In these past few days, a curse has been brought upon the forum
A "female" started posting, and soon the whole offtopic was in disarray...

If i had been here at the time, everything couldve been prevented.
Although, was preventing it the best course of action? I think not. Because by letting a "foid" on the forum, a shitton of simps have been exposed!

Hip Hop Reaction GIF

Now you may ask:
"What do you mean by 'preventing it'?

Ladies and gents, may i present to you the following discovery:

@Floda is a complete larp. Yes, you heard right. That account is in fact owned by a man, and boy did he play around with you fools...
Ryan Gosling Reaction GIF

Here is the proof:

Remember the "leaked" pic of this "femcel"?

Y'all really thought this was a real pic? Seriously? I mean, i know we had some doubters, but come on... This shit shouldve been obvious...

May i present to you, one of the first results you get when you search for "4chan asian girl nude":

s reactions mr GIF

Its literally a pic from /soc/ on 4chan from years ago...
The dedicated larper behind that account really changed the color of the wall behind, just so its not reverse image searchable...
I mean, mirin dedication, but thats overly extensive..

Michael Jordan Lol GIF

Now, upon discovering this, i was ready to make a thread about it, so we can put this foid shit behind us all.
But i thought for a second:
"What happens if i confront the larper myself?"
So thats exactly what i did.

At first i couldnt DM the Floda account, as the pms to it have been disabled by @StormlitAqua (
good job on that one tbh)
Then i decided to ask my friends if they had any already open DMS
then i found out that this whole larp goes even deeper! (brace yourselves for this one)
Shocked Dean Norris GIF by Breaking Bad

My good friend @n0rth told me many current users were behind this larp, helping expose the pathetic simp cucks browsing this very forum

@TsarTsar444 who "helped" the fake foid to get unbanned - he never helped her, he simply larped about it so the account can get unbanned and catch even more simps in DMS. This clears his name of any kind of cuckery, and all of you fell for his larping aswell
obviously @n0rth - started the initial threads claiming theres a foid on the forum.
@BearBoy - was also in on it, helped push the larp forward here and there in different threads
@SunniMogger - at first acted as a sceptic, afterwards pretended he is convinced that the foid is real

Thanks to these users we got many simps caught. My guys deserve a VIP!

Sad Doctor Who GIF

So anyways, back to dming the floda owner - i got @n0rth to give me the discord of the account owner.

From then on, i showed him that i exposed his larp by finding the original pic, and explained to him that i know all about the elaborate larp he did for the past 2 days. I asked him to send me screenshots of all the simps he caught, so i can eviscerate all of them.

He obliged.

View attachment 1947121

Steve Bannon Bingo GIF

Now, I present to you, the hilarious and pathetic simping .org "men" are capable of:

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Just lol at being a simp cuck and later pretending to "dox" an obvious fucking larp...

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and many more:

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Oh my god, these guys are beyond any hope...

Oh Brother Facepalm GIF by reactionseditor

Asking for "rates", pming a "girl" on an incel forum...

Its like the blackpill is nothing to them. It goes to show that most men will always be cucks. Not even the blackpill can save them...

Sad Michael Scott GIF

From all of these simps, there are some special hilarious cases i want to focus on:

First we have this greycel @Reez6493 . Really pathetic stuff right here:

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No Way Smh GIF

Fucking shameless.

Next we have a familiar face. Not surprising he would simp tho, i mean, he's known for simping for gooks anyways.
It is infact @Anstrum95 :

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I will have to start using Imgur from now, since i cant upload more than 25 files... There are just too many simps man...

Im sorry for exposing you like this my man @Anstrum95 but it has to be done... This is a lesson to never simp again, especially for fake Egirls...

Robert Downey Jr Shrug GIF by MOODMAN

Next we have a member of the mod team. Didnt expect that one, did you? A mod on a male-only "blackpilled" forum simping for a foid :ROFLMAO:
Its @Niko, the supposed tinder slayer, begging a becky gook for pics :feelskek:

Whats up with this? Simping for a MTB gook as a white chad/chadlite? Absolutely shameless.
Tom Cruise What GIF

Next up we have @Octillionaire . Ngl at least he didnt ask for nudes, but cmon, this is just simping overload...

Shame on you man... do better.
Gordon Ramsay Reaction GIF

Finally, we have the saddest case of all
Holy fuck this one is cagefuel, i couldnt believe the things i was seeing...
Laugh Reaction GIF by GIPHY News

@fucclife and his hilarious simping, falling for obvious larps, and maybe oversharing in terms of pics...
(i had to censor his face as to not get banned)

Happy Big Brother GIF by MOODMAN

he even sent a dick pic but im not gonna show that one..

Funny GIF

oh and btw, that was after he fell for a hilarious larp, he requested @Floda to say something embarrasing to him, and the larper used a TTS, and it somehow worked:feelshaha: :feelshaha:

Cracking Up Lol GIF

If you have anything to say to the simps you see in the screenshots, and i didnt tag them, feel free to do so
But honestly, this has been an insane find. These simps will now know their place on the forum, and anyone who got fooled by this obvious fake foid.

Shoutout to niggas who never believed in any of this larping:

Think About It GIF by Identity

and also @pur3e and @Cheesyrumble for letting a potential foid know her place. They eviscerated "her" in PMs
Happy Simon Cowell GIF by America's Got Talent's Got Talent

And the team of guys who were behind this legendary simp exposing:

Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards

Tagging anyone who participated in threads related to this fake foid:
@BigBootyBandit @BugeyeBigNoseCurry @RecessedChinCel @Xangsane @PrinceLuenLeoncur @Bvnny. @SubhumanCurrycel @Preston @OverSinceBirth @thecel @Enfant terrible @aBetterMii @ICANNOTBECONTAINED @Baldingman1998 @khvirgin @enchanted_elixir @FailedNormieManlet @Sny @Manu le coq @krisal @GuyFromSingapore @Shrek2OnDvD @justinzayn @Mogpogs

Even if you got banned you martyred yourself to expose the biggest kikes and simps on this board, alongside your doxxing team. I salute you.
  • +1
Reactions: Britmaxxer
Gayest shit I've seen all month and i accidentally watched tranny porn
Mfw I accidentally google “big tranny cock fucks big roided nigger bbc”

9310CC46 E567 496E 9642 CBD088DA9A01
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker, Deleted member 29078, Entschuldigung and 4 others
Lmao just fucking lol at this tesseract IQ 5d chess moves ultimate conspiracy. I'll admit you guys had me fooled after I saw the nude pic, but thank fuck I didn't simp in "her" dms. I have too much dignity to do that.
Great job my boy, it was just about... TIME!

View attachment 1947350

Well-Well-Well... after all these years, the guys didn't learn, how a TRUE forum star does it?! With real... forum girls.
@Anstrum95 my boy, what have you done... I didn't expect that from you, but silly me, you refused to increase your testosterone.

View attachment 1947403
27 years old... TWENTY SEVEN, YEARS OLD GUYS! And he behaves like a little 8th grader.

@cloUder good job again, all of the silly simps have been exposed as nothing more, but bunch of Larpers.
Don't get me wrong, I larped as one of my best friends, who is a low profile model, 2 years ago. But we were actually together in this and broke a small wooden table and 8 beer, glass bottles. DYING, LAUGHING TO YOU ASPIES.

It's seems like, org members don't know about my abillity to hunt down lookism, ACTUAL foids and get nudes, without SIMPing!
View attachment 1947411

I always send a vocaroo in a thread, where they posted, then directly sent a link to my discord. They always came.
I have the naked pictures of 8 foids in total from lookism and EVEN SLEPT WITH one, last year. Oh yeah.
@AchooWhalesAreBlue knows about the *Forum traffic bringer*

@cloUder It's PAINfully obvious, that @fucclife was a... a dead end. He always was very obnoxious and annoying everybody, by posting his not particularly attractive face, "male or female gaze". I remember this boy, when he messaged me over 2 years ago and asked me how to increase dick size and testosterone, thought that he was on the right path. I was wrong.
It was also very hilarious, how he is telling to himself, that he is some "prettyboy", and that he slays.
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Like the NIGGA, doesn't get that NOBODY belives his nonsense.

And @Niko likeable face, likeable user, likeable boy. However...

5 days ago we made a silly acount, with his pics, I was at my ex house, with 2 other of her friends. One of the girls made a tinder account. Brand new.

Used, his best pics and even the cringy video, where he is flexing his arm. I am not by no means UNVALIDATING his success.
However, since over 12 of my girl friends and aquitances didn't find him particularly special and even said that he looked a bit gayish.
We did it, we did an experiment.
Like 40 hours later, while we swiped on over 300-400 girls. The boy had only 19 matches in Bulgaria.

And, I don't know about you, but... To me is very evident that all of those guys don't get laid, like at all. NEVER.

For Anstrumsky, he never pretended. But 20k matches? Aham... and those guys text like that?!

All of them have absolutely no game, the classic aspie unpatience, cringe as fuck, silly and like...Niggas did you ever interacted with real girls and women in real life?! Who would even give you her time of the day, if you text like that?!

No wonder you're on this forum. I tried to help you with all my heart, but you're unsaveable.

Also just by his posting, it was an obvious larp, it texted like a GUY!
I would never even look at her on the streets.

Belive me, I have real, actual conversations and audio call recordings of lookism sluts moaning in my ear "I LOVE YOUR COCKK" and such. And I never was as desperate and as LYING as you.
I was just messing around. It was fun back then.

All of them looked better than this one, too.
I got @fuck nudes
@quemirasmanv2 @badfuckingoptics nudes, too. While little Emiliano got barely a pussy pic, she stopped respoding to him, because his big bro was making her wet on video chat.

Of course... can't deny @shameless slayed her good in real life. They were 1 hour away.
I have 3 other lookism foids nudes, that were silent users.
I got @laksarayy nudes, the becky indian with big boobs
Got last year the indian @9000peoplecallmegirl
And the other one, the 30 year old asian.

Not just nudes, video chats, audio calls, etc.
I have extremely embarassing videos from them, sucking their fingers out of their dirty assholes, inserting their tooth brush, swearing at me to fuck them, you can even hear my deep rasp in the background and it ain't cringe, @SonofTyrone knows.
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@cloUder good job again my boy, @the BULL now is the time to strike down @Crisick @AchooWhalesAreBlue , @hamburger , @Britmaxxer . On December I am going on discord video call with this Vineyard owner!

The only forum member worthy of respect is @forevergymcelling for his superior sense of humour.

@Anstrum95 @fucclife @Niko and the rest...!
View attachment 1947440

@TsarTsar444 @n0rth @BearBoy

strike me down.. why?
you are right, I don't fit in with socially inept reject streetshitter curry/gypsycels freaks who are ultra misogynist to women
but I am a decent human,
I don't have to act like an edgy racebaiting sperg just because I am on this forum
nani GIF
I barely got caught tbh, there was another chat where I was saying way worse things but I deleted it. Kek tbh
you are right, I don't fit in with socially inept reject streetshitter curry/gypsycels freaks who are ultra misogynist to women

but I am a decent human, I don't have to act like an edgy racebaiting sperg just because I am on this forum
My thoughts exactly.
  • +1
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  • +1
Reactions: Niklaus Mikaelson and Blackgymmax
You aren't blackpilled if you are a simp, if you have to call the approach it is already over for you.
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker and jojoyou
Caging at this thread. A lot of pathetic simps on this website, can't say I'm surprised
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13787 and Artemis
@rand anon @GuyFromSingapore @thecel over for you guys
  • Love it
  • +1
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Caging at this thread. A lot of pathetic simps on this website, can't say I'm surprised
the fucclife screenshots had to get removed, it was better when they were still there
cause he complained about leaked pms
it was his funny simping msgs
wonder how many of these users have posts shitting on asian foids
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 19442 and Deleted member 13787
I missed this

this is fucking hilarious

funny how Anstrum stops his rotter pose and looks normal when he thinks there's a woman rating his pics
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 16369, Deleted member 16474, British Incel and 1 other person
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16474, khvirgin, Deleted member 16501 and 1 other person
Why isn't this shit stickied? This thread exposes so much about male nature, even the so called "blackpilled" men

that for all the macho talk on here, we'd drop to our knees for a sniff of the pussy of a decent woman
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
@Anstrum95 u getting called out man

what would Nana think of this simping for other women?
?? I was just polite, its just basic introduction what I roughly am

I talked about Nana after basic mandatory questions were asked 🥺
Brutal thread brutal totally brutal
It's not even be but I'm feeling ashamed for everyone exposed
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 28414, BongMog, Deleted member 29078 and 3 others
Is it still banned
  • +1
Reactions: BongMog
how 26 years neet became an amazon worker and then he became homer SIMPpson
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 28414, BongMog and Deleted member 13787
@Jpg hmmmmmmm?
  • Ugh..
Reactions: The Grinch
Legendary thread
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21766
@DelonLover1999 should read this shit
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 23558
shit thread. most if not all are just sarcasm and trolling. what an autist
hahahahahahahaha d cucc life
  • JFL
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Legendary thread made fucclife delete his account jfl
  • +1
Reactions: Kamui
The chadlite simping was brutal
  • +1
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Bump legendary thread
  • WTF
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Greycels need to know:feelskek::feelskek:
  • WTF
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