Extremely brutal time perception pill (HALF of your life is over at 20)

it literally says its a theory and no hard science
  • JFL
Reactions: thecel
The exact math is a theory. Time going by faster is true.
I watched that video it talks about that we make our most novel memories in our younger years. The brain makes more copys of richer memoires/ intense moments it says in the video.
That's why we remember them so vividly. Because they stand out. He brings up first time events like the first time walking on two legs. I personally have no memory of that happening at all.
But the notion that we only expierence such things in our childhood / young adult years is bs tbh.
You can have such moments any time in your life you never watched ww2 documentary when they talk about there expierence in the war.
Killing someone would something novel, walking on the moon etc.
Most people are just dumb and do nothing interesting there whole lifes.
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But the notion that we only expierence such things in our childhood / young adult years is bs tbh.
You can have such moments any time in your life you never watched ww2 documentary when they talk about there expierence in the war.
Killing someone would something novel, walking on the moon etc.
You can experience very intense things after your younger years, but the older you get the less novelty there will be. Novelty in itself is a feeling that you can get used to the more new things you do.
Even if you do or achieve something new, you won't feel the same as when you were young and had way fewer memories before.
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  • Hmm...
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Its so over.
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This is true. When I was a kid one year felt like 5 years. Now years go alot faster
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Reactions: vaninskybird and AlexAP
a good way to reduce the perceived passage of time as an adult is to quit your job and do shit you want to do and enjoy doing. most people's time flies because they are punching time cards doing a 9 to 5. ever since i became a deadbeat, time has dilated to the rate of passage of when i was 20 or so
  • +1
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This is true.

I'm 31 years old but for some reason it feels like Mass Effect came out just a few years ago (it's 10 years old) and I still vividly remember all the games I played and stuff I watched between 2007-2014. I literally can't believe it's been 10+ fucking years because it literally feels like it all happened last year.

But I kinda disagree that this means you 'age faster'. I mean...your memory from the last several weeks or even months will still probably remain fairly solid.

I think a big part of the reason so many normies 'age fast' is because they simply have nothing going on in their lives...no hobbies or passions. So they just 'feel' as if time flew passed them because they never had anything to do past 30 years old besides watching TV.
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a good way to reduce the perceived passage of time as an adult is to quit your job and do shit you want to do and enjoy doing. most people's time flies because they are punching time cards doing a 9 to 5. ever since i became a deadbeat, time has dilated to the rate of passage of when i was 20 or so
Time goes by faster when you’re traveling.

It felt like just yesterday I was climbing mount kiliminjaro and that was back in January.

But it feels like a lifetime ago I was at the pyramids in Egypt and it was in september


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  • +1
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@Rupert Pupkin is gonna use this to say hes the same age as me now :feelskek:
totally agree

that's why ascension is cope if you aren't a teen

life is over at 25, the rest of your life is about coping the best you can

im 15 and already feel like an oldcel when i go outside

seeing jbs and teen chadlites having fun and knowing that instead of experiencing that i've been isolated during 4 years because my bones and brain haven't developed correctly makes me very deppressed

i cant imagine what i'll feel in 10-15 years

looksmaxxing in your 20s is cope unless you become a +6 PSL +6'1 chad
  • JFL
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this is why I refuse to wagecuck
At least if this existence flies past me I lived it on my own terms rather than suffering so that someone else would reap the rewards of my energy
If I can't be the one who profits from my energy output then no one can
nah you just speaking bull shit especially in blackpill/slayer terms. A man really starts life at around 21 when T levels are at the highest they can be and maybe life ends at around 25.
im 15 and already feel like an oldcel when i go outside
15 is too young to feel like it's over. You have 1-2 years left to reach the age where most people have their first sexual experience, and from then you have a few years left to make good memories in your youth. If you act now, you can have a great time in your late teens/early 20s.
  • +1
Reactions: Deprived and TsarTsar444
Is this legit forum oldcels @disillusioned @DwayneWhite55 @Rupert Pupkin @AlexAP @Gonthar
this thread is literally nonsense. The reason why the memories of youth are the strongest is because one part of your brain develops and absorbs new perceptions of information in an intense way (I don't know exactly which one now, but TsarTsar had a thread about it). Obviously as you age and this part of the brain works differently, you perceive newer memories differently.
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I think this happens because adults in general live a very boring life. In your early years you can do many things, meaning everyday is different so you retain many memories. However, in adulthood your life is waking up, eating, wageslaving and sleeping, therefore your mind tends to mix up memories from one day with another, and time feels like it goes faster. I'm not even old (underage) and experienced this: In muh pandemic, I had no option but to rot at home accessing online forums, and even though it happened 2 years ago, I don't have too many memories of it.
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Another reason why you should looksmax during adolescence, remember ur grind now and enjoy the spoils for the rest of ur life
  • +1
Reactions: Offensive Bias
I think this happens because adults in general live a very boring life. In your early years you can do many things, meaning everyday is different so you retain many memories. However, in adulthood your life is waking up, eating, wageslaving and sleeping, therefore your mind tends to mix up memories from one day with another, and time feels like it goes faster. I'm not even old (underage) and experienced this: In muh pandemic, I had no option but to rot at home accessing online forums, and even though it happened 2 years ago, I don't have too many memories of it.
My cousin got married at 24 and he told me the reason why was because unmarried wageslave life sounded incredibly boring lmao
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So death created time
to grow the things that it could kill
What stops us incels from having fun? Ofcourse sex but hahaha so much shit to do
This is a massive cope to enable you to continue wasting time, id say minus it by 10 cause who the fuck did something productive at 10 or even 13 at that. But yes youve been wqsting your life and becoming sadder by 'brutal' blackpill is not the way to become happy and jolly
totally agree

that's why ascension is cope if you aren't a teen

life is over at 25, the rest of your life is about coping the best you can

im 15 and already feel like an oldcel when i go outside

seeing jbs and teen chadlites having fun and knowing that instead of experiencing that i've been isolated during 4 years because my bones and brain haven't developed correctly makes me very deppressed

i cant imagine what i'll feel in 10-15 years

looksmaxxing in your 20s is cope unless you become a +6 PSL +6'1 chad
  • JFL
Reactions: Deprived
Give me time and I will find a way to blame the Jews for this. No matter what problem you have there's always a fake jew that caused it.
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: TsarTsar444, Offensive Bias and AlexAP
yeah legit i'm 24 and time has been flying by super fast ever since i turned 20
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Reactions: vaninskybird, TsarTsar444 and Mouthbreath
you dont even remember anything from the first three years of your life yet on that bullshit graph they represent like a third of your experience aahh sure
  • +1
Reactions: AlexAP
you dont even remember anything from the first three years of your life yet on that bullshit graph they represent like a third of your experience aahh sure
Yeah, but the time perception pill is true even if you take away the first 5 years of your life.
Yeah, but the time perception pill is true even if you take away the first 5 years of your life.
I think it has to do more with the novelty of things rather than the percentage of your overall life. Basically a really successful chad will likely have the same perception of time his entire life as long as he keeps doing new interesting things.
The real problem is that a whole 20-ish years of freedom is taken away by the forced school and authoritarian control we're subjected to when young or under 18.

Then you have just 20-30 years of being young and fit enough to do what you like.
That's really refreshing to hear tbh. I can't wait for death
  • JFL
Reactions: TsarTsar444, Mongrelcel and Mouthbreath
I got my masters degree and am now working a great job all within the last two years. They don’t feel nearly as memorable as 2016-17 did which was when I turned into a slayer. And those were seemingly “wasted” years as I didn’t get accepted to Med school or work anything serious.
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  • WTF
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@subhuman incel
can a one year FULL dopamine detox help this? i mean literally staring in the wall everyday
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brutally suifeul when i watched it too. i spend 90% of my life virgin, what remains is 10% oldceldom.
Disagree with OP tbh. I agree with the comments saying it depends on what you did with your life. If you did nothing besides watching TV whilst playing video games, it only seems like time went by fast because nothing of note happened. When you do the same activity for years on end, the memories of those activities just sort of meld together into a single mush. Nothing stands out. This is only a problem if you're doing fuck all with your life. Which would be 95% of people.

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