Final decision: Getting my midface implants revised/enhanced in March

Thanks for the feedback. Assuming I'm able to get rid of the undereye hollowing and nasolabial folds (for a few years, at least), do you think I could at least somewhat convincingly come across as 28?
Yeah you could already get away with that no problem IMO.

When you say you're 'strongly leaning towards not doing any other plastic surgeries', are you talking about not even doing the eye surgery any more?
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I had custom midface and chin implant surgery back in March 2019, and some of you may recall that over the last few months, I've been debating back-and-forth over whether I should go back to Dr. Y to have the midface implants either enhanced with an additional 2-3 mm-thick layer of silicone or revised completely. I know that most of you have told me to just leave well enough alone and focus on fixing my eye area, but I have decided to go back in March 2020 to have my midface implants enhanced with an additional layer of silicone. I will also be having the rest of the wraparound jaw implant that was designed for me placed as well.

While I definitely think my midface looks improved as compared to what it looked like pre-surgery, I just want a more noticeably chiseled appearance. At 3.5 mm of augmentation and 5.5 mm of augmentation, respectively, on the left and right sides of the face, there's just not enough forward projection to really make the implant work stick out. I also want a bit more lateral projection on the zygomatic arches.

To provide some photo-based justification of why I want the midface implants to be further augmented, see the series of photos below that I just took tonight:

As you can see in the first photo with zero frauding whatsoever in natural lighting, you can see the slightest hint of malar definition in the upper-midface region, but it's just not quite there. At the same time, I think it's easy to see how just a few more mm of forward projection would bring out the (currently slight) degree of definition that's there already and really make it "pop."

Also, in photos two and three, I'm grasping the soft tissues that lie over my zygos and pulling them forward by maybe 3 mm at the most to give you an idea of how a bit more augmentation could create a more angular, chiseled look.

Yes, I know that the eye area is very subhuman, but it's important that I leave the eye area surgeries for last since any surgeries that are performed via a lower eyelid incision (such as midface implant surgery) are likely to compromise the results of any eyelid procedures that Dr. Taban will perform.

Also, I realize that this is an autistic thing to fixate on, but I've wanted this surgery for WAY too long (since 2012) to not be fully satisfied with the results. Another way to look at it is like this -- since a few more mm of augmentation would really make my face look more masculine and chiseled, it's almost like I'm leaving a lot of looksmaxxing potential on the table to NOT go back and have the implants touched-up. And since I'll be getting the rest of my jaw implant placed anyways, it shouldn't be too expensive since it will technically just be an add-on procedure.

Anyways, I realize this is one of those tl;dr outpourings, but I just had to get this off my chest. Most people I know IRL (including those who know I've had surgery) honestly tell me they can't even tell the difference except when I'm in certain lighting conditions and/or after I've lost a bunch of temporary water weight.

Have a good rest of your weekend

(BTW, the redness/irritation above my upper lip is from Retin-A use)


lol wtf so your delaying your eye area overhaul for midface revision wtf man. I dont think adding 3mm to your zygos or w,e when they already look more then fine will improve your chances with women, but im very much sure fixing your eyes will.
What eye surgery will improve his eyes?
lol wtf so your delaying your eye area overhaul for midface revision wtf man. I dont think adding 3mm to your zygos or w,e when they already look more then fine will improve your chances with women, but im very much sure fixing your eyes will.
What eye surgery will improve his eyes?
Thx; I started applying Retin-A (0.1% -- highest strength available) in July 2018 but took a break for about a month this past March after I underwent my first rounds of surgeries. During the summer I injected a round of GHK-Cu (I think 50 mg total over the course of several weeks? Need to go back and review how much I ordered). I have also been doing 20 - 30 minutes of red light therapy directly on my face for maybe 3-ish weeks now, although I don't do it on certain weeknights when I have to get up early. On 10/21, I started applying a hyaluronic acid-based serum with very high concentrations of two peptides (matrixl 3000 50% and argireline 10%), although I'm not sure if it's too early to notice a difference yet.

I also took those photos after running in extremely humid weather, so I sweated a lot during the exercising. Not sure how much that influences how my skin looks in the photos.

At my age I have to do everything I can to collagenmaxx, even if it means potentially risking my health. For example, I ran a cycle of HGH (4-5 IU's/day) for several months starting back in the spring that ended a couple months ago, and I'm planning on ordering more soon.

The day I can no longer pass for "hmm late 20's?" is the day it truly is over for me, regardless of how GL my bone structure ever becomes.

BTW; in the close-up photos, you can see that my skin is actually peeling/shedding a little bit, and my philtrum has been ravaged over the last week by Retin-A (that's why it looks like a rash).

I'm telling you, TC has at least several mm more projection than me. He also has more forward projection than I do. Trust me, I was watching Vanilla Sky last night, and I actually paused the movie several times during the scene at the beginning when he was running through the streets so that I could walk up to the TV screen and get an up-close look at his bone structure.
Where can I buy HGH?
It's almost funny that half the forum is utterly convinced that I don't have what it takes to become anymore attractive WHATSOEVER than I already am, and yet at the same time, nobody can actually point to any features/elements of my face and say "this/that is why you will never be anymore attractive than you are now."
About ten posters have told you to fix your eye area. You seem a bit dim.
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Yeah you could already get away with that no problem IMO.

When you say you're 'strongly leaning towards not doing any other plastic surgeries', are you talking about not even doing the eye surgery any more?

Yeah, possibly. I'm just not sure that any type or amount of PS will be enough to obtain the substantial degree of improvement and revamping of my overall look that I originally set out to get when I first started planning surgeries last year. Just not sure if any of it will be worth paying for in the end. I may schedule a consultation with one of the well-known maxfac surgeons who is regarded for doing astounding, identity-changing work with osteotomies, such as Dr. Sailer in Switzerland.
IDK, I guess it's like Amnesia said in his post below... it's just one of those situations where I simply won't be satisfied until I get more of the look I was going for in the first place, so I'll probably just have to end up getting it done and seeing what happens. What is your opinion on getting the rest of my jaw implant put in to lower the height of my jaw angles? If you recall, in the morph photo that someone made for me a few months ago back on Lookism, they didn't just dramatically improve the eye area, but they lowered my jaw angles as well and it really improved the overall balance of my face IMO.

I guess it pretty much comes down to what you said in your post -- I'm not going to be satisfied until I get the revision done, so I might as well go ahead and do it. What makes it really hard to not want to get it done is that I can see how my face would look better with more angularity and definition in the midface area, so it's like the benefit is clear to me.

Also, I was planning on getting the rest of the jaw implant put in anyways, even if just for the benefit of having the lower jaw angles so that my skull doesn't look so short at the back (and to get a sharper, more straight jawline as well), so I guess all these enhancements will kind of all go along with each other.

It sucks to hear that the Fraxel treatments didn't do much for you, but are you sure they aren't the reason why people are guessing your age to be early-mid-20s? LOL

It's just disappointing to hear that they didn't do much for you because I was hoping there was SOMETHING out there that I could do in order to not look as old, or at least to not age as fast. Because if there isn't, then it sounds like I'm pretty much aging at my natural rate, which means that next year I'll look 33, the year after that I'll look 34, and so on. Do you honestly think there's anything I can do to try and get a late 20's look? Because if not, then my visual age is obviously going to make me have a hard time with attracting girls in pretty much any setting from here on out, regardless of how well my eye surgeries turn out. This is one of the reasons why I said in a response posted in another thread that I honestly don't think it's going to make any sense for me to pursue girls at this point in clubs, bars, etc. and that I'd honestly be better served just seeing an upscale escort a few times a month. Regardless of how much more attractive I become from all these surgeries, being a GL guy who looks noticeably older than other GL guys in pretty much all social settings puts me at an inherent disadvantage when it comes to attracting girls, and to insist otherwise is simply coping.

BTW, do you think the ppl IRL who guess my IRL to be 28 are just lying to me to be nice? I mean it sounded like they were making honest guesses but I could be wrong. I'm not trying to cope here; I was honestly just trying to gather as many honest data points (in terms of age guesses from ppl) as possible, so I'm not sure why they'd like to me. Also, it's not like I'm randomly sperging out and asking random ppl to guess my age out of nowhere; I usually ask them to guess it after we've already gotten into a conversation on aging, finishing school and starting our careers, etc.

@wellthatsucks @kota @PrettyBoyMaxxing Do you agree with everyone else here that I pretty much look solidly 31-32 at minimum? What's weird is that when someone ran the Tinder experiment using my photos about a month ago, people guessed my age at 28-ish, but now everyone's saying 32-33, so I guess I'm just curious as to how old I really do look and whether there's anything I can do to try and look younger, skincare-wise.
you look good for ur age. 28ish seems good. eye area work would halo your age hard (from what i’ve seen in the morphs).
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you look good for ur age. 28ish seems good. eye area work would halo your age hard (from what i’ve seen in the morphs).

Thnx but I think it's all just cope and wishful thinking. Besides the people on here rating my visual age as looking pretty old, two ppl I asked IRL guessed 38-40.
Thnx but I think it's all just cope and wishful thinking. Besides the people on here rating my visual age as looking pretty old, two ppl I asked IRL guessed 38-40.
honestly a lot of people look either 28 to 40. it’s reallt hard to tell the difference at that age. it can go either way
honestly a lot of people look either 28 to 40. it’s reallt hard to tell the difference at that age. it can go either way

The other issue is soft tissue descent as the ligaments/muscles of the face weaken. Once that occurs, even having thick skin/good collagen from Retin-A/Tazorac abuse won't allow someone to fraud their age anymore
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Yeah, possibly. I'm just not sure that any type or amount of PS will be enough to obtain the substantial degree of improvement and revamping of my overall look that I originally set out to get when I first started planning surgeries last year. Just not sure if any of it will be worth paying for in the end. I may schedule a consultation with one of the well-known maxfac surgeons who is regarded for doing astounding, identity-changing work with osteotomies, such as Dr. Sailer in Switzerland.
Could I become a vendor there within a day or two if I signed up?
The other issue is soft tissue descent as the ligaments/muscles of the face weaken. Once that occurs, even having thick skin/good collagen from Retin-A/Tazorac abuse won't allow someone to fraud their age anymore
when does that occur? mid 30’s?
The other issue is soft tissue descent as the ligaments/muscles of the face weaken. Once that occurs, even having thick skin/good collagen from Retin-A/Tazorac abuse won't allow someone to fraud their age anymore
You already got a mid face lift and now your almond eye surgery will delay aging further. Possible fill in volume loss with restalyn as well
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Could I become a vendor there within a day or two if I signed up?

Not sure how all that works TBH, I've only ever bought products there (never sold anything)
when does that occur? mid 30’s?

Not sure TBH, I think I've read it can start happening by late 20's/early 30's but probably depends on genetics as well. There's a guy who works at the hospital I'm doing my internship at who is 43 y/o, yet he doesn't look any older than 31-ish. He's half white, half Hispanic. Face looks almost but not quite fat (like he has natural fillers injected into his face 24/7 or something)
You already got a mid face lift and now your almond eye surgery will delay aging further. Possible fill in volume loss with restalyn as well

On a related note, I wonder how long the effects of a midface lift last. On RealSelf, some of the surgeons say they can last for decades (so much longer than standard facelifts) because of the fact that midface lifts are performed at a deeper level of tissue (the periosteum). Also, Dr. Y's variation of the procedure involves stitching the midface tissues to the implants themselves. For the first few months, this made it feel weird, like there were sharp pieces of chicken wire that poked into my skin every now and then
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Thnx but I think it's all just cope and wishful thinking. Besides the people on here rating my visual age as looking pretty old, two ppl I asked IRL guessed 38-40.
You're asking dumb normies IRL who look at your eye area and see droopy eyes that's why they say that, you have better skin quality than me and less pronounced naso folds as I do
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Yeah, possibly. I'm just not sure that any type or amount of PS will be enough to obtain the substantial degree of improvement and revamping of my overall look that I originally set out to get when I first started planning surgeries last year. Just not sure if any of it will be worth paying for in the end. I may schedule a consultation with one of the well-known maxfac surgeons who is regarded for doing astounding, identity-changing work with osteotomies, such as Dr. Sailer in Switzerland.
Come on man, your mind is jumping from prioritizing debatable revision surgeries to not doing anything at all? You're missing the key to your ascension which is fixing the eyes.
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  • +1
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I had custom midface and chin implant surgery back in March 2019, and some of you may recall that over the last few months, I've been debating back-and-forth over whether I should go back to Dr. Y to have the midface implants either enhanced with an additional 2-3 mm-thick layer of silicone or revised completely. I know that most of you have told me to just leave well enough alone and focus on fixing my eye area, but I have decided to go back in March 2020 to have my midface implants enhanced with an additional layer of silicone. I will also be having the rest of the wraparound jaw implant that was designed for me placed as well.

While I definitely think my midface looks improved as compared to what it looked like pre-surgery, I just want a more noticeably chiseled appearance. At 3.5 mm of augmentation and 5.5 mm of augmentation, respectively, on the left and right sides of the face, there's just not enough forward projection to really make the implant work stick out. I also want a bit more lateral projection on the zygomatic arches.

To provide some photo-based justification of why I want the midface implants to be further augmented, see the series of photos below that I just took tonight:

As you can see in the first photo with zero frauding whatsoever in natural lighting, you can see the slightest hint of malar definition in the upper-midface region, but it's just not quite there. At the same time, I think it's easy to see how just a few more mm of forward projection would bring out the (currently slight) degree of definition that's there already and really make it "pop."

Also, in photos two and three, I'm grasping the soft tissues that lie over my zygos and pulling them forward by maybe 3 mm at the most to give you an idea of how a bit more augmentation could create a more angular, chiseled look.

Yes, I know that the eye area is very subhuman, but it's important that I leave the eye area surgeries for last since any surgeries that are performed via a lower eyelid incision (such as midface implant surgery) are likely to compromise the results of any eyelid procedures that Dr. Taban will perform.

Also, I realize that this is an autistic thing to fixate on, but I've wanted this surgery for WAY too long (since 2012) to not be fully satisfied with the results. Another way to look at it is like this -- since a few more mm of augmentation would really make my face look more masculine and chiseled, it's almost like I'm leaving a lot of looksmaxxing potential on the table to NOT go back and have the implants touched-up. And since I'll be getting the rest of my jaw implant placed anyways, it shouldn't be too expensive since it will technically just be an add-on procedure.

Anyways, I realize this is one of those tl;dr outpourings, but I just had to get this off my chest. Most people I know IRL (including those who know I've had surgery) honestly tell me they can't even tell the difference except when I'm in certain lighting conditions and/or after I've lost a bunch of temporary water weight.

Have a good rest of your weekend

(BTW, the redness/irritation above my upper lip is from Retin-A use)

Remeber you from lookism
Your plans are ALMOST as ridiculous as below. The guy practically has a thyroid condition or Graves diseases but decides to blow thousands on fillers instead.

Get a cat eyes brow lift surgery. This will bring your down tilted eye arches and brows up.

Get a cat eyes brow lift surgery. This will bring your down tilted eye arches and brows up.

Lol what a bad suggestion from mr obsessed over eyebrows himself.
Lol what a bad suggestion from mr obsessed over eyebrows himself.

Once again, its not about the eyebrows. The eyelid arches are to heavy and making the eye look nct. When you push this skin up with the lifting, the eye looks totally different.
Remeber you from lookism

Yep, that's where it all started for me. It's a shame all that content was destroyed
Get a cat eyes brow lift surgery. This will bring your down tilted eye arches and brows up.

I agree that the eyebrows and eyes look better in the post-surgery photo. I would just be apprehensive about getting brow lift since it seems like a lot of results end up looking uncanny/overdone.
Lol what a bad suggestion from mr obsessed over eyebrows himself.

Why do you think it's a bad suggestion? I had actually thought about getting Botox injected into the medial parts of my eyebrows to make them look flatter and more masculine
Your plans are ALMOST as ridiculous as below. The guy practically has a thyroid condition or Graves diseases but decides to blow thousands on fillers instead.

To make a comparison to myself and my own goals, while I agree that he needs to fix his eyes, why does that also have to mean that he shouldn't get work done to any other aspect of his face? In other words, if he had gotten his eyes done first, would you say that he wouldn't benefit from fillers/implants to improve the other aspects of his face? (Although I do think the filler results were way too subtle in general)

It seems like a lot of the people who post here are of the opinion that only severe failos should be addressed via surgery. That's where my mentality differs -- even though I agree that failos should be fixed, I don't see why people shouldn't improve other features that aren't disastrously bad as well as long as they have room to be improved.

And like I've said a million times already, the only reason I would consider getting my midface implants revised before going to Taban for my eyes is because I won't be able to have anything else done to my midface once I have had eye surgery.

However, in recent weeks, I have strongly considered abandoning all future surgery plans, partially because of reasons we've talked about before via PM. I realize that at my age and with my starting point and looksmaxxing ceiling, I'm never going to become as physically attractive as I'd like to be, and considering how much all of this is going to cost ($20k+ for the eye surgeries alone), I honestly think I'd rather save the money for escorts and whatever else I'd like to do in life.

With my proximity to a local military base, I see legit Chads and gigachads on a daily basis. Not only are these guys insanely better-looking than me, but they're also a good 5-10 years younger than me in most cases. So if a girl can have her pick of guys who are on that level of attractiveness, why would she ever bother with settling for a guy like me, unless she's just looking for a betabuxx to take advantage of in a relationship (which is something I'm not interested in)?

So basically, I agree with what you said before about it mostly being over for me (possibly to even more of an extreme than you tried to convince me of) due to various factors (age, starting point, etc.).

So like I said, at this point in my life, I think the money that it's going to cost to fix my eyes and any other features only to still be marginally attractive (at best) would be more wisely spent on escorts, savings, etc. The only possible exception is if I was to consider having dramatic face-restructuring surgery with someone like Raffaini or Sailer.
Come on man, your mind is jumping from prioritizing debatable revision surgeries to not doing anything at all? You're missing the key to your ascension which is fixing the eyes.

See the response I posted above to @justanothergymcel regarding why I'm leaning towards not getting anything else done.
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Might as well fix eye area you have already came this far...
OP, tell me you have your surgery scheduled with Taban

It's literally the only thing left you need
Your plans are ALMOST as ridiculous as below. The guy practically has a thyroid condition or Graves diseases but decides to blow thousands on fillers instead.

Lol that's the dumbest shit I've ever seen, substituting orbital decompression with fillers and even worse, fillers not injected into the inner orbit. Some fucktards MDs should just never practice.
You're asking dumb normies IRL who look at your eye area and see droopy eyes that's why they say that, you have better skin quality than me and less pronounced naso folds as I do

Trust me, my skin quality and NL folds are both way worse than yours, especially in certain types of lighting
Once again, its not about the eyebrows. The eyelid arches are to heavy and making the eye look nct. When you push this skin up with the lifting, the eye looks totally different.

how can you not see that this result is terrible
Trust me, my skin quality and NL folds are both way worse than yours, especially in certain types of lighting
I think one of the reasons why you look older is your coloring, very bland and single color
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Thankfully read the whole thread on lookism a while back, I do think you should go to Taban and leave it at that imo. You’ve came so far and I think getting eyes will help a ton if not for “slaying” then for your own confidence, it’s crazy what eyes can do to a face, I really need to fix mine also. So let’s say after you get the eyes done you can’t do anything with Zygo implants/midface ?
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I think one of the reasons why you look older is your coloring, very bland and single color

Maybe so. I think soft tissue descent is part of it as well
Thankfully read the whole thread on lookism a while back, I do think you should go to Taban and leave it at that imo. You’ve came so far and I think getting eyes will help a ton if not for “slaying” then for your own confidence, it’s crazy what eyes can do to a face, I really need to fix mine also. So let’s say after you get the eyes done you can’t do anything with Zygo implants/midface ?

Well, I could, but getting the midface implants revised after getting the eye surgeries could ruin the results of the eye surgeries since incisions would have to be made in the same area (lower eyelids) as the incisions for the eye surgeries.
You guys have difference structures but in terms of facial width this selfie of cavill made me think of you


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You guys have difference structures but in terms of facial width this selfie of cavill made me think of you

View attachment 157913

I'll take that as a compliment but Cavill is insanely better-looking LOL (not just different facial structure). Also, I was frauding in that photo by biting down to flex my masseters LOL. But do you see how his jaw angles are lower than mine? That was one reason I wanted to go back to get the rest of my jaw implant put in, since it would lower my jaw angles by 0.5 cm and 0.7 cm on each side. Also, Cavill still has more lateral zygo projection than me in that photo.
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Has anyone suggested that you have zero eyelashes.. makes your eyes look very bad, fix that and your philtrum bro too long, makes you look older if your goal is slaying and such, i suggest lip lift, neck training to make your jaw width, eyebrow+eyelash transplant, double jaw for your mouth area/maxilla

btw whats ur ipd?
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Has anyone suggested that you have zero eyelashes.. makes your eyes look very bad, fix that and your philtrum bro too long, makes you look older if your goal is slaying and such, i suggest lip lift, neck training to make your jaw width, eyebrow+eyelash transplant, double jaw for your mouth area/maxilla

btw whats ur ipd?

Not sure what my IPD is, never measured it. I have considered doing a lip lift but don't want to make my philtrum too short since my chin is naturally somewhat long and don't want to throw off the ratios. I might look into something for my eyelashes as well as double jaw surgery in the future if I do decide to pursue getting additional surgeries.
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Not sure what my IPD is, never measured it. I have considered doing a lip lift but don't want to make my philtrum too short since my chin is naturally somewhat long and don't want to throw off the ratios. I might look into something for my eyelashes as well as double jaw surgery in the future if I do decide to pursue getting additional surgeries.
Your super high 65mm+ ipd, lack of bone, and zero eyelashes make your eye area look unhealthy, thats a smart idea consideration on the lip lift I would srsly look into your philtrum falios the fuark out of u, I would prioritize double jaw after eyelid stuff

If you really just want to slay though body is king
I'll take that as a compliment but Cavill is insanely better-looking LOL (not just different facial structure). Also, I was frauding in that photo by biting down to flex my masseters LOL. But do you see how his jaw angles are lower than mine? That was one reason I wanted to go back to get the rest of my jaw implant put in, since it would lower my jaw angles by 0.5 cm and 0.7 cm on each side. Also, Cavill still has more lateral zygo projection than me in that photo.
Have you ever considered a malar fat pad lift? it could show off your midface implants better, by age 30 the malar pad sinks drastically
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Your super high 65mm+ ipd, lack of bone, and zero eyelashes make your eye area look unhealthy, thats a smart idea consideration on the lip lift I would srsly look into your philtrum falios the fuark out of u, I would prioritize double jaw after eyelid stuff

If you really just want to slay though body is king

Have you ever considered a malar fat pad lift? it could show off your midface implants better, by age 30 the malar pad sinks drastically

The only problem with the lip lift is that it could make my chin look too long, so I will have to be conservative with it. I have a chin implant too so I don't want to have to take it out if my philtrum gets shortened too much. I technically had sort of a malar fat pad lift when I had a midface lift performed during my surgery (bot sure if this procedure accomplishes the same thing).

If I do decide to get more surgeries I will be going to Taban to get orbital decompression, correction of lower lid retraction, and lateral canthoplasty. IDK if there's anything that can be done for my IPD aside from orbital box osteotomy which probably isn't a realistic surgery to get.
Btw, at my age, I don't think it is realistic to expect to be able to slay or be attractive to most girls in their 20s since they will also have guys who are 10+ years younger than me and way better-looking than me competing for them as well.
The only problem with the lip lift is that it could make my chin look too long, so I will have to be conservative with it. I have a chin implant too so I don't want to have to take it out if my philtrum gets shortened too much. I technically had sort of a malar fat pad lift when I had a midface lift performed during my surgery (bot sure if this procedure accomplishes the same thing).

If I do decide to get more surgeries I will be going to Taban to get orbital decompression, correction of lower lid retraction, and lateral canthoplasty. IDK if there's anything that can be done for my IPD aside from orbital box osteotomy which probably isn't a realistic surgery to get.
Btw, at my age, I don't think it is realistic to expect to be able to slay or be attractive to most girls in their 20s since they will also have guys who are 10+ years younger than me and way better-looking than me competing for them as well.
Then why are you even doing this big and expensive surgery procedure? Just to slay some 30+ year old hags? Btw i think your temple area does not fit correctly with the lower face width. Maybe you should get some temple fillers.
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Then why are you even doing this big and expensive surgery procedure? Just to slay some 30+ year old hags? Btw i think your temple area does not fit correctly with the lower face width. Maybe you should get some temple fillers.

Even before I decided I wanted to be more attractive to girls, I wanted to get these surgeries to become better-looking in general (this was back in 2012). Even though I'm too old to be attractive to decent-looking girls anymore, I still want to get these procedures done because I realize I won't be personally satisfied with how I look until I do. BTW I might consider getting temple fillers to correct hollowing.
Even before I decided I wanted to be more attractive to girls, I wanted to get these surgeries to become better-looking in general (this was back in 2012). Even though I'm too old to be attractive to decent-looking girls anymore, I still want to get these procedures done because I realize I won't be personally satisfied with how I look until I do. BTW I might consider getting temple fillers to correct hollowing.

you can def slay 20yrs srsly, what is your height are you bodymaxing? slaying 20yrs not crazy hard and your white psl 5 rn a 1000% possibility
you can def slay 20yrs srsly, what is your height are you bodymaxing? slaying 20yrs not crazy hard and your white psl 5 rn a 1000% possibility

Height is bordering on manlet status (5'10"). Currently gymmaxxing and will be running a steroid cycle in a few months. IMO it's not worth spending $$ to get more surgeries if I can't break PSL 5.
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Height is bordering on manlet status (5'10"). Currently gymmaxxing and will be running a steroid cycle in a few months. IMO it's not worth spending $$ to get more surgeries if I can't break PSL 5.
You literally can go past 5 tho

just fix your eyes ffs and you’re there man
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Height is bordering on manlet status (5'10"). Currently gymmaxxing and will be running a steroid cycle in a few months. IMO it's not worth spending $$ to get more surgeries if I can't break PSL 5.
Honestly if you frauded 2inches and roided you could slay 20yrs with your current face, you have to realize even the gl guys you are competing against aren't actively appoarching, bc nobody has balls to approach in 2019 irl, and attraction is irrational, if trying to slay via tinder that will be harder, but I swear the amount of normies and psl 4 guys I see with the hottest girls at college bars was lol tier last weekend puts looks theory to shame

once your psl 5, masculinity height, frame, etc is all that matters, imo women aren't looking psl perfection as much as pheno/masc traits in men
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You literally can go past 5 tho

just fix your eyes ffs and you’re there man

Thnx, I hope so. Just have to have faith in Taban being as good as ppl say he is
Honestly if you frauded 2inches and roided you could slay 20yrs with your current face, you have to realize even the gl guys you are competing against aren't actively appoarching, bc nobody has balls to approach in 2019 irl, and attraction is irrational, if trying to slay via tinder that will be harder, but I swear the amount of normies and psl 4 guys I see with the hottest girls at college bars was lol tier last weekend puts looks theory to shame

once your psl 5, masculinity height, frame, etc is all that matters, imo women aren't looking psl perfection as much as pheno/masc traits in men

Yeah, I think it's important to try and obtain as many sexually dimorphic traits as possible for a male. I agree that it will be a lot harder to slay via Tinder, but with hookup apps becoming more and ubiquitous in western society, I still think it's critical to improve as many elements of my looks as possible, especially those that matter in terms of influencing how photogenic someone is. I feel like I would stick out pretty badly at a college-aged bar though LOL
Honestly if you frauded 2inches and roided you could slay 20yrs with your current face, you have to realize even the gl guys you are competing against aren't actively appoarching, bc nobody has balls to approach in 2019 irl, and attraction is irrational, if trying to slay via tinder that will be harder, but I swear the amount of normies and psl 4 guys I see with the hottest girls at college bars was lol tier last weekend puts looks theory to shame

once your psl 5, masculinity height, frame, etc is all that matters, imo women aren't looking psl perfection as much as pheno/masc traits in men

Yeah, I think it's important to try and obtain as many sexually dimorphic traits as possible for a male. I agree that it will be a lot harder to slay via Tinder, but with hookup apps becoming more and ubiquitous in western society, I still think it's critical to improve as many elements of my looks as possible, especially those that matter in terms of influencing how photogenic someone is. I feel like I would stick out pretty badly at a college-aged bar though LOL
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your aim shouldnt be to look younger but to look good for your age. right now you look your age and not a year younger. and thats okay. you just dont belong to the gifted 10-20% percent who age very good (thanks to supreme genetic) and no skin routine will change that.

mentally youre not in a good position right now. i mean you are a 30 + year old MAN but you have the insecurities of a teenage girl. thats not a good thing.
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your aim shouldnt be to look younger but to look good for your age. right now you look your age and not a year younger. and thats okay. you just dont belong to the gifted 10-20% percent who age very good (thanks to supreme genetic) and no skin routine will change that.

mentally youre not in a good position right now. i mean you are a 30 + year old MAN but you have the insecurities of a teenage girl. thats not a good thing.

Oh well, sucks for me. I figured it was over for me anyways

Might not bother with the Retin-A and Tazorac if it doesn't seem to be making much of a difference in a few months
Oh well, sucks for me. I figured it was over for me anyways

Might not bother with the Retin-A and Tazorac if it doesn't seem to be making much of a difference in a few months

i wouldnt say that. you wont be able to relive your tweenties as a chad no matter how many surgeries you get but you will be able to have decent thirties given you fix your eye area, get that high paid job and let the past (wasted youth) go.
i wouldnt say that. you wont be able to relive your tweenties as a chad no matter how many surgeries you get but you will be able to have decent thirties given you fix your eye area, get that high paid job and let the past (wasted youth) go.

I'm not interested in being cucked in an LTR so it's probably over for me unless I resort to escortcelling. I'm not going to be cucked by girls who are interested in me just because I'm earning a good salary
you are underestimating your outcome after eye surgeries by shitty copes, you know that you will look like a whole different person yet you still fuck around with your midface implants and stuff. just move along
  • +1
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you are underestimating your outcome after eye surgeries by shitty copes, you know that you will look like a whole different person yet you still fuck around with your midface implants and stuff. just move along

I want to agree with you wholeheartedly, but I honestly just don't think that any surgeon (not even Taban) has the ability to deliver the dramatic changes I'm looking to get. And besides, even if they could, I'd simply be looking at going from being an average guy with a noticeably below-average feature to being an average guy with average features all around. So in other words, I'm looking at paying $20k+ just to look decidedly average.
I want to agree with you wholeheartedly, but I honestly just don't think that any surgeon (not even Taban) has the ability to deliver the dramatic changes I'm looking to get. And besides, even if they could, I'd simply be looking at going from being an average guy with a noticeably below-average feature to being an average guy with average features all around. So in other words, I'm looking at paying $20k+ just to look decidedly average.
whatever floats your boat man, just know that having average to above average features all around is good enough to be goodlooking
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I want to agree with you wholeheartedly, but I honestly just don't think that any surgeon (not even Taban) has the ability to deliver the dramatic changes I'm looking to get. And besides, even if they could, I'd simply be looking at going from being an average guy with a noticeably below-average feature to being an average guy with average features all around. So in other words, I'm looking at paying $20k+ just to look decidedly average.
hey man, wanted to check out, how did those surgeries turn out to be? Did you change your zygos in the end?

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