Face vs race, which is the bigger blackpill?


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No race for your face
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Yeah it sucks bro what can we do tbh the media also considers western features to be the epitome of attractiveness ethnics should just stay in thier home country imo..
Subhuman curycel is also killed by pheno but his bone structure mogs 90% of this forum ngl
sucks tbh
and whitemaxxing is very taboo and can ruin your skin
white people dispise ethnics from what ive seen
even ugly white people get treated better then decent looking ethnics smh
your sort of all alone in this situation
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sucks tbh
and whitemaxxing is very taboo and can ruin your skin
white people dispise ethnics from what ive seen
even ugly white people get treated better then decent looking ethnics smh
your sort of all alone in this situation
Yeah thats why i always say to be incel as an white guy you need to very very ugly like 2.5 Psl and even if you are 3.5 Psl you can still slay decent looking asian and geek foids tbh..
Whereas you will struggle far more than the 3.5 Psl white guy even if you are above average looking as an ethnic
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The question is not “what is the more important factor in attractiveness.” The question is “which is the bigger blackpill?” i.e. “which blackpill is more brutal.”

Face is more important (directly) than race, but race is more brutal because race dictates face. (In other words, some races are uglier than others by default)

The face blackpill: Being ugly sucks. Duh. Ugly people have less opportunities and are treated like shit, sexual attraction all really comes down to looks, your personality is determined by how people treat you based on your looks, etc. — “looks matter” isn’t very brutal to learn, especially since one probably knows what’s up by the time they sign up on this forum.

But the race blackpill is a whole ‘nother level of brutality. The fact that billions of people in this clown world are genetically doomed for life because of their ancestry, I believe is more brutal than “ugly is bad.” E.g. Asians are smaller and weaker, even the most handsome/beautiful Asians still have flatter maxillas than an average White person, but even if an Asian undergoes thousands of dollars worth of invasive craniofacial surgeries he will still be rejected by most women in the West.

Face is fixable. You can get surgery, and if it’s not too late you can mew and nose-breathe for proper development. On the other hand, your race can never be changed. If you’re of a low-SMV ethnicity, it was over the moment your father’s sperm fertilized your mother’s egg.

Facial attractiveness fluctuates over many generations. Going through a family tree, there are people who look better and people who look worse. A White family will have a slayer every couple of generations. However, as long as a bloodline stays fully Indian or East Asian, no one—absolutely no one in that family tree would be able to slay in the West, no matter how “good-looking” they are. This is just the brutal truth.
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  • JFL
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Face is fixable. You can get surgery, and if it’s not too late you can mew and nose-breathe for proper development. On the other hand, your race can never be changed. If you’re of a low-SMV ethnicity, it was over the moment your father’s sperm fertilized your mother’s egg.

Speaking of face, face affects your perceived race. It's possible for a full Asian person to have good forward growth and decent eye area, but it's rare. Most Asians have terrible eye areas and facial recessions, so when people see a genuinely good looking Asian man, people would assume he has non-Asian ancestry even if he doesn't.
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The question is not “what is the more important factor in attractiveness.” The question is “which is the bigger blackpill?” i.e. “which blackpill is more brutal.”

The race blackpill is so much more brutal than the face blackpill.

The face blackpill: Being ugly sucks. Duh. Ugly people have less opportunities and are treated like shit, sexual attraction all really comes down to looks, your personality is determined by how people treat you based on your looks, etc. — “looks matter” isn’t very brutal to learn, especially since one probably knows what’s up by the time they sign up on this forum.

But the race blackpill is a whole ‘nother level of brutality. The fact that billions of people in this clown world are genetically doomed for life because of their ancestry, I believe is more brutal than “ugly is bad.” E.g. Asians are smaller and weaker, even the most handsome/beautiful Asians still have flatter maxillas than an average White person, but even if an Asian undergoes thousands of dollars worth of invasive craniofacial surgeries he will still be rejected by most women in the West.

Face is fixable. You can get surgery, and if it’s not too late you can mew and nose-breathe for proper development. On the other hand, your race can never be changed. If you’re of a low-SMV ethnicity, it was over the moment your father’s sperm fertilized your mother’s egg.

Facial attractiveness fluctuates over many generations. Going through a family tree, there are people who look better and people who look worse. A White family will have a slayer every couple of generations. However, as long as a bloodline stays fully Indian or East Asian, no one—absolutely no one in that family tree would be able to slay in the West, no matter how “good-looking” they are. This is just the brutal truth.
I admire your thinking and respect your opinion. But I have a different view:

I think in general people are way more aware of the problem of race than that of looks. From an early age on ethnic boys are told by the propaganda / their community how badly they are "oppressed". Many ethnics even tend to think "well because I'm not white" when getting rejected instead of "there might be something wrong with my face". Calling out racism is normal, while protesting against lookism never really happened widely in society. If you do it you're very likely to be branded incel by normies.

If your face is "fixable" in the sense that you can surpass a certain threshold, then your race won't matter so much anymore. Yes there will always be women who refuse to date you, but you will also find some who consider you "exotic", hence your ethnicity might even become a plus in their eyes.

The only problem is that an ethnic chad will always be outslayed by a white chad, at least in the west. But he slays anyways. He'll never be lacking in pussies. Besides, slaying has diminishing returns when the body count goes really high. Assuming that a white chad slays 200 women a year and a tyrone 100, there is probably very little difference in the female validation they get.

If you look like Tyson Beckford or Tim Chung, you'll definitely drown in pussies. If you're normie, well I admit being a white normie is better than being an ethnic one. But a white normie still loses as a male in dating, if you look at the big picture. People go crazy for non white chads like Broderick Hunter and kpop stars but they don't give a shit about a white normie.

Hence face > race.
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FACE trumps everything, even race. And I'm a big believer of the racepill.

Race and pheno just lower or raise the necesscary looks threshold. But once you reach PSL 7/IRL 9 it becomes irrelevant. You'll drown in pussy regardless of race. Even if some girls reject your for being black/curry/rice there will always be more women throwing themselves at you.
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  • JFL
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its face but if your race is a failo you need to compensate even more with your face i.e asian, curry, etc

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