Fat white girls + black guys makes a lot of sense

Inferiority complex

you are right never relax because they can cuck you to death and make you rope 🫵😹
also tf r u a morroccan cuckold? You enjoy seeing nafri women taking some BBC news?
also tf r u a morroccan cuckold? You enjoy seeing nafri women taking some BBC news?
Not reall jfl, i just don’t care about nafri women I’m not interested lol
in what way white kweens are mascul ?
Just look at white women around you. They are ideal when jbs, but later look like trannies. Asian women may have worse PSL, but at least don’t look masculine.
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Just look at white women around you. They are ideal when jbs, but later look like trannies. Asian women may have worse PSL, but at least don’t look masculine.
True but they have Bette bodies
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Just look at white women around you. They are ideal when jbs, but later look like trannies. Asian women may have worse PSL, but at least don’t look masculine.
White foids hit the wall at 15-16. Asian foids fog for much longer. Just look at Ai Euhara. Hardly any white foids look that good at 29-30.
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True but they have Bette bodies
I feel the opposite. Asian have better bodies but white foids have better face.
I prefer hispanic girls so idek what I'm saying really.
I feel the opposite. Asian have better bodies but white foids have better face.
I prefer hispanic girls so idek what I'm saying really.
White women have more meat
Being fat is more of a feminine trait because women gain fat easier and it's required for feeding babies in the womb and the ample fat is a cushion to protect the baby in the belly. Also being fat makes your body literally produce more estrogen. Black men are high testosterone and have thicker bones which makes it easier for them to gain muscle mass. They also on average (probably) have bigger dicks which makes sense for big women's big bodies. Black men also seem to love big white booty and fat adds to the booty size.
Niggas what do you think?
Tag some chocolate niggas to chime in on this too.
Also makes sense that being a pedophile is a white trait then but maybe more on that another day... (Soure; I'm white (also a spic))
Forgot to add that basically opposites attract. High estrogen foids + High T males are perfect. In this case it's Fat white bitches and niggas.
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I must confess my love for skinny foids. Yall niggas can have all the BBWs you want. Skinny is the name of my game.
Loser,you lost
Forgot to add that basically opposites attract. High estrogen foids + High T males are perfect. In this case it's Fat white bitches and niggas.
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i cant tell if ur joking or not
Being fat is more of a feminine trait because women gain fat easier and it's required for feeding babies in the womb and the ample fat is a cushion to protect the baby in the belly. Also being fat makes your body literally produce more estrogen. Black men are high testosterone and have thicker bones which makes it easier for them to gain muscle mass. They also on average (probably) have bigger dicks which makes sense for big women's big bodies. Black men also seem to love big white booty and fat adds to the booty size.
Niggas what do you think?
Tag some chocolate niggas to chime in on this too.
Also makes sense that being a pedophile is a white trait then but maybe more on that another day... (Soure; I'm white (also a spic))
I agree, niggas should make as many lightskin foids as possible for Castizos and Asians to breed with.


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If they're Colombian, Caribbean or something, maybe.
I've never seen a Latino date a mulatta.
Latinos are always with Latina. ALWAYS.
White Latinos date mulattas if no mestizas/indias are to be seen bro. How do you think quadroons/octoroons are made?

The Spaniards/British tapped so much black pussy back in the day that the average African American has about 15-20% white blood in them :lul::lul::lul:.

Go visit a Caribbean country and you'll see.
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In the U.S. though, Latinos date everything, but most of the time, they marry/date within their own race/social circle.
In the U.S. though, Latinos date everything, but most of the time, they marry/date within their own race/social circle.
True but I've heard a lot of latin foids still fuck black and white men a lot :cry:
Ye I have wide hips very breedable
i don't think whites are paedophiles.. kids have changed nowdays.. too much estrogen i saw my 12yr cousin last year and she was bodymogging my 20+ sister! legit my sister looked only 1-2 older than her! So pls stop calling people paedos.
Whites are all pedos old men are weird to me ngl
I'm being serious
aii if you're being serious there's a small portion of niggas who fw fat white girls, most of the niggas who do fw fat white girls do it cuz they can't get anything else and are dangerously horny, or they have a fetish for it. Most black dudes don't fw obese white women, just like most dudes in general don't fw obese women. But I'll admit that the black dudes who do fw fat white girls have no shame at all, so they don't mind being seen in public with them, which is why it looks like only black niggas fw fat white girls
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Find me a curry with that stupid alien skull and forehead nigga
Maybe not skull shape but in terms of skin tone. I was also referring more to Dravidian ones and not the Aryan or Aryan + Dravidian ones.
aii if you're being serious there's a small portion of niggas who fw fat white girls, most of the niggas who do fw fat white girls do it cuz they can't get anything else and are dangerously horny, or they have a fetish for it. Most black dudes don't fw obese white women, just like most dudes in general don't fw obese women. But I'll admit that the black dudes who do fw fat white girls have no shame at all, so they don't mind being seen in public with them, which is why it looks like only black niggas fw fat white girls
They've reached peak degeneracy and want to put it on full display to low inhib mog

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