Full Body workout 5x a week most ideal to pack of lean muscle quick for a natty?



Curry Mullatino - Curry German Alliance
Jun 9, 2020
I am due to finish my cut in about a month or so. Scheduled to be between 10-12% bf, most like the slightly higher range
Due to sex drive maintenance and well being

Currently only do a 2x a week full body workouts just to maintain while I'm in a deficit

But I will be lean bulking (small surplus) first time ever.
5 years have passed and I've been to yoing my diet and not as muscular as I'd hoped.
Because I was obsessed with being lean, I'd get lean then binge and ruin it and repeat.

Won't happen again

But been researching that 5x a week full body provides great frequency which helps build more muscle in a shorter time frame.

As muscle synthesis is only active for 12-24 hrs as an intermediate which is consider myself now.
Have huge growth potential but time is of the essence for me now

@King Solomon would you recommend this form of workouts rather than an upper lower upper lower or PPL split?

Looking to gain 10-15lbs of lean muscle hopefully- probably more on the 10lbs range tbh

My natural shape is very aesthetic so won't require much time hopefully

Natty Gymcellers please advise....

TLDR- full body workout 5x a week or another form of split, upper lower, PPL etc


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Just do PPL tbh
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Muslces are a meme brocel, either inject roids or just stay lean, trust me those 2 are best options. Gym is unnecessary stress, even a night of drinking is less stressful
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Also eat like 200g of sugar or honey daily brocel, it lowers cortisol
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Muslces are a meme brocel, either inject roids or just stay lean, trust me those 2 are best options. Gym is unnecessary stress, even a night of drinking is less stressful
As I've gotten older I care more about being healthy and having some muscle size is something I'd like as well

But yes being lean is my priority

I actually prefer being an athlete, as I'm boxing hard from may onwards
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As I've gotten older I care more about being healthy and having some muscle size is something I'd like as well

But yes being lean is my priority

I actually prefer being an athlete, as I'm boxing hard from may onwards

Like manuka honey or any sort?
Im semi joking jfl, but i found natty lifting to be very overrated for women if thats the goal, sure you absolutely look better gymcelled then not in terms of smv but the difference doesn't compensate nearly as good when you think about the recovery, the stress, and especially the food you eat and all of that. You can unironically get a natty physique in a few months by just cruising on testosterone while not even lifting a finger jfl
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Im semi joking jfl, but i found natty lifting to be very overrated for women if thats the goal, sure you absolutely look better gymcelled then not in terms of smv but the difference doesn't compensate nearly as good when you think about the recovery, the stress, and especially the food you eat and all of that. You can unironically get a natty physique in a few months by just cruising on testosterone while not even lifting a finger jfl
Yeah I don't entirely do it for women tbh just for some fun and goals too to improve

True a test cycle I'm so tempted but it's the hairloss and other potential sides with worry me I'm high inhibition in regards to my health
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I am due to finish my cut in about a month or so. Scheduled to be between 10-12% bf, most like the slightly higher range
Due to sex drive maintenance and well being

Currently only do a 2x a week full body workouts just to maintain while I'm in a deficit

But I will be lean bulking (small surplus) first time ever.
5 years have passed and I've been to yoing my diet and not as muscular as I'd hoped.
Because I was obsessed with being lean, I'd get lean then binge and ruin it and repeat.

Won't happen again

But been researching that 5x a week full body provides great frequency which helps build more muscle in a shorter time frame.

As muscle synthesis is only active for 12-24 hrs as an intermediate which is consider myself now.
Have huge growth potential but time is of the essence for me now

@King Solomon would you recommend this form of workouts rather than an upper lower upper lower or PPL split?

Looking to gain 10-15lbs of lean muscle hopefully- probably more on the 10lbs range tbh

My natural shape is very aesthetic so won't require much time hopefully

Natty Gymcellers please advise....

TLDR- full body workout 5x a week or another form of split, upper lower, PPL etc


damn you look good, have you been running a PPL the entire time before? What are your lifts and bodyweight?
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damn you look good, have you been running a PPL the entire time before? What are your lifts and bodyweight?
thank you brother

just full body 2-3 x a week

started with a bro split back in the day but never finished a full week jfl

id say i was most consistent with a full body used to do it 3x a week now just 2x coz im not eating much and feel i wont grow as a result.

Lifts are pretty shit lol, incline dumbell press 30kg
i dont DL or squat atm
but walking lunges 25kg
pull ups just body weight
T bar rows 75 kg

got shit loads of improvements to make which is motivating, hopefully translates to better physique
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thank you brother

just full body 2-3 x a week

started with a bro split back in the day but never finished a full week jfl

id say i was most consistent with a full body used to do it 3x a week now just 2x coz im not eating much and feel i wont grow as a result.

Lifts are pretty shit lol, incline dumbell press 30kg
i dont DL or squat atm
but walking lunges 25kg
pull ups just body weight
T bar rows 75 kg

got shit loads of improvements to make which is motivating, hopefully translates to better physique
Do you not do normal bench? Is your incline 1 rep max? I do 20kg for 8 reps on incline atm and my chest is still small!!

I’m lean maxxing too though, you look aesthetic af
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Do you not do normal bench? Is your incline 1 rep max? I do 20kg for 8 reps on incline atm and my chest is still small!!

I’m lean maxxing too though, you look aesthetic af
havent done normal bench for ages tbh, prefer dumbbells coz better for my symmetry

when i did do bench i was doing 20kg each side and struggling jfl

focus is aesthetics anyways hopefully will improve considerably towards end of year.

keep going bro yeh strength will eventually come through, thanks man!

if all else fails ill hit a ostarine only sarms cycle or sum shit (probs wont resort to this)

need to preserve collagen as i become oldcell lol
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havent done normal bench for ages tbh, prefer dumbbells coz better for my symmetry

when i did do bench i was doing 20kg each side and struggling jfl

focus is aesthetics anyways hopefully will improve considerably towards end of year.

keep going bro yeh strength will eventually come through, thanks man!

if all else fails ill hit a ostarine only sarms cycle or sum shit (probs wont resort to this)

need to preserve collagen as i become oldcell lol
WTF! Low bodyfat% pill is legit tbh. I am 5'5 and I can bench with 20kg on each side, but I still look DYEL because my bodyfat% isn't low enough. Fuark you are givine motivation to cut even harder JFL. Are you on a 500 cal deficit?

I am planning to hop on finasteride soon so I age gracefully. Fuark bro you are aesthetic af tbh, your shoulders are good too - spamming lateral raises I assume?
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WTF! Low bodyfat% pill is legit tbh. I am 5'5 and I can bench with 20kg on each side, but I still look DYEL because my bodyfat% isn't low enough. Fuark you are givine motivation to cut even harder JFL. Are you on a 500 cal deficit?

I am planning to hop on finasteride soon so I age gracefully. Fuark bro you are aesthetic af tbh, your shoulders are good too - spamming lateral raises I assume?
yeah its legit but ive spun my wheels trying to hit 10% for YEARS when really i should have stopped at this 12-14% range as per the pics
trying to mistake all my wrongs in my whole life and condense it before my birthday in summer jfl

yeh 500 cal deficit

yeah lateral raises every workout and always incline press too upper chest is well developed as a result

there was a post about mixing all these oils and dermapenning your scalp and putting on overnight, which I'm gonna start
need to order a dr pen

after the cut is over gonna cut out gluten completely, sautee all my veggies and really get delicious, filling and healthy foods. Plus curry once a week coz its my face tbh haha

really going for longevity now, couldn't slay in my early 20's so will have my golden era between 27-34 instead- better versed too due to moneymaxxing etc hopefully
unless someone comes along who is too difficult to not ltr

i just wanna make up for my regrets man
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yeah its legit but ive spun my wheels trying to hit 10% for YEARS when really i should have stopped at this 12-14% range as per the pics
trying to mistake all my wrongs in my whole life and condense it before my birthday in summer jfl

yeh 500 cal deficit

yeah lateral raises every workout and always incline press too upper chest is well developed as a result

there was a post about mixing all these oils and dermapenning your scalp and putting on overnight, which I'm gonna start
need to order a dr pen

after the cut is over gonna cut out gluten completely, sautee all my veggies and really get delicious, filling and healthy foods. Plus curry once a week coz its my face tbh haha

really going for longevity now, couldn't slay in my early 20's so will have my golden era between 27-34 instead- better versed too due to moneymaxxing etc hopefully
unless someone comes along who is too difficult to not ltr

i just wanna make up for my regrets man
Why could you not slay in early 20s? Were you high inhib or ugly or some shit? Nigga you look great now
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Why could you not slay in early 20s? Were you high inhib or ugly or some shit? Nigga you look great now
grew up sheltered, standard bengali parents wouldnt let me out much so couldn't get better at socialising,

was deemed ugly at school so had shot confidence
it all built up as inferiority back then
id never forgive myself or love myself either
it was only self hate everything i did

went uni, thought slaying would be easy, id get drunk af and do the dumbest shit and be embarrassed as hell next day didn't know how to talk to women coz i was scared and intimidated by them

didnt get laid once at uni lmao

graduated, then did my first successful cut (pm'd you pic in the past)but then binged and it all went away so couldnt test it out jfl- facial bones were popping remember some roastie couldn't take her eyes of in a lift (vivdly remember this lmao) friends said i looked like a diff person lol

got tinder, never got matches, but somehow matched some girl who was into currys and lost virginity at 21, was a porn addict so wasnt even fun and boner was weak as hell (she didnt say anything which im thankful for too) did a approach anxiety course similar time, this killed my inhibitions quite a lot. read how i can have convos with people better in general

when i went clubs i now started kissing girls relatively frequently but couldnt ever take them home, kinda didnt know what to do lol
but went thru a period where i kept getting rejected this killed my confidence again lol stopped cold approaching realised need to improve looks

lurked lookism around this time too then eventually joined this site after lurking for years too

started really looksmaxxing hard and now starting to look better!

most of my issues stemmed from basically being autistic/socially awkward. but ive killed any autism left in me now.

sorry for the essay bro jfl almost feel like im on addy
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grew up sheltered, standard bengali parents wouldnt let me out much so couldn't get better at socialising,

was deemed ugly at school so had shot confidence
it all built up as inferiority back then
id never forgive myself or love myself either
it was only self hate everything i did

went uni, thought slaying would be easy, id get drunk af and do the dumbest shit and be embarrassed as hell next day didn't know how to talk to women coz i was scared and intimidated by them

didnt get laid once at uni lmao

graduated, then did my first successful cut (pm'd you pic in the past)but then binged and it all went away so couldnt test it out jfl- facial bones were popping remember some roastie couldn't take her eyes of in a lift (vivdly remember this lmao) friends said i looked like a diff person lol

got tinder, never got matches, but somehow matched some girl who was into currys and lost virginity at 21, was a porn addict so wasnt even fun and boner was weak as hell (she didnt say anything which im thankful for too) did a approach anxiety course similar time, this killed my inhibitions quite a lot. read how i can have convos with people better in general

when i went clubs i now started kissing girls relatively frequently but couldnt ever take them home, kinda didnt know what to do lol
but went thru a period where i kept getting rejected this killed my confidence again lol stopped cold approaching realised need to improve looks

lurked lookism around this time too then eventually joined this site after lurking for years too

started really looksmaxxing hard and now starting to look better!

most of my issues stemmed from basically being autistic/socially awkward. but ive killed any autism left in me now.

sorry for the essay bro jfl almost feel like im on addy
based and inspirational story tbh, sounds like a common thing with bengalis the autism part especially. I feel you on the getting drunk and doing stupid shit part too, literally killed me mentally. It's why I don't drink as often, and if I do drink I'm coked up so I never really do super stupid shit.

Cutting weight and lifting really did boost you, you mog most guys your age too JFL. You should just book a holiday to fucking singapore or some shit and just slay girls there for 3 weeks
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based and inspirational story tbh, sounds like a common thing with bengalis the autism part especially. I feel you on the getting drunk and doing stupid shit part too, literally killed me mentally. It's why I don't drink as often, and if I do drink I'm coked up so I never really do super stupid shit.

Cutting weight and lifting really did boost you, you mog most guys your age too JFL. You should just book a holiday to fucking singapore or some shit and just slay girls there for 3 weeks
yeah very common man,guarantee if my parents let me out and see friends/people, took me to boxing club etc i never would've had these issues, same for you man. wouldn't of been afraid of confrontation, could diffuse with words, or get physical coz wouldnt be afraid due to combat sport.

i basically had to learn it all as i went along.

yea man i used to say the dumbest shit or drink too much and someone would have to let me throw up on my toilet at uni jfl i was so sexually frustrated that i became a college porn addict jfl
i dont drink much at all now, tryna build real confidence too sober, hopefully in time

yeah it makes most people tbh, and some soft maxxes and some minor hard maxxes on weaknesses, eg upper eyelid exposure fillers

funny yousay that im doing that this summer, not sure where yet, my mate (the one i pm'd you too) wants to do asia thailand or sum shit, but im not sure - i want where ill have highest appeal lol i wanted latinam alone or EE alone haha
but if i want company might just go thailand- im unvaxxed so need to read the laws, may just have to be 1 country

hopefully i mog over there an have appeal in thailand, i know whites are worshipped there thts all, i will probs spend a week in EE ,hungary and then poland on way home! you know i love EE women the most!

need to speak to china curry about it again

but willprobs do another solo slaying tour either late 2022 r early 2023 again,probs in EE

may make it a regular thing if money is ok!
who knows bro maybe me you and china curry do a looksmaxx holiday together JFL
make his movie he wrote about come true JFL!
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I wouldn't do full body more frequently than 3 times a week
It certainly works for natties and I did well on some full body programs when I was natty but if you want to be aesthetic and train 5-6 days a week I would look into PPL or PHAT training
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I'm one who doesn't wanna live in gym too much so may just do upper lower x4
And fit my boxing days around it
PHUL is a good upper lower template for natties
Even though strength is gigacope, natties never really grow much unless they do push to get stronger. E.g. no natties have big traps from just doing sets of 15-20 dumbbell shrugs but some that do heavy deadlifts and rackpulls have big traps (for natties anyway).
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PHUL is a good upper lower template for natties
Even though strength is gigacope, natties never really grow much unless they do push to get stronger. E.g. no natties have big traps from just doing sets of 15-20 dumbbell shrugs but some that do heavy deadlifts and rackpulls have big traps (for natties anyway).
thanks brah, this sounds basically ideal for me!

strength will defo be a bigger focus, rack pulls RDL's, bench, weighted pull ups when i finish

right now i eat so little to cut that those would just burn me out completely
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PHUL is a good upper lower template for natties
yeah I’ve been doing this for the last month
enjoyable tbh, not keen on doing legs twice a week tho but it is what it is
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yeah I’ve been doing this for the last month
enjoyable tbh, not keen on doing legs twice a week tho but it is what it is
yeah true, but hopefully will allow us to eat much more so be able to do the workouts well
Rest in peace your CNS. Just try it. You will see why no one does this. Better to have longer recovery, 2-3 times a week frequency is perfect. You'd be better off doing upper-lower alternating or just do PPL-PPL. There's a reason popular programs are popular.
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Just watched the video. Nippard is full autistic so I tend to trust his content, but pay attention to what he says: full body x 5 is good for advanced lifters. You are not advanced. Though you are very lean, great condition. I commend.
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Just watched the video. Nippard is full autistic so I tend to trust his content, but pay attention to what he says: full body x 5 is good for advanced lifters. You are not advanced. Though you are very lean, great condition. I commend.
thanks man, will probs go for a PHUL routine

less days in gym too
yeah very common man,guarantee if my parents let me out and see friends/people, took me to boxing club etc i never would've had these issues, same for you man. wouldn't of been afraid of confrontation, could diffuse with words, or get physical coz wouldnt be afraid due to combat sport.

i basically had to learn it all as i went along.

yea man i used to say the dumbest shit or drink too much and someone would have to let me throw up on my toilet at uni jfl i was so sexually frustrated that i became a college porn addict jfl
i dont drink much at all now, tryna build real confidence too sober, hopefully in time

yeah it makes most people tbh, and some soft maxxes and some minor hard maxxes on weaknesses, eg upper eyelid exposure fillers

funny yousay that im doing that this summer, not sure where yet, my mate (the one i pm'd you too) wants to do asia thailand or sum shit, but im not sure - i want where ill have highest appeal lol i wanted latinam alone or EE alone haha
but if i want company might just go thailand- im unvaxxed so need to read the laws, may just have to be 1 country

hopefully i mog over there an have appeal in thailand, i know whites are worshipped there thts all, i will probs spend a week in EE ,hungary and then poland on way home! you know i love EE women the most!

need to speak to china curry about it again

but willprobs do another solo slaying tour either late 2022 r early 2023 again,probs in EE

may make it a regular thing if money is ok!
who knows bro maybe me you and china curry do a looksmaxx holiday together JFL
make his movie he wrote about come true JFL!
JFL looksmax movie, curries do well in Singapore apparently. I had to basically force myself to do combat sports and shit.

I think we both have had similar lives tbh, crazy how we both ended up here too
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JFL looksmax movie, curries do well in Singapore apparently. I had to basically force myself to do combat sports and shit.

I think we both have had similar lives tbh, crazy how we both ended up here too
yeah man we relate massively

very similar haha would genuinely meet you irl srs

your the young buck, im the late 20's guy whose been thru some shit i can tell you about and china curry is the older head whose seen it all jfl some hangover typa shit haha
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JFL looksmax movie, curries do well in Singapore apparently. I had to basically force myself to do combat sports and shit.

I think we both have had similar lives tbh, crazy how we both ended up here too
didnt know that in singapore, some mulata girl thought i was from singapore jfl

isnt singapore really expensive though? ive also heard id do well in malaysia too
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yeah man we relate massively

very similar haha would genuinely meet you irl srs

your the young buck, im the late 20's guy whose been thru some shit i can tell you about and china curry is the older head whose seen it all jfl some hangover typa shit haha
Fr id be down to meet during summer, would be a crazy meet-up jfl
didnt know that in singapore, some mulata girl thought i was from singapore jfl

isnt singapore really expensive though? ive also heard id do well in malaysia too
Yeah Malaysia and Singapore. Apparently Indians do very well. I put my tinder to Malaysia before and I was getting a lot more matches compared to UK. Malaysia is cheaper yeah, I do want to visit Singapore because it looks pretty clean too
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Fr id be down to meet during summer, would be a crazy meet-up jfl

Yeah Malaysia and Singapore. Apparently Indians do very well. I put my tinder to Malaysia before and I was getting a lot more matches compared to UK. Malaysia is cheaper yeah, I do want to visit Singapore because it looks pretty clean too
Yeah man we'll make it happen!

Defo will consider those countries, will 100% go at some point too, that's sick bro you'd do well there! they're both very clean and great countries to live aswell
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Yeah man we'll make it happen!

Defo will consider those countries, will 100% go at some point too, that's sick bro you'd do well there! they're both very clean and great countries to live aswell
Yeah Singapore and Malaysia are full of Tamils, so it’s not like I’d look that out of place tbh. But Bangladeshis are given a bit of a frosty reception in Malaysia because we’re mainly migrant manual labourers.

Fr that meet-up would be cool. China curry has a lot of life experience it seems too
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whatever split you do, just make sure it has good volume, eccentrics, and some drop sets. Those three things together were the most influential for me gaining muscle (besides eating and sleeping, ofc)
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yeah I’ve been doing this for the last month
enjoyable tbh, not keen on doing legs twice a week tho but it is what it is
My logic for being a squatcel is that girls barely care about legs, but bigger legs and more leg volume means higher metabolism which in turn means its slightly easier to cutmaxx and stay leaner eventually
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PHUL is a good upper lower template for natties
Even though strength is gigacope, natties never really grow much unless they do push to get stronger. E.g. no natties have big traps from just doing sets of 15-20 dumbbell shrugs but some that do heavy deadlifts and rackpulls have big traps (for natties anyway).
Whats this man said is very factual and important.
As a natty you need to incorporate strenght days as well as hypertrophy days. You need your lift numbers to go higher. Those on peds get bigger muscle from higher androgens and hormones so they only need to stimulate the muscle.
Meanwhile as a natty you have to push your body to become stronger by making more muscle.
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always been.intrigued by full.body,.but never tried it.

post how it goes for.you, but I imagine there is more risk to nervous system, so prob eat more
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