First Funky date of the year. It went HORRIBLE

Should I continue dating her

  • Hell nah, she is using u

    Votes: 29 87.9%
  • Yessir, she wants u

    Votes: 4 12.1%

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Bro women always survive. Either subhuman AF or not. They'll always find a partner. Blackpill doesn't count for women. Only men
Oh man I’m an oldcel, and this is the first time in the world history that there is that much women over 30 with no kids.

Black pill is the same with women, it’s okay it’s ur first shot but I swear man, bar and nightclub or group of friends is way easier and with higher quality women’s.
  • +1
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
game isn’t cope don’t fall for the psyop
game is demonstrating NT and social wits to her. Women aren’t some stupid creatures only gravitating towards looks. They assess the whole being.

you know how hard is it for the average dude to get contact info and have a girl even show up to a date?

good job you did that and surpassed the average so she was absolutely into you

i would text her a week later
Maybe I should try cold approaching in gym or coffee shops?
  • +1
Reactions: TigranTheGreat
Maybe I should try cold approaching in gym or coffee shops?
why not? your not average looking. you look unique. i feel like most of the work you have to do is to be more NT, social skills and game.

you’ll be set. just don’t get upset at rejections or whatevr cause it’s a numbers game. One girl might find you super attractive and the other might find you hideous. One might think your NT the other might think something is off with your vibe.

have fun with it
  • JFL
Reactions: Klasik616
Women want good genes, if I get a rhino and I tell her I got a rhino because I am insecure of my bad genetics she would leave me and think I'm gay. But if my nose is natural and looks nice she will like it. Also JFL why movies after getting such low effort signals when both were eating.
  • +1
Reactions: TheMaxxer333 and RealFunkyFlamingo
First she came like 10 mins too late. Secondly first sentence out of her mouth when she came in was about my eye color. Guys blackpill is more real than ever when U are dating. This shit is fucking brutal for average guy. Like it's 99 percent looks and 1 percent being NT. I am not coping here.

So I told her yeah my real eye color is kinda green but I have lenses which make it lighter green. IMMEDIATELY after that sentence of me. She went from VERY happy and enthusiastic (extreme chad treatment) to meh kinda above avg normie treatment. In an INSTANT. It's fucking crazy. And that little moment decided the fate of the whole dating experience. Her energy was low as hell. She did what she wanted to do. Her behavior was shitty. Like she just did not follow me. She did what she wanted. I told her let's sit here and she says nooo that place is better. I said OK. Bear in mind this is happening all after she knows this is not my real eyecolor.

For context she is a curvy ethnic. These girls are obsessed with light eye colors on males. They fucking wank to them.

Let's continue. That was her first signal I got of her that she was NOT interested. And keep reading cuz it is getting worse and worse. So we ordered off the menu. And when the food and drinks came. She literally just consumed 20 percent of it. Guys bear in mind she is FAT af how can she eat so little. And she just came off work. So she couldn't be full. JFL. Her whe energy was LOOOOWWW as fuck. Like wtf. No social skill or charisma was enough to win her over after my dumb blunder. As a reason she said the food was not good. She gave it a 3/10. She acts like a fucking child while she is 20 Years old. Like wtf. She ordered a cocktail (alcohol while muzzie jfl) and didn't drink even half of it. She just left it there. 60 euros were just wasted here. After that we went to the movies. It was a shitty romance average movie with Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield. She liked it. But her energy was still shitty. I said to her take this flavor. Of some frozen drink. She said Nahhh I'll take the other one. Like wtf. She belittles me hard af. She doesn't even mimic me slightly. Hahahaha. I am crying of laughter. She gave me all the red flags of the book. During the movie she talked about vacation and how she really wanted to go to the USA and she wanted to know if I am also travelling a lot (she actually just wanna know if I am good betabux material ngl). Here I started lying hard. I told her I am rich af and go on vacations every month. After that she became a Lil more interested. Cuz I faked my betabux value. JFL. These women are hilarious.

She saw me as a friend. I told her to kiss me goodbye before she left. She gave the quickest kiss ever near my lips. She didn't even aim. It was like 1 zeptosecond. I didn't feel shit. She went away very fast. She Just wanted to escape me tbh.

After that she apped me about the movie what was its ending I said it was alright. Then she says that I am a kind guy and that I am her type. That's when her words don't translate into her actions. She is straight up lying atp.

I won't go on anymore dates with her. I fucked up. My fault. I'll never tell the truth about my eye color. Next time when I wanna slay I'll just say green is my real eye color. I wanted her short term not long term so being honest was dumb af here. Biggest Funky blunder OAT.

Which is also noteworthy, she deleted her pics of her body she sent to me. I told her why. She said I thought U were fake. But she deleted it after knowing I was not fake cuz we spoke in a voice call. She just lies.

Let's pray to gandy that she will send nudes atleast. That's my last hope with her. Rest is done. Lesson is learned. Always LIE to women for STRs otherwise you'll get fucked like me and abused.

Tagging some good lads @Charisma @Funnyunenjoyer1 @zemult @Clavicular @Mosh12 @Gengar @enchanted_elixir @emeraldglass @noahwillascend @Redblue0 @Jonas2k7 @WhiteMan
Don’t show Intrest back
Was she a gook?
Was she a gook?
Paki but her nose was western for some reason. She is boneless but has good harmony and her high bodyfat fills in her bonelesness pretty well
  • +1
Reactions: not__cel
Don’t show Intrest back
U mean don't show interest back during the date. Or now during the aftermath? So U want me to wait until she says something meaningful?
Kinda over if the only thing that excited her about your looks was the biggest fraud you had
  • +1
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
Women want good genes, if I get a rhino and I tell her I got a rhino because I am insecure of my bad genetics she would leave me and think I'm gay. But if my nose is natural and looks nice she will like it. Also JFL why movies after getting such low effort signals when both were eating.
Because I had nothing to do during the day and I wanted some company. Atleast she agreed even tho she gave me bad signals. She also was bored tbh.
  • JFL
Reactions: Klasik616
Paki but her nose was western for some reason. She is boneless but has good harmony and her high bodyfat fills in her bonelesness pretty well
Bro you should’ve just lied and gotten the slay, there’s no use telling the truth to a foid who isn’t white imo
Mena foids are become eugenicists if they move to the west ngl. I’ve seen it happen many times
Wtf does eugenicists even mean? U think she got rhino?
  • +1
Reactions: not__cel
Bro you should’ve just lied and gotten the slay, there’s no use telling the truth to a foid who isn’t white imo
Yeah I know bro. That's what I said. Big funky blunder. Very bad blunder. Wasted money. There is something in me which grvaitates me to red and blue pill. But it is BLACKPILLLLL that always fucking winsss
  • +1
Reactions: not__cel
Bro you should’ve just lied and gotten the slay, there’s no use telling the truth to a foid who isn’t white imo
I can buy gta6 with that money ngl.
  • JFL
Reactions: not__cel
Kinda over if the only thing that excited her about your looks was the biggest fraud you had
Ngl It carries my whole face. So I understand her
  • +1
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Wtf does eugenicists even mean? U think she got rhino?
Eugenicist means people who engage in eugenics, eugenics means good genes. she seeks good genes and if someone doesn’t have them it’s instantly null

She probably got rhino as I’ve seen lots of mena women who’ve gotten it. Way more than any other type of foid.
  • +1
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
Because I had nothing to do during the day and I wanted some company. Atleast she agreed even tho she gave me bad signals. She also was bored tbh.
It was 50/50?
Eugenicist means people who engage in eugenics, eugenics means good genes. she seeks good genes and if someone doesn’t have them it’s instantly null

She probably got rhino as I’ve seen lots of mena women who’ve gotten it. Way more than any other type of foid.
U think she saw through my rhino too?
  • +1
Reactions: not__cel
Yeah I know bro. That's what I said. Big funky blunder. Very bad blunder. Wasted money. There is something in me which grvaitates me to red and blue pill. But it is BLACKPILLLLL that always fucking winsss
The only redpilled truth is that money can get you pussy but that’s only if you want to betabux for months and months to some gold digger

Most average foids would rather die than be called a gold digger they’d rather just create an only fans and say they got the money because people gave it to them

So you’re only left with foids who’s egos are too high to become prostitutes but are too ugly to become rich from a ltr
U think she saw through my rhino too?
Yes foids are very perceptive about any frauding or manipulation because they do it all the time. They know what surgery’s look like if not done well

But if yours was done well enough then no one would know. Hope for the latter
First she came like 10 mins too late. Secondly first sentence out of her mouth when she came in was about my eye color. Guys blackpill is more real than ever when U are dating. This shit is fucking brutal for average guy. Like it's 99 percent looks and 1 percent being NT. I am not coping here.

So I told her yeah my real eye color is kinda green but I have lenses which make it lighter green. IMMEDIATELY after that sentence of me. She went from VERY happy and enthusiastic (extreme chad treatment) to meh kinda above avg normie treatment. In an INSTANT. It's fucking crazy. And that little moment decided the fate of the whole dating experience. Her energy was low as hell. She did what she wanted to do. Her behavior was shitty. Like she just did not follow me. She did what she wanted. I told her let's sit here and she says nooo that place is better. I said OK. Bear in mind this is happening all after she knows this is not my real eyecolor.

For context she is a curvy ethnic. These girls are obsessed with light eye colors on males. They fucking wank to them.

Let's continue. That was her first signal I got of her that she was NOT interested. And keep reading cuz it is getting worse and worse. So we ordered off the menu. And when the food and drinks came. She literally just consumed 20 percent of it. Guys bear in mind she is FAT af how can she eat so little. And she just came off work. So she couldn't be full. JFL. Her whe energy was LOOOOWWW as fuck. Like wtf. No social skill or charisma was enough to win her over after my dumb blunder. As a reason she said the food was not good. She gave it a 3/10. She acts like a fucking child while she is 20 Years old. Like wtf. She ordered a cocktail (alcohol while muzzie jfl) and didn't drink even half of it. She just left it there. 60 euros were just wasted here. After that we went to the movies. It was a shitty romance average movie with Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield. She liked it. But her energy was still shitty. I said to her take this flavor. Of some frozen drink. She said Nahhh I'll take the other one. Like wtf. She belittles me hard af. She doesn't even mimic me slightly. Hahahaha. I am crying of laughter. She gave me all the red flags of the book. During the movie she talked about vacation and how she really wanted to go to the USA and she wanted to know if I am also travelling a lot (she actually just wanna know if I am good betabux material ngl). Here I started lying hard. I told her I am rich af and go on vacations every month. After that she became a Lil more interested. Cuz I faked my betabux value. JFL. These women are hilarious.

She saw me as a friend. I told her to kiss me goodbye before she left. She gave the quickest kiss ever near my lips. She didn't even aim. It was like 1 zeptosecond. I didn't feel shit. She went away very fast. She Just wanted to escape me tbh.

After that she apped me about the movie what was its ending I said it was alright. Then she says that I am a kind guy and that I am her type. That's when her words don't translate into her actions. She is straight up lying atp.

I won't go on anymore dates with her. I fucked up. My fault. I'll never tell the truth about my eye color. Next time when I wanna slay I'll just say green is my real eye color. I wanted her short term not long term so being honest was dumb af here. Biggest Funky blunder OAT.

Which is also noteworthy, she deleted her pics of her body she sent to me. I told her why. She said I thought U were fake. But she deleted it after knowing I was not fake cuz we spoke in a voice call. She just lies.

Let's pray to gandy that she will send nudes atleast. That's my last hope with her. Rest is done. Lesson is learned. Always LIE to women for STRs otherwise you'll get fucked like me and abused.

Tagging some good lads @Charisma @Funnyunenjoyer1 @zemult @Clavicular @Mosh12 @Gengar @enchanted_elixir @emeraldglass @noahwillascend @Redblue0 @Jonas2k7 @W
too long to read summerize it
[QUOTE="RealFunkyFlamingo, post: 18824873, member: 28717"]
First she came like 10 mins too late. Secondly first sentence out of her mouth when she came in was about my eye color. Guys blackpill is more real than ever when U are dating. This shit is fucking brutal for average guy. Like it's 99 percent looks and 1 percent being NT. I am not coping here.

So I told her yeah my real eye color is kinda green but I have lenses which make it lighter green. IMMEDIATELY after that sentence of me. She went from VERY happy and enthusiastic (extreme chad treatment) to meh kinda above avg normie treatment. In an INSTANT. It's fucking crazy. And that little moment decided the fate of the whole dating experience. Her energy was low as hell. She did what she wanted to do. Her behavior was shitty. Like she just did not follow me. She did what she wanted. I told her let's sit here and she says nooo that place is better. I said OK. Bear in mind this is happening all after she knows this is not my real eyecolor.

For context she is a curvy ethnic. These girls are obsessed with light eye colors on males. They fucking wank to them.

Let's continue. That was her first signal I got of her that she was NOT interested. And keep reading cuz it is getting worse and worse. So we ordered off the menu. And when the food and drinks came. She literally just consumed 20 percent of it. Guys bear in mind she is FAT af how can she eat so little. And she just came off work. So she couldn't be full. JFL. Her whe energy was LOOOOWWW as fuck. Like wtf. No social skill or charisma was enough to win her over after my dumb blunder. As a reason she said the food was not good. She gave it a 3/10. She acts like a fucking child while she is 20 Years old. Like wtf. She ordered a cocktail (alcohol while muzzie jfl) and didn't drink even half of it. She just left it there. 60 euros were just wasted here. After that we went to the movies. It was a shitty romance average movie with Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield. She liked it. But her energy was still shitty. I said to her take this flavor. Of some frozen drink. She said Nahhh I'll take the other one. Like wtf. She belittles me hard af. She doesn't even mimic me slightly. Hahahaha. I am crying of laughter. She gave me all the red flags of the book. During the movie she talked about vacation and how she really wanted to go to the USA and she wanted to know if I am also travelling a lot (she actually just wanna know if I am good betabux material ngl). Here I started lying hard. I told her I am rich af and go on vacations every month. After that she became a Lil more interested. Cuz I faked my betabux value. JFL. These women are hilarious.

She saw me as a friend. I told her to kiss me goodbye before she left. She gave the quickest kiss ever near my lips. She didn't even aim. It was like 1 zeptosecond. I didn't feel shit. She went away very fast. She Just wanted to escape me tbh.

After that she apped me about the movie what was its ending I said it was alright. Then she says that I am a kind guy and that I am her type. That's when her words don't translate into her actions. She is straight up lying atp.

I won't go on anymore dates with her. I fucked up. My fault. I'll never tell the truth about my eye color. Next time when I wanna slay I'll just say green is my real eye color. I wanted her short term not long term so being honest was dumb af here. Biggest Funky blunder OAT.

Which is also noteworthy, she deleted her pics of her body she sent to me. I told her why. She said I thought U were fake. But she deleted it after knowing I was not fake cuz we spoke in a voice call. She just lies.

Let's pray to gandy that she will send nudes atleast. That's my last hope with her. Rest is done. Lesson is learned. Always LIE to women for STRs otherwise you'll get fucked like me and abused.

Tagging some good lads [USER=44526]@Charisma
@Funnyunenjoyer1 @zemult @Clavicular @Mosh12 @Gengar @enchanted_elixir @emeraldglass @noahwillascend @Redblue0 @Jonas2k7 @WhiteMan
she gave you a kiss = she is interested

no girl will give a guy a kiss even if its 1 zaposecond that she doesn't like
I am 6ft outside bro. She is like 165cm. I am around 183cm. This is the Netherlands btw. But she is ethnic. And no it is not larp
nigga you were claiming 5'10 2 months ago :ROFLMAO:🤦‍♂️
she gave you a kiss = she is interested

no girl will give a guy a kiss even if its 1 zaposecond that she doesn't like
I mean yeah she doesn't resist herself or try to protect herself when I come in close to her face while talking. So she defo doesn't find me ugly. I mean come on I looked lean as hell during the date. Never looked that lean in a long time.
  • +1
Reactions: Funnyunenjoyer1
she gave you a kiss = she is interested

no girl will give a guy a kiss even if its 1 zaposecond that she doesn't like
But tbh she only gave me a kiss cuz I asked for it plus I paid a lot from my own pocket. If she didn't give me a kiss. She would feel hugely embarassed
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Funnyunenjoyer1
But tbh she only gave me a kiss cuz I asked for it plus I paid a lot from my own pocket. If she didn't give me a kiss. She would feel hugely embarassed
nah if it was forced she wouldn't kiss you, or in the best scenario she would kiss you on a cheek not on lips
read the first sentence knew it was BS
  • +1
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
she gave you a kiss = she is interested

no girl will give a guy a kiss even if its 1 zaposecond that she doesn't like
What if they're drunk tho... I mean she had some alcohol
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Funnyunenjoyer1
nah if it was forced she wouldn't kiss you, or in the best scenario she would kiss you on a cheek not on lips
Huh I don't understand Wdym if it was forced she wouldn't kiss me? She did it on the cheeks not lips btw
  • +1
Reactions: Funnyunenjoyer1
nah if it was forced she wouldn't kiss you, or in the best scenario she would kiss you on a cheek not on lips
Bruh it was on cheeks
So it was defo forced hahahah
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Funnyunenjoyer1
Maybe I should try cold approaching in gym or coffee shops?
what the dude said was right but you're also right
its mostly blackpill, 99% of it is looks lol
the girl wasn't fully attracted to you, and probably lost more attraction seeing you IRL
it's literally all about looks bro
  • +1
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
move on bro you cant force attraction. also take off the contacts or get more realistic ones like hazel
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 120596
move on bro you cant force attraction. also take off the contacts or get more realistic ones like hazel
Too late bro. I got lighter green now
move on bro you cant force attraction. also take off the contacts or get more realistic ones like hazel
I defo agree with you on that one. With U can't force it. But what if I debloat. Will she get attracted U think?
what the dude said was right but you're also right
its mostly blackpill, 99% of it is looks lol
the girl wasn't fully attracted to you, and probably lost more attraction seeing you IRL
it's literally all about looks bro
Bruh she said I looked better irl. Is she lying 24/7
what the dude said was right but you're also right
its mostly blackpill, 99% of it is looks lol
the girl wasn't fully attracted to you, and probably lost more attraction seeing you IRL
it's literally all about looks bro
BP always wins in the end. It's all about primal desire. Without it there is no good relationship
Bruh she said I looked better irl. Is she lying 24/7
don't believe a word women say IRL man, peep her actions
if she was attracted to you and wanted you you would have had her on her knees the same night

just blackpill and logic 101
If its not primal attraction then forget about her.
  • +1
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
don't believe a word women say IRL man, peep her actions
if she was attracted to you and wanted you you would have had her on her knees the same night

just blackpill and logic 101
Yeah defo. She would be the one arranging places to give me a blowjob or some shit. Not me.... My gut was right. It's always right.
  • +1
Reactions: Marsik and alriodai
If its not primal attraction then forget about her.
Fax. Let's hope she sends some nudes. But Mos likely she won't as she deleted all her pics she sent to me. Lol
Yeah defo. She would be the one arranging places to give me a blowjob or some shit. Not me.... My gut was right. It's always right.
the faster you accept it the better it's for your brain btw
it's nothing wrong with you, the bitch didn't want really want you and maybe used you, you will almost never know
what is certain (and certainity is impossible) is that if she wanted your dick she would have done everything possible to her to have it, which she didn't, now you could say she was "shy" or "religious" or any cope, but if you live in a western country, its most likely cope jfl
  • +1
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
the faster you accept it the better it's for your brain btw
it's nothing wrong with you, the bitch didn't want really want you and maybe used you, you will almost never know
what is certain (and certainity is impossible) is that if she wanted your dick she would have done everything possible to her to have it, which she didn't, now you could say she was "shy" or "religious" or any cope, but if you live in a western country, its most likely cope jfl
Yeah my blackpill gut told me the same. U are right bro. Blackpill is the true path. Rest is cope. Eye color is law for me
  • +1
Reactions: Marsik
Yeah my blackpill gut told me the same. U are right bro. Blackpill is the true path. Rest is cope. Eye color is law for me
idk whats law for u
but whats law for u is a bitch being attracted to your looks, cus we know ur not chad, neither am i or neither is most of the forum

cause trust me bra, when a bitch is attracted to you, she will lose all self respect and dignity for your dick
  • +1
Reactions: J99
bro im telling you forget her. do you go to college?
Yeah I will. But I ll keep snapping her. Maybe she'll send some spicy stuff who knows. These women are weird

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