First night after focusing on low carb, gym and general looksmaxing. Approached by 3 HTB Leanmax is life (Pics)

Nigga thats gonna ruin ur health

most of you have like less than half of this as well as high sodium instead, meanwhile im getting 3000mg potassium and low sodium for maximum debloat
  • +1
Reactions: dantemaxxing and Deleted member 39692
give me a rope
Hopefully this motivates people since the changes I made realistically are very little but heavily compounded on making me look better, want to contribute to the shift here of more people actively trying harder and not rotting. Mostly inspired by @NorwoodAscender being so proactive and making a good guide.

Last night I went out for the first time in the semester (used to go out daily, which heavily looksminned me). Took more than a month of eating low carb, lost around 4% body fat since before that, considerably increased muscle size due to consistent gym going (muscle memory), fixed hair by letting it grow out more and changing hairstyle to cover some of forehead (lower hairline for better thirds), and just general cope looksmaxing increasing brow density, skin etc etc.

During the pregame a person I hadnt seen since around 5 months although being drunk did not recognize me at all and starting talking about how my face looked so different and pointed at my cheeks (lifefuel for leanmaxxing ngl). Of course I larped and acted like I didnt know what he was talking about, but already great start to the night, took some adderall after that to help with inhibition and headed to the festival/party.

While there I was approached by 3 different HTB's without having to make any moves. One of them walked up to me while I was dancing like a sped and just tapped me on the shoulder and initiated combo asking if I remembered her ( I had previously hooked up with her friend lol), throughout the night this girl approached me multiple other times but I wasn't very interested, we had shots together etc. Later on a better looking 5'10 Blonde stacylite also approached and started being very flirtatious, her friends made the type of facial expressions girls make when tryna indicate the girl is interested in you. I talked to this girl the most and almost took her home at night, she was dancing on me, getting very touchy etc so I def had the greenlight for later in the night but unfortunately it was cut short before I could invite her over. I got accused of knocking a kid out?? Security thought I had knocked a kid out that was on the floor and a drunk girl that wasn't even there backed it up so I got escorted out. Was pissed the night ended early there but went to post game after and was approached yet again by another girl.

This thread seems kinda pointless but the point I am trying to make is that with the very few changes I made focusing specifically on my failos and really tryharding on diet I was able to get the most IOIS and approaches with ease that I've ever gotten before when actively trying. It sounds cringe and hamza red pilled but the less I cared right now on attracting foids and just genuinely improving the better it has worked. Motivated to keep going, the type of IOIS and vibes in general I was getting this night out compared to other ones where I was also looksmaxxing were completely different. If this is even 2% of what a Chad feels like when going out no wonder they are so low inhib, could feel myself become more and more through the night just from the positive reinforcement.

Before Debloating and just gymcelling retardedly:
View attachment 2722890View attachment 2722891 literally 0 angularity, zygos non existent and chipmunk looking.
After Debloating (daily cardio, 0 carbs except for before workout, low sodium, , less rest at gym, dandelion root and potassium):
View attachment 2722894View attachment 2722897View attachment 2722902 Obviously angle is different but I take these while walking results arent as drastic irl but clearly noticeable as its been pointed out multiple times by friends and family.It looks like im sucking in but im just doing suction hold with tongue while I run or walk to mantain good posture.

Physique currently + outfit I wore to the party:
View attachment 2722909View attachment 2722913View attachment 2722917

Gonna keep leaning down to this :
View attachment 2722918

Tagging bhais:
@pneumocystosis @NorwoodAscender @ConfusedBolivian
dnrd sexhaver ramblings
  • So Sad
Reactions: dragomaxxer
Hopefully this motivates people since the changes I made realistically are very little but heavily compounded on making me look better, want to contribute to the shift here of more people actively trying harder and not rotting. Mostly inspired by @NorwoodAscender being so proactive and making a good guide.

Last night I went out for the first time in the semester (used to go out daily, which heavily looksminned me). Took more than a month of eating low carb, lost around 4% body fat since before that, considerably increased muscle size due to consistent gym going (muscle memory), fixed hair by letting it grow out more and changing hairstyle to cover some of forehead (lower hairline for better thirds), and just general cope looksmaxing increasing brow density, skin etc etc.

During the pregame a person I hadnt seen since around 5 months although being drunk did not recognize me at all and starting talking about how my face looked so different and pointed at my cheeks (lifefuel for leanmaxxing ngl). Of course I larped and acted like I didnt know what he was talking about, but already great start to the night, took some adderall after that to help with inhibition and headed to the festival/party.

While there I was approached by 3 different HTB's without having to make any moves. One of them walked up to me while I was dancing like a sped and just tapped me on the shoulder and initiated combo asking if I remembered her ( I had previously hooked up with her friend lol), throughout the night this girl approached me multiple other times but I wasn't very interested, we had shots together etc. Later on a better looking 5'10 Blonde stacylite also approached and started being very flirtatious, her friends made the type of facial expressions girls make when tryna indicate the girl is interested in you. I talked to this girl the most and almost took her home at night, she was dancing on me, getting very touchy etc so I def had the greenlight for later in the night but unfortunately it was cut short before I could invite her over. I got accused of knocking a kid out?? Security thought I had knocked a kid out that was on the floor and a drunk girl that wasn't even there backed it up so I got escorted out. Was pissed the night ended early there but went to post game after and was approached yet again by another girl.

This thread seems kinda pointless but the point I am trying to make is that with the very few changes I made focusing specifically on my failos and really tryharding on diet I was able to get the most IOIS and approaches with ease that I've ever gotten before when actively trying. It sounds cringe and hamza red pilled but the less I cared right now on attracting foids and just genuinely improving the better it has worked. Motivated to keep going, the type of IOIS and vibes in general I was getting this night out compared to other ones where I was also looksmaxxing were completely different. If this is even 2% of what a Chad feels like when going out no wonder they are so low inhib, could feel myself become more and more through the night just from the positive reinforcement.

Before Debloating and just gymcelling retardedly:
View attachment 2722890View attachment 2722891 literally 0 angularity, zygos non existent and chipmunk looking.
After Debloating (daily cardio, 0 carbs except for before workout, low sodium, , less rest at gym, dandelion root and potassium):
View attachment 2722894View attachment 2722897View attachment 2722902 Obviously angle is different but I take these while walking results arent as drastic irl but clearly noticeable as its been pointed out multiple times by friends and family.It looks like im sucking in but im just doing suction hold with tongue while I run or walk to mantain good posture.

Physique currently + outfit I wore to the party:
View attachment 2722909View attachment 2722913View attachment 2722917

Gonna keep leaning down to this :
View attachment 2722918

Tagging bhais:
@pneumocystosis @NorwoodAscender @ConfusedBolivian
Im playing
  • Love it
Reactions: dragomaxxer
You on roids?
  • +1
Reactions: j05, Skywalker and ascension
physique looks aesthetic as fuck in the shirtless photo no homo

you natty son? you keep dodging the question lol
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: futuregigamogger, dragomaxxer and Aloft
Hopefully this motivates people since the changes I made realistically are very little but heavily compounded on making me look better, want to contribute to the shift here of more people actively trying harder and not rotting. Mostly inspired by @NorwoodAscender being so proactive and making a good guide.

Last night I went out for the first time in the semester (used to go out daily, which heavily looksminned me). Took more than a month of eating low carb, lost around 4% body fat since before that, considerably increased muscle size due to consistent gym going (muscle memory), fixed hair by letting it grow out more and changing hairstyle to cover some of forehead (lower hairline for better thirds), and just general cope looksmaxing increasing brow density, skin etc etc.

During the pregame a person I hadnt seen since around 5 months although being drunk did not recognize me at all and starting talking about how my face looked so different and pointed at my cheeks (lifefuel for leanmaxxing ngl). Of course I larped and acted like I didnt know what he was talking about, but already great start to the night, took some adderall after that to help with inhibition and headed to the festival/party.

While there I was approached by 3 different HTB's without having to make any moves. One of them walked up to me while I was dancing like a sped and just tapped me on the shoulder and initiated combo asking if I remembered her ( I had previously hooked up with her friend lol), throughout the night this girl approached me multiple other times but I wasn't very interested, we had shots together etc. Later on a better looking 5'10 Blonde stacylite also approached and started being very flirtatious, her friends made the type of facial expressions girls make when tryna indicate the girl is interested in you. I talked to this girl the most and almost took her home at night, she was dancing on me, getting very touchy etc so I def had the greenlight for later in the night but unfortunately it was cut short before I could invite her over. I got accused of knocking a kid out?? Security thought I had knocked a kid out that was on the floor and a drunk girl that wasn't even there backed it up so I got escorted out. Was pissed the night ended early there but went to post game after and was approached yet again by another girl.

This thread seems kinda pointless but the point I am trying to make is that with the very few changes I made focusing specifically on my failos and really tryharding on diet I was able to get the most IOIS and approaches with ease that I've ever gotten before when actively trying. It sounds cringe and hamza red pilled but the less I cared right now on attracting foids and just genuinely improving the better it has worked. Motivated to keep going, the type of IOIS and vibes in general I was getting this night out compared to other ones where I was also looksmaxxing were completely different. If this is even 2% of what a Chad feels like when going out no wonder they are so low inhib, could feel myself become more and more through the night just from the positive reinforcement.

Before Debloating and just gymcelling retardedly:
View attachment 2722890View attachment 2722891 literally 0 angularity, zygos non existent and chipmunk looking.
After Debloating (daily cardio, 0 carbs except for before workout, low sodium, , less rest at gym, dandelion root and potassium):
View attachment 2722894View attachment 2722897View attachment 2722902 Obviously angle is different but I take these while walking results arent as drastic irl but clearly noticeable as its been pointed out multiple times by friends and family.It looks like im sucking in but im just doing suction hold with tongue while I run or walk to mantain good posture.

Physique currently + outfit I wore to the party:
View attachment 2722909View attachment 2722913View attachment 2722917

Gonna keep leaning down to this :
View attachment 2722918

Tagging bhais:
@pneumocystosis @NorwoodAscender @ConfusedBolivian
You look chadlite+ why do you think otherwise. Do you have some weird ratios?
straight to ignore list
physique looks aesthetic as fuck in the shirtless photo no homo

you natty son? you keep dodging the question lol
Get off his dick
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 39692
Also keep in mind when you’re debloated you yourself will feel more confident and low inhib
  • +1
Reactions: dragomaxxer
Low carbs is brutal. How’s your libido, sleep, and energy? How do you combat the negatives and did you take any gear/peds?
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker and Deleted member 39692
physique looks aesthetic as fuck in the shirtless photo no homo

you natty son? you keep dodging the question lol
don't wanna give misleading answer / influence some young graycel that sees it and makes them do something they shouldn't i normally just respond in detail in pms since dpending on the answer they may ask quantities etc, don't want to feel responsible for fucking up some random kids health across the world
  • +1
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Reactions: pneumocystosis and highT
You look chadlite+ why do you think otherwise. Do you have some weird ratios?
always had low confidence have really bad self image cause of the way i was raised, forced on accutane during puberty when a single pimple appeared due to parents want of me looking perfect at all times, started getting called fat or (inflated) almost daily since like the age of 13. my ratios arent perfect by any means and i do think that facialy i am around high htn to low chadlite with my body bringing me up a bit but thats not how it feels like on a day to day basis hence the bio
  • +1
Reactions: nofap
Low carbs is brutal. How’s your libido, sleep, and energy? How do you combat the negatives and did you take any gear/peds?
its ight, idrm, models eat pretty low carb as well and they fuck often shouldn't really be an issue. peds arent needed to look like this, i've looked better while younger if anything (physique wise)
  • +1
Reactions: AlbinoMaxxer
lmao, this is the average good looking little privileged faggot bitching about the forum being "MUH NEGATIVE AND DEFEATIST"
its ight, idrm, models eat pretty low carb as well and they fuck often shouldn't really be an issue. peds arent needed to look like this, i've looked better while younger if anything (physique wise)
Jfl most models starve, their libido is nonexistent
  • +1
Reactions: Jaded, edodalic29, Skywalker and 1 other person
always had low confidence have really bad self image cause of the way i was raised, forced on accutane during puberty when a single pimple appeared due to parents want of me looking perfect at all times, started getting called fat or (inflated) almost daily since like the age of 13. my ratios arent perfect by any means and i do think that facialy i am around high htn to low chadlite with my body bringing me up a bit but thats not how it feels like on a day to day basis hence the bio
Just stop listening to your mind and notice that most people here think you are chadlite+. It's not a state of mind, but a state of being
  • Woah
Reactions: dragomaxxer
Just stop listening to your mind and notice that most people here think you are chadlite+. It's not a state of mind, but a state of being
thanks bhai means a lot <3
  • +1
Reactions: lebesgue
Good shit
Hopefully this motivates people since the changes I made realistically are very little but heavily compounded on making me look better, want to contribute to the shift here of more people actively trying harder and not rotting. Mostly inspired by @NorwoodAscender being so proactive and making a good guide.

Last night I went out for the first time in the semester (used to go out daily, which heavily looksminned me). Took more than a month of eating low carb, lost around 4% body fat since before that, considerably increased muscle size due to consistent gym going (muscle memory), fixed hair by letting it grow out more and changing hairstyle to cover some of forehead (lower hairline for better thirds), and just general cope looksmaxing increasing brow density, skin etc etc.

During the pregame a person I hadnt seen since around 5 months although being drunk did not recognize me at all and starting talking about how my face looked so different and pointed at my cheeks (lifefuel for leanmaxxing ngl). Of course I larped and acted like I didnt know what he was talking about, but already great start to the night, took some adderall after that to help with inhibition and headed to the festival/party.

While there I was approached by 3 different HTB's without having to make any moves. One of them walked up to me while I was dancing like a sped and just tapped me on the shoulder and initiated combo asking if I remembered her ( I had previously hooked up with her friend lol), throughout the night this girl approached me multiple other times but I wasn't very interested, we had shots together etc. Later on a better looking 5'10 Blonde stacylite also approached and started being very flirtatious, her friends made the type of facial expressions girls make when tryna indicate the girl is interested in you. I talked to this girl the most and almost took her home at night, she was dancing on me, getting very touchy etc so I def had the greenlight for later in the night but unfortunately it was cut short before I could invite her over. I got accused of knocking a kid out?? Security thought I had knocked a kid out that was on the floor and a drunk girl that wasn't even there backed it up so I got escorted out. Was pissed the night ended early there but went to post game after and was approached yet again by another girl.

This thread seems kinda pointless but the point I am trying to make is that with the very few changes I made focusing specifically on my failos and really tryharding on diet I was able to get the most IOIS and approaches with ease that I've ever gotten before when actively trying. It sounds cringe and hamza red pilled but the less I cared right now on attracting foids and just genuinely improving the better it has worked. Motivated to keep going, the type of IOIS and vibes in general I was getting this night out compared to other ones where I was also looksmaxxing were completely different. If this is even 2% of what a Chad feels like when going out no wonder they are so low inhib, could feel myself become more and more through the night just from the positive reinforcement.

Before Debloating and just gymcelling retardedly:
View attachment 2722890View attachment 2722891 literally 0 angularity, zygos non existent and chipmunk looking.
After Debloating (daily cardio, 0 carbs except for before workout, low sodium, , less rest at gym, dandelion root and potassium):
View attachment 2722894View attachment 2722897View attachment 2722902 Obviously angle is different but I take these while walking results arent as drastic irl but clearly noticeable as its been pointed out multiple times by friends and family.It looks like im sucking in but im just doing suction hold with tongue while I run or walk to mantain good posture.

Physique currently + outfit I wore to the party:
View attachment 2722909View attachment 2722913View attachment 2722917

Gonna keep leaning down to this :
View attachment 2722918

Tagging bhais:
@pneumocystosis @NorwoodAscender @ConfusedBolivian
Good shit
Just eating zero carb lean beef mogs hard for leanmaxxing. People just dont get it.

If you are fat adapted and can activate hormone sensistive lipase and cut all energy sources ( fat + carbs) you will utilize your own fat stores

And you will keep muscle by eating all the protein
  • Love it
Reactions: dragomaxxer
its ight, idrm, models eat pretty low carb as well and they fuck often shouldn't really be an issue. peds arent needed to look like this, i've looked better while younger if anything (physique wise)
PEDs are absolutely needed for your physique. Don’t bullshit people. I saw in your other reply you more or less said you were on them and just didn’t want to reveal to keep dumbasses from hurting themselves(Which is commendable).

But regardless of that reply it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that you use them. Which is cool but definitely don’t pretend this is attainable without them. It isn’t. Not even close.
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker, Eren and klamus
PEDs are absolutely needed for your physique. Don’t bullshit people. I saw in your other reply you more or less said you were on them and just didn’t want to reveal to keep dumbasses from hurting themselves(Which is commendable).

But regardless of that reply it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that you use them. Which is cool but definitely don’t pretend this is attainable without them. It isn’t. Not even close.
It is considering the fact that the amount of time to reach plasma levels to where the compound would take effect and improve physique hasn't even gotten there lol. This is absolutely attainable natty, my physique has barely changed over the last few years ive looked similar to this since I was 17. I wouldn't say I believed it was attainable natty (with amazing genetics) if it wasn't, it is a little misleading though because I didn't clarifiy that i have like top 99% genetics for gym, my bench went from 95 lbs to 185 lbs in like 3 months and hit 225 bench shortly after turning 16, was gonna go D1 for sport in college. I promise you this physique is achievable natty just difficult and time consuming, ive been working out for nearly 6 years with good genetics
Good shit

Good shit
Just eating zero carb lean beef mogs hard for leanmaxxing. People just dont get it.

If you are fat adapted and can activate hormone sensistive lipase and cut all energy sources ( fat + carbs) you will utilize your own fat stores

And you will keep muscle by eating all the protein
yep this is exactly what I do and it tastes amazing as well, i dont salt my food so the natural sodium in it brings out so much flavor, favorite mix is eggwhites, with one yolk, and groundbeef
  • Love it
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yep this is exactly what I do and it tastes amazing as well, i dont salt my food so the natural sodium in it brings out so much flavor, favorite mix is eggwhites, with one yolk, and groundbeef
haha we are very similar.
I just eat beef with no salt
  • +1
Reactions: dragomaxxer
haha we are very similar.
I just eat beef with no salt
same no need for salt the sodium naturally found in organic foods is enough, your palette adapts and it starts tasting tasty very quickly jfl at people eating regular food when everything is high sodium nowadays. 1 big mac is already 1000mg
It is considering the fact that the amount of time to reach plasma levels to where the compound would take effect and improve physique hasn't even gotten there lol. This is absolutely attainable natty, my physique has barely changed over the last few years ive looked similar to this since I was 17. I wouldn't say I believed it was attainable natty (with amazing genetics) if it wasn't, it is a little misleading though because I didn't clarifiy that i have like top 99% genetics for gym, my bench went from 95 lbs to 185 lbs in like 3 months and hit 225 bench shortly after turning 16, was gonna go D1 for sport in college. I promise you this physique is achievable natty just difficult and time consuming, ive been working out for nearly 6 years with good genetics
teenagers on here may believe the genetics card but I’m not stupid
  • Hmm...
Reactions: dragomaxxer
Giving incels with half the bones hope
  • Woah
Reactions: dragomaxxer
teenagers on here may believe the genetics card but I’m not stupid
nah ur pretty stupid if you think the genetics card isnt valid lmao trust me im not lying about the fact that its natty achievable with TOP GENETICS and GOOD LONG TRAINING, literally 5 years of training with good genetics + already athletic background before its not that hard to believe bhai


16 here


15 w mask as proof of timeline
Last edited:
Miring. What's your laycount if you don't mind my asking? Based on your physical appearance I'd be surprised to hear anything under 25.
Miring. What's your laycount if you don't mind my asking? Based on your physical appearance I'd be surprised to hear anything under 25.
haha youll be surprised ill pm you, thats normally what girls guess too around like 25-35
Drop the fucking cycle
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker
Peak natty physique
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Oxygen and dragomaxxer
nah ur pretty stupid if you think the genetics card isnt valid lmao trust me im not lying about the fact that its natty achievable with TOP GENETICS and GOOD LONG TRAINING, literally 5 years of training with good genetics + already athletic background before its not that hard to believe bhai

View attachment 2744514

16 here

View attachment 2744518

15 w mask as proof of timeline
@Oxygen genetics but feel free to pm me for general advice or recommendation of wether you should even get on yet
  • +1
Reactions: Oxygen
It is considering the fact that the amount of time to reach plasma levels to where the compound would take effect and improve physique hasn't even gotten there lol. This is absolutely attainable natty, my physique has barely changed over the last few years ive looked similar to this since I was 17. I wouldn't say I believed it was attainable natty (with amazing genetics) if it wasn't, it is a little misleading though because I didn't clarifiy that i have like top 99% genetics for gym, my bench went from 95 lbs to 185 lbs in like 3 months and hit 225 bench shortly after turning 16, was gonna go D1 for sport in college. I promise you this physique is achievable natty just difficult and time consuming, ive been working out for nearly 6 years with good genetics
Never said that you don’t have good genetics, or that you never had a good physique in the past, but.

The way you look now is FAR ahead of what you looked like at 16, and you said you basically looked the same at 17, which I don’t believe


steroids don’t need to be fully saturated to have an effect. If you’re on a serious cut right now than even just having the upper end of the normal reference range of testosterone is preventing catabolism (as well as increasing glycogen and intramuscular water) that you would likely otherwise have experienced. Because being as lean as you are naturally would rape your test levels. Nattys shrivel up when they dip beneath ~12% because their test tanks.

Unless you just started taking small to moderate dose of testosterone enanthate or cypionate <7 days ago (or a larger dose < 5 days ago) and nothing else, then your physique has benefited from gear.
Hopefully this motivates people since the changes I made realistically are very little but heavily compounded on making me look better, want to contribute to the shift here of more people actively trying harder and not rotting. Mostly inspired by @NorwoodAscender being so proactive and making a good guide.

Last night I went out for the first time in the semester (used to go out daily, which heavily looksminned me). Took more than a month of eating low carb, lost around 4% body fat since before that, considerably increased muscle size due to consistent gym going (muscle memory), fixed hair by letting it grow out more and changing hairstyle to cover some of forehead (lower hairline for better thirds), and just general cope looksmaxing increasing brow density, skin etc etc.

During the pregame a person I hadnt seen since around 5 months although being drunk did not recognize me at all and starting talking about how my face looked so different and pointed at my cheeks (lifefuel for leanmaxxing ngl). Of course I larped and acted like I didnt know what he was talking about, but already great start to the night, took some adderall after that to help with inhibition and headed to the festival/party.

While there I was approached by 3 different HTB's without having to make any moves. One of them walked up to me while I was dancing like a sped and just tapped me on the shoulder and initiated combo asking if I remembered her ( I had previously hooked up with her friend lol), throughout the night this girl approached me multiple other times but I wasn't very interested, we had shots together etc. Later on a better looking 5'10 Blonde stacylite also approached and started being very flirtatious, her friends made the type of facial expressions girls make when tryna indicate the girl is interested in you. I talked to this girl the most and almost took her home at night, she was dancing on me, getting very touchy etc so I def had the greenlight for later in the night but unfortunately it was cut short before I could invite her over. I got accused of knocking a kid out?? Security thought I had knocked a kid out that was on the floor and a drunk girl that wasn't even there backed it up so I got escorted out. Was pissed the night ended early there but went to post game after and was approached yet again by another girl.

This thread seems kinda pointless but the point I am trying to make is that with the very few changes I made focusing specifically on my failos and really tryharding on diet I was able to get the most IOIS and approaches with ease that I've ever gotten before when actively trying. It sounds cringe and hamza red pilled but the less I cared right now on attracting foids and just genuinely improving the better it has worked. Motivated to keep going, the type of IOIS and vibes in general I was getting this night out compared to other ones where I was also looksmaxxing were completely different. If this is even 2% of what a Chad feels like when going out no wonder they are so low inhib, could feel myself become more and more through the night just from the positive reinforcement.

Before Debloating and just gymcelling retardedly:
View attachment 2722890View attachment 2722891 literally 0 angularity, zygos non existent and chipmunk looking.
After Debloating (daily cardio, 0 carbs except for before workout, low sodium, , less rest at gym, dandelion root and potassium):
View attachment 2722894View attachment 2722897View attachment 2722902 Obviously angle is different but I take these while walking results arent as drastic irl but clearly noticeable as its been pointed out multiple times by friends and family.It looks like im sucking in but im just doing suction hold with tongue while I run or walk to mantain good posture.

Physique currently + outfit I wore to the party:
View attachment 2722909View attachment 2722913View attachment 2722917

Gonna keep leaning down to this :
View attachment 2722918

Tagging bhais:
@pneumocystosis @NorwoodAscender @ConfusedBolivian
What's your cycle?
I vary my potassium intake depending on if I somehow end up eating a high sodium food, but i use a potassium supplement from amazon which is super high dosage (500mg per pill), i always try to have double the potassium daily than any sodium I have, if i dont have any actual high sodium foods ill ahve around 1000mg of potassium.

I just recently started taking 1 - 2 dandelion root pills a day in the form of a milk thystle supplement, i havent noticed a big difference since both that and the potassium just make you pee more often.

Debloating protocol can work wihin the day itself if you start early, I wake up and drink a liter of water right after and don't eat any food yet, i try to get some movement in after that if i dont have class, so maybe a long brisk walk in the sun. After that I have a small meal of only protein and take my supplements which aid in debloating.

Overall the most helpful thing is just going to be mantaining consistent carb and sodium intake and drinking a lot of water while doing DAILY cardio. Any day that I do not do cardio or some sort of exercise i am less debloated than when I do.

The rest is just weight loss though debloating will only take you so far, feel free to pm me for more details
What is the name of the potassium pill on amazon?
It is considering the fact that the amount of time to reach plasma levels to where the compound would take effect and improve physique hasn't even gotten there lol. This is absolutely attainable natty, my physique has barely changed over the last few years ive looked similar to this since I was 17. I wouldn't say I believed it was attainable natty (with amazing genetics) if it wasn't, it is a little misleading though because I didn't clarifiy that i have like top 99% genetics for gym, my bench went from 95 lbs to 185 lbs in like 3 months and hit 225 bench shortly after turning 16, was gonna go D1 for sport in college. I promise you this physique is achievable natty just difficult and time consuming, ive been working out for nearly 6 years with good genetics
If it’s attainable natty why are you taking roids then
Also drop your diet info, I don’t know how to replace carbs with something else
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker
If it’s attainable natty why are you taking roids then
Also drop your diet info, I don’t know how to replace carbs with something else
because it takes longer than that for it to create a longer effect haha, this isn't the goal physique but I am saying that the current one isnt the result of anything that would be impossible without them, goal by end of cycle is to be current leanness or more but adding like 5 lbs in the right areas for a better v taper and etc without losing female appeal. Also majority of the reason for being on was after 5 years youve essentially reached natty limit and I also plan on competing either in BB or some sort of sport competition soon but cant give details
What is the name of the potassium pill on amazon?
apparently they dont have them in some countries, any work just find the highest dose ones

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