First Funky date of the year. It went HORRIBLE

Should I continue dating her

  • Hell nah, she is using u

    Votes: 29 87.9%
  • Yessir, she wants u

    Votes: 4 12.1%

  • Total voters
U mean don't show interest back during the date. Or now during the aftermath? So U want me to wait until she says something meaningful?
Yes jfl what are you going to do? Continue to pursue her when she’s acting like that😂😂 there’s 4 billion other women in the world goodluck
  • +1
Reactions: J99 and RealFunkyFlamingo
Yes jfl what are you going to do? Continue to pursue her when she’s acting like that😂😂 there’s 4 billion other women in the world goodluck
Yeah the funny thing is she keeps snapping me. These women are weird as hell. Like she keeps wanting more dates and shit. But she doesn't want me. Like wtf. I dont get it.
  • +1
Reactions: aladdinmaxxer and J99
Yeah but not at campus atm. I have a big break until continuation
snap every fucking girl in your college. text them for a bit and call or facetime them. if shes not showing a level of interest stop jestermaxxing and move on. its just a numbers game even
  • +1
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
snap every fucking girl in your college. text them for a bit and call or facetime them. if shes not showing a level of interest stop jestermaxxing and move on. its just a numbers game even
Most of them know I fraud eye color
so what? either own up to it or take it off you don't need it you're gymmaxed and lean
For STRs I won't take them off. For ltrs defo
  • +1
Reactions: J99
I've had many experiences with flaky and bipolar foids in the last TWO MONTHS alone, OP, it's not just you
something about 2025 completely changed these bitch ass foids, fucking sick and tired of them :pepefrown:
I'm just rude af to foids now, fuck these whores :feelsokman:
  • +1
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
I've had many experiences with flaky and bipolar foids in the last TWO MONTHS alone, OP, it's not just you
something about 2025 completely changed these bitch ass foids, fucking sick and tired of them :pepefrown:
I'm just rude af to foids now, fuck these whores :feelsokman:
Same bro. They're more mentally fucked than we are. Brutal.
  • +1
Reactions: NEET_Emperor
Broeder ze vroeg d'r om. Het was de eerste zin. Wat moest ik zeggen. Ik was bang dat ze me ging inspecteren en dichterbij ging kijken haahah
Je had gewoon moeten deflecten of zeggen dat je lenzen draagt voor je zicht, en daarmee eindigen. Hoe zag ze eruit? Heb je een pica?
  • +1
Reactions: Numb The Pain
You're white right?

Why don't you just go white girl or nothing?

Pretty fucked up story but idk maybe 165cm is above average for an ethnic woman so... Maybe she felt entitled?

I'm 5'9 and Asian but I wouldn't tolerate this kind of behaviour from anyone with dark skin

Do better bruv

How are you a redcel and not seen this shudra's face by now to know he is not white?
  • JFL
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
What would u do if a girl did that during a date?

I would have just said firmly but politely, "do you want to just call it off? You seem to be busy with something else and I don't wish to take up your time"

You gotta draw some boundaries

What you tolerate is what you will get
  • +1
Reactions: anxiety and RealFunkyFlamingo
I would have just said firmly but politely, "do you want to just call it off? You seem to be busy with something else and I don't wish to take up your time"

You gotta draw some boundaries

What you tolerate is what you will get
Should have defo done that but I don't have much experience. I hope U understand. I just ascended.
  • +1
Reactions: Brus Wane
why the fuck did you go on a date with a fat ethnic girl.
why the fuck did you go on a date with a fat ethnic girl.
Thats what bumble offered me bro. What is better alternative?
why the fuck did you go on a date with a fat ethnic girl.
At this point only gym area gives me very good chad signals from women. Even tho u can't see my green eye color very well from distance. I'll approach gym foids. Maybe that's better. Atleast they know I am shredded.
Thats what bumble offered me bro. What is better alternative?
go to one of the many social events that are constantly organised everywhere and literally just talk with people.

there's lots of sport events too if you want to show off your performance.
  • +1
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
  • +1
Reactions: cryptt
go to one of the many social events that are constantly organised everywhere and literally just talk with people.

there's lots of sport events too if you want to show off your performance.
Ngl ILl try again for 2nd time with this one. I like curves. I don't want fit women. I just want some fat but not too fat fakeupmaxxed Becky. They're full of estrogen. 2nd time it'll be simple just some coffee. So that I won't go broke. If she still seems uninterested in me in body language I'll just be in her friendzone dont care tbh. Not long ago there was a girl who showed subhuman signals to me and when I trimmed my beard and debloated more. After a week she Began giving me chad signals. It's crazy. Muh primal desire.
First she came like 10 mins too late. Secondly first sentence out of her mouth when she came in was about my eye color. Guys blackpill is more real than ever when U are dating. This shit is fucking brutal for average guy. Like it's 99 percent looks and 1 percent being NT. I am not coping here.

So I told her yeah my real eye color is kinda green but I have lenses which make it lighter green. IMMEDIATELY after that sentence of me. She went from VERY happy and enthusiastic (extreme chad treatment) to meh kinda above avg normie treatment. In an INSTANT. It's fucking crazy. And that little moment decided the fate of the whole dating experience. Her energy was low as hell. She did what she wanted to do. Her behavior was shitty. Like she just did not follow me. She did what she wanted. I told her let's sit here and she says nooo that place is better. I said OK. Bear in mind this is happening all after she knows this is not my real eyecolor.

For context she is a curvy ethnic. These girls are obsessed with light eye colors on males. They fucking wank to them.

Let's continue. That was her first signal I got of her that she was NOT interested. And keep reading cuz it is getting worse and worse. So we ordered off the menu. And when the food and drinks came. She literally just consumed 20 percent of it. Guys bear in mind she is FAT af how can she eat so little. And she just came off work. So she couldn't be full. JFL. Her whe energy was LOOOOWWW as fuck. Like wtf. No social skill or charisma was enough to win her over after my dumb blunder. As a reason she said the food was not good. She gave it a 3/10. She acts like a fucking child while she is 20 Years old. Like wtf. She ordered a cocktail (alcohol while muzzie jfl) and didn't drink even half of it. She just left it there. 60 euros were just wasted here. After that we went to the movies. It was a shitty romance average movie with Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield. She liked it. But her energy was still shitty. I said to her take this flavor. Of some frozen drink. She said Nahhh I'll take the other one. Like wtf. She belittles me hard af. She doesn't even mimic me slightly. Hahahaha. I am crying of laughter. She gave me all the red flags of the book. During the movie she talked about vacation and how she really wanted to go to the USA and she wanted to know if I am also travelling a lot (she actually just wanna know if I am good betabux material ngl). Here I started lying hard. I told her I am rich af and go on vacations every month. After that she became a Lil more interested. Cuz I faked my betabux value. JFL. These women are hilarious.

She saw me as a friend. I told her to kiss me goodbye before she left. She gave the quickest kiss ever near my lips. She didn't even aim. It was like 1 zeptosecond. I didn't feel shit. She went away very fast. She Just wanted to escape me tbh.

After that she apped me about the movie what was its ending I said it was alright. Then she says that I am a kind guy and that I am her type. That's when her words don't translate into her actions. She is straight up lying atp.

I won't go on anymore dates with her. I fucked up. My fault. I'll never tell the truth about my eye color. Next time when I wanna slay I'll just say green is my real eye color. I wanted her short term not long term so being honest was dumb af here. Biggest Funky blunder OAT.

Which is also noteworthy, she deleted her pics of her body she sent to me. I told her why. She said I thought U were fake. But she deleted it after knowing I was not fake cuz we spoke in a voice call. She just lies.

Let's pray to gandy that she will send nudes atleast. That's my last hope with her. Rest is done. Lesson is learned. Always LIE to women for STRs otherwise you'll get fucked like me and abused.

Tagging some good lads @Charisma @Funnyunenjoyer1 @zemult @Clavicular @Mosh12 @Gengar @enchanted_elixir @emeraldglass @noahwillascend @Redblue0 @Jonas2k7 @WhiteMan
Bro, she doesnt deserve you tbh, dont worry and shes also fat why you even dated her
But you are right, lying during the date is basic. I also felt it many times, when the girl her energy towardsme after finding out some shitty facts about me
Loses her energy*
Also i dont think the main problem is in your eye color, i dont believe that finding out about contact lenses is enough to immediatly lose the interest in somebody. Tho her enthusiasm at the beginning of the date could be fake to give you some kind of hope so she can use your money for the rest of the day.
1) dont ever stay with a girl, who shows no interest during the date and juat asks for some expensive shit. Just hit her in the face and go home, you are not one's personal wallet
2) dont tell about contacts, she cant check it anyway
  • +1
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
First she came like 10 mins too late. Secondly first sentence out of her mouth when she came in was about my eye color. Guys blackpill is more real than ever when U are dating. This shit is fucking brutal for average guy. Like it's 99 percent looks and 1 percent being NT. I am not coping here.

So I told her yeah my real eye color is kinda green but I have lenses which make it lighter green. IMMEDIATELY after that sentence of me. She went from VERY happy and enthusiastic (extreme chad treatment) to meh kinda above avg normie treatment. In an INSTANT. It's fucking crazy. And that little moment decided the fate of the whole dating experience. Her energy was low as hell. She did what she wanted to do. Her behavior was shitty. Like she just did not follow me. She did what she wanted. I told her let's sit here and she says nooo that place is better. I said OK. Bear in mind this is happening all after she knows this is not my real eyecolor.

For context she is a curvy ethnic. These girls are obsessed with light eye colors on males. They fucking wank to them.

Let's continue. That was her first signal I got of her that she was NOT interested. And keep reading cuz it is getting worse and worse. So we ordered off the menu. And when the food and drinks came. She literally just consumed 20 percent of it. Guys bear in mind she is FAT af how can she eat so little. And she just came off work. So she couldn't be full. JFL. Her whe energy was LOOOOWWW as fuck. Like wtf. No social skill or charisma was enough to win her over after my dumb blunder. As a reason she said the food was not good. She gave it a 3/10. She acts like a fucking child while she is 20 Years old. Like wtf. She ordered a cocktail (alcohol while muzzie jfl) and didn't drink even half of it. She just left it there. 60 euros were just wasted here. After that we went to the movies. It was a shitty romance average movie with Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield. She liked it. But her energy was still shitty. I said to her take this flavor. Of some frozen drink. She said Nahhh I'll take the other one. Like wtf. She belittles me hard af. She doesn't even mimic me slightly. Hahahaha. I am crying of laughter. She gave me all the red flags of the book. During the movie she talked about vacation and how she really wanted to go to the USA and she wanted to know if I am also travelling a lot (she actually just wanna know if I am good betabux material ngl). Here I started lying hard. I told her I am rich af and go on vacations every month. After that she became a Lil more interested. Cuz I faked my betabux value. JFL. These women are hilarious.

She saw me as a friend. I told her to kiss me goodbye before she left. She gave the quickest kiss ever near my lips. She didn't even aim. It was like 1 zeptosecond. I didn't feel shit. She went away very fast. She Just wanted to escape me tbh.

After that she apped me about the movie what was its ending I said it was alright. Then she says that I am a kind guy and that I am her type. That's when her words don't translate into her actions. She is straight up lying atp.

I won't go on anymore dates with her. I fucked up. My fault. I'll never tell the truth about my eye color. Next time when I wanna slay I'll just say green is my real eye color. I wanted her short term not long term so being honest was dumb af here. Biggest Funky blunder OAT.

Which is also noteworthy, she deleted her pics of her body she sent to me. I told her why. She said I thought U were fake. But she deleted it after knowing I was not fake cuz we spoke in a voice call. She just lies.

Let's pray to gandy that she will send nudes atleast. That's my last hope with her. Rest is done. Lesson is learned. Always LIE to women for STRs otherwise you'll get fucked like me and abused.

Tagging some good lads @Charisma @Funnyunenjoyer1 @zemult @Clavicular @Mosh12 @Gengar @enchanted_elixir @emeraldglass @noahwillascend @Redblue0 @Jonas2k7 @WhiteMan
these obnoxious , narcassist hoes think they deserve henry cavill,alain delon, whilst they look mtb even with fakeup ,fake eyelash,fake eyebrow and will not consider us if we put in contacts to increase our smv😡😡😡😡 THEY DESERVE WORSER THAN HELL
  • +1
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
Je had gewoon moeten deflecten of zeggen dat je lenzen draagt voor je zicht, en daarmee eindigen. Hoe zag ze eruit? Heb je een pica?
Ze is Pakistaans, Big Arab Cock neemt over. :feelshah:
  • JFL
Reactions: emeraldglass and RealFunkyFlamingo
First she came like 10 mins too late. Secondly first sentence out of her mouth when she came in was about my eye color. Guys blackpill is more real than ever when U are dating. This shit is fucking brutal for average guy. Like it's 99 percent looks and 1 percent being NT. I am not coping here.

So I told her yeah my real eye color is kinda green but I have lenses which make it lighter green. IMMEDIATELY after that sentence of me. She went from VERY happy and enthusiastic (extreme chad treatment) to meh kinda above avg normie treatment. In an INSTANT. It's fucking crazy. And that little moment decided the fate of the whole dating experience. Her energy was low as hell. She did what she wanted to do. Her behavior was shitty. Like she just did not follow me. She did what she wanted. I told her let's sit here and she says nooo that place is better. I said OK. Bear in mind this is happening all after she knows this is not my real eyecolor.

For context she is a curvy ethnic. These girls are obsessed with light eye colors on males. They fucking wank to them.

Let's continue. That was her first signal I got of her that she was NOT interested. And keep reading cuz it is getting worse and worse. So we ordered off the menu. And when the food and drinks came. She literally just consumed 20 percent of it. Guys bear in mind she is FAT af how can she eat so little. And she just came off work. So she couldn't be full. JFL. Her whe energy was LOOOOWWW as fuck. Like wtf. No social skill or charisma was enough to win her over after my dumb blunder. As a reason she said the food was not good. She gave it a 3/10. She acts like a fucking child while she is 20 Years old. Like wtf. She ordered a cocktail (alcohol while muzzie jfl) and didn't drink even half of it. She just left it there. 60 euros were just wasted here. After that we went to the movies. It was a shitty romance average movie with Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield. She liked it. But her energy was still shitty. I said to her take this flavor. Of some frozen drink. She said Nahhh I'll take the other one. Like wtf. She belittles me hard af. She doesn't even mimic me slightly. Hahahaha. I am crying of laughter. She gave me all the red flags of the book. During the movie she talked about vacation and how she really wanted to go to the USA and she wanted to know if I am also travelling a lot (she actually just wanna know if I am good betabux material ngl). Here I started lying hard. I told her I am rich af and go on vacations every month. After that she became a Lil more interested. Cuz I faked my betabux value. JFL. These women are hilarious.

She saw me as a friend. I told her to kiss me goodbye before she left. She gave the quickest kiss ever near my lips. She didn't even aim. It was like 1 zeptosecond. I didn't feel shit. She went away very fast. She Just wanted to escape me tbh.

After that she apped me about the movie what was its ending I said it was alright. Then she says that I am a kind guy and that I am her type. That's when her words don't translate into her actions. She is straight up lying atp.

I won't go on anymore dates with her. I fucked up. My fault. I'll never tell the truth about my eye color. Next time when I wanna slay I'll just say green is my real eye color. I wanted her short term not long term so being honest was dumb af here. Biggest Funky blunder OAT.

Which is also noteworthy, she deleted her pics of her body she sent to me. I told her why. She said I thought U were fake. But she deleted it after knowing I was not fake cuz we spoke in a voice call. She just lies.

Let's pray to gandy that she will send nudes atleast. That's my last hope with her. Rest is done. Lesson is learned. Always LIE to women for STRs otherwise you'll get fucked like me and abused.

Tagging some good lads @Charisma @Funnyunenjoyer1 @zemult @Clavicular @Mosh12 @Gengar @enchanted_elixir @emeraldglass @noahwillascend @Redblue0 @Jonas2k7 @WhiteMan
Forgot to tag me brah but tbh dating is overrated just rot on the forum with us it's way chiller and stress free. Stress can degrade looks so don't stress yourself out bhai.
Ze is Pakistaans, Big Arab Cock neemt over. :feelshah:
Al die tijd dacht ik dat hij Turks was. JFL, uit welk land kom je eigenlijk @RealFunkyFlamingo ?
  • Woah
Reactions: Numb The Pain
Al die tijd dacht ik dat hij Turks was. JFL, uit welk land kom je eigenlijk @RealFunkyFlamingo ?
Hij heeft nooit gezegd welk land precies, alleen dat ie Arabisch is. :ogre:
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
Why are you pursuing short term I thought you are devoted muslim, no intercourse before marriage typeshi
  • JFL
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
Why are you pursuing short term I thought you are devoted muslim, no intercourse before marriage typeshi
No Muslim does that. Times changed
  • JFL
Reactions: Charisma
Arent u turkish bro wdym euros
No Muslim does that. Times changed
anyways, since you maxxed out your looks its time to redpillmaxx and learn game

if you go out and spend 60eur on a whore its almost a guarantee she will not give you pussy

more is less for short time things

a girl used to go out with her boyfriend for a dinner and after a date she would blow up my phone to creampie her in my rusty car back when I was in first year of college
  • +1
Reactions: ROPEBYATHOUSANDMOGS and RealFunkyFlamingo
Or maybe..

Just maybe


has that ever occured to you??

Lmao nigguh face look like a BOTCHED PENIS SURGERY
First she came like 10 mins too late. Secondly first sentence out of her mouth when she came in was about my eye color. Guys blackpill is more real than ever when U are dating. This shit is fucking brutal for average guy. Like it's 99 percent looks and 1 percent being NT. I am not coping here.

So I told her yeah my real eye color is kinda green but I have lenses which make it lighter green. IMMEDIATELY after that sentence of me. She went from VERY happy and enthusiastic (extreme chad treatment) to meh kinda above avg normie treatment. In an INSTANT. It's fucking crazy. And that little moment decided the fate of the whole dating experience. Her energy was low as hell. She did what she wanted to do. Her behavior was shitty. Like she just did not follow me. She did what she wanted. I told her let's sit here and she says nooo that place is better. I said OK. Bear in mind this is happening all after she knows this is not my real eyecolor.

For context she is a curvy ethnic. These girls are obsessed with light eye colors on males. They fucking wank to them.

Let's continue. That was her first signal I got of her that she was NOT interested. And keep reading cuz it is getting worse and worse. So we ordered off the menu. And when the food and drinks came. She literally just consumed 20 percent of it. Guys bear in mind she is FAT af how can she eat so little. And she just came off work. So she couldn't be full. JFL. Her whe energy was LOOOOWWW as fuck. Like wtf. No social skill or charisma was enough to win her over after my dumb blunder. As a reason she said the food was not good. She gave it a 3/10. She acts like a fucking child while she is 20 Years old. Like wtf. She ordered a cocktail (alcohol while muzzie jfl) and didn't drink even half of it. She just left it there. 60 euros were just wasted here. After that we went to the movies. It was a shitty romance average movie with Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield. She liked it. But her energy was still shitty. I said to her take this flavor. Of some frozen drink. She said Nahhh I'll take the other one. Like wtf. She belittles me hard af. She doesn't even mimic me slightly. Hahahaha. I am crying of laughter. She gave me all the red flags of the book. During the movie she talked about vacation and how she really wanted to go to the USA and she wanted to know if I am also travelling a lot (she actually just wanna know if I am good betabux material ngl). Here I started lying hard. I told her I am rich af and go on vacations every month. After that she became a Lil more interested. Cuz I faked my betabux value. JFL. These women are hilarious.

She saw me as a friend. I told her to kiss me goodbye before she left. She gave the quickest kiss ever near my lips. She didn't even aim. It was like 1 zeptosecond. I didn't feel shit. She went away very fast. She Just wanted to escape me tbh.

After that she apped me about the movie what was its ending I said it was alright. Then she says that I am a kind guy and that I am her type. That's when her words don't translate into her actions. She is straight up lying atp.

I won't go on anymore dates with her. I fucked up. My fault. I'll never tell the truth about my eye color. Next time when I wanna slay I'll just say green is my real eye color. I wanted her short term not long term so being honest was dumb af here. Biggest Funky blunder OAT.

Which is also noteworthy, she deleted her pics of her body she sent to me. I told her why. She said I thought U were fake. But she deleted it after knowing I was not fake cuz we spoke in a voice call. She just lies.

Let's pray to gandy that she will send nudes atleast. That's my last hope with her. Rest is done. Lesson is learned. Always LIE to women for STRs otherwise you'll get fucked like me and abused.

Tagging some good lads @Charisma @Funnyunenjoyer1 @zemult @Clavicular @Mosh12 @Gengar @enchanted_elixir @emeraldglass @noahwillascend @Redblue0 @Jonas2k7 @WhiteMan
JFL why be honest lie as much as possible if its for short term stuff jfl u def mog her
  • +1
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
First she came like 10 mins too late. Secondly first sentence out of her mouth when she came in was about my eye color. Guys blackpill is more real than ever when U are dating. This shit is fucking brutal for average guy. Like it's 99 percent looks and 1 percent being NT. I am not coping here.

So I told her yeah my real eye color is kinda green but I have lenses which make it lighter green. IMMEDIATELY after that sentence of me. She went from VERY happy and enthusiastic (extreme chad treatment) to meh kinda above avg normie treatment. In an INSTANT. It's fucking crazy. And that little moment decided the fate of the whole dating experience. Her energy was low as hell. She did what she wanted to do. Her behavior was shitty. Like she just did not follow me. She did what she wanted. I told her let's sit here and she says nooo that place is better. I said OK. Bear in mind this is happening all after she knows this is not my real eyecolor.

For context she is a curvy ethnic. These girls are obsessed with light eye colors on males. They fucking wank to them.

Let's continue. That was her first signal I got of her that she was NOT interested. And keep reading cuz it is getting worse and worse. So we ordered off the menu. And when the food and drinks came. She literally just consumed 20 percent of it. Guys bear in mind she is FAT af how can she eat so little. And she just came off work. So she couldn't be full. JFL. Her whe energy was LOOOOWWW as fuck. Like wtf. No social skill or charisma was enough to win her over after my dumb blunder. As a reason she said the food was not good. She gave it a 3/10. She acts like a fucking child while she is 20 Years old. Like wtf. She ordered a cocktail (alcohol while muzzie jfl) and didn't drink even half of it. She just left it there. 60 euros were just wasted here. After that we went to the movies. It was a shitty romance average movie with Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield. She liked it. But her energy was still shitty. I said to her take this flavor. Of some frozen drink. She said Nahhh I'll take the other one. Like wtf. She belittles me hard af. She doesn't even mimic me slightly. Hahahaha. I am crying of laughter. She gave me all the red flags of the book. During the movie she talked about vacation and how she really wanted to go to the USA and she wanted to know if I am also travelling a lot (she actually just wanna know if I am good betabux material ngl). Here I started lying hard. I told her I am rich af and go on vacations every month. After that she became a Lil more interested. Cuz I faked my betabux value. JFL. These women are hilarious.

She saw me as a friend. I told her to kiss me goodbye before she left. She gave the quickest kiss ever near my lips. She didn't even aim. It was like 1 zeptosecond. I didn't feel shit. She went away very fast. She Just wanted to escape me tbh.

After that she apped me about the movie what was its ending I said it was alright. Then she says that I am a kind guy and that I am her type. That's when her words don't translate into her actions. She is straight up lying atp.

I won't go on anymore dates with her. I fucked up. My fault. I'll never tell the truth about my eye color. Next time when I wanna slay I'll just say green is my real eye color. I wanted her short term not long term so being honest was dumb af here. Biggest Funky blunder OAT.

Which is also noteworthy, she deleted her pics of her body she sent to me. I told her why. She said I thought U were fake. But she deleted it after knowing I was not fake cuz we spoke in a voice call. She just lies.

Let's pray to gandy that she will send nudes atleast. That's my last hope with her. Rest is done. Lesson is learned. Always LIE to women for STRs otherwise you'll get fucked like me and abused.

Tagging some good lads @Charisma @Funnyunenjoyer1 @zemult @Clavicular @Mosh12 @Gengar @enchanted_elixir @emeraldglass @noahwillascend @Redblue0 @Jonas2k7 @WhiteMan
Read every molecule ,
she wasn’t into you and that’s fine it happens.

But also it’s a clear example of why wearing contacts is just a big no no,
being NT is so important and if a girl finds out your we wearing them or even a guy , it’s instantly a red flag and why? Because it’s weird . It’s a signal that your hiding other things and the strangeness and peculiarity just signals that you have no friends jfl

If you really want coloured eyes just get stroma, but it’s not worth the risk in my opinion and contacts are a SMV min as they take that much of your NT and don’t give enough payback in overall attractiveness.
  • JFL
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
Read every molecule ,
she wasn’t into you and that’s fine it happens.

But also it’s a clear example of why wearing contacts is just a big no no,
being NT is so important and if a girl finds out your we wearing them or even a guy , it’s instantly a red flag and why? Because it’s weird . It’s a signal that your hiding other things and the strangeness and peculiarity just signals that you have no friends jfl

If you really want coloured eyes just get stroma, but it’s not worth the risk in my opinion and contacts are a SMV min as they take that much of your NT and don’t give enough payback in overall attractiveness.
Interesting thought. Thanks brodie. Bottom line I shouldn't have told her tbh
  • +1
Reactions: charliewillascend
Interesting thought. Thanks brodie. Bottom line I shouldn't have told her tbh
Problem is the long term, if your looking for one night things by all means the contacts mog.
  • +1
Reactions: RealFunkyFlamingo
Problem is the long term, if your looking for one night things by all means the contacts mog.
My. Plan was short term brodie. But I told the truth cuz my brain still has low amounts of braincells
  • +1
Reactions: charliewillascend

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