FULL PsychoDsk ASCENSION (Step-per-step guide) + some lore

Eat according to ur own feel
If u wanna cut down, you eat less than usual and withstand some periods of hunger. This whole calories thing is kind of a joke but if you really wanna track according to cals I’d say 300-400 under maintenance
yeah its cancer and draining asf to track
ill just try consciously eat a little less and do more cardio then if im not losing weight ill start tracking
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
yeah its cancer and draining asf to track
ill just try consciously eat a little less and do more cardio then if im not losing weight ill start tracking
Good shit
Also when you’re hungry, sit with it. Don’t consume anything immediately
It’s a sign your body is doing it’s job
  • +1
Reactions: narex054 and axttt_
yeah its cancer and draining asf to track
ill just try consciously eat a little less and do more cardio then if im not losing weight ill start tracking
You have a low IQ.
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
Haha i can tell bonesmash swelling when i see it.
Do you still bonesmash now?
Ive done everything you’ve mentioned here besides roids
  • JFL
Reactions: PsychoDsk
Haha i can tell bonesmash swelling when i see it.
Do you still bonesmash now?
Ive done everything you’ve mentioned here besides roids
I don’t anymore, I’m satisfied with my bones as of rn
  • +1
Reactions: testosterone36 and skkrrrtcantdo
How long were you on roids?
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
Are you ever going to hop on it again?
Probably yea
I’m planning out my next cycle so probably around march I’m hopping on again
Crazy ascension, no doubt there

But it's clear that you had a good base and incredible genetics, face and body

Good jaw and cheekbones, nice gonial angle, excellent forward growth...

Then there is almost unbelievable growth spurt plus body halo, mirin but jealous too

As they say, you know your potential by your base, you went from HTN to chadlite, meanwhile I'm stuck at MTN without surgery

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Reactions: SexWhale, manletmachinestream, HTNcutecel and 3 others
i just remembered
thoughts on snus saar
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
Crazy ascension, no doubt there

But it's clear that you had a good base and incredible genetics, face and body

Good jaw and cheekbones, nice gonial angle, excellent forward growth...

Then there is almost unbelievable growth spurt plus body halo, mirin but jealous too

As they say, you know your potential by your base, you went from HTN to chadlite, meanwhile I'm stuck at MTN without surgery

That’s somewhat true. I def had some of the structure in terms of forward growth and gonial angle but shere bone mass wasn’t present back then. Did you try every softmaxx there is yet?
  • +1
Reactions: testosterone36 and BoredPrince
i just remembered
thoughts on snus saar
Good, all my friends use it but my tooth flesh or whatever you call it can’t handle it
I always forget to brush my teeth and my dental hygiene is fucked so when I pop a snus my mouth just gets absolutely raped
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  • +1
Reactions: ryuken, PsychoDsk and oily703
Nice asencion, wtf is the point of running winny tho jfl
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
That’s somewhat true. I def had some of the structure in terms of forward growth and gonial angle but shere bone mass wasn’t present back then. Did you try every softmaxx there is yet?
Not every but most of them; leanmax, coloring, mewing, thicker eyebrows, hair, HGH (but it was too late)

Now I can only improve my neck and my body, 5'11 btw

I can send pics in pm but my biggest falio is recessed jaw, only bimax fixes that unfortunately
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
Holy fuck you broke all the softmaxx barriers mirin ngl
I have a few questions.
Are u sure Bonesmashing and roids gave you bone mass at 19 and not just leaning down?
I want to roid but too scared of the side effects especially since I’m prone to male pattern baldness, did you have any side effects?
Do you think I’ll grow taller ( and get more bonemass at 19) from just test+AI or no?
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
Not every but most of them; leanmax, coloring, mewing, thicker eyebrows, hair, HGH (but it was too late)

Now I can only improve my neck and my body, 5'11 btw

I can send pics in pm but my biggest falio is recessed jaw, only bimax fixes that unfortunately
Yea send me a pm
A lot of ppl just underrate themselves
  • +1
Reactions: BoredPrince
Good, all my friends use it but my tooth flesh or whatever you call it can’t handle it
I always forget to brush my teeth and my dental hygiene is fucked so when I pop a snus my mouth just gets absolutely raped
I meant its effects on hormonal profiles
I want to use it to rape appetite coz i just found out something which is lifefuel bit it kinda requires me to get lean asap:Comfy:
If you dont know no worries brah
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
Holy fuck you broke all the softmaxx barriers mirin ngl
I have a few questions.
Are u sure Bonesmashing and roids gave you bone mass at 19 and not just leaning down?
I want to roid but too scared of the side effects especially since I’m prone to male pattern baldness, did you have any side effects?
Do you think I’ll grow taller ( and get more bonemass at 19) from just test+AI or no?
I can’t see anything else that would’ve given me the mass at this age. I was leaner when younger and I had nowhere near as much bone mass as I do now

Roiding is def worth it and I didn’t really have any sides except horrible bacne and mental sides but for the most part everything is good. Cortisol still a bit spiked but that’ll heal

I wouldn’t run an ai tbh, estrogen is as if not more important than test to looksmax (in everything except height tho)

Just test and keep an ai on hand if ur estrogen really acts up which I doubt it would.

If your growth got delayed or stunted, a simply cycle and putting your body in an extreme anabolic state could kickstart a growth spurt yea
  • +1
Reactions: mtbsmasher and NeedBoneMassASAP
I meant its effects on hormonal profiles
I want to use it to rape appetite coz i just found out something which is lifefuel bit it kinda requires me to get lean asap:Comfy:
If you dont know no worries brah
Oh I have no clue tbh
I’m a chainsmoker so don’t know if I could help you with some info on that
  • +1
Reactions: oily703
Mirin so fucking hard, where did you bonesmash and how frequent? Did you go until bruising?
Mostly zygos and browridge

Yes I’d always go until bruising in the evening. Shit would always be fully red and bruised and then I’d sleep it off. In the morning it was always a bit swelled up but the redness was mostly gone, still hurt to the touch tho. I’d wait until the pain and swelling was completely gone before smashing again so like 3 days in between
  • +1
Reactions: idkwhattoputhere
I can’t see anything else that would’ve given me the mass at this age. I was leaner when younger and I had nowhere near as much bone mass as I do now

Roiding is def worth it and I didn’t really have any sides except horrible bacne and mental sides but for the most part everything is good. Cortisol still a bit spiked but that’ll heal

I wouldn’t run an ai tbh, estrogen is as if not more important than test to looksmax (in everything except height tho)

Just test and keep an ai on hand if ur estrogen really acts up which I doubt it would.

If your growth got delayed or stunted, a simply cycle and putting your body in an extreme anabolic state could kickstart a growth spurt yea
I mean you went through puberty and leaned down or idk

Did you have some sort of PCT? Damn you're one of the lucky ones who didn't have any sides

What if excess estrogen gyno

I don't think my growth got delayed tbh I am 6 ft and my mom and dad are 5ft and 5'8. Also do you think just bonesmashing would work?
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
Oh I have no clue tbh
I’m a chainsmoker so don’t know if I could help you with some info on that
Well im guessing the effects of nicotine would be the same
Do you know qnything about that?
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
I think it was just an accumulation of everything tbh
I stunted my growth like crazy in my early teens and then when suddenly my diet got in check paired with roids everything just kickstarted.
I think the roids played a big part in it aswell, if it weren't for the roids I'd probably not have grown this much.
Roids really made you taller? Dam thought it was a meme, how old were you when you did it bhai?
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
How long would you say you started seeing results from bonesmashing?
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  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
how did you pct, was it simple coming off or did you get brutalized with shutdowns
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
Lean + MT2 + dye + bonesmash is law
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk and skkrrrtcantdo
@PsychoDsk I'm 5'9 at almost 16 but my parents are 5 4 and 5 7; I don't have much in the way of facial or body hair; should I hop on hgh or wait?
1736882983897 png
Img 4702 jpeg

kinda just looks like softmaxxes you already had good forward growth
  • +1
Reactions: merpXD and BoredPrince


Aight, a lot of ppl have been asking me how I ascended this much. I'm here to save every single one of you.

This is purely anecdotal evidence. This is MY OWN experience and my OWN methods. Do NOT see this as THE ONLY WAY to ascend. This is what helped me personally.

Honestly I'm gonna put my heart and soul in this thread so don't give me crap.

My ascension took A LOT of time and consistency, after all results take time.

I've ascended in every aspect over the years, ranging from height to physique, face and lifestyle.
It will include my FULL ascension and most of my life-changing teenage years.

I will also include a shit ton of lore about my life so this is a long one niggas.

If you don't care and aren't interested in a shit ton of yapping, just click off brah.

Or if you're just interested in the ascension part skip to 'ACTUAL ASCENSION'.

let's begin

Early teens (12-16)

My entire childhood was a shitshow and just a turmoil of all kind of problems. Grew up as an orphan and allat but that's not interesting.
During these years I was heavily addicted to all kinds of drugs, I was popping molly almost daily and smoking grams and grams of weed a day. I hated life and my appearance projected that. My diet also consisted of pure candy and cookies.

Our routine was the same everyday
We would wake up and immediately pop way too much molly to kickstart our day. Then we would all go to school already high as shit. In school I basically starved myself daily, no food during the entire day. Our break at noon consisted of weed instead of an actual good meal.
After school I'd go home, eat some pre-made store bought meal like mac nd cheese or lasagna. When that was finished me and my friends would all meet up at the park, get high once again and when we had the munchies we'd go to a shop to stock up on cote d'or and milka chocolate. Get home, eat chips and go to sleep.
That was my daily routine for 4 years on end.

As you would expect, I felt and looked like an actual femboy with 0 T put to use in my body. I felt horrible, I've tried killing myself numerous times back then. When I look back at these times I realised how much of a pussy I was, the reason I was so gone mentally was just cuz of diet and hormonal composition. I despise myself for living like this. I was 5'7 during this entire period. (faggot manlet)

Nonetheless, the drug dealing and junkie aura gave me some bitches. It wasn't in the sense of 'my god I want you so bad' but more of a 'ooo this is cool and exciting, I hate my dad so I'll dissapoint him' kinda flings.

I mean no one would willingly fuck a dude who looks like such a faggot

I know I know I wasn't ugly and had a pretty good base but that will change in the next few years.

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MID TEENS (16-18)

This is where I got RUINED. At 15 I got together with my now-girlfriend. She's the reason I got my life back together and completely stopped abusing drugs. I was fine and finally had a reason to live. I saw an oppurtunity and took it.

During my entire life I was called a skinny idiot who would never amount to anything. I took that personal and once I kinda got all the drugs out of my system I started going to the gym. My life did a 360, I went from a junkie drug addict to a gymcel in a matter of months.

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I felt good you know? I had a goal and that goal was to get as big as possible. I researched every cope gymcel diet I could and I started taking it seriously. I went from 1500 cals a day to around 4k

Most of my carbs came from rice and protein shakes. As you can guess, this wasn't the smartest idea AT ALL. I started blowing up in size but my face started descending REALLY REALLY bad.

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The more time I spent in the gym, the worse I'd look. My face started getting bloated asf and I started developing horrible acne. But back then I didn't give a fuck. My goal was MUSCLE, pure muscle. Getting as big as I could. Never did I realise how much I was cucking myself facially.

HOWEVER, I do believe this whole period finally gave me the nutrients needed to grow, looking back at pics I can def see an improvement in bone mass already. It was still fucked but my face finally started resembling that of a man.

I also went from 5'7 to 5'9 at 18.

Sure I gained A LOT of size in these 2 years but I was SO obessed with looking more masculine. I needed to become a lethal threat of a human.

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That's when things started to take a turn for the worst. I started to grow a beard, eating way too much and focusing on the wrong foods. Later I would also buzz my hair to appear more 'violent' just JFL atp

Little by little I started to look worse. Acne started flaring up really heavy. Became really bloated and I started hating how I'd looked facially.

Ong this image is horrifying. 'masculine" :lul::lul::lul: waste of fucking sperm yea

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These periods did teach me a lot. I started learning more about discipline and myself muh muh.

Now let's see my PEAK bodybuilding and the point where I decided to turn things around. It was also then that I started getting more blackpill vids on my fyp.
The whole looksmaxxing crap k shami spread everywhere.

ONG this is crazy, I got into tret and all the skincare cope and as you could guess my skin was DETERIORATING.

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I looked like hell, 0 harmony, bug eyes and horrible skin. I needed to make a change, I took the blackpill and decided to grow tf up.

LATE TEENS - NOW (18-20)

View attachment 3428312

I needed a change and no one was gonna help me. Atp I also broke up with my girl since she would not fuck me anymore. I had zero pussy, zero friends and a ruined self-esteem.

I took the blackpill and started researching EVERYWHERE. Every tiktok I came across, every skin condition, every skincare product, absolutely everything. I was consistently checking up on everything. I tried A lot of skincare products until I finally took the dietpill.

still 5'9 here.

This is the part where the actual ascension kicks in.



This is where it started off for me. I was fat, bloated and ugly. I finally started researching diets. I stumbled upon this man named goatis, he might seem like an actual retard (he is) but he saved me.
I started actually listening and it started to make sense.

Why would I indulge myself in carbs when my ancestors were feeding off of meat and dairy. Why would a person whose digestive tract is specifically made for meats eat a shit ton of rice?
At first I was skeptical, My diet started consisting of somewhat healthier foods.

I started including meats in every meal. Skipped the rice and switched it for sweet or regular potatoes. (still drinking protein shakes atp)

You know, I felt better, I really did. I had more energy, saw a decrease in fat and my skin started improving little by little.

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My skin started improving, I looked healthier but nonetheless I was still an ugly cuck.

As time sped by I kept researching and researching until my diet completely turned around. I started eating like a cavemen. I hopped off the carb crap and ate only meats with dairy.

This is where my skin started improving hella. My facial structure also started taking shape aswell as my height. I blew up in size over the age of 18-19. I went from 5'9 to 5'11.

ayeeeeee look at my skin mayneeee, me be looking more and more sexy each day.

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It was still far from over tho. It was never enough, I yearned for more.


As time passed on I realised lean is law. Nothing would ever change that. Being fat would forever descend you. There's no point in having excess bodyfat. Every gram of fat is a psl point wasted.

Time went on and on and on and I started getting freakishly lean. I even stopped eating altogether for a certain amount of time. I was SO obsessed with being shredded to the bone.

My skin also started improving A LOT by simply eating like a clean goy and barely eating at all. No skincare nothing, except moisturizer. Diet is the key to having good skin and every single one of you secretly knows this.

I also let my hair grow out, I realised my face wasn't made for short hair. I'm a huge neurocraniumcel and long hair would fraud this.


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Looks a lot better already right? Still ltn from the front tho.

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I was lean but I looked anorexic, I didn't have any harmony and my face didn't suit well. Something was off. colouring-wise and structural wise.


Dye, dye and fucking dye.

I started incorporating dye into my routine. I dyed my eyebrows brown and my lashes black.

Already there was more contrast. My eye area found some contrast and softness.

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It still wasn't enough and something didn't connect still. That's where some sacret method came in :ogre:


Roiding for me wasn't about growing more muscles, it was more an impulsive move. I had limited knowledge and just hopped on cuz I got heavily influenced by the bonespill.

I ran a standard cycle at first, 300 test. After a month of this, I felt good, I looked better and something kept clicking.

At this time period I also fell into the bonesmash meme, or is it a meme? :what:
Zeta knows the truth too :feelsyay:
bonesmashing is real and idgaf what you have to say about it.

I upped my cycle from just simply test to 500 test, anadrol and winstrol weekly.

This put me in an ultimate anabolic state, I felt every hormone in my bone working to it's full potential. I FELT my bones popping out of my body, paired with the bonesmashing I started feeling like ramirez ong ong.

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My bones started taking shape, I was a zygocel back in the days but suddenly they started popping.
I bonesmashed mainly my zygos and my browridge, chin occasionally.

Then I took this pic :

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This one took me by COMPLETE surprise, I never knew I could look like this. I felt like my progress was really taking shape. My bones started forming and overall everything started to make sense.

Atp I knew I had to commit even more. Diet locked in, dye locked in, growing my hair out slowly and keeping my physique in check.
All of this while starving myself gave me insane progress.

I also went from 5'11 to 6'1 in the span of 8 months.

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I started capturing pics like these and I knew I had potential. I couldn't believe my eyes. I went from an acne riddled gymcel to an androgenic mogger.

I wasn't finished yet tho. My hair was all over the place, harmony was off and my eye area was still not what it was supposed to be like.


I researched sex appeal through all means, pinterest motivation pics and threads here.
I realised life isn't about just simply having bones, it's about a multitude of things. So it begun,
Me, the bonesmashing, roided cunt started fashionmaxxing and piercingmaxxing. Also fixing my eye area with an eyelash serum and instead of shaving my eyebrows into a straight shape I started to let them grow out so there'd be more volume.

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This was also the period where I'd gotten the most slays of my life.


My hair started taking shape, bonesmashing did it's work and I hopped off roids. Everything started to come together. I started gaining confidence and I felt like I could take on the world.

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Then, the biggest cheatcode just fell into my lap.


my skin still wasn't my strong point and it shaved off some psl points so I copped the best bbc ream ever. Erborian bb creme clair.

I started slathering it on my face daily. My skin immediately went from mtn to chad tier and no one can tell me otherwise.

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This is where everything started to come together.

My skin was fixed, my bones grew, my height was perfect and my hair started looking more and more refined with my face. Add on top of that that I leaned out even more, now I'm hovering at around 8% which feels and looks mogger asf.

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Goddamn there's too many files attached, aight end results in comments.


Because I posted it accidentally I was stressed out to finish the thread asap so the end might look a little cursed. If you have any questions, please let me know and I will help you out on everything.

Trust me, it really isn't over. for most of you guys here it's only just begun. I get where most of you are coming from, you feel like you're ugly but in reality you have no clue where to begin. Take it step per step, start with small goals and day by day add something new until it all starts binding into a full package.

Life just started mayneee, everyone here has the chance to atleast up 2 psl points if you REALLY want to.

Don't ever give up please, You never know how good you might've become if you never try.

Give it a shot, questions? ask

Aight this concludes the thread, I really fucking wish I didn't post it early on accident so I could finish this in peace but it is what it is innit. results in comments
bruh just told me to start roidmaxxing
  • JFL
Reactions: PsychoDsk
I don’t anymore, I’m satisfied with my bones as of rn
Great thread and really good ascension. I kind of believe in bone smashing because I got into a fight back in HS that ended with me getting a black eye in my right eye and multiple face eaters say I have a slight PCT in that eye lol
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
  • JFL
Reactions: lucifer6969 and PsychoDsk
What fucking Ascension nigga, nigger went from good looking to even more good looking.
First pic was already Pinterest surfer pretty boy.
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Reactions: PsychoDsk
  • Love it
Reactions: PsychoDsk
I mean you went through puberty and leaned down or idk

Did you have some sort of PCT? Damn you're one of the lucky ones who didn't have any sides

What if excess estrogen gyno

I don't think my growth got delayed tbh I am 6 ft and my mom and dad are 5ft and 5'8. Also do you think just bonesmashing would work?
You’re pretty tall considering ur parents bro
  • Love it
Reactions: oily703
how did you pct, was it simple coming off or did you get brutalized with shutdowns
Had some shutdowns at first but everything stabilised after a week or two, a pct is horrible so I didn’r wanna do it
My cortisol is still shit tho even after 4 months of being off
  • +1
Reactions: nycjit
I had a good base, I just completely cucked myself by going full on gymcel mode. Glad I realised the gym is a waste of fucking energy
You mean you reduced how much time you workout? What were like you doing 2 hour workouts before?
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
You mean you reduced how much time you workout? What were like you doing 2 hour workouts before?
I stopped working out completely, now I'm going back but only 3 times a week
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoH and Davidproton
I stopped working out completely, now I'm going back but only 3 times a week
Aight man I remember you mentioned you had braces, did you had like any specific treatment plan, like MSE, or just the standard braces or Invisalign? my bottom teeth are slightly crooked, so I'm looking into this.
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk


Aight, a lot of ppl have been asking me how I ascended this much. I'm here to save every single one of you.

This is purely anecdotal evidence. This is MY OWN experience and my OWN methods. Do NOT see this as THE ONLY WAY to ascend. This is what helped me personally.

Honestly I'm gonna put my heart and soul in this thread so don't give me crap.

My ascension took A LOT of time and consistency, after all results take time.

I've ascended in every aspect over the years, ranging from height to physique, face and lifestyle.
It will include my FULL ascension and most of my life-changing teenage years.

I will also include a shit ton of lore about my life so this is a long one niggas.

If you don't care and aren't interested in a shit ton of yapping, just click off brah.

Or if you're just interested in the ascension part skip to 'ACTUAL ASCENSION'.

let's begin

Early teens (12-16)

My entire childhood was a shitshow and just a turmoil of all kind of problems. Grew up as an orphan and allat but that's not interesting.
During these years I was heavily addicted to all kinds of drugs, I was popping molly almost daily and smoking grams and grams of weed a day. I hated life and my appearance projected that. My diet also consisted of pure candy and cookies.

Our routine was the same everyday
We would wake up and immediately pop way too much molly to kickstart our day. Then we would all go to school already high as shit. In school I basically starved myself daily, no food during the entire day. Our break at noon consisted of weed instead of an actual good meal.
After school I'd go home, eat some pre-made store bought meal like mac nd cheese or lasagna. When that was finished me and my friends would all meet up at the park, get high once again and when we had the munchies we'd go to a shop to stock up on cote d'or and milka chocolate. Get home, eat chips and go to sleep.
That was my daily routine for 4 years on end.

As you would expect, I felt and looked like an actual femboy with 0 T put to use in my body. I felt horrible, I've tried killing myself numerous times back then. When I look back at these times I realised how much of a pussy I was, the reason I was so gone mentally was just cuz of diet and hormonal composition. I despise myself for living like this. I was 5'7 during this entire period. (faggot manlet)

Nonetheless, the drug dealing and junkie aura gave me some bitches. It wasn't in the sense of 'my god I want you so bad' but more of a 'ooo this is cool and exciting, I hate my dad so I'll dissapoint him' kinda flings.

I mean no one would willingly fuck a dude who looks like such a faggot

I know I know I wasn't ugly and had a pretty good base but that will change in the next few years.

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MID TEENS (16-18)

This is where I got RUINED. At 15 I got together with my now-girlfriend. She's the reason I got my life back together and completely stopped abusing drugs. I was fine and finally had a reason to live. I saw an oppurtunity and took it.

During my entire life I was called a skinny idiot who would never amount to anything. I took that personal and once I kinda got all the drugs out of my system I started going to the gym. My life did a 360, I went from a junkie drug addict to a gymcel in a matter of months.

View attachment 3428227

I felt good you know? I had a goal and that goal was to get as big as possible. I researched every cope gymcel diet I could and I started taking it seriously. I went from 1500 cals a day to around 4k

Most of my carbs came from rice and protein shakes. As you can guess, this wasn't the smartest idea AT ALL. I started blowing up in size but my face started descending REALLY REALLY bad.

View attachment 3428232

The more time I spent in the gym, the worse I'd look. My face started getting bloated asf and I started developing horrible acne. But back then I didn't give a fuck. My goal was MUSCLE, pure muscle. Getting as big as I could. Never did I realise how much I was cucking myself facially.

HOWEVER, I do believe this whole period finally gave me the nutrients needed to grow, looking back at pics I can def see an improvement in bone mass already. It was still fucked but my face finally started resembling that of a man.

I also went from 5'7 to 5'9 at 18.

Sure I gained A LOT of size in these 2 years but I was SO obessed with looking more masculine. I needed to become a lethal threat of a human.

View attachment 3428257

That's when things started to take a turn for the worst. I started to grow a beard, eating way too much and focusing on the wrong foods. Later I would also buzz my hair to appear more 'violent' just JFL atp

Little by little I started to look worse. Acne started flaring up really heavy. Became really bloated and I started hating how I'd looked facially.

Ong this image is horrifying. 'masculine" :lul::lul::lul: waste of fucking sperm yea

View attachment 3428271

These periods did teach me a lot. I started learning more about discipline and myself muh muh.

Now let's see my PEAK bodybuilding and the point where I decided to turn things around. It was also then that I started getting more blackpill vids on my fyp.
The whole looksmaxxing crap k shami spread everywhere.

ONG this is crazy, I got into tret and all the skincare cope and as you could guess my skin was DETERIORATING.

View attachment 3428293View attachment 3428294View attachment 3428297


I looked like hell, 0 harmony, bug eyes and horrible skin. I needed to make a change, I took the blackpill and decided to grow tf up.

LATE TEENS - NOW (18-20)

View attachment 3428312

I needed a change and no one was gonna help me. Atp I also broke up with my girl since she would not fuck me anymore. I had zero pussy, zero friends and a ruined self-esteem.

I took the blackpill and started researching EVERYWHERE. Every tiktok I came across, every skin condition, every skincare product, absolutely everything. I was consistently checking up on everything. I tried A lot of skincare products until I finally took the dietpill.

still 5'9 here.

This is the part where the actual ascension kicks in.



This is where it started off for me. I was fat, bloated and ugly. I finally started researching diets. I stumbled upon this man named goatis, he might seem like an actual retard (he is) but he saved me.
I started actually listening and it started to make sense.

Why would I indulge myself in carbs when my ancestors were feeding off of meat and dairy. Why would a person whose digestive tract is specifically made for meats eat a shit ton of rice?
At first I was skeptical, My diet started consisting of somewhat healthier foods.

I started including meats in every meal. Skipped the rice and switched it for sweet or regular potatoes. (still drinking protein shakes atp)

You know, I felt better, I really did. I had more energy, saw a decrease in fat and my skin started improving little by little.

View attachment 3428352View attachment 3428354

My skin started improving, I looked healthier but nonetheless I was still an ugly cuck.

As time sped by I kept researching and researching until my diet completely turned around. I started eating like a cavemen. I hopped off the carb crap and ate only meats with dairy.

This is where my skin started improving hella. My facial structure also started taking shape aswell as my height. I blew up in size over the age of 18-19. I went from 5'9 to 5'11.

ayeeeeee look at my skin mayneeee, me be looking more and more sexy each day.

View attachment 3428360

It was still far from over tho. It was never enough, I yearned for more.


As time passed on I realised lean is law. Nothing would ever change that. Being fat would forever descend you. There's no point in having excess bodyfat. Every gram of fat is a psl point wasted.

Time went on and on and on and I started getting freakishly lean. I even stopped eating altogether for a certain amount of time. I was SO obsessed with being shredded to the bone.

My skin also started improving A LOT by simply eating like a clean goy and barely eating at all. No skincare nothing, except moisturizer. Diet is the key to having good skin and every single one of you secretly knows this.

I also let my hair grow out, I realised my face wasn't made for short hair. I'm a huge neurocraniumcel and long hair would fraud this.


View attachment 3428366View attachment 3428367

Looks a lot better already right? Still ltn from the front tho.

View attachment 3428375

I was lean but I looked anorexic, I didn't have any harmony and my face didn't suit well. Something was off. colouring-wise and structural wise.


Dye, dye and fucking dye.

I started incorporating dye into my routine. I dyed my eyebrows brown and my lashes black.

Already there was more contrast. My eye area found some contrast and softness.

View attachment 3428381

It still wasn't enough and something didn't connect still. That's where some sacret method came in :ogre:


Roiding for me wasn't about growing more muscles, it was more an impulsive move. I had limited knowledge and just hopped on cuz I got heavily influenced by the bonespill.

I ran a standard cycle at first, 300 test. After a month of this, I felt good, I looked better and something kept clicking.

At this time period I also fell into the bonesmash meme, or is it a meme? :what:
Zeta knows the truth too :feelsyay:
bonesmashing is real and idgaf what you have to say about it.

I upped my cycle from just simply test to 500 test, anadrol and winstrol weekly.

This put me in an ultimate anabolic state, I felt every hormone in my bone working to it's full potential. I FELT my bones popping out of my body, paired with the bonesmashing I started feeling like ramirez ong ong.

View attachment 3428389

My bones started taking shape, I was a zygocel back in the days but suddenly they started popping.
I bonesmashed mainly my zygos and my browridge, chin occasionally.

Then I took this pic :

View attachment 3428391

This one took me by COMPLETE surprise, I never knew I could look like this. I felt like my progress was really taking shape. My bones started forming and overall everything started to make sense.

Atp I knew I had to commit even more. Diet locked in, dye locked in, growing my hair out slowly and keeping my physique in check.
All of this while starving myself gave me insane progress.

I also went from 5'11 to 6'1 in the span of 8 months.

View attachment 3428393

I started capturing pics like these and I knew I had potential. I couldn't believe my eyes. I went from an acne riddled gymcel to an androgenic mogger.

I wasn't finished yet tho. My hair was all over the place, harmony was off and my eye area was still not what it was supposed to be like.


I researched sex appeal through all means, pinterest motivation pics and threads here.
I realised life isn't about just simply having bones, it's about a multitude of things. So it begun,
Me, the bonesmashing, roided cunt started fashionmaxxing and piercingmaxxing. Also fixing my eye area with an eyelash serum and instead of shaving my eyebrows into a straight shape I started to let them grow out so there'd be more volume.

View attachment 3428402

This was also the period where I'd gotten the most slays of my life.


My hair started taking shape, bonesmashing did it's work and I hopped off roids. Everything started to come together. I started gaining confidence and I felt like I could take on the world.

View attachment 3428406

Then, the biggest cheatcode just fell into my lap.


my skin still wasn't my strong point and it shaved off some psl points so I copped the best bbc ream ever. Erborian bb creme clair.

I started slathering it on my face daily. My skin immediately went from mtn to chad tier and no one can tell me otherwise.

View attachment 3428413


This is where everything started to come together.

My skin was fixed, my bones grew, my height was perfect and my hair started looking more and more refined with my face. Add on top of that that I leaned out even more, now I'm hovering at around 8% which feels and looks mogger asf.

View attachment 3428426

Goddamn there's too many files attached, aight end results in comments.


Because I posted it accidentally I was stressed out to finish the thread asap so the end might look a little cursed. If you have any questions, please let me know and I will help you out on everything.

Trust me, it really isn't over. for most of you guys here it's only just begun. I get where most of you are coming from, you feel like you're ugly but in reality you have no clue where to begin. Take it step per step, start with small goals and day by day add something new until it all starts binding into a full package.

Life just started mayneee, everyone here has the chance to atleast up 2 psl points if you REALLY want to.

Don't ever give up please, You never know how good you might've become if you never try.

Give it a shot, questions? ask

Aight this concludes the thread, I really fucking wish I didn't post it early on accident so I could finish this in peace but it is what it is innit. results in comments
W ascension bro
  • Love it
Reactions: PsychoDsk
Aight man I remember you mentioned you had braces, did you had like any specific treatment plan, like MSE, or just the standard braces or Invisalign? my bottom teeth are slightly crooked, so I'm looking into this.
Yea I just had regular braces at 13 for a year
nothing special, Idk if it had any effect on my face structure tho, small time period
  • +1
Reactions: Davidproton
Great ascention, myrin'
did you do anything for hair ?
Is your diet still (sweet) potatoes, meat and dairies ?


Aight, a lot of ppl have been asking me how I ascended this much. I'm here to save every single one of you.

This is purely anecdotal evidence. This is MY OWN experience and my OWN methods. Do NOT see this as THE ONLY WAY to ascend. This is what helped me personally.

Honestly I'm gonna put my heart and soul in this thread so don't give me crap.

My ascension took A LOT of time and consistency, after all results take time.

I've ascended in every aspect over the years, ranging from height to physique, face and lifestyle.
It will include my FULL ascension and most of my life-changing teenage years.

I will also include a shit ton of lore about my life so this is a long one niggas.

If you don't care and aren't interested in a shit ton of yapping, just click off brah.

Or if you're just interested in the ascension part skip to 'ACTUAL ASCENSION'.

let's begin

Early teens (12-16)

My entire childhood was a shitshow and just a turmoil of all kind of problems. Grew up as an orphan and allat but that's not interesting.
During these years I was heavily addicted to all kinds of drugs, I was popping molly almost daily and smoking grams and grams of weed a day. I hated life and my appearance projected that. My diet also consisted of pure candy and cookies.

Our routine was the same everyday
We would wake up and immediately pop way too much molly to kickstart our day. Then we would all go to school already high as shit. In school I basically starved myself daily, no food during the entire day. Our break at noon consisted of weed instead of an actual good meal.
After school I'd go home, eat some pre-made store bought meal like mac nd cheese or lasagna. When that was finished me and my friends would all meet up at the park, get high once again and when we had the munchies we'd go to a shop to stock up on cote d'or and milka chocolate. Get home, eat chips and go to sleep.
That was my daily routine for 4 years on end.

As you would expect, I felt and looked like an actual femboy with 0 T put to use in my body. I felt horrible, I've tried killing myself numerous times back then. When I look back at these times I realised how much of a pussy I was, the reason I was so gone mentally was just cuz of diet and hormonal composition. I despise myself for living like this. I was 5'7 during this entire period. (faggot manlet)

Nonetheless, the drug dealing and junkie aura gave me some bitches. It wasn't in the sense of 'my god I want you so bad' but more of a 'ooo this is cool and exciting, I hate my dad so I'll dissapoint him' kinda flings.

I mean no one would willingly fuck a dude who looks like such a faggot

I know I know I wasn't ugly and had a pretty good base but that will change in the next few years.

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MID TEENS (16-18)

This is where I got RUINED. At 15 I got together with my now-girlfriend. She's the reason I got my life back together and completely stopped abusing drugs. I was fine and finally had a reason to live. I saw an oppurtunity and took it.

During my entire life I was called a skinny idiot who would never amount to anything. I took that personal and once I kinda got all the drugs out of my system I started going to the gym. My life did a 360, I went from a junkie drug addict to a gymcel in a matter of months.

View attachment 3428227

I felt good you know? I had a goal and that goal was to get as big as possible. I researched every cope gymcel diet I could and I started taking it seriously. I went from 1500 cals a day to around 4k

Most of my carbs came from rice and protein shakes. As you can guess, this wasn't the smartest idea AT ALL. I started blowing up in size but my face started descending REALLY REALLY bad.

View attachment 3428232

The more time I spent in the gym, the worse I'd look. My face started getting bloated asf and I started developing horrible acne. But back then I didn't give a fuck. My goal was MUSCLE, pure muscle. Getting as big as I could. Never did I realise how much I was cucking myself facially.

HOWEVER, I do believe this whole period finally gave me the nutrients needed to grow, looking back at pics I can def see an improvement in bone mass already. It was still fucked but my face finally started resembling that of a man.

I also went from 5'7 to 5'9 at 18.

Sure I gained A LOT of size in these 2 years but I was SO obessed with looking more masculine. I needed to become a lethal threat of a human.

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That's when things started to take a turn for the worst. I started to grow a beard, eating way too much and focusing on the wrong foods. Later I would also buzz my hair to appear more 'violent' just JFL atp

Little by little I started to look worse. Acne started flaring up really heavy. Became really bloated and I started hating how I'd looked facially.

Ong this image is horrifying. 'masculine" :lul::lul::lul: waste of fucking sperm yea

View attachment 3428271

These periods did teach me a lot. I started learning more about discipline and myself muh muh.

Now let's see my PEAK bodybuilding and the point where I decided to turn things around. It was also then that I started getting more blackpill vids on my fyp.
The whole looksmaxxing crap k shami spread everywhere.

ONG this is crazy, I got into tret and all the skincare cope and as you could guess my skin was DETERIORATING.

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I looked like hell, 0 harmony, bug eyes and horrible skin. I needed to make a change, I took the blackpill and decided to grow tf up.

LATE TEENS - NOW (18-20)

View attachment 3428312

I needed a change and no one was gonna help me. Atp I also broke up with my girl since she would not fuck me anymore. I had zero pussy, zero friends and a ruined self-esteem.

I took the blackpill and started researching EVERYWHERE. Every tiktok I came across, every skin condition, every skincare product, absolutely everything. I was consistently checking up on everything. I tried A lot of skincare products until I finally took the dietpill.

still 5'9 here.

This is the part where the actual ascension kicks in.



This is where it started off for me. I was fat, bloated and ugly. I finally started researching diets. I stumbled upon this man named goatis, he might seem like an actual retard (he is) but he saved me.
I started actually listening and it started to make sense.

Why would I indulge myself in carbs when my ancestors were feeding off of meat and dairy. Why would a person whose digestive tract is specifically made for meats eat a shit ton of rice?
At first I was skeptical, My diet started consisting of somewhat healthier foods.

I started including meats in every meal. Skipped the rice and switched it for sweet or regular potatoes. (still drinking protein shakes atp)

You know, I felt better, I really did. I had more energy, saw a decrease in fat and my skin started improving little by little.

View attachment 3428352View attachment 3428354

My skin started improving, I looked healthier but nonetheless I was still an ugly cuck.

As time sped by I kept researching and researching until my diet completely turned around. I started eating like a cavemen. I hopped off the carb crap and ate only meats with dairy.

This is where my skin started improving hella. My facial structure also started taking shape aswell as my height. I blew up in size over the age of 18-19. I went from 5'9 to 5'11.

ayeeeeee look at my skin mayneeee, me be looking more and more sexy each day.

View attachment 3428360

It was still far from over tho. It was never enough, I yearned for more.


As time passed on I realised lean is law. Nothing would ever change that. Being fat would forever descend you. There's no point in having excess bodyfat. Every gram of fat is a psl point wasted.

Time went on and on and on and I started getting freakishly lean. I even stopped eating altogether for a certain amount of time. I was SO obsessed with being shredded to the bone.

My skin also started improving A LOT by simply eating like a clean goy and barely eating at all. No skincare nothing, except moisturizer. Diet is the key to having good skin and every single one of you secretly knows this.

I also let my hair grow out, I realised my face wasn't made for short hair. I'm a huge neurocraniumcel and long hair would fraud this.


View attachment 3428366View attachment 3428367

Looks a lot better already right? Still ltn from the front tho.

View attachment 3428375

I was lean but I looked anorexic, I didn't have any harmony and my face didn't suit well. Something was off. colouring-wise and structural wise.


Dye, dye and fucking dye.

I started incorporating dye into my routine. I dyed my eyebrows brown and my lashes black.

Already there was more contrast. My eye area found some contrast and softness.

View attachment 3428381

It still wasn't enough and something didn't connect still. That's where some sacret method came in :ogre:


Roiding for me wasn't about growing more muscles, it was more an impulsive move. I had limited knowledge and just hopped on cuz I got heavily influenced by the bonespill.

I ran a standard cycle at first, 300 test. After a month of this, I felt good, I looked better and something kept clicking.

At this time period I also fell into the bonesmash meme, or is it a meme? :what:
Zeta knows the truth too :feelsyay:
bonesmashing is real and idgaf what you have to say about it.

I upped my cycle from just simply test to 500 test, anadrol and winstrol weekly.

This put me in an ultimate anabolic state, I felt every hormone in my bone working to it's full potential. I FELT my bones popping out of my body, paired with the bonesmashing I started feeling like ramirez ong ong.

View attachment 3428389

My bones started taking shape, I was a zygocel back in the days but suddenly they started popping.
I bonesmashed mainly my zygos and my browridge, chin occasionally.

Then I took this pic :

View attachment 3428391

This one took me by COMPLETE surprise, I never knew I could look like this. I felt like my progress was really taking shape. My bones started forming and overall everything started to make sense.

Atp I knew I had to commit even more. Diet locked in, dye locked in, growing my hair out slowly and keeping my physique in check.
All of this while starving myself gave me insane progress.

I also went from 5'11 to 6'1 in the span of 8 months.

View attachment 3428393

I started capturing pics like these and I knew I had potential. I couldn't believe my eyes. I went from an acne riddled gymcel to an androgenic mogger.

I wasn't finished yet tho. My hair was all over the place, harmony was off and my eye area was still not what it was supposed to be like.


I researched sex appeal through all means, pinterest motivation pics and threads here.
I realised life isn't about just simply having bones, it's about a multitude of things. So it begun,
Me, the bonesmashing, roided cunt started fashionmaxxing and piercingmaxxing. Also fixing my eye area with an eyelash serum and instead of shaving my eyebrows into a straight shape I started to let them grow out so there'd be more volume.

View attachment 3428402

This was also the period where I'd gotten the most slays of my life.


My hair started taking shape, bonesmashing did it's work and I hopped off roids. Everything started to come together. I started gaining confidence and I felt like I could take on the world.

View attachment 3428406

Then, the biggest cheatcode just fell into my lap.


my skin still wasn't my strong point and it shaved off some psl points so I copped the best bbc ream ever. Erborian bb creme clair.

I started slathering it on my face daily. My skin immediately went from mtn to chad tier and no one can tell me otherwise.

View attachment 3428413


This is where everything started to come together.

My skin was fixed, my bones grew, my height was perfect and my hair started looking more and more refined with my face. Add on top of that that I leaned out even more, now I'm hovering at around 8% which feels and looks mogger asf.

View attachment 3428426

Goddamn there's too many files attached, aight end results in comments.


Because I posted it accidentally I was stressed out to finish the thread asap so the end might look a little cursed. If you have any questions, please let me know and I will help you out on everything.

Trust me, it really isn't over. for most of you guys here it's only just begun. I get where most of you are coming from, you feel like you're ugly but in reality you have no clue where to begin. Take it step per step, start with small goals and day by day add something new until it all starts binding into a full package.

Life just started mayneee, everyone here has the chance to atleast up 2 psl points if you REALLY want to.

Don't ever give up please, You never know how good you might've become if you never try.

Give it a shot, questions? ask

Aight this concludes the thread, I really fucking wish I didn't post it early on accident so I could finish this in peace but it is what it is innit. results in comments
Great ascention, myrin'
did you do anything for hair ?
Is your diet still (sweet) potatoes, meat and dairies ?
Any kind of PCT ?
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  • JFL
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