 ng/dl). That being said, I was eating carnivore esque during that summer so my total was high and free was a bit lower due to high shbg, so my levels could definitely be lower than that. Hard to imagine fixing my sleep would increase my T and thus make my balding even worse. Fuark.
Bruh the lack of sleep is probably causing chronic inflammation in your body which is not good for hair at all lol
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Bruh the lack of sleep is probably causing chronic inflammation in your body which is not good for hair at all lol
Maybe but my brothers are balding worse. I gotta be patient. Fix the sleep somehow. See how I do over time with fin and ru and once minox shedding turns into minox growth. No point playing with roids when I can barely train anyway.
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Getting on T would just be so I can properly use var to give me my gains. Plus it would make staying at low bf easier(fat face genes). I’d consider staying on simply so I don’t have to deal with pct, suppression, losing my gains, etc. Idk what it’s like to come off a 12 week cycle so that could very well be the better option. And the difference might not be huge but shit I’m balding natty. I want the gains but hair is obviously king.
This isn't a dilemma. Do a proper cycle with finasteride or dutasteride and you can have both.
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This isn't a dilemma. Do a proper cycle with finasteride or dutasteride and you can have both.
I’m on fin and just started ru. Doesn’t mean you can’t still lose hair just bc you’re on a 5ar inhibitor
300mg Test and 1mg fin should be alright

but it depends on the person, some guys lose hair natty and with fin.:y'all:

how old r u and whats your NW?
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300mg Test and 1mg fin should be alright

but it depends on the person, some guys lose hair natty and with fin.:y'all:

how old r u and whats your NW?
21 with nw1.5-2. Density was good before minox shedding so in say 6 months that shouldn’t be an issue anymore. I’m on fin now and starting ru so hopefully my recession won’t continue and I can maintain nw0 after a hair transplant, but my freedom to use roids will be very limited
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21 with nw1.5-2. Density was good before minox shedding so in say 6 months that shouldn’t be an issue anymore. I’m on fin now and starting ru so hopefully my recession won’t continue and I can maintain nw0 after a hair transplant, but my freedom to use roids will be very limited
did fin fuck your dick? :feelswhy: i want to start too
did fin fuck your dick? :feelswhy: i want to start too
No it’s been fucked. I don’t get deep enough sleep for nocturnal erections. My libido went from shit to equally shit on fin so don’t worry about it
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