Final decision: Getting my midface implants revised/enhanced in March

Why dont u just try using fillers first?
@kota @Amnesia @Looksmax25 @Sweboy Sorry for the delay in responding to everyone; unfortunately I've been busy working on an assignment I have to present at my internship site tomorrow, so I'll respond to all you guys in detail by tomorrow evening
Edit 2: Do what you wanna do, but imo its not gnna increase your attractiveness
Mussolini approves by Hanspower
man im rooting for you since the first day of your thread in lookism but you are acting childish here for a grown man.e
everyone knows and says you are fine just get your eyes done but you act like a kid saying "but i wanna get it doooooneeeee" well if you want it that much just leave and get it done while knowing it wont make THAT much of a difference or change your eyes to make a radical change on your face.

your choice.
You need a fade haircut, and some fashionmaxxed clothes to look more stylish and young. Go for eye surgery. Look at Mt2 for tanning, and maybe also something to get a hardcore body. Lower gonial angle would also not hurt.
  • +1
Reactions: OCDMaxxing
Don't fuck with your current implants, but focus on the following:
- Eye area
- Getting tan (melanotan II)
- Getting ripped (roids)
- Thick neck
- Tattoos
- Leg lengthening if you are under 6 feet
  • +1
Reactions: Deusmaximus, Deleted member 2846, Rasputin and 1 other person
Don't fuck with your current implants, but focus on the following:
- Eye area
- Getting tan (melanotan II)
- Getting ripped (roids)
- Thick neck
- Tattoos
- Leg lengthening if you are under 6 feet
What if I’m 5’11.5”?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Ekeoma_The_BBC, Deleted member 502, SHARK and 1 other person
re take that 3/4 angle without pinching your face I wanna see your ogee curve or post a 3/4 pic view from somewhat close up
Go get your eye area fixed next month and never visit this site again
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 3043 and Looksmax305
Hey man,

Your coming eyelid retraction surgery may help with the undereye hollows as it is a form of midface lift of the undereye tissues. It did help me quite a bit in that regard.

How long is your philtrum in mms btw? I agree you could benefit from a conservative lip lift and it's quite a simple procedure.

I already told you before what I think of this midface revision think and it seems you're only looking for someone to confirm what is already in your mind and won't listen to anyone else. But the eye surgery is really the only thing you should focus on, anything else is irrelevent next to it. Your midface projection, both lateral and forward, is already on par with Cruise as far as I'm concerned, I don't personally see how more projection would make a significant difference on the positive side.

I'm hoping that the eyelid retraction surgery does help with my undereye hollows, as I feel that those (along with my nasolabial folds) are pretty much the only clues that give away my age as being 30+. I already had one midface lift during my first round of surgery with Dr. Y, and even though it did a good job of mostly diminishing my fold on the left side, it didn't do much for my right fold since the eye bulges out more on that side and prevented the tissues from being able to be lifted as high.

Not sure how long my philtrum is. I don't think it's long enough for people to look at and say, "damn, what a philtrum," but at the same time it is a bit longer than average. The only thing is, I don't want to make it too short since my chin has naturally always been on the longer side.

For me, getting a revision of the midface implants is largely a case of me getting what I was going for when I first decided to get the surgery. I've wanted to get this done since around 2013, so after waiting 6-7 years and now that I've finally gotten it done, I'm not willing to settle for a result that is less than what I was aiming for in the first place. I'm just not able to be satisfied with a result that is "good enough," especially when it's easy to look in the mirror or at photographs and recognize that it IS realistic and possible to get the results I wanted originally.

If I knew I was aiming for a result that wasn't really possible to achieve, I wouldn't worry about revising the implants, but the fact that I know I can get more of the "look" I was going for makes the prospect of getting a revision impossible to ignore. If I'm going to live the rest of my life with these implants, why should I force myself to settle for a result that will always have me looking in the mirror and saying, "It looks pretty good now, but if only I had a bit more protrusion here and there..." for years and years?

Another thing to keep in mind is that there are only a handful of surgeons who are regarded for knowing what they're doing when it comes to male facial implant work: Dr. Y, Dr. Eppley, and maybe Dr. Binder. Otherwise, though, there are literally no surgeons whose names are tossed around as being the go-to guys for facial implant work for male patients. Dr. Y is 70, Eppley is only a few years younger, and I believe Binder is in his 70's as well. If I wait too much longer, all three of those surgeons will be either retired or dead, and then I'll be in an EXTREMELY difficult position should I decide (after fixing my eye area) 5+ years down the road that I want to have them revised anyways and none of those guys are practicing anymore at that point.

Also, I know we've been talking about midface implants here, but on a related note -- it would only cost $8500 to get the rest of my jaw implant put in. If I decide in a few years (after Dr Y. is most likely retired) that I want the wraparound jaw implant after all, I'll have to go to Eppley or Binder (assuming they're both still practicing) and pay $18k+ to have a totally new one designed. So basically, if I'm going to make ANY tweaks to either my midface implants or if I want to get the rest of my jaw implant put in, the time to do it is now.

Random question -- let's say that I had just gotten eye area overhaul surgery and still wanted to get my midface implants revised. Assuming the surgery could be done without compromising the results of the eye surgery, would you still be against it? The reason I ask is because it seems like people are more against me getting the midface implants revised BEFORE I get my eye surgery than they are against me getting the midface implant revision in general.
Bottom line, what's more important to you, what's the purpose of all this, to achieve your ideal look or to up your slaying potential? Even amongst the top men who fuck hella girls, only a small percentage of them have flanged zygos like what you're going for, it's not by any means necessary for sex appeal.

Strong jawline, width and good/striking eye area is what is attractiveness. There are countless examples of real life slayers with little to no zygo arch or ogee curve

No zygo projection, yet this is a very attractive artist rendition of a man, why, striking eye area with facial width wide jaw, wide neck wide zygos but not flanged or even creating hollowness.

View attachment 149870

Increasing your sex appeal is gunna all come down to your eyes not another 2mm projection of zygos.

Edit: another thing, there are plenty of ppl with more hollowing than your cheeks with less pronounced zygos than you have, it's a facial fat thing with you man, you have way stronger zygos than I do btw

I get what you're saying, but like I said in my response to kota above, this is something I've been wanting since 2013, so it's actually not just about increasing sex appeal to women. Of course I want to be more attractive, but at the same time, when I first decided I wanted to get surgery years ago, I had originally decided to do it for myself because I wanted to look a certain way. So as long as getting more zygo projection won't actually make me look uglier, I'm pretty sure I won't ever be satisfied until I can look in the mirror or at photographs of myself and say "ok, NOW I look how I always envisioned myself to look."

Someone posted a photo of this guy's ogee curve in another thread. Look at how much prominent and defined his is compared to mine:


BTW, I know you asked me to post another photo of my ogee curve without me propping it up with my fingers or whatever, so here you go (it's a series of two photos -- left and right sides):

You may say the implant results look "good enough," but I think you'd agree that they look at least a little underdone and that a few more mm would look really sharp. I'm not saying it would have some sort of dramatic effect on my overall attractiveness, but like I said, this is more about me getting the results I set out to achieve in the first place, rather than me trying to become more attractive by revising the implants.

As it stands now, when I look in the mirror, the first thought that comes to mind is that they look pretty good, but also that I really wanted to get more out of the procedure. And I honestly don't want to spend the rest of my life thinking that every single time I look in the mirror or see a photo of myself, so I'm going to get the implants revised/augmented before the few surgeons who are capable of skillfully doing male facial plastic surgery work are dead or retired.
Why dont u just try using fillers first?

Just not cost effective; the whole reason I went for implants in the first place is because the results are permanent.
man im rooting for you since the first day of your thread in lookism but you are acting childish here for a grown man.e
everyone knows and says you are fine just get your eyes done but you act like a kid saying "but i wanna get it doooooneeeee" well if you want it that much just leave and get it done while knowing it wont make THAT much of a difference or change your eyes to make a radical change on your face.

your choice.

I appreciate the support (and still regret the fall of Lookism), but it's like I said in my responses to kota and Amnesia -- me getting the revision is more about satisfying myself and getting the results I wanted in the first place, and less about me getting the revision because I think it will make me more attractive to girls.
You need a fade haircut, and some fashionmaxxed clothes to look more stylish and young. Go for eye surgery. Look at Mt2 for tanning, and maybe also something to get a hardcore body. Lower gonial angle would also not hurt.

Thanks, I'm looking forward to making some fashion/grooming changes when I get closer to graduating from school this May. As things are now, my days pretty much revolve around getting up, going to work for free at the hospital as part of my school internship, working out at the gym or running at the park in the evenings, and then going out to eat afterwards. So taking into consideration how my routine is now, there isn't much of a point in making those kinds of changes yet since they wouldn't really make much of a difference when taking my "lifestyle" (or lack thereof) into consideration. However, I'm looking forward to making a big move next summer/fall, so I'm hoping to have all these changes in place by then (both surgery and softmaxxes, like fashion/grooming).

I definitely agree that the lower gonial angles would be a good idea; in fact, that's what the wraparound jaw implant that was designed for me should achieve.
Don't fuck with your current implants, but focus on the following:
- Eye area
- Getting tan (melanotan II)
- Getting ripped (roids)
- Thick neck
- Tattoos
- Leg lengthening if you are under 6 feet

Appreciate the tips. I agree with all the changes you suggested but am apprehensive about leg lengthening because of the long-term adverse effects on lifestyle and mobility.

BTW, I think your suggestion to get tattoos is an especially good one; in fact, a girl I know who, by all accounts, would be considered a megalowhore (50+ laycount) said that tattoos and fade haircuts (I.e., bad boy-ish look) are some of the elements she looks for when determining whether she considers a guy to be hookup material or not.
Go get your eye area fixed next month and never visit this site again

No offense man, but why don't you think I should make any changes other than getting my eye area fixed? You even agreed in another post that a bit more augmentation on my midface implants could look good (although the amount of improvement might be disproportionate to the financial cost) along with the lower gonial angles I'd get from the jaw implant, so I don't get why you're against me getting anything else done besides eye surgery. After all, you've had way more stuff done than me and have had great results so far, so why is everyone so convinced that I won't get solid results as well?

Edited to add: I'm almost 32 years old. I need to do anything and everything I can to looksmax and become more attractive, whether it's via surgery or through "soft" methods like using Retin-A, red light therapy, astaxanthin, etc.
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What surgey are u gonna get for ur eyes and with who?
What surgey are u gonna get for ur eyes and with who?

Lower eyelid retraction surgery w/spacer grafts, orbital decompression, lateral canthoplasty. Possibly fat or filler injections to upper eyelids. Going with Dr. Taban
  • +1
Reactions: Looksmax305

I scheduled my rhinoplasty as well in 2 months from now.
Lower eyelid retraction surgery w/spacer grafts, orbital decompression, lateral canthoplasty. Possibly fat or filler injections to upper eyelids. Going with Dr. Taban
That will ascend you, If you get good results from the eye surgey you will look really good but I don’t really know what ur end goal is, this is a group of the most black pilled “negative” people and pretty much everyone agrees that’s all you need

I scheduled my rhinoplasty as well in 2 months from now.

Cool, good luck. After I do my midface revision + jaw implant with Dr. Y, I'll be going to Taban for the eye work, hopefully by early next fall. At that point I hope to be doing with hardcore surgery-based looksmaxxing.
  • +1
Reactions: Looksmax305
Cool, good luck. After I do my midface revision + jaw implant with Dr. Y, I'll be going to Taban for the eye work, hopefully by early next fall. At that point I hope to be doing with hardcore surgery-based looksmaxxing.
You should get on testerone lol I think it would help u
Lower eyelid retraction surgery w/spacer grafts, orbital decompression, lateral canthoplasty. Possibly fat or filler injections to upper eyelids. Going with Dr. Taban
Question do you have any fear of surgery complications?
That will ascend you, If you get good results from the eye surgey you will look really good but I don’t really know what ur end goal is, this is a group of the most black pilled “negative” people and pretty much everyone agrees that’s all you need

Thx; the thing is, I don't just want to correct failos, I want to ascend literally everything that could use improvement. Ideally, I will come out of all this looking like a totally different person.
You should get on testerone lol I think it would help u

Question do you have any fear of surgery complications?

Actually I ran a cycle of test prop + 1-testosterone cypionate + Anavar back during the spring and summer. Looking forward to doing another cycle before my revision surgery
Question do you have any fear of surgery complications?

Not really. Nothing to lose at this point. Your situation may be different from mine
Thx; the thing is, I don't just want to correct failos, I want to ascend literally everything that could use improvement. Ideally, I will come out of all this looking like a totally different person.

Actually I ran a cycle of test prop + 1-testosterone cypionate + Anavar back during the spring and summer. Looking forward to doing another cycle before my revision surgery

Not really. Nothing to lose at this point. Your situation may be different from mine
U should go on trt ur old enough. Damn bro that’s sad to hear, hope everything goes well for u brother. Brothers in looksmaxxing lmao 😂
  • +1
Reactions: SurgerySoon
U should go on trt ur old enough. Damn bro that’s sad to hear, hope everything goes well for u brother. Brothers in looksmaxxing lmao 😂

LOL thanks, you too. Might consider going on TRT eventually depending on how my next cycle goes. Also going to start running HGH every day again.
LOL thanks, you too. Might consider going on TRT eventually depending on how my next cycle goes. Also going to start running HGH every day again.
Another question do you have to go under for these surgery’s or can you elect to just be sedated, that’s honestly what holds me back . Anesthesia is kind of scary to me, and if I were to die from looksmaxxing that would the ultimate fail lmao
Another question do you have to go under for these surgery’s or can you elect to just be sedated, that’s honestly what holds me back . Anesthesia is kind of scary to me, and if I were to die from looksmaxxing that would the ultimate fail lmao

I'm pretty sure you have to go under for most surgeries. Anesthesia is pretty safe these days so I wouldn't really worry about it
  • +1
Reactions: Looksmax305
First off, there's a shockingly large amount of blue pilled garbage advice itt I would expect from reddit not a PSL site, muh work on inner confidence, muh watch RSD. Fuck off faggots, hes already invested into surgery hes asking for surgery advice if you have none to give gtfo.

So there's a few issues I see, lets use this pic as reference

View attachment 149308

Your zygos are already wider than your jawline, going for anymore lateral projection would be bad and look uncanny. I think the main issue is that Cavill and Cruise have higher set zygos than you do and so you are never going to get the look they have with yours. We both have low set zygos so I know how it goes. Honestly it's just cause you're holding fat in your face, you need a leaner malar region and buccal region dude. If those areas were leaner the skin would fold in and reveal the zygos better. That is what a natural gl midface region would do, if you compensate by just trying to get more projection with implant its gunna look unnatural IMO.

Dunno if I am articulating it well enough heres a pic to try and show what I am talking about where the malar region is so lean you see the anterior projection better simply cause it's so lean.

View attachment 149314 View attachment 149315

I could be wrong but that's how I see it, just need a leaner face somehow.

The pic where you're pinching your skin to give the illusion of zygos is unrealistic cause again, that requires your zygos to literally be higher set then they are man.

Your face below the eyes all looks good
I have low set, recessed cheekbones. Is it not possible to get zygo implants placed high up to simulate high cheekbones?
I have low set, recessed cheekbones. Is it not possible to get zygo implants placed high up to simulate high cheekbones?

I'm not sure TBH; I would get in touch with a surgeon who has lots of experience doing cheek implant procedures on male patients like Eppley or Yaremchuk, or maybe even Binder in CA.
I have low set, recessed cheekbones. Is it not possible to get zygo implants placed high up to simulate high cheekbones?
crying will improve ur cheekbones so keep doing it
  • JFL
Reactions: SHARK
Everything except eye area in your face is pretty perfect. Also, you look older than 30, which is bad, so think about youthmaxxing methods. I'm surprised you are incel tbh. My face is way more shit than yours, but I'm 6'2'', roided and tanned and I get foid attention and have sex.
You may say the implant results look "good enough," but I think you'd agree that they look at least a little underdone and that a few more mm would look really sharp.
No, I fucking don't agree you delusional OCD coper.

Fix the eyes, lengthen legs, roid, tat, tan and go slay pussy and stop being such a mentalcel.
  • +1
Reactions: justanothergymcell and Deleted member 2486
Everything except eye area in your face is pretty perfect. Also, you look older than 30, which is bad, so think about youthmaxxing methods. I'm surprised you are incel tbh. My face is way more shit than yours, but I'm 6'2'', roided and tanned and I get foid attention and have sex.

No, I fucking don't agree you delusional OCD coper.

Fix the eyes, lengthen legs, roid, tat, tan and go slay pussy and stop being such a mentalcel.

I appreciate the compliments and advice, but I find it worrisome that you say that I look older than 30. Most people I ask who I meet IRL tend to guess my age at 27-28, so every time I talk to someone who says I look significantly older than that makes me apprehensive that my current collagenmaxxing strategies may be ineffective. I started applying 0.1% Retin-A back in July 2018 (took a break for a month after I got my first round of surgeries back in March) and have been doing red light therapy on my face for at least 5 nights per week for several weeks now. I also started applying a topical peptide product containing Matrixyl 3000 and Argirelene a little over a week ago and am planning on ordering a dermapen soon so I can start dermaneedling my face.

Just curious, what is it about my face that makes me look 30+? Is it the nasolabial folds? Dry skin?
Just curious, what is it about my face that makes me look 30+? Is it the nasolabial folds? Dry skin?
stop the cope. you dont look a day younger than 30. you look your age, literally. if i didnt know how old you are and had to guess i'd say ur 33 and ur 32 so its w/e. this is why i said time is a big factor for you so stop dicking around and start your life already
  • +1
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If most people IRL think you look 27, then just take that
People here are obviously gonna be as mean as possible lol
stop the cope. you dont look a day younger than 30. you look your age, literally. if i didnt know how old you are and had to guess i'd say ur 33 and ur 32 so its w/e. this is why i said time is a big factor for you so stop dicking around and start your life already

WTF, I said in one of my previous posts that I already felt like it was over for me (largely because of age) and you argued with me and said it wasn't.

I'm actually not even 32 yet (will be in a few months), so apparently I look even older than my actual age. Why is it "coping" for me to want to know what specific factors are responsible for making me look old?

And I also wasn't coping when I said that people IRL tend to guess my age at 28. I try to get as many data points as possible so that I can get a fairly reliable "average" age (or maybe most frequently guessed age is a better way to put it).

And age is part of the reason why I'm not worried about pursuing girls anymore. Here in the US, there are countless males (even in my small city) that are significantly better looking than me AND a decade younger than me, so why would an attractive female in her 20's consider hooking up with me at a club/bar when she could just as easily get a guy who is more attractive and also younger looking?

... Hold on, I just randomly remembered something -- back when another forum user did a Tinder experiment using a couple of my photos, wasn't it you who said that I looked 28 in those photos? Or was that another user with a similar username?
If most people IRL think you look 27, then just take that
People here are obviously gonna be as mean as possible lol

LOL, I'm just trying to get as many data points (I.e., age guesses) as possible. If everyone here thinks I look 33+, it doesn't necessarily bother me (although it's obviously not what I would hope to hear), but I would like to gather as much objective information as I possibly can regarding the visual factors that make me appear to be at least that old.

FWIW, a few people IRL have guessed my age to be between 38-40, so 33 isn't the most brutal guess I've received. All I was saying in my previous post is that over the last 6-7 months, most people IRL have guessed either 27 or 28, but if everyone here truly thinks that I look to be 33 or older, then those are valid data points to take into consideration as well.
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Just curious, what is it about my face that makes me look 30+? Is it the nasolabial folds? Dry skin?
Your nasolabial folds I think, but also general appearance of skin. You need to exercise more, get tan and get better skin.

I don't see your age being a problem though, since you look good overall.
Men can get women 5-10 years younger than them, so where is the issue?

Just work out, get buff, get a facial scar and neck tattoos and slay.

You sound ultra high inhib.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 502
Your nasolabial folds I think, but also general appearance of skin. You need to exercise more, get tan and get better skin.

I hope that Taban can get rid of the NL folds and undereye hollows when he does my lower lid retraction surgery. Also, when I go back to Dr. Y to have my midface implants revised and to get the jaw implant placed, he will do another midface lift, which should hopefully help get rid of the folds (at least for a few years).

When you say to exercise more, are you referring to cardio or weight lifting? B/c I already lift weights 3 days/wk (have a rotator cuff tear and labrum tear so can't go too crazy) and run 4 days/wk, so I'm not sure if doing even more exercise would benefit the appearance of my skin.
I hope that Taban can get rid of the NL folds and undereye hollows when he does my lower lid retraction surgery. Also, when I go back to Dr. Y to have my midface implants revised and to get the jaw implant placed, he will do another midface lift, which should hopefully help get rid of the folds (at least for a few years).

When you say to exercise more, are you referring to cardio or weight lifting? B/c I already lift weights 3 days/wk (have a rotator cuff tear and labrum tear so can't go too crazy) and run 4 days/wk, so I'm not sure if doing even more exercise would benefit the appearance of my skin.
Cardio. I dunno, you will get more healthy looking, vibrant skin I think. You just don't look too healthy right now. Maybe it won't help, but you can try. Ideally you should do MMA, but with implants that route is closed. I honestly think implants for men are a very bad choice, because it makes you extremely high inhib and afraid to get into altercations, which is extremely unsexy. Women want low inhib men that can beat other males up. Your high inhibition will show off in micro-mannerisms and expressions, sending signals that you are an unworthy mate and not a risk taker. I'd really like to see before-after of your implant procedure to determine if it is all worth it. Can you show it please?
Good ogee curve, high set sharpish rather than roundish like Andreas Eriksens who look primitive and feminine
  • +1
Reactions: NegativeNorwood and kota
Cardio. I dunno, you will get more healthy looking, vibrant skin I think. You just don't look too healthy right now. Maybe it won't help, but you can try. Ideally you should do MMA, but with implants that route is closed. I honestly think implants for men are a very bad choice, because it makes you extremely high inhib and afraid to get into altercations, which is extremely unsexy. Women want low inhib men that can beat other males up. Your high inhibition will show off in micro-mannerisms and expressions, sending signals that you are an unworthy mate and not a risk taker. I'd really like to see before-after of your implant procedure to determine if it is all worth it. Can you show it please?

Here is a link to a post I made in a thread back in September where I posted a set of pre-surgery photos as well as a set of post-surgery photos that were taken immediately after running 8-9 miles in extremely humid, hot weather. IMO my skin looks a lot better in those photos. I live in a region of the US that is EXTREMELY humid for about half the year, and then it gets very dry and cold beginning in Oct/Nov. The climate started becoming really dry over the last few weeks, so that may be one reason why my skin looks worse now. I'm also still peeling some from the Retin-A. Anyways, here's the link to the post in the thread:

Here is another series of post-surgery photos that were taken in mid-September when I was working at a hospital:

Also, here's yet another set of post-surgery photos I took in mid-September after working out at the gym (no cardio); the last photo in the series is actually a gif of me in motion:

The thing is, I like the overall design/morphology of the implants (both cheeks and chin) -- I just want the cheek implants to look more noticeable. If you notice, in the post-running photos, the ogee curve on the left side doesn't project very much. Like I said to Amnesia below, it's basically just a matter of keeping the same implant design and simply boosting the projection. Also notice how my midface looks more defined and hollowed out in the gif when I clench my masseter muscles. That's one reason I want to get the rest of my jaw implant put in (aside from lowering the gonial angle).

Good ogee curve, high set sharpish rather than roundish like Andreas Eriksens who look primitive and feminine

Thanks. I agree 100% that the overall design of the implants is solid -- I just want them to project a bit more. In other words, it's simply a matter of keeping the design the same, but having implants of the same design be a bit more noticeable. In addition to a few mm of more lateral and anterior projection, I would also like for the ogee curve to project a bit more, especially on the left side.
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just looked over these pics

looks great man for real.

I agree, in this pic from the viewer perspective the left zygo looks less prominent

But even though you look great
just looked over these pics

looks great man for real.

I agree, in this pic from the viewer perspective the left zygo looks less prominent

But even though you look great

Thanks. IMO it's not just the left zygo that is less prominent -- I think both the left and right sides need more projection. Also, in those post-running photos my implants might look more noticeable than they normally are because of the water weight I lost during the exercise.

Another point I wanted to make is that even though lateral zygo flare-out isn't really necessary to be GL as a male (like you pointed out), I feel like I have the kind of face/skull shape that would be benefit from having that extra definition. IMO there's no way around it -- the issue is that he designed implants with solid morphology that are simply too small. They could've done so much more for my face (eyes notwithstanding), but he just didn't quite make them big enough. If you think about it, it would really be leaving a lot of potential aesthetic improvement on the table to NOT get them revised.

BTW, do you agree with the other guys that I look to be 33? I was planning on getting a collagen-boosting laser treatment like Fraxel anyways, but if I really am aging that rapidly to the point that there's no way in hell I can pass for late 20's anymore, I need to get it done ASAP.
Yes, to answer your question I would advise against implant revision even if you had your eyes done first. Reason is your infraorbital/zygo projection is already perfect so there would be nothing to gain from it, while running the risk of complications and/or looking uncanny.

Some models just have less facial fat ie more hollow cheeks than you which make their zygos pop a bit more visually. I don't think trying to compensate for this by going overboard with the implant size is a good idea.

I hear what you're saying about wanting to get the results that you were going for etc but messing with an already top tier feature is not going to improve your looks, it's just a mental fixation at this point.
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Reactions: Gaia262
ive had over 15 fraxel and ipl laser therapies, biggest waste of money ive done. u cannot cheat age genetics i dont believe in any of this stuff for looking younger. u look ur age not older, your eye area gives a huge failo for how old u look cause the droopy eyes make u look older plus the side effects from retin a.

u look rlly good in those exercise pics thats what i think, id be more than happy if i had ur ogee curve its what i wanna get fillers for to see how much better i look since my right zygo is not as prominent as my left

obv u need to get the revision cause nothingg we say is gunna matter, just do it but i wouldnt spend a nickel on any of that laser crap to look younger, if ur gunna get lateral projection which u are gnna end up cause lets be honest u wont be happy till u do, then ur gnna have to also get that jaw work done to balance it out

u mentioned the more revision u get the more scar tissue u create making it harder for taban to do eye area possibly? thats concerning since all this is for nothing if u cannot fix ur eyes, this would be all sunken cost if u cant dramatically change ur eye area man, remember u will probably have to get revision for ur eyes too since they are almost literally deformed state

(writing this in the dark so not caring about grammar capitalization etc)

edit, u also made a comment that u didnt think there was a big difference between before after ogee curve and how it looks, i have to disagree, u look dramatically better and different
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ive had over 15 fraxel and ipl laser therapies, biggest waste of money ive done. u cannot cheat age genetics i dont believe in any of this stuff for looking younger. u look ur age not older, your eye area gives a huge failo for how old u look cause the droopy eyes make u look older plus the side effects from retin a.

u look rlly good in those exercise pics thats what i think, id be more than happy if i had ur ogee curve its what i wanna get fillers for to see how much better i look since my right zygo is not as prominent as my left

obv u need to get the revision cause nothingg we say is gunna matter, just do it but i wouldnt spend a nickel on any of that laser crap to look younger, if ur gunna get lateral projection which u are gnna end up cause lets be honest u wont be happy till u do, then ur gnna have to also get that jaw work done to balance it out

u mentioned the more revision u get the more scar tissue u create making it harder for taban to do eye area possibly? thats concerning since all this is for nothing if u cannot fix ur eyes, this would be all sunken cost if u cant dramatically change ur eye area man, remember u will probably have to get revision for ur eyes too since they are almost literally deformed state

(writing this in the dark so not caring about grammar capitalization etc)
How old are you? Last pics I've seen you look 24 I'd say
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How old are you? Last pics I've seen you look 24 of say

also bee using tanning beds 3x a weeks since i was 18 so muh stay out of the sun theory btfo
i attribute it go being on a gluten free iet, that shit destroys my skin quality when i eat it, i had bad skin issues psoriasis flakly dry skin, a naturopathic dr said to go gluten free for a month and see how my skin reacted and it was a miracle

also bee using tanning beds 3x a weeks since i was 18 so muh stay out of the sun theory btfo
Lifefuel I guess. I mean my parents looked good for their age so that's one less thing I have to worry about that
  • +1
Reactions: Amnesia
Lifefuel I guess. I mean my parents looked good for their age so that's one less thing I have to worry about that
yeah my parents look rlly good for their age too so u might be golden, life doeesnt end at 30 bruh, stay lean and keep ur hairline and u will be 99 percentile for ur age n ur 30s the competition is a joke for my peers when i see fellow 30 smthings lmfao
  • +1
Reactions: wellthatsucks
Yes, to answer your question I would advise against implant revision even if you had your eyes done first. Reason is your infraorbital/zygo projection is already perfect so there would be nothing to gain from it, while running the risk of complications and/or looking uncanny.

Some models just have less facial fat ie more hollow cheeks than you which make their zygos pop a bit more visually. I don't think trying to compensate for this by going overboard with the implant size is a good idea.

I hear what you're saying about wanting to get the results that you were going for etc but messing with an already top tier feature is not going to improve your looks, it's just a mental fixation at this point.

IDK, I guess it's like Amnesia said in his post below... it's just one of those situations where I simply won't be satisfied until I get more of the look I was going for in the first place, so I'll probably just have to end up getting it done and seeing what happens. What is your opinion on getting the rest of my jaw implant put in to lower the height of my jaw angles? If you recall, in the morph photo that someone made for me a few months ago back on Lookism, they didn't just dramatically improve the eye area, but they lowered my jaw angles as well and it really improved the overall balance of my face IMO.
ive had over 15 fraxel and ipl laser therapies, biggest waste of money ive done. u cannot cheat age genetics i dont believe in any of this stuff for looking younger. u look ur age not older, your eye area gives a huge failo for how old u look cause the droopy eyes make u look older plus the side effects from retin a.

u look rlly good in those exercise pics thats what i think, id be more than happy if i had ur ogee curve its what i wanna get fillers for to see how much better i look since my right zygo is not as prominent as my left

obv u need to get the revision cause nothingg we say is gunna matter, just do it but i wouldnt spend a nickel on any of that laser crap to look younger, if ur gunna get lateral projection which u are gnna end up cause lets be honest u wont be happy till u do, then ur gnna have to also get that jaw work done to balance it out

u mentioned the more revision u get the more scar tissue u create making it harder for taban to do eye area possibly? thats concerning since all this is for nothing if u cannot fix ur eyes, this would be all sunken cost if u cant dramatically change ur eye area man, remember u will probably have to get revision for ur eyes too since they are almost literally deformed state

(writing this in the dark so not caring about grammar capitalization etc)

edit, u also made a comment that u didnt think there was a big difference between before after ogee curve and how it looks, i have to disagree, u look dramatically better and different

I guess it pretty much comes down to what you said in your post -- I'm not going to be satisfied until I get the revision done, so I might as well go ahead and do it. What makes it really hard to not want to get it done is that I can see how my face would look better with more angularity and definition in the midface area, so it's like the benefit is clear to me.

Also, I was planning on getting the rest of the jaw implant put in anyways, even if just for the benefit of having the lower jaw angles so that my skull doesn't look so short at the back (and to get a sharper, more straight jawline as well), so I guess all these enhancements will kind of all go along with each other.

It sucks to hear that the Fraxel treatments didn't do much for you, but are you sure they aren't the reason why people are guessing your age to be early-mid-20s? LOL

It's just disappointing to hear that they didn't do much for you because I was hoping there was SOMETHING out there that I could do in order to not look as old, or at least to not age as fast. Because if there isn't, then it sounds like I'm pretty much aging at my natural rate, which means that next year I'll look 33, the year after that I'll look 34, and so on. Do you honestly think there's anything I can do to try and get a late 20's look? Because if not, then my visual age is obviously going to make me have a hard time with attracting girls in pretty much any setting from here on out, regardless of how well my eye surgeries turn out. This is one of the reasons why I said in a response posted in another thread that I honestly don't think it's going to make any sense for me to pursue girls at this point in clubs, bars, etc. and that I'd honestly be better served just seeing an upscale escort a few times a month. Regardless of how much more attractive I become from all these surgeries, being a GL guy who looks noticeably older than other GL guys in pretty much all social settings puts me at an inherent disadvantage when it comes to attracting girls, and to insist otherwise is simply coping.

BTW, do you think the ppl IRL who guess my IRL to be 28 are just lying to me to be nice? I mean it sounded like they were making honest guesses but I could be wrong. I'm not trying to cope here; I was honestly just trying to gather as many honest data points (in terms of age guesses from ppl) as possible, so I'm not sure why they'd like to me. Also, it's not like I'm randomly sperging out and asking random ppl to guess my age out of nowhere; I usually ask them to guess it after we've already gotten into a conversation on aging, finishing school and starting our careers, etc.

@wellthatsucks @kota @PrettyBoyMaxxing Do you agree with everyone else here that I pretty much look solidly 31-32 at minimum? What's weird is that when someone ran the Tinder experiment using my photos about a month ago, people guessed my age at 28-ish, but now everyone's saying 32-33, so I guess I'm just curious as to how old I really do look and whether there's anything I can do to try and look younger, skincare-wise.
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IDK, I guess it's like Amnesia said in his post below... it's just one of those situations where I simply won't be satisfied until I get more of the look I was going for in the first place, so I'll probably just have to end up getting it done and seeing what happens. What is your opinion on getting the rest of my jaw implant put in to lower the height of my jaw angles? If you recall, in the morph photo that someone made for me a few months ago back on Lookism, they didn't just dramatically improve the eye area, but they lowered my jaw angles as well and it really improved the overall balance of my face IMO.

@wellthatsucks @kota @PrettyBoyMaxxing Do you agree with everyone else here that I pretty much look solidly 31-32 at minimum? What's weird is that when someone ran the Tinder experiment using my photos about a month ago, people guessed my age at 28-ish, but now everyone's saying 32-33, so I guess I'm just curious as to how old I really do look and whether there's anything I can do to try and look younger, skincare-wise.

Yea hopefully doing it will give you piece of mind on the matter at least.

Yes, I agree you could benefit from slightly longer ramus / lower jaw angles.

I think you look slightly younger than your age.
  • +1
Reactions: Gaia262
Yea hopefully doing it will give you piece of mind on the matter at least.

Yes, I agree you could benefit from slightly longer ramus / lower jaw angles.

I think you look slightly younger than your age.

Thanks for the feedback. Assuming I'm able to get rid of the undereye hollowing and nasolabial folds (for a few years, at least), do you think I could at least somewhat convincingly come across as 28?
I've been following all your posts, I agree with many of the others here that you should not get the revision. The midface implants may be too small in your mind, but I think they look excellent and are very prominent, way more than the average guy. If you get them revised, the best case outcome is that you look a bit different, but not better. The worst case outcome is that they end up too big, and out of sync with the rest of your face, which will actually drop you a few points in looks, because uncanny/overdone is probably one of the things people will notice the most.

I know that your goal is to improve your looks as much as possible, but getting bigger implants will not help you in that goal. If you want your cheekbones to pop out more, I would try to get to 10% or less body fat, which you are definitely not right now. Just focus on eye surgery/hair/body, and you'll be fine.

And also, peace of mind or mental satisfaction is not a good reason to get a surgery... it just means that you are being obsessive. Your implants are fine, you just need to stop thinking about it.

DId you see any eye surgeons besides Taban? Might be worth getting a few different opinions.
  • +1
Reactions: kota
I've been following all your posts, I agree with many of the others here that you should not get the revision. The midface implants may be too small in your mind, but I think they look excellent and are very prominent, way more than the average guy. If you get them revised, the best case outcome is that you look a bit different, but not better. The worst case outcome is that they end up too big, and out of sync with the rest of your face, which will actually drop you a few points in looks, because uncanny/overdone is probably one of the things people will notice the most.

I know that your goal is to improve your looks as much as possible, but getting bigger implants will not help you in that goal. If you want your cheekbones to pop out more, I would try to get to 10% or less body fat, which you are definitely not right now. Just focus on eye surgery/hair/body, and you'll be fine.

And also, peace of mind or mental satisfaction is not a good reason to get a surgery... it just means that you are being obsessive. Your implants are fine, you just need to stop thinking about it.

DId you see any eye surgeons besides Taban? Might be worth getting a few different opinions.

As always, I appreciate advice and input from other users, but I'm afraid this is one of those things I'll pretty much have no choice on getting done for myself in order to finally be satisfied. I think that one of the primary reasons I'm so motivated to have the midface implants tweaked/revised is because it's pretty easy to see (IMO) how a bit more forward projection would actually be an objectively attractive change. In other words, I'm just not making the implants bigger and more noticeable just to satisfy my own obsessive compulsions; I think they would legitimately make me a bit better-looking overall to be a little bigger.

Also, I think that by making them a little more noticeable it could potentially confer something of a halo effect by giving me the ability to more effectively fraud myself as one of "those guys" with a stereotypically chiseled/masculine face, even if the fundamental elements of my face (e.g., ratios, proportions, FWHR, etc.) won't ever allow me to actually be a legitimate Chad. Does what I'm saying here make sense? In other words, the hope would be that to certain girls (e.g., those who are tipsy or aren't using to pulling traditionally GL guys), they'll look at me, see a highly above-average chiseled midface, and register me as a stereotypical decent-looking club guy with a few a stand-out features.

I feel similarly about getting the jaw implant as well, because as it stands now, even though my jaw looks decent, the ramus is so steep that it prevents me from being perceived by people as having a generic "hot guy" jaw. It's kind of hard to explain, but it's basically that while it looks pretty good on my face, it's not a run-of-the-mill photogenic "model" jaw at this point.

So in other words, both the midface implant and jaw implant surgeries are largely aimed at giving me isolated model-ish features to help me at least fraud a few of the traits that really GL guys have.

To answer your question, I haven't consulted with anyone besides Taban for my eye surgeries. I have talked with Dr. Y (who did my midface and chin implant surgeries) and he basically suggested the same plan as Taban.

However, at this point, I am strongly leaning towards not doing any other plastic surgeries, simply because I recognize that my looks ceiling is so low compared to what legitimately GL/hot guys look like (as well as constraints related to my age) to the point that I now realize I'll never become GL like I had always hoped to become. So at this point, I honestly don't know if I'll be moving forward with getting anything else done.
yeah my parents look rlly good for their age too so u might be golden, life doeesnt end at 30 bruh, stay lean and keep ur hairline and u will be 99 percentile for ur age n ur 30s the competition is a joke for my peers when i see fellow 30 smthings lmfao
31 isn’t even old but jesus christ, go to your next highschool reuinion and species mog every guy in existence

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