Facial hair pill is 100x more brutal than i though - another prove- over for shaven cells



Sep 16, 2018
Was talking with the some girl and saw her browsing some hot instagram males

Insta page was called somehow like insta_fabulous_men or something just type it and search for it

There are like 1000 photos, and all of them has facial hair, like u can count on one hand shaven guys there, like 0.001 percent

I asked her about this and she confirmed , shaven men looks asexual most of the time, but she sayed some should stay shaven, especially she dont like long beards, and all of these male had heavy stubble max

How the hell can u cope now, just watch this and there are tons of other sites like this, this is female preference, thats it

When i talk about the beards, i dont actually mean long cope beard, i mean heavy stubble, which is maximum u should aim for

That site is absoulte brutal redpill for you facial hair cell and copers

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facial hair is extreemely important, it just reinforces phenotype theory

i need to find a way to clean the dead skin under the beard, i always have to shave after 4-5 days and start again
I can't grow facial hair lol. Minox didn't work, either

But will likely get facial hair transplant

ONly issue is that I sometimes think having skin that clearly doesn't grow hair like mine is what helped me bang certain girls who were barely legal lol, as maybe stubble (or the clear ability to grow a beard like some guys have even when completely clean shaven) puts them off
facial hair is extreemely important, it just reinforces phenotype theory

i need to find a way to clean the dead skin under the beard, i always have to shave after 4-5 days and start again

Just check this site or something, or some others
People are posting some sexy men to get female attention
Almost no one of them is clean shaven
I just want to fucking know how people like @Zyros can argue now
Over for clean shaven cells its asexual past teenage years, laso females dont like big beards too
Thats the fact like water is wet
I am fucking ethnic.There is no way.I am gonna grow stubble
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stubble is king i wish i had it
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I can't grow facial hair lol. Minox didn't work, either

But will likely get facial hair transplant

ONly issue is that I sometimes think having skin that clearly doesn't grow hair like mine is what helped me bang certain girls who were barely legal lol, as maybe stubble (or the clear ability to grow a beard like some guys have even when completely clean shaven) puts them off

How old are u? I didnt get a beard untill my late 20 or so, by beard is still improving
Soon i will run Bateman tier heavy stubble, with help of dermarolling
I am fucking ethnic.There is no way.I am gonna grow stubble

Most of gu there are like meds or italians
Ethnics can run light stubble, more ethnics u looks
Facial hair looks great on many ethnics
Was talking with the some girl and saw her browsing some hot instagram males

Insta page was called somehow like insta_fabulous_men or something just type it and search for it

There are like 1000 photos, and all of them has facial hair, like u can count on one hand shaven guys there, like 0.001 percent

I asked her about this and she confirmed , shaven men looks asexual most of the time, but she sayed some should stay shaven, especially she dont like long beards, and all of these male had heavy stubble max

How the hell can u cope now, just watch this and there are tons of other sites like this, this is female preference, thats it

When i talk about the beards, i dont actually mean long cope beard, i mean heavy stubble, which is maximum u should aim for

That site is absoulte brutal redpill for you facial hair cell and copers

Thats why i'm beardmaxxing with minox and its working. Women love beards. I want a beard like Zayn's
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Thats why i'm beardmaxxing with minox and its working. Women love beards. I want a beard like Zayn's

Actually, when i say beard some people say beards are cope and hide your face
I talk about stubble to short beards, not long ones

Minox work but one year is minimum and some are nto responders
Just check this site or something, or some others
People are posting some sexy men to get female attention
Almost no one of them is clean shaven
I just want to fucking know how people like @Zyros can argue now
Over for clean shaven cells its asexual past teenage years, laso females dont like big beards too
Thats the fact like water is wet

zyros is a diglet framed manlet, he will never get a wife and kids

he still living like hes 13 years old, women will be repulsed by him

hes going the completely wrong way to looksmaxing
  • JFL
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zyros is a diglet framed manlet, he will never get a wife and kids

he still living like hes 13 years old, women will be repulsed by him

hes going the completely wrong way to looksmaxing

Agree with some part , but to defend Zyros, he has good knowledge about some part of aesthetics, especially lean face, stylemaxing.

He is good looksmaxer, and he achieved face that is very aesthetics on some photos

He is just extreme deluded , or is at denyal stage about what females want, maybe caused by his pheno or so

He looksmaxed to niche appeal, thats fact, he jerk of 1990 interview with vampire type
  • WTF
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Actually, when i say beard some people say beards are cope and hide your face
I talk about stubble to short beards, not long ones

Minox work but one year is minimum and some are nto responders
I'm growing vellus so guess i'm not a no responder
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Agree with some part , but to defend Zyros, he has good knowledge about some part of aesthetics, especially lean face, stylemaxing.

He is good looksmaxer, and he achieved face that is very aesthetics on some photos

He is just extreme deluded , or is at denyal stage about what females want, maybe caused by his pheno or so

He looksmaxed to niche appeal, thats fact, he jerk of 1990 interview with vampire type

lean face looks like shit unless you have big skull, zyros has peanut skull

he is a 2-3/10 imo

not a troll, i think he is really ugly to women and really easy to bully/ banter for men
  • JFL
Reactions: EckhartTollemaxx and 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Was talking with the some girl and saw her browsing some hot instagram males

Insta page was called somehow like insta_fabulous_men or something just type it and search for it

There are like 1000 photos, and all of them has facial hair, like u can count on one hand shaven guys there, like 0.001 percent

I asked her about this and she confirmed , shaven men looks asexual most of the time, but she sayed some should stay shaven, especially she dont like long beards, and all of these male had heavy stubble max

How the hell can u cope now, just watch this and there are tons of other sites like this, this is female preference, thats it

When i talk about the beards, i dont actually mean long cope beard, i mean heavy stubble, which is maximum u should aim for

That site is absoulte brutal redpill for you facial hair cell and copers

its simple

white guys -----> grow facial hair

ethnic guys ----> why are you still trying srs :feelsbadman:
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  • JFL
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As much as you guys despise him here but nick bateman is the ideal phenotype for women.
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lean face looks like shit unless you have big skull, zyros has peanut skull

he is a 2-3/10 imo

not a troll, i think he is really ugly to women and really easy to bully/ banter for men
I defo understand your point

Lean face is double edged sword, it may help one, anoher one looks like hiv patient and asexual
U have non autistic opinions
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As much as you guys despise him here but nick bateman is the ideal phenotype for women.

agree, he literally took over instagram in his hay day

also marlon > chico

gandy > opry

mills > ballou
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agree, he literally took over instagram in his hay day

also marlon > chico

gandy > opry

mills > ballou

MArlon has insane broad appeal
People here worshipp Chico are duleded, and can more relate to him because he is closer to pls narcy pheno
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I always rock 7-10 day growth but recently went clean shaven for like 2 weeks and all 3 FWBs I saw those 2 weeks said they preferred my facial hair look. Ages of these girls were 22 24 31 though. Older women definitely have a stronger preference FOR facial haired men from other anecdotes I have experienced
  • +1
Reactions: Uglybrazilian, Usum and 6'4 looksmaxxxer
I have good facial hair but I would trade it away in a heartbeat for a thick nw0
I always rock 7-10 day growth but recently went clean shaven for like 2 weeks and all 3 FWBs I saw those 2 weeks said they preferred my facial hair look. Ages of these girls were 22 24 31 though. Older women definitely have a stronger preference FOR facial haired men from other anecdotes I have experienced

Your facial hair is on point , i would say medium stubble suits you best
Do u looks significantly worse clean shaven?
Watch Bateman Ig, 1000 photos clean shaven nto even once
Facial hair si indeed brutal, on that site, alsmot no one is shaved
For whites only
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Reactions: Deleted member 685 and oldcell
It is only this way because the jawline aesthetics of the typical modern man are horrible. Beard is almost always compensation for unideal development. With proper development, the shapes and contours of a clean shaved, low bodyfat face should be immensely more attractive than a stubble.
  • Ugh..
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all 3 FWBs

holy shit - I knew we had to have some slayers on here somewhere!
Must be nice being you, boyo!!
Go get some hot 16 year olds and post pics so we can live through you, please!
holy shit - I knew we had to have some slayers on here somewhere!
Must be nice being you, boyo!!
Go get some hot 16 year olds and post pics so we can live through you, please!

  • JFL
Reactions: wristcel
lean face looks like shit unless you have big skull, zyros has peanut skull

he is a 2-3/10 imo

not a troll, i think he is really ugly to women and really easy to bully/ banter for men
peanut skull? I have a biggrr than average skull, people commented on my face looking big, I also cant fit caps of friends on my own skull. I may have many flaws but peanut skull is not one of them.
  • JFL
Reactions: Cleftcel and Deleted member 685
women are too stupid and don't understand that most guys with facial hair are covering up their fucking average to recessed chins
At this point, you are fucking stupid if you are clean shaven while being able to grow even an ok stubble and wish to attract prime girls.
But lol never compare between 2 different guys where one has great bone structure and dimorphism while the other is some bloated tranny with a stubble. It's obvs that bone structure is king up to a degree where further than that it's just aspies arguing whose zygos are higher set lmao
  • +1
Reactions: oldcell
I always rock 7-10 day growth but recently went clean shaven for like 2 weeks and all 3 FWBs I saw those 2 weeks said they preferred my facial hair look. Ages of these girls were 22 24 31 though. Older women definitely have a stronger preference FOR facial haired men from other anecdotes I have experienced
Same a chick told me i got better looking with long hair and heavy stubble
facial hair doesn't work with my pheno
facial hair doesn't work with my pheno
Male sure it doesn't first because 90 percent of men look better with stubble. All gigachads are stubbled, not showing of muh bones.
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Reactions: oldcell
i prefer the aesthetics of clean shaven but it just makes me look like a kid. i get carded when i shave. probably gonna have to start heavy stubblemaxxing.
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lean face looks like shit unless you have big skull, zyros has peanut skull

he is a 2-3/10 imo

not a troll, i think he is really ugly to women and really easy to bully/ banter for men
Lean face looks better than bloated/fat face on 99% of men.
another all or nothingcell outs himself
12% fat is always better than 20% fat no matter with what bone structure.
6% fat could be worse than 12% with bad bone structure.

In some very rare cases it could be different, but they are probably very ugly anyways.
If you know an example where higher bf means better looks, please post it.
Over for ethniks once again
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12% fat is always better than 20% fat no matter with what bone structure.
6% fat could be worse than 12% with bad bone structure.

In some very rare cases it could be different, but they are probably very ugly anyways.
If you know an example where higher bf means better looks, please post it.

never claimed that
When my upper lip thinned and without stubble i'm invisible to prime girls... but when i just use a stubble and take a shower and pass a deodorant, i mean lots of girls look at me, if we pass same street they put their head up to look at my face when we pass by.

Stubble is saving me...
When my upper lip thinned and without stubble i'm invisible to prime girls... but when i just use a stubble and take a shower and pass a deodorant, i mean lots of girls look at me, if we pass same street they put their head up to look at my face when we pass by.

Stubble is saving me...

How old are you?
Clean shaven is legit handicap, especially for 25 +
If u are under 25 and full of collagen, may be but clean shaven after 25 its over for most people
Was talking with the some girl and saw her browsing some hot instagram males

Insta page was called somehow like insta_fabulous_men or something just type it and search for it

There are like 1000 photos, and all of them has facial hair, like u can count on one hand shaven guys there, like 0.001 percent

I asked her about this and she confirmed , shaven men looks asexual most of the time, but she sayed some should stay shaven, especially she dont like long beards, and all of these male had heavy stubble max

How the hell can u cope now, just watch this and there are tons of other sites like this, this is female preference, thats it

When i talk about the beards, i dont actually mean long cope beard, i mean heavy stubble, which is maximum u should aim for

That site is absoulte brutal redpill for you facial hair cell and copers

Good post. I know this Manlet at work who just shaved his beard revealing his subhuman jawline. When I saw him I just smiled and gave a bs compliment to make him feel good. When I walked away I thought I missed an opportunity to blackpill the boy but then I realized it’s better for them to live with undeserved self-esteem then have them chew my ear off with their misery and go to bed crying.
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Reactions: Usum and oldcell
How old are you?
Clean shaven is legit handicap, especially for 25 +
If u are under 25 and full of collagen, may be but clean shaven after 25 its over for most people

I'm 26 and my beard sucks, but it helps... i use it since i was like 22. My lip thinned when i turned like 18. Clean shaven i totally sucks. I would try minoxdil to get even better beard but i read it makes you age?
I'm 26 and my beard sucks, but it helps... i use it since i was like 22. My lip thinned when i turned like 18. Clean shaven i totally sucks. I would try minoxdil to get even better beard but i read it makes you age?
No its a meme
Maybe at 0.5 percent of people
Its an incel fairly tale
actually good thread for oldcels, stubble is king with studies to prove it
Kinda suifuel ngl

I can grow stubble but the coverage isnt full
While on pages like this most hot guys don’t have facial hair

In my experience none of the females I’ve dated / fucked really like facial hair - some even expressed their disgust for unshaven men, saying they look like homeless and it wouldn’t feel comfortable kissing them.

It’s probably a matter of taste but where I live at least I don’t see that facial hair hype.
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While on pages like this most hot guys don’t have facial hair

In my experience none of the females I’ve dated / fucked really like facial hair - some even expressed their disgust for unshaven men, saying they look like homeless and it wouldn’t feel comfortable kissing them.

It’s probably a matter of taste but where I live at least I don’t see that facial hair hype.

Is this post mean serious or not? Those are not men but some pubescents
Those are teenagers some puberty shit,,,omg
Yeah 14-18 prefers clean shaven guys
After 23 or 25, being clean shaven limits your appeal
Watch any sites for 20+ females and clean shaven is one at 100
  • Hmm...
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Full stubble is mandatory.
Little enough to how chiseled Chad jawline
And enough to show you have capacity to grow full beard.

I fail here tremendously and thus am sub-Chad. Minox holds hope.
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Is this post mean serious or not? Those are not men but some pubescents
Those are teenagers some puberty shit,,,omg
Yeah 14-18 prefers clean shaven guys
After 23 or 25, being clean shaven limits your appeal
Watch any sites for 20+ females and clean shaven is one at 100
Prime JBs are all that matters. Women post 25 = trash.

I only had some experience with 2 foids post 25, none of which said they like beard. Are they exceptions? Idk. At least where I leave beard is more a thing for normie soyboy type or sandniggers.
Prime JBs are all that matters. Women post 25 = trash.

I only had some experience with 2 foids post 25, none of which said they like beard. Are they exceptions? Idk. At least where I leave beard is more a thing for normie soyboy type or sandniggers.
Exactly lol. You want to ideally look in your early 20s as long as possible. Don't get why this dude is talking about appealing to older women

Also stubble is not king. It depends on the individual. I've seen some models look like shit with stubble. The general consensus is that a real beard will limit you from being above 5psl.
Is this post mean serious or not? Those are not men but some pubescents
Those are teenagers some puberty shit,,,omg
Yeah 14-18 prefers clean shaven guys
After 23 or 25, being clean shaven limits your appeal
Watch any sites for 20+ females and clean shaven is one at 100
Females 20+? Jfl at this generalization. Most females from 20-25 don't like beards at all.
Is this post mean serious or not? Those are not men but some pubescents
Those are teenagers some puberty shit,,,omg
Yeah 14-18 prefers clean shaven guys
After 23 or 25, being clean shaven limits your appeal
Watch any sites for 20+ females and clean shaven is one at 100
Females 20+? Jfl at this generalization. Most females from 20-25 don't like beards at all.
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