First Funky date of the year. It went HORRIBLE

Should I continue dating her

  • Hell nah, she is using u

    Votes: 29 87.9%
  • Yessir, she wants u

    Votes: 4 12.1%

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Bloat like a Flamingo, sting like a Bee
Apr 16, 2023
First she came like 10 mins too late. Secondly first sentence out of her mouth when she came in was about my eye color. Guys blackpill is more real than ever when U are dating. This shit is fucking brutal for average guy. Like it's 99 percent looks and 1 percent being NT. I am not coping here.

So I told her yeah my real eye color is kinda green but I have lenses which make it lighter green. IMMEDIATELY after that sentence of me. She went from VERY happy and enthusiastic (extreme chad treatment) to meh kinda above avg normie treatment. In an INSTANT. It's fucking crazy. And that little moment decided the fate of the whole dating experience. Her energy was low as hell. She did what she wanted to do. Her behavior was shitty. Like she just did not follow me. She did what she wanted. I told her let's sit here and she says nooo that place is better. I said OK. Bear in mind this is happening all after she knows this is not my real eyecolor.

For context she is a curvy ethnic. These girls are obsessed with light eye colors on males. They fucking wank to them.

Let's continue. That was her first signal I got of her that she was NOT interested. And keep reading cuz it is getting worse and worse. So we ordered off the menu. And when the food and drinks came. She literally just consumed 20 percent of it. Guys bear in mind she is FAT af how can she eat so little. And she just came off work. So she couldn't be full. JFL. Her whe energy was LOOOOWWW as fuck. Like wtf. No social skill or charisma was enough to win her over after my dumb blunder. As a reason she said the food was not good. She gave it a 3/10. She acts like a fucking child while she is 20 Years old. Like wtf. She ordered a cocktail (alcohol while muzzie jfl) and didn't drink even half of it. She just left it there. 60 euros were just wasted here. After that we went to the movies. It was a shitty romance average movie with Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield. She liked it. But her energy was still shitty. I said to her take this flavor. Of some frozen drink. She said Nahhh I'll take the other one. Like wtf. She belittles me hard af. She doesn't even mimic me slightly. Hahahaha. I am crying of laughter. She gave me all the red flags of the book. During the movie she talked about vacation and how she really wanted to go to the USA and she wanted to know if I am also travelling a lot (she actually just wanna know if I am good betabux material ngl). Here I started lying hard. I told her I am rich af and go on vacations every month. After that she became a Lil more interested. Cuz I faked my betabux value. JFL. These women are hilarious.

She saw me as a friend. I told her to kiss me goodbye before she left. She gave the quickest kiss ever near my lips. She didn't even aim. It was like 1 zeptosecond. I didn't feel shit. She went away very fast. She Just wanted to escape me tbh.

After that she apped me about the movie what was its ending I said it was alright. Then she says that I am a kind guy and that I am her type. That's when her words don't translate into her actions. She is straight up lying atp.

I won't go on anymore dates with her. I fucked up. My fault. I'll never tell the truth about my eye color. Next time when I wanna slay I'll just say green is my real eye color. I wanted her short term not long term so being honest was dumb af here. Biggest Funky blunder OAT.

Which is also noteworthy, she deleted her pics of her body she sent to me. I told her why. She said I thought U were fake. But she deleted it after knowing I was not fake cuz we spoke in a voice call. She just lies.

Let's pray to gandy that she will send nudes atleast. That's my last hope with her. Rest is done. Lesson is learned. Always LIE to women for STRs otherwise you'll get fucked like me and abused.

Tagging some good lads @Charisma @Funnyunenjoyer1 @zemult @Clavicular @Mosh12 @Gengar @enchanted_elixir @emeraldglass @noahwillascend @Redblue0 @Jonas2k7 @WhiteMan
Last edited:
  • +1
  • JFL
  • So Sad
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@TigranTheGreat @LKSMAXPerson @porn
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Reactions: Deleted member 102239, Costcosuperstore and Methylphenidate
@Saint Casanova bruh what's ur opinion
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore and Methylphenidate
Yeah, bro, she's not into you, and I think you've realized that too, which is a good thing. It's better to accept the truth than to keep chasing fantasies. Better luck next time.
  • +1
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: 6’3 MTN Cutecel, thereallegend, The Grinch and 9 others
4642410 IMG 1521

My Uncensored reaction :
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: IHATEINDIANS, Volksstaffel, aladdinmaxxer and 8 others
What country is this?

I can't help but think this is larp unless OP is 5'6 or something
  • +1
Reactions: thereallegend, Costcosuperstore, CyberPsychodelic and 1 other person
Yeah, bro, she's not into you, and I think you've realized that too, which is a good thing. It's better to accept the truth than to keep chasing fantasies. Better luck next time.
Mijn schuld of niet. Ik had gwn moeten liegen over oogkleur. Dat was letterlijk de enige reden wrm ze überhaupt kwam. Ze was obsessed
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore and Methylphenidate
What country
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore
What country is this?

I can't help but think this is larp unless OP is 5'6 or something
I am 6ft outside bro. She is like 165cm. I am around 183cm. This is the Netherlands btw. But she is ethnic. And no it is not larp
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: aladdinmaxxer, Costcosuperstore, Methylphenidate and 1 other person
What country is this?

I can't help but think this is larp unless OP is 5'6 or something
Why u think it is larp. Has no date gone so badly?
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore and Methylphenidate
First she came like 10 mins too late. Secondly first sentence out of her mouth when she came in was about my eye color. Guys blackpill is more real than ever when U are dating. This shit is fucking brutal for average guy. Like it's 99 percent looks and 1 percent being NT. I am not coping here.

So I told her yeah my real eye color is kinda green but I have lenses which make it lighter green. IMMEDIATELY after that sentence of me. She went from VERY happy and enthusiastic (extreme chad treatment) to meh kinda above avg normie treatment. In an INSTANT. It's fucking crazy. And that little moment decided the fate of the whole dating experience. Her energy was low as hell. She did what she wanted to do. Her behavior was shitty. Like she just did not follow me. She did what she wanted. I told her let's sit here and she says nooo that place is better. I said OK. Bear in mind this is happening all after she knows this is not my real eyecolor.

For context she is a curvy ethnic. These girls are obsessed with light eye colors on males. They fucking wank to them.

Let's continue. That was her first signal I got of her that she was NOT interested. And keep reading cuz it is getting worse and worse. So we ordered off the menu. And when the food and drinks came. She literally just consumed 20 percent of it. Guys bear in mind she is FAT af how can she eat so little. And she just came off work. So she couldn't be full. JFL. Her whe energy was LOOOOWWW as fuck. Like wtf. No social skill or charisma was enough to win her over after my dumb blunder. As a reason she said the food was not good. She gave it a 3/10. She acts like a fucking child while she is 20 Years old. Like wtf. She ordered a cocktail (alcohol while muzzie jfl) and didn't drink even half of it. She just left it there. 60 euros were just wasted here. After that we went to the movies. It was a shitty romance average movie with Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield. She liked it. But her energy was still shitty. I said to her take this flavor. Of some frozen drink. She said Nahhh I'll take the other one. Like wtf. She belittles me hard af. She doesn't even mimic me slightly. Hahahaha. I am crying of laughter. She gave me all the red flags of the book. During the movie she talked about vacation and how she really wanted to go to the USA and she wanted to know if I am also travelling a lot (she actually just wanna know if I am good betabux material ngl). Here I started lying hard. I told her I am rich af and go on vacations every month. After that she became a Lil more interested. Cuz I faked my betabux value. JFL. These women are hilarious.

She saw me as a friend. I told her to kiss me goodbye before she left. She gave the quickest kiss ever near my lips. She didn't even aim. It was like 1 zeptosecond. I didn't feel shit. She went away very fast. She Just wanted to escape me tbh.

After that she apped me about the movie what was its ending I said it was alright. Then she says that I am a kind guy and that I am her type. That's when her words don't translate into her actions. She is straight up lying atp.

I won't go on anymore dates with her. I fucked up. My fault. I'll never tell the truth about my eye color. Next time when I wanna slay I'll just say green is my real eye color. I wanted her short term not long term so being honest was dumb af here. Biggest Funky blunder OAT.

Which is also noteworthy, she deleted her pics of her body she sent to me. I told her why. She said I thought U were fake. But she deleted it after knowing I was not fake cuz we spoke in a voice call. She just lies.

Let's pray to gandy that she will send nudes atleast. That's my last hope with her. Rest is done. Lesson is learned. Always LIE to women for STRs otherwise you'll get fucked like me and abused.

Tagging some good lads @Charisma @Funnyunenjoyer1 @zemult @Clavicular @Mosh12 @Gengar @enchanted_elixir @emeraldglass @noahwillascend @Redblue0 @Jonas2k7 @WhiteMan
She’s either testing tf outta you or low fucking interest
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore and Methylphenidate
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore and Methylphenidate
I am 6ft outside bro. She is like 165cm. I am around 183cm. This is the Netherlands btw. But she is ethnic. And no it is not larp

You're white right?

Why don't you just go white girl or nothing?

Pretty fucked up story but idk maybe 165cm is above average for an ethnic woman so... Maybe she felt entitled?

I'm 5'9 and Asian but I wouldn't tolerate this kind of behaviour from anyone with dark skin

Do better bruv
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Lulleko, Tai Lung, normie_joe and 2 others
She’s either testing tf outta you or low fucking interest
She literally knows I have a gymbody. I sent it to her. But my eyecolor meant 10 billion times. More to their than 2 years of consistent gymcelling
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: aladdinmaxxer, Costcosuperstore, Methylphenidate and 2 others
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore and RealFunkyFlamingo
You're white right?

Why don't you just go white girl or nothing?

Pretty fucked up story but idk maybe 165cm is above average for an ethnic woman so... Maybe she felt entitled?

I'm 5'9 and Asian but I wouldn't tolerate this kind of behaviour from anyone with dark skin

Do better bruv
I looked Italian to her she told me. But I am Arab originally.
  • +1
Reactions: aladdinmaxxer and Costcosuperstore
@RealFunkyFlamingo you have 4 years on this forum and you still thinking you are not good looking due to eye color and not because you have no jaw, botched nose, weak bones and average harmony

Keep grinding with your skincare and contacs instead of injecting filler in your jaw and getting implants retard low iq nigger
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: xuzky, Marsik, narex054 and 11 others

you wasted way more than 60 euros how much was the whole cost?

never go on a movie date for a first date

what kind of vibe were you giving? interviewing her or having fun?trying to impress her or her trying to impress you?

regardless text her again to go out for ice cream don’t make assumptions and neg yourself

“hey i have a sweet tooth you free on (insert date)”

text a week after
  • +1
Reactions: Kroker, TheMaxxer333, Costcosuperstore and 1 other person
First she came like 10 mins too late. Secondly first sentence out of her mouth when she came in was about my eye color. Guys blackpill is more real than ever when U are dating. This shit is fucking brutal for average guy. Like it's 99 percent looks and 1 percent being NT. I am not coping here.

So I told her yeah my real eye color is kinda green but I have lenses which make it lighter green. IMMEDIATELY after that sentence of me. She went from VERY happy and enthusiastic (extreme chad treatment) to meh kinda above avg normie treatment. In an INSTANT. It's fucking crazy. And that little moment decided the fate of the whole dating experience. Her energy was low as hell. She did what she wanted to do. Her behavior was shitty. Like she just did not follow me. She did what she wanted. I told her let's sit here and she says nooo that place is better. I said OK. Bear in mind this is happening all after she knows this is not my real eyecolor.

For context she is a curvy ethnic. These girls are obsessed with light eye colors on males. They fucking wank to them.

Let's continue. That was her first signal I got of her that she was NOT interested. And keep reading cuz it is getting worse and worse. So we ordered off the menu. And when the food and drinks came. She literally just consumed 20 percent of it. Guys bear in mind she is FAT af how can she eat so little. And she just came off work. So she couldn't be full. JFL. Her whe energy was LOOOOWWW as fuck. Like wtf. No social skill or charisma was enough to win her over after my dumb blunder. As a reason she said the food was not good. She gave it a 3/10. She acts like a fucking child while she is 20 Years old. Like wtf. She ordered a cocktail (alcohol while muzzie jfl) and didn't drink even half of it. She just left it there. 60 euros were just wasted here. After that we went to the movies. It was a shitty romance average movie with Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield. She liked it. But her energy was still shitty. I said to her take this flavor. Of some frozen drink. She said Nahhh I'll take the other one. Like wtf. She belittles me hard af. She doesn't even mimic me slightly. Hahahaha. I am crying of laughter. She gave me all the red flags of the book. During the movie she talked about vacation and how she really wanted to go to the USA and she wanted to know if I am also travelling a lot (she actually just wanna know if I am good betabux material ngl). Here I started lying hard. I told her I am rich af and go on vacations every month. After that she became a Lil more interested. Cuz I faked my betabux value. JFL. These women are hilarious.

She saw me as a friend. I told her to kiss me goodbye before she left. She gave the quickest kiss ever near my lips. She didn't even aim. It was like 1 zeptosecond. I didn't feel shit. She went away very fast. She Just wanted to escape me tbh.

After that she apped me about the movie what was its ending I said it was alright. Then she says that I am a kind guy and that I am her type. That's when her words don't translate into her actions. She is straight up lying atp.

I won't go on anymore dates with her. I fucked up. My fault. I'll never tell the truth about my eye color. Next time when I wanna slay I'll just say green is my real eye color. I wanted her short term not long term so being honest was dumb af here. Biggest Funky blunder OAT.

Which is also noteworthy, she deleted her pics of her body she sent to me. I told her why. She said I thought U were fake. But she deleted it after knowing I was not fake cuz we spoke in a voice call. She just lies.

Let's pray to gandy that she will send nudes atleast. That's my last hope with her. Rest is done. Lesson is learned. Always LIE to women for STRs otherwise you'll get fucked like me and abused.

Tagging some good lads @Charisma @Funnyunenjoyer1 @zemult @Clavicular @Mosh12 @Gengar @enchanted_elixir @emeraldglass @noahwillascend @Redblue0 @Jonas2k7 @WhiteMan
Not gonna read this shit
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore
There’s woman like that I’m not even fucking with you. Your probably right though no interest most likely
Nah she is too dumb to be that good in testing someone. She is just low interest. She is very kind tho. I liked her kindness. She is also warm and felt like a teddybear jfl. Estrogenic as hell
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Tai Lung and Costcosuperstore

you wasted way more than 60 euros how much was the whole cost?

never go on a movie date for a first date

what kind of vibe were you giving? interviewing her or having fun?trying to impress her or her trying to impress you?

regardless text her again to go out for ice cream don’t make assumptions and neg yourself

“hey i have a sweet tooth you free on (insert date)”

text a week after
It wasn't a movie date we went to movie after diner
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: panjeet currycel, Costcosuperstore and TigranTheGreat
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore
@RealFunkyFlamingo you have 4 years on this forum and you still thinking you are not good looking due to eye color and not because you have no jaw, botched nose, weak bones and average harmony

Keep grinding with your skincare and contacs instead of injecting filler in your jaw and getting implants retard low iq nigger
Ngl eye color ascended me hard for her atleast
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore
Mijn schuld of niet. Ik had gwn moeten liegen over oogkleur. Dat was letterlijk de enige reden wrm ze überhaupt kwam. Ze was obsessed
Ja, die lenzen had je beter niet kunnen noemen, komt over als try hard. Maar soms heb je geluk, soms niet. Niks aan te doen.
  • +1
Reactions: Numb The Pain, Costcosuperstore and RealFunkyFlamingo
Why u think it is larp. Has no date gone so badly?

Because you seem to mog her.

Usually women don't behave like this if the guy mogs her. And especially when you hinted you're rich.

Either that or you just got unlucky and got the worst of the worst in terms of attitude.
I looked Italian to her she told me. But I am Arab originally.
Ok so you're ethnic too
Jfl at both of you drinking booze
@RealFunkyFlamingo you have 4 years on this forum and you still thinking you are not good looking due to eye color and not because you have no jaw, botched nose, weak bones and average harmony

Keep grinding with your skincare and contacs instead of injecting filler in your jaw and getting implants retard low iq nigger
What does OP look like?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: normie_joe and Costcosuperstore
I told her to kiss me goodbye before she left. She gave the quickest kiss ever near my lips. She didn't even aim. It was like 1 zeptosecond. I didn't feel shit.
Ngl, it's your first date, what did you expect?
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore
Why would you ever admit you have lenses
  • +1
Reactions: Tusseleif, thereallegend, TheMaxxer333 and 3 others
It wasn't a movie date we went to movie after diner
even worse

double whammy worse

high effort dinner first date =NO
movie date =NO

those are reserved for women who have shown sexual attraction and have acted on it. no chances of physical escalation either in any of those without awkwardness

drinks are the best and cheap or coffee or icecream
  • +1
Reactions: panjeet currycel, normie_joe, Costcosuperstore and 2 others
Nah she is too dumb to be that good in testing someone. She is just low interest. She is very kind tho. I liked her kindness. She is also warm and felt like a teddybear jfl. Estrogenic as hell
Brother it might be worth it. Those type of woman are my kryptonite
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore

you wasted way more than 60 euros how much was the whole cost?

never go on a movie date for a first date

what kind of vibe were you giving? interviewing her or having fun?trying to impress her or her trying to impress you?

regardless text her again to go out for ice cream don’t make assumptions and neg yourself

“hey i have a sweet tooth you free on (insert date)”

text a week after
Bro stop the cope. Wdym vibe. If she was rly into me. She would be the one giving the vibe. If I had to do all the stuff. There is low chance. Of this being a good outcome.
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore
even worse

double whammy worse

high effort dinner first date =NO
movie date =NO

those are reserved for women who have shown sexual attraction and have acted on it. no chances of physical escalation either in any of those without awkwardness

drinks are the best and cheap or coffee or icecream
Good one. I'll keep that in mind next time bro
  • +1
Reactions: TigranTheGreat
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore
Bro stop the cope. Wdym vibe. If she was rly into me. She would be the one giving the vibe. If I had to do all the stuff. There is low chance. Of this being a good outcome.
i’m not coping. you sound like you are. she WAS interested you ruined it by making your venue choices 100x harder without the game and experience needed to pull it off
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore and RealFunkyFlamingo
welke contacts heb je
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore
Ja, die lenzen had je beter niet kunnen noemen, komt over als try hard. Maar soms heb je geluk, soms niet. Niks aan te doen.
Broeder ze vroeg d'r om. Het was de eerste zin. Wat moest ik zeggen. Ik was bang dat ze me ging inspecteren en dichterbij ging kijken haahah
  • +1
Reactions: Numb The Pain, emeraldglass and Costcosuperstore
Maybe u mogg her, but you know im still happy that’s u gave us your first story of you and a girl.

If she come from an app litteraly fuck her, she’s not that worth it
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore and RealFunkyFlamingo
i’m not coping. you sound like you are. she WAS interested you ruined it by making your venue choices 100x harder without the game and experience needed to pull it off
She was kinda interested a Lil. But it wasn't good enough tbh. It's not worth chasing her tbh. U can't force attraction. Game is cope bro
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Tr0ubLe, TheMaxxer333, Costcosuperstore and 1 other person
Maybe u mogg her, but you know im still happy that’s u gave us your first story of you and a girl.

If she come from an app litteraly fuck her, she’s not that worth it
Yeah I met her via a dating app
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore and PARISIEN
Maybe u mogg her, but you know im still happy that’s u gave us your first story of you and a girl.

If she come from an app litteraly fuck her, she’s not that worth it
I gigamog her not even joking. She looks subhuman next to me. But she is pretty estrogenic and her fakeup ascends her to mtb
  • +1
Reactions: aladdinmaxxer, Costcosuperstore and PARISIEN
Yeah I met her via a dating app
Honestly girls from the apps are stupid and mid, you should find another wolf and go directly to the club or event, you’ll get higher quality woman and they are way more easy.

But that’s my experience, tons of femcel think they worth smth cause they have 100 match while they are just holes for us
  • +1
Reactions: aladdinmaxxer and Costcosuperstore
She was kinda interested a Lil. But it wasn't good enough tbh. It's not worth chasing her tbh. U can't force attraction. Game is cope bro
game isn’t cope don’t fall for the psyop
game is demonstrating NT and social wits to her. Women aren’t some stupid creatures only gravitating towards looks. They assess the whole being.

you know how hard is it for the average dude to get contact info and have a girl even show up to a date?

good job you did that and surpassed the average so she was absolutely into you

i would text her a week later
  • +1
Reactions: Kroker, Costcosuperstore and RealFunkyFlamingo
I gigamog her not even joking. She looks subhuman next to me. But she is pretty estrogenic and her fakeup ascends her to mtb
Apps are for ugly people, if you beautiful you go outside. You’ll only get ugly girls from apps

That’s still my experience tho.

That bitch will get the black pill when she’ll understand her 100 match worth nothing and nobody want to marry her or copulate with her
  • +1
Reactions: ROPEBYATHOUSANDMOGS, Costcosuperstore and RealFunkyFlamingo
Apps are for ugly people, if you beautiful you go outside. You’ll only get ugly girls from apps

That’s still my experience tho.

That bitch will get the black pill when she’ll understand her 100 match worth nothing and nobody want to marry her or copulate with her
Bro women always survive. Either subhuman AF or not. They'll always find a partner. Blackpill doesn't count for women. Only men
  • +1
Reactions: whotthehell, aladdinmaxxer, Costcosuperstore and 1 other person
game isn’t cope don’t fall for the psyop
game is demonstrating NT and social wits to her. Women aren’t some stupid creatures only gravitating towards looks. They assess the whole being.

you know how hard is it for the average dude to get contact info and have a girl even show up to a date?

good job you did that and surpassed the average so she was absolutely into you

i would text her a week later
She is into me, BECAUSE of the eye color.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: aladdinmaxxer, Costcosuperstore and TigranTheGreat
game isn’t cope don’t fall for the psyop
game is demonstrating NT and social wits to her. Women aren’t some stupid creatures only gravitating towards looks. They assess the whole being.

you know how hard is it for the average dude to get contact info and have a girl even show up to a date?

good job you did that and surpassed the average so she was absolutely into you

i would text her a week later
She thought I was fake jfl. Too good to be true. I was defo gigachad to her with the eyecolor. After the dream being broken I was just some low htn nigga to her.
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore and TigranTheGreat
  • +1
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