Eye Spacing is Misunderstood

This dude shaped his brows faggotmaxx to look more wide set lmao
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nice morph

coloring indeed makes a diff in perceived eye separation imo
also with scleral show. And even pfw, when u have brown eyes u gotta have top notch shape to mog.
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Zac efron is another example, his es ratio is even worse at 0.41, tier 6 score which is supposed to be extremely bad yet it looks rather fine and not that close set on him.
Mainly cuz ESR measurement isn’t noticed much IRL but here it’s autistically considered a massive failo for some reason.
Mainly cuz ESR measurement isn’t noticed much IRL but here it’s autistically considered a massive failo for some reason.
It is a massive failo brother trust me
It is a massive failo brother trust me
Yeh according to autistic PSL raters. Ofc it’s a flaw but one where majority of people IRL won’t notice unless you’re an autistic basement dweller.
Mainly cuz ESR measurement isn’t noticed much IRL but here it’s autistically considered a massive failo for some reason.
It depends tho honestly. Ive seen ppl with 0.43 look actually like cyclops and then efron at 0.41 looks fine
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Post examples
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Yeh I guess this also proves OP point as it’s about the eyes being more harmonious altogether (colouring, shape, contrast with other features etc) than just the IPD by itself. That guy would clearly still be less attractive than Efron even if he had ideal eye spacing
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Yeh according to autistic PSL raters. Ofc it’s a flaw but one where majority of people IRL won’t notice unless you’re an autistic basement dweller.
Unless its too bad no one would notice it irl, so 0.43> and 0.49< is bad irl.
0.425-0.5 need blue eyes to look good imo, so for blue eyed men its 0.425 approx min and for darker shades its 0.445-0.49
Yeh agreed. Contacts help though. Thing is it won’t look bad (if there’s harmony) unless it’s below .41. Like girls still simp for Theo James and he has .41, but it makes him look unique, same with Chace.
my eyes are slighly asymmetrical and one is like 1-2mm higher than the other (like in the first pic), is it over?:feelswah:
Yeh agreed. Contacts help though. Thing is it won’t look bad (if there’s harmony) unless it’s below .41. Like girls still simp for Theo James and he has .41, but it makes him look unique, same with Chace.
But he has a near perfect side profile keep tht in mind
It is perfect. Yeh but I’m talking about the front so point still stands
His bones and side makes up for the front. Also status. Explain why jeremy allen white and that fucking mickeymousenigger b jordan are simped for. Status. The juice can push anyone to insane status and make him a psl god.
His bones and side makes up for the front. Also status. Explain why jeremy allen white and that fucking mickeymousenigger b jordan are simped for. Status. The juice can push anyone to insane status and make him a psl god.
Yeh but the face is still lacking behind. I guess it doesn’t matter tho at that level. But what I’m saying is his front isn’t bad people woukdnt notice that IRL, it’s one of the less known flaws compared to other stuff. But it’s still a flaw nonetheless
Yeh but the face is still lacking behind. I guess it doesn’t matter tho at that level. But what I’m saying is his front isn’t bad people woukdnt notice that IRL, it’s one of the less known flaws compared to other stuff. But it’s still a flaw nonetheless
Yeah cuz not everyone is a BP autist. People here have wild standards. Like if u just have 0.1mm off instantly MTN nigga kys touch grass u fucker
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Yeah cuz not everyone is a BP autist. People here have wild standards. Like if u just have 0.1mm off instantly MTN nigga kys touch grass u fucker
Lol fr. It’s all just cope mostly
ITT I will attempt to explain why I think some people here put a disproportionately big weight on eye spacing ratios like ESR and ICD : PFL, and also present a potentially better way to assess the pleasantness of someone's eye area.

Classical Method:

The usual way of rating an eye area harmony is to calculate the main ratios (water), the most popular one being the Eye Separation Ratio (which you are all probably familiar with). Traditionally, this is the most important ratio of the region, and can make or break someone's harmony.

I'm not denying it's is an important ratio, but it can be very misleading, as I'll demonstrate here.

Case Study: Chace Crawford

View attachment 2821861

A real nigga

I think we can all agree that this guy has a good eye area. It has many strong points. But someone could say that all these good factors are compensating for his rather low ESR of 0.422 (Measured in the photo above). In reality, his eye harmony looks quite good despite this very deviant ratio. In fact, most people that I show Crawford to guess his ESR to be much higher than it is. This is the key to why the classical method fails, and why this new one could thrive and become a standard.

1st note: A Light color helps a lot with extreme ESR's (and conversely, dark makes it look worse). The reason is that if the center of the pupil is more ambiguous, the actual IPD measurement becomes harder to discern. (credit to @Orc for this explanation.)

So let's give him T50s

View attachment 2821889
Some dalit jfl

But even with this nerf, his eye area still looks pretty good. Why?

2nd note: bonesbonesbones. The shape of the orbitals is the most important aspect of the whole eye area. Chace's orbitals are strong, laterally projected af (look at how much his brows extend past the eye corner and close to the zygomatic process). The eyes sit nicely within the sockets with no excess tissue or fat where it's not supposed to be. This all boils down to the idea of Periorbital Contour (look it up here on .org if you wanna learn more, and credits to @garoupilled_ for the original thread).

To illustrate the 3rd point, let's nerf his supras:

View attachment 2821914
lil bro becoming harmless ngl

Okay, so his orbits aren't insanely strong or masc anymore. Wtf is keeping him from becoming a cyclops abomination? He still looks okay (altho descending rapidly).

3rd note: Nose length is law. This is often overlooked because it isn't even part of the eye area. But you can see that, even when your eye spacing doesn't harmonize that well with zygos, it can still look harmonious in the context of the whole midface. The Ipsilateral Alar Angle (bottom of the nose to both eye corners) is what's saving his eye area harmony here.

Okay, so now that we found out what's going on, we can KO this motherfucker once and for all.

View attachment 2821944
over :/

Now he can safely browse .org without worrying about mentalceldom. Any shred of appeal he has left comes from jaw and soft features. Eye area is no longer a good trait, despite the shape itself still being good.

So that's it folks. Through this line of reasoning you can now analyze and assess eye areas in a much better and complete way, instead of sperging out and instantly measuring the IPD of every new greycel that comes in the rating section
(Inb4 this was all a huge cope made by OP cause he has that failo.)


ESR is still a useful ratio, but one can still have top tier eye area harmony & pleasantness while falling very outside of the ideal range. Color, Orbital Bone Structure, and most importantly, how the nose length harmonizes with the eyes (Ipsilateral Alar Angle) are the key here.

As a final consideration, I would add that someone's eye spacing isn't something that's very clear in some angle, but the orbital bone shape and how the eyes sit within always are.

View attachment 2821973
dam nigguh

Special thanks to my nigga @SurgeryEnjoyer for discussing this topic and helping me find the answer.

And here's a compilation of other moggers with very unideal ESRs
, and also a similar compilation of niggas whose ESR's actually hurt them a lot.

View attachment 2821986View attachment 2821987View attachment 2821988View attachment 2822001


View attachment 2821996View attachment 2821994View attachment 2822013View attachment 2822000

@HarrierDuBois @aesthetic beauty @cytoplasm @Sny @Squirtle @emeraldglass @ascension @Lord&Master @cancercell @Debetro @BrahminBoss @john2 @Clavicular @pentamogged9000 @Dr. Moggenheimer @5'7 zoomer @poopoohead
good thread + repped ofc
esr has to be single handedly one of the most overrated ratio in psl
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0.425-0.5 need blue eyes to look good imo, so for blue eyed men its 0.425 approx min and for darker shades its 0.445-0.49
0.49 alr looks way too wide set for a man for it to be 'ideal'

And Efron has like 0.418 - 42 depending on leanness
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best thread on this entire forum and ty for calming my neurotic mind a bit
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